Something is going on in outer space. Space discoveries of recent times that struck our imagination

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Updated: 00:00 (MSK), 07/06/2019

"New ALMA observations reveal a never-before-seen disk of cold interstellar gas surrounding the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way. This nebulous disk gives astronomers new insights into how accretion works: the addition of material onto the black hole's surface."
"On Wednesday, China launched its first space rocket from the sea."
"An international study by the Monash School of Physics and Astronomy has found the first observational evidence of circumplanetary disks."
"According to the Chandra X-ray Observatory, astronomers have discovered an isolated galaxy with a greater concentration of dark matter in the core than expected."
"The unique capabilities of the SPHERE instrument on the Very Large Telescope enabled it to capture the sharpest images of a binary asteroid as it flew past Earth on May 25."
"Using the Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope, astronomers have collected important data that could reveal the real nature of the Terzan 5 globular cluster."
"When two stars are massive and close enough, they coalesce. Astronomers call these star pairs binary star systems. They orbit each other, combine their gas, and sometimes even come back from the dead together."
"Space satellites will become less bright as they rise into their orbits."
"Moving away from solar systems, star clusters and even galaxies - an amazing picture emerges in nature."
"Two Russian crew members of the International Space Station have successfully completed a spacewalk to conduct scientific research and maintenance of the orbital station."
"The first 60 satellites of the future network of low-cost satellite Internet Stralink have already raised concerns of astronomers. They can create difficulties in the work of telescopes around the world."
"It was a shocking sight during the launch. But all is well."
"Scientists have used virtual reality to create a way to detect Alzheimer's disease."
"Successful tests pave the way for the first unmanned flight into orbit."
"It's going to be a really fast train."
"Deep Space Nebula or Cosmic Cotton Candy?"
"Astronomers believe that planets like Jupiter protect us from space objects that would otherwise crash into the Earth. Now they are closer to studying whether giant planets act as guardians of systems elsewhere in the galaxy."
"SpaceX has launched a rocket carrying the first 60 satellites of the Starlink constellation."
"A new study has found that the likely source of a strange mineral deposit near the landing site of NASA's next Mars rover is ash from ancient volcanic eruptions."
"The launch of the apparatus to search for evidence of extraterrestrial life is scheduled for July 2020."
"Astronomers from Moscow State University, together with colleagues from the University of Bonn, have discovered an unusual space object."
"The stark difference between the heavily cratered side and the underlying open pools facing Earth has puzzled scientists for decades."
"For the first time outside of Earth, NASA's Juno mission detected secular variations in Jupiter's magnetic field. Juno determined that they were most likely caused by the planet's strong atmospheric winds."
"Cosmic accident left one galaxy 'mixed'."
"A US venture capital firm recently made a series of seed investments for Hermeus Corp., a new startup looking to develop hypersonic aircraft."
"Nissan has announced the second version of ProPilot technology for hands-free driving, which will debut on the Skyline for the Japanese market."
"This time the launch was postponed for program checks."
"NASA's New Horizons mission team has released the first profile of the world's most distant asteroid and Kuiper belt object ever explored, MU69 2014."
"NASA spacecraft spotted the possible remains of an Israeli spacecraft that crashed on the moon last month."

Space is still an incomprehensible mystery for all mankind. It is incredibly beautiful, full of secrets and dangers, and the more we study it, the more we discover new amazing phenomena. We have collected for you the 10 most interesting phenomena that occurred in 2017.

1. Sounds inside the rings of Saturn

The Cassini spacecraft recorded sounds inside Saturn's rings. The sounds were recorded using the Audio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) device, which detects radio and plasma waves, which are then converted into sounds. As a result, scientists "heard" not at all what they expected.

The sounds were recorded using an Audio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) device that detects radio and plasma waves, which are then converted into sound. As a result, we can "hear" dust particles hitting the instrument's antennas, the sounds of which contrast with the usual "whistles and creaks" created in space by charged particles.

But as soon as Cassini dived into the void between the rings, everything suddenly became strangely quiet.

The planet, which is an ice ball, was discovered using a special technique and was named OGLE-2016-BLG-1195Lb.

With the help of microlensing, it was possible to discover a new planet, approximately equal to the Earth in mass and even revolving around its star at the same distance as the Earth from the Sun. However, the similarities end there - the new planet is probably too cold to be habitable, since its star is 12 times smaller than our Sun.

Microlensing is a technique that facilitates the detection of distant objects by using background stars as "highlights". When the studied star passes in front of a larger and brighter star, the larger star “illuminates” the smaller one for a short time and simplifies the process of observing the system.

The Cassini spacecraft successfully completed a narrow gap between the planet Saturn and its rings on April 26, 2017 and transmitted unique images to Earth. The distance between the rings and the upper atmosphere of Saturn is about 2,000 km. And through this "gap" "Cassini" had to slip at a speed of 124 thousand km / h. At the same time, as a protection against ring particles that could damage it, Cassini used a large antenna, turning it away from the Earth and towards obstacles. That is why he could not get in touch with the Earth for 20 hours.

A group of independent auroral researchers have discovered a yet unexplored phenomenon in the night sky over Canada and named it "Steve". More precisely, such a name for the new phenomenon was suggested by one of the users in the comments to the photo of the still unnamed phenomenon. And the scientists agreed. Taking into account the fact that the official scientific communities have not yet really responded to the discovery, the name will be assigned to the phenomenon.

"Big" scientists do not yet know how exactly to characterize this phenomenon, although the group of enthusiasts who discovered Steve initially called it the "proton arc." They didn't know that proton auroras were invisible to the human eye. Preliminary tests showed that Steve was a hot stream of fast-flowing gas in the upper atmosphere.

The European Space Agency (ESA) has already sent special probes to study Steve and found that the temperature of the air inside the gas stream rises above 3000 degrees Celsius. At first, scientists could not even believe it. The data showed that at the time of the measurements, Steve, 25 kilometers wide, was moving at a speed of 10 kilometers per second.

5. A new planet suitable for life

An exoplanet orbiting a red dwarf 40 light-years from Earth could become the new winner of the title of "best place to look for signs of life outside the solar system." According to scientists, the system LHS 1140 in the constellation Cetus may be even more suitable for the search for extraterrestrial life than Proxima b or TRAPPIST-1.

LHS 1140 (GJ 3053) is a star located in the constellation Cetus at a distance of approximately 40 light-years from the Sun. Its mass and radius are 14% and 18% of the sun's, respectively. The surface temperature is about 3131 Kelvin, which is half that of the Sun. The luminosity of the star is equal to 0.002 of the luminosity of the Sun. The age of LHS 1140 is estimated at about 5 billion years.

Source 6The asteroid that almost made it to Earth

Asteroid 2014 JO25 with a diameter of about 650 m approached the Earth in April 2017, and then flew away. This relatively large near-Earth asteroid was only four times farther from Earth than the Moon. NASA has classified the asteroid as "potentially hazardous". All asteroids larger than 100 meters and approaching the Earth closer than 19.5 distances from it to the Moon automatically fall into this category.

Pictured is Pan, a natural satellite of Saturn. The three-dimensional photograph was taken using the anaglyph method. You can get a stereo effect using special glasses with red and blue filters.

Pan opened on July 16, 1990. Researcher Mark Schoulter analyzed photographs taken by the Voyager 2 robotic interplanetary station in 1981. Experts have not yet agreed on why Pan has such a shape.

8. The first photos of the habitable Trappist-1 system

The discovery of a potentially habitable planetary system of the star Trappist-1 was the event of the year in astronomy. Now NASA has published the first photos of the star on its website. The camera took one frame per minute for an hour, and then the photo was assembled into an animation:

The animation is 11×11 pixels and covers an area of ​​44 arcseconds. This is equivalent to a grain of sand at arm's length.

Recall that the distance from the Earth to the star Trappist-1 is 39 light years.

9. Date of the collision of the Earth with Mars

American geophysicist Stephen Myers of the University of Wisconsin suggested that Earth and Mars could collide. This theory is by no means new, but scientists have recently confirmed it by finding evidence in an unexpected place. It's all because of the "butterfly effect".

It's the same phenomenon. A butterfly fluttering over the Indian Ocean could affect weather patterns over North America in a week.

This idea is not new. But Myers' team found evidence in an unexpected place. The rock formation in Colorado is made up of sedimentary layers that are evidence of climate change caused by fluctuations in the amount of sunlight reaching the planet. According to scientists, this is the result of changes in the Earth's orbit.

For at least the last 50 million years, the Earth's orbit has cyclically changed its shape from circular to elliptical every 2.4 million years. This created climate change. But for 85 million years, this periodicity was 1.2 million years, since the Earth and Mars slightly interacted, as if “pulling” each other, which is natural to expect in a chaotic system.

The discovery will help understand the relationship between orbital changes and climate. But other potential consequences are somewhat more worrisome: In billions of years, there is a very small chance that Mars could crash into Earth.

A giant vortex of hot, glowing gas extends over 1 million light-years through the very center of the Perseus Cluster. Matter in the area of ​​the Perseus cluster is formed from gas, the temperature of which is 10 million degrees, which makes it glow. A unique NASA photo allows you to see the galactic vortex in all its details. It extends over a million light-years through the very center of the Perseus Cluster.

Mankind has long dreamed of conquering Mars. In October 2016, NASA stated that it would be their priority goal to send humans to the Red Planet by the 2030s.

Human physiology and weightlessness

In order to successfully plan a mission to Mars, scientists must understand how space affects human physiology during long-duration spaceflight.

Those data that are known to science at the moment allow us to conclude that being in space unambiguously affects the human body. Both physically and intellectually. In addition, the risks associated with space flights vary significantly in different settings. They will be different on an orbiting space station and a spacecraft bound for .

physical problems

Astronauts will have swollen faces (due to body fluids being distributed more evenly). They will suffer from decreased bone density and mineral loss. This includes lack of sleep and sunlight. And also an increase in iron levels and impaired coordination.

A NASA project to study the vision and intracranial pressure of astronauts has shown that many of them experience visual impairment after the completion of the flight. This is caused by the effect of weightlessness on the brain and cerebrospinal fluid. These disorders can last for years.

NASA research

Astronauts who have spent long periods of time in space have structural eye changes. They also had abnormally high levels of cerebrospinal fluids in their brains. It has been demonstrated that spaceflight also affects the fragile endings of the optic nerves.

There is evidence that exposure to galactic cosmic radiation increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The risk of cancer, disorders of the central nervous system and acute radiation syndrome increases. And these risks may be even more serious than previously thought.

One study showed that astronauts who conquered were four times more likely to die from cardiovascular disease. Compared to those that did not fly out of the Earth's protective magnetosphere.

In addition, scientists are increasingly investigating the psychological problems associated with spaceflight. Astronauts who go on long-distance space travel to the Moon, Mars and beyond are likely to be isolated in a hostile and stressful environment with other people, unable to return to or quickly escape.

Life on Mars

So what happens to our brains in space?

One of NASA's neurocognitive efficiency experiments compared the brains of astronauts before and after staying on the ISS for six months using FMRI scans. Scientists have found a decrease in the connectivity of the motor and vestibular areas of the brain. They are necessary for coordinating the movement of astronauts who have carried out long-term space flights.

Under conditions of weightlessness, the brain continues to send such signals to the body, as if it were in normal conditions of gravity. And then the body begins to think that it is falling or is in an inverted position. After a while, the brain more or less adjusts to the new environment. But when returning to Earth, the change in reflexes can cause lasting problems.

NASA Exploration Program Series

The US space agency is conducting special research. Scientists are trying to identify, characterize, and prevent behavioral health problems associated with spaceflight. The study uses situations comparable to those on Earth. Such as placing groups of people in complete isolation from the outside world for long periods of time. It examines sleep and fatigue, group cohesion problems, and possible adverse psychiatric conditions.

In 2014, a Johns Hopkins study found evidence of cognitive impairment as a result of the conditions that astronauts are exposed to. A particularly strong influence is exerted by cosmic radiation, which constantly affects people in space.

In October 2016, a study was conducted by UC Irvine. It showed that exposure to galactic cosmic rays can cause long-term cognitive problems for astronauts. Including chronic dementia. In several tests using rodents, the animals were found to suffer from both inflammation in the brain and reduced connectivity between neurons, even six months after the initial exposure.

The animals also performed poorly on memory tests. They showed increased anxiety and fear, with a reduced ability to compensate for stressful and unpleasant associations.

These conclusions, understandably, have raised concerns about the planned flight to Astronauts for a long time will be outside the Earth's magnetic field, protecting them on board the ISS. They may experience increased levels of stress and anxiety, along with impaired decision making and loss of ability to multitask. And these are potentially important properties of the psyche when working in emergency situations.

These problems represent a headache for NASA. Spacecraft provide very limited protection against cosmic rays. They can only be stopped by a serious massive defense.

Installing a protective outer shield on the entire spacecraft would be financially impractical. The idea of ​​protecting the isolated part of the spacecraft, in which the astronauts spent most of their time, is more viable, and could well solve part of the problem.

However, astronauts will still be vulnerable to solar storm and flare events. They are not easy to predict.

Astronaut brain manipulation

One of the difficulties in studying the influence of space on the intelligence of astronauts, in particular cosmic radiation, is that many of the factors that affect them are due to the stressful environment of the spacecraft. These factors include many problems. These are disturbed sleep, heavy mental stress, high levels of carbon dioxide and microgravity. On average, astronauts sleep less than 6 hours per night. And must concentrate and train for several hours a day.

A typical expedition will last about three years. This means that the astronauts will be in a confined space with a group of people for a very long time. Without the ability to communicate in real time with family and friends from Earth. Currently, several companies commissioned by NASA are developing both drugs and a variety of techniques to overcome such problems.

In a situation where astronauts learn to resolve their interpersonal conflicts only with the help of computer therapy and psychoactive substances, it will be difficult to predict what can happen if these methods are ineffective or cause addiction. Will astronauts be able to cooperate and work effectively for months if they depend on such treatments?

In future

Space travel has captured the imagination of mankind for centuries. And the opportunities and resources to send people into space will be hard to resist.

These attempts will only accelerate research on the impact of space on human neurology and physiology. And allow us to find ways in which our brains and bodies will adapt to environments remote and different from Earth. Where our entire evolutionary history took place.

They may also lead to consideration of more costly technical solutions. Such as the use of artificial for travel on the route Earth-Mars and Mars-Earth. Or a faster flight (although expensive in terms of energy, but allowing you to reach Mars in less than three months). Or maybe the construction of convenient large underground residential facilities on Mars.

Its founder, Dutchman Bas Lansdorp is raising funds to send a team of people to Mars. At the same time, the program has an interesting nuance: there is simply no return ticket, people go to the Red Planet one way.

Volunteers are needed, and, interestingly, they are in large numbers. Thousands of people apply to participate in this project. At the beginning of the year, more than a thousand candidates were selected, who, if they fly, will only be in a few years.

Here is a model of what volunteers on Mars can expect:

The settlement of Mars will take place in several stages: the creation of a landing module, the creation and transportation of modules for the life of colonists, the transportation of colonists, the exploration of Mars.

World's largest digital camera launched into space

A landmark event is the launch of the GAIA space telescope. The goal of this telescope, or rather, its team, is to compile the most accurate map of our galaxy from the inside. In other words, the telescope will take the most detailed picture of the Milky Way.

Another 2 and a half months will pass, and the telescope will enter a fully operational mode, which I hope I can write about here :)

Supernova found in nearby galaxy

A supernova is a star that is about to explode, and in a short time such a luminary increases the luminosity to the luminosity of a small galaxy.

The appearance of such stars is a rarity, a very rarity. And it is an extraordinary stroke of luck that earthly astronomers were able to find a supernova in a neighboring galaxy. This star is located at a distance of 12 million light years (accordingly, it exploded just 12 million years ago, and now we are seeing this picture thanks to the light that has reached us).

This star in a short time increased its luminosity by several orders of magnitude, from luminosity 16 to luminosity 6 (that is, it can be seen with ordinary binoculars).

Opportunity has been on Mars for 10 years

Imagine a rover that was designed to last 3 months has been on Mars for over 10 years. At the same time, it remains fully functional, the equipment of this rover did not fail.

It may well be that the rover will be able to work on the Red Planet for a few more years, before something happens (I would like to hope that nothing like this happens, but still the rover is a very complex mechanism, something once yes will break).

This industrious apparatus has already done so much for science that no apparatus, device, has done so far.

For 10 years, the rover traveled 38.7 kilometers, was able to “see” 3556 Martian sunrises, took many thousands of photographs transmitted to Earth, and also received evidence of the existence of water on the surface of Mars. Last year, at the beginning of summer, evidence of the existence of (in the past) fresh water on Mars was obtained.

Hexagonal storm on Saturn

The Great Whirlwind on Jupiter is a storm like no other on Earth. This atmospheric phenomenon has existed for several hundred years, and astronomers have been watching its development.

But here Saturn until now was considered a calm planet, a gas giant. But it was there that a six-sided storm was discovered, the size of which is 30 thousand kilometers in diameter. Atmospheric masses rotate there at a speed of 320 kilometers per hour. This is the maximum for the solar system so far.

The six-sided storm even got its own name - a planetary hexagon.

Rosetta - landing on a comet

An event such as a visit by a spacecraft to a planet/space body is unique. And just such an event will take place in November of this year.

A few years ago, a spacecraft was launched into space " Rosetta"is an interplanetary space station with a landing module on board.

Earlier this year, Rosetta, as the station is called, "woke up" after two years, and now she and her lander are ready to go. True, the devices will not have to work now, but closer to the fall, when it is planned to land on the Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet.

If the landing goes well, smoothly, scientists will receive a huge amount of data on the structure and origin of comets.

By the way, you can look at what the Rosetta mission is like here (this is a 3D model of the entire mission, and the model is interactive, everything can be clicked, moved).

Compiled an accurate panorama of the Milky Way

Thanks to modern equipment and the development of various kinds of technologies, scientists were able to make a panorama of the Milky Way, even seeing those areas that are hidden behind cosmic dust.

Due to the large amount of cosmic dust, it is usually impossible to see what is behind this dust, but thanks to the infrared telescope, this has become possible. It turned out that our Galaxy is "permeated with bubbles" - cavities emitting radiation and wind. The data allows scientists to build a more global model of stars and the formation of stars in the galaxy, which is called the "momentum" of the Milky Way.

Largest star discovered

The largest of all found by astronomers so far. This star is located 16 thousand light years from us. Its size is one and a half thousand times (!) More than the Sun. It is a red supergiant that will eventually go supernova.

In addition, this star is surrounded by a hydrogen cloud that glows.

Ice ocean on Enceladus

Enceladus is a small moon of Saturn. He seemed to be of no interest to scientists, but now it turned out that Enceladus is an interesting object.

The fact is that astronomers "detected" ejections of liquid and steam on Enceladus. It was believed that all this could be the influence of Saturn, which allegedly heats the surface of its satellite, by gravitational perturbations.

It turned out that these emissions are a consequence of the existence of the ocean, a huge under-ice ocean of water, in which, theoretically, life can exist.

The diameter of Enceladus itself is 500 kilometers, and the ocean (rather, a subglacial lake) lies at a depth of 30-40 kilometers.

Every day there are more and more signs that humanity will soon leave the Earth and go to surf the expanses of the Universe. There is a good chance that space travel will become commonplace in the near future. And if some tycoon like Elon Musk at SpaceX or Richard Branson at Virgin Galactic tries, then you can spend your next vacation in orbit. But before heading into the unknown, it is worth familiarizing yourself with how being in space can affect the human body. Perhaps the journey to the stars will not be so pleasant.

Space adaptation syndrome

A trip to space is different from a tour even to the most distant islands, because here the force of gravity of the Earth is minimal

Without Earth's gravity, which pulls the human body to the surface of the planet, people often experience nausea, known as space adaptation syndrome. It may seem that you are just seasick, but in addition to nausea, this syndrome is accompanied by headaches, loss in space, a feeling of severe discomfort, vomiting and dizziness. Approximately half of the people who have been in space have experienced all the delights of this syndrome, it is unlikely that you will be in the minority. Nausea is caused by a change in gravity, so the human body needs time to get used to it. Although it is hardly possible to get used to the fact that you are flying at great speed through the space of the Universe. Fortunately, such a trip will not last long, so pull yourself together and try to make sure that you do not throw up, because space is not the best place for this.

And when you put on the suit, you will need to apply a transdermal patch that suppresses nausea. If you throw up in a space suit, there is a chance of death. It's the same as putting an aquarium on your head with a vacuum tube through which air enters, and you will vomit right into it. Obviously, there will be problems with breathing and viewing angle. The situation can be aggravated if at this moment you are in outer space.

What does it smell like in space?

Turns out space doesn't smell good.

Thinking about traveling into space, you hardly think about what smells will accompany you on this trip. If, however, such an idea came to mind, then probably your olfactory imagination is very well developed. So what does a vacuum smell like? It is said to be a cross between burnt steak, oxidized metal and gunpowder. Have you ever heard something more brutal?

Astronaut Don Petit believes that the word "metallic" most accurately describes this smell.

NASA even hired a special employee whose task is to recreate the smell of space for training. The biggest omission in this whole story seems to be only one thing - why don't companies selling trips to space sell an ethereal flavor? It could well be used as a home fragrance.

You will lose your nails. Literally

Due to the strong pressure of the gloves from the suit, the nails peel off

This phenomenon is called detachment of the nail plate. As part of recent research, 22 astronauts reported that they had lost their nails. Therefore, do not take a manicure set with you.

Nail loss occurs due to the fact that the spacesuit presses particularly hard on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fingers, so some astronauts agree to undergo a procedure for removing the nail plate before the flight.

snore? It doesn't work here

If your husband snores a lot, send him into space

If the family does not approve of your snoring, then the spaceship neighbors are not afraid. Due to the lack of gravity, the respiratory system works differently, and snoring, if it does not come to naught, will become significantly quieter.

In conditions of minimal gravity, the tongue will not block the airways, as it does on Earth. Let's attribute this phenomenon to the pluses of space travel.

vision problems

When you stay in weightlessness for a long time, your eyesight drops.

After a long stay in space, vision begins to deteriorate. The fundus of the eye changes shape and becomes flatter. Usually this is a short-term change, but for some, vision is restored for years. According to the results of studies, out of three hundred astronauts, 69 had vision problems in short-term flights and 147 in long-term ones. So if you decide to move to another planet, be aware that you will have vision problems ... complete with nausea and radiation training.

When the body is in zero gravity, the main influx of fluid is in the upper body, so the pressure in the cranium increases, which slightly affects the optic nerves. In addition, under the influence of cosmic rays, many people experience flashes of light before their eyes. Well, hasn't the desire to become a space tourist disappeared yet?

Changes in the muscular corset

If you go into space for a long time, then the muscles will be greatly weakened.

When you are in space, the main mode of transportation is "floating" in zero gravity. Therefore, when people stay in outer space for a long time, the bone tissue of the lower extremities becomes thinner and muscle atrophy occurs. The heart muscle also decreases in size, because it works less intensively.

Still worried about not going to the gym? You are not in space, the muscles work even when you just walk on the Earth.

You will get taller

Have you ever dreamed of growing up? Then you are weightless

Have you ever thought about the fact that you are only a couple of centimeters short of ideal height? After traveling out of the atmosphere, your spinal column will stretch. But the effect will be short-lived - in the conditions of the Earth's gravity, the vertebrae will take their former position.

The maximum possible change in growth is plus 3%, returning to its original position will take several months.

Can't do without a suit

Why do you think people invented the space suit?

Let's imagine that a person found himself in outer space without a spacesuit and a ship, can he survive? The supply of oxygen in the blood is enough for 15 seconds. And if you do not hold your breath, then you will have another 2 minutes. If you still did this, then the lungs will expand from the air in them and simply tear them apart. If you don't have a protective air chamber, you will most likely want to take a breath. It may seem that this is contrary to the instinct of self-preservation, but you are not under water. Speaking of water: after 10 seconds, the liquid will begin to evaporate from the body due to lack of pressure.

In addition, the saliva in your mouth will boil, you will get a severe sunburn and a sharp decrease in pressure. And if you take into account the sub-zero temperature, then you will also freeze. If, nevertheless, someone happens to die in space, then the body will not decompose, but will become part of space debris. Yes, there are plenty to choose from. It's not so bad to become an ice block and surf the expanses of the Universe. In this case, the journey to the stars will last forever.


In space, high levels of radiation

Being on the ISS, people receive 10 times more radiation exposure than on Earth, where there is a protective layer of the atmosphere. Space radiation has a detrimental effect on the human body and can cause nausea, anorexia, vomiting and overwork.

Scientists have not yet figured out a way to completely protect people in outer space from the effects of radiation. Cancer can develop as a result of exposure to cosmic rays. Perhaps this is another good reason to retire before it's too late.


Spacewalkers say their world will never be the same

Many astronauts say that after flying into space, a rethinking of life comes to them. One of the American astronauts Charlie Duke said that he was amazed by what he saw there, and could not believe that this is also part of the universe that God created. “I was just dumbfounded, a lump stood in my throat. It was the most amazing experience of my life,” he said.

Edgar Mitchell, an Apollo 14 astronaut, admitted that when he saw the Earth in this perspective, he felt an unprecedented calmness, even euphoria, and his consciousness expanded so much that he truly realized the meaning of the word "Universe".

“The view was so beautiful that it couldn't have been a mere accident. There is always someone bigger than you and bigger than me in the world. When I say this, I mean spirituality, not religion,” said Gene Serman, an American astronaut.

Rusty Schweikart, an American astronaut, also shared his feelings: “Tiny Earth, thanks to it we exist, it gives us food, water, oxygen and the magnificence of nature. And all this is so balanced that we can live on it. This tiny planet is spinning in space." Schweikart also noted that being in space, he felt like a part of every living being and object, not being tied to the past, present or future.

So, it's time to go into space and feel all its brutality before your body becomes numb and ready to return to your native Earth higher physically and spiritually.