High-ranking highly primative man. Politics, social structure

Key concepts of human ethology

Natural tribal hierarchy with sexual substructures.

Consider the hierarchy of a tribe consisting of a large number of individuals of both sexes, taking into account this sexual heterogeneity.

The first thing that fundamentally distinguishes him from the family is that the tribe has a fairly powerful buffer part, there are many men in the tribe. That is, the loss of an individual male is not so dangerous for the survival of the tribe as a whole, and this will not affect reproduction in any way, there will always be a male inseminator. Second, the tribe is heterogeneous. There are strong and weak, stupid and smart, ... high-ranking and low-ranking, high-primative and low-primative.

Hierarchical structure of the male part similar to the structure of the herd - pyramidal. Position in the hierarchical pyramid ( rank) is determined by the overall viability of the individual. In an ancient tribe, this vitality is defined as in the human herd, ranking potential plus physical data and aggressiveness (energy). The pyramid is maintained not only due to the rigidity of dominance, but also due to rational motivation, and due to the altruism of the lower layers.

At the very top of the pyramid of power is leader- the most aggressive and strong warrior. He is the quickest wielding his stone axe, so challenging his power is fraught with trouble. Psychologists call such a man " alpha". Ethologists call such a male high-ranking. Below the leader - the most powerful and aggressive warriors of a lower rank, middle-ranking " scales”, but they have a real chance to take the place of the leader if something happens. Even lower - all the rest, low-ranking " omegas", who may not even dream of the place of the leader, but they dream and strive to become middle-ranking.

High-ranking ones get bigger and better loot pieces. Women love them.

Signs of a high rank according to Protopopov:

High self-esteem, tendency to underestimate others

Faith in your infallibility, no doubt

Resolute concern for your comfort, health and safety

Optimism, confidence in the future

Boastfulness, self-satisfaction

The tendency to make decisions quickly, without much deliberation.

The ability to act regardless of the opinions and problems of others, asociality


High threshold of guilt

Painful perception of criticism, difficulties with self-criticism

Decisiveness, enterprise, initiative, perseverance

Great professional, social and property ambitions

Organizational skills

Openness, shamelessness, extraversion

Stubbornness, obsession, conflict initiative, selfishness

Conflict resilience

sexual success

Signs of low rank according to Protopopov:

Low self-esteem, tendency to form an inferiority complex

Ability to tolerate inconvenience, discomfort, and unsafe living conditions

Tendency to pessimism and depression; uncertainty about the future

Indecisiveness, long reflections before making decisions.

Dependence on the opinions of others, fear of offending someone, reflexivity

Low threshold of awareness of one's guilt, shame (the feeling of guilt arises at the slightest provocation)

Willingness to be satisfied with the status quo, conformism

Lack of great career and property ambitions

Low organizational skills

Altruism, self-sacrifice, self-criticism

secretiveness, introversion

Shyness, compliance, modesty, timidity, law-abiding

Touchiness and scrupulousness

sexual failure

This pyramidal hierarchical structure is copied to this day, for example, in the Russian army. The rank of a male in the hierarchy is determined by certain signs on shoulder straps, and the rank and file are artificially humiliated, tortured and deprived of the opportunity to have sex in order to bring down ranking ambitions and force them to obey unquestioningly.

Women they are, as it were, a little apart, not clearly entering the male hierarchy and not clearly forming their own clear hierarchical structure. And at the same time they keep close to their men. But when it is necessary to throw a scandal to men, they quickly unite. Women's community forms the reproductive core of the tribe, so it's unusually cohesive. And not only psychologically, but even physiologically. In the women of the group, even ovulation is synchronized. And they all stare at the leader and strong warriors. And none of them like weak men. This has a deep biological meaning. The offspring must be viable, so the father must be a strong viable man. The weak and unviable should not multiply, even despite the excess of women. Therefore, in many, including some modern cultures, it is practiced polygamy. A viable (and therefore rich) man has many women and children from them. The communities of many animals are organized in a similar way. Strong males have harems, while weak ones have no chance of mating with a female. Everything is logical and rational from a biological point of view.

While the tribe remained small, all the instincts of people corresponded exactly to their biological purpose and real way of life. Therefore, the majority in the tribe still consisted of strong and rather aggressive men with high ranking potential and behavior controlled by these instincts. Simply put, they did not really think about the meaning of life and other high matters, but lived in a simple way. They did what instinct dictated. The desires and emotions of a person are a manifestation of the instincts that control this person. People who live by instincts, that is, by desires and emotions, are called highly primative. Living in the mind - low primative. We will be especially interested high-ranking low-primative members of our tribe. Psychologists designate such a man with the letter "beta". These are the men who think more with their heads than trust their emotions. This is either a shaman or a skilled hunter who prefers the excitement of the hunt to the struggle for the leader's position. In the ancient tribe, there were few high-ranking low-primatives, since the instinct corresponded to the way of life, and it was more profitable for an ancient person to be highly primative. In addition, the low-primative high-ranking leader did not like the high-primative high-ranking leader, whose male hierarchical instinct saw him as a competitor. After all, both the shaman and the good, prolific hunter enjoyed great authority among their fellow tribesmen, had their own opinions and interests, which inevitably undermined the authority of the leader and led to conflicts with him. But since both the shaman and the prolific hunter were very much needed by the leader and did not particularly claim his place, the leader tolerated them in small quantities. Well, the female instinct of women could not understand why they were not like everyone else, and took low primativity for a low rank. That is, not all women were able to love them. There were few of them in the primitive tribe, quite a few ... However, later, as the society grew larger, the role of low primatives increased sharply, they multiplied and formed the basis of civilization.

high ranking- self-confident, successful, authoritative, cool.

low rank- a weakling and a loser.

highly primative- living only emotions and desires (instincts).

Low Primitive- capable of rational behavior, able to oppose reason and calculation to emotions and desires (instincts).

Rank Potential- the ability to become high-ranking.

Male types:

High-ranking highly primative- violent, self-confident, untrained, uncontrollable, constantly proving in a fight that he is right. In ancient times - the leader. Nowadays - either an alcoholic and a loser, or a bandit.

High rank low primative- Self-confident smart strong male. In ancient times - a shaman or a good hunter. Today - a successful businessman, boss or highly paid specialist.

Low rank high primative- a loser, a coward and a bastard. Six. At all times.

Low rank low primative- a coward and a weakling, but a trainable one. In the ancient world - food for tigers. In today's world, a lifelong petty clerk.

Mid-ranking combine the qualities of high-ranking and low-ranking in different proportions. transitional form. When interacting with low-ranking ones, they behave like high-ranking ones. When interacting with high-ranking ones, it is similar to low-ranking ones.

Let's say right away that no matter how low-primative a person is, he is not able to completely suppress instincts with reason. Only to some extent. Highly primative - not capable at all. Furthermore, instincts can turn off the mind. Then they say that a person acts spontaneously, in a state of passion, on a whim, overwhelmed by passions, emotions, stupidly, etc. If instinct blocks a person's information input channels, they say that the person is stupid. For example, a highly primative child may not perceive information from a teacher, since the child's hierarchical instinct does not consider the teacher to be sufficiently authoritative and high-ranking. But it is worth raising the authority of the teacher or introducing elements of the game into learning, as the blocking is removed, and the child begins to perceive information normally. I.e, if you take into account the game of instincts, then they can be controlled. For example, the mind of a man says that you need to lose weight. But it is very difficult to suppress the food instinct with reason. There is a wish. In this case, you can make the installation that you need to lose weight in order to please young women. In this case, a strong sexual instinct works against the food instinct. Therefore, losing weight is easier. These methods are used by psychology and psychotherapy.

If instincts interact with a weak mind, then this is called stupidity.

If with a strong mind - emotionality.

An ancient small tribe consisted mainly of highly primative individuals with a relatively high rank potential and controlled by innate instinctive behavioral programs of both the level of a human herd and the level of a tribe with a paired internal structure. Instinctive programs were formed in the conditions of life of a small community of people surrounded by wild nature, and they corresponded to the same conditions. The main differences between a set of human instincts at the level of an ancient tribe and herd instincts are the appearance of weak altruistic instincts, elements of innate morality, low primativity, and also the instincts of interaction between a male and a female in a stable pair.

All the qualities, elements of behavior and foundations of relationships that were formed over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution of our kind and over tens of thousands of years of evolution of our species, which are necessary for human survival, were genetically fixed in the form of innate instincts. It will be hard for you to believe this, and at the same time, a simple truth is obvious to any biologist: SINCE WE HAVE NOT CHANGED. Well, there, the loincloth began to be called a miniskirt, sewn from a different material and decorated in a different way. And the mammoths have already been eaten. And everything else is still. That is, everything that we just peeped with such interest in the tribe of our ancestors is enshrined in our instincts (innate biological programs) to this day. Our entire civilized life today consists of pieces of these programs, and the mind, upbringing and education only serve and slightly correct their work.

Our biological species was formed when people lived in small communities. Family, small tribe. That is, in our innate instincts, behavioral stereotypes are fixed that are necessary for survival in a family or a small group surrounded by wildlife in an environment of danger and lack of food. Since then, we ourselves and our instincts have not changed, only the conditions of existence have changed. And instincts - do not correspond to the changed conditions of existence. In other words, desires and emotions control us as if we live in a primitive world, but in reality around the 21st century and technogenic civilization.

From the author: I first combined these characteristics in the book "Man and Woman: War or Peace?" in 2011. At that time, it was the only summary table of examples of the combination of all ranks and all degrees of male primativity. She then migrated to The Anatomy of Love and Fake. Despite the fact that the information has already gone for the fifth year, for some reason this question is still puzzling. I'm posting the spreadsheet.

I remind you that biological rank and social status do not always correspond to each other. Very often, high-ranking people are bankrupt, prisoners, exiles. And low-ranking ones become owners of large companies, and sometimes states. For example, they are inherited or they are appointed to high positions as zits-chairmen.

High-ranking highly primative- a person with ambitions and qualities of a leader. Strong, self-confident, conflict, selfish, successful. He follows his instincts, is rarely guided by logic and reason, behavior is subject to emotions, most often strong and reaching an extreme point. Such people are violent leaders who do not know how to suppress their desires. They have many enemies that they successfully fight. Criminal authority - the head of the gang, as well as famous scandalous and pretentious actors and singers - RVVP people.

High rank medium primative- a person endowed with all the qualities of a leader (part listed above). Behavior is often subordinated to emotions and instincts (including the instinct of the leader, the hierarchical instinct), but often logic and common sense, laid down by education, prevail and dominate over emotions, which is reflected in behavior. Such people can be strongly influenced by instincts, can partially suppress them, but at the same time remain leaders. Some of the successful, wealthy entrepreneurs and well-known creative people who avoid scandals are VRSP.

High rank low primative- a person with high ranking potential and abilities. Possesses all or at least all the basic qualities of a leader. He knows his own worth, and this price is high. Self-confident, knows how to achieve his own. Possesses high conflict stability. However, unlike the VP, the NP is well-mannered. His instincts (with rare exceptions, for example, excluding the instinct of the leader) and emotions are secondary to logic, common sense and education. Such people, despite the many qualities of a leader, may look like HP from the outside due to the fact that they do not give vent to emotions and do not seek to demonstrate their high rank everywhere. Representatives of the most active, most civilized and most successful stratum of society. Aristocrats, famous scientists, some businessmen, top managers, many politicians are GRNP people.

Mid-ranking highly primative- a person with a not too pronounced leader instinct knows his own worth, but does not aspire to the heights. Strongly subject to instinctive influence. Emotions take precedence over common sense. Usually SRVP men are little-known singers, musicians, artists, poets, in other words, creative people who have achieved some success, but have not taken off to the Olympus of fame and are not particularly striving for this.

Middle rank medium primative a person does not pursue high status too much, but does not put up with too low. Behavior is driven by both emotion and logic, depending on the situation. Employees in lower management positions, or simply specialists, are SIDS people.

Medium rank low primative- a person who works hard and makes good money, but does not reach for the heights. Often a workaholic. There is conflict resistance, but it is not very significant. Prefers not to get involved in conflicts. If any significant problems arise, it turns off the chosen path. Educated, cultured. Emotions and instincts are suppressed by education. In actions guided by common sense. All good performers, high performers, low-level researchers are SRNP people.

Low rank high primative- a person occupying the lower levels of the social hierarchy, the bottom. The instinct of the leader does not possess, the slave of his emotions and instincts, often base. Rude, rude, aggressive. He behaves obsequiously with the strong, mocks and mocks the weak. Due to the high primativity it is conflict, but at the same time it is conflict unstable. Socially negative figure. He is prone to crime, which is what he most often does in life, but he is not able to somehow rise in the criminal hierarchy. Usually NRVP people are street punks, alcoholics, homeless people, low-caste criminals, cheap prostitutes. In a word, the entire social bottom.

Low rank medium primative- a person who does not pretend to a high position in society. Located at the bottom of the social pyramid. Emotional and subservient to instincts, but not so much as to completely lose control of himself. Most often uncouth, rude, has a low education, does not shine with culture. People without education, doing low-profile work (such as a handyman or a janitor), and unable to rise above - NRSP people.

Low rank low primatives people have no voice of their own, they are servile, obsequious, afraid of everything. Panically afraid of conflicts, because they are not able to emerge victorious even from the simplest situations. Any difficulties, even the slightest ones, plunge them into a panic and drive them into depression. They are prone to self-deprecation. Avoid making any "sharp movements". Sincerely convinced of their servile purpose. The rise of others on the rank ladder can be perceived as sedition and condemned. Any person with a higher rank or ranking potential is perceived by the NRNP person as a ruler. As allies, such people are useless and even harmful. If they manage to be drawn into a conflict on their side (which is almost impossible due to fear of conflicts), they will not help, but they will easily betray an ally with any, even imaginary, signs of strengthening the enemy. Having crossed to the opposite side, they can, out of cowardice, give out any secrets. In work, the effectiveness of such people is low due to the unwillingness to climb the rank ladder, which means the lack of motivation for highly effective work. The obsequious slave is an NRNP person. However, oddly enough, I met such people even among middle managers.

An important note. As I wrote above, it is a mistake to judge the rank only by the position held. In the current realities, even the head of a company, deputy, minister, president can be middle-ranking. This is due to the fact that modern corporate governance will not allow BP to be at the helm of a person with independent thinking, independent, who is almost impossible to manage. It is more profitable for corporate management to have a predictable, obedient and executive SR in a managerial position. He does not come to power, but he is “enthroned” by the elite, whose interests he serves. This happened at all times (for example, the puppet emperors of the late Roman Empire), but now it has become massive.

Alexander Biryukov

In contact with

Far from all men can be seduced by coquetry, it all depends on the psychotype to which this or that representative of the stronger sex belongs. What are men? There are several classifications according to psychotypes, and here is one of them: men are low primative and high primative.

However, this classification is also true for women. And the Russian writer Alexander Sviyash developed this classification, describing it in one of his books on popular psychology.

Who are highly primative people

In highly primative people, instincts prevail over reason and its arguments.. Such people live under the motto: "Love everything that moves." Many highly primative people live in the Caucasus, for example, in Georgia. Alexander Sviyash notes that highly primative people are born and grow up mainly in countries with difficult living conditions. So, in prosperous Europe, low-primative people have been born for a long time.

low primal people

Low primal people are different, as you probably already understood, the predominance of reason over instincts. They tend to think about their actions before doing them, while highly primative people do first, and only then think about it. However, in defense of highly primative men and women, it is worth saying that there are quite a few frankly stupid personalities among them.

Highly primative men (and women too) are great lovers - hot, passionate. However, they usually have plenty of partners for intimate relationships.

Sexual signs of highly primative men

Men whose mind prevails over instincts, and over the instinct of reproduction in particular, also want sex.. But they want him not with many women, but with a single lady of the heart. They prefer a calm relationship based on trust. Although they, in principle, can have lovers, but not always in the role of additional partners for sex. Sometimes you want to talk heart to heart with someone, and if there is no time for a legitimate wife to talk, then why not find yourself another interlocutor?

This pyramidal hierarchical structure is copied to this day, for example, in the Russian army. The rank of a male in the hierarchy is determined by certain signs on shoulder straps, and the rank and file are artificially humiliated, tortured and deprived of the opportunity to have sex in order to bring down ranking ambitions and force them to obey unquestioningly.

High-ranking ones get bigger and better loot pieces. Women love them. Since we are here considering the biological foundations of our species and instinctive behavioral programs, then it will be more logical and convenient to use the terminology of ethologists who study animal instincts.

Sex bonding is not one-sided, of course. The woman also experiences pleasure from sex. But this sexual attachment is different, since it serves the biological purpose of selecting and retaining a genetically promising inseminator, so both the desire and pleasure of a woman will mainly depend on whether her female instinct has considered this particular male genetically promising.

Thus, who dominates whom in the biological species Homo sapiens in its natural habitat depends on the circumstances. From the one in whose area of ​​competence the action takes place. In conditions of safety and well-being, the female dominates, in conditions of danger and the struggle for survival, the male. When circumstances change, a dominance inversion occurs. Either when danger arises, the female, driven by fear, yields leadership to the male and hides “behind his broad back”, or when more favorable conditions come, she controls him, directing his actions in the interests of providing for herself and her offspring. Therefore, the more militant the people or the more difficult the life of a section of society, the more men dominate there. And vice versa, the more satisfying and prosperous life is, the more women dominate.

So: in the species Homo sapiens in the absence of an external threat, the female occupies a dominant position in the pair. In the presence of an external threat - a male. The transition of dominance from hand to hand, dominance inversions, occur under the action of instinctive mechanisms as a reaction to changing external conditions.

Now consider the hierarchy of a tribe, consisting of a large number of individuals of both sexes, taking into account this sexual heterogeneity. The first thing that fundamentally distinguishes him from the family is that the tribe has a fairly powerful buffer part, there are many men in the tribe. That is, the loss of an individual male is not so dangerous for the survival of the tribe as a whole, and this will not affect reproduction in any way, there will always be a male inseminator. Second, the tribe is heterogeneous. There are strong and weak, stupid and smart, and so on. But what is much more important for further narration is that there are high-ranking and low-ranking, high-primative and low-primative ones.

The hierarchical structure of the male part is similar to the structure of the herd - pyramidal. The position in the hierarchical pyramid (rank) is determined by the overall viability of the individual. In an ancient tribe, this vitality is determined, as in the human herd, by ranking potential plus physical data and aggressiveness. Although the pyramid is supported not only due to the rigidity of dominance, but also due to rational motivation, and due to the altruism of the lower layers.

At the very top of the pyramid of power is the leader - the most aggressive and strong warrior. He is the quickest wielding his stone axe, so challenging his power is fraught with trouble. Psychologists call such a man "alpha". Ethologists call such a male high-ranking. Below the leader are the strongest and most aggressive warriors of a lower rank, the middle-ranking “gammas”, but they have a real chance to take the place of the leader if something happens. Even lower are all the rest, low-ranking “omegas”, who may not even dream of a leader’s position, but dream and strive to become middle-ranking.

Fig.9. Natural tribal hierarchy with sexual substructures.

Signs of a high rank according to Protopopov:

High self-esteem, tendency to underestimate others

Faith in your infallibility, no doubt

Resolute concern for your comfort, health and safety

Optimism, confidence in the future

Boastfulness, self-satisfaction

The tendency to make decisions quickly, without much deliberation.

The ability to act regardless of the opinions and problems of others, asociality


High threshold of guilt

Painful perception of criticism, difficulties with self-criticism

Decisiveness, enterprise, initiative, perseverance

Great professional, social and property ambitions

Organizational skills

Openness, shamelessness, extraversion

Stubbornness, obsession, conflict initiative, selfishness

Conflict resilience

sexual success

Signs of a low rank according to Protopopov:

Low self-esteem, tendency to form an inferiority complex

Ability to tolerate inconvenience, discomfort, and unsafe living conditions

Tendency to pessimism and depression; uncertainty about the future

Indecisiveness, long reflections before making decisions.

Dependence on the opinions of others, fear of offending someone, reflexivity

Low threshold of awareness of one's guilt, shame (the feeling of guilt arises at the slightest provocation)

Willingness to be satisfied with the status quo, conformism

Lack of great career and property ambitions

Low organizational skills

Altruism, self-sacrifice, self-criticism

secretiveness, introversion

Shyness, compliance, modesty, timidity, law-abiding

Touchiness and scrupulousness

sexual failure

Women are, as it were, a little on the sidelines, not clearly entering the male hierarchy and not clearly forming their own clear hierarchical structure. And at the same time they keep close to their men. But when it is necessary to throw a scandal to men, they quickly unite. The female community forms the reproductive core of the tribe, so it is unusually close-knit. And not only psychologically, but even physiologically. In the women of the group, even ovulation is synchronized. And they all stare at the leader and strong warriors. And none of them like weak men. This has a deep biological meaning. The offspring must be viable, so the father must be a strong viable man. The weak and unviable should not multiply, even despite the excess of women. Therefore, in many, including some modern cultures, polygamy is practiced. A viable (and therefore rich) man has many women and children from them. The communities of many animals are organized in a similar way. Strong males have harems, while weak ones have no chance of mating with a female. Everything is logical and rational from a biological point of view.

While the tribe remained small, all the instincts of people corresponded exactly to their biological purpose and real way of life. Therefore, the majority in the tribe still consisted of strong and rather aggressive men with high ranking potential and behavior controlled by these instincts. Simply put, they did not really think about the meaning of life and other high matters, but lived in a simple way. They did what they wanted. And they wanted what instinct dictated. Since the desires and emotions of a person are nothing more than a manifestation of the instincts that control this person. People who live by instincts, that is, desires and emotions, are called highly primative. Those who live by reason are low primative. We will be especially interested in the high-ranking, low-primative members of our tribe. Psychologists designate such a man with the letter "beta". These are the men who think more with their heads than trust their emotions. This is either a shaman or a skilled hunter who prefers the excitement of the hunt to the struggle for the leader's position. In an ancient tribe, there were few high-ranking low-primatives, since the instinct corresponded to the way of life, and it was more profitable for an ancient person to be highly primative. In addition, the low-primative high-ranking leader did not like the high-primative high-ranking leader, whose male hierarchical instinct saw him as a competitor. After all, both the shaman and the good, prolific hunter enjoyed great authority among their fellow tribesmen, had their own opinions and interests, which inevitably undermined the authority of the leader and led to conflicts with him. But since both the shaman and the prolific hunter were very much needed by the leader and did not particularly claim his place, the leader tolerated them in small quantities. Well, the female instinct of women could not understand why they were not like everyone else, and took low primativity for a low rank. That is, not all women were able to love them. There were few of them in the primitive tribe, quite a few ... However, later, as the society grew larger, the role of low primatives increased sharply, they multiplied and formed the basis of civilization.

All this is very important for our further narration, so the reader must remember all these terms and their meaning, at least in a simplified way, they will occur very often in the text. Moreover, the understanding of the further text is unthinkable without knowledge of these terms:

High rank. - self-confident, successful, authoritative, cool.

Low rank. - a weakling and a loser.

Low primative - capable of rational behavior, able to oppose reason and calculation to emotions and desires (instincts).

Ranking potential - the ability to become high-ranking.

Male types:

High-ranking highly primative - violent, self-confident, untrainable, uncontrollable, constantly proving that he is right in a fight. In ancient times - the leader. Nowadays, either an alcoholic and a loser, or a bandit.

High-ranking low-primative - Self-confident smart strong male. In ancient times, a shaman or a good hunter. Today - a successful businessman, boss or highly paid specialist.

Low-ranking, highly primative. - a loser, a coward and a bastard. Six. At all times.

Low-ranking low-primative. - a coward and a weakling, but a trainee. In the ancient world - food for tigers. In the modern world, a lifelong petty clerk.

Medium-ranking combine the qualities of high-ranking and low-ranking in different proportions. transitional form. When interacting with low-ranking ones, they behave like high-ranking ones. When interacting with high-ranking ones, it is similar to low-ranking ones.

Now read the meanings of the terms at least 5 more times to better remember them. It is important. And bookmark this page in case you forget. I promised not to abuse scientific terminology. But without these key concepts, further narration is simply unthinkable. They are the basis for understanding the structure of human societies, evolution, history and gender relations.

Let us make a reservation right away that no matter how low-primative a person is, he is not able to completely suppress instincts with his mind. Only to some extent. Highly primative - not capable at all. Moreover, instincts can turn off the mind. Then they say that a person acts spontaneously, in a state of passion, on a whim, overwhelmed by passions, emotions, stupidly, etc. If instinct blocks a person’s information input channels, they say that a person is stupid. For example, a highly primative child may not perceive information from a teacher, since the child's hierarchical instinct does not consider the teacher to be sufficiently authoritative and high-ranking. But it is worth raising the authority of the teacher or introducing elements of the game into learning, as the blocking is removed, and the child begins to perceive information normally. That is, if you take into account the game of instincts, then they can be controlled. For example, the mind of a man says that you need to lose weight. But it is very difficult to suppress the food instinct with reason. There is a wish. In this case, you can make the installation that you need to lose weight in order to please young women. In this case, a strong sexual instinct works against the food instinct. Therefore, losing weight is easier. These methods are used by psychology and psychotherapy. If instincts interact with a weak mind, then this is called stupidity. If with a strong mind - emotionality.

So, an ancient small tribe consisted mainly of highly primatial individuals with a relatively high rank potential and controlled by innate instinctive behavioral programs of both the level of a human herd and the level of a tribe with a paired internal structure. Instinctive programs were formed in the conditions of life of a small community of people surrounded by wild nature, and they corresponded to the same conditions. The main differences between the set of human instincts at the level of an ancient tribe and the herd ones are the appearance of weak altruistic instincts, elements of innate morality, low primativity, and also the instincts of interaction between a male and a female in a stable pair.

All that is described in this chapter, all the qualities, elements of behavior and foundations of relationships that have been formed over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution of our kind and over tens of thousands of years of evolution of our species, which are necessary for human survival, were genetically fixed in the form of innate instincts. It will be hard for you to believe this, and at the same time, a simple truth is obvious to any biologist: SINCE WE HAVE NOT CHANGED. Well, there, the loincloth began to be called a miniskirt, sewn from a different material and decorated in a different way. And the mammoths have already been eaten. And everything else is still. That is, everything that we just peeped with such interest in the tribe of our ancestors is enshrined in our instincts (innate biological programs) to this day. Our entire civilized life today consists of pieces of these programs, and the mind, upbringing and education only serve and slightly correct their work.

A mature man. Version 1.0 Novoselov Oleg Olegovich

Ranks of men

Ranks of men

Consider the hierarchy of a tribe consisting of a large number of individuals of both sexes, taking into account this sexual heterogeneity. The first thing that fundamentally distinguishes him from the family is that the tribe has a fairly powerful buffer part, there are many men in the tribe. That is, the loss of an individual male is not so dangerous for the survival of the tribe as a whole, and this will not affect reproduction in any way, there will always be a male inseminator. Second, the tribe is heterogeneous. There are strong and weak, stupid and smart, and so on. But what is much more important for further narration is that there are high-ranking and low-ranking, high-primative and low-primative ones.

(Natural tribal hierarchy with sexual substructures)

The hierarchical structure of the male part is similar to the structure of the herd - pyramidal. The position in the hierarchical pyramid (rank) is determined by the overall viability of the individual. In an ancient tribe, this viability is determined, as in the human herd, by ranking potential plus physical data and aggressiveness. Although the pyramid is supported not only due to the rigidity of dominance, but also due to rational motivation, and due to the altruism of the lower layers.

At the very top of the pyramid of power is the leader- the most aggressive and strong warrior. He is the quickest wielding his stone axe, so challenging his power is fraught with trouble. Psychologists call such a man "alpha". Ethologists call such a male high-ranking. Below the leader are the strongest and most aggressive warriors of a lower rank, the middle-ranking “gammas”, but they have a real chance to take the place of the leader if something happens. Even lower are all the rest, low-ranking “omegas”, who may not even dream of a leader’s position, but dream and strive to become middle-ranking.

High-ranking ones get bigger and better loot pieces. Women love them. Since we are here considering the biological foundations of our species and instinctive behavioral programs, then it will be more logical and convenient to use the terminology of ethologists who study animal instincts.

Signs of HIGH RANK (VR) according to Protopopov

High self-esteem, tendency to underestimate others

Faith in your infallibility, no doubt

Resolute concern for your comfort, health and safety

Optimism, confidence in the future

Boastfulness, self-satisfaction

The tendency to make decisions quickly, without much deliberation.

The ability to act regardless of the opinions and problems of others, asociality


High threshold of guilt

Painful perception of criticism, difficulties with self-criticism

Decisiveness, enterprise, initiative, perseverance

Great professional, social and property ambitions

Organizational skills

Openness, shamelessness, extraversion

Stubbornness, obsession, conflict initiative, selfishness

Conflict resilience

sexual success

Signs of LOW RANK (NR) according to Protopopov

Low self-esteem, tendency to form an inferiority complex

Ability to tolerate inconvenience, discomfort, and unsafe living conditions

Tendency to pessimism and depression; uncertainty about the future

Indecisiveness, long reflections before making decisions.

Dependence on the opinions of others, fear of offending someone, reflexivity

Low threshold of awareness of one's guilt, shame (the feeling of guilt arises at the slightest provocation)

Willingness to be satisfied with the status quo, conformism

Lack of great career and property ambitions

Low organizational skills

Altruism, self-sacrifice, self-criticism

secretiveness, introversion

Shyness, compliance, modesty, timidity, law-abiding

Touchiness and scrupulousness

Sexual failure.

This pyramidal hierarchical structure is copied to this day, for example, in the Russian army. The rank of a male in the hierarchy is determined by certain signs on shoulder straps, and the rank and file are artificially humiliated, tortured and deprived of the opportunity to have sex in order to bring down ranking ambitions and force them to obey unquestioningly.

Women are, as it were, a little on the sidelines, not clearly entering the male hierarchy and not clearly forming their own clear hierarchical structure. And at the same time they keep close to their men. But when it is necessary to throw a scandal to men, they quickly unite. The female community forms the reproductive core of the tribe, so it is unusually close-knit. And not only psychologically, but even physiologically. In the women of the group, even ovulation is synchronized. And they all stare at the leader and strong warriors. And none of them like weak men. This has a deep biological meaning. The offspring must be viable, so the father must be a strong viable man. The weak and unviable should not multiply, even despite the excess of women. Therefore, in many, including some modern cultures, polygamy is practiced. A viable (and therefore rich) man has many women and children from them. The communities of many animals are organized in a similar way. Strong males have harems, while weak ones have no chance of mating with a female.

Everything is logical and rational from a biological point of view. While the tribe remained small, all the instincts of people corresponded exactly to their biological purpose and real way of life. Therefore, the majority in the tribe still consisted of strong and rather aggressive men with high ranking potential and behavior controlled by these instincts. Simply put, they did not really think about the meaning of life and other high matters, but lived in a simple way. They did what they wanted. And they wanted what instinct dictated. Since the desires and emotions of a person are nothing more than a manifestation of the instincts that control this person.

People who live by instincts, that is, desires and emotions, are called highly primative. Those who live by reason are low primative.

We will be especially interested in the high-ranking, low-primative members of our tribe. Psychologists designate such a man with the letter "beta". These are the men who think more with their heads than trust their emotions. This is either a shaman or a skilled hunter who prefers the excitement of the hunt to the struggle for the leader's position.

In an ancient tribe, there were few high-ranking low-primatives, since the instinct corresponded to the way of life, and it was more profitable for an ancient person to be highly primative. In addition, the highly primative high-ranking leader did not like the low-primative high-ranking leader, whose male hierarchical instinct saw him as a competitor. After all, both the shaman and the good, prolific hunter enjoyed great authority among their fellow tribesmen, had their own opinions and interests, which inevitably undermined the authority of the leader and led to conflicts with him. But since both the shaman and the prolific hunter are very necessary to the leader and did not particularly claim his place, the leader tolerated them in small quantities. Well, the female instinct of women could not understand why they were not like everyone else, and took low primativity for a low rank. That is, not all women were able to love them. There were few of them in the primitive tribe, quite a few ... However, later, as the society grew larger, the role of low primatives increased sharply, they multiplied and formed the basis of civilization.

All this is very important for our further narration, so the reader must remember all these terms and their meaning, at least in a simplified way, they will occur very often in the text. Moreover, the understanding of the further text is unthinkable without knowledge of these terms:

Male types:

high ranking - self-confident, successful, authoritative, cool.

low rank - a weakling and a loser.

highly primative - living only emotions and desires (instincts).

Low Primitive - capable of rational behavior, able to oppose reason and calculation to emotions and desires (instincts).

Rank Potential- the ability to become high-ranking.

Medium-ranking combine the qualities of high-ranking and low-ranking in different proportions. transitional form. When interacting with low-ranking ones, they behave like high-ranking ones. When interacting with high-ranking ones, it is similar to low-ranking ones.

Now read the meanings of the terms at least 5 more times to better remember them. It is important. And bookmark this page in case you forget. I promised not to abuse scientific terminology. But without these key concepts, further narration is simply unthinkable. They are the basis for understanding the structure of human societies, evolution, history and gender relations.

Let us make a reservation right away that no matter how low-primative a person is, he is not able to completely suppress instincts with his mind. Only to some extent. Highly primative - not capable at all. Moreover, instincts can turn off the mind. Then they say that a person acts spontaneously, in a state of passion, on a whim, overwhelmed by passions, emotions, stupidly, etc. If instinct blocks a person’s information input channels, they say that a person is stupid. For example, a highly primative child may not perceive information from a teacher, since the child's hierarchical instinct does not consider the teacher to be sufficiently authoritative and high-ranking. But it is worth raising the authority of the teacher or introducing elements of the game into learning, as the blocking is removed, and the child begins to perceive information normally. That is, if you take into account the game of instincts, then they can be controlled. For example, the mind of a man says that you need to lose weight. But it is very difficult to suppress the food instinct with reason. There is a wish. In this case, you can make the installation that you need to lose weight in order to please young women. In this case, a strong sexual instinct works against the food instinct. Therefore, losing weight is easier. These methods are used by psychology and psychotherapy. If instincts interact with a weak mind, then this is called stupidity. If with a strong mind - emotionality.

High-ranking highly primative:

Violent, self-confident, untrainable, uncontrollable, constantly proving that he is right in a fight.

In ancient times - the leader. Nowadays, either an alcoholic and a loser, or a bandit.

High rank low primative:

Confident smart strong male. In ancient times, a shaman or a good hunter.

Today - a successful businessman, boss or highly paid specialist.

Low rank high primative:

A loser, a coward and a bastard.

Six. At all times.

Low rank low primative:

A coward and a weakling, but a trainable one.

In the ancient world - food for tigers. In the modern world, a lifelong petty clerk.

So, an ancient small tribe consisted mainly of highly primatial individuals with a relatively high rank potential and controlled by innate instinctive behavioral programs of both the level of a human herd and the level of a tribe with a paired internal structure. Instinctive programs were formed in the conditions of life of a small community of people surrounded by wild nature, and they corresponded to the same conditions. The main differences between the set of human instincts at the level of an ancient tribe and herd instincts are the appearance of weak altruistic instincts, elements of innate morality, low primativity, as well as instincts for the interaction of a male and a female in a stable pair.

All that is described in this chapter, all the qualities, elements of behavior and foundations of relationships that have been formed over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution of our kind and over tens of thousands of years of evolution of our species, which are necessary for human survival, were genetically fixed in the form of innate instincts. It will be difficult for you to believe this, and at the same time, a simple truth is obvious to any biologist:


Well, there, the loincloth began to be called a miniskirt, sewn from a different material and decorated in a different way. And the mammoths have already been eaten. And everything else is still. That is, everything that we just peeped with such interest in the tribe of our ancestors is enshrined in our instincts (innate biological programs) to this day. Our entire civilized life today consists of pieces of these programs, and the mind, upbringing and education only serve and slightly correct their work.

It is important for us to understand one very important thing for further presentation:

Our biological species was formed when people lived in small communities. Family, small tribe. That is, in our innate instincts, the behavioral stereotypes necessary for survival in a family or a small group surrounded by wildlife in an environment of danger and lack of food are fixed. Since then, we ourselves and our instincts have not changed, only the conditions of existence have changed. And instincts - do not correspond to the changed conditions of existence. In other words, desires and emotions control us as if we live in a primitive world, but in reality around the 21st century and technogenic civilization.

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