Everyone knows us as bright as a flame. Everyone knows us

Bright as a flame

We are namesakes

With small nails

Admire the wild

Scarlet ... (carnations).

But the origin of the word is not always so clear, so understandable. Very often we can learn about the origin of a word only from special books, dictionaries.

Here's how to work with the word mountain ash, which students often misspell.

First, the children guess the riddle:

Under the tier - tier

Hanging zipun with a red garus.

The students read the word written on the card, first to themselves, then out loud twice, and finally say it in unison.

After that, they write it down in notebooks or in dictionaries. The teacher shows a colored drawing and says: “The word mountain ash comes from the Slavic word ryab, which meant pockmarked, motley; because the combination of bright green small carved leaves of mountain ash and orange-red berries of this tree causes such a feeling that it ripples in the eyes. Using collapsible tables, words with the root of rowan- are compiled and written. Collapsible tables are used in the lesson as follows: the parts of the word necessary for work are written on pieces of white thick paper, folded in half and neatly glued at the bottom. Moreover, each morpheme is written in ink of the same color (for example, prefixes - green, roots - red, suffixes - brown, endings - black). In the course of explaining and forming a word, he selects the necessary morphemes from all the “building material” and applies it to a flannelgraph, or possibly to a magnetic board. The word is built before the eyes of the students. Students remember it better.

What shall we name the little rowan? What do we need to form the word mountain ash? What is the name of the mountain ash grove, thickets of mountain ash? What is needed to form the word fieldfare? How many n should be written in the word fieldfare? Why? What do we call a rowan bush? (Rowan). What will be required to build this word? How many n should be written in this adjective? Why? What do we call the jam made from rowan berries? (Rowan). What do we take for this word?

During the conversation, the following entry appears on the board and in the students' notebooks:

rowan ryab - motley, pockmarked



mountain ash

In the next lesson, children use these words in sentences:

Under the rowan bush, a pink flower blooms. Rowan is called the autumn beauty. Mom made rowan jam for the winter. Behind the village grows a whole fieldfare. In addition, in your work on words with unchecked spelling, you can use the replacement of the expanded definition with one word from the dictionary. During the consolidation of a new word, a survey, independent work, students receive tasks such as “Answer in writing in one word: room for classes at school; a person who rides on a train; a road with rows of trees on both sides, a platform from which a train is boarded. Or another task: “1. Answer the questions, write down the answers.

Who sells tickets at the box office? What unit of mass is a thousand grams? What is the name of a group of people united by a common work, common interests? What is the name of the drawing in the book?

2. When copying, insert the words you need in meaning instead of dots.

one). Telegraph message-… 2). A kilogram is a thousand ... 3). Review of the readiness of troops - ... 4). Drawing in the book - ... 5). A garden plant growing in a head of cabbage - ... 6). Institutions where books are collected, stored and given out - ....

Willoughby H., see Willoughby H.

BED, the main bearing part of the machine, on which the working units and mechanisms are mounted. Perceives the forces acting during the operation of the mechanisms, and ensures the exact relative position of the parts of the machine.

CHEMICAL EQUATIONS, recording chemical reactions using chemical formulas and numerical coefficients. On the left side of the chemical equations, the formulas of the starting substances are written, on the right - the reaction products. The coefficients in front of the formulas (the so-called stoichiometric ones) are selected so that the sum of atoms of the same elements is the same on the left and right sides of the equation.

Riddles about flowers open up an amazing and diverse flower world for both children and adults. Riddles tell about the types of flowers, their colors. It’s good if at the same time visual aids are at hand - pictures, herbarium, flower beds.

Flowers are varied. They grow everywhere - in gardens and orchards, in city flower beds and biological gardens, in forests, fields, on the banks of rivers and lakes. Breeders brought out a huge number of decorative zest, striking in their colors, aromas and shape of flowers. Very unusual flowers grow in tropical countries - they are larger, brighter, have a pronounced aroma. And it doesn't have to be pleasant. Flowers provide food for many insects, they collect nectar and pollen from them.

Riddles about colors develop memory, thinking and imagination. Children are happy to solve such riddles, they are easy to remember. And with what joy the eyes of the little ones shine when they meet this or that flower in the flower beds!

Rye is earing in the field.
There, in the rye, you will find a flower.
bright blue and fluffy,
Just a shame it's not fragrant.

I am capricious and tender
Needed for any holiday.
I can be white, yellow, red,
But I'm always beautiful!

There is a curl in the garden -
White shirt,
Golden heart.
What it is?

A lush bush in the garden blossomed,
Attracting wasps and bees.
All in large terry flowers -
White, pink, burgundy!

Bush window and balcony.
Leaf - fluffy and fragrant,
And the flowers on the window -
Like a hat on fire.

white polka dots
On a green leg.
(Lily of the valley)

I turn white like a fluffy ball in a clean field,
and the breeze blew - the stalk remained.

These people of the river
Petals are hidden at night.
(Water lily)

On the window, on the shelf
The needles have grown
Yes, satin flowers -
Scarlet and red.

In the garden, on the path, under my window
The sun has blossomed on a high leg today

beautiful flowers
Blossomed in the garden
splashed with colors,
And autumn is on the way.

From a green chicken
Fully covered with fluff
I become proud
Scarlet cockerel!

At snow-covered bumps,
Under the white snow cap
We found a small flower
Half frozen, a little alive.

This blue flower
Reminds us of you
About the sky - pure, pure,
And the radiant sun

There is a curl in the garden -
White shirt,
Golden heart.
What it is?

We have no fingers, no hands -
Only petals around.
We are strangely named
But we don't need a manicure!

In the flower bed by the window
Planted potatoes.
Its flowers are huge.
Both light and dark.

The blue bell hangs
He never calls.

yellow, fluffy
The balls are fragrant.
Sheltered from the frost
In their branches...

This blue flower
Reminds us of you
About the sky - pure, pure,
And the sun is radiant!

beautiful flowers
Blossomed in the garden
splashed with colors,
And autumn is on the way.

It's very easy to recognize me:
By name, I am related to tigers.
Red speckled my flower
Among the greenery, like a spark!
(Tiger lily)

I am in the winter garden
I'll spend the whole day.
I'll take watercolors.
I'll draw...

Even at night an ant
Do not miss your home:
Pathway until dawn
Illuminate the lanterns.
On large poles in a row
The lamps are white.
(Lily of the valley)

My flowers are orange flames
And the leaves are like green medals.
In the name - the eastern country.
Well guys, do you recognize me?

Our park has lawns,
Blossomed there ... gramophones!
Purple, white, cherry...
It's just that you can't hear the music.

I climb higher and higher
I'll climb all the way to the roof!
Let me not have arms and legs -
Sometimes I'm called...

There is a cockerel in the garden -
purple scallop,
And the tail is fighting,
Saber curve

Everyone is familiar with us:
Bright as a flame
We are namesakes
With small nails.
Admire the wild

According to legend, my flower
Treasure opens.
They say that once a year
Miracle happens.
But I'll be honest:
I don't flower at all!

On the winding path
The sun is growing on the leg.
As the sun ripens
There will be a handful of grains.

In the field by the ravine
Red porridge.

There is a spring flower
Signs not to be mistaken:
Leaves like garlic
And the crown is like that of a prince!

First to get out of the ground
On the thaw.
He is not afraid of frost
Even though it's small.

I'm good in a wedding bouquet,
And in the garden where the nightingales whistle.
All year round in many countries of the world
I serve as a declaration of love.

I am in the winter garden
I'll spend the whole day.
I'll take watercolors.
I'll draw...

yellow flowers -
varnish cheeks,
five beaters,
And the leaves are changeable.

I am not a flower of the field
I am a water dweller.
And my girlfriends -
Green frogs.
(Water lily)

Though I'm not a beast and I'm not a bird,
But I can defend myself!
Spread my claws -
Just touch my flowers!

Jugs and saucers
They don't sink and they don't fight.
(water lilies)

Grown from an onion
But it's not good for food.
On a bright glass
It looks like a flower.

Dandelion Sisters
Hats are motley:
Who is in white
Who is in red
Who is in pink.

Autumn has come,
Breathe the cold...
And burns in the flowerbed
Last star.