Arkaim description. Arkaim - a place of power

The emergence of the Russian language, like any other, is a process extended over time. How did it happen that the youngest ethnic nation - the Slavs - formed the richest language in the world in a short period of two thousand years? And why is mainstream science so reluctant to recognize a clear fact?

The ancient origin of the Russian language is undeniable

The role of developed speech determines the self-consciousness of a person in society. Not only speech distinguishes man from animals, but a developed speech apparatus is something that no other animal in the world has. Language, speech are the main factors in identifying a person as a representative of a certain linguistic group of the people. People speak, think, write, read in their native dialect - this forms a unique group of bearers of the priceless gift of their ancestors. The richness and diversity of speech forms the intellectual potential of human development, the more complex the speech, the greater the potential that determines the depth of human thinking.

We inherited the priceless gift of multifaceted and polysemantic speech from our ancestors, and we must protect our native dialect from the penetration of foreign words and concepts into it. But something is too persistently saturating our world of communication with slang, replacing native words with incomprehensible English terms or introducing distorted mutant words as a trendy youth jargon.

Formation of the Russian language

Scholars attribute many European languages ​​to the Indo-European language group. In such a group there are common rules, consonant pronunciation, the same sounding words. Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish and Russian have always been considered related. But in fact, everything is much more complicated and wider.
Traces of truth are hidden in .


Modern scientists put the ancient Sanskrit first in proximity to the Russian language. This language is described and partially deciphered by archaeologists and philologists studying antiquities. So it was discovered that the inscriptions on burial items in India were made in Sanskrit. However, this dialect has never sounded like a native in India, not a single nationality inhabiting India has ever spoken Sanskrit. Ministers of science believe that this language was practiced in the circles of scientists and priests of ancient India, like Latin among European peoples.
It is proved that Sanskrit was artificially introduced into the life of the Hindus. It is worth considering how he got to India.

Legend of the Seven Teachers

An ancient Indian legend tells that a long time ago seven white teachers came to them from the North, because of the impregnable Himalayan mountains. It was they who brought Sanskrit and the ancient Vedas to the Hindus. Thus was laid the foundation of Brahmanism, which is the most widespread religion in India today. Centuries later, Buddhism emerged from Brahminism and became an independent religion.

The legend of the seven white teachers lives on in India today. It is even studied in the theosophical universities of India. Modern Brahmins are sure that the northern part of Europe is the ancestral home of all mankind. Admirers of Brahmanism today make pilgrimage trips to the Russian North, just as Muslims go to Mecca.

But outside of India, for some reason, such knowledge is prohibited ...

The living language of mankind

60% of Sanskrit words completely coincide in meaning, meaning and pronunciation with Russian words. For the first time, an ethnographer, a specialist in the culture of India, N. Guseva, wrote about this. She has written over 160 books on the culture and ancient religions of the Hindus.

In one of her books, she writes that she was deeply struck by the words of a scientist from India, who refused the services of an interpreter in a conversation with the inhabitants of the northern settlements, and shedding tears, he said that he was glad to hear live Sanskrit. This happened on a journey along the rivers of the Russian North, when N. Guseva accompanied an Indian scientist. It was from this moment that our ethnographer N. Guseva became interested in the phenomenon of the coincidence of the sound of two related languages.

You can just wonder, but you need to think

An amazing thing: beyond the Himalayas, where the peoples of the Negroid race are widely settled, there are educated people who speak a dialect consonant with our native language. Sanskrit, by the definition of linguists, is as close to the dialect of Russian people as Ukrainian. But Sanskrit maximally coincides only with the Russian language, with no other it has so many words that are consonant and close in meaning.

Sanskrit and Russian are undoubtedly relatives, philologists only find out the question - Slavic letters originated from Sanskrit, or vice versa. What is there to find out? An ancient Indian legend says that Sanskrit originated from the language of the Rus. The numbers and dates that archaeologists provide when determining the age of interesting finds of writing do not play any role here. Dates are given to us only to confuse, hide the truth.

Russian language is the oldest on Earth

Philologist A. Dragunkin proved that a language born from another is usually simpler in structure: words are always shorter, verbal forms are simpler. Indeed, Sanskrit is much simpler. It can be called a simplified version of the Rus language, which was frozen in time about 5 thousand years ago. N. Levashov is sure that the Sanskrit hieroglyphs are Slavic-Aryan runes, which have undergone some transformation over time.

The Rus language is the most ancient on Earth. It is closest to the parent language, which served as the basis for a large number of dialects around the world.


Cyrillic and Glagolitic letters. Russian language.

V. Tatishchev, the author of the Russian History, argued that the Slavs created writing long before Cyril and Methodius. Academician N. Levashov writes that the Slavs had several types of writing: a drop cap, runes, slashes, which are often found in many excavations. And the famous Cyril and Methodius only “finalized” the Slavic initial letters, removing nine characters. Their merit in the creation of writing should not be exaggerated: having simplified the Slavic initial letter, they created the Church Slavonic alphabet based on it for the translation of the Bible.

This theory finds support in studies of Etruscan inscriptions. The Etruscans are a people who once lived on the territory of modern Southern Europe, on the Apennine Peninsula long before the birth of "". To date, archaeologists and historians have received almost 9 thousand inscriptions in the Etruscan alphabet during excavations and research. The inscriptions were located on tombstones, on household earthenware - vases, mirrors; there were inscriptions on jewelry. None of the linguists could decipher the inscriptions, in the circle of archaeologists a saying was born: “etruscum non legitur”, which translates as “Etruscan is not readable”.

Reading Etruscan letters

When Russian scientists began to decipher the inscriptions, the letters began to slowly lift the veil of their secret. First, G. Grinevich deciphered the inscription on the world-famous Phaistos disk; then V. Chudinov proved with his research that the Etruscan inscriptions should not be deciphered, but simply read using the letters of the Russian alphabet. Etruscan letters and words almost completely correspond to the letters and words of our native language. Any person who has studied the modern alphabet will read them, not to mention experts in the Old Russian alphabet.
Why hide such a terrible secret?

At lectures, V. Chudinov demonstrates photographs taken during excavations of an Etruscan tomb. Looking at the pictures of the inscription taken at close range, the lecturers themselves were able to read it. On the stone structure is written: "Here rests five thousand warriors after the great track of the strong and glorious Slavs, we and the titans of Italy."

Surprise is caused not only by the inscription in letters that are indistinguishable from our modern ones, but also by the date of burial. Archaeologists attributed the tomb to the third or fourth millennium BC. The same dates determine the formation of writing among the Sumerians in Mesopotamia. Here, a long-standing dispute between connoisseurs of the world is revealed - whose writing appeared earlier.

Argument leading to the wrong path

It is clearly seen that the world scientific community refuses to recognize the superiority of the Rus. It is easier to admit that the European dialects came from the ancient Indian proto-language than to admit that the Russian language served as the basis. This hypothesis is not even given the right to exist, not to mention the opportunity to start actively studying it for refutation or confirmation.

An example is the fact that the scientist D. Mendeleev was never admitted to the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, today's RAS. A scandalous event: an honored scientist is not awarded the title of academician. The scientific world of that time, which made up the majority of the Academy of the Russian Empire, considered that one Russian scientist was enough in the Academy - M. Lomonosov; and D. Mendeleev did not become an academician.

The world community does not like Russian scientists, the world does not need Russian discoveries. Not even like that. Discoveries are needed, but if they are made by Slavic scientists, they are hidden and oppressed by any means until a similar one appears in another country. And more often than not, discoveries are simply stolen or appropriated during the registration process. The authorities of other countries were and are afraid of the competition of Russian scientists. It's easier to close your eyes to the next discovery, if only not to recognize the Russian superiority in anything.

So far, not professionals are engaged in interesting issues of the development of the Russian language in the country: geologist G. Grinevich, philosopher V. Chudinov, satirist M. Zadornov. It remains to be hoped that Russian science will stop turning a blind eye to facts and turn its scientific knowledge to the search for raw information that promises to become another star on the slope of scientific discoveries.

There are a lot of such hidden facts and knowledge. Concealment and destruction of them is carried out constantly and purposefully, and those facts that lie on the surface and it is impossible to hide them are distorted and presented from the “correct” point of view. You just need to look at them from a different point of view, instead of continuing to live in a world of artificially created illusion.

ancient sanskrit

A language is not only a set of words that allows people to understand each other, it keeps the history, traditions and culture of the people who speak it. What secrets does the most ancient language of the existing ones protect?

Finding out which language is the most ancient is not an easy task, who knows what happened there in ancient times, but scientists still have certain assumptions. According to the written monuments that have survived to this day, the oldest of all those languages ​​spoken to this day is Sanskrit.

Indo-European language family

Sanskrit belongs to the Indo-European language family, in particular, to its Indo-Iranian branch. Currently, it is considered one of the 22 official languages ​​of India, while the age of its earliest monuments dates back to the 2nd millennium BC. e. Sanskrit is not the language of any particular people, but the language of a particular culture, common among the social elite. It is used as the language of religious worship, the humanities, and also as a spoken language in a narrow circle.

He not only helped shape the most ancient languages ​​of northern India, but also other language systems that ended up in the realm of Buddhist or Sanskrit cultures. In addition, many artistic, philosophical, religious, scientific and legal works were written in Sanskrit, which influenced the culture of Central Asia and Southeast, as well as Western Europe.

Another ancient language is Greek, which belongs to the most widespread Indo-European language family, constituting its separate branch. Its first monuments presumably belong to the XIV-XII centuries. BC e. The language has come down to our time somewhat modified (historians-linguists even distinguish 3 main periods in the history of the Greek language), which is mainly due to the incredible complexity of ancient Greek, so for thousands of years they tried to simplify the language.


For centuries, the richest literature was created in Greek, in the Roman Empire every educated person was obliged to know Greek, and along with Latin, Greek became the source of many scientific and technical terms. It is currently the official language in Greece and also in the Greek part of Crete. 15 million people consider it their native language, most of whom are Greeks by nationality, although other peoples living in Greece also use it as their native language: Slavs, Gypsies, Albanians, Aromanians, etc. The number of people who speak Greek as a foreign language, is approximately 3-5 million people.

Chinese, which also has the oldest written language of those that are used in our time, can also be attributed to the oldest languages. The oldest written evidence indicating the existence of a language dates back to the 14th-11th centuries. BC e. , this is evidence that the language system was already formed in the Shang-Yin period. Chinese is part of the Sino-Tibetan language family and is currently the language with the largest number of speakers, approximately 1.3 billion people. It is recognized as the official language of three countries at once: China, Singapore and Taiwan and one of the official languages ​​of the UN.

Evidence supporting the antiquity of Sanskrit

For the written expression of the Chinese language, a hieroglyphic system of records is used, which differs from the alphabetic one in that each character, hieroglyph, has its own (not only phonetic) meaning. It is not possible to determine the exact number of hieroglyphs, in order to read newspapers and magazines, you need to know at least 3000 hieroglyphs. Not surprisingly, Chinese, like several other ancient languages, is officially recognized as the most difficult language in the world.

It is possible to determine the approximate age of a language only from monuments that have survived to the present. Evidence confirming the antiquity of Sanskrit was found only in the 20th century. Perhaps there will be new evidence soon?

Arkaim is an ancient city discovered by Soviet archaeologists in the summer of 1987 at the confluence of the Utyaganka and Karaganka rivers (south of Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region). This is the most mysterious archaeological site in Russia. The city-fortress of the ancient Aryans was abandoned for an unclear reason by the owners and burned down about 4 thousand years ago. However, this city is well preserved.

This place is fraught with many mysteries. There is a belief that in order to get to this mystical city, one must not only buy a train or bus ticket, more important is something else: whether this place will let you in.

Not only adventurers and seekers of antiquities come here. Here, unusual things happen to people: you can sleep on a cold windy mountain in one thin sleeping bag and not catch a cold. Sores and illnesses, dormant in the body and from time to time made themselves felt, go away and never bother again. People change, acquire a new meaning of life. A person who has visited Arkaim feels as if he started everything from scratch.

With the help of computer graphics, we can roughly imagine what the city looked like in the years of its greatness and model its layout.

The culture of Arkaim dates back to the 18th-16th centuries BC. In terms of the city, there are 2 rings of defensive structures, 2 circles of dwellings leaning against the walls, a central square and a circular street with wooden flooring and storm sewers.

People spent about 200 - 300 years in Arkaim, then, according to some versions, a fire broke out in the city and the city burned out. There are three versions of the fire:

  • the city was set on fire by the locals;
  • the city was burned by an external enemy;
  • there was an accidental fire.

According to another version, the inhabitants of the city left it forever under unclear mystical circumstances.

Without a doubt, Arkaim, oriented to 4 cardinal directions with entrances to the fortress, was built according to a pre-drawn plan with the highest accuracy: all ring lines have one center, where all radial lines converge. Before you is another virtual reconstruction of this mysterious fortress.

  1. The monument was first discovered by cartographers in 1957. However, no studies have been undertaken.
  2. In 1987, a cultural center was opened, and active research work was carried out.
  3. The walls of Arkaim, consisting of two rings, have a total area of ​​20,000 square meters.
  4. The central square, which, apparently, served as a place for some ritual actions, measured 25x27 meters.
  5. 35 dwellings were found near the outer wall, 25 dwellings near the inner wall.
  6. Artistic figurines and ceramic vessels were found in Arkaim.
  7. Wells, pantries, kitchens with hearths and bedrooms were found in the houses. In each courtyard there was a small workshop where they were engaged in modeling and sewing clothes, carpentry and preparing weapons. The most common artisans were blacksmiths and casters.

Arkaim on the map

Where is the ancient city of Arkaim located? It can be easily found on Google or Yandex maps by entering the desired query. Or use GPS coordinates: 52.642887, 59.543659.

Photo - Ancient city of Arkaim

Video - Unknown Arkaim