I have no place in your world. Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

Name: Mary

Tell me what to do, I'm very modest and timid. I am already 17 years old
There are NO complexes. As far as others say, I'm pretty
Blond hair and hazel eyes. The figure is good and slender. And when I get to know each other, I open up. I'm not a bore, but smart, I have something to talk about. And I can do everything around the house. But I lost my friend
With whom we were friends since childhood, our mothers knew each other. We lived
In one entrance. She is gone. And now it's hard for me to make friends. I am very kind, even too much, and kindness should be with fists. And I can’t answer anyone’s barbs, and yet I help the offenders. While others just send them. My parents just think that I'm sweet and kind, it's good for them that I don't go anywhere. Although even unsympathetic and chubby
Girls feel very good thanks to charm.
And I don't have it. And one guy I talked to said that I just
Beautiful and I have no charisma, charm. That you won’t even introduce me to friends because I will be shy. And nothing will ever work for me.
I do not understand what's the matter. Maybe it's because my mom looked after me so much. Except for my friend Polina, I have not communicated with anyone since childhood.
I'd rather be vicious. Everyone around me in the classroom seems to me
Noisy and angry. Although they act like normal 17 year old teenagers.
Guys smoke and drink. Girls sleep with guys, play truant, be rude to everyone. I also dress fashionably and listen to modern music. But I can't understand them.
And I feel like a stranger. I will end my life in the monastery. And life is not sweet to me at all, I live like in a dream. I feel disgusting. And it seems to me that I will never be happy, although everyone says you are young and beautiful, that you are suffering. But I feel like nobody.
Only lovers of sarcastic do not write. Don't waste time. Just tell me if you have seen people like me? The topic is not a scam.

Coincidences, be they positive or negative, haunt us throughout our lives. And everyone has had such cases, which can only be called magic.

But we are on this side of the movie screen, so all such situations are just an amazing reality in which we are lucky enough to live. And sometimes she tends to be entertainingly buggy.

1 Nurse Discovers Her Doctor Colleague Is The Premature Baby She Cared For 28 Years Ago

2. The inscriptions on the folds of the newspaper: "This is not a coincidence"

3. “The taxi driver I was driving today turned out to be a skinnier, tougher, mustachioed version of me.”

4. “My girlfriend and I took photos of the same moment at a concert from different angles… three years before we met.”

5. “My father lost his index finger at age 10, and my index finger has been shorter than others since birth.”

6. After the storm

8. “My brother traveled half the world before me, and it turned out that we wear the same outfit.”

9. A dove shat a self-portrait on a piece of paper

10. The photographer took a picture of a bird grabbing a fish, which in turn was holding another fish in its mouth.

11. “My cousin ended up in a family photo with his future wife in Rio de Janeiro. They met 7 years later."

13. “The cat threw my daughter’s fish bowl off the bedside table.”

14. “I parked my rented car (left). Later he returned to her, and then this ”

15. The inscription on the advertising poster: "Fantastic coup"

16. The German and Canadian bobsleigh teams completed the distance with identical times, and both received gold

The same time to hundredths. How is that at all??

17. “My friend sent me a photo of his tattoo. A pimple popped up on his arm and now he looks like a sunset.”

18. “Not only did my girlfriend and I wear the same T-shirts, our seatmate also ended up wearing the same pants as me.”

19. “Three cars of the same model and the same weird color stood in front of a house painted in the same weird color.”

20. Leading from different Australian channels managed to dress the same. And comb your hair

How to achieve what you want? In a sense, it's very simple: you make a wish list and dedicate time and effort to achieving your goals. Never listen to skeptics and have no doubt that you can achieve a lot!

A few years ago, a group of young enthusiasts from the United States began to make lists of 100 things they would like to do before they die. They also helped strangers complete their list every time they completed something on their wish list. They helped many people to fulfill the secret and crazy. During this time, they conducted a survey of millions of people, asking them: "What would you like to do before you die?". Years later, they came to the conclusion that the #1 item on the list of people was travel. So they came up with their list of top 10 places to visit before you die.

Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

What to do there: swim, but beware of sharks in the Galapagos

Spend a day in the clear waters of the Galapagos diving among some of the world's most dangerous predators. Sail in beautiful seascapes that shine in the interplay of light and water filled with fish of every hue. Three main ocean currents meet here, so the diversity of marine life is especially noticeable here. Such a wonderful adventure should not be left off the lists of the main desires in life. And even if swimming with sharks makes you nervous, it's okay. Believe me, sharks are wonderful creatures with many better options for dinner than you.


What to do there: go skiing and snowboarding in the Alps

Find the biggest pile of snow and decorate it with fresh ski tracks. The main problem of staying here will be the inability to decide: how to manage to do everything in a limited period. Evening champagne awaits your turn, although it is likely that by then you will already be exhausted by the activity throughout the day. However, no matter how tired you are, you will enjoy the delicacies and the most beautiful mountain scenery with a smile from ear to ear.

New Zealand

What to do there: Play snowballs on the glacier

Climb high into the mountains to the vast New Zealand glaciers. And meet the end of the day with an epic snowball fight. Many people remember the endlessly beautiful landscape from the movie "The Lord of the Rings" (not counting Mordor). Well, this is a unique opportunity to hike along the roads in the midst of the lush greenery of temperate rainforest, alpine meadows, drinking cool spring water. A trip to the glacier with a length of 10 kilometers will be unforgettable!


What to do there: fly a hang glider over Rio de Janeiro

Reach the highest point in the city, count to three and enjoy a bird's eye view of Rio. Observing one of the most beautiful cities in the world, you will get the opportunity to see it in all its glory, flying over it. Try to take a selfie at this moment so that you never forget the experience that very few are lucky enough to live through.


What to do there: hunt Nessie on Loch Ness

Hiking, swimming, rowing or flying. Find out once and for all: does the Loch Ness monster exist? It probably exists, because the old-timers who live around the lake believe in it. From a guide that you can certainly trust, you will hear enough stories to understand where the truth lies. The last sightings of the monster, his favorite species, clues forgotten by everyone, vague doubts. Also, it goes without saying that nighttime searches on a full moon should be tried.


What to do there: swim in the shallow waters of the Great Barrier Reef

Enjoy the freedom of escapism as you explore the variety of wonders of the Great Barrier Reef. Do something that frees your mind and body from tension, because everything here contributes to relaxation, and especially the quiet pleasant waters of the ocean. Underwater somersaults, bomb jumps from a yacht, diving, sunbathing. Let the child inside of you start each day with genuine laughter and a thirst for adventure.


What to do there: meet the dawn over the temple of Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat is one of the largest and most impressive architectural and religious monuments in South Asia. Start the day with your significant other, enjoying the sunrise, breathtaking views. And surrounded by all this - a majestic temple, built in the 15th century.

Costa Rica

What is there to do; swim with sea turtles

Who doesn't love turtles - these beautiful creatures that are in danger of extinction and require our help. Are you looking for a place where you can not only relax, but also do something useful? Head to Tortuegro, Costa Rica, where a National Park was created in 1975 to protect nesting turtles, where they also allow you to study and work with them for conservation purposes.


What to do there: see the pyramids and camel's hump

The oldest pyramid in Egypt is over 4,5000 years old. It is difficult to imagine how people could accomplish such a feat and build it. By taking a trip to the pyramids, you will experience one of the most exciting experiences of your life. Believe me, there is no better way to go there than on a humpbacked, constantly spitting friend.


What to do there: get VIP access to the Tomorrowland festival

There is no better place in the world to hang out than the biggest electronic music festival that takes place every year in Belgium. Wonderful people from all over the world gather in June for an unforgettable weekend of music at the most unique show festival in the world. With the participation of the most famous DJs in the world, this festival will give you emotions that you will not soon be able to forget.

Your dreams are much closer than it seems at first sight. If others can do it, then you can too. Make your list of things you absolutely want to do before you die, and don't delay putting it into practice. Why not start right now?