A nonmetal atom with the smallest radius corresponds to an electron. Municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in chemistry

Of course, they will receive a diploma, but which of them will be specialists later? Who can they then protect from criminal prosecution? This problem is now on a gigantic scale. Description of the profession So, today, few people can clearly articulate the reasons why I chose the legal profession. An essay on this topic could be included in the school curriculum for high school students, so that everyone can realize how specifically one can help people by becoming a prosecutor or a lawyer. A jurist in a broad sense is a specialist who understands all branches of legal science. He is an investigator, and a notary, and a lawyer, and a legal adviser, and a prosecutor all rolled into one. All these lawyers are consolidated by knowledge of the legislative framework and the ability to apply it in practice.

one more step

But, it should be emphasized once again that not every young man or girl (even if they really want to) is destined to become a professional in the field of law. You can often hear from representatives of the younger generation: “My future profession is a lawyer.” But then they pass the entrance exams to the university, receive the coveted diploma and turn out to be unsuitable for professional or, at best, very "mediocre" specialists.

Why is this happening? Why do experienced detectives “grow up” from some, and “unfortunate lawyers” who do not even know the name of the Basic Law of our country are obtained from others. It's all about the qualities that a person who has decided to devote himself to jurisprudence possesses. Professions such as a judge, prosecutor or lawyer are required to comply.

Why do I want to become a lawyer? (essay on a free topic)

Rate the essay: 1 1 1 1 1Rating 4.25 More and more often I think about what profession I will choose in the future. After all, the time is not far off when we all graduate from school, and it will be necessary to choose a university. In this matter, one cannot make a mistake, because the chosen profession will accompany us for the rest of our lives.

I am interested in the legal profession. Why do I want to become one? These are respected people, without whom almost no institution or company can do. You can work as a lawyer both in state organizations and in private enterprises, or you can open your own practice. Since we live in a state of law, lawyers are in great demand in it.
Every now and then there are disputes that need to be resolved fairly and according to the law. I am sure that in order for everyone to live comfortably in our society, life in it must be based on laws and clear rules.


Historical background Those young people who are trying to understand: "Why am I choosing the profession of a lawyer?" must understand that for many centuries this field of activity has been prestigious. From the time of the formation of the Roman state, a legal system began to take shape, which was the basis for all the others. Pavel, Ulpian, Modestin - these names entered the history of law forever.


Lawyer in modern conditions Today, when asked why I choose the profession of a lawyer, many answer: “Because it is prestigious today, and my parents advised me to become a notary.” Of course, they are right, but you can’t go to jurists just because this is a highly paid field of activity. It should also be borne in mind that for many a lawyer is a vocation.

Abstract: why I chose the profession of a lawyer


At the same time, we are talking not just about expanding the number of jobs, but about the fact that the list of positions, jobs that require the knowledge of a lawyer is becoming wider. Currently, there is an urgent need for lawyers for the law enforcement system. A sharp increase in crime and a number of other social processes have led to the need to expand the investigative apparatus, operational staff, as well as judges and prosecutors.

The profession of a lawyer is quite in demand on the labor market, especially when it comes to graduates of leading Russian law schools and faculties. The role of professional legal activity in the conditions of market relations increases significantly. First of all, this is due to the fact that the civil turnover is expanding dramatically, requiring adequate legal support: the conclusion, amendment and termination of contracts, the settlement of economic disputes, etc.


Criticism Of course, quite often a young person can ask himself the question: “Why do I want to be a lawyer”? An essay on this topic has already been written and more than one. And in fairness, it should be noted that not all young men and women find the above specialty necessary and in demand. Say, the result of a lawyer's work for humanity in the broad sense of the word is practically not noticeable.

Well, he helped one person avoid criminal liability - did it become easier for society? And here, it would seem, newcomers to the field of law may have doubts about the correctness of the decision once made, they say: “Why did I choose this profession of a lawyer?” But, in reality, the above position is fundamentally erroneous, because if there is an opportunity to help at least one individual, then life has not been lived in vain.

Essay on why i want to be a lawyer

For example, a lawyer speaking in front of a jury in a courthouse is similar to an artist performing in front of an audience on stage. The difficulties and obstacles of this specialty interest me very much and give me an incentive to further develop. knowledge will be in demand by people. And when I acquire a certain amount of knowledge, maybe I will devote myself to political activity in order to take part in the adoption and amendment of laws and regulations. The main goal of a lawyer is to comply with legislative norms, to be responsible for the fate of a person who may be unfairly convicted.
As a consequence of this, the whole life of a person can be spoiled by an unjust sentence.

Why do I choose the legal profession? advantages of being a lawyer

A person is formed into a person in the process of social practice. Legal education is the first step towards establishing oneself as a person in the field of law enforcement. Legal education should provide the knowledge and understanding of speech and skill necessary for the practicing lawyer, including an understanding of the legal and ethical obligations, rights and fundamental freedoms of the individual, recognized by national and international law. The work of lawyers, very diverse and complex, has a number of features that distinguish it from the work of most people in other professions. First, the legal professions are characterized by an extraordinary variety of tasks. The program for solving these problems can be expressed in the most general form, which, as a rule, is formulated in a legal norm. Each new case for the investigator, prosecutor, judge, lawyer is a new task.

Essay on why i want to be a lawyer

The choice of a profession is an important decision, as it affects our entire life. Sometimes we choose the direction ourselves, sometimes our parents and friends help us. Personally, I'm leaning towards the legal profession. A lawyer is a person who knows the law professionally and understands how it works. A lawyer can be a lawyer who defends the accused in court, a prosecutor who brings charges, or a judge whose word decides everything. Also, people with a legal education can be part of law enforcement agencies, they can open their own business to provide legal services. This direction is constantly in demand, since life in the state is always connected with legal affairs. Without the law, we can't even buy an apartment or sell a car. My parents support my choice, as they believe that a lawyer is a prestigious job with a high degree of responsibility.

Essay on why i want to be a lawyer

In varying degrees, the following aspects can be distinguished in professional legal activity: search (cognitive), communicative, certifying, organizational, reconstructive (constructive), social. In each of the above parties, the corresponding personal qualities are realized, ensuring the success of the activity. The activity of a lawyer is a multilevel, hierarchical phenomenon.
At each level, the achievement of the goals inherent in this level is ensured by the corresponding personal structures, and their achievement provides the opportunity to move on to achieving the goals of high levels of activity.

Essay on why I want to become a lawyer

The investigator decides (under the control of the court) the issues of detention, the prosecutor approves the indictment, files a lawsuit in the interests of the state, which can lead to large losses for the defendant. But the consequences of such decisions can also affect the lawyer. He is responsible - and quite strictly - for errors, omissions, views, in fact, for any errors, even those that arose due to his negligence, and sometimes without any fault.

This unnerves lawyers, especially young ones, wears out many ahead of time, forces them to change jobs. In economics, the job of a lawyer was once more or less quiet. However, it is now also associated with a high liability risk.

Wrong advice can cause great damage to the firm and no less to the reputation of the lawyer himself. Of course, the risk of liability depends on the nature of the decisions being made, their scale.

Reasoning essay on why I want to become a lawyer

Why do I choose the legal profession? Surely this question worries the minds of many young men and women who will soon receive a matriculation certificate. In general, the choice of a specialty through which a person plans to "get a piece of bread" is a responsible and serious matter. And young people who are at the crossroads of what to do professionally in the future should take into account three circumstances.

Firstly, the chosen field of activity should be interesting for the graduate of the school. Secondly, the profession must be in demand in the labor market. Well, and thirdly, the chosen type of activity should be correlated with the available opportunities.

And if you dream of a career as a lawyer or judge, then without certain qualities, the dream will remain a dream.

It is no secret that a person can do one thing all his life with love and full dedication only when his natural abilities, personality traits match those required to achieve success in his chosen profession.

It is difficult to imagine an extrovert choleric as a notary or a phlegmatic as a successful operative. Someone by nature got an analytical mind, and someone had the talent to reconcile people, to establish connections. Someone from mom and dad passed tireless energy and a desire to protect everyone and everyone, and someone - a scrupulous desire in every issue to get to the bottom of the truth and the basics.

Sometimes it seems: “I will force myself”, “I will train myself”, etc. But you didn’t notice that if people are late, then they are late for at least 2 minutes all their lives 🙂 And if a person is a pedant, then he even has a mess on the table is a still life. I am not in favor of breaking yourself into a profession - business will take up most of your life, at least in certain periods. And constant tension with an attempt to “tune yourself up”, “educate yourself”, with a lack of pride in yourself, because your work is doing great - they will not lead to anything good, except for hatred of work and yourself, this is my deep conviction. It is much more effective to analyze what qualities of yours will create a pillow for taking off in your chosen profession, will constantly help, and not interfere.

Let me give you an example: fortunately, thanks to my parents and school teachers, a lot has been given to me to be successful in various areas of the legal profession - I have a systemic mind, I can process large amounts of complex information, build diagrams, systematize, I convince well, I speak well, I can convey knowledge so that they will be understandable to people, I am a maniac in terms of order in documents and papers. And yet! After 10 years of legal practice, for example, I realized that the courts are NOT MINE. That's just generally. Starting with the fact that I consider the behavior of many judges humiliating for myself and do not want to put up with it “because such a system” (I remember how I defended the clinic in 2007 in the city court of Krasnoufimsk. We won the case in two instances, but I I didn’t even think about winning. I thought for a long time about why judges, excuse me, go to the toilet inside the building, and visitors were sent to a wooden toilet on the street in the courtyard of the old mansion where the court was located. Let me remind you that the city of Krasnoufimsk is in the Urals , where snow can lie for 6 months. And in the same session, we were simply not allowed to sit down at the table normally and lay out the documents, because, from the point of view of the judge, the table is for a lawyer and a prosecutor in a criminal trial, but in a civil one we sat on low benches, spreading out a pile of evidence in front of them - well, isn’t it nonsense ???). Further: by nature, I am a completely non-conflict person. I really appreciate relationships with people and inner harmony and psychological comfort. In a state of inner harmony, I can do much more than in a state of war, struggle, battles, manipulation. I'm not a fighting dog and don't want to be. And, apparently, it just so happened that for more than 10 years, representing private clinics in disputes with patients, in most cases I managed to resolve disputes through negotiations. And now I am absolutely convinced that this is MINE: to resolve the dispute so as not to leave ashes behind. As Igor Ryzov says, "negotiations never end" - it is not known where and when you will cross paths with your opponent. It is better to leave smooth civilized relations than hatred, resentment and hurt pride. And I also experienced through experience (8 years I have been teaching business to defend itself at copyright seminars) that I can be an excellent teacher of law. This is my way.

We are all different. And, fortunately, society also needs different lawyers - just like doctors, teachers, artists.

Unfortunately, in law schools they do not talk about the profession of a lawyer and its varieties (in a good way, this should be done at open days or in the very first semester in the 1st year), they do not provide methods for determining what a person is inclined to, what kind of work . The so-called "practice" does not help much in this, although, of course, it gives at least some idea of ​​who does what and how a judge differs from a prosecutor's worker. As a result, already 10 years after graduating from the institute, sorting through the people from the course in my head, I thought, “Here it was necessary to go into science - he analyzed so well, argued, thought categorically ... but this would be a politician, legislator, and this girl would be an excellent teacher and students would adore her. And I myself, probably, would have understood my purpose faster if I had been told at the age of 17-18 who really is and what he does.

To all students and schoolchildren who have not yet decided what to do, I suggest that you fill out the table thoughtfully and slowly (see below). If someone does not quite understand what a judge does, what is the specifics of the work of an operative or a notary - it's not scary, you are not required to understand this in the 1st year. Watch movies about relevant professions, read memoirs of lawyers, listen to lectures by lawyers on youtube.

Films about lawyers:

  1. Criminal talent, 1988 (investigator)
  2. Reader, 2008 (morality and law)
  3. Labyrinths of Silence, 2014 (Prosecutor)
  4. 12 (Mikhalkov), 2007 (trial by jury)
  5. Lincoln for the Attorney, 2011 (bar)
  6. Justice for All, 1979 (lawyer)
  7. Spy bridge, 2015 (lawyer)
  8. Verdict, 1982 (court, independence of justice)
  9. Civil suit, 1998 (attorney, social responsibility of business)
  10. Law Abiding Citizen, 2009 (judicial independence)
  11. Sea inside, 2004 (right to euthanasia)
  12. Judge, 2014 (court, morality and law)
  13. Series "Force Majeure" (corporate lawyers)
  14. Philadelphia, 1993 (everyone's right to legal protection)


— Alexander Dobrovinsky (negotiation tactics)

— Nikita Nepryakhin (theory and practice of persuasion, argumentation)

— Tamara Morshchakova (Ret. Constitutional Court Judge, lecture “Judicial System of Russia”)


All novels by John Grisham

- Heinrich Padva (autobiography book "From the bag and from prison ...")

- Dina Kaminskaya "Notes of a Lawyer"

— D.P. Fiolevsky "Notes of a lawyer"

Surely, you know even more films and books dedicated to our profession - the better.

Getting acquainted with a movie or a book, listening to a lecture, try to fill in the table:




Judge (SOYU, AC)
Assistant referees, secretaries
Notaries, assistants
Legal adviser, employee of the legal department of the enterprise
Lawyers, assistants
Prosecutors, assistants
Operational workers
Civil servants (tax inspectors, employees of the FSB, State Tax Committee, FAS, Rosreestr, etc.)
municipal employees
human rights activists
Private practice lawyers
University professor

And to make it easier to determine the qualities, you can take them from the list: industriousness, initiative, accuracy, written and oral literacy, organization, knowledge of foreign languages, diligence, energy, discipline, friendliness, ability to keep one's word, poise, broad outlook, desire to speak in public, determination, perseverance, acumen, scrupulousness, honesty, adherence to principles , the ability to quickly switch from one issue to another, the ability and desire to do typical work for a long time, self-discipline, the ability to build relationships with very different people, ambition, punctuality, the desire and ability to work in a team, the ability to listen, endurance, tolerance, courtesy, organizational skills , artistry, the ability to concentrate on one task for a long time.

There is nothing complicated in such an analysis: gradually learn something about each profession and fill in the table.

Farther honestly answer yourself: what are my strengths and what are my weaknesses (here I know how to take a “blow”, but I don’t want to practice this and test myself constantly in this, attentiveness has been my weak link for a long time - but this is the quality without which a lawyer of any specialty cannot work, so here I just trained myself). Etc. As a result, you will see what is closest to you.

And then - and this, unfortunately, no one suggested to me either - you need to look for the coolest professionals in your field and the remaining year or two before graduation, all your free time, follow on their heels, helping in every little thing and absorbing their way of thinking, professional habits, knowledge.

There is another scenario: after viewing, reading, talking with colleagues and realizing the essence of the legal profession, you understand somewhere in the 4th or 5th year that you don’t want to be a lawyer at all, deal with law, laws, endless boring reading into somehow written norms ... On in fact, not such a rare story. Pros of this situation: you understood this quite early, and legal education is generally very good as a basic liberal arts - so you haven't lost anything. Therefore, you can further develop in a fairly large number of areas: journalism, economics, languages ​​... among my friends who graduated from a law school WELL, there are massage therapists, doctors, musicians, school and university teachers, bank employees, translators. Therefore, do not be discouraged if you understand that jurisprudence is not yours. This is just the next door to understand which path you need to take further in order to live interestingly.

"The structure of the electron shell"- Group. - One quantum cell can contain two electrons with different spins. N - the main quantum number - determines the number of energy levels. Rules: The number of the period coincides with the number of energy levels of the element. - Brief electronic record. Third level. - The orbital is made up of quantum cells.

"Electronic structure of atoms of elements"- Beryllium atom. Electronic structure of atoms of elements. Helium atom. covalent bond. CPS form atoms of different nonmetals. The number of electrons in the outer layer of atoms of elements. The number of electrons in an atom of an element. Carbon atom. lithium atom. Hydrogen atom. SNSs are formed by atoms of the same chemical element.

"The Composition of the Atom"— Rutherford Ernst (1871–1937) Dalton - English chemist and physicist, from 1822. member of the Royal Society of London. Thomson carried out research on the geometry of electron diffraction patterns and the theory of scattering. Core. Ernst was born in Spring Brove (now Brightwater) in New Zealand. Atomic nucleus. Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilyevich (1711-1765).

"The structure of the atom"- Unified state exam in CHEMISTRY (consultation 2). The second energy level of the chlorine atom has 8 electrons. 17 - (2 + 7) = 8 12. Determine the oxidizing agent and reducing agent. An atom consists of three types of particles: Electron - (e) - negative charge, . q=-1.6. 10-19 Cl. The location of electrons in the third energy level can be written as follows: 3s23p5.

"Atoms of chemical elements" - The structure of the iron atom. Determine the composition of atoms. Energy diagram. fundamental discoveries. Isotopes. Electron distribution schemes. Atom. Electronic configuration of atoms. Formulation of the Periodic Law. Chemical element. Models of the structure of atoms. The serial number of a chemical element. The structure of the electron shells of atoms.

"Charged Particles"- Method of thick-layer photographic emulsions. Nuclei and particles. Isotopes. Nuclei of hydrogen isotopes. The bubble chamber makes it possible to record the trajectories of charged particles. The Geiger counter allows to register only the fact of the passage of a particle. The use of isotopes. The method of thick-layer photographic emulsions makes it possible to register rare phenomena.

There are 12 presentations in total in the topic

The nonmetal atom with the largest radius corresponds to the electronic configuration

A) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2
B) 1s2 2s2 2p4
C) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4
D) 1s2 2s2 2p2

The degree of dissociation of acetic acid in solution will decrease when:

1) heating the solution,

2) dilution of the solution,

3) the introduction of a strong acid into the solution,

4) adding sodium chloride to the solution

An acidic environment has an aqueous solution:

1) sodium phosphate,

2) sodium hydrogen phosphate,

3) sodium dihydrophosphate,

4) sodium sulfate???

Part A 1. The electronic formula of the external energy level of the sulfur atom corresponds to the electronic configuration:

a) ns2 np3 b) ns2 np4 c) ns2 np5 d) ns2 np2
2. Of the listed elements, the atom has the smallest atomic radius:
a) bromine b) chlorine c) iodine d) fluorine
3. The atom has the least electronegativity in compounds:

4. Metallic properties in the series of chemical elements Te → Se → S → O
a) change periodically b) do not change c) increase d) decrease
5. A pair of formulas of substances, in each of which the bond is only covalent polar:
a) F2, NaCl b) HCl, НBr c) Cl2, Br2 d) BaCl2, I2
6. Property characteristic of sulfur:
a) highly soluble in water b) yellow solid c) does not burn
d) conducts an electric current
7. . Write down the name and symbol of the halogen, the compounds of which are added to table salt to prevent thyroid disease:
a) bromine b) iodine c) fluorine d) chlorine
8. A number of formulas of substances in which the degree of oxidation of sulfur increases:
a) SO3 → FeS → SO2 b) MgS → S → SO2 c) SO2 → S → H2S d) S → H2S → Al2S3
9. Sulfur oxide (VI) reacts with a substance whose formula is:
a) H2 SO3 b) Na c) SiO2 d) CaO
10. The sum of all coefficients in the reaction equation, the scheme of which is H2S + O2 → SO2 + H2O:
a) 4 b) 7 c) 9 d) 12

URGENTLY!!! Please, help!!! We need correct answers!

1.Non-metal is
1) Sr 2) Ca 3) Se 4) Mn

2. The external level of the non-metal atom corresponds to the electronic configuration
1)2s1 2)3s23p1 3)4s2 4)2s22p2

3. Which statement is incorrect?
1) at the outer level of non-metal atoms, usually 4
or more electrons.
2) Non-metals are simple substances that have a variety of colors. 3) For non-metals, an ionic crystal lattice is characteristic.
4) In the periodical system of D.I. Mendeleev, the non-metallic properties of elements increase in periods from left to right.

4. In which row are the chemical elements arranged in order to enhance the acidic properties of their higher oxides
1)C-Si-N 2)As-P-N 3)Cl-S-C 4)Cl-Br-I

5. A chemical reaction is possible between substances:
1)CO2 and NO2 2)S and Mg(OH)2 3)Cl and O2 4)SO3 and KOH

6. The sum of the coefficients in the reaction equation between aluminum and dilute sulfuric acid is
1) 3 2) 5 3)7 4)9

7. Correlate: Scheme of transformations
A)NH3+CuO -> Cu+N2+H2O
B) С+H2SO4->CO2+SO2+H2O
Change the degree of oxidation of the oxidizer
1)E+6 ->E+4 2)E+5->E+3 3)E0->E-2 4)E+2->E0