Foreign philology universities. Foreign philology

There is a field of activity that is extremely important for the further development of the Crimean peninsula as a tourist region - this is philology - a unique specialty that unites lovers of the word. If we take into account that the word is a universal means of communication, it becomes clear that a person who has a fine command of it is a universal specialist, and the scope of his knowledge is quite extensive.

There are several profiles of training in the direction of "Philology" in the Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy. The ongoing process of globalization, the introduction of new technologies, international cooperation - all this entails a constant shortage of foreign language specialists. In this regard, one of the most popular and popular profiles in our time is Foreign Philology (English language and foreign literature), which covers not only the in-depth study of the English language and foreign literature, but also the teaching of these disciplines.

By choosing this specialty, the student receives a unique multifunctional qualification in the field of teaching and research activities in educational organizations. As a specialist, he will be able to realize himself in educational institutions, in linguistic centers, in institutions of preschool education.

The excellent teaching staff creates all the necessary conditions for students to master the main educational program, which provides a fundamental study of the main foreign (English) language in theoretical, applied and communicative aspects, as well as literature and culture of the countries of the main foreign language.

Particular attention is paid to the practical training of future philologists. Students of the profile Foreign Philology (English language and foreign literature) undergo 4 types of practice: educational: language, production: pedagogical, production: summer and undergraduate. In practice, the student gets the opportunity to learn how to work with children of different ages, apply the theoretical knowledge gained, improve pronunciation, and develop communication skills.

For the implementation of educational activities, the student has a library and a computer room at his disposal, which makes it easy and in the shortest possible time to find the necessary information and study it.

The conditions for high-quality and successful development of the profession are created by the best teachers of the Crimea who have a scientific degree (Doctors of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctors of Philology, Candidates of Philological and Pedagogical Sciences). 70% of teachers teaching students in specialized subjects have the appropriate specialized education, the remaining 30% are attracted by the university to teach some basic disciplines. Of course, the main focus is on specialized disciplines, which are aimed at in-depth study of the English language, foreign literature and their teaching methods. The student will have to study not only everyday language, but also business English, foreign literature, modern literary theories, intercultural communication, get acquainted with the main methods of teaching philological disciplines in educational institutions.

Nowadays, being an English teacher is not only prestigious, but also necessary for the development and prosperity of our region, because the English language is firmly rooted in all spheres of our life.

Probably, the following words can best convey the mood of philology students: “... we realized that a person is a book, and if you read it carefully, you can learn a lot of interesting things. We do everything we like, and we like almost everything! We are very proud that we are philologists, masters of the word, creative people. Someone writes to the table, someone puts their works on the Internet, and we give our creativity, our thirst for life, our love to everyone! Among us there are translators, and journalists, and rappers, and tutors, we have a lot to do, we want to be everywhere and always!” (Chasovsky P., graduate of the Faculty of Philology, 2011).

Training profile "Foreign philology".

The age of information technology provides unlimited opportunities. But to succeed in the future, you need to effectively use these opportunities in the present. Studying in the profile "Foreign Philology" gives a chance to become a master of the word in the native language and an indispensable professional in the international arena. Philology is fundamental knowledge that will be useful in any field, and fluency in two foreign languages ​​will make you mobile and inaccessible to competitors.

What is unique about "Foreign Philology"?

Do you want to know the world with the help of languages ​​and become indispensable in your future job? Pay attention to the conditions for admission this year.

Field of study “Philology”

1. The focus of the program (programme specialization): Domestic philology

Type of the educational program: Bachelor's degree program

Program mode: intramural

Standard period of study: 4 years

Validity period of state accreditation: Until 06/17/2020

Language of instruction: Russian

List of entrance examination:

Literature (USE)

English language (USE)

Admission plan (2018): 10 persons on a tuition-free basis and 25 persons on a tuition fee basis

Requirements to the applicant

In accordance with part 2 and part 3 of Article 69 of the Federal Law d.d. 12/29/2012. no. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", persons with a secondary general education are admitted to study Bachelor's degree programs.

The field of professional activities of graduates

The area of ​​professional activities of graduates who have completed the Bachelor's degree program includes philology and humanities, interpersonal, intercultural and mass communication in oral, written and virtual form.

Objects of professional activities of graduates

– languages ​​in their theoretical and practical, synchronic, diachronic, sociocultural and dialectological aspects.

– fine literature and verbal folklore in their historical and theoretical aspects taking into account regularities of existence in different countries and regions;

– different types of texts: written, oral and virtual (including hypertexts and text elements of multimedia objects);

– oral, written and virtual communication.

The main disciplines

Methods of teaching the Russian language

Methods of teaching literature

History of Russian literature

History of world literature

Modern Russian language

Modern Russian literature

modern foreign literature

History of Russian literary criticism

Children's and juvenile literature

2. The focus of the program (programme specialization): Foreign Philology

Type of the educational programme: Bachelor's degree program

Program mode: intramural

Standard period of study: 4 years

Validity period of state accreditation: Until 06/17/2020

Department: Of theoretical and applied language studies

Language of instruction: Russian

List of entrance examination:

Literature (USE)

English language (USE)

Admission plan (2018): 10 persons on a tuition-free basis, 25 persons on a tuition fee basis

Requirements to the applicant

In accordance with part 2 and part 3 of Article 69 of the Federal Law d.d. 12/29/2012. no. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, persons with a secondary general education are admitted to study Bachelor's degree programs.

The applicant must have a Certificate of secondary (complete) general education, secondary vocational education or higher professional education, as well as a Certificate of initial professional education, if it contains a record of getting secondary (complete) general education by the bearer; the results of the USE, entrance examination conducted by the University independently confirming successful completion of entrance examination in general educational subjects included in the list of entrance examination by the educational program of higher education.

Description of the Educational program in the field of study 45.03.01 “Philology”

Characteristics of bachelors"professional activity:

Professional activity of bachelors within the field if study 45.03.01 Philology is in the field of philology and humanities, interpersonal, intercultural and mass communication in oral, written and virtual form.

The objects of professional activity of the graduates who have completed the Bachelor's degree program, are languages ​​in their theoretical and practical, synchronic, diachronic, sociocultural and dialectological aspects; fiction and verbal folklore in their historical and theoretical aspects taking into account regularities of existence in different countries and regions; different types of texts: written, oral and virtual (including hypertexts and text elements of multimedia objects); oral, written and virtual communication.

“Foreign Philology” (English and literature) field of study provides fundamental knowledge of a foreign language in theoretical, applied and communicative aspects of literature, culture and values ​​of English-speaking countries. This field of study, in addition to research, prepares to applied activities: translation (oral, written, consecutive interpretation, etc.; translation of texts of different types), teaching (teaching English in secondary and secondary professional educational institutions), editorial, consultative and other activities, as well as to work in the field of intercultural communication.

Professional tasks in accordance with professional activities:

research activities:

research in the field of philology using theoretical knowledge and practical skills obtained; analysis and interpretation, based on existing linguistic concepts and methods of individual linguistic, literary and communicative phenomena and processes, of texts of various types, including literary texts, with formulation of reasoned conclusions and findings; collection of scientific information, preparation of reviews, abstracts, compiling reference papers and bibliographies on the subject of ongoing research; participation in scientific discussions and procedures for scientific papers defense at various levels; delivering papers and reports on the subject of ongoing research; oral, written and virtual (posting in information networks) presentation of own research;

educational activities:

classes and extracurricular activities on language and literature in secondary and professional educational organizations; preparation of educational materials for classes and extracurricular activities on the basis of existing methodologies; dissemination and popularization of linguistic knowledge and educational work with students.

The main disciplines:

foreign language

The history of foreign literature

History of the English language

Linguistic and cultural studies

Second foreign language

Introduction to German Philology

Intercultural communication fundamentals

Introduction to literature studies

Training program

Foreign philology

Fundamental philological and broad humanitarian training allows young specialists who graduated from the faculty to continue their studies in postgraduate and doctoral studies, easily master new additional and related professions. The system of international relations of the faculty covers

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Training program

Foreign philology

Fundamental philological and broad humanitarian training allows young specialists who graduated from the faculty to continue their studies in postgraduate and doctoral studies, easily master new additional and related professions. The system of international relations of the faculty covers more than 80 largest universities and philological centers of the world, including the University of Athens, the Department of Russian Language and Literature of Seoul University, the Institute of Russian Language and Culture of Rome, the University of Padua, the Duychev Center at Sofia University. The most active partners of our faculty are universities in Germany (Tübingen, Marburg, Rostock, Bochum, Humboldt University), Italy (University of Florence, Trieste Graduate School of Translation), USA (Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature, State University of New York, Yale University) , Portugal (University of Lisbon), Spain (Universities of Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Granada and Valencia), France (Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Cultures of Paris, Sorbonne IV) and Switzerland (State University of Geneva). The Faculty of Philology actively participates in the European cooperation program in the field of university education - TEMPUS. Each of the 25 modern languages ​​taught at the faculty is provided, as a rule, by a foreign lecturer. Every year more than 200 teachers, graduate students and students of the faculty go on business trips abroad. The possibility of foreign internships for students in foreign universities is provided. The faculty has five computer classes connected to the Internet, language laboratories equipped with audio and video equipment. The results of research activities of students, graduate students and teachers of the Faculty of Philology are covered in the journal “Bulletin of the Moscow University. Series 9. Philology”, in the ongoing publications “Voices of young scientists” and “Actual problems of philological science. View of the new generation. All students of the faculty study literature, Russian and foreign languages, as well as a number of general philological disciplines: introduction to philology, general linguistics, literary theory, get acquainted with various directions, trends and scientific schools in domestic and foreign philology. The curriculum of the Faculty of Philology also includes a cycle of general humanitarian disciplines - philosophy, history, psychology, pedagogy, orientation courses in mathematics and computer science, courses in the natural sciences and humanities of choice. Each student can undergo additional training and receive a second specialization (teaching Russian as a foreign language, translation, teaching a foreign language at a university and school, comparative historical Indo-European linguistics, comparative literature, theory and practice of intercultural communication, comparative linguoculturology and others). The number of additional specializations at the Faculty of Philology is constantly increasing. For a small fee, students can learn foreign languages ​​that are not included in the curriculum of the department in which they are enrolled.

Certificate of state accreditation (with attachment): Certificate of state accreditation series No. 90A01 number No. 0002831, registration number No. 2699 dated November 1, 2017, issued for a period up to November 1, 2023.

Description of the main educational program: The Department of German Philology prepares bachelors of foreign philology, teachers of foreign languages ​​and foreign literature, and translators. In addition to English as the main language, students study German. In addition to traditional theoretical and practical courses, students are trained in the skills of religious translation of various subjects. Students are happy to perform communication-oriented exercises, participate in discussions, arrange presentations, etc. In the process of learning, students of the department have the opportunity to prepare for exams to obtain international certificates of knowledge of a foreign language, such as FCE and CAE. In the senior years, the most talented students undergo internships at foreign educational centers (the University of Nottingham (UK) and the Humboldt Institute, Berlin (Germany)).

It should be noted that students of the department receive a large number of theoretical disciplines at the Department of English Linguistics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov according to the cooperation agreement between the philological faculties of PSTGU and MSU.

After receiving a bachelor's degree, graduates of the department have the opportunity to continue their studies in the magistracy. After graduating from the master's program, graduates will receive the right to teach at universities.

The Department of German Philology lives a very active life. Students take part in PSTGU conferences and interuniversity conferences, various intellectual tours, festivals, competitions, interuniversity olympiads. Every year students spend holidays of the department of German philology. Performances are held in English, German and Swedish - all this makes it possible to better understand and love the culture of the peoples of the countries of the studied language.

The staff of the department regularly holds meetings with foreign guests, which allow students not only to get to know the culture of the countries of the languages ​​being studied, but also provide an opportunity for direct communication with native speakers. So, the guests of the department were students, teachers and the rector of the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (USA), a higher educational institution of the Presbyterian Church, graduates of the Orthodox St. Tikhon Seminary (USA), professors from the University of Nottingham (Great Britain), Orthodox priests from Great Britain.

Federal state educational standard in Philology

Description of the additional educational program: The Department of German Philology trains graduates under the additional professional program "Translator in the Humanities", designed to develop professional foreign language skills for intercultural communication in a wide range of professional activities related to the humanities (philology, linguistics, translation studies, history, sociology, religious studies, etc.). The graduate must be prepared to conduct activities of oral and written translation, must have the skills of translating literary texts.