What is individual distance learning. Distance learning

Today, high-tech distance education is gaining well-deserved popularity and trust from applicants, who open up additional opportunities through this form of education. Indeed, today a rare student can afford full-time education, being forced to combine work and university, and moving to the capital for those who wish to receive a prestigious diploma is often an inaccessible pleasure. Studying while on maternity leave is another very common situation. E-education is a way out for many who want to study at a university and get a diploma, regardless of life circumstances.

In the realities of today, many are wondering what does distance learning mean? Having revolutionized the education system, learning with the help of Internet technologies has become a relevant alternative and challenge to the traditional education paradigm, when knowledge and skills are transferred to the student directly from the teacher. It turned out that learning in an individual format, remotely, combining self-education and the usual forms of knowledge transfer using high technologies (electronic libraries, audio and video lectures, online trainings and seminars, etc.) is not much different from the education to to which we are accustomed; moreover, it hides unique opportunities and benefits. And today it is already possible to sum up the first results and get reliable information about how to study in distance learning, as well as how distance learning is carried out and how much it provides the proper level of training.

How are distance learning exams taken?

One of the most common questions of those who are thinking about enrolling in distance learning is how do they pass exams and is the student's personal presence required? Everything is quite simple: verification tests (usually these are tests), just like the actual process of obtaining knowledge, are carried out electronically, online. After mastering the topic, you get access to exam materials, for the passage of which a strictly defined time is usually allocated - in order to exclude the possibility of cheating or other unfair options for passing the screening test.

What is written in the diploma in distance learning?

Many students are concerned about the question of whether the distance form of education is written in the diploma, and the thought that the form of education - "distance learning" will be indicated in their cherished diploma. However, these fears are completely unjustified in practice. In fact, after studying remotely, each graduate of the Synergy University receives a standard diploma, which does not specify the form of education. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 13, 2014 N 112 (as amended on May 16, 2014) “On approval of the procedure for filling out, recording and issuing documents on higher education and qualifications and their duplicates”, the format of the completed training is indicated only in agreement with the graduate . And the supplement to your diploma itself will contain only a list of disciplines passed during the training period, as well as the standard number of hours spent on it.

So we can admit that distance learning today is not only an affordable and modern way to get a full-fledged education, but also has great prospects in the future, and perhaps you will be the one to experience all its advantages!

In today's world, everything happens at a fast pace. Often people have to do housework, raise children, and work at the same time. It is difficult in such a frantic rhythm to allocate free time to receive a quality education, without which it is impossible to move up the career ladder. An excellent way out of this situation is distance education. With the help of this form of training, you can get the necessary knowledge without leaving homework and the workplace.

Advantages and disadvantages of distance education

This option of obtaining a diploma has its pros and cons. The term "distance education" implies the organization of the educational process, in which the teacher develops a special program based on self-learning of the material. Such a learning environment involves the separation of the student from the teacher in time and space. At the same time, modern forms of distance learning leave a chance for a full-fledged dialogue through the use of modern technical means. Thanks to this format, it becomes possible to train residents of those regions in which there are no qualified teachers, high-quality higher education, and the required level of qualification.

History pages

In European countries in the second half of the last century, so-called distance universities, virtual colleges, began to appear. The forms of distance learning used were distinguished by a variety of pedagogical methods and economic mechanisms.

Interactive activities of students and teachers

This term is used not only in domestic, but also in foreign pedagogy. In a narrow sense, the concept of "interactive" is considered as a dialogue between the program and the user, the exchange of requests (text commands) and invitations (answers). The emergence of the opportunity to ask questions in an arbitrary form, to give detailed answers to them, became the impetus for the fact that universities with distance learning appeared in large numbers. User activity and the chances of interactivity directly depend on the technical capabilities of the program. In a broader sense, we are talking about a dialogue between subjects through all available methods and means.

A priori interactive communication is the telecommunications environment. Full-time distance learning considers a student and a teacher as subjects, communicating through a real-time dialogue via e-mail, during teleconferences.

Organizational and methodological options for distance learning

Such forms as external studies are aimed at those students who, for various reasons, cannot study in the traditional (classroom) form. In 1836, the main task of which was the organization of examinations, the issuance of degrees, certificates to students who were not studying in ordinary educational institutions appeared. And at present, the relevance of this type of education has not been lost.

There are also such forms of distance learning that involve studying on the basis of a particular university. We are talking about a whole system of education for students who prefer distance learning, organized with the help of modern information technologies, including computer telecommunications (off-campus). Many of the world's leading universities have developed programs for issuing certificates in various areas of study. At the Australian University (South Wales), 5,000 students have chosen distance learning. Considering that only 3,000 students study full-time, the scale of remote work is impressive.

Some educational institutions enter into a cooperation agreement. In this case, the use of distance learning contributes to improving the quality of education.

Organization of distance learning

In modern Russia, there are special educational ones that are created for talented and gifted children. Of the major centers, we single out the Open University of London, on the basis of which a variety of courses for schoolchildren have recently been organized. At a technological university, engineers are trained using a form of distance learning.

Autonomous learning systems involve the acquisition of knowledge with the help of radio or television programs, special printed manuals and methodological recommendations. Basically, this form is used for an adult audience who failed to complete school education on time. Special programs are being developed to improve computer literacy and health training.

Distance learning models

A single model involves the use of one information channel or a single one. For example, the educational process is carried out with the help of a television program, by correspondence. This model considers printed materials as the main means of obtaining knowledge. There is no two-way communication here - traditional distance learning is assumed.

Multimedia is associated with the use of various means of education: printed manuals, computer programs on removable media, video and audio recordings. Leading positions belong to the one-way transmission of information. If necessary, they additionally conduct consultations, face-to-face meetings, exams, training seminars.

Hypermedia is considered a new generation of distance learning. The model involves the use of the latest information technologies, where the leading role is given to computer telecommunications. The easiest option is the use of e-mail and conferences.

Highlights of distance learning at OU

The organization of a full-fledged distance learning is impossible without the use of information technology. There are two main points to highlight:

  • Distance education does not imply a rejection of the classical (traditional) version of education. No matter how advanced the technical capabilities may be, learning through ICT is a necessity, but not a panacea. Of course, such opportunities cannot be neglected, because with the help of technical means it is possible to improve the quality of education.
  • The main technologies used in distance learning are videoconferencing, computer testing, electronic textbooks.

Working with children as part of the implementation of priority national projects

In modern Russia, not only higher education is rapidly developing in the direction of distance learning. At the initiative of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, a special project on inclusive education for schoolchildren was developed. Children with problems with vision, musculoskeletal system, hearing have the opportunity to study without leaving the walls of their homes. The state took care of equipping such schoolchildren with a complete set of computer equipment. The first results of the program implementation confirm its timeliness and relevance.


The use of various methods and forms of training allows you to get the desired result - to educate a harmoniously developed personality. In many situations, distance learning becomes the only option for higher education. Science does not lag behind those trends that occur in modern society. Each school, secondary and higher educational institution has its own The choice of the form of distance education remains with the student or the parents (legal representatives) of the student. This type of education is the future, with its help everyone has equal opportunities to get the desired education.

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Distance learning(DO) - the interaction of a teacher and students with each other at a distance, reflecting all the components inherent in the educational process (goals, content, methods, organizational forms, teaching aids) and implemented by specific means of Internet technologies or other means that provide for interactivity.

Distance learning is an independent form of learning, information technology in distance learning is the leading tool.

Modern distance learning is based on the use of the following main elements:

  • information transmission media (mail, television, radio, information communication networks),
  • methods dependent on the technical environment for information exchange.

At present, interactive interaction with a student through information communication networks is promising, from which the environment of Internet users is massively allocated. In 2003, the ADL initiative group began developing the SCORM distance interactive learning standard, which involves the widespread use of Internet technologies. The introduction of standards contributes both to deepening the requirements for the composition of distance learning and the requirements for software. Currently, there are domestic software developments that are widely used by both domestic and foreign organizations providing distance learning services.

Distance learning allows:

  • reduce the cost of conducting training (no expenses are required for renting premises, trips to the place of study, both for students and teachers, etc.);
  • to train a large number of people;
  • improve the quality of education through the use of modern tools, voluminous electronic libraries, etc.
  • create a unified educational environment (especially relevant for corporate training).

Distance learning plays an increasingly important role in the modernization of education. According to the order 137 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2005 “On the use of distance learning technologies”, the final control when learning with the help of DOT (distance learning technologies) can be carried out both in person and remotely. The State Duma of the Russian Federation is considering a draft amendment to the law on education related to distance learning.

Forms of organizing distance learning

Chat classes- training sessions carried out using chat technologies. Chat classes are held synchronously, that is, all participants have simultaneous access to the chat. Within the framework of many distance learning institutions, there is a chat school, in which, with the help of chat rooms, the activities of distance teachers and students are organized.

In Russia, the date of the official development of distance learning can be considered May 30, 1997, when order No. 1050 of the Russian Ministry of Education was issued, allowing an experiment in distance learning in the field of education.

In the 21st century, the availability of computers and the Internet make the spread of distance learning even easier and faster. The Internet has become a huge breakthrough, much bigger than radio and television. It became possible to communicate and receive feedback from any student, no matter where he is. The spread of "fast Internet" made it possible to use "on-line" seminars (webinars) for training.

From the experience of integrating DL and other forms of education

As a rule, in distance learning, students are not required to be in the classroom all the time. Most distance learning programs and courses still have face-to-face classes in the evenings or weekends. These classes are not required to attend, but are usually extremely useful for developing practical skills in students. Also, a number of educational institutions use short (one-two-day) field schools, which allow students to gather on weekends for group work.

In distance learning, various methods of delivering educational information can be used. Several generations of used technologies have already changed - from traditional printed publications to the most modern computer technologies (radio, television, audio / video broadcasts, audio / video conferences, E-learning / online learning, Internet conferences, Internet broadcasts).

However, in many cases, despite the emergence of technological innovations, preference is still given to simpler methods. For example, in India, the use of radio for distance learning is very popular, due to its accessibility to the majority of the population and the absence of the need for additional infrastructure, which makes learning truly open and accessible to the general population.

Many large companies create distance learning centers in their structure in order to standardize, reduce the cost and improve the quality of training of their personnel. In fact, no modern company can no longer live without it. Or, for example, Microsoft has created a large training portal for training its employees, users or buyers of its products, software developers. However, some courses are provided free of charge or bundled with purchased software.

One of the original, but actively developing in recent years, forms of distance learning are online simulators and manager games. These are driving simulators for various vehicles, games that simulate the management processes of various industries and businesses, global multiplayer economic games and business simulators that teach users the basics of management and provide basic management skills for both a small company and a transnational corporation.

Any implementation is a complex process. The introduction of distance education is doubly difficult as it should be: A) morally prepare the teaching staff for the introduction of new technologies B) train faculty members who are not computer literate in new information technologies (MS Word, PP, Excel, IE) C) develop a database normative-legal and regulating the introduction and conduct of DL D) purchase a distance learning system and solve the problem of acquiring or developing electronic courses, which will be taught.

see also


Distance learning publications and other sources

  • Andreev A.A. Introduction to distance learning: teaching aid. - M.: VU, 1997.
  • Akhayan A.A. Virtual Pedagogical University. Theory of becoming. - St. Petersburg: Corypheus, 2001. - 170 p.
  • Zaichenko T.P. Fundamentals of distance learning: theoretical and practical basis: textbook. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University im. A.I. Herzen, 2004. - 167 p.
  • Zaichenko T.P. Invariant organizational and didactic system of distance learning: monograph. - St. Petersburg: Asterion, 2004. - 188 p.
  • Ivanchenko D.A. System analysis of distance learning: monograph. - M.: Soyuz, 2005. - 192 p.
  • Malitikov E.M. Actual problems of development of distance education in the Russian Federation and CIS countries / E.M. Malitikov, M.P. Karpenko, V.P. Kolmogorov // Law and Education. - 2000. - No. 1 (2). – P.42–54.
  • Polat E.S. Pedagogical technologies of distance learning / E.S. Polat, M.V. Moiseeva, A.E. Petrov; ed. E.S. Polat. - M.: Academy, 2006.
  • Theory and practice of distance learning / ed. E.S. Polat. - M.: Academy, 2004.
  • Khutorskoy A.V. Distance learning and its technologies // Computerra. - 2002. - No. 36. - S. 26-30.
  • Khutorskoy A.V. Scientific and practical prerequisites for distance pedagogy // Open Education. - 2001. - No. 2. – P.30-35.
  • Khutorskoy A.V. Ways of development of distance education in Russian schools // All-Russian scientific conference Relarn. Abstracts of reports. - M., 2000.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning // Education: a path to success. - Ufa, 2010.


  • Distance learning in the Open Directory Project (dmoz) links directory.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Distance Learning" is in other dictionaries:

    distance learning- Training, which is carried out using the means of the information network. Distance learning is a very convenient form of knowledge acquisition. At first, television was used for distance learning, broadcasting lectures read on ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    DISTANCE LEARNING- DISTANCE LEARNING. Same as distance learning. A form of education (along with full-time, part-time, part-time and external studies), in which traditional and specific methods, means and forms are used in the educational process ... ... A new dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)

    Distance learning- technology of purposeful and methodically organized management of educational and cognitive activity of students (regardless of the level of education they receive) living at a distance from the educational center. Before. carried out ... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    distance learning- nuotolinis mokymas statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Kurios nors mokymo institucijos dalykų mokymasis ne toje mokykloje, bet mokinio gyvenamojoje vietoje paštu, telefonu, per televizijos laidas, elektroniniu paštu, internetu. atitikmenys:… … Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas

    distance learning- a training system using a computer as a means of storing and delivering a package of educational information to the user in the mode of independent access via telecommunication networks. Method of interaction: trained computer (human machine) (without ... ... Explanatory Translation Dictionary

    DISTANCE LEARNING, LEARNING AT A DISTANCE- the learning process that occurs without constant direct contact between the teacher and the subject of educational activity. Training is guided through orientation lectures and through specially prepared instructional materials, and ... ... Professional education. Vocabulary

Studying full-time or part-time is no longer in vogue. Why waste a lot of time when you can do all the same things from the comfort of your own home?

Yes, you guessed it: today we will talk about distance learning. And to be more precise, about the advantages and disadvantages that future students may face.

But first, let's take a look at what the distance learning system is in higher education (in universities or colleges), how e-learning and distance learning differ, and much more.

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Distance learning: what is it?

Distance learning is a process of interaction between a student and a teacher at a distance while maintaining all the components inherent in learning (goals, content, methods, organizational forms, teaching aids) and using specific technical means (Internet technologies or other interactive environments).

To simplify a little, distance learning is an independent form of learning using information technology as the main means of learning.

To undergo distance learning, it is not necessary to go to Moscow and rent expensive housing. Here it is enough to have a high level of self-discipline and self-control, as well as the necessary distance technologies (mainly the Internet), which will help you get the most out of e-learning.

Now we are all so smart and use the Internet, perhaps not from birth. And before everything was different, let's find out how this type of training appeared with us.

History of modern distance learning

Education using distance learning technologies appeared back in the distant 18th century, when a regular and accessible postal service appeared in Europe.

It looked quite simple: the student received assignments and educational materials by mail, corresponded with teachers and passed an exam or wrote a scientific work to trusted persons within the prescribed time.

But in Russia, this full-time distance learning came to the end of the 19th century. And everything began to happen even faster, because in the 20th century, thanks to the rapid technological growth, the telegraph and even the telephone appeared. But these types of communication did not abolish the "correspondent training" that is still found in many countries.

A significant breakthrough was made in the possibilities of distance learning by the advent of radio and television. Numerous educational television programs began to appear, which millions of people could watch. True, there was one, but a rather big drawback: the lack of feedback.

The world's first distance education university was opened in 1969 in the UK - the Open University of Great Britain. This name made it clear to everyone that the educational institution is accessible to everyone due to its affordable cost and the absence of the need to attend distance learning classes every day.

Other universities with distance learning began to open, which gained great popularity abroad:

  • National Technological University (USA, 1984);
  • Open University Hagen (Germany);
  • Spanish National University of Distance Learning;
  • INTEC College of Cape Town (South Africa);
  • Australian Territorial Information Network;
  • The Open School of Business of the British Open University.

Of course, the development of personal computers and their availability in the 1980s created an educational revolution, giving hope for the simplification and automation of learning.

In the 1990s, satellite technologies began to actively develop. But still, 1997 is considered the year of the beginning of distance learning in Russia. It was then that the Ministry of Education issued order No. 1050, which allowed for experimental distance education.

Already in the 21st century, the Internet began to spread massively, contributing to the popularization of distance learning in universities for the first or second higher education, for retraining or advanced training at universities, for any basic or additional education.

With the Internet, students have a unique opportunity to receive feedback from teachers, wherever they are. As soon as the speed increased, various educational trainings, webinars, online classes began to be held.

Distance learning in Russia

Every year this type of education becomes more and more popular.

In 2005, the Ministry of Education issued order 137 "On the use of distance learning technologies", according to which the university can control learning using DOT (distance learning technologies) in person or remotely.

But why is the use of distance learning becoming so popular right now? Never before has higher education been so in demand, and the Internet so accessible and fast. Time saving, self-organization and quick feedback are all you need for successful distance learning.

Moreover, continuous education today is an indispensable attribute of any highly qualified specialist. If a person wants to stay up to date with the latest developments in his field, he must constantly learn. And the easiest way to do this is through the organization of distance learning.

Distance learning technologies

Modern distance learning after college or university is based on such basic elements as:

  • information transmission medium (television, mail, radio, X - information communication links);
  • methods dependent on the technical environment for information exchange.

Of course, today distance learning is impossible without the Internet. But besides it, there are various educational platforms that contribute to a deeper assimilation of information.

In 2003, the ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning) initiative group began to develop SCORM, a distance interactive learning standard for the widespread use of Internet technologies.

Types of DO Programs

If you have already started looking for a university with this type of study, take your time. It's time to deal with the classification of educational institutions:

  1. "Natural" universities. They are ordinary universities where you can get a bachelor's degree or complete a master's degree. Distance learning of such a plan is quite rare even in the United States, where, it would seem, there is a huge variety of all kinds and forms of education. These universities have proper accreditation, which involves obtaining a quality education that is common to all.
  2. Providers of corporate courses / professional development trainings. Everything is clear here - some organizations offer courses, trainings, webinars, programs, the result of which is a distance learning certificate. As a rule, such courses are aimed at developing/improving certain professional skills. Usually without accreditation. They are formed taking into account the individual wishes of the customer, so different programs on the same topic differ greatly from each other both in content and in quality, because there are no general standards for distance learning. And it is extremely important to study the structure, directions and procedure of DO in as much detail as possible in order to determine its effectiveness. It is also important to find out how support and communication with students takes place, what is provided.
  3. Traditional Universities with Online Learning Opportunities. Recently, many familiar colleges and universities are creating separate online programs. They do not abandon their usual directions, but only expand the range of educational products, thus attracting more and more interested people.

Forms of implementation of distance learning

The implementation of DO can be carried out both online and offline.

And here are the most common forms-methods of distance learning:

  1. Chat session - a lesson that takes place using chat technologies (for example, skype). It's like a video conference, when all the participants in the lesson can study at the same time, have access to the chat. Many educational institutions have their own chat school, where the process of interactive distance learning between the teacher and students takes place in specialized chat rooms.
  2. Web activity - remote lesson, seminar, conference, business game, workshop, laboratory work or other form of training session, which is conducted through telecommunications or other Internet opportunities. For such a lesson, a special web forum is used - a form of student work on a specific topic or on some problem by leaving notes on one of the sites on which the corresponding program is installed. It differs from a chat session in that the work here takes place over a longer period (for many days), and the nature of the interaction between teachers and students is asynchronous.
  3. teleconference – a lesson that is usually conducted on the basis of a mailing list via e-mail. This form of employment is distinguished by the achievement of educational objectives. It is based on the method of "natural learning process" ( natural learning manner) - a simple and free system, actively used by Europeans to receive a second higher or additional education. In the course of it, the student constantly performs practical tasks, works on the automation of skills. The theory is organically intertwined with training exercises, which contributes to the assimilation of knowledge without additional effort. Theory and practice are acquired in the process of systematic study of materials, by listening and repeating video and audio recordings.
  4. telepresence - an experimental type of distance learning, in which the student, being in another place at the computer, can see, hear and speak with the help of a robot. During the lesson, the teacher asks questions, and the student answers them. Previously, this was possible only in this form: thanks to the monitor on the robot, the teacher sees the student, and the student creates the effect of full presence next to his peers. This technology was created for people with disabilities who cannot attend school. But now it is enough to have any computer with a camera and an Internet connection to create the effect of telepresence.

Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning at a university

We already know a lot about distance learning. And everyone is free to decide whether it fits or not. But it will not be superfluous to find out from specialists what are the pros and cons of this form of study at the institute.

Advantages of DO

The benefits of distance learning are as follows:

  • Reduced training costs. Universities do not pay rent, students do not pay for travel, rent, etc. You need to find out how much distance learning costs at a particular university on the official websites. But it will not be free for sure, because the performer spends money on communication, complex technical means of providing it, etc.
  • Reduction of training time.
  • Ability to plan your schedule and workload. Now no one will tell you what, where, when and how to memorize, read, write, learn. You yourself plan your workload, draw up a work schedule and choose a list of subjects.
  • No reference to the place of residence of the student. Another city, another region or even another continent - today it does not matter at all where you are. The main thing is a computer and the Internet. Today, mothers with small children, people with disabilities who are serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty, located in hard-to-reach corners, and many others are undergoing distance learning.
  • Suitable for individual needs. Distance learning at a state university is well suited for those who do not like crowded places and crowded rooms, who cannot get out from under their favorite blanket on their favorite sofa. Thanks to the familiar environment, productivity also improves. How to study? Yes, as you wish: sitting, lying, even standing on your head.
  • Ability to work with any number of people.
  • Improving the quality of education through the use of modern technical means, electronic libraries, etc.
  • Learn at your most comfortable pace. Students are not afraid to fall behind their fellow students. You can return to a difficult question at any convenient time, and you can omit an easy topic, spending time on important questions.
  • Opportunity to combine studies with the main activity. Particularly motivated students can study several courses at the same time, receive several higher educations at once. The principles of distance learning make it possible to study at the same time as a busy work schedule. The only requirements for this are high speed internet and some free time to study.
  • High learning outcomes. Distance learning trends have shown that this type of study is in no way inferior, and in many ways even surpasses traditional lecture attendance. Thanks to independent work, the remote student remembers and understands the material covered much better, and applies it in practice. And interest in learning is “warmed up” thanks to the use of modern technologies.
  • Variety of means of communication with teachers. You can maintain communication both online and offline (mobile phones, e-mail, etc.).
  • Access to educational materials. The methodical system of distance learning is built in such a way that the student can access extensive online libraries with textbooks, manuals, problem books and other materials necessary for study at any time.
  • Calm environment. For passing tests and exams, the student experiences less stress and anxiety. There is no possibility of a subjective assessment of knowledge: the teacher's bad mood, obscene appearance or social status of the student, academic performance in other subjects will not affect the overall assessment of the subject.
  • Comfortable work of the teacher. Teachers can work even from maternity leave, still paying attention to a large number of students.
  • Individual approach. Here, as in working with a tutor: modern distance learning systems allow you to get an answer to any question that a student has. In traditional education, this is rare, because the teacher cannot devote time to everyone.
If you are worried about what documents you need to submit for distance learning, then everything is the same as when entering a regular university based on secondary education: a certificate, photographs, an application, etc.

Cons DO

As in any other aspect of our life, in distance learning, in addition to the pros, there are also cons:

  • Having strong motivation. Only those who have a good idea of ​​what they need it for will be able to study here. Since the student studies the lion's share of all educational material on his own, strong self-control skills, developed willpower and responsibility are needed here - this is what is needed for successful distance learning.
  • Not suitable for developing communication skills. Here, all learning processes occur with minimal interaction with other people, and sometimes with its complete absence. So if you need to develop communication, teamwork and confidence skills, it is better to choose traditional methods in higher education rather than distance learning.
  • Lack of practical knowledge. What distinguishes distance learning from traditional is the lack of "live" practice, without which it is difficult to fully master the craft being studied.
  • Identification problem. The essence of distance learning in universities is that a person is trained with the help of means of communication. It is almost impossible to check whether he is taking online tests or sending assignments by mail. There are some programs based on face identification or computer text printing features, but they are not as common. Therefore, often students have to personally attend the final certification.

According to certain distance learning criteria, you can understand whether you will get the desired final result or not.

Course structure

A well-designed distance program should not completely copy a face-to-face course. There should be various means that involve the student in learning, giving him the opportunity to manage the learning process.

The center of the distance course should be the student, his needs and abilities.

Ways and means of communication

Internet resources should not be the only means of communication with the teacher. A well-designed program should offer the student several ways to deliver information (including regular telephone, mail, fax), as well as Internet technologies (e-mail, teleconference, interactive television, video / audio conference, etc.).

Also, classes can take place synchronously (with the simultaneous participation of teachers and students in real time) or asynchronously. In the first case, the means of information transmission should be represented by videoconferencing or interactive television. The second type is more flexible, provides the student with a convenient work time for him. Communication means such as e-mail, video/audio cassettes, and regular mail can be used here.

All the methods of communication presented should be comfortable for you.

Support and communication with students

The methodology and techniques of good distance learning are aimed at ensuring that any student does not feel abandoned, lonely, isolated from the rest. All conditions for a productive atmosphere of interaction must be created here.

Be sure to find out how instructors help their students before you start. With a well-organized program, there is a feeling that distance learning is the same full-time course, only much easier and more accessible.

You have seen for yourself how many pros and cons the distance learning technology has. Whether it is worth it for you to enter such a form is your own business. We just tried to convey as much information as possible, which is designed to help you make the right decision. However, there are no wrong decisions. Remember: if it gets difficult, just contact Student Services. They will make the learning process comfortable and as enjoyable as possible!

What is distance learning: 7 advantages and 4 disadvantages + 3 programs and 4 forms of this type of education + 5 secrets that will make the process of obtaining knowledge easy and enjoyable.

Many pupils and students perceive a school or a higher educational institution as a kind of prison, as a duty that needs to be worked out, as punishment for no reason.

Moreover, they have nothing against the very need to study and gain knowledge, they just don’t like to waste time every day sitting at a desk.

If you are one of these students or schoolchildren, figure it out.

This will help you get the right knowledge, a diploma at the end of the educational process, but not spend so much time attending an educational institution.

You can learn, but not get lost in learning, but live life to the fullest.

What is distance learning and what are its advantages and disadvantages?

Let's be honest: only boys and girls can afford to receive stationary knowledge in a higher educational institution without any special life problems: without children, financially secure, surrounded by parental attention and money.

Those who have to combine studies and something else most often choose a correspondence form or even refuse to receive a diploma.

Not so long ago, they have an alternative - distance learning, which allows you to get both knowledge and a diploma of higher education, regardless of the resulting life circumstances.

All about distance learning

Distance learning is one of the forms of interaction between a teacher and a student.

Its peculiarity lies in the fact that communication takes place at a distance (remotely) using various interactive methods.

You will have almost traditional classes with a teacher, only you will interact with him using a computer and phone, and not by being in the classroom. Conveniently?

Even very convenient.

For the first time, distance learning was discussed at the end of the 20th century (in the 80s).

Even then, it became necessary to train students or improve the skills of employees not in person, but at a distance, using modern means of communication.

Today, this type of interaction between a teacher and a student will not surprise anyone - many universities and other educational institutions practice it in order to give the student a full-fledged higher education, a working person - the right to improve their qualifications, to teach someone who is busy something useful.

Distance learning tools have expanded significantly over several decades, now they use:

  • special computer programs;
  • online conferences;
  • email;
  • groups in social networks;
  • messenger and more.

With the proliferation of computers, smartphones, and almost ubiquitous wi-fi coverage, it has become much easier to conduct classes remotely.

7 Benefits of Distance Learning

Distance learning has a number of advantages that encourage students to choose this way of getting higher education:

    You save time.

    You do not have to travel to the university and home every day, which is especially important for large settlements, where you can spend several hours on the road.

    You save money.

    For example, if you decide to study in another city, then you will have to pay for your housing, spend money on regular trips home, buy groceries, etc.

    And so you can learn without leaving home.

    You make your own schedule.

    Knowing exactly how much time you need for remote theory and practice every day, you can also find interesting work for yourself, for example.

    Innovative approach.

    You have the opportunity to use modern technologies for studying and get access to electronic libraries, which will certainly be useful to you in the future.

    Unlimited possibilities.

    Thanks to this form of study, distance is no longer an obstacle to obtaining a higher education diploma.

    Really create a unified educational environment.

    This is very relevant for the corporate course, when you need to educate a large number of employees, and at the same time.

    creative component.

    You get more freedom of action, do not have to adapt to the mood of the teacher, observe deathly silence in the classroom.

    A moderate portion of creativity is allowed when completing all tasks.

4 Disadvantages of Distance Learning

Naturally, it would be dishonest to lie that distance learning consists solely of pluses and is completely devoid of any negative.

No, this form of study, like any other educational process, has both positive and negative sides.

    Money question.

    If you can enter the full-time form without spending money, then the remote form is almost always paid.

    And you also need a good computer with fast internet, which can also be a serious financial problem for residents of remote villages.

    This form is not for everyone.

    Psychological and other characteristics of some people do not allow them to study remotely.

    For example, someone lacks discipline and organization, someone lacks a competitive moment with other students, someone lacks control from the teacher, etc.

    The inability to plunge headlong into student life.

    Student years are not only couples, tests, colloquia, exams, libraries and other not very fun things.

    This is also communication with peers, student parties, social life, skits and much more.

    Some kind of discrimination.

    Let’s say it’s much easier for you to express your thoughts orally than in writing, but after all, with distance lessons, all tasks have to be done in writing, which can be a problem for some people.

Distance learning: what is it and what are its features?

If you decide to seriously understand the issue of distance learning, then you definitely need to find out about the existing forms and programs of this way of getting higher education.

Also, I am sure you will find it useful to learn the secrets with which you can make your lessons successful and enjoyable.

3 forms and 4 distance learning programs

Modern applicants who want to study remotely have a good selection of programs and forms.

If you do not find what you want in your country, then you can always choose a foreign university to study.

Main distance learning programs:

    remote universities.

    In every developed country there are universities that offer students to get a bachelor's degree (less often a master's degree), studying outside the university walls.

    It is important to find out in advance whether the university you have chosen has the necessary accreditation and whether you will receive a real diploma at the end of the course.

    Online programs from universities.

    In this case, it is rather about upgrading qualifications, obtaining the necessary degree, expanding one's specialization, etc. on the basis of higher education institutions.

    distance courses.

    For example, you won’t be able to get a driver’s license remotely, because this requires real practice, but to learn English, master a computer program, take a personal growth training course, etc. - you can easily.

    Many private companies offer such programs.

Today there are 4 main forms of distance learning:

    Chat activity.

    At the same time, all students and the teacher are connected to the chat, so they get the opportunity not only to listen to the teacher, but also to ask clarifying questions. Chat can be both text and video.


    With the help of this form, it is good to conduct not only theoretical, but also practical classes.

    The most popular type of distance learning today at universities in the US and Europe.

    Web lesson.

    With its help, you can carry out not only theory, but also practice, however, this form is limited by the fact that students see and listen to the professor, but do not have the opportunity to ask again.

    A web lesson can be either synchronous (all students connect to it at the same time) or asynchronous (one or more students connect).


    An experimental form that has only recently begun to be practiced.

    Its goal is not just to conduct a video chat with a student, but to create a sense of the presence of a teacher nearby.

What needs to be done for distance learning to be successful?

There are several secrets, knowing which, you can make your distance learning easy and successful:

    Choose not only a university, but also a training course.

    The distance learning course should be different from full-time, but not inferior to it in terms of fullness.

    It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the course before signing the contract.

    Take your work seriously.

    Yes, you may not be required to attend lectures and seminars every day, but at home you should also study, and not beat the buckets.

    Your goal is not only a diploma, but also knowledge.

    Use different tools.

    Webcam, phone, email, snail mail, fax, video, teleconferencing and more.

    Get the process right.

    There is time for study, there is time for everything else.

    For example, from 9.00 - 12.00 you are engaged, and nothing should distract you.

    Availability of the teacher.

    When studying full-time, you can always come to the teacher for a consultation, you should have exactly the same opportunity when you study remotely - the professor should get in touch with you.

    If he doesn't, complain to the dean's office.

And it is also extremely important to choose the specialty that you like and the nuances of which you will easily understand.

Your favorite business will brighten up not only your years of study, but also your career take-off.

Distance learning is not so difficult

Americans have been practicing distance learning for a long time, believing that a student is an independent enough unit to study autonomously, and not sit on a leash in the classroom.

Russian university leaders also gradually came to the conclusion that the distance form is great, because it provides additional opportunities for both students and teachers.

Here on these sites you can find a number of universities that encourage student independence: http://www.ecvdo.ru and http://zillion.net/ru/.
The list is large enough, so you will not experience great difficulties with choosing an alma mater.

How is distance learning going?

The algorithm of actions is quite simple: you fill out the necessary documents that confirm that you have chosen the remote form (each university has its own requirements, so you will have to find out at the place of study) and get advice on exactly how the process will go.

After all organizational procedures, you can proceed to lectures and seminars.

The remote form is more like a stationary one than a part-time one, because you study every day, just without the need to attend a university, complete the tasks of the teacher, study textbooks, etc.

At the end of the semester, you, like your “full-time” colleagues, take exams, but also online.

Do not rush to rejoice that you will be able to cheat on the exam - they are carried out with the help of tests and not much time is allocated for their completion so that you have time to peep something in the textbooks.

By choosing a university licensed by the Ministry of Education for distance learning, you will receive a standard diploma, which will not even indicate that you studied remotely, and not at the hospital.

In addition to the diploma, as well as for students who prefer more traditional forms of study, there will be a list of disciplines that you have mastered and grades for them.

If you don’t want, you don’t even have to specify in your resume and interviews that you studied remotely.

The obvious advantages of distance learning are described in detail in the video of the European Distance University:

Why did I choose distance learning?

One day, in search of inspiration, I wandered into one site. There people shared their stories and boasted of their successes.

I was very interested in the story of one lady about combining studies and caring for a child without mothers and nannies. The lady's name was Inna.

She said that in her first year she became pregnant from a guy she had met since school.

The pregnancy was unplanned, but the question of abortion was not even raised. They merried.

Inna still managed to finish the first year of the institute, being pregnant, and during the summer holidays she gave birth to a charming daughter, Anya.

Inna adored the child, but she did not want to interrupt her studies and take maternity leave for 3 years.

The correspondence form also did not fit: firstly, during the sessions, you would still have to look for a nanny (her parents, like her husband's parents lived far away), and secondly, Inna did not believe that the correspondence form would give her enough knowledge for further work.

And then, studying the options, she saw that there is a distance form of classes.

It turned out to be a trifling matter to draw up the documents, it was much more difficult to study efficiently and combine care for the baby, but the girls managed.

For the first three years, Inna studied remotely, thus completing 4 courses.

Having given the baby to the kindergarten, the young mother got the opportunity to enter the 5th year already at the hospital.

With a red diploma and real knowledge, Inna found a good job without any problems. She claims that she has not regretted a single day that she once chose the distance form.

Yes, it was difficult, yes, I wanted to quit everything, but she managed and eventually got everything at once: a happy family, a beloved daughter and a higher education.

It is young mothers and working students who first of all need to find out what is distance learning.

This will help you to combine several things at the same time without sacrificing your studies.

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