Outer and inner quotes. Quotation marks in names written in Latin

This page contains quotes of all kinds, pulled from various sections of Unicode.

This punctuation mark is paired. They denote direct speech, or a word that is used in a meaning that does not correspond to the usual one - for example, in reverse. There are several types. The names came from the country where they were invented and from the similarity of the outline with some objects.

Different scripts use different quotation marks according to... Probably tradition. Yes, there are punctuation rules, but they don't specify the form. There are typographic standards that ordinary people can spit on. So, according to tradition, we (in Russia) use quotation marks "Christmas trees". If you need to put them inside an already quoted part of the text, the outer and inner characters must be different. Nested are "paws" ("... "). In addition, when writing by hand and in print, the appearance may not be the same. In the good old days, when I still wrote by hand, the so-called Polish ones were always used (see below). However, the fonts are not rendered uniformly either.

It was Konstantin the Philosopher who first tried to introduce the rules for placing quotation marks for Slavic scripts. In the 15th century, he wrote a treatise On Letters. It was proposed to highlight quotations from church texts with special characters. The images of these symbols were very similar to modern Christmas tree quotes.

English doubles.

English singles.

Quotation marks "Christmas trees". HTML code (mnemonic): " " (" ")

German paws.


Swedish reverse.

Double universal. HTML code (mnemonic): "(")

The use of quotation marks in different languages.

The rules are not strict (if at all), don't be surprised if they are loosely enforced.

Main and spare (placed inside the main, if necessary):

Albanian "…" ‹…›

English "…" '…'

Arabic "…" ‹…›

African „…” ‚…’

Belarusian "..." "..."

Bulgarian „…“ ‚…‘

Hungarian „…”

Greek “…” ‹…›

Danish »…« ›…‹

Hebrew "…" / "…" "…" /<<…>>

Irish “…” ‘…’

Icelandic „…“ ‚…‘

Spanish “…” “…”

Italian "..."

Chinese "…" '…'

Latvian „…“ „…“

Lithuanian „…“ ‚…‘

Dutch „…” ‚…’

Deutsch "…" ,…'

Norwegian "..."

Polish „…” “…”

Portuguese “…” ‘…’

Romanian „…” “…”

Russian "…" "…"

Serbian „…“ ‚…‘

Slovak „…“ ‚…‘

Slovenian „…“ ‚…‘

Turkish “…” ‘…’

Ukrainian "..." "..."

Finnish ”…” ’…’

French " … " < … >

Croatian »…« ›…‹

Czech „…“ ‚…‘

Swedish ”…” ’…’

Estonian „…” „…”

Japanese 「…」 『…』

Many of these icons are horizontally symmetrical. Even if the whole, they will remain unchanged.

The article brought to your attention describes the main ways of how to type quotes on the keyboard. Based on the strengths and weaknesses of each of the methods, recommendations are given for their use in each specific case.

Types of quotes

First, let's figure out what quotes are. Conventionally, they are divided into two types: “paws” (their second name is “German”) and “herringbones” (they are also called “French”). In the first case, these are two commas located along the top border of the text. Most often they are used in manual writing of the text. The second option, called "herringbones", is pairwise grouped signs less (open the text) and more (close it). Use this option for professional text design in specialized applications such as brochures, books, or


There are the following ways to put quotes on the keyboard:

  • Using special keyboard shortcuts.
  • Using a specialized symbol window in the word processor "Word".
  • Using the symbol table.
  • Using the ASCII code table.

Each method has both strengths and weaknesses. Based on their ratio, it is possible to give the correct recommendations regarding their use.

Keyboard and languages

There is no separate key on the keyboard for the quotation marks themselves. It is natural - not so often such a character is typed. For these purposes, a combination of them is used. Moreover, it changes depending on the active language at the current moment. The dialing algorithm in this case is as follows:

  • We move the cursor to the place where you want to enter such a character.
  • We determine the current active language (this can be done with the help in the lower right corner of the screen).
  • Hold down the Shift key and don't release it.
  • If Russian is active, then press "2". In the English version, the Russian "e" is used.
  • After that, release both keys and this sign should appear in the workspace.

This is the easiest and most versatile way to put quotes on the keyboard. It works in all, without exception, applications. But it has one major drawback. So you can type only the classic "paws", but the "Christmas trees" cannot be entered. If this option is suitable, then you can use this method.

and "Word"

Another option for entering such characters is to use the Word word processor. You can use the previously given keyboard shortcuts in it. Only in the case of the English language, the symbol """ will appear, and for Russian - "Christmas trees". But there is an alternative input method. To do this, perform the following steps:

  • In the open window of the word processor "Word" go to the "Insert" tab.
  • In the field "Symbol" we find the drop-down menu of the same name.
  • Next, select the "Other Symbols" item.
  • Using the navigation keys, we find the desired variant of quotes and highlight them with a marker.
  • Press "Tab" until the marker goes to the "Run" button.
  • Next, press "Enter".
  • Move with the help of "Tab" to the "Close" button and press "Enter" again.

This is a more complicated way of how to type quotes on the keyboard. In addition, special software is required - a word processor "Word". But at the same time, the user has the opportunity to choose the type of quotes.

symbol table

Another answer to the question "Where are the quotes on the keyboard hidden?" is the use of the symbol table. In this case, you must perform the following procedure:

  • We launch this utility. The easiest way to find it is with the search bar. In it, we type: “Symbol table”. Then press "Enter".
  • At the end of the search, we find this program in the list and launch it (for example, by clicking the mouse or pressing the "Enter" key).
  • In the window that opens, use the navigation keys to find the desired quote option (German or French) and copy it to the clipboard using the "Ctrl" and "C" keys.
  • At the next stage, we go to the application we need. If it was already running, then use the keyboard shortcut "Alt" and "Tab". Otherwise, open it through the Start\Programs menu.
  • The next step is to perform the insertion procedure. To do this, press "Ctrl" and "V".

The key combinations indicated earlier must be pressed only on Otherwise, you will not succeed.

ASK codes

Another method is based on the use of ASK codes. In this case, quotes on the keyboard are typed using special sets of numbers. The algorithm for entering such characters is as follows:

  • Turn on the Num Look key if it is not active (its LED should be on).
  • Hold down the "Alt" key on the right side of the keyboard and do not release it.
  • On the numeric keypad, we type the character code. Before entering a digital code, you must press "+" and "0". The code for """ is "34". "French" quotes use "171" to open and "187" to close.
  • Release "Alt" - and you're done.

A universal method, while quite simple. And besides, there is the possibility of choosing the type to be typed. There is only one drawback in this case - it is the need to remember special codes. And this is not always convenient.

Within the framework of this article, the main ways of how to put quotes on the keyboard were described in detail. When working in the word processor "Word" it is most rational to use standard keyboard shortcuts. At the same time, we do not forget that “paws” are introduced in the English version, and “herringbones” are introduced in Russian. But in all other cases it is better to use a symbol table or ASK codes. So you can choose exactly the sign that you need.

What is the difference between quotation marks of different patterns?

Quotation marks are a paired punctuation mark. They mark the left and right boundaries of a word or a segment of text; thus, quotation marks can be opening and closing quotation marks, with opening and closing quotation marks usually distinguished by pattern.

In Russian writing, the following types of quotation marks are most common:

    Christmas trees(used in printed texts);

    "paws usually used in handwritten texts).

    'marr quotes'(used to describe the meaning of a word and when translating the meaning of a foreign word, for example: the word "skimmer" is borrowed from the Polish language, in which it goes back to the verb szumować 'remove foam' from szum 'foam');

    "computer quotes"- quotes of a special type, in which the pattern of opening and closing quotes does not differ at all. Such quotes are found in texts typed on a computer keyboard.

Other languages ​​may use different quotation marks. It is written in detail and interestingly about this in Wikipedia.

About quotes inside quotes

If inside the words enclosed in quotation marks there are other words, in turn enclosed in quotation marks, it is recommended (provided that there are technical possibilities for this) to use quotation marks of different patterns: external - "herringbones", internal - "paws" (or - in texts typed on a computer - "computer quotes"). If this is not possible, then closing quotes are placed only once. The quotation marks of the same picture are not repeated side by side. For example:

Preferably: the work of V. I. Lenin "On the caricature of Marxism and "imperialist economism"", CJSC "Publishing House "Komsomolskaya Pravda"", LLC "Company "Metallinvest"".

Permissible(if it is not technically possible to use quotation marks of a different pattern): the work of V. I. Lenin “On the caricature of Marxism and on “imperialist economism”, CJSC “Publishing House “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, LLC "Company" Metallinvest ".

Not properly: the work of V. I. Lenin “On the caricature of Marxism and on “imperialist economism”, CJSC “Publishing House “Komsomolskaya Pravda””, LLC "Company" Metallinvest "".

- (Quotation marks, Quotes) Paired punctuation marks [period, comma, colon, dash, ellipsis, etc.], used to highlight names, direct speech, quotes, etc. There are several types of quotation marks used depending on ... ... Font terminology

- (quotes are wrong), quotes, units. no. The sign (or ") to highlight other people's words, quotes, direct speech of characters in a literary work, as well as the names of lit. and other works and words, upotr. in ironic or conditional, improper ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

A paired punctuation mark (. or) used to highlight direct speech in the text (including quotations and titles), as well as words that are not used in the usual sense ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

QUOTATION MARKS, check, units chka, and, wives. Signs (, or ) to highlight direct speech, quotations, titles, as well as words used in a conventional or ironic sense. Take a quote in k. Scientist in quotation marks (not deserving of this title, the so-called; iron.) ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Quotes- A pattern in which your message is included in a quote, as if someone else said it. A linguistic pattern in which your message is expressed as if it were being spoken by someone else. Brief explanatory psychological and psychiatric dictionary ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

Quotes- a paired punctuation mark used to highlight names, direct speech, quotations, to emphasize the ironic use of a word or phrase, etc. In the typographical set of K., there are usually two drawings: "" so-called. Christmas trees and " " so-called. paws. ... ... Publishing Dictionary

Punctuation mark. They are used in constructions with direct speech, with quotations and single words. The conclusion in quotation marks marks the foreignness of words for the author of the statement caused by various reasons. Sometimes the use of quotation marks can be explained ... Literary Encyclopedia

quotes- a punctuation mark in the form of a double comma is used when transmitting someone else's speech, titles, conditional names, highlighting concepts and words. When writing quickly, quotation marks look like scribbles. They arose from an almost universally forgotten word ... ... Entertaining etymological dictionary

Check, check; pl. (singular quotation mark, and; f.). Typographic signs (, etc.) to highlight direct speech, quotations, titles; words used not in their own, but in an ironic or conditional sense, as well as words and expressions from a lexicon alien to the author. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

A paired punctuation mark, which is used to highlight direct speech, quotations, the names of literary works, newspapers, magazines, enterprises, as well as individual words, if they are not included in the text in their usual meaning, are used in ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms


  • Homeless Day. Put in quotation marks, Bazarova Nadezhda Vasilievna. The work of the St. Petersburg writer Nadezhda Bazarova is presented in this book with fascinating stories with a slight accent of the criminal genre and an intriguing plot.…
  • Homeless day. Put in quotation marks, Bazarova Nadezhda Vasilievna. The work of the St. Petersburg writer Nadezhda Bazarova is presented in this book with fascinating stories with a slight accent of the criminal genre and…

When working with text, there is often a need to put quotation marks. It would seem, but what is easier? In fact, this is not always easy to do, because we can talk about some particular type of quotes. To insert them, there are several methods. Each has its pros and cons.

The 4 most commonly used types of quotes are:
  • French or Christmas trees;
  • German or "paws";
  • “English doubles”;
  • ‘English singles’.
In Russian, 2 types of quotation marks are used: German “paws”, French “herringbones”. The first are 2 apostrophes. They are located at the top. Their usual use is when the text is handwritten or direct speech is inserted inside French quotation marks "". The second is a pair of brackets that open and close a word or text. They are used by professionals. To enter quotes using the keyboard, there are the following ways:
  • combining keys;
  • using a specialized symbol window in Word;
  • using the symbol table;
  • using the ASCII code table.
The design of the keyboard does not include an individual key for quotes. Therefore, different combinations have to be used. Depending on which language is currently set, combinations are also selected. The principle is this:
  • The cursor is set to the place where it is planned to put quotes.
  • Hold down the Shift key and press the number “2” if we write in Russian. If the working language is English, “e” is Russian.

As you can see, quotes “paws” appeared, “Christmas trees” cannot be put in this way.

To expand the possibilities, you should use the word processor "Word". The keyboard shortcut is the same, but if at this time the text is typed in English, then we get “paws”, in Russian - “Christmas trees”. You can also act differently:
  • open the "Insert" tab in Word;
  • press "Symbol";
  • go to "Other symbols";
  • find and select the required type of quotes;
  • activate the "Execute" button.
Another way, but only works when the working language on the keyboard is English. The algorithm is the following:
  • run the “Symbol Table” utility by searching;
  • find the necessary quotes;
  • using the key combination "Ctrl", "C" we transfer them to the clipboard;
  • we pass to the text in which it is necessary to insert inverted commas ;
  • insert the symbol by pressing "Ctrl", "V" at the same time.
You can also insert quotes using a specific set of numbers (ASC codes):
  1. Activate the Cars Lock key.
  2. "Alt" on the right, we hold and hold.
  3. Press the "+" and "0" keys, then enter the code "34". The "paws" will appear. To get Christmas trees, use the code "171" when opening and "187" when closing.

The method is simple if you remember the codes.

When you have Word 2013 installed, when you type “paws” on the keyboard, they are immediately automatically replaced by “herringbones”. If this is not required, then use the combination of Ctrl and Z or the “undo” icon at the top of the panel - and autocorrect will be canceled. True, it is inconvenient to do this every time. For greater comfort, it is better to disable autocorrect in the settings. To do this, we make the following transitions:
  • "File";
  • "Options";
  • "Spelling";
  • “AutoCorrect Options”;
  • "Auto format as you type". Here we remove the mark "straight" quotes "paired".

After reviewing all the methods, we conclude: of all the existing methods, you should choose the most convenient one in order to work with pleasure.