Educational methodical manual requirements for writing. Some rules for writing tutorials

Any of us studies or studied at the university, and has a colossal store of knowledge, but on the question of what a teaching aid is, every second one is “blown away”. No, of course, we all understand that we are talking about a textbook, reference book, literature that helps to learn; but what exactly it is, only a few know. Well, let's try to figure it out together.

What is a teaching aid and its features

So, teaching aid is an official printed publication, the content of which is fully consistent with the curriculum for a particular specialty at the university.

Speaking in simple and accessible language, then this is the most common manual, which from course to course is transferred to students for temporary use.

This is a small reference book, a hint or even a synopsis, which most often touches on only one topic, but in detail.

According to the manuals, they not only perform practical and laboratory work in the classroom, but also correctly draw up reports, in accordance with all the requirements of the Ministry of Education.

So we can safely say that the teaching aid is an indispensable assistant in lectures and practical classes at the university.

Since I'm so enthusiastic about this printed edition, it's time to talk about its significant advantages, against the background of the rest of the literature that is available in the public domain in every student library or reading room.

Advantages of the teaching aid

1. This edition offers a brief thesis information on a given topic, which is much easier to digest and remember.

2. A manual is a kind of instruction or a cheat sheet on how to complete tasks in practice, and what aspects of your work you must pay attention to.

3. The manual helps with the design and presentation of the work, and, as you know, an additional point is also added to the final grade for this.

4. The number of pages of the manual does not exceed 30 - 50, which means that carrying such a book in a backpack or bag is not at all difficult.

5. If you wish and have the skills, you can use the manual on the exam as a real hint on the topic. When you don’t have your own cheat sheets, and there is a draft in your head, this is an ideal solution, so it’s better not to forget the training manual for a responsible exam.

However, this teaching aid has its own significant shortcomings, which you also need to know about in advance so as not to be left with a nose:

1. Manuals are in high demand among students, therefore, sometimes it is simply not possible to knock out an extra copy in the library for a subscription. You have to ask your neighbor on the desk, or copy on a copier at your own expense, of course.

2. Manuals have invisible "legs". Yes, yes, this is the printed edition that can disappear in the middle of a couple in an unknown direction and never return.

Again, increased demand affects, so it's best to keep your eyes open, and your own training manual in sight, otherwise problems with a strict librarian in the future simply cannot be avoided.

3.Manuals have a subjective opinion on a particular topic, and this is explained simply - they are created under the editorship of one of the teachers of the department.

Personal hostility and eternal competition of teachers, and your answer according to the training manual is not just erroneous, but “a real mockery” of science (I remember it myself).

But in general, you should not pay attention to such trifles, because the educational and methodological manual, whatever one may say, brings enlightenment to the masses, and this is a tremendous advantage for narrow-minded students.

So stock up on manuals and fight for new knowledge. The main thing is that from your absent-mindedness, the guard does not run away.

Loss of manual

I don’t want to scare anyone, but I simply must warn that the loss of a training manual is not just a nuisance, it is a tragedy of a universal scale for librarians.

First, they begin to sigh and groan from the confession they heard, then they pass this information on from shift to shift, then they come up with a punishment for the absent-minded student, and finally, they remember his last name and put it on a pencil.

Believe me, at the moment when you lost the teaching aid, you made enemies in the face of the entire library staff, including the cleaner. There are two ways out of the situation:

1. Photocopy the same manual and provide it to the library;

2. Buy a new book to the library according to your forced desire.

After that, the conflict is settled, but the librarian will tease you for a long time every time you visit the library and, moreover, pick up a book.

Where do the manuals come from?

The question, of course, is stupid, but in this topic it is very relevant. So who issues these instructions?

The answer is obvious: open the first page and read the name of the author. As a rule, the authors are teachers of their own department, who recommend the purchase of a specific manual. Well, our teachers will never die of modesty, but they scribbled the manuals in order.

The funny thing is that each author praises only his own creation, and does not advise paying attention to the training manuals of his conditional competitors. But, like it or not, we all studied according to manuals and continue to do so in modern students.

Here we have come to the second main issue, which is on the agenda and is of particular concern to many graduate students and teachers who have not yet dealt with writing such printed publications.

How to write and compose a manual?

In order not to write anything superfluous, let's go straight to the topic, and we will also write out the process of writing the training manual according to the plan, for greater convenience, so to speak.

1. It is necessary to decide on the topic that the planned print edition will be devoted to. You can start with easy information, but in subsequent manuals, touch on more global scientific issues.

2. It is advisable not to study information on the topic from the Internet, which many consider to be a “garbage pit”. It’s not worth the risk, because on the network you can take an unreliable source as a basis, and by great chance. It is better to pay attention to trusted authors, real books and actually primary sources, which abound in the library.

3. So that the learned theory does not seem meaningless, you need to mentally translate it into your practical knowledge in order to eventually have a clear idea of ​​​​what you will write about in the future.

4. It is advisable to start your work with a preliminary plan, which may consist of short sentences or capacious abstracts. This is very important, otherwise you may miss some important information about the topic being studied.

5. The manual is a cheat sheet, so it must answer in detail the list of main questions. That is why it is desirable to think over their content in advance, and not lose sight of any of them.

6. The content of the manual should not be complicated, and all the material presented should be described in a concise, but simple and easy to read language so that the student does not lose interest and does not abandon it after a boring reading of the first paragraph.

7. All literature used must be certified after the content, and its design also complies with certain rules and regulations that are important to follow.

8. Study all the rules for the design of work and proceed to the further writing of your first teaching aid.

9. Check the finished work using the services of a proofreader (unless, of course, you are a philologist).

10. Submit for verification, and then for publication.

If you decide to write your own educational and methodological manual, then you must definitely remember the elementary rules that will raise the rating of your work, and will not leave it for many years to gather dust on a shelf in the library unnecessarily.

Rule One. It is very important to study the curriculum so that the manual is relevant to the topic, and does not turn out to be useless or irrelevant.

Rule Two. The structure should not only correspond to one topic and not wag, but also contain up-to-date information, the latest information and new discoveries, knowledge. In general, a teaching aid should not fall into the category of "obsolete literature".

Rule Three. The material selected for writing must be structured, accessible, logical, regular and understandable for students. It is advisable to use short phrases and small paragraphs, numbered and bulleted lists, abstracts, various graphic highlights, and, if necessary, tables and graphs.

Rule Four. The list of references should be concise and detailed, and compiled in accordance with the requirements.

Rule Five. Complicated terminology is not welcome, and if its participation is indispensable, then it is desirable to explain in detail the meaning of a particular word, phrase, expression.

Otherwise, your study guide is unlikely to assist a good half of the students in their studies.

Conclusion: Do you need a manual? Choose the most shabby - it is clearly popular and in demand among the masses! You have decided to write your own teaching aid, then express your thoughts simply, clearly, concisely.

Only then will students definitely take note of such a fascinating publication.

Now you know about what is a teaching aid.

Often, researchers engaged in scientific work and teachers have a need to publish an educational publication. This type of publication has a number of features, compared with the preparation of scientific publications. These features and requirements for educational publications by the leading Educational and Methodological Associations will be discussed below.

Let's start with the definition of the concept of "educational publication". According to GOST 7.60-2003 educational edition- this is "A publication containing systematized information of a scientific or applied nature, presented in a form convenient for studying and teaching, and designed for students of different ages and levels of education."

The same GOST distinguishes the following types of educational publications:

Educational publications:

  • textbook: An educational publication containing a systematic presentation of the academic discipline, its section, part, corresponding to the curriculum, and officially approved as this type of publication.
  • tutorial: An educational publication that supplements or replaces partially or completely a textbook officially approved as this type of publication.
  • teaching aid: An educational publication containing materials on the methodology of teaching, studying an academic discipline, its section, part or education.
  • educational visual aid: An educational art publication containing materials to help study, teach or educate.
  • workbook: A textbook that has a special didactic apparatus that promotes the student's independent work on mastering the subject.
  • tutorial: Educational publication for self-study of something without the help of a supervisor.
  • reader: An educational publication containing literary, artistic, historical and other works or excerpts from them that make up the object of study of the academic discipline.
  • workshop: An educational publication containing practical tasks and exercises that contribute to the assimilation of what has been covered.
  • problem book: Workshop containing learning tasks.
  • training program: An educational publication that determines the content, volume, as well as the procedure for studying and teaching an academic discipline, its section, part.
  • training kit: A set of educational publications designed for a certain level of education and including a textbook, study guide, workbook, reference book.

In the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2002, we read “On the definition of the terms “textbook” and “textbook” it is noted that “A textbook is the main educational book in a particular discipline. It sets out a system of basic knowledge that is mandatory for learning by students. The content of the textbook must meet the requirements of the state educational standard and fully disclose the approximate program for a particular discipline. The title of the textbook must correspond to the name of the discipline of the federal component of the SES VPO.

The textbook is considered as an addition to the textbook. The textbook may not cover the entire discipline, but only a part (several sections) of an exemplary program. Unlike a textbook, a manual may include not only proven, generally recognized knowledge and provisions, but also different opinions on a particular problem.

Thus, first feature of educational edition- these are the requirements for the correspondence of the title and content of the textbook to the name of the discipline of the federal component of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education (the portal of the Federal State Educational Standards for Higher Education - and the portal "Russian Education" -

The second feature of the educational edition, in comparison with the monograph, is availability of methodological apparatus which may include:

  • questions for each paragraph of the textbook, reflecting its structure and allowing you to consolidate the material read;
  • assignments for the seminar;
  • tasks for independent work at home;
  • analysis of specific situations on examples from practice;
  • various types of tests;
  • the task of searching (selecting) and reviewing literature and electronic sources of information on an individually given course problem;
  • a task for performing home tests, providing for solving problems, performing exercises and given out in practical classes;
  • task for preparing for tests and certifications;
  • topics of abstracts (essays, reports, scientific articles) on a given problem, etc.

The methodological apparatus can be designed both for students and for helping the teacher in conducting classes.

Also, the educational publication can be supplemented with various reference materials - a dictionary, glossary, regulations, samples and examples of documents, etc.

The next feature of the educational edition is the requirements for its content. If a monograph must necessarily contain a certain novelty and the results of author's research, then an educational publication can be a compilation of various sources. The textbook should contain basic information on the discipline. Also, the educational publication should have such a quality as visibility. The text should be accompanied by diagrams, drawings and photographs that facilitate the perception of the material, but do not repeat it.

The structure of the educational publication can be as follows:

Introduction or/and preface. An academic edition may include both an introduction and a preface, or just an introduction, as is most often the case. The introduction should include the goals of studying the discipline and educational information that is necessary and sufficient in terms of the content and volume of the discipline to implement the requirements of a specific state educational standard (hours and goals of studying the discipline are taken into account). It is also fashionable to indicate the competencies to be acquired, which the study of the discipline is aimed at, etc.

The preface (according to GOST 7.0.3-2006) is an accompanying article placed at the beginning of the publication, which explains the goals and features of the content and construction of the work. It may contain a summary of each chapter.

Introduction (again according to GOST 7.0.3-2006) is a structural part of the main text of the publication, which is its initial chapter and introduces the reader to the essence of the problematic of the work.

According to the same GOST, to which we have repeatedly referred, the largest part of the text is a section. It is divided into chapters, which in turn are subdivided into paragraphs (§).

A mandatory part of the educational publication is a list of references and other sources.

An author who has written a worthy textbook, as a rule, wants to receive a stamp from an educational and methodological association stating that this educational publication is approved (or Recommended) by the UMO as a textbook (electronic textbook) or teaching aid (electronic manual) for students of higher educational institutions, students in the direction (specialty) of HPE training. By following our recommended rules for the preparation of educational publications, you can easily cope with this task!

In conclusion, we will give some tips on what you should pay attention to in order to minimize the amendments made to the text by editors and proofreaders.

2. It is necessary to check the numbering of all figures, tables and formulas according to the text. Compare whether there is a link to EVERY figure or table in the text, and whether there are figures and tables in the manuscript that are referenced in the text.

3. References - if the list is voluminous and includes sources of different types, it is better to divide it into sections.

4. Decipher all abbreviations on first use. Do not overload the text with abbreviations, especially those consisting of two letters. This makes it difficult for readers to understand the text. Do not use abbreviations in titles.

5. Avoid too many repetitions in links "Ibid. S. 220". Such references are inconvenient for the reader to use. Especially if the full link to the source was many pages before “Ibid. P.220".

6. The manuscript must be well SUBTRACTED. Experienced editors do not proofread manuscripts from a computer screen, they print out the text and read it intermittently, several pages at a time. The computer may not always detect an error in the test. We noticed that when typing Word did not underline the word “ dough", although we are, of course, not talking about a flour product, but about text. Such errors can be noticed only with careful proofreading. If the author does not want to do this, it is necessary to pay for the work on the proofreader's manuscript accordingly.

Successful publications!

Cheboksary 2013

Compiled by:

Head of the Department of Documentation Support for Management and Methodological Work of the State Archive of the Modern History of the Chuvash Republic of the Ministry of Culture of Chuvashia

1. Introduction

2. The structure of the methodological manual………………………………

3. Registration of a methodological manual …………………………..

2.2.10. The text of the methodological manual is divided into sections, subsections and paragraphs.

Sections, subsections and paragraphs should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Sections should be numbered sequentially within the entire text of the methodological manual, with the exception of applications.

Subsections are numbered with Arabic numerals within each section. The subsection number consists of the section number and subsection separated by a dot.

Items are numbered with Arabic numerals within each subsection. The number of the item consists of the number of the section, subsection, item, separated by a dot.

The subparagraph number includes the number of the section, subsection of the paragraph and the serial number of the subparagraph, separated by a dot.

After the number of the section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph in the text of the document, a dot is not put.

If a section or subsection consists of one paragraph, it is also numbered.

Each paragraph or subparagraph is printed from a paragraph.

2.2.11. Sections and subsections should have headings. Items usually do not have headings.

Headings should clearly and concisely reflect the content of sections, subsections. Headings are printed in capital letters without a dot at the end. Headings are centered in the text.

Word hyphenation in headings is not allowed.


3.1. A bibliographic link is part of the reference apparatus and serves as a source of bibliographic information about documents. It contains bibliographic information about another document cited, considered or mentioned in the text of the document, necessary and sufficient for its identification, search and general characteristics. The objects of compiling a bibliographic reference are all types of published and unpublished documents on any media, as well as component parts of documents.

3.2. By location in the document, the following types of bibliographic references are distinguished:

3.2.1. Inline, placed in the text of the document.

3.2.2. Interlinear, removed from the text to the bottom of the document strip (in a footnote).

3.2.3. Beyond the text, taken out of the text of the document or part of it (into a callout).

3.3. When repeating references to the same object, the following types of bibliographic references are distinguished:

3.3.1. Primary, in which bibliographic information is given for the first time in this document.

3.3.2. Repeated, in which the previously indicated bibliographic information is repeated in an abbreviated form.

3.3. The rules for the presentation of elements of a bibliographic description, the use of prescribed punctuation marks, regardless of the purpose of the reference, are carried out in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 SIBID Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compiling and GOST 7.82-2001 SIBID. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. General requirements and rules for compilation.

3.4. An intra-text bibliographic reference contains information about the reference object that is not included in the text of the document. An in-text bibliographic reference is enclosed in parentheses, for example,

(Methodological recommendations for funding documents in the state and municipal archives of the Russian Federation. M. VNIIDAD, 2006. P. 12 - 20).

3.5. A subscript bibliographic reference is drawn up as a note taken out of the text of the document to the bottom of the page, for example:

, Ryskov documents in management. M., 2008.

When numbering subscript bibliographic references, a uniform order is used for the entire document - continuous numbering throughout the text, within each chapter, section, part, etc., or for a given page of the document.

The set of off-text bibliographic references is drawn up as a list of bibliographic records placed after the text of the document or its component part. The set of out-of-text bibliographic references is not a bibliographic list or index, which, as a rule, is placed after the text of the document and has independent value as a bibliographic aid. When numbering off-text bibliographic references, continuous numbering is used for the entire text of the document as a whole or for individual chapters, sections, parts, etc.

For connection with the text of the document, the serial number of the bibliographic entry in the post-text reference is indicated in the callout sign, which is typed on the top line of the font, or in the reference, which is given in square brackets in the line with the text of the document.

3.7. When compiling a bibliographic description, the norms of modern spelling should be observed. The first word of each description element begins with an uppercase letter. The use of capital letters in other cases is carried out in accordance with the norms of the Russian literary language. The names of scientific works, books, collections, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses are not enclosed in quotation marks. Abbreviations of individual words and phrases are carried out in accordance with the current rules.

3.8. Registration of separate elements of the bibliographic reference.

Unambiguous qualitative numerals, if they do not have units of measurement, they are written in words, for example:

ten units of storage, etc.

Ordinal numbers that make up a word written in numbers, for example:

30 year period etc.

Conditional graphic abbreviations are written with dots at the place of the abbreviation, For example:

i.e., etc., etc., etc.

Quote text is enclosed in quotation marks and begins with an uppercase letter. If the quote reproduces only part of the sentence of the quoted text, then an ellipsis is placed after the opening quotes.


The methodological manual reveals uniform requirements for the design of methodological manuals, compliance with which allows compilers to prepare high-quality documents.


Ministry of Culture, Nationalities and

archives of the Chuvash Republic

Budget institution of the Chuvash Republic

"State archive of modern history of the Chuvash Republic"


Cheboksary 2013

Compiled by:

Leading Methodologist of the Department of Documentation Support for Management and Methodological Work of the State Archive of the Modern History of the Chuvash Republic of the Ministry of Culture of Chuvashia

Registration of teaching aids

Methodological recommendations "Designing methodological aids (recommendations, manuals, developments, etc.)" are intended for employees and specialists of state and municipal archives involved in compiling methodological aids in order to determine uniform requirements for the design of methodological aids. The Methodological Recommendations describe the requirements for the design of various parts of the methodological manual.


1. General Provisions…………………………………………………………………

2. Documentation of organizations……………………………………………………….

3. Rules for the preparation and execution of documents………………………………………

4. Documentation of management activities……………………………..

5. Forms of documents…………………………………………………………………

6. Registration of details of documents………………………………………………….

7. Features of the preparation and execution of certain types of service

documents. Preparation and execution of personal documents…………………………

8. Production of documents using computer technology. Replication of documents………………………………………………………………………………………

9. Registration and accounting of documents, building search engines……………………

10 Registration of documents……………………………………………………………….

11. Building search engines……………………………………………………………

12. Organization of document flow………………………………………………………..

13. Registration and accounting of incoming documents……………………………………

14. The order of passage and execution of documents……………………………………

15. Registration and accounting of sent documents………………………………………

16. Registration and organization of the movement of internal documents……………………

17. Accounting for the volume of document flow………………………………………………………

18. Work with citizens' appeals………………………………………………………

19. Control of execution of documents……………………………………………………

Electronic resources:

3. http:// rudocs. /docs/index-59225.html / Guidelines "Rules for the design of methodological developments of teachers" / FGOU VPO "Southern Federal University" - Rostov-on-Don. 2011.