Aspects of Saturn and Neptune in the natal chart. Neptune - astrological description

Aspects of Saturn and Neptune are rare because these planets move slowly. Neptune is responsible for lofty ideals, creativity and inspiration. Saturn brings restrictions and adjustments to the spiritual aspirations and religious beliefs of a person, and the native discards concepts and ideas that do not correspond to his ideas of logic and rationality.

Saturn makes dreams more realistic, and fantasies - based on specific ideas about the world around. No matter how idealistic and inspired a person is, his spiritual impulses are always under the control of the mind.

The influence of the aspect on personality traits, goals and views of a person

The conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in the natal chart gives a person spiritual strength, patience and a high level of concentration. Such people are thoughtful, unhurried and intuitive. There is often an element of creativity in their work. As a rule, the owner of a horoscope waits for a special state of inspiration in order to begin work. Often, chaos and disorder reign in the workplace, but this does not interfere with the creative process of the native.

Since the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune is a tense aspect, some qualities prevent a person from succeeding. It can be laziness, disorganization, a tendency to be late, as well as the inability to stick to a schedule and meet deadlines.

If such people dream, then they try to present what they want in all the details. Empty fantasies are rejected immediately. The native very quickly moves from planning to the materialization of the plan.

People with this aspect should not indulge in apathy, pessimism and disbelief in future success if they do not succeed for a long time. Whatever happens, you can't stop trying to move forward. You need to work hard and gradually realize your dream.

People whose horoscopes have this connection can show their abilities in religious, medical and psychological activities. They can make good musicians, singers and composers.

Conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in some signs of the zodiac

This conjunction will have a more favorable effect on a person's life if Saturn or Neptune are in the signs of their strength. For example, the conjunction of the mentioned planets in the sign of Capricorn in 1989-1990. gave the world a prudent, prudent and cautious generation of people who, thanks to intuition and great fortitude, are able to cope with life's difficulties and vicissitudes of fate.

Aspect interactions with the Sun and Moon

The connection of Saturn and Neptune manifests itself in the character and in the life of a person most clearly if it is associated with aspect interactions with personal planets and luminaries.

If the connection has good connections with the Sun or the Moon, then the owner of the horoscope intuitively chooses the most correct and shortest path to the goal, whether it be a career or personal life. He is kind, caring and merciful, and this gives him the opportunity to easily find a common language with others. At the same time, the owner of the aspect is quite practical and knows how to separate dreams from reality. Thanks to this quality, there are few mistakes and misfires on his life path, because he pursues only specific goals that promise good material returns and advancement in society.

The intense interactions of the above-mentioned planets with the Sun and Moon make a person hypersensitive and dependent on external circumstances. Evil fate, bad environment and strict bosses become obstacles on the way to success in life. In order to achieve good results, the native needs to gain faith in himself, avoid illusions, be extremely honest both with others and with himself. You need to gradually move forward, while relying only on your own strength.

Het monster. Aspects

In a good horoscope - constancy, spirituality, sympathy for the disadvantaged; if there are other confirming aspects - clairvoyance. Good for art. Often secret or behind-the-scenes activities: a person quietly goes his own way and achieves a lot.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Connection: rigor combined with the irrational. Intuition is reinforced by logic, and the most inaccessible areas are subjected to serious and insightful consideration. A rich imagination and the ability to reason are combined, without entering into conflict with each other, and expand the capacity for genuine creativity. This man penetrates the essence of things that are not subject to the understanding of mere mortals; its strength lies in the desire to comprehend it.

Absalom Underwater. Aspects

Saturn Conjunction: The passage of time slows down on its own. The problem is to notice it.
The conjunction of the Planet with Saturn clamps and freezes its principle; here the karmic requirement is a deep elaboration, in particular, the liberation of the Planet principle from superficial egoistic programs that require a specific payment for any insignificant effort. For example, the conjunction of Saturn with Mercury gives a person who does not understand well things that he has not thought through, and it is useless to fight this. If a person “tryes, which is very typical for a low level of elaboration of the aspect, to ignore the intense pressure of Saturn, which makes him think long and carefully, then his rational thinking will literally jam, and he will lose all reason in general, having felt the creativity of the Absolute in the form of a variety of absurd and tragic situations where he gets because of his frivolity, but in fact laziness and irresponsibility.
At the beginning of the study, the connection of Saturn requires withdrawal into oneself and understanding the principle of the Planet within the framework of one's life and life philosophy, which is often motivated by long-term external restrictions; further elaboration is no longer under such harsh conditions as the primary one, but here a person is required to voluntarily humility and voluntary submission to the principle of the Planet in situations when it becomes active, which gives very high results and a breakthrough to great creativity in the areas controlled by the Planet, although at first it is difficult to believe in this, since the conjunction of Saturn gives, on the contrary, the impression of not just a lack of abilities, but downright their negative value, often an inferiority complex - and at the same time an extremely strong and deep inner desire to master the principle of the Planet.
Conjunction of Neptune: It is difficult to believe in the immortality of the soul for a person who does not have a soul.
In areas ruled by the Planet in conjunction with Neptune, it is difficult for a person to concentrate: he begins meditation, which (without working out the aspect) is carried out by the lower programs of the subconscious, trying to put all manifestations of the principle of the Planet at the service of the ego. Neptune creates in the respective areas a constant distortion of vision, false positions, temptations of conscious and unconscious deceit, and it is very difficult to get rid of these influences, since an undeveloped connection gives a very deep and strong penetration of the lower octave of Neptune into the principle of the Planet. If Neptune is in conjunction with Venus, then at a low level of development of the aspect, a person will constantly fall into false positions, and simply lie in social contacts and love, but both, as well as accessible forms of art, will be sources of endless pleasure for him, and elaboration gives a true connoisseur of art, and perhaps an artist. It is much more difficult to work out the connection of Neptune with Saturn, since Neptune of the lower octave averts the eyes of Saturn, and a person is practically incapable of concentration (he quickly starts lower meditation, and attention flies away) and self-deepening, which are necessary for developing discipline and inner honesty. The study of Pluto helps here (which, by the way, has been sextile to Neptune for the entire second half of the 20th century, promising support), the only planet capable of dispelling the spell and deception of Neptune.
At a high level, the study of the connection with Neptune gives a person in the spheres ruled by the Planet a rare ability of true understanding, high meditations and external actions in which a person can express the Inexpressible, but not everyone is able to see it.

Francis Sakoyan. Aspects

In a good horoscope - constancy, concentration, clairvoyance, spirituality, sympathy for the disadvantaged. Saturn-supported inspiration is good for art. Secret or behind-the-scenes activities, and if defeated, foul play. With good ones, a person goes quietly on his own path and achieves a lot. Affected connection - depression, fears, morbid imagination, unable to resist destructive mental influences, hospitalization is possible if there is a XII house. With bad aspects - avoid drugs that lead to a change in consciousness.

S.V. Shestopalov. Aspects of the planets

Disappointment, deep emotional experiences; tendency to depression, despondency, sad thoughts; secret grief, loneliness; temptation, indulgence to one's lowest feelings and aspirations; lies, slander, deceit, fraud, suspicion, cunning, dishonesty, hypocrisy.
The good side - can give great spiritual strength, concentration, spiritual firmness and high morality.

Het monster. Aspects

Suspicion, sour face, causeless fears. They need to learn frankness and frankness in address. In the worst case, they are cunning, insidious. At best, they are being deceived. Public scandals are possible. The mania of persecution, the complex of martyrdom is sometimes brought to a mental hospital. Psychological difficulties are difficult to treat.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Opposition, quadrature: imagination and reason, experience and intuition - the whole inner world of this person is in endless confrontation; he acts now hesitantly, then cold-bloodedly to the point of insensitivity. He is always in search of something "real", which constantly eludes him.

Absalom Underwater. Aspects

Opposition of Saturn: Man perfectly hears the voice of reason, but he is disgusted with him.
The opposition of the Planet to Saturn actualizes the problem of internal discipline and external restrictions in the areas associated with it. In general, the major aspect of the Planet to Saturn gives a deep desire to understand in detail its principle, which is initially presented in humans in a very frozen and undeveloped form. The opposition is characterized by the resistance of the Planetary principle to its elaboration and in-depth study, which is expressed in the fact that as soon as a person internally gathers, focuses and begins to carefully consider the problem, it immediately becomes emasculated, becomes flat and completely uninteresting. An unworked Saturn kills all life in any matter it touches, and in this case this life goes outside, i.e., the planetary principle suddenly appears in the outside world and seems completely inaccessible. As a result, a person gets the false impression that the Planetary Principle is absolutely inaccessible to him, that in the Pluto version it is possible to experience, but in the cases of Venus or the Moon it is much more difficult, and frustrations, neuroses and complete mental ossification are possible. On the other hand, attempts to emphasize the principle of the Planet and identify with it are often accompanied by a complete disregard for the Saturn principle, i.e., deepening and careful study in the inner life, and at the same time lead to an increase in the rigid Saturn restrictions in the areas ruled by the Planet. Here, karma requires a person to establish a very clear interaction between the principles of the Planet and the principles of Saturn, that is, the necessary self-restraint and accuracy of the chosen direction. With poor study and especially inaccurate power techniques, which Saturn does not tolerate, the Planet can literally get stuck in a dead center (i.e., its principle will be completely frozen by the lower octave of Saturn) and it will be very difficult to get it out of there; the study of Neptune and Pluto and the harmonious influence of Jupiter or Chiron help. At a high level, this opposition gives extreme accuracy, depth and effectiveness of the manifestations of the Planet and greater stability in the spheres governed by it due to wisdom and foresight.
Neptune Opposition: Lies are never seasoning - they are always the main dish.
The opposition of Neptune at a low level raises the problem of external and internal lies and self-deception in the spheres of the Planet; here the theme of lower meditations arises, i.e. vices: that variety of them, which is controlled by the Planet.
By emphasizing Neptune, a person can experience pleasure from the lowest manifestations of the Planet in the outside world, and self-deception can be so strong that a person does not at all consider that he is participating in something reprehensible, unworthy or immoral. On the contrary, emphasizing the principle of the Planet, a person will face deception and misunderstanding in the outside world, and will sincerely wonder what is the matter, not understanding that internal dishonesty, self-deceptions and deceptions of others lead to the establishment of a cloud of the lower octave of Neptune around the person as a whole, and the world begins to deceive him himself, through individual people and simply according to his fate.
For example, with the opposition of Mars to Neptune (at a low level, this is a very dangerous aspect), a person can internally enjoy any of his external activity, and especially aggression, completely unaware of its destructive consequences for the world and other people. Then the situation will turn a little, and the aggression of the outside world will go to him, and Neptune will give the effect of complete misunderstanding, resentment and injustice of what is happening to him, but all this with a sweet aftertaste of the lower Neptunian meditation of the masochistic type. Then (horror!) The accents of the opposition will change to the opposite, external reality will be distorted, i.e. a person will decisively lose understanding of other people, and destructive Martian self-aggression will go inside, possibly with a sharp sense of guilt and remorse, which the outside world will categorically not understand and will not accept. Then the accents change again...
The study here is difficult, because it requires deeply intimate and essential changes in a person’s attitude to the principle of the Planet - he must learn to understand and love him, and be honest with himself and the outside world in the relevant areas, in the first case not to lie frankly. For example, the opposition of Neptune to the ascendant (i.e. Neptune in conjunction with the descendant) requires that a person stop lying to his partners and open enemies (which he is very prone to), otherwise he will never get out of the cloud of universal lies and false positions.
At a high level of study, a person receives a stable, subtle and deep understanding of the principle of the Planet, the ability for high meditations in its spheres, which he can carefully and carefully convey to other people.

Francis Sakoyan. Aspects

Suspicion, sour physiognomy, soreness, causeless fears from the subconscious and past memories, which leaves an imprint on relationships with people. Fearful restraint causes mistrust of people. It is necessary to learn frankness and frankness in address, since an openly stipulated conflict is considered eliminated. In the worst case, they are cunning, insidious, or they themselves are deceived. They often use hidden means to satisfy ambition, or fall into the trap of others, which can affect their reputation. Public scandals are possible. The mania of persecution, the complex of the martyr often leads to a mental hospital. Psychological difficulties sit deep, do not lend themselves to diagnosis and treatment.

S.V. Shestopalov. Aspects of the planets

Disappointment, deep emotional experiences; tendency to depression, despondency, sad thoughts; secret grief, loneliness; temptation, indulgence to one's lowest feelings and aspirations; lies, slander, deceit, fraud, suspicion, cunning, dishonesty, hypocrisy.
The good side - can give great spiritual strength, concentration, spiritual firmness and high morality.

We have already written about the problem of the opposition of Saturn to Neptune, which accompanies us from August 2006 to August 2007. Here is what Lyudmila Nosareva writes about this in her article “Karma of Generations”: After the opposition of the planets Saturn-Neptune (summer 1969), which means distrust of anything, the Uranus-Pluto bond breaks up, and Saturn begins to catch up with Uranus , Pluto and Neptune, exerting an increasingly tangible influence on them. Uranus and Pluto diverge more and more, leaving less and less room for idealism and romanticism. Hence - a decrease in interest in the sciences, intellectual pursuits, some completely different, its own logic of thinking, built on pragmatism. Children of the 70s are characterized by a complete misunderstanding of their parents. We cannot help them. Our experience is not good for them. The only thing we can do for them is not to interfere, not to interfere in their lives. We have our lives, they have theirs. They will find their place in it even without us.

We consider it interesting to return to this issue and have made for readers a selection of thoughts on this topic by a well-known astrologer from Novosibirsk, Varvara Price. Parallels with what is happening in the Roerich Movement during this period can easily be drawn on your own by looking into the News archive.

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Of the most significant, longest aspects for the next year will be the opposition of Saturn to Neptune for a year, which began in August of the outgoing year and until August of next year forms tasks for us ... This is a separate big topic, but here I will only briefly repeat the influence of this aspect on us.

In the personal life of each, the combination of these planets aspires to reliability in Love - not to the reliability of relationships, not to the debt obligations of lovers and spouses to each other, but to those serious feelings that allow us to trust our beloved - to Love, devoid of all the husks of social dogmas and passion, for real poetic feelings, for spiritual love, devoid of a sense of possessiveness. It is especially difficult for passionate and insincere natures to pass the Saturn exam - their families are destroyed (if they have not already collapsed in the past year), and long-term relationships with lovers and friends break down and create severe torment with an unpleasant showdown and subsequent loneliness. Such a result forces you to work on yourself, to reckon more with other people's needs, opinions and desires. Saturn is now teaching us that Love must be earned. It teaches both those who do not know how to love and those who are too wasteful in their love, endowing their beloved with high expectations. And if you learn his lessons, then there is more and more love in life, because both your own self-esteem and the respect of people who become your heart friends grow.

In business life, the combination of these planets sets the task to come to the work that the soul requires ... Putting things in order in business life, Saturn and Neptune even here force them to abandon their unloved work and bring painful destruction to those people who persist in continuing their former path. If you feel that the ground under your feet has become slippery or addictive like a swamp, then you urgently need to look for a new application of your efforts. You can mock yourself by doing a job you don't like, but a job done without a soul is trash. And Saturn does not like hack work: the seriousness of attitudes towards the quality of work is growing everywhere, and poorly done work lowers both your own self-esteem and your appreciation in your business relationships. All together, this leads to great dissatisfaction with yourself, the circumstances of your life, the people who surround you, and this dissatisfaction provokes quarrels, disagreements, mutual hostility and somehow forces you to change - if not to voluntary, then to forced and unpleasant sediment. You can’t give in to your circumstances and let them overwhelm your self-esteem. If you have grown beyond the scope of your current job, if you do not find anything new in a hackneyed rut, then you need to decide to throw off the burden of your previous responsibilities in order to take on those tasks that are more in line with your level of professionalism, diluting them with new tasks that allow you to do even better. unleash your professional potential.

In public life, the opposition of Saturn and Neptune provokes a clash of ideologies, and as weak points, opponents rely on all those features of the contested ideologies that downplay the importance of people's feelings and suffering. This applies, for example, to religious movements, national strife and other struggles for the cultural influence of ideological values. A serious struggle is unfolding both with the rigidity of attitudes towards dissent, with the intransigence of various kinds, and with the lack of fidelity to the proclaimed ideals, when actions diverge from words.

At the beginning of September 2007, Saturn moves into Virgo, and this event began to be felt already now, at the end of 2006, when Saturn reached the end of Leo and turned around to rethink the achieved independence from authorities and other personal and power influences, to correct the mistakes made, to consolidate achieved results. The achieved independence should help us in the coming year to engage in our own development and research. During the past two years, respect was given to those people who have their own Face and a solid Core, and those people who were engaged in servility, lost their positions and achievements. Now your Rod will need to be used as a basis for research and work on improving your Mastery. If someone has rendered his victories in the past, depriving the opponent of power and influence, then he will not be able to take advantage of such an achievement, unless he presents from himself a Skill that surpasses the skill of this opponent. It will also be necessary to prove your professionalism by revealing your methods, since everything hidden will be subject to doubt and distrust on the part of people. Thus, openness, accessibility and consistency of our work methods will become necessary for a well-deserved high appraisal.

At the same time, the position of Jupiter in Sagittarius will not allow us to calm down on our own pace of development, and violent disputes and confrontations will force us to adhere to high rates of development and demands on ourselves and people. With the hot demands of Sagittarius, all arguments and evidence will be required on the table, instantly. Therefore, at the pinnacle of success will be real professionals who already have a high professional level, but besides it, they also have the courage and personal strength to withstand all this struggle of passions. A particularly turbulent time awaits us in the era of the square of Jupiter to Uranus in the first half of the year. Mostly emotional people will have to suffer. Emotional dependencies on the support of those around you, on friendships, on the need to coordinate your decisions with anyone, and especially on the fear of saying what you really think, will be hotly contested. In other words, time will demand to be sincere and open in expressing one's likes and dislikes. Any suspicion of insincerity will cause an outburst of indignation, which is why you will still have to admit your true attitude towards people, but insincerity will be punished much more severely than the impartial Truth.

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Saturn will soon be in opposition to Neptune. And it seemed to me that this is a certain key to the general problem: during its first passage through Leo, Saturn edged Neptune with opposition and went back. This means that he touched upon the problem of balance between our reality (Saturn) with its established order and our sensual life (Neptune) with its ideals and desire for love and mutual understanding. It is she who torments us: HOW to overcome the existing orders (and which ones?) in order to destroy the dullness, wretchedness, predestination of our life and fill it with mutual feeling, understanding? HOW to destroy the obstacles that make people so distant, HOW to achieve mutual understanding? And at the same time - to maintain stability?

Saturn in Leo is far from striving for understanding: he seeks to impose on others the understanding that he is the Master in his House, and that his House has clear boundaries that outsiders must respect and not violate. And it cannot be said that this is wrong: it allows resolving irresolvable conflicts of people who consider the same space their home by a strong willed effort. A firm division of the space of personal influence can be very painful, but necessary for gaining complete independence from each other, which releases a lot of energy occupied by conflict, and this energy can now be used for personal development. Let them get a little, but all of it is mine, at my full disposal, and no one gets underfoot.

But the loneliness of proud independence is not easy to endure. In addition, there is a risk of overdoing it and losing your supporters. Living only for yourself is not the goal of Leo at all. He strives for full recognition - both of his independence, and of his merits and benefit to people. He wants above all Love, love with respect, for what he gives people with all his heart. Thus, setting firm personal boundaries is just one of Saturn's tasks in Leo. His other important task is to clearly define for himself which groups of people can appreciate the creativity of our Suns and our personal virtues according to those houses of the horoscope that are in the horoscope in Leo. It depends on this for which groups of people we put up a fence, for whom - with barbed wire, for whom - under electric voltage; and for some people we put the door, to whom we give the keys and swing wide open. And here Neptune speaks with his weighty word: to achieve love and understanding, barbed wires and even fences are a big hindrance. Where is the compromise?

Neptune gives us the opportunity to break out of our routine and decorate our lives with feelings. The imagination of Neptune paints us idealistic pictures of happy unity with specific people. But HOW to achieve this unity, Neptune has NO answer. There is only a strong emotional attraction to these sensory worlds, often irresistible. And the question of achievements is to Saturn, but within the framework of habitual life there is also no answer, it must be sought. And alas, there is NO way to do without great mental anguish in search of this answer: Saturn protects us from destruction, and Neptune, on the contrary, seeks to destroy its borders. We are dealing with something like the construction of embankments and stone walls (Saturn), forming the channel of the river and other reservoirs (Neptune). And here we need a broad view of things: lower requirements for embankments will inevitably lead to periodic floods (feelings will go off scale and have a destructive effect on all circumstances of life), but at the same time, these fences should not make the reservoir inaccessible, some decks must be provided , ladders for descent, beach, etc. - you can not deprive yourself of the pleasures of intense communication with water, with the elements.

Thus, I want to say that finding a balance between dream and reality is a purely personal and extremely difficult matter. Especially now. Both planets are distant, so I can only say that this balance is unknown to mankind at this time. It is necessary to look for it TOGETHER, and in unusual approaches. One can see in the most diverse areas of sensory life how an intense search for solutions is going on.

The famous Jewish wisdom says: "in any incomprehensible situation, go to bed." A very wise proverb, I tell you. Sometimes reality becomes so unpleasant that we get away from problems either through dreams or through our own illusions and fantasies. To a greater or lesser extent, this is true for all of us. But there are special specimens that live almost all their lives simultaneously in two worlds: the real and their inner worlds. Let's talk about them.

Neptune, unlike its "higher brothers" Uranus and Pluto, is a soft planet, and therefore it acts accordingly in natal aspects. It endows a person with sensitivity, high sensitivity, intuition, even with tense aspects. However, in this case, the danger that a person misinterprets his sixth sense is very high.

It can be difficult to understand the owners of the Neptune / Sun aspect, by the way, they understand themselves with great difficulty. They are mysterious, charming, but also prone to deceit, they hate to take on increased obligations. This is the other side of the coin of these tense aspects. Sometimes, people whose natal charts have an aspect of the daylight and a higher planet can play the role of a victim, a sufferer. They never admit it

but the role of a martyr is close and understandable to them.

A person with this aspect expresses his own essence, ego, his Sun, through the spheres for which Neptune is responsible. That is why aspectation is often found in the charts of artists, for example, musicians, actors, artists, fashion designers.

Of course, in an article about Neptune it is simply impossible, it is impossible to bypass the topic of alcohol and drug use. They play the role of a kind of anesthesia for a person who is dissatisfied with his own life. Sometimes it happens that it is not the native who uses something, but his father, or husband, if the card is female. This is a general rule in astrology. According to our natal aspects, we can describe our loved ones, and especially our parents. Sometimes a tense aspect between the Sun and Neptune suggests that a woman cannot rely on her father or any other male figure in her life. Any man coming into her life will be unreliable to some extent, but of course the other natal aspects of the Sun are worth considering to see the whole picture as a whole. After all, everything may not be so bad if, say, the father or husband of a woman is an actor or musician by profession.

I have a friend girl from a Chechen family. When she told me about her father, I was very surprised. The fact is that her dad has not been working for more than 10 years. Of course, you will ask, what does he do, in this case !? But nothing - I will answer you. He does absolutely nothing. He sits in a chair all day and watches TV. The man, clearly, has already begun to have mental problems, since he does not even leave the house! Despite the young age of the girl, and very soon she will be 20 years old, she is forced to work, because there is simply no money in the family. In fact, she maintains a family, although, you know, in Caucasian families, women, as a rule, do not work - they get married, give birth to children and sit at home.

These aspects have another interesting interpretation. The sun is the luminary, it is responsible for our vision, our eyes. Neptune striking with a tense aspect, namely, the quadrature or opposition of the Sun, respectively, strikes the eyes of a person. A person may have vision problems, whether it is farsightedness, nearsightedness or some other ailments. Especially if either the luminary or the planet is related to the Sixth House - the house of diseases.

Why is this happening!? In fact, any diseases that occur in our body appear for a reason. Everything has a hidden meaning. Roughly speaking, the Neptune/Sun aspect can manifest itself on a psychological level and/or on a physical level. Since it is difficult for a person to adequately perceive reality, literally speaking, it is difficult, painful for him to look at the world or he does not want to see some things that are unpleasant for him, then, sooner or later, the body will begin to fail. And the psychological problem will turn into a physiological one. I have no aspect between these planets, but I am a happy owner of the Moon in square to Neptune. When I begin to feel that I do not adequately perceive reality, when I look at things not as they really are, but as I want to, I go to wash the windows. You know it helps me a lot! After all, symbolically, I cleanse something, remove the veil, if not from my eyes, but only from the glass of my window, but nevertheless, I think this example can also help the owners of a tense aspect between the Sun and Neptune.

Of course, Neptune is not only dreams, alcohol and deceit, but also religion, belief in something. So the owners of aspects, as a rule, are very spiritualized people, believers. They may not attend a church or a mosque, but this will not affect the quality of their faith, because Jupiter, rather than Neptune, is more responsible for observing religious rituals in astrology.

I have one good woman I know, in whose chart there is a conjunction of the Sun, Neptune and Mercury. She was my student, and often at seminars we touched on the topic of dreams. She has absolutely phenomenal dreams, thanks to which she knows what will happen to whom in the future. Of course, the natal aspect of Mercury / Neptune, "knowledge through dreams", was strongly influenced here, but I think that the aspect of Neptune with the luminary also contributed. The woman has excellent intuition, and she is very well versed in the symbolism of dreams, periodically helping me to correctly interpret this or that dream.


Sun Conjunction Neptune:Bill Gates, Katie Holmes, Gerard Butler, Julio Iglesias, Michael Douglas, Sean Connery, Christina Aguilera, Dima Bilan, Alexandra Savelyeva, Sergei Svetlakov, Elizaveta Boyarskaya, Oksana Fedorova.

Sun square Neptune: Halle Berry, Lady Gaga, Drew Barrymore, Jack London, Cameron Diaz, Kurt Cobain, Woody Allen, Jennifer Aniston, Claudia Schiffer, Angela Merkel, Coco Chanel, Carl Gustav Jung, Barack Obama, Whitney Houston, Pavel Volya, Nikolai Valuev, Tarzan .

Sun opposition Neptune:Hiley Klum, Adriana Lima, Angelina Jolie, Prince William, Elizabeth Taylor, Colin Farrell, Naomi Campbell, George Clooney, Gosha Kutsenko, Alsou, Lera Kudryavtseva, Yuri Gagarin, Laysan Utyasheva, Natasha Koroleva, Maxim, Anzhelika Varum, Kristina Orbakaite.

With love,