November 19 is the holiday of the rocket troops. Day of rocket troops and artillery in russia

The Japanese name for Japan Nihon (日本) is made up of two parts, ni (日) and hon (本), both of which are Sinic. The first word (日) in modern Chinese is pronounced rì and means, as in Japanese, "sun" (transmitted in writing by its ideogram). The second word (本) in modern Chinese is pronounced bӗn. Its original meaning is "root", and the ideogram that conveys it is the tree ideogram mù (木) with a dash added below to indicate the root. From the meaning "root" the meaning "origin" developed, and it was in this meaning that it entered the name of Japan Nihon (日本) - "origin of the sun" > "land of the rising sun" (modern Chinese rì bӗn). In ancient Chinese, the word bӗn (本) also had the meaning of "scroll, book". In modern Chinese it has been superseded in this sense by the word shū (書), but remains in it as a counter for books. The Chinese word bӗn (本) was borrowed into Japanese both in the meaning of "root, origin" and in the meaning of "scroll, book", and in the form hon (本) means book in modern Japanese. The same Chinese word bӗn (本) in the meaning of "scroll, book" was also borrowed into the ancient Turkic language, where, after adding the Turkic suffix -ig to it, it acquired the form *küjnig. The Turks brought this word to Europe, where it from the language of the Danubian Turkic-speaking Bulgars in the form of a book got into the language of the Slavic-speaking Bulgarians and spread through Church Slavonic to other Slavic languages, including Russian.

Thus, the Russian word book and the Japanese word hon "book" have a common root of Chinese origin, and the same root is included as a second component in the Japanese name for Japan Nihon.

I hope everything is clear?)))

You serve proudly
Defenders of Russia - anywhere!
Artillerymen in our times are held in high esteem,
We will honor them for years to come.

And on this day we congratulate you,
We wish you happiness, affection, feminine warmth.
You proudly bear your duty to the Motherland,
Good luck, rocket troops.

You served as an artilleryman
I congratulate you!
This day is not for a tanker -
The rocket troops are here.

Be cheerful and healthy.
Be strong, be courageous.
Develop, be beautiful
And also be gallant.

May you always be lucky
Smiling in full.
Like a rocket mission
Hit the target always!

Congratulations on the Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery. I wish you absolute peace on the borders of the Motherland and absolute confidence in combat readiness for any unforeseen event. I also wish you courage and determination, steadfastness and endurance, perseverance and steadfastness. May every goal of life be reached as quickly as a rocket launcher reaches its goal.

This day is dedicated to the brave and strong
And no one dares to say otherwise.
Rocket Forces of Great Russia,
We hasten to congratulate you with pride in our hearts.

Artillerymen are held in high esteem.
In our country, infinitely large.
Thank you for keeping
Peaceful sky above!

Artillery hour now,
So take the words from us:
On the day of rocket and projectile
I send you the power of the charge,
Flight range in life,
Everything will be, you just whistle.

How difficult it is to be the God of War!
Bear this heavy burden.
But we know what the country has
Heroes of our time.

Rocketeer and gunner,
Invisible guardians of the world.
May your horizon be clear.
And peace will be in your abode.

Behind you always like a shadow
Let radiant happiness follow.
And we drink for you on this day -
Rocket gunner!

Happy Rocket Forces Day
I congratulate you
You are a hero to us
I am proud to announce!

On this day I wish
smiles, moods,
Save for us, for everyone
Strength and patience.

You defended the Fatherland
Violently and briskly
May all dreams come true
Just don't be discouraged.

Artillery, Rocket troops -
Congratulations, you deserve it!
So that the heart is not touched by longing,
For women to love you.

So that if you beat, then only fly in,
Well, and strong nerves to be.
So that the rockets go into flight,
Targets were always exactly found.

And so that on your holiday in heaven
The inscription lit up in bright red:
"Dear, dear, we love you -
Let the danger pass by!”

Peaceful sky above your head
Clear sun always...
Brave guys, real men
Shout three times - "Hurrah!".

Artillerymen, brave rocket launchers
We would like to wish:
Fortitude of the spirit, a healthy body,
So that we can be protected!

Well, in the family, let love and prosperity,
To arrange a life ...
Glory and honor to officers, soldiers,
What is holding our missile Shield!

Artillerymen and rocketmen are soldiers!
Congratulations today guys.
We wish you to be proud of your skills,
But so that in practice, they were not useful in battle.
May heaven and earth be peaceful!
Congratulations again, friends!

Steel barrel, the shell is loaded,
The gunner caught the target in sight,
The enemy is trembling, discouraged,
He remained out of work.

And if suddenly there is an attack from heaven,
Enemy in the sky ahead
He will have to, oh not sweet,
Our missiles are on their way.

Thank you artillerymen
And to all the rocket men of the country,
For the fact that our sky is clear,
Bow to you, sons of the Motherland.

Missile Forces and Artillery - RVIA - a branch of the ground forces, is considered the main means of fire and nuclear destruction of the enemy during hostilities. The RV&A includes missile, rocket, artillery brigades, regiments and divisions, as well as separate and included divisions, brigades and military bases of the Russian army.

Photo: Anti-tank gun MT-12 Rapier (RIA Novosti / Pavel Lisitsyn)

The Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery - as an official holiday, the day when military personnel accept congratulations - appeared on October 21, 1994, after the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. But the defenders of the motherland were honored during the Great Patriotic War, after the large-scale and extremely important Operation Uranus, carried out on November 19, 1942.


The outcome of Operation Uranus, one might say, changed the course of the Second World War and the success of the counteroffensive of the Soviet troops during the Battle of Stalingrad. It was 80 minutes of the most powerful, pre-prepared and carefully planned artillery preparation - as a result, our soldiers managed to break through the defenses of the Nazis, on which Germany had placed great hopes. The enemy's plans were destroyed, and at that moment the artillery of the South-Western and Don Fronts launched another fire strike, reinforcing the success and eliminating the enemy's personnel and equipment. After - the 76-day offensive of the Soviet troops began, which ended with the defeat of the German group.

Photo: A captured German near Stalingrad,

In difficult times for Russia, when our army had to defend its territory from occupation, artillery was respectfully called the "god of war." This nickname stuck and came into use after Stalin's landmark speech in 1940. Then the Marshal of the Soviet Union said:

- In modern warfare, artillery is God ... Who wants to rebuild in a new modern way, must understand - artillery decides the fate of the war.

And in the Battle of Stalingrad, artillery clearly demonstrated that it really decides fate. It was after this attack, given the role of guns and missiles, that the Artilleryman's Day was established on November 19.

In 1961, the name of the holiday was changed. Then it was associated with the reorganization in the army - on the basis of artillery and rocket formations of the Ground Forces, the Rocket Forces and Artillery clan was formed as a separate type. Of course, due to confusion and all sorts of changes, the holiday lost its connection with the historical event of the Great Patriotic War; from 1988 to 2006, the Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery was celebrated every third Sunday of November. But after - everything returned to stocks, now this day is celebrated, as in the very beginning - November 19th.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Pavel Lisitsyn


Artillery is the oldest branch of the Russian army - it is almost 500 years old. And during this time, a lot has changed - it all started with handicraft-assembled throwing devices that in some cases can only frighten the enemy, and continues with innovative, the best missile systems in the world, which, by their very appearance, make it clear that Russia is reliably protected and will fight with us hopeless and extremely dangerous.

The first mention of artillery is found already in the XIV century - then, during the defense of Moscow from the troops of the Khan of the Golden Horde Tokhtamysh in 1382, the city guards used primitive artillery pieces - “great guns”, as well as short-barreled guns that showered the enemy troops with iron loaded into the bowl elements and stones. These shells were called "mattresses". And there were also "launchers" - another type of projectile that attacked the enemy from a distance.

The first cast guns appeared in Russia only under Ivan III. Before him, weapons were cast abroad and brought to us, but after that the craftsmen gained experience and mastered the production, which was subsequently put on stream. At that time, artillery deservedly became an integral part of the Russian army on campaigns - the guns were equipped with wheels and tied to wagons and carts - and delivered to the front line. At the same time, the Cannon Order was established - this is a sectoral ministry, which was entrusted with controlling the process of casting guns, supplying them to the army and manufacturing ammunition in sufficient quantities.

In 1586, the legendary Moscow caster Andrei Chokhov made a cannon with an equestrian image of Tsar Theodore Ioannovich. Later it will be called the Tsar Cannon. Then, during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, artillery took shape as an independent branch of the military.

Photo: Tsar Cannon, RIA Novosti / Valery Shustov

Artilleryman's day now

The Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery is not celebrated on a large scale in Russia - rocket men are a modest, responsible and a little harsh people. Perhaps the main tradition of this day is the laying of flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow. Also on November 19, local military parades and reviews are held throughout Russia, accompanied by artillery salutes.

By tradition, on November 19, military personnel congratulate each other and thank relatives, friends and colleagues from adjacent units for their kind words and wishes. If among your acquaintances there are officers and ensigns, cadets, defense industry workers, military contractors and conscripts, veterans of war, labor and the Armed Forces associated with missiles, be sure to congratulate them on this day.

November 19 is celebrated annually on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" as a memorable day established in recognition of the merits of military specialists in solving the problems of ensuring the defense and security of the state and called contribute to the revival and development of domestic military traditions, to enhance the prestige of military service.

It was the artillery that at the beginning of the operation with a powerful fire strike inflicted heavy losses on the enemy and disrupted its entire defense system, which allowed the Soviet troops, avoiding significant losses, to launch a counteroffensive, which ended with the encirclement and defeat of the enemy near Stalingrad.

In the post-war period, artillery continued to develop - new, more modern and powerful weapons were developed.

In 1961, on the basis of artillery and the missile formations available at that time in the Ground Forces,

Rocket troops and artillery, as a branch of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

Therefore, in 1964, the Artillery Day holiday was on the Day of the Rocket Forces and Artillery. Since 1988, it has been celebrated on the third Sunday of November, and since 2006, again on November 19.

Today, the Rocket Forces and Artillery is a branch of the Ground Forces, which is the main means of fire and nuclear destruction of the enemy in the course of combined arms operations (combat actions). They are designed to gain and maintain fire superiority over the enemy; destruction of its means of nuclear attack, manpower, weapons, military and special equipment; disorganization of command and control systems for troops and weapons, reconnaissance and electronic warfare; destruction of long-term defensive structures and other infrastructure facilities; violations of the operation of the operational and military rear; weakening and isolating the enemy's second echelons and reserves; destruction of tanks and other armored vehicles of the enemy that have broken through into the depths of the defense; covering open flanks and joints; participation in the destruction of enemy air and sea landings; remote mining of terrain and objects; lighting support for night operations of troops; smoke, blinding enemy objects; distribution of campaign materials and other tasks.

Organizationally, the Rocket Forces and Artillery consist of rocket, rocket, artillery brigades, including mixed artillery battalions of high power, rocket artillery regiments, separate reconnaissance battalions, as well as artillery of combined arms brigades and military bases.

Thanks to intensive re-equipment with the latest and advanced types of weapons, an increase in the intensity of combat training and an integrated approach to personnel training, the Rocket Forces and Artillery continue to increase combat capabilities and determine the development vector of the Ground Forces in the future.


Date in 2019: November 19, Tuesday.

The Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery falls on November 19th. It was celebrated in the USSR, today it is celebrated at the official level in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The celebration was established in honor of the counter-offensive of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad (1942), which became the beginning of the defeat of Nazi Germany. It is celebrated with traditional events, ranging from formations of units to the laying of flowers and demonstration exercises.

For exploits in the Great Patriotic War, more than 1,800 artillerymen received the star of the Hero of the Soviet Union, and more than 1.5 million were awarded orders and medals. For an invaluable contribution to the fight against fascism in 1944, a professional holiday was approved, renamed in 1964 as the Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery.

history of the holiday

For the first time, Artillery Day was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on October 21, 1944. November 19 was chosen as a solemn day. In 1942, on this day, the strategic operation "Uranus" began, the purpose of which was the liberation of Stalingrad.

The powerful artillery preparation carried out became one of the turning points in the fight against fascist Germany.

“In modern warfare, artillery is God ... Whoever wants to rebuild in a new modern way must understand that artillery decides the fate of the war,” - I. V. Stalin.

In 1964, the artillery was renamed the Rocket Forces and Artillery. At the same time, he changed the name and holiday.

During the period of perestroika, the date lost its force, the day of artillerymen began to be celebrated on the third Sunday of November. The historical tradition was restored only in 2006.

A Brief History of Russian Artillery

The first mention of Russian (firearms) artillery comes at the end of the 14th century. In 1382, during the siege of Moscow by the troops of Khan Tokhtamysh, the townspeople used forged cannons for defense purposes.

Video: "From all guns." Fascinating history of Russian artillery in eight episodes

During the reign of Peter I, artillery becomes an independent branch of the military. In the first half of the 18th century, troops were divided into 3 categories: field, fortress and siege. By the end of the century, an equestrian direction was formed.

In the 20th century there were victories and defeats. So during the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905), domestic artillerymen said their victory word. However, during the First World War (1914-1918), the protracted period of rearmament did not allow the use of Russian guns by 100% due to the “shell” hunger.

Video: Song of WWII artillerymen

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the importance of the troops had increased, they had become indispensable on all fronts. New types of weapons appear. For example, combat vehicles of the BM series, which were equipped with rocket-propelled mortars, nicknamed "Katyusha", which became one of the symbols of the era.

Who is celebrating?

The Missile Forces and Artillery (R&A) include not only the combat crews of guns and howitzers, but also the crews of multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) and a number of other highly specialized military service specialists.

Photo: Smerch multiple launch rocket system

In addition, the rocket and artillery troops are armed with self-propelled guns, combat crews of towed artillery, mortars, anti-tank missile systems and much more.

Thus, any person whose service is associated with one of the listed types of weapons has the right to call himself an artilleryman and celebrate a professional holiday.

Important! Do not confuse the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces with the holiday of the Strategic Missile Forces!

How they celebrate

Many years of experience in celebrating the Day of the MFA gave rise to original traditions. It all starts with an honorable formation of parts, passing under the patriotic music. They lay wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow or other memorable places throughout the country. Congratulations and warm words of gratitude are addressed to veterans, active military personnel and students of specialized schools.

Video: Demonstration performances in St. Petersburg 2018

In recent years, demonstration performances have become popular, which demonstrate the power of the Russian army, in particular artillerymen and missilemen. All this takes place in an open mode, anyone can attend the event. In almost every part, in the afternoon, by the forces of the city's creative teams, a festive concert is held for the personnel. It celebrates the results of the outgoing year, singles out excellent students in combat and political training, and awards state awards and new titles.

Artilleryman's Day is celebrated solemnly and interestingly. However, it is not a day off, because who, if not the god of war, should always remain on guard of the borders of our homeland.

Congratulations to the gunners

What does "Artillery Day" mean? This is a holiday of the bravest, the most courageous, the most courageous and fearless. This is a holiday of those who defend our Fatherland. The job of an artilleryman is not easy. Every day they risk their lives for us humans. So let's wish them strength, not only spiritual, but also physical strength, courage and well-being on their professional holiday. May they always have a clear sky above their heads. Happy holiday!

Protecting your homeland is not an easy task. Therefore, only real men stand guard - strong, courageous, proud. So let's wish them to remain men with a capital letter, let not a single storm break their proud temper. May family and friends be healthy and faithful. I wish you to appreciate the peaceful sky, clean air without the admixture of gunpowder and quiet calm around. With the most courageous holiday to you, real men!

They stand guard over the world

Protect the life of the people always.

Let's give them a round of applause

They are fearless for years.

Thank you gunners

For your hard, strong work.

May your path not be shady,

Your glorious way of life!

In all ages, in all years

Russia is glorified by artillerymen.

We wish you easy service,

And return home

Where they love you and are waiting for you,

And appreciate your hard work!

Happy Great Holiday, Happy Artillery Day!

May you always be lucky in life!

Let loved ones believe in you

And the best awaits!


Congratulations on your professional holiday! We wish you to hit the target under any life circumstances. May you be sure to be lucky, because luck is also a great gift and art!

Larisa, October 19, 2016.