Famous people named Roman. The meaning of the name Roman for a boy

The name Roman of Latin origin translates as "Roman". The city of Rome was founded by two brothers named Remus and Romulus. The name Roman is derived from the name Romulus. In Russia, this name is very popular. It has been common throughout history. Let's find out in more detail what is the meaning of the name Roman?

The meaning of the name Roman for a boy is positive; from birth, he is a universal favorite. Parents, grandparents try to fulfill all the whims of the baby. Boy with the name Roman is very active and inquisitive, he does not know the word "no".

Since childhood, such a child has high self-esteem, in order to avoid problems in the future, parents need to be firm in some cases, otherwise the difficulties that arise in life can break an adult Roman.

study boy with the name Roman does not like, it is a pity for him to waste time studying boring subjects. He does not like to do homework, he believes that lessons at school are enough. Roman is very sociable, he has a huge number of friends, he spends a lot of time with them, he can even skip classes.

Forcing a boy named Roman to do homework for hours is useless. Despite his unwillingness to learn, he will not be in the class among the lagging students. Thanks to his excellent photographic memory and well-developed oratory skills, he gets good grades.

Roma is an addicted person, he always has a lot of hobbies. It’s good if the parents enroll Roman in some sports section or circle.

The novel is unpredictable and controversial. It is impossible to predict Roman's reaction to this or that event, his actions are unpredictable. For example, he may change his mind about getting married an hour before registration. Such a person appreciates freedom and independence very much, therefore he often chooses the appropriate profession, where there are no rigid frameworks and restrictions.

The name Roman gives its owner both positive and negative character traits. In general, he is a cheerful, kind and sympathetic person. He knows how to enjoy every minute of life. The negative traits of character include the following: frivolity and talkativeness. But on the other hand, he has self-esteem, he is incapable of betrayal.


A man named Roman loves women and knows how to handle them. He is very amorous and passionate nature, but in love is fickle. Often breaks women's hearts. Roma is attracted to beautiful girls with a bright appearance. He knows how to take care of women, he can charm even the most impregnable beauty.

It is difficult to keep a man named Roman, as soon as the love passes, he immediately disappears. But if he really fell in love, then this means that Roma will most likely marry.

His life partner should be not only a beautiful girl, but also a true true friend. She should share Roman's hobbies and help bring the most daring and original ideas to life. He is a creative person, therefore he does not tolerate monotony, he can be carried away by other women. He needs a wife who can turn a blind eye to fleeting intrigues.


With age, a man named Roman changes, becomes more serious and responsible. He makes a good family man who takes care of his wife and children. He strives to make a successful career in order to provide his family with everything they need.

  • He doesn’t know how to save money, so it’s good if the wife manages the family budget. He likes to spend them on entertainment, and not save for a rainy day.
  • A man named Roman has many friends, they love him for his open and cheerful character. Noisy companies often gather in the house, funny theme parties are held. Nobody gets bored at such evenings.
  • For children, Roman is a true friend, he does not tolerate violence and cruelty, therefore he tries to educate them by his own example, achievements and successes.
  • He helps his wife with the housework, can take out the trash or take a pet out for a walk.

A man named Roma gets along well with both his parents and his mother-in-law and father-in-law. Relatives often visit his house. He loves to celebrate holidays with his family.

If a man named Roman does not marry at a young age, then the marriage usually goes well. After 25 years, he is ready for a serious relationship and family life, becomes more responsible and can already take care of not only himself, but also his family. It is easy to get along with such a man, he is always looking for compromises, he is ready to reckon with the opinion of his wife.

The only thing that Roman will not forgive is betrayal, in which case he immediately files for divorce.

Business and career

A man named Roman cannot stand boredom and monotony, therefore routine and monotonous work is not for him. He is always in search of new sensations, there are many original ideas in his head that he wants to bring to life, but, unfortunately, it does not always work out. Often Roma does not have the patience to finish the job he has begun to the end.

Roman Arkadyevich Abramovich (billionaire, businessman, former governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug)

  • Most likely, he will not work in the office; creative professions related to cinema, theater or music are more suitable for such a person.
  • He knows how to get along with people, can find a common language with any person. That is why Roman is also suitable for professions related to communication, for example, he can become a manager.
  • In addition, Roma can organize his own business, he has all the necessary qualities, he is responsible, reliable and sociable.
  • For a man named Roman, it is very important that the work is adequately appreciated. Low wages will not suit him, he will quickly change jobs.

Such a man knows his worth, so he will not work for a penny. Money is a kind of incentive, if the pay is low, then there is no point in working.

With colleagues Roma gets along well, he quickly finds common topics for conversation, he has no difficulties with communication. They respect and love Roman for his open and friendly nature. But because of his talkativeness, such a man can accidentally give out someone's secret, so people, knowing this shortcoming, usually do not share their innermost secrets with him.

What does the name Roman mean, we learned, he has both his positive and negative qualities. In general, the name has a positive characteristic, it is beautiful and harmonious, which is why it is so common throughout the world. Before choosing a name for a child, it is imperative to find out its meaning and characteristics. Each name has a certain energy that affects the fate and character of a person.

Full name:

Similar names: Romanus, Romano, Raman

Church name:

Meaning: Roman, from Rome, Roman

Middle name: Romanovich, Romanovna

The meaning of the name Roman - interpretation

The sonorous and beautiful male name Roman is translated from ancient Greek as “strong”, “strong”. In Latin speech, it has a different interpretation and literally means "Roman". Today, like many years ago, this name belongs to the category of favorite, popular and fashionable. You can often hear affectionate forms: Romochka, Romchik, Chamomile, Chamomile, etc. Its owners are mysterious men who have the talent to easily convince other people. They are reasonable, patient and organized, they are distinguished by high intelligence.

Name Roman in other languages

Astrology named after Roman

Favorable day: Saturday

Years later

Romchik is a cheerful and agile kid who does not tolerate monotony. He tries to be obedient, but lack of perseverance is often the main reason for bad behavior. Easy-going, generous, good-natured in relation to the children around him.

Nature endows these children with an inquisitive nature and irrepressible energy, because of which they often become participants in interesting adventures. It is difficult for Roma to focus on one activity - during the day he is able to do several different things, switching from one to another with lightning speed.

In the future, a child with this name may turn into a disorganized man. To prevent this from happening, parents from childhood should teach him to the correct daily routine, which provides not only entertainment, but also the performance of useful household chores.

A young man named Roman loves adventure, monotony and routine inspire melancholy in him. In adolescence, among his peers, he stands out for his wit and good sense of humor.

But despite the seeming openness, he rarely talks about his problems and lets other people into his inner world. As a teenager, Roman builds far-reaching plans, is not afraid of obstacles and boldly goes to the intended goal.

Those around him are attracted by his love of life, a penchant for adventure and optimism. From a young age, Roma shows the features of an active and enterprising man. By type of character, Roman is a pronounced sanguine. He can be greatly upset by the troubles encountered on the path of life.

As he grows up, there are noticeable changes in the character of Roman. The impulsiveness characteristic of a teenager is replaced by calmness, prudence. The owner of this name becomes a balanced man who strives for stability in everything.

The ability to attract increased attention to oneself during a conversation remains a constant quality. This allows Roman to skillfully manipulate other people. He can be called an ambitious, a little vain and selfish person, hiding his shortcomings behind a mask of cordiality and goodwill. You will not envy the enemy of Roman - in relation to the offender, he becomes a vindictive and cruel person.

This man strives to achieve success in life, but often his good intentions are ruined due to a lack of willpower to complete what he started. He is able to easily give up the fight for what he wants halfway through. But the problems that arise will not be able to plunge him into despondency - Roman treats all adversities with humor.

Roman character

Roma is a merry fellow, but he does not show his good disposition with everyone. The positive features that characterize his nature include boundless patience, the desire for self-organization. Roman is an objective and sociable personality, he responsibly treats the tasks entrusted to him.

He knows how to win over people, has good intuition, which makes it easy to recognize deception or avoid unpleasant situations. Roman is a polite, courteous person, loves traveling in the company of friends, tends to empathize with other people and provide all possible assistance.

A man named Roman is described by many people as a frivolous and talkative person. His negative traits include excessive impulsiveness. Being carried away by a new business, often does not bring it to the end, switching to another, more interesting activity.

Roman skillfully hides the rage of his nature under the mask of indifference, he can rejoice at the failures of others. In situations where unforeseen circumstances interfere with his plans, he becomes aggressive. He is vindictive, does not forget the insults inflicted on him earlier. He can take revenge in a sophisticated way, he knows how to skillfully manage intrigues, skillfully confusing the enemy.

Roman's fate

Everyone who is lucky enough to bear this name has good intuition, which allows them to avoid many of the troubles presented by fate. Good intelligence is a guarantee that a man will be able to find himself in the profession and achieve certain success. To everything that interferes with the conduct of business, he treats with undisguised negativity. The novel does not accept generally accepted moral standards, which are driven into the framework. In the fate of the bearer of the name, vulnerability and resentment, which he tries to hide, play a special role. If a person dear to him commits a betrayal, this act can knock Roman out of a successful life rut for a long time.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Money is an excellent incentive for Roman to develop and improve his business. Work that is highly paid brings him pleasure.

A man with this name achieves success in professions that involve communicating with people. Analytical abilities allow Roman to become a good engineer, designer, architect, bank employee.

Marriage and family

Independent, who prefers to enjoy the attention of numerous girls, Roman is in no hurry to marry. But if strong love happens in his life, he is able to forget about his principles and lead the chosen one down the aisle at a fairly young age. Usually such families quickly disintegrate.

To save the marriage, Roman's wife needs to make a lot of efforts: to forget about her ambitions and turn into a patient angel. She also has to come to terms with her husband's loving nature, which leads to frequent intrigues on the side. In marital relations, Roman is the leader, all households must obey his instructions unquestioningly.

Sex and love

Roman is a passionate, impulsive, temperamental man. But in intimate matters, he cares more about his own satisfaction, forgetting about his partner. In sex, he strives for diversity, loves experiments. Sexual intercourse for Roman is an opportunity to get a moral and physical discharge. When choosing a life partner, this man pays special attention to her sexuality and external attractiveness.

If the passion for his wife fades away, he easily finds a replacement for her in the form of another woman. Among the representatives of the opposite sex, Roman is popular. He belongs to the category of amorous men, spoiled by the attention of ladies. Gives preference to women who are ready to completely obey him and give themselves without a trace.


Respiratory diseases are frequent companions of little Roma. If left untreated, colds can lead to asthma later on. Another problem of young age is diathesis. Parents should selectively approach the child's menu.

In contrast to childhood sickness, adult Roman has enviable health. Its only weak point is the organs of the gastrointestinal tract; digestive problems are often observed.

Interests and hobbies

A man with this name loves sports very much and cannot imagine his life without physical exertion. As a rule, he prefers to do karate, wrestling or rugby.

Unusual hobbies include his attempts to know the world around him in all colors. To do this, he mainly reads useful books, communicates with interesting people.

It's no secret that each name has its own meaning, which contains a unique meaning. Knowing this meaning and its origin, one can assume what the character of a person will be, what is his compatibility with others, and even what fate has prepared for the owner.

We offer you to find out what the name Roman is fraught with - the meaning of the name, translation and origin. According to the versions of various scientists, this name goes back to the era of the Roman Empire, during its heyday. Its appearance refers to the period when for the first time in history the words "Roman" and "Roman" were used as a common noun.

In this interpretation, they did not mean the origin of a person, but his status. Hearing them, those around him immediately understood that this was a free and educated person, and also having a certain influence in society.

You can refer to the historical reference for those who want to know what the name Roman means. Returning to the era of the Roman Empire, it is worth mentioning the legend according to which two brothers, Remus and Romulus, founded Rome.

And, according to history, Roman is derived precisely from the name of the second brother - Romulus. Thus, other names similar to this can be considered synonyms: Romulus, Romanus, Romen, Romano, Raman.

Roman (or Romanus, which is translated from Latin as “Roman”, “from Rome”) is a name very popular for those times. It has gained wide popularity among the peoples living in Central and Eastern Europe. A little later, it appeared in Russia and is still considered one of the most common. Now those who bear the name Roman can be found in countries near and far abroad.

What can be said about the character?

As a rule, the name Roman corresponds to a freedom-loving and energetic personality. It is not surprising that since childhood, its carrier can bring a lot of trouble to their parents. In this you can see the true meaning of "Roman" - a strong personality with a craving for learning new things and excellent leadership qualities.

The meaning of the name Roman for a child initially provides that the boy will be an inquisitive fidget. The character, formed under the influence of historical roots and the environment, will distinguish such a child from many others. From birth, novels receive the gift of persuasion and a penchant for leadership.

That is why the owners of the name Roman can be recognized by such qualities as:

  • Talkativeness, which is characteristic of almost all those who were called by this name.
  • A frivolous perception of learning in childhood and a lack of interest in calm games.
  • Wit and desire to be the center of attention.
  • The ability to join any company.

At preschool age, they have more pronounced impatience and frivolity. These qualities often adversely affect the prospects for personal development and compatibility with other people. However, others should know that the meaning of Roma is associated with love of freedom and therefore excludes coercion in any form.

Otherwise, if there are attempts to force a person to do something specific against his will, this can cause negative consequences. As a rule, such behavior on the part of others provokes the owner of the "Roman" name to become more secretive. There are also attempts to lie in order to hide their true preferences.

It is worth noting that boys with this name have a rather complex character, which determines its meaning. Roman, as a person with leadership skills, will experience a constant desire to be in the spotlight, even if it is a company completely unfamiliar to him.

An inquisitive fidget as a child, Roman becomes a well-rounded person in later life. In most cases, it remains inconsistent. Striving for constant development, he will change one hobby for another.

But, despite the character and shortcomings, Roma will be adored not only by close relatives, but also by strangers. Kindergarten teachers, school teachers, and other mentors will also contribute to the development of the "Roman" personality.

What future parents should know about Romanov is that the origin and meaning of this name can also affect Roma's physical health. In this regard, fate has prepared many obstacles for the "Roman" boys.

In childhood, boys named Roma often suffer from colds that occur against the background of hyperactivity of such children. By itself, a cold is not as terrible as its consequences - asthma with all the ensuing complications. Therefore, parents should carefully look at the health of their child, especially at an early age.

In general, describing the character of Romans named from birth, one can focus on its main features:

  • Love for freedom.
  • Energy.
  • Strong spirit.

Given these features, it becomes clear why fate will bestow its favor on all Romanovs. Initially, if they manage to choose their favorite profession, they will be able to get a good education and fully fulfill themselves.

Having chosen a really favorite thing, Roma give themselves to it without a trace, devoting all their free time and resources. This corresponds to another interpretation of the name, which is translated from ancient Greek as “strong” or “strong”.

To realize their own potential, guys and men with this name often choose entrepreneurship and areas in which extraordinary solutions to the tasks are needed. The Romanovs have great chances to achieve their goals in those areas of activity where they can profitably use their ability to convince. Wayward character and the ability to manipulate people will lead Roman to the pinnacle of success.

In amorous affairs

Studying the meaning of the male name Roman, it is worth mentioning the compatibility of its owner in the love field. It is worth noting that all representatives of this name are famous for their popularity with the opposite sex.

If we take into account name compatibility, the Roman couple will have the best performance and:

  • Love.
  • Elena.
  • Sofia.
  • Mayan.

From the earliest years, Roma are ladies' favorites. At the same time, their appearance and character do not matter. Novels win the hearts of women with their charm and wit. At the same time, the owner of this name himself is not so susceptible to feelings.

He will not dare to marry early or devote himself to the only lady of his heart if the relationship requires great responsibility. In most cases, guys with this name are more prone to relationships without commitment.

If Roman really meets “the one”, he will not pay attention to her appearance. For him, the main qualities will be the eccentricity of the lady and her perception of the world around. In this case, the compatibility of people will be the most optimal.

In order for the relationship with Roman to be truly harmonious, the girl needs to have a similar character and priorities. In addition, you will need to value and not limit his freedom, as well as be able to listen carefully to him. The most "corresponding" to these requirements are Mary, Sophia, Maya and Ada.

Elena, Julia and Love are also suitable for men with this name - their compatibility will be good. As practice shows, most often Ada and Julia become faithful wives of Rom. At the same time, they should avoid girls with the names Rosa and Nonna, since their compatibility is very low.

Studying the meaning of the name Roman for a boy, it is worth noting that not in all cases it predetermines the fate of the carrier. Celebrating name days according to the church calendar in almost every month, the owner of this name may well become the full master of his life.
Author: Elena Suvorova


The name Roman is considered Latin in origin and most likely first appeared in ancient Roman culture. Could come from the Latin word "romanus", which in translation can mean "Roman", "Roman" or "man from Rome". In modern times, it is considered one of the most popular in Russia ...

The male name Roman has a very strong energy and is able to endow the wearer with a whole bunch of important and necessary characteristics. Plus, it has very good compatibility with most Orthodox female names, both modern and obsolete ...

Conversational options: Roma, Romasya, Romulya, Romanka

Modern English counterparts: Romanus, Romano, Raman

The meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Roman can promise the wearer many good qualities. Roman is usually a calm and reasonable man, with a penchant for adventurism and unpredictability. This is a narcissistic representative of the strong half of humanity, confident in actions, making decisions on the fly, without subjecting them to criticism, and doing everything with only one goal - to satisfy his own pride.

His character is not simple, but predictable, and it is quite easy to unravel it. Decisive, generous, kind, self-confident, never stops at the sight of obstacles, always achieves his goals, and never gives up. His opinion always has weight, and his actions are sometimes too illogical. However, he is most often right and rarely wrong.

Advantages and positive features: self-confidence, determination, readiness to go ahead to the set goal, inability to give up and readiness to overcome any obstacles encountered on the way. The novel never rests on its laurels and tries to constantly improve itself.

The novel is bad for people who do not respect other people's opinions, to selfish and deceitful individuals, to traitors and women who do not respect themselves. He will never let a person close to him who has ever been seen in a lie or betrayal.

It is believed that the name Roman comes from the Latin word, but at the same time it was never popular in Europe ...

The nature of the name Roman

The nature of the name Roman is such that it promises the bearer of this name form a simple nature, which almost never calls others to discontent. The character of the man named so is so simple that it is sometimes simply amazing, he rarely quarrels. Almost never does bad deeds, at least intentionally, and is always ready to help. In addition, his character provides for the presence of such a trait as sociability, which contributes to making friends and easy adaptation to any environment. Roman is a person whose character simply does not allow him to have enemies, and there are practically no ill-wishers. At the same time, the character of the name of the bearer of this name bestows both incredible self-confidence and self-sufficiency, which, alas. Modern men are often very lacking.

On the other hand, the nature of the name form is the so-called “ghostly” parameter, that is, theoretical, which means that everything in the case of each individual boy with the name Roman can be different. By the way, in most cases, this whole theory comes true, but the intensity of manifestation of many of these qualities depends on education.

Early childhood

In early childhood, the boy, for whom the parents decided to choose the name Roman, is full of good moments. The meaning of this name can endow in early childhood a boy named Roman with such traits as calmness, harmlessness, goodwill, obedience, activity, energy, purposefulness, diligence, desire to develop and be the first in everything that his life would not touch, eloquence and talkativeness .

This one is never bored, he is always busy, never sits still, always looking for things to do, and at the same time he practically does not rowdy - an extreme case when Roman starts rowdy and indulge, and there are incredibly few such cases.

And the energy of the male name Roman endows with sociability, which helps him make friends even where it is almost impossible. But that's not all.

As for relations with parents, everything is simple here - he will never allow himself to disobey his mother, and even more so his father, respects their opinion, even at moments when he does not consider it right, and in general, tries not to let his parents down and not disappoint them , which is pretty good.

But with peers, everything is much more complicated - on the one hand, he is sociable and able to get along with everyone without exception, and moreover, he can even become a leader, albeit unspoken, but on the other hand, his unwillingness to indulge and go against the will of his parents can lead misunderstood by peers.


Roman teenager runs the risk of remaining the same obedient, talkative, eloquent, calm child. The only thing that will additionally reward the meaning of the name Roman is diligence, commitment, responsibility, and diligence.

He has a huge chance of successfully graduating from school, he can succeed in his studies so much that teachers simply cannot help but be proud of him, but there is one “but”. The fact is that Roman a teenager is very much subject to outside influence - that is, anyone can influence him, both positively and negatively. Seducing him with pampering and adventures is easier than ever - he can change radically at any time under the influence of negative factors and people, and, as they say, go downhill. Parents should pay special attention to this moment, save it, because otherwise it will not lead to good.

Eloquence, daydreaming, romanticism, courtesy, attentiveness, caring - these are the qualities that a boy named Roman has against the background of other children, and with their help, by the way, he will build a completely active personal life.

grown man

An adult man, called the beautiful name Roman, the meaning of this name endows additionally with such characteristics as diligence, curiosity, a desire to develop, the ability to dispose of people. He has someone to talk to, in companies he is a welcome guest, a humorist, what to look for, a joker and a ringleader, but at the same time he is not a brawler, but just a merry fellow who makes everyone move around. Thanks to this, he can make an excellent leader, boss, leader.

Another important property is that he does not like injustice, plus, he is ready to help a person in need. He will never leave anyone in trouble, even an unfamiliar person will be happy to help in the most difficult situation. This boy, or rather a man, has the soul of an angel, he is by nature kind and cheerful, positive, optimistic, and will never disregard anyone's grief. A good person in every way.

And he also has no enemies - Roman is a good person, always following his principles and never offending people, his meaning endows him with such a character with which it is simply impossible to have enemies.

The interaction of the character Roman with the seasons

Summer - born in summer, the bearer of the name Roman, a boy subject to the meaning of Summer, will grow up as a merry fellow and a joker, with a positive and light soul. This one will be prone to financial success, but rarely pay attention to it, because he does not like money as such - he easily partes with everything that can distinguish him from the crowd, he is extremely positive, proud and persistent.

Winter - here a guy from adolescence will demonstrate irascibility, impulsiveness and extreme emotionality. He does not forget the insults brought to him, has a vindictive nature and a complex character - he will absolutely take revenge on the offender, cruel and despotic. Not very lucky in personal life!

Spring - and here he will become a soft plastic man by the origin of his soul and nature - will easily adapt to any circumstances. He is emotional and narcissistic, but this will be shown extremely rarely - closed and mysterious, rarely will he reveal his true face to anyone, which will interfere with communication with people.

Autumn - under her auspices, the prudent and mercantile will grow. He will look at the future with a real look, smart and decisive, balanced and clear in mind. You can’t deceive this, you won’t betray without his knowledge, but you shouldn’t expect this from him either. Successful in love.

The fate of the name Roman

The fate of the name Roman in love, in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, and in marriage - this parameter is one of the most mysterious, but also one of the most interesting. True, unfortunately, be that as it may, fate is unpredictable, and it is quite difficult to predict it.

However, judging by history, the fate of this small name suggests the emergence in the personal life of a guy with a nominal variation of Roman a huge number of problems, and in particular, through the fault of Roma himself. After all, this is a calm, albeit optimistic, and cheerful guy, and at the teenage stage, he will be lonely for the most part. The main problem that fate promises is his personal inability to attract the attention of girls. But in maturity, fate can reward a different routine of personal life ...

So, having reached maturity, Roman can become an excellent father, a caring and attentive husband, a true master of the house, a family leader who will keep everything, and family well-being, and the happiness of all family members, and home microclimate. Although, again, all this is just a theory, and, unfortunately, no one knows how it will actually be.

Love and marriage

The novel from a young age bathes in the attention of women, but ladies should not count on a strong, serious relationship with such a man. He has a too amorous nature, so the number of his novels is growing by leaps and bounds. He can stop his choice on a woman who has managed to give him all of herself to the last drop, and also devote every minute of her life to him. She will have to forget about personal independence and freedom. However, even such a sacrifice does not guarantee that Roman will still decide to give up his freedom too.

Roma is guided by his thirst for new sensations, feelings, desire for diversity, so even after the wedding, Roma can continue his many intrigues on the side. Early marriages tend to fail very quickly, while later ones can last longer. It all depends on his wife and the degree of her patience.

In family relationships, Roman immediately takes the position of an unquestioning leader, whose decisions are not subject to doubt. It is quite difficult for even the closest people to establish friendly contact with him, to achieve his trust and disposition. In addition, Roma can be a cheerful and hospitable host, putting all his strength into arranging a family nest.

Roman as Father

Roman's frivolous attitude to life collapses with the advent of children, and although he does not become an exemplary family man, he will certainly become more serious and attentive to family responsibilities. He will approach fatherhood with all responsibility and will try so that his children do not feel the need for anything. He will not be too lazy to earn an extra penny, and will do everything possible to ensure that everyone in his family gets what they crave.

Roma will become a support for her children, an older friend. He will never begin to ignore children and their problems, he will never refuse to help, and he will always help his children solve all their problems. And in general, he can make a good father. And let him not sacrifice his freedom for the sake of the children, but do everything in his power for the sake of their happiness.

Care, upbringing and education of children, according to Roman, should be handled by a woman. And the father should be the breadwinner, the breadwinner. The time spent next to him, children should perceive as a holiday.

Roman horoscope


The novel, subject to the meaning of Aries, is responsive, kind, sincere in its essence and character, and believes in the sacred. A good person, capable of doing good, but his fate is not simple, his good features are used by those around him. But in personal life, everything is simpler - he will create a family with the one who truly loves him.


Taurus - by nature, a boy named Roman, subject to this zodiac sign, is active and purposeful, loves to make plans for the future, and besides, he always follows them. He is independent and self-sufficient, responsible for his own actions and misdeeds, strives for perfection and is persistent in his motives.


The twin is, by the origin of the soul and inner world, an imposing and noble at the same time bearer of the name Roman, a hero in the soul, loves to be heroes and do good, hates the evil and envious. Not too trusting, reaching out only to those who can win his trust one hundred percent, also with women.


Cancer is modest, suspicious, modest and even touchy. Tends to fall under the factor of someone else's domination, not created for leadership. In relations with the fair sex, he is also not a leader, he loves to be controlled and led along the path of fate. Compatibility is observed only with the one that turns out to be the clear master of fate.

a lion

A merry fellow will be born as a lion, what to look for, a kind man and just a positive person, inclined to constant communication. He is ready to be in the eternal attention of others, but having fallen in love, he becomes a completely opposite person.


Virgo, this is a boy with his characteristic stubbornness, scrupulousness and determination. Before the action, he draws up a plan for this action, thinks through his every step, and this is how he achieves success. His chosen one should be a real lady - a beauty and just a woman.


Under the sign of the zodiac Libra, Roman is born an intellectual, a gentleman and just a real knight. He is always ready to help, is a good listener, understanding and delving into the essence of the problem. Inclined to self-sacrifice.


Scorpio - this sign in combination with this name creates a difficult nature. Excessive emotionality, inconstancy, impulsiveness, aversion to rules, rebelliousness and unpredictability - this is not a complete list of qualities. Only a patient and humble lady can handle it.


Sagittarius - here, who received the name Roman, on the contrary, is charming and positive, the soul of the company, the personality is active, cheerful and beautiful. This will be loved by women, but will hardly find a companion. He rarely shows his true feelings, for which he is despised by most weak representatives.


Capricorn - has his own ideals, which he is not able to betray. He has principles, adheres to them one hundred percent. He loves loneliness, he is calm by nature and prone to being a bachelor - but he loves stormy short-term novels, here his success can only be envied.


Aquarius is self-sufficient and too self-confident. Any encroachment on freedom is regarded as aggression and a threat. Not ideal, does not even trust relatives, sociable in moderation, has a changeable mood. It’s hard to arrange a personal life - he tries to completely re-educate his chosen one according to his own criteria.


Pisces - the compatibility of this zodiac with others does not have a positive connotation. He is always disappointed in people, especially in ladies, but at any moment he is ready to take risks again. Dreamer and romantic, and therefore vulnerable and touchy. He is looking for someone who will accept his love in its true form.

Compatibility with female names

Roman has the best compatibility with such female names as Antonina, Anastasia, Ada, Dora, Elena, Lina, Marianna and Frida.

With Lydia, Tamila, Elvira, Isolde, Vasilisa, Albina, Lolita and Nadezhda, he can build a strong and truly happy marriage.

Victoria, Vladislava, Regina, Flora, Ninel, and Seraphim - Roman has no compatibility at all with such names.

The male name Roman has Latin roots and comes from the word "romanus". The meaning of the name Roman is literally translated as "Roman", "a man from Rome." The original form of the name is Romulus. The Greek interpretation is unsurpassed, courageous, persistent, strong in body and spirit.

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The name is one of the most popular, for 10 years it has been on the list of the most common in the Russian Federation. It has variations: Chamomile, Romochka, Romchik, Romusya, Romeo, Romulya, Romio, Chamomile, Romaine, Ramon, Romasha.

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      Little boy Roma

      Little Roma is not distinguished by special obedience. Very mobile and active, does not like to sit in one place. He is curious and tries to try everything on the tooth, so parents need to carefully look after the little explorer. If you do not take up the education of Roma from childhood, he will grow up lazy and spoiled, since discipline is alien to him. It is necessary to competently draw up a child’s daily routine, including time for useful activities and learning in the schedule.

      • Roma likes to hang out with his peers, he has many friends in kindergarten and school. He easily finds a common language with any person, a great sense of humor and positive thinking help him in this. The boy does not like to study, he does not strive to become an excellent student, he is not interested in the exact sciences.

        The natural charm of the baby captivates parents, so they fulfill all the whims and indulge him. Excessive attention of relatives negatively affects the formation of Roman's personality: he gets used to doing everything in defiance, becomes stubborn and impudent, does not like control. You can influence the boy only verbally, the use of physical force is unacceptable.

        One can only envy the imagination and rich imagination of a child: he composes fairy tales on the go and skillfully knows how to deceive, inventing incredible stories. He has the ability to manipulate people, so he easily manages to evade duties by shifting them onto other people's shoulders. The boy cannot live a day without adventure, he hates boredom and monotony.

        The nature of the child depends on the season in which the child was born:

        • Summer. The main features are perseverance and pride, prudence, independence.
        • Autumn. Typical qualities are pride, selfishness, stubbornness.
        • Winter. Inherent in hot temper, impulsiveness, vindictiveness and independence.
        • Spring. Carelessness, lightness, wit and cheerfulness prevail.

        The invariable character traits of a boy (for those born at any time of the year) are: optimism and narcissism.

        Gemini man - characteristics of the zodiac sign, compatibility


        In adolescence, Roman remains as inquisitive and cheerful as in childhood. The craving for adventure becomes even stronger, so the young man constantly finds himself in unpleasant situations. Going in for sports and martial arts helps a young guy express himself and stand up for himself. The novel does not let anyone close, does not tell secret secrets even to friends. It is not easy to earn his trust.

        The guy easily becomes the soul of the company and is constantly in the spotlight. He is not afraid of difficulties, he always laughs off, never loses optimism. A novel can convince almost any person that he is right, to defend his own point of view, even if it is erroneous.

        Roma is characterized by frivolous and thoughtless actions: he can easily quit his studies at the university, move to another country without warning anyone about it.

        Man Roman

        The fate of an adult man is quite successful, because he has ambition and self-confidence, is not inclined to succumb to other people's influence. Humor helps him overcome setbacks. He never despairs. Money is the best incentive for him, so he is very willing to take on a job that pays well.

        Doing charity work and just helping people is not in his rules. He is vain and greedy, accustomed to a luxurious life, likes to dress expensively and stylishly, to give generous gifts.

        Love relationship

        The novel is an addictive nature. He often changes girls, breaking women's hearts. He doesn't care about the feelings of others. He worries only about his own interests and desires, does not burden himself with unnecessary obligations.

        The charm and natural cheerfulness of Roman attract women, he has many admirers. The man is generous, loves to give flowers, but is not distinguished by fidelity. Being in a relationship, he can easily enter into an intimate relationship with another woman, without feeling any remorse.


        A man is in no hurry to bind himself with family ties. As a rule, he marries late (closer to 40 years). In the chosen one, she appreciates attractiveness (especially a beautiful figure), not paying attention to spiritual qualities.

        Roman will never become an exemplary husband. He is incapable of marital fidelity. A woman will have to come to terms with her husband's love of love, otherwise the marriage will break up very soon.

        Family and Children

        The freedom-loving Roman will not be stopped even by the appearance of children. He is not able to become an exemplary family man and devote himself to raising kids. Household duties will fall on the shoulders of the wife. For a man, this is too boring a pastime.

        In the family, he chooses a leading position and the role of a breadwinner. The wife must obey implicitly. In his house, Roman likes to receive guests. Often arranges noisy parties and various holidays.


        Roman loves to communicate with people, so the profession of a sales manager or a journalist will suit him perfectly. He seeks profit in everything, highly appreciates his work, does not accept criticism from his superiors.

        The work team loves him: he is cheerful and non-conflict, he will always find something to surprise. A man is constantly on the lookout, so he cannot stay in one place for a long time.

        Indefatigable vitality and charisma will help you reach heights in creative professions. Roman will make a good actor or director. He is full of creative ideas and strives for general recognition.

        Name horoscope

        Men born under different constellations have different traits:

        Zodiac sign Characteristic
        ScorpionRebellious character and inconstancy, impulsiveness and stubbornness, unwillingness to follow generally accepted norms of behavior
        SagittariusFemale heartthrob and charming seducer, natural leader and darling of fortune
        CapricornCalculating, a little cruel and selfish. Consider only your own opinion. Closed and arrogant person
        AquariusHe values ​​freedom above all else, used to rely only on his own strength. A person of mood, often inclined to change his decisions. Performing contradictory actions
        FishHe has a good imagination, likes to dream for days on end, lazy and carefree, self-confident. Lives in his own illusory world, does not understand people at all, therefore he prefers loneliness
        AriesGood-natured and cheerful, always positive attitude. Lives for today, seeks to get the most out of life
        TaurusAmorous and active, prefers to be the center of attention. Independent and goal oriented. Does not accept work in a team, likes to achieve everything alone
        TwinsRomantic and charming. He talks a lot, but does little, so he never achieves his goals.
        CancerSensitive and vulnerable, does not show initiative in relations with the opposite sex, always goes with the flow. Does not forgive his offenders, ready to take revenge at any convenient opportunity
        a lionSociable and domineering, able to perform a heroic deed for the sake of his beloved
        VirgoStubborn and persistent, approaches everything responsibly, performs the task thoroughly. The tendency to consistency in actions helps to achieve significant success in all areas of life.
        ScalesPolite, intelligent, intelligent and insightful. Knows how to find an approach to any woman. Do not skimp on compliments and gifts

        Secret of the Name

        Roman celebrates his birthday three times a year:

        • December 1 (Roman of Antioch);
        • December 10 (Roman Syriac_;
        • October 14 (priest Roman of Constantinople).

        Characteristic features of men named Roman:

        Category Description
        MoralFreedom-loving and capricious, does not like obligations, violates generally accepted norms of behavior. The level of morality is low, he does not forgive other people's mistakes, but does not pay attention to his own
        Personality typesanguine
        Positive featuresOptimism, sense of humor, wit, politeness, responsiveness, good nature, sociability
        Negative TraitsSelfishness, laziness, windiness, vindictiveness, inconstancy, irresponsibility, touchiness, vindictiveness
        HealthDiseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory infections. Often suffers from bronchitis in childhood
        SexA passionate and ardent lover, but he thinks only about satisfying his physical needs, and does not take into account the desires of a woman. Sex for Roman is an integral part of life. Enters into intimate relationships only with beautiful girls
        ProfessionPolitician, advertising manager, social worker. Creative professions - actor, singer, artist. Roman does not like monotony, so he will like the work of a rescuer or a policeman
        BusinessTied to money. Can easily open his own business and earn a multi-million dollar fortune
        IntuitionA man listens to his intuition and she never fails him.
        IntelligenceAnalytical mind and good memory, low level of concentration
        PsycheInability to achieve goals, inaction and lack of discipline. Roman often quits the lesson he has begun, acts impulsively and thoughtlessly. A man almost always has a good mood, he is cheerful, easily perceives failures in work and personal relationships.
        HobbyTravel, sports, cars, girls
        Compatibility with female namesAnna, Ksenia, Elena, Love, Maria, Ada, Valentina, Sofia, Maya, Martha, Margarita
        IncompatibilityEkaterina, Tamara, Daria, Diana, Evgenia, Lilia, Irina

        Patrons and talismans named after Roman:

        Outstanding personalities named Roman: Abramovich - oligarch, Kostomarov - figure skater, Trachtenberg - showman, Karmazin - athlete, boxing champion, Kartsev - artist, Yakobson - specialist in literature and linguistics, Polanski - film director.