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George Carlin is the only one the Americans have allowed to laugh at themselves. And they never seem to regret it.

Religion, parents, politicians, consumerism, fat people, conservationists, government - on any of these topics, Carlin always had a lot of witticisms and extremely sarcastic remarks.

He drew people's attention to what they could not or did not have time to think about on their own. And he did it funny and capaciously. So website collected for you 25 statements of this harsh uncle.

  1. I recently realized what email is for - to communicate with those you don't want to talk to.
  2. In the future, a time machine will be built, but no one will have time to use it.
  3. In my opinion, we need to create a hotline where they will never pick up the phone: for those who never follow advice.
  4. If you want to know how to help your children, stay away from them!
  5. It is not enough to know which notes to play - you must understand why they should be played.
  6. Live like this is your last day, and one day it will be. And you will be fully equipped.
  7. The planet is fine. This is a goner for people!
  8. What's the best thing about a beachfront home? You are only surrounded by idiots on three sides.
  9. I like it when a flower or a tuft of grass grows through a crack in the concrete. This is fucking heroic.
  10. I was wondering why people, as they get older, read the Bible more and more actively. And then it dawned on me: they are preparing for the final exam.
  11. Every third inhabitant of the planet suffers from some form of mental illness. Think about your two best friends. If they are ok, then it must be you.
  12. Every time I'm about to shave, I think there must be someone else on Earth who's going to shave. That's why I always say, "I'm going to shave too."
  13. What's good about egoists? They don't discuss other people.
  14. There are many people who are concerned about the safety of nuclear power plants. And not wearing seat belts in the car.
  15. The main reason why Santa is so funny is because he knows where all the bad girls live.
  16. I talk to myself because I'm the only person whose answers I like.
  17. The undisputed heavyweight champion. But if he's so unconditional, why the hell is he fighting?
  18. You will not have time to find the meaning of life, as it has already been changed.
  19. Religion is like a penis. It's fine when you have it. It's nice if you're proud of it. But please don't take it out or wave it in public.
    And please don't try to slip it on my kids.
  20. If you can’t say anything good about someone, this is not a reason to remain silent!
  21. Why do banks always tie ballpoint pens?! If I trust you with my money, then you should at least trust me with your pens!
  22. Keep learning. Learn more about computers, crafts, gardening - anything. Never leave your brain idle. "An idle brain is the devil's workshop." And the name of the devil is Alzheimer.
  23. Home is where our junk is kept while we're away from home to get more junk.
  24. The idea that school uniforms help to keep the school in order - aren't all these schools harmful by forcing children to think the same way? Now they want them to look the same too!
  25. You see, my mind doesn't work like that: I have a real idiotic thing that I use is called "thinking".

What is family? The people who need you. In joy and sorrow, in small things or in general, they come at the right moment and stay with you, no matter what.

I've had many troubles in my life, most of which never happened.

I don't know anyone who doesn't feel lonely in one way or another.

We think least of our loved ones when they are there, and we suffer the most when they are gone.

The older your children get, the more you need them and the less they need you.

In this world, I value only loyalty. Without it, you are nobody and you have nobody. In life, this is the only currency that will never depreciate.

In principle, a man is furious only in two cases: when with him - not the one ... and when she is not with him.

Whether we like it or not, each of us is forced to live in the reality that he has chosen for himself. The tragedy is that almost no one makes this choice consciously, so the reality often turns out to be the same ...

There are no difficult problems, only problems that are difficult for a certain level of intelligence. Go up a notch (in terms of intelligence), and some problems suddenly go from the category of "impossible" to the camp of "obvious". One more step up - and all of them will become obvious.

I'll try not to call again
Do not rave about you in the arms of the night.
And don't tell anyone else
What you need, dear, I really, really.

I'll try not to write anymore
And do not shed tears, thinking that the other
Ready to kiss as eagerly
In the arms I love, drowning.

I'll try not to dream anymore
After all, you're not mine, but I always wanted
So that every day and again and again
Your smile warmed my soul.

I'll try not to love anymore.
There really are a lot of people like you.
But you know... never forget
You... so dear...

E.V. Paducheva, 2017

1 General information about turnover one or the other

turnover one or the other actively participates in the expression of referential oppositions in the noun phrase. In frequency, it is comparable to some categories of pronouns; cf. any– 19324 entries in the Corps, one or the other– 14798 entry. So this turnover should be considered along with ordinary pronouns.

By distribution turnover one or the other close to non-referential pronoun some and acts in contexts of withdrawn affirmativeness (see Non-referential pronouns and [Paducheva 2005]). However, in many contexts, turnover one or the other interchangeable with pronoun some, whose main use is referential, although use in the meaning of ‘some’, non-referential is also acceptable (see Pronouns of obscurity). See examples where one or the other interchangeable with some in the meaning of ‘any’ and has a commitment to the context of sublated assertiveness. The examples emphasize the context that creates the removed affirmativeness.

(1) Accepting and implementing in life this or that decision, we proceed from the available knowledge and the possibilities for their application. [Information Technology (2004)] = some solution; = any solution

(2) Staging one or another questions in philosophy always rather than answering the question. [AT. A. Uspensky. Wittgenstein and the Foundations of Mathematics (2002)]

(3) …three times a month published extensive articles on one way or another questions. [YU. O. Dombrovsky. The monkey comes for his skull (1943-1958)]

(4) I also feel bad, I also don’t know sometimes, how to solve this or that problem. [BUT. Kirillin. I won't take it with me (2012)]

(5) Firm periodically arrests this or that Russian state property abroad. ["Tomorrow" (2003)] = some, distributive context: in different cases different

In the context of example (6) some source could be understood as a single source, but or(as part of a separate turnover anonymous or famous) prevents such an interpretation, so that a replacement is possible one or another on the some with distributive meaning (i.e. there are many different sources):

In (7) the replacement one or the other on the some would remove the multiplicity and therefore impossible:

(7) And suddenly something broke inside and it didn’t burn me anymore to appear in this or that place of a past life. [BUT. Ilichevsky. Persian (2009)]

Pronoun that easy to substantiate It was not a court, but a court). For one or the other substantiation is not normative:

(8) - We all die sooner or later from one or another. From something [T. Solomatina. Sonina America (2010)]

In the same function as one or the other, sometimes there is a combination one or the other:

(9) But there are times when we read the Gospel, and before us one or the other the passage does not come through. [Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom). On the Christian Life (1990)]

(10) It happens that a person commits one or the other like an insignificant act - and suddenly sees its consequences. [Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom). On Repentance (1995)]

2 Interchangeability with some and some

The main competitor of turnover one or the other- this is, as mentioned above, a pronoun some. Pronouns for -then are localized in the classification of indefinite pronouns as referential indefinite (specific indefinite). But they are used broadly, in the sense of non-referential indefinite (non-specific indefinite). turnover one or the other can be replaced with a pronoun - then in its function of non-referential indefinite. But the replacement for some in examples (2)–(5) is undesirable.

In many contexts one or the other can be replaced by some(the context that creates the removed affirmativeness is underlined):

(11) I thought she will say this or that meaningless word. [BUT. Hair. Real Estate (2000)] = some

(12) In the end all received one or the other typhus in addition to what they were brought with. [D. Granin. Bison (1987)] = some

(13) Then come back here, work up sides with one way or another herd. [AND. Boyashov. Mouri's Way (2007)] = c some

(14) In Morocco, it is convenient to find the main street: it always named after one or another king. [M. Gigolashvili. Red Chills of Tingitana: Notes on Morocco (2006)] = some

(15) ...the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade is sure that one or the other a mechanism for collecting rent soon will accepted. [“Weekly Magazine” (2003))] = some

(16) Each work was evaluated, everyone The team has been commended for this or that nominations. ["Folk Art" (2003)] = some

(17) – If a dad likes it one or the other kit, he says: “This is really la perla!” ["Brownie" (2002)] = some

In (18), the replacement is possible one or the other on the some but not on some(which would remove the multiplicity):

(18) Only sometimes, one or the other the idly staggering turret looked at the Skull - in order to once again be convinced of his complete madness. [AND. Boyashov. Tankman, or "White Tiger" (2008)] = some

One or the other fundamentally different in distribution from some something that is impossible in a uniquely episodic (veridicative) context, which for some is basic. Wed:

(19) He decided some difficult task - * He solved this or that difficult task.

One or the other is replaced by some in veridative contexts only as part of phrases in one way or another, more-less, see examples (20)–(23).

(20) He valued Athanasius as the only person in Belozersk, more-less familiar with foreign speech. [E. Vodolazkin. Laurel (2012)]

Usually in this case there is a plural object in the proposition, and different elements of the set have the predicable property to different degrees:

(21) Because you all more-less you are in the back. [AND. Naumov. Harlem - Detroit (2007)] (different people to different degrees)

(22) In the military campaign against Yugoslavia more-less took part 14 NATO members. ["Aerospace Defense" (2004)]

(23) Both wrote according to the book, both, in my opinion, more-less spoke unflatteringly about their former guards. [B. Grishchenko. Stranger in the Kremlin (2004)]

B (24) in one way or another used in a non-veridative context, but it can still be replaced only by to some extent and cannot be replaced by to some extent. To some extent and more-less are stable combinations. So you can't say to some extent, *to some extent:

(24) Three "circles" of languages ​​can be distinguished, which necessary in this or that least proficient: [LiveJournal entry with comments (2004)] = to some extent

The words all, everyone, sometimes, always give rise to a distributive context: these are distributing sets. In the context of distributivity one or the other can be replaced by some.

In (25) rather one or the other = some; but also every time its own; possible replacement for some and on some:

(25) Sometimes they were called to famous offices, asked to illuminate one or the other an episode of a foreign trip - please cover it!.. [A. Azolsky. Lopushok (1998)]

In (26), distributivity arises from the fact that the verb has a multiple meaning.

(26) In the voice of grandfather Arseny requested Ustin give him one or the other instrument, but it turned out worse than Christopher's. [E. Vodolazkin. Lavr (2012)] – distributivity; = some; = some

turnover one or the other expresses distributivity better than some. Thus, in (27) it is impossible to replace this or that on the some, since oil companies are different, and with some it turns out that the oil company is one

(27) The entire Caspian is divided into squares of private production this or that oil company. [BUT. Ilichevsky. Persian (2009)]

In (28), it is possible to change one or the other on the some but not on some:

(28) ... on what grounds can a challenge be declared one way or another juror candidate? ["Newspaper" (2003)]

In (29) it is rather appropriate not some, a some(which gives significance to the object introduced into consideration, see Pronouns of weak definiteness); again, some inappropriate:

(29) Then he moved on to his favorite topic: since when this or that principality can be considered an integral part of the country? [M. Gigolashvili. Ferris Wheel (2007)]

So there are three possibilities:

1) Replacement possible one or the other on the some and on some– example (1).

2) Can be replaced by some but not on some– examples (2)–(5), (28), (29) and as part of turnovers to some extent /degree.

3) Can be replaced by some but not on some– example (15).

3 Non-interchangeability with some and some

There are, however, contexts where one or the other cannot be replaced by some, nor on some. For example:

(30) Sometimes, if you look closely, it became noticeable that he was completely sober, and on this or that company throws attentive glances, listening to conversations. [D. Rubin. White dove of Cordoba (2008-2009)] = ‘first to one, then to another’, impossible some, impossible some

Let's consider such examples in more detail.

1) There is a large group of examples where one or the other expresses the certainty, the givenness of the object. It looks like this is the case when one or the other does not coincide in meaning with any of the indefinite pronouns of the Russian language, but has its own. Here it is possible to replace words close to pronouns definite or the.

(31) First it is necessary to determine what function should be performed in the state one or the other body, and then provide it with the necessary personnel and means. [“Domestic Notes” (2003)] = definite

(32) The state was especially generous in the distribution of air in 1996 - a wave of bills providing benefits fell upon the country one way or another categories. [“MN Time” (2003)] = certain; not some; not somehow

(33) Therefore, the number of those who, in a sociological survey, consider themselves to be this or that religious tradition - this is the "religious" resource of Russia. ["Weekly Magazine" (2003)] = to a certain; ≠ to some

(34) Citizens will be informed which international organizations it works with this or that department and what is its mailing address. [Izvestia (2003)] = every given

(35) ...children often cannot even read and translate a sentence correctly, let alone explain how why selected one or the other Possible answer. [School Practice Report (2003)] = the, ≠ some

(36) The real elite sometimes traveled abroad, and the number and frequency of trips meant both the loyalty of a member of this elite to the regime and the favor of the regime to one way or another to a person. [WITH. Esin. Marquis Astolfe de Custine. Spirit mail, or Russia in 2007. Arranged for Russian by Sergei Yesin (2008)] = given; ≠ to some

(37) ... do not retreat before the first failure, but show by your own example, as need to go to this or that situations. [BUT. Lugovskaya. If a child is afraid to go to school (2002)] = given, ≠ some; one or the other shows that situations are different.

(38) Sometimes not only the client or the agent cannot understand what lies behind this or that wording, but also the author of this wording. [“The Stock Exchange Plus Your Home” (2002)] = given, ≠ some

[show note]

The common property of this group of examples is the wide scope of the turnover one or the other, cf. in (31): For a particular body, it is important what role it will play in the state. In the examples where one or the other interchangeable with some, narrow scope.

2) In (39), (40) one or the other nothing can replace it - except that it can be omitted: one or the other Here it is similar in function to the indefinite article.

(39) But he cannot but look back when accepting one or the other decisions for high-ranking officials. ["Tomorrow" (2003)] ≠ some; ≠ certain

(40) - Cho-cho-cho-cho! - Bichiko mutters passionately, with a wave of one hand showing that the issue of supplying ice this or that trade point is not solved by him, but in much higher spheres. [F. Iskander. Poor Demagogue (1969)] ≠ some; = some

B (41) one or the other can't be replaced either:

(41) Studied, as mortality depends one or the other organisms from the action of various doses of ionizing radiation. [D. Granin. Bison (1987)] ≠ some

3) It is categorically impossible to replace one or the other on the some in examples (42), (43), where one or the other appears in its literal meaning (i.e. union or expresses disjunction):

(42) Soon, when all predators alternately flock to the feeder, after they have had their fill, sit down to rest, while the new ones hunt, it will become clear to us how many lives in this area one or the other types. [BUT. Ilichevsky. Persian (2009)] = different

(43) If a steel ball is placed on mica, having previously heated it in the flame of an alcohol lamp, the ball will not remain in one place, but will roll into one way or another direction. [AT. Lukashik, E. Ivanova. Collection of problems in physics. 7-9 cells. (2003)] = now in one, now in the other; in different; ≠ in some

If the turnover is "broken", it can only have a literal meaning and cannot be replaced by some; so, in (44) in the first occurrence we can replace one or the other on the some, but not in the second.

(44) Why one or the other the card lies therein envelope or otherwise, unclear; it seems that he just stuffed them where he needed to. [BUT. Makushinsky. Valley City (2012)]

Another example of "broken" one or the other.

(45) To say that I can sensibly explain why Kolya called Togo human or otherwise, it's hard for me. [AT. Sharov. The Resurrection of Lazarus (1997-2002)]

4) In (46) this or that means relevant, although one or the other it has no meaning - it is inspired by the context:

(46) The latter, by means of numerous sensors, analyzes the load and, depending on the situation, goes to this or that fuel and air program. ["Autopilot" (2002)]

5) In (47), in the context of negation, this or that means 'whatever':

(47) After that, he opened his eyes, slowly sobering up, listening to his sobering up, but slowly giving him this or that assessment. [F. Iskander. The way from the Varangians to the Greeks (1990)]

In (48), (49) one or the other used illegally - I must say, no, none:

(48) Nowadays one or the other type of anesthesia in isolation is practically not used. ["100% Health" (2002)]

(49) Don't preach one or the other abstract ideals. [T. Solomatina. Big Dog, or "An Eclectic Picturesque Babylonian Tale of the Buried" (2009)]

6) In some examples one or the other interchangeable with such and such. Wed the use of both expressions in a similar context in (50) and in (51):

(50) But in the end, art has some kind of constant value, which does not change from what you are in such and such testing time one or the other feelings. [G. A. Gazdanov. Evelina and Her Friends (1968)]

(51) Sometimes the multiplicity is such that one can justifiably assert: in such and such area cannot be placed this or that production. ["Chemistry and Life" (1970)]

4 Semantics of turnover one or the other: generalization

Thus, one or the other plays the role of a kind of joker, performing the functions of all indefinite pronouns, including whatever, some, some and such and such, and in addition, functions that no indefinite pronoun can perform. But most often one or the other synonymous some.

In all cases, when for one or the other a replacement for some pronoun was chosen, the feeling remains that the original sentence was better than the transformed one. Apparently because one or the other removes the opposition of different types of uncertainty and leaves a freer, less semantically loaded version. Yes, replacing some possible in (52), but at the cost of stylistic impoverishment of the phrase.

(52) Some people were paid huge sums of money just for attending one way or another event. [BUT. Slapovsky. 100 years later. Letters to the Unborn Son (2009)] (meaning an element of many different activities)

B (53) one or the other has a literal meaning, i.e. meaning directly derived from its internal form. And here one or the other cannot be replaced by some, nor on definite, nor on some, nor on whatever:

(53) Almost all the astronomical works that I published during this time originate in this or that chapter of my first work… [“Knowledge is power” (2003)] = ‘in one or the other or in the third…’; disjunction, and the set is concrete-referential, defined

With such a wide range of contextually determined meanings, one can hardly think that turnover this or that it will be possible to assign one general or original meaning, from which all these particular meanings would follow under the pressure of the context. Attribute to turnover this or that some particular meanings, like other pronouns, is also not possible, cf. difficulties with some and with some.

It remains an indisputable fact that in the overwhelming majority of examples it is possible to replace one or the other on the some(or otherwise - one or the other means 'some'). But one or the other introduces into consideration a set of DIFFERENT from each other (from the point of view, important in this context) objects, see example (53), A some X, by itself, stands for one object, and for substitution to be possible, the multiplicity must arise from the context.

In a veridical context one or the other only allowed in combinations in one way or another/ degree, see examples (20)–(23). Out of these combinations one or the other in a veridative context it looks strange. Wed (54a), (55a), (56a) where the context is non-veridative, and (54b), (55b), (56b), where it is veridical.

(54) a. First, she<власть>eliminates the need to become the owner one or another organ of the mass media and, accordingly, bear the burden of costs. ["Top Secret" (2003)] = some not equal some

b. * Power has become the owner one or another media organ.

(55) a. … this includes all those who one form or another engages in entrepreneurial activities, with the exception of hired managers) ... [“Domestic Notes” (2003)] = in some

b. ??? He is doing business in one or another form.

(56) (=32) a. The state was especially generous in the distribution of air in 1996 - a wave of bills providing benefits hit the country one way or another categories. [“MN Time” (2003)]

b. *This law provides benefits one way or another categories .

5 Statistics

According to Corpus data, turnover one or the other stylistically not neutral. There is a noticeable difference in the frequency of turnover in different types of texts: the largest - in the Subcorpus of Written Scientific Texts, the smallest - in the Subcorpus of Oral Non-Public Speech, see Table 1 (modern texts).

Table 1. Turnover frequency one or the other in texts of different types (texts since 1950)

turnover one or the other becomes common no earlier than the second half of the 19th century, and since then its frequency has been growing noticeably, see Graph 1.

Graph 1. Turnover frequency one or the other, ipm (Main body)

Separate uses, however, are found in the Corpus even earlier, cf. including a few examples of the middle of the 18th century that do not reveal any semantic differences from modern ones. The first entry in the Corps - 1750 (Tatishchev).

(57) More than that, it seems that perhaps it was the reason for him, when from the nobles, each according to his inclination this or that He praised faith, in order to more accurately show the truth of the difference to everyone, judged through this embassy to certify. [AT. N. Tatishchev. Russian history in seven volumes. Volume two (1750)]

After several examples of the 1750s - 1760s. (Tatishchev, Skovoroda, Catherine II) the next use in the Corpus dates back to 1823 and before the 2nd half. 19th century examples are occasional.

The data presented above are not related to the stylistic imbalance of the Corpus (i.e., the fact that among the modern texts of the Corpus there is a higher percentage of scientific and journalistic texts), as one might assume (or at least do not boil down to it), but really reflect diachronic trend, cf. a similar picture for the Fiction Subcorpus in Table 2.

Table 2. Turnover frequency one or the other in literary texts
N occurrences ipm
1851-1900 24 1,03032986
1901-1950 336 11,471293
1951-… 1202 20,05073

In artistic texts turnover one or the other penetrates later. First occurrence - 1864 (Leskov), examples of the 19th century. are few and characteristic of specific authors (turnover was found only among 10 authors, i.e. 9% of the total number of authors of texts of the 2nd half of the 19th century). Later, throughout the 20th century. turnover is growing significantly.

6 Appendix

The Appendix provides additional examples with turnover one or the other, interchangeable with some.

(58) - Generally all Men in to some extent robbers. [AT. Gubarev. Three on an Island (1950-1960)] = to a certain degree; sustainable combination

(59) Climbing plants are also suitable for masking old stumps, dried trees, which can be removed by this or that reason is not possible. ["Garden DIY" (2003)] = for some, ≠ for some

(60) Including one or the other objects in priority construction, the governor receives very important benefits. ["Soviet Russia" (2003)] = some

(61) ... at each point there is a big boss, and he requires to connect with one or the other division or unit. [BUT. Rybakov. Heavy Sand (1975-1977)] = with some

(62) It has long been noticed that when one or the other the country, this or that people is experiencing a turning point in its history, mostly tragic, even associated with global changes, then inevitably there are theories and individual ideologists who refute the Slavic origin of their peoples. [Vestnik RAS (2003)] = some

(63) Handicraft products were distributed throughout the territory of the Chernyakhov culture among its population regardless from belonging to one way or another ethnos. [Vestnik RAS (2003)] = to some, = to a certain

(64) Do you want to live in it? - Why not? If you are young, healthy and not subject to one way or another reasons for joining the army? [Izvestia (2002)] = for some

(65) You can write a book called: "Transformation Machine", in which to talk about the work of the artist, show how one or the other life impressions are transformed in the mind of the artist into images of art. [YU. K. Olesha. Speech at the First All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers (1934)] = some

(66) Practice, in fact, is not ahead of the curve, but only explains after the cause and effect one or the other events. [T. Solomatina. Nine months, or "Comedy of female positions" (2010)] = some

(67) Competitions are events that boil down to the subjective choice of one of many according to one way or another signs. [BUT. Slapovsky. 100 years later. Letters to an Unborn Son (2009)] = for some, for some

(68) With the existing approach, the determination of the amount of information is associated with the removal of uncertainty from the recipient of the message when solving this or that tasks. [Information Technology (2004)] = some

(69) …any there is a feeling one or the other degree of pain. [BUT. Ilichevsky. From the book "Donkey Jaw" (2008)] = some

(70) Everyone man in this or that degrees of selfishness. ["The Case" (2002)] = in some

(71) Multi-colored bayraks (banners) with tribal signs on the panels and bunchuks with horse tails, denoting belonging to one hundred or another. [M. B. Salimov. The Tale of the Last Khan (2010)] = to some or to this

also or the same

Merged or separate?

Both spellings are correct, but how “also” is written together or separately depends on the meaning in which the word is used. And it can be used both as a union, and as an adverb and a particle. Many people confuse - same way " or " also How to spell this word correctly?

Rule "also" (conjunction)

Merged spelling " also» is observed if the word is used as a union. The union is formed as a result of the fusion of the adverb “so” and the particle “same”. It’s easy to remember the rule of continuous spelling: if instead of “also” you can insert “too” or “still”, then this is a union, therefore, the word must be written together.


  • Petya loves marmalade, and also marshmallow.
  • I packed everything I needed: a tent, a raincoat, a sleeping bag, and also I did not forget about the bowler hat and fishing rod.
  • We washed all the dishes, and also polished an old copper samovar to a shine.

Rule "same" (adverb and particle)

Separate spelling " same way" is in the event that in the text it is used as an adverb and a particle. These parts of speech can be recognized from the context of the sentence. If a " same way” and “in the same way” are contextual synonyms, you should not doubt the way of writing - you have an adverb and a particle in front of you. There is an additional way to make sure that " same way»must be written separately: we omit the “same” particle, and if the meaning of the sentence has not changed, then we write “similarly” separately.


Say all the examples out loud for better memorization.

  • Lyuba, same way like her sister Nadia, she wore two braids: they ran like thick snakes from the fragile girlish shoulders, and curled with tassels at the waist.
  • How appetizing is the beef in Sergey's plate! Give me this dish same way : on lettuce leaves and with sauce.
  • Everything seemed the same like yesterday: the sun shone just as well and the birds chirped, the dusty yellow road snaked uphill.

    "OR OR"- “OR OR” (Enten Eller) the first and most popular work of S. Kierkegaard. Published in 1843 under the pseudonym Victor Eremita. In Russian translations, it was published in fragments: the chapter of “Diapsalmat” under the title “Aphorisms of Aesthetics” (“Bulletin of Europe” ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    "OR OR"- (Enten - Eller) - the first and most popular work of S. Kierkegaard. Published in 1843 under the pseudonym Victor Eremita. In Russian translations, it was published in fragments: a chapter of "Diapsalmat" under the title "Aphorisms of Aesthetics" ("Bulletin of Europe", May 1866) ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

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    CLASS ARACHNIDA OR ARACHNIDA (ARACHNIDA)- Arachnids, or arachnids (Arachnida) 1, this is a collection of all terrestrial chelicerae. The Latin name of the class, now more accepted in this transcription, was formerly Arachnoidea. Arachne is Greek for "spider". AT… … Biological Encyclopedia

    Suborder Amphisbena, or Dvukhodki (Amphisbaenia)- With all their considerable diversity, modern lizards and snakes are characterized by one very characteristic feature - the presence of dense horny scales on the body, from which their common name "scaly reptiles" comes from. AT… … Biological Encyclopedia

    Family Cepkopale, or Geckos (Gekkonidae)- Under the name of chain-toed, or geckos, they unite an extensive group of small and medium-sized very peculiar lizards, characterized in most cases by biconcave (amphicoelous) vertebrae, loss of temporal arches, ... ... Biological Encyclopedia

    Order Hemiptera or Bedbugs (Hemiptera)- Hemiptera, or bugs, represent the largest order of insects with incomplete transformation. Currently, over 30,000 species of bedbugs are known, distributed throughout the globe. They got their name Hemiptera ... ... Biological Encyclopedia

    Leguminous family (Fabaceae or Leguminosae)- Residents of countries with a temperate climate are familiar with peas, beans, clover, vetch, white locust from childhood. In the tropics, the “rain tree”, or adobe (Samanea saman), and one of the most beautiful trees in the world, royal delonix (Delonix regia, table ... Biological Encyclopedia

    Pedagogical or educational technology- Active learning is such an organization and conduct of the educational process, which is aimed at the full activation of the educational and cognitive activity of students through a wide, preferably complex, use as ... ... Wikipedia

    BIOMECHANICAL (or BIOMEDICAL) DISEASE MODEL- (biomechanical (or biomedical) model of illness) a model of illness based on the concept of the body as a physical system that can break down and needs treatment to return to working condition. Although there are many types of informal ... ... Big explanatory sociological dictionary

    Egocentric speech, or "speech for oneself"- a phenomenon first described by J. Piaget when observing the speech of children 4-7 years old who were in the 1920s. at the Orphanage in Geneva. The phenomenology of this phenomenon is that a child left to himself, playing, drawing, doing manual labor, ... ... Psychology of communication. encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Philosophy. ancient thinkers. Textbook, Gutner Grigory Borisovich, The textbook was prepared on the basis of lectures and seminars that the author has been conducting for 15 years at St. Philaret's Orthodox Christian Institute. The book attempts... Category: General philosophy Series: University textbook Publisher: Academic project, Buy for 711 rubles
  • Synergetic model of divination in the Tarot system Theory and practice, Mukashov I., The synergetic approach to the Tarot system implies a general understanding of the Tarot as a single divinatory system that is not tied to a particular religious tradition; it's kind of… Category: