Female characters in Harry Potter. All Harry Potter characters

This summer, the favorite heroes of the "Potteriana" returned to the screens. Meanwhile the company "International Games Network" ranked the most striking characters of "Harry Potter".
When compiling the rating, the following was taken into account: the attitude of Potter fans to the character, the role of the character in the development of the plot and its significance.

25th place. Gilderoy Lockhart.
He is just adorable! Charm (well, sometimes the OBLIGATION SPELL) helped Lockhart become one of the greatest wizards of all time and ensure that books about his exploits that he did not perform become bestsellers. These very "exploits" helped him get a position as a teacher of Defense Against the Dark Forces at Hogwarts, despite his absolute incompetence and cowardice. Harry Potter and his friends expose a deceived Lockhart as he cowardly tries to escape the school after being asked to fight the monster of the Chamber of Secrets.

24th place. Horace Slughorn.
When Horace Slughorn first arrived at Hogwarts as a boy, the Magic Hat assigned him to the Slytherin faculty. He was a brilliant student, especially fond of Potions. After leaving school, Horace becomes a teacher of his favorite subject. His students included such famous wizards as Tom Marvolo Riddle, Severus Snape and Lily Evans. It was Slughorn who told Riddle about the Horcruxes the young wizard uses to become immortal. Slughorn is a very skilled magician, but not particularly courageous. For a long time, he hides in the Muggle world to escape the persecution of the Death Eaters. Slughorn also avoids Dumbledore - he tries to hide from him when he comes to invite Slughorn to work. Also known for his passion for the "beautiful life", he keeps in touch with his former students who have made successful careers.

23rd place. Peter Pettigrew.
Pettigrew is the same whimpering coward who betrayed Lily and James Potter and handed them over to Voldemort. In general, he was the cause of all the suffering and failure of Harry. Worst of all, he was an old friend of the Potters. Despite the fact that Pettigrew was a Gryffindor, he completely fell under the power of Voldemort. Pettigrew's behavior at the end of "Prisoner of Azkaban" is the limit of human fall. What a disappointment it was to learn that Ron's mangy old rat was actually Pettigrew the Animagus. However, Harry saves his life. This will lead to terrible events, but this does not mean that Harry did wrong. Pettigrew is too pathetic to be hated.

22nd place. Sybil Trelawney.
Sibyl Trelawney teaches Divination at Hogwarts. To say Trelawney is weird is an understatement. Her thick-lensed glasses, colorful robes, and otherworldly quiet voice only add to her eccentricity. Many wizards, such as Hermione Granger, doubt Trelawney's abilities, but sometimes Sibyl happens to make a real prediction. It was she who made the fateful prophecy relating to Harry: "He is coming who has the power to defeat the Dark Lord ... and the Dark Lord will mark him as an equal to himself, but will not know all his strength ..." Mysterious strength and bizarre manners make Sibyl Trelawney charming and funny character.

21st place. Nymphadora Tonks.
Most of the characters in Harry Potter are either experienced adult wizards (many of them professors) or underage young students. Tonks, on the other hand, is an adult, but not yet quite an adult, girlishly ardent. Tonks is a metamorphmagus, meaning he has the ability to change appearance. She loves to dye her hair in all sorts of colors, especially pink and purple, wears jeans and T-shirts. Tonks brings humor and mischief to Potter. In addition, Nymphadora is a brave and courageous member of the Order of the Phoenix. She is always ready to take on Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

20th place. Alastor Moody.
"Crazy" is the most accurate epithet that can be given to Mad-Eye Moody. Moody is one of the most famous Aurors of all time. He participated in the First and Second Wizarding Wars on the side of the Order of the Phoenix. In these wars, Moody lost his eye, which was later replaced with a magical one. A wooden prosthesis replaced his lost leg. His entire face is covered with scars. Participation in battles made him a little crazy, tough and eccentric. Despite his difficult mental state, Moody accepted Dumbledore's offers to teach Defense Against the Dark Forces. Moody was soon attacked by Barty Crouch Jr. He imprisoned Moody in a dungeon, and himself, using the Polyjuice Potion, reincarnated as Moody and contributed to the revival of the Dark Lord. The real Moody, after being released, faithfully protects Harry from Voldemort and his servants.

19th place. Lucius Malfoy.
Draco Malfoy was so nasty that when we met his sweet old daddy, we weren't surprised at all. Lucius is one of the most powerful and wealthy people in the wizarding world. He has always been a Death Eater. It was he who planted Tom Riddle's old diary in Ginny Weasley's cauldron. Lucius' comments about the Weasley family, his willingness to help Voldemort, his hatred of Harry, all make the reader hate him. In the films, the image of the older Malfoy was perfectly embodied Jason Isaacs. He perfectly portrayed all the main character traits of his character: arrogance, complacency, anger that the Potter boy managed to stop the Dark Lord and his supporters.

18th place. Bellatrix Leistrange.
Some magicians simply enjoy doing evil. If you do not believe me, meet Bellatrix, although we would not advise you. Bellatrix has the same cold, calculating mind as Voldemort and Lucius. She, laughing, does the most terrible things. It was she who tortured the parents of Neville Longbottom so that they lost their minds. After escaping from Azkaban, Bellatrix killed her cousin Sirius Black, Harry's only relative from the wizarding world. Is it possible to stop Bellatrix, who loves to inflict pain?

17th place. Luna Lovegood.
"To put it mildly, she's out of her mind," says Ron Weasley of Luna. But why is she so cute to us? Luna is a character absolutely in the spirit of Tim Burton. Luna believes in fictional beings. But all her oddities are understandable, given that her mother died tragically due to unsuccessful magic, and her father is the editor of the magazine "Negotiable". People avoid Luna because of her strangeness, but in her fourth year, Luna still finds real friends - Harry and other members of Dumbledore's Army. Luna herself enters the OD and fights Voldemort on an equal footing with everyone else.

16th place. Zhou Chang.
Do you remember your first kiss? Do you remember the first time you were betrayed? For Harry, both of these events are associated with the name "Chou". Zhou showed us that a person, no matter how kind their heart may be, may not be as resilient as the main characters of the book. We all rejoice for Harry kissing a girl for the first time. But, flirting with Harry, Zhou feels guilty about the deceased Cedric Diggory. Most likely, she will remember Cedric all her life. In general, after Zhou's friend (and in the film, Zhou herself) betrays Dumbledore's Army, her relationship with Harry deteriorates greatly.

15th place. Minerva McGonagall.
Professor McGonagall is the strict and disciplined Head of Gryffindor House and Deputy Headmaster. She can impartially expel an ill-mannered student from the class and remove points from the faculty of the delinquent student. McGonagall, after graduating from high school, returned to Hogwarts to teach Transfiguration. She later assumed the duties of Deputy Director and joined the Order of the Phoenix. Professor McGonagall took part in the First Wizarding War, she was one of those who, after the death of Harry's parents, handed him over to his only relatives - the Muggle Dursleys. All the time Harry was in Gryffindor, Minerva took care of him.

14th place. Remus Lupin.
Harry had good reason not to trust the Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers. Luckily, Professor Lupin was nothing like Quirrell and Lockhart. Lupine, like Dumbledore, played an important role in Harry's life, supporting him in difficult situations. Lupine was a close friend of Harry's parents and he can tell the boy a lot about them. After all this, it's hard to believe that Lupine is a werewolf. The thoughtful and good-natured professor suffers greatly due to the fact that every full moon turns into a monster. Although after the third book, Lupin's role in the story is somewhat reduced, he still remains a brave member of the Order of the Phoenix, a friend of Harry and a dear person to Nymphadora Tonks.

13th place. Ginny Weasley.
In The Chamber of Secrets, Ginny appears before us as a little girl in love who has become a puppet in the hands of Tom Riddle. Harry's affection for Ginny seems to have come from nowhere. He found his love in a family that became almost his own. Ginny becomes an active member of Dumbledore's rebellious Squad. A strong, determined and attractive girl is always ready to fight the Dark Forces. Ginny was happy, having finally won Harry's love.

12th place. Dolores Umbridge.
Oh, how we hate this woman! Voldemort is, of course, the main villain, but at least he did not try to ingratiate himself with us, like Umbridge. Vaudemort appeared and disappeared from Harry's life. Yes, he wanted to kill the boy, but his power was not unlimited - he could not penetrate Hogwarts. Umbridge, on the other hand, ruined Harry's life for a whole year of her teaching at school. Umbridge prefers to educate students through corporal punishment. Sweet voice and pink clothes make her even more disgusting. Although Imelda Staunton perfectly embodied the image of Umbridge on the screen, I must say that when reading a book, you feel much more hatred for her. Stephen King called Umbridge the best book villain since Hannibal.

11th place. Fred and George Weasley.
While Harry, Ron, and Hermione struggle to solve nearly unsolvable mysteries, the Weasley twins are busy playing pranks, jokes, and antics. At a time when all the students of Hogwarts are preparing for exams, Ron's older brothers are making magic devices and entertaining toys, not without reason they were born on the first of April. Although the twins often pick on and make fun of Ron, we would all like to have such older brothers. When they noisily leave Hogwarts after being harassed by Umbridge, we realize that Fred and George are not just stupid disciplinarians, they are brave freedom fighters.

10th place. Neville Longbottom.
Clumsiness, shyness and courage are the main features of Neville's character. When we first meet him, he is unable to perform the simplest magic. His relatives were generally very surprised when they learned that Neville was not a Squib, but a sorcerer. As you can see, there were no signs that Neville would become one of the most courageous defenders of Hogwarts. Neville first showed courage in his fifth year, joining Dumbledore's Army. He, along with the rest of the society, fight the Death Eaters in the Department of Mysteries, where he meets the killer of his parents, Bellatrix Leistrange.

9th place. Rubeus Hagrid.
For an orphan who grew up without friends, the big, bearded Hagrid was more than just a savior to get him out of the Dursleys. He was a very loyal friend of Harry. Hagrid always supported him, even when the whole school disliked Potter. It's good when you have such a formidable, albeit peacefully minded defender! Although many details of Hagrid's life were not shown in the films, his character and feelings were conveyed with accuracy. There is a very cool scene in Goblet of Fire where Hagrid is walking with Harry, Ron and Hermione through the woods, reminiscing about their past adventures!

8th place. Draco Malfoy.
Watching the adventures of Harry, we can not help feeling that, in addition to Potter, his complete opposite lives at Hogwarts. Narcissistic, proud, prejudiced Draco Malfoy grew up in completely different conditions. Although Voldemort couldn't infiltrate Hogwarts, Draco still made Harry's life at school difficult. At first, Malfoy seemed to us just a worthless, ever-annoying school enemy of Harry, but then we learn that Voldemort entrusted Draco with a special mysterious mission. We are witnessing Draco's initiation into the Death Eaters. Dumbledore offers Draco a choice: either continue serving evil or save himself...

7th place. Lord Voldemort.
From the start, it was clear that Voldemort (or Tom Riddle) was "rotten" to the core. There is no forgiveness for him - in his whole life he has not done a single good deed. He became one of the most famous dark wizards of all time - people were afraid to even say his name. Readers to the last are lost in conjecture: how little Harry managed to defeat the strongest dark magician of all time. Voldemort does not know what love and friendship are, but we could not help but include this merciless guy in the rating!

6th place. Sirius Black.
"Have you met this magician?", "Beware! A particularly dangerous criminal!", "If you meet this magician, immediately inform the Ministry of Magic" - such posters were hung around the magical world after Sirius Black escaped from the magical prison Azkaban, in which he was imprisoned for killing twelve Muggles and assisting the Dark Lord. But Sirius is absolutely innocent, we learn about it after we see one of his "victims" alive. He was such a close friend of Harry's parents that they asked him to be their son's godfather. His rebellious appearance, courage, fatherly attitude towards Harry make him so attractive to readers. Unfortunately, Sirius died too early and could not replace Harry's father.

5th place. Severus Snape.
Love him or hate him or love him to the point of hatred, he plays an important role in the Potter series. For Harry, Snape is the embodiment of a nightmare. The Potions Professor hated Potter at first sight. He humiliated Harry in every possible way in his lessons, preferring Draco and other Slytherins. However, when Harry and his friends suspected that Snape wanted to steal the philosopher's stone, it turned out that he was only trying to prevent the theft of the stone and save Harry's life. Snape is one of the most enigmatic characters in Harry Potter. Maybe he is a villain with a good heart, or a kind mage with a nasty temper? Or both? Who could capture the character of Snape on screen better than Alan Rickman? This actor plays the roles of villains, including the villain from Die Hard, making them so charming. But is Snape a negative character? Of course, in the sixth film, new traits of Snape's character are revealed ...

4th place. Albus Dumbledore.
Undoubtedly, Professor Dumbledore occupies an honorable place among the great sages of modern literature and cinema. Like Gandalf and Master Yodo, Albus Percival Brian Wulfric Dumbledore is a wise "grandfather" who is always ready to help. Due to his quirks, some magicians consider Dumbledore to be something of a mad professor, but this does not prevent him from being the greatest magician of all time, an expert in Occlumency, Legilimency, Transfiguration, Charms, Alchemy and much more. Dumbledore resembles Machiaveli, preferring to work alone. He plays a very important role in Potter.

3rd place. Ron Weasley.
Ron Weasley is the best friend, even an associate of Harry Potter. He is brave and not stupid, he does not want to live in the shadow of Harry's glory. Of the three main characters, Ron is the funniest, which is what makes him so endearing. Although Ron does not have Hermione's mind or Harry's talents, he is loyal and tenacious. Despite his fear of spiders, he accompanies Harry in the Forbidden Forest, and always helps him in battles against the Death Eaters. From an unsuccessful goalkeeper, Ron gradually becomes a Quidditch hero. He fights Evil by joining the OD. It's very funny to watch the development of Ron and Hermione's relationship.

2nd place. Hermione Granger.
Hermione is Harry and Ron's best friend. How did she manage to move Ron to third place, you ask. We are ready to give you an answer. J.K. Rowling writes about her as a smart, honest and kind girl. In the first books, Hermione was a good girl who never breaks the rules. So it was fun to watch this character develop. But Hermione is willing to break the law if necessary to fight evil. But her logic and mind are powerless in the face of teenage problems (meaning her romance with Ron).

1 place. Harry Potter.
Naturally, in the first place of our rating was Harry Potter himself. But still, how did the orphan boy become so popular? Harry is a charming boy who miraculously got into the world of magicians and realized that he himself knows how to conjure. He learns that he is well known in the world of wizards, as he was able to survive after Voldemort's attack. Now Harry has to fight Voldemort to the death. He grows before our eyes, makes friends, fights evil, finds love. Harry's parents are replaced by adult wizards who take care of him: Albus Dumbledore, Arthur and Molly Weasley, Hagrid, Sirius Black and others. Ron and Hermione became like brother and sister to Harry. Harry really needs their support, because he constantly has to fight with his enemies: from Draco Malfoy and the Dementors to the Death Eaters and the Dark Lord himself.

Translation: De GRAY (c) for Potterland.ru

"Harry Potter" is a magnificent fairy tale, on which an entire generation grew up. The characters of Harry Potter, like the book itself, were created by British writer JK Rowling to read to her kids before bed. Who would have thought that in a few years the fairy tale would become a world bestseller, and films based on it would break many world records?

The main characters of "Harry Potter"

Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) is an orphan boy who survived. He defeated Voldemort, whose Horcrux had been the villain of his mother since the murder. Smart and smart. Distinctive features and abilities - a scar on his forehead in the form of a small lightning bolt, speaks the language of communication with snakes, an excellent catcher (a member of the Quidditch team).

Hermione Granger (Emma Watson). The second of the mighty trinity. Harry's best friend. Throughout the film, she had the fame of "nerd and nerd", but it was her erudition that more than once helped her friends in difficult situations. A pretty girl and a half-breed (i.e. her parents were not wizards, they are Muggles)

Ronald "Ron" Weasley (Rupert Green) is a red-haired, freckled, funny and very kind guy. In the future, Hermione's lover. By nature, he is rather shy, suffers from arachnophobia. He comes from a large and poor family. He plays chess well (this skill came in handy for the trinity in the first series of films, where one of the final scenes is a chess game). Like his friend Harry, he plays Quidditch (he is a goalkeeper).

It was these characters of "Harry Potter" who spun the plot of the film, many incredible and magical stories happen to them, which become more frightening with each subsequent series.

Friends and enemies of the main "Holy Trinity"

Draco Lucius Malfoy is blond with thin snow-white skin and icy gray eyes. Studying at the Slytherin faculty. The enemy of the main characters, trying to harm them at any opportunity. One of the Death Eaters. It has a rather important role in the whole epic. It was he who was supposed to kill Dumbledore, but he could not.

Ginevra "Ginny" Weasley (Bonnie Wright) is a sweet red-haired girl. The sister of Ron - one of the main characters - and the future lover of the main character. Her role is noticeable in the second part of "Harry Potter" and the last few. Very naive and talented, quite popular with the males. He plays Quidditch and is very good at it. The only girl among all the children of the Weasley family.

Of course, these two heroes are far from alone. The list of Harry Potter characters is huge, from their descriptions one can easily compose another additional volume that will inexpressibly please fans of the fairy tale.

Teaching staff

Severus Snape (Alan Rickman) is a Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potions teacher. His appearance is rather intimidating: long black hair and a constantly gloomy look. He treated Harry extremely badly throughout the series, but there was a reason for this. Severus was in love all his life with Potter's mother, Lily. It was because of this that he disliked the main character (since Lily preferred Harry's father, James, to him). But Severus himself, without showing his actions, tried to help Potter in many difficult situations.

Albus Dumbledore Michael Gambon) is the director of the Hogwarts School of Wizardry, one of the strongest magicians of his time. As conceived by the creators, it is the embodiment of "all the best", does not contradict the students, allows them to independently learn from their mistakes. He likes to speak quite straightforwardly, even not the most pleasant facts. Unlike many wizards, he does not pay special attention to the purebred magicians - he treats everyone equally.

Minerva McGonagall - Deputy Dumbledore, and then the director of Hogwarts. Differs in seriousness of character, does not like jokes of the wards. She devoted her whole life to teaching transfiguration at school (this subject was not chosen by chance - Minerva is an animagus who takes the form of a striped cat).

It was these characters from the film "Harry Potter" from the teaching staff who played especially important roles. By and large, they changed the course of the tale with their presence.

Harry Potter characters fighting for the dark side

Lord Voldemort is the main villain of the epic, the strongest dark magician, who almost achieved his immortality with the help of Horcruxes. Fiercely hated half-breeds (children of wizards and Muggles), although he himself was the same. It was for this reason that he killed his father - a man. He looked rather intimidating: pale thin skin, dark large circles around the eyes, a thin body and long fingers. Smart, was the best student at Hogwarts, strove to learn everything new, very talented in dark magic and has outstanding abilities (however, according to Dumbledore, he often “forgot” and did not learn important subtleties).

(Helena Bonham Carter) is a death eater, one of Voldemort's most loyal associates. A black shock of thick hair with a small gray strand, large eyes of the same color and a swarthy face. She killed the godfather of Harry Potter - Sirius Black, who treated the main character very well. Prior to Order of the Phoenix, she was a prisoner in Azkaban (a large prison for wizards that is difficult to escape from), but escaped with other Death Eaters.

One of the traitors

Peter Pettigrew is an animagus who takes the form of a rat and is a longtime friend of the protagonist's father, James Potter. By nature, a weak and helpless wizard. That is why he chose Voldemort as his patron, betraying the Potter family. It was his fault that Harry's parents died. He was loved by Scabber in the Weasley family, where he lived for 13 years. He dies from the gift of the owner - a silver hand that strangled him, regarding the fleeting weakness as another betrayal.

magical creatures

The list of Harry Potter characters is not limited to ordinary people. Since this is a fairy tale, then, accordingly, there are unreal heroes in it.

Dobby is a house elf with a mind, able to talk. Like all such creatures, must belong to the owner. At the beginning of the story, he was Lucius Malfoy (Draco's father), but in the Chamber of Secrets he was freed from service with the help of a cunning act with Harry Potter's sock. A very kind creature, he tried to help the main characters more than once.

Buckbeak (does not speak) - Rubeus Hagrid's hippogriff. A proud beautiful creature: the body of a mighty horse with wings and the head of an eagle. We are very vulnerable. He was saved by Harry Potter and Hermione Granger in Prisoner of Azkaban from execution because of Draco Malfoy. He took an active part in the escape of Sirius Black from Hogwarts.

Other interpretations of the book series

There are a huge number of computer games based on events in books and films. Harry Potter: Create Your Own Character is one of them. Here you can turn on your imagination and come up with a new role “to your taste”, choose clothes and character traits for the hero. Other games are more typical. They need to go through levels of varying difficulty, each of which is dedicated to a specific event in a fairy tale. In this industry, many enterprising people have made a fortune for themselves: the characters of "Harry Potter" are recognizable and loved by everyone, and Internet users are screaming about wanting to get into "Hogwarts".

In many stores you can find the “attributes” of the famous tape: magic wands, sweaters with scenes from the film, and even raincoats. There are groups on social networks and thematic meetings dedicated to the fairy tale. Games for phones and iPads are also quite popular. Fans of the movie "Harry Potter" do not spare money for this. Fanfictions based on characters are occupied by many Internet sites, where they have already accumulated for entire archives.

Fairy tale forever

This is a superbly staged film and, of course, a talented book. A fairy tale that teaches goodness and right deeds is "Harry Potter". The names of the characters will be remembered not only by the current generation, but also by many subsequent ones. She talks about the fact that it is impossible to judge a person without knowing the true reasons for any of his behavior, and that happiness is around us.

Fictional character and one of the main characters in the Harry Potter series of novels by British writer J. K. Rowling.

In the film adaptation of the novels, the role of Ron was played by British actor Rupert Grint.

According to Rowling, Ron was among the characters she came up with on the first day. In a sense, it was inspired by Sean Harris, Rowling's best friend, to whom the writer dedicated Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Like Sean to her, Ron is always there for Harry when he needs him.

As a character, Ron hasn't escaped much of the "protagonist's friend" stereotype - he often gets into funny situations, is always loyal to friendship, and lacks many of Harry's talents, at least in the realm of magic. Nevertheless, he proves his courage over and over again, sometimes demonstrating unexpected talents - for example, in the "Philosopher's Stone" Ron turns out to be an excellent chess player, which speaks of intelligence and the ability to think strategically.

Some of Ron's qualities are in direct opposition to Harry. If Harry is an orphan with a lot of gold in the bank, then Ron has a large and loving, but very poor family. If Harry, who is known to everyone in the wizarding world, would like to avoid other people's attention, then Ron, on the contrary, dreams of fame and popularity.

And if Harry turns out to be a very capable wizard and an excellent Quidditch player, then Ron in the first book appears as the most mediocre student of all the Weasleys and a bad athlete. Moreover, he is the sixth boy in the family, while his mother always wanted a girl.

All these factors combine to form a huge inferiority complex in Ron, and the constant need to prove to himself that he is no worse than others becomes the main driver of his character development.

So what else do we know about Ron Weasley? The reader first encounters Ron at the train station when the Weasleys are helping Harry find platform nine and three-quarters, from which the Hogwarts Express leaves. Then Ron and Harry end up in the same compartment, and this becomes the beginning of their friendship - Ron is fascinated by Harry's fame, and Harry is crazy about such an ordinary Ron.

Ron is tall, skinny and awkward. He is red, like all Weasleys, and all freckled, blue-eyed, with a long nose and big arms and legs. He inherited many of his belongings from his older brothers, including a pet rat named Scabber.

The older brothers often tease him in a non-violent way and not really wanting to hurt him, but Ron tends to react quite sharply to their words. He is very funny and has a good sense of humor, but insensitive to others and the most immature of the three main characters, but over the course of seven novels, this circumstance changes, and Ron, in order to grow up, has to admit his weaknesses and overcome them.

Ron goes to Hogwarts with his older brother's old wand, but it breaks in the second book, and then Ron gets a new wand, 14 inches long, made of willow and with a unicorn hair inside, which he is very proud of.

As already mentioned, he has exceptional chess skills, and although this is rarely mentioned, Ron always manages to get out of his adventures with Harry without much loss, and then from fights with Death Eaters, which speaks of the considerable magical talent of the younger Weasley and his excellent preparation. Like Harry, Ron is a member of both Dumbledore's Army and the Order of the Phoenix, and finds himself in deadly situations more than once.

In Deathly Hallows, Ron loses his wand and takes Peter Pettigrew's wand, after which he shows suddenly increased powers. In the Deathly Hallows, Ron generally has to grow up very sharply, however, like Harry, and only Hermione seems to have been an adult since childhood.

Ron's Patronus takes the form of a Jack Russell Terrier - this is Rowling's dog. Ron's birthday falls on March 1, 1980; his family home, Nora, is near a human village in Devonshire; and because he is a pureblood wizard, he is distantly related to all the old families, including the Blacks and the Malfoys.

In the epilogue, Ron serves in the Auror. He is married to Hermione and they have two children, Rose (Rose Weasley) and Hugo (Hugo Weasley).

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