Mercury color. The true color of the planet Mercury Color red Jupiter

In astrology, there is a vast classification of colors, plants, landscapes, occupations, and a huge variety of other factors. All these connections can be used for the purposes of astromagic. There is no difficulty in finding them in almost any basic book on astrological symbolism. There is, however, a problem of a different kind - there is no clear unity among different authors. But in this issue there are very noticeable claims to the only correct understanding. If, for example, there is no disagreement on the color of Mars, then on the contrary, there is no agreement on minerals, plants and animals. A separate study could be written about similarities and differences. We will not delve into the historical and psychological causes of this phenomenon. From my point of view, the problem is often in what particular plane or perspective, for what purpose we approach the classification of planetary manifestations. And also in the fact that in the sublunar world, pure embodiments of principles are a rarity. Basically, in real life we ​​deal with mixed types, where more than one principle is implemented. And an attempt to reduce fundamentally heterogeneous systems to one of them (planets to Chakras, Tarot to Runes, warm to soft, high to transparent, etc.) is doomed to failure due to a poor understanding of the system analysis method.

sun matches the number "1" and the day of the week Sunday. Colors: golden orange or golden, orange, golden, deep yellow. Ideal metal: gold. Minerals: golden, or transparent, sparkling, iridescent. These are diamond, yellow carnelian, amber, chrysolite, sardonyx, heliotrope. Plants- round, yellow or golden in color, odorless or with a slight odor, loving the Sun. The classic sun plant is the sunflower. Also St. John's wort, marigold (calendula), male peony, chamomile, celandine, saffron seed. Oranges and grapes, olives, corn are attributed to the Sun. If it is a tree, then it is tall and straight, with a lush crown, such as, for example, pine, poplar or plane tree. Also - ash, sandalwood. Animals Suns: lion, deer, swan, rooster, scarab, all fireflies. Taste- a mixture of sour and sweet, also salty. Aroma heliotrope. terrain: residential buildings, sandy beaches, palaces, theaters, places of luxury and splendor (but not power), deserts, hollows, salt marshes. Activity- creativity, games, sunbathing. Also - any "solo", individual activity. The sun governs gold (or simply shiny) jewelry, round things, any valuable for the owner, or donated things. Weather- clear, dry, moderate wind, heat. Direction- East, South or directly facing the Sun. In Christian traditions The archangel Michael corresponds to the solar principle. In Greek mythology- Helios, Apollo; in Egyptian - Ra, Aton; in Indian - Surya; in Scandinavian - Sol, Sunnah; in Slavic - Yarila. The principle of the Sun is clearly visible in 11 lasso"Strength" and in the 19th lasso of the Tarot "Sun", in trigram Qian in I Ching. It is very clear in rune Sowelu (Sig). Sound"O".

moon matches the number "2" and Monday. Colors: white, silver, pale shades of primary colors, pearl, pale green. Ideal metal: silver. Minerals: milky white with a matte sheen or with layered inclusions, as well as all soft stones. This is selenite, and moonstone, and amazonite, quartz, pearls, white coral, opal. Plants those that contain a lot of liquid. They have fleshy stems and leaves - water lilies, water lilies, watermelons, pumpkins, melons, cucumbers, lilies of the valley, cabbages, willows and all trees inclined to water. Close to the ideal incarnation of the Moon - a lotus and a white lake lily. Animals: cow, frog, snail, duck, waterfowl and all amphibians in general, sometimes an owl and a domestic cat. Taste: insipid or tasteless, fresh. Aroma iris. The classic incarnation products- water and milk. terrain: springs, rivers, lakes, swamps, damp places, hospitals. Activity- perception, sleep, bathing, as well as all the usual daily activities. The moon governs the ordinary things, household items, family heirlooms, large mirrors. Weather- wet and cool, rain. Direction traditions The moon corresponds to the archangel Gabriel. In Greco-Roman mythology- Diana, Selena, Artemis; in Egyptian - Isis, Khonsu, Taurt; in Indian - Sarasvati; in Scandinavian - Mani; in Slavic - Month, Makosh. The principle of the moon is clearly visible in 2 arcane tarot"High Priestess" and rune Berkana, in the Kun I-Ching trigram. Sound"BUT".

Mercury is the number 4 and the day of the week is Wednesday. His color qualities associated with mixtures, or with perfect transparency, although it is believed that it has its own color - light yellow. Ideal metal: mercury, however, aluminum can be replaced, and everything that can be minted. Minerals: all stones of yellow shades, rock crystal, agate, as well as ordinary glass. Flowers plants Mercury is variegated, the stems are thin, and this also includes all creeping plants - bindweed, hops, creepers, peas and beans, cumin, coriander, hazel, mistletoe is especially distinguished. Animals- small nimble, or "smart": foxes, monkeys, hyenas, dog, jackal, ermine. Of the birds - starling, nightingale, parrot, lark. An almost pure embodiment of the principle - protein. Taste and smell- mixtures. Its own taste is considered tart. AT products Mercury finds its embodiment in the grains. Places: roads, paths in the forest, schools, universities, markets and offices, meadows, fields, landscapes. Activity: reading, writing, learning, talking. Also running. Spells, mantras, conspiracies for the magic of Mercury are especially important, since Mercury controls speech. Mercury governs small and inexpensive but useful things, whose value lies in their functionality, such as office supplies. Weather- strong changeable winds, a storm and a thunder-storm. Direction- North. In Christian traditions Mercury corresponds to the archangel Raphael. In Greco-Roman mythology- Hermes; in Egyptian - Thoth; in Indian - Ashwini; in Scandinavian - Loki; in Slavic - Bayan, Stribog. The principle of Mercury is seen in the 1st lasso Tarot "Magician" and distinctly - in rune Ansuz, partially - in trigram Zhen I Ching. Sound"Yo".

Venus associated with the number "6" and the day of the week Friday. Colors soft, pleasant - pink, light green, blue. Ideal metal: copper, but also all jewelry with stones associated with Venus, all polished or polished stones. Minerals: green, purple and pink - emerald, beryl, malachite, lal or spinel, corals, charoite. Plants: fragrant and fragrant, purple or lilac flowers - valerian, violet, sage, oregano, Ivan-tea, lilac, lily of the valley, narcissus. Also basil, myrtle, rose, almond. Animals: dove, fallow deer, partridge, swallow, crane, rabbit, butterflies. Sometimes a cat is referred to it. Taste and smell sweet. AT products Venus is sweets. Places: blooming meadows and meadows, picturesque countryside, where there are many flowers, fragrant plants, many smells, lush forests, garden or vegetable garden, flower garden, parks, shrubs, fashion stores, salons and boutiques, bedrooms, all places devoted to joys and pleasures. Activity: drawing, laziness and relaxation, delicious food, caresses. Venus rules all decorations and objects that look beautiful, works of crafts and art. Weather- dews, fogs, soft snow in winter, in summer - when it is warm and humid. Direction- South and East. In Christian traditions Venus corresponds to the archangel Anael. In Greco-Roman mythology- Aphrodite, Charites, Eros; in Babylonian - Astarte, Ishtar; in Indian - Vishnu, Lakshmi; in Scandinavian - Freya; in Slavic - Lada, Kupava. The Venus principle manifests itself in various ways in lasso Tarot "Empress" and "Temperance", as well as in runes Fehu, Wunjo and Gebo, in trigram Sun I Ching. Sound"E".

Mars is the number "3" and Tuesday. Color: red, scarlet, steel. Ideal metal: iron, but also steel, sulfur, antimony, ocher, also all metals obtained in the process of incandescence or smelting. Minerals: ruby, magnetite, hematite, red garnet, cinnabar, silicon. Plants: prickly and sharp, cutting and burning. They have a dry and flexible stem - sedge, arrowhead, thistle, burdock, onion, garlic. Also chestnut, hawthorn, blackthorn, tobacco, fern, pepper. An almost pure embodiment of the principle is the nettle. The properties of Mars are in rose hips and roses. Animals those that are known for courage or aggressiveness - a bull, a wolf, a leopard, a scorpion. Birds of prey - falcon, kite, also wasps. Taste and smell: sharp, caustic. In products- meat and pepper. terrain: taiga, dense forest, places where nettle grows, where there may be some sharp ledges. Factories, gyms, and everything related to fire, iron, blood or sweat. Activity: physical training, pumping muscles, sex. Pure embodiment of the principle Mars - in martial arts, especially those related to weapons. Mars rules tools, machines and mechanisms. Weather- heat, dryness, thunderstorms, dust. Direction- West and South. You can use blood as a symbol of Mars. In Christian traditions Mars corresponds to the archangel Samael. In Greco-Roman mythology- Ares, Athena; in Egyptian - Sekhmet; in Indian - Rudra, Agni; in Scandinavian - Thor; in Slavic - Perun. Mars is partially embodied in lasso Tarot "Chariot" and "Emperor", and is especially noticeable in rune Teiwaz (Tir), to a lesser extent - Kenaz. Mars is present in trigrams Kan (night Mars, Scorpio) and Li (day Mars, Aries). Sound"AND".

Jupiter associated with the number "5" and Thursday. Colour: purple or blue - royal purple, indigo, azure. Ideal metal- tin. However, brass or zinc can be used. Minerals: blue or blue turquoise, lapis lazuli, sapphire, marble. Plants- all that grow in breadth, also large plants with wide leaves and hollow trunks. Jupiter includes burdock, yarrow, rhubarb, tansy, dill, cilantro, blackcurrant, hornbeam, cherry, fig, pine, cedar, larch, mulberry, eucalyptus, birch. The classic embodiment of the principle is oak. Animals Jupiter is large, or occupying a special position in the animal kingdom: elephant, peacock, whale, eagle, tiger, dragon. Taste: sour, sweet and sour. Fatty foods and rich food. Smell incense and mint. Aromas are especially important for the magic of Jupiter, as he is responsible for the sense of smell. terrain: open space and steppes, religious buildings, places of public meetings, assemblies, flat plains, plateaus. Activity: organizing events, being outdoors, visiting institutions, in general, all high places and privileged places. Jupiter rules all items large size or of great value, objects of religious worship, as well as all things made of expensive, high quality material. Weather- calm, or a change in the weather for the better. Direction- North and West. In Christian traditions corresponds to the archangel Tzadkiel. In Greco-Roman mythology- Zeus; in Egyptian - Horus; in Babylonian - Marduk, Baal; in Indian - Indra, Brahma; in Scandinavian - One; in Slavic - Dazh-god. Jupiter is vividly embodied in 5 lasso Tarot "High Priest", noticeable in the "Wheel of Fortune" (10 lasso), implemented in runes Ing and Jera. trigram Dui I Ching. Sounds"Yu" and "Y".

Saturn is the number "7" and the day of the week is Saturday. Colour: blue, black, blue-violet, ash. In a mixture with Mars - reddish-brown, the color of rust. Classical metal: lead. But also bismuth, all kinds of slag and dust, rubber, wool. Minerals: black and black and white, morion, zircon, black garnet, onyx, obsidian, granite. Also, all ordinary stones are dull in color. Plants conifers stand out especially - spruce, cypress, thuja, as well as heather, aspen. Herbs - dry and bitter taste - wormwood, horsetail, immortelle, juniper, lichen. Animals: bear, donkey, camel, hoopoe, mole, toad, pig, bat, turtle, goat, black horses, nocturnal birds in general, crows, wholesale all snakes and reptiles, poisonous insects, flies, molluscs. Taste: bitter. Saturn also governs rot and stench. terrain: bare mountains, rocks, all places where there is a vertical displacement, where there are caves, warehouses, sheds, pits, wells, wastelands, cemeteries, also all ruins and abandoned places. Activity: concentration, hunger strike, patience and abstinence, static yoga asanas and isometric exercises. Saturn governs old and worn out things. Weather- severe cold, snow. Direction- East and North. In Christian traditions corresponds to the archangel Cassiel. In Greco-Roman mythology- Kronos, Vesta, titans; in Egyptian - Geb; in Indian - Dharma; in Slavic - Rod. Saturn is prominently embodied in 9 lasso Tarot "The Hermit" and finds an almost pure embodiment in rune Isa, as well as in the Nauthiz rune, in trigram Gen I Ching. Sound"U".

If up to now the authors have argued about correspondences, then there is even less agreement with the higher planets. Uranus- associated with the number "8". It can manifest on Wednesday as the highest deputy of Mercury. Colour: blue, also all contrasting combinations, the intersection of multi-colored stripes and stains with a metallic sheen, a cage (With Mars - a red cage, with Venus - a white and blue cage). Metal: titanium, radium, uranium, but possibly aluminum and alloys, also all shiny, flashing like magnesium. It is believed that there are no pure minerals of Uranus, but it appears in blue (like lapis lazuli) and blue-gray stones, or in those that have a mixture of iridescent colors, like aventurine. Plants- male (known from magical legends) fern, edelweiss, hemlock, tumbleweed. Animals: polyps, exotic birds and electric fish, platypus. terrain: in general, all urban and urban infrastructure, also power grids or radio centers, television centers, computer centers, computer laboratories, airports, air-conditioned rooms. Activity: inventing, programming, practicing spontaneous dance or spontaneous activity, walking without a route. The key is a sense of freedom and a sense of novelty. An almost pure embodiment of the principle is skydiving. Uranus governs the unique and one of a kind things, experimental samples, as well as all electronic equipment - computers, receivers, televisions, players, microwave ovens, mobile phones, etc. Taste- metallic, salty-bitter taste, cooling and changing perception. It is typical for some types of energy practices associated with the circulation of internal energy. AT products- original or bizarre flavor combinations, as well as any exotic food. Smell ozone, that is, the air after a thunderstorm or rain. In Greco-Roman mythology- Janus; in Egyptian - Nut; in Indian - Varuna; in Scandinavian - Tyr; in Slavic - Svyatovit, Svarog. Uranus appears in lasso Tarot "Tower" (16) and "Jester" (0), in rune Dagaz, visible in trigram Zhen.

Neptune associated with the number 9 and Friday.Colour: purple, transitions and midtones, any indefinable words. With the Moon - the colors of the sea wave, with Mercury - "jeans", etc. Ideal metal- platinum. Minerals: green, blue-green, aquamarine, iridescent with sparkles - opal, amethyst, aventurine, labrador. Plants: all algae, mosses and lichens, also those that have a strong narcotic component - poppy, opiates, hemp, belladonna. Animals: chameleons, marine or coastal fauna - gulls, albatrosses, dolphins. terrain: sea, coast, groundwater, islands, ports, chemical industry, sewerage and landfills. Activity: music, meditation, alcohol and drugs, contemplation. Neptune rules everyone items of unknown origin, equipment for photographs and chemical laboratories, fake things and dummies. In Greco-Roman mythology- Poseidon; in Egyptian - Nun; in Babylonian - Tiamat; in Indian - Trita; in Scandinavian - Njord; in Slavic - whale fish, water. The influence of Neptune is noticeable in lasso Tarot "The Hanged Man" (12) and "Moon" (18), in rune Perth.

Pluto is the number "10" and multiples of it, the highest Tuesday. Colors contrasting and concentrated, luminous, also red-brown, garnet, black, dark gray, red-orange with shades. Metal: tungsten, plutonium, as well as all synthetic metals and substances, such as cermets. According to some versions - magnets. Minerals and materials: smoky topaz, obsidian, black pearls, enamels, ceramics. Plants: all mushrooms, as well as predatory plants, mandrake, ginseng, parsley. Animals: skunk, coelenterates, ants. terrain: canyons, catacombs, discos, street parties, rock concerts, metro, public transport, mines, nuclear power plants, treatment facilities. Taste Pluto is associated with synthetic taste sensations, such as sugar substitutes or flavor essences. Smell- with a sulphurous tint, with the presence of nitrogen dioxide (laughing gas). Activity: hypnosis, any emotional work with the masses, tantric sex, work with energy and biofield, Reiki treatment, holotropic breathing or rebirthing. Pluto rules items of very different cost and very limited use, often made of synthetic materials. As a symbol, it is possible to use the image of the Phoenix bird. In Greco-Roman mythology- Hades, Hades; in Egyptian - Osiris, Anubis; in Indian - Yama, Shiva; in Scandinavian - Hel; in Slavic - Veles, Morena. Pluto's influence is noticeable in lasso"Doomsday" (20) and "Death" (13), as well as in runes Uruz and Hagalaz.

Chiron difficult to describe and interpret, this is one of its main features. He is associated with number 33 and Thursday on the highest circle. Colors- gray, gray-blue, also a combination of two or more dissimilar ones, in addition - camouflage, fabrics with a "deceptive" pattern. Classical metal: nickel and all alloys based on it, which in metallurgy are often alloys with special, unique side properties, with "devilry". Shapeshifting and the ability to combine many completely different properties in one thing are associated with Chiron. So, for example, all multifunctional items are associated with it, especially with unexpected functions. Like, for example, a mobile phone with a camera, a player, a mirror, a flashlight and a lot of "non-telephone" functions, or a penknife with a bunch of built-in tools. Popular children's transformer toys are also related to this planet. terrain: forest-steppe, artificial parks within tasks. Activity Chirona: chess, orienteering, balance exercises, combining different activities at the same time. In Greco-Roman mythology- Hephaestus; in Egyptian - Ptah; in Indian - Ganesha; in Scandinavian - Heimdall; in Slavic - Radogast. To a certain extent, Chiron manifests itself in the 8th lasso Tarot "Equilibrium" and in the rune Algiz.

Vastu describes various aspects of the planets, as well as their influence on buildings and inhabitants living and working in them, which makes it possible to understand that the energies of the planets have a certain influence and these rules are unchanged - these are the Laws of Nature.

After you have oriented the house or apartment to the cardinal points, divided it into sectors and decided on the functionality of the premises, it's time to think about arranging the rooms. The main thing to keep in mind is that the living room promotes sociability, the dining room improves appetite, the office increases efficiency and mental alertness, and the bedroom helps to relax. At the same time, do not forget that the north side is responsible for professional activities, the southwest for relationships, the northeast is reserved for education, and the northwest is for entertainment and recreation. How to achieve this? Learning Vastu.

Everything on Earth is under the influence of the nine planets - Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, and every house is under the influence of these ruling planets. Rahu and Ketu are considered minor or "shadow" planets. These planets are unknown to Western astrology, but very important in Vedic astrology. Now let's talk a little more about each planet.
SUN- has the biggest impact on East.

The sun is the lord of the planets, the lord of the East, has a purifying masculine energy, the male principle, mind, spirit, willpower. The sun rises in the east and people get the maximum benefit from the morning sunlight. Therefore, it is accepted in Vastu that there should be more doors and windows in the house in the east and north directions, and in these directions there should not be large trees and other obstacles to the morning sunlight near the house.

The eastern sector is very important. Everything that is done in the east or facing east is almost doomed to prosperity. As the sun rises in this side, so will all matters related to career, external action, business, study, influence - all this will improve and flourish in this part.

The rooms in the Eastern sector are good for prayers and meditations, and there should be an altar here. Rooms that are ruled by the masculine energies of the Sun are especially favorable for men to live and work.

Sphere of influence: health, charisma, career, power, vitality, male energy.
Colour: dark yellow, orange, saffron, terracotta, brown, gold, metal, shades of blue, white. Light, bright, pure colors are preferred. Avoid red.

MOON- has the strongest influence on North West.

The moon is considered a special female, the bearer of maternal energy that gives life. Governs the subconscious and intuitive activity of a person, directs the restoration of strength and renewal. As the Sun is a symbol of the spirit, so the Moon is a symbol of feelings and everything that is connected with the human soul. It affects that part of our being that is not connected with the mind, but feels and perceives.

The northwest is a light and bright sector, responsible for changes in our lives, for travel, for children and guests, for vehicles and animals. If you want change, look to the northwest. What do you have there? How open and bright is the sector? Maybe move that heavy closet to the southwest?

If Vastu in the Northwest of your house is favorable, your fame and respect for you will increase, your relationships and communication will improve. Rooms that are ruled by the female energies of the Moon are especially favorable for women to live and work.

The moon also governs bathrooms and reservoirs. In Vastu, it is accepted that the Moon affects the inhabitants of the house precisely through the bathroom - a place of purification and renewal.

Sphere of influence: relationships, emotions, travel, movement, female energy, change, communication.
Colour: milky white, pearl, steel, silver, violet, light tones of blue, green, pink. Avoid dark, dull colors, especially grays and blacks, and reds.

MARS South.

Mars is considered a symbol of struggle and corresponds to the volitional actions of a person, his decisions and conquests in all areas of life, courage, determination and impulsiveness. This so-called red planet is associated with fire. Mars is changeable, destructive, the patron of wars, but protects the house from quarrels and disputes.

Despite the fact that Mars has a negative influence, it also gives vitality, well-being, depending on your personal horoscope. Welfare from Mars will be received by those who planned the kitchen in the South, Southeast. The ideal position of the fireplace and stove is also South East.

The South is the sector of male assertive power. If you lack these qualities, then pay attention to the southern part of your house. And if you are thinking where to put a sports simulator or hang a collection of swords, then the south is just the right place. Vastu defects in the South cause a number of problems and losses, and a harmonious Mars enhances religiosity, truthfulness, strict discipline and power.

Sphere of influence: vitality, tone, charisma, prosperity, research, technology, war.
Colour: shades of burgundy, red, coral, raspberry, wine. Avoid gray, brown, blue.

VENUS- has the biggest impact on southeast.

Venus controls the sensual side of human nature, patronizes love, passion, beauty, arts. It enhances eloquence, affects the salon, bedrooms and the health of women in the house.

The southeast is the sector of female energy in the house. If you want to improve relations with you and within the family, harmonize this part of your home first. In this sector, it is not recommended to make a bedroom, but this is an ideal place for a kitchen or dining room.

Sphere of influence: beauty, luxury, coziness, comfort, women's happiness and health, love, pleasure.
Colour: rainbow effect, muted tones, variegation (but muted), light shades of blue, pink, silver, white. Avoid dark heavy colors, as well as too bright and harsh.

MERCURY- has the strongest influence on North.

Mercury is the fastest planet and is a symbol of rapid change. In the field of human activity, the highest speed is the speed of thought, therefore in Vastu it is accepted that Mercury controls intellectual activity. Changeable, restless, patron of lively conversations and discussions.

The northern sector is the sector of communication, communication, business, finance, as well as guests, intelligence and study. Remember what is in your northern sector? Disassemble the rubble there, clean it up, add light and space, you can put water there. The implementation of only these simple recommendations will already in many ways allow you to improve your business and help you attract or save finances.

With a positive Vastu in the North, Mercury improves studies, business, sociability and good character. Mercury is also responsible for the state of the hallway, the garden around the house, the flowers inside, the veranda and especially the business.

Sphere of influence: communication, communication, study, intelligence, finance, business, trade, guests, childhood.
Colour: all shades of green, blue, gray, brown. Avoid red, orange, and dark colors.

JUPITER, Ketu- have the biggest impact on North East.

Jupiter is the largest planet associated with wisdom, knowledge, skill, learning, jewels, harmony, law and religion. Banishes darkness, stimulates mental activity.

The NE sector is considered one of the most important in the house. Remember, the head of the Vastu Purusha is in this sector. It should be as open as possible, do not keep any rubbish and debris there! Through this sector, your home receives all the positive energy. It must always be kept clean. Minimum furniture.

A good Vastu in the Northeast enhances the character, inspires respect, enhances the best features of a person, as well as his spiritual growth. The activation of this sector will bring general good luck in all matters to the house.

Sphere of influence: spirituality, expansion of consciousness, realization, prosperity, luck, childhood, growth, care, study, luck, spirituality, respect.
Colour: all shades of yellow, cream, gold, orange, blue. Avoid dark tones, as well as shades of red, blue, purple.

SATURN- has the biggest impact on West.

Saturn symbolizes the driving force of development, which leads a person to fulfill his life task. From human qualities, concentration and stiffness correspond to him.

Saturn is the planet of rules, norms and restrictions. This is the slowest and darkest planet, therefore it is believed that its zone of influence is all the dark places in the house: closets, pantries, basements, etc.

If the entrance to your house is in the West, this can lead to divorce, depression, uncontrolled sexuality, and constant postponing of good deeds. On the other hand, if the Western sector is harmonious, i.e. more closed, Saturn will cause an increase in popularity, academic success, happiness.

The Western sector demands maximum respect. It should not be too open, but always clean and tidy. The best place for discipline and austerity. Very well suited for the dining area, as well as for the toilet and trash can.

Sphere of influence: wisdom, old age, study (perseverance), discipline.
Colour: purple, blue, lilac, lilac, black, dark cherry, brown. But do not abuse these colors, otherwise they will enhance the negative influence of Saturn.

EARTH, Rahu- have the biggest impact on southwest.

The southwest is the sector of heaviness, closeness. Everything that is heavy in the house: a ficus in a tub, a 32 kg weight, a wardrobe or a grandmother's chest - it is better to install all this in the southwestern part of your house. Here it is just not required to open and clear, here it is necessary to close and store. If you want something to stay with you for a long time - put it in the SW and it will not go away from you. For example, books - in this part of the house no one will ever take them and will never even open them.

By the way, this is the perfect place for the master bedroom of the house. Rahu is responsible for large dark rooms and large massive doors. Heavy curtains, thick curtains, blinds rely on the windows.

Sphere of influence: influence, security, old age, death, discipline.

Colour: terracotta, brick, orange, brown, yellow, gold.

The central part of your house or apartment (Brahma-stan) should remain open, bright and free from furniture. White color.

As you already understood, each color attracts the energy of a particular planet, affecting our body and mind. Having made a diagnosis of an apartment or house, all aspects of the design of the rooms are revealed.

> > Color of Mercury

Mercury color- the first planet in the solar system. Find out the real color of the surface, the influence of the atmospheric layer and composition, comparison with other planets.

Compared to other solar planets, we have literally a bare rock in front of us. It has a thin atmospheric layer, but all terrestrial vehicles are stuck in a gray stone. Mercury color arises from the molten planetary surface, which cooled and solidified billions of years ago.

Mercury surface color

To understand what color Mercury is, it is important to remember that the surface is not subject to tectonic activity or erosion. Since the moment of solidification, it has changed only due to meteorite impacts. In the past, some deep pools filled with hot magma. Scientists are convinced that there are no active volcanoes on the planet, but an accidental release of lava or gas is possible.

Above is the best photo of the true color of the planet Mercury. That's what you'll see on a passenger spaceship. A huge dark gray block with crater formations. The color is usually completely gray, but faint spots are visible in some places. One of the trenches is shaped like a spider.

In color, the planet looks a lot like the Earth's satellite, the Moon. But when comparing images, you can quickly find the Moon with its seas created by lava flows in the past. To describe the color of Mercury more accurately, it is liquid silver at room temperature.

Consider the astrological features that the color of the planet Mercury owns. If something rushes past you at incredible speed or flickers frantically before your eyes, is it easy to see what color it is? Most likely, you will notice only a multi-colored whirlwind, a motley mess of shades. Something like this is the case with Mercury, the fastest planet in our solar system (not counting the Moon, which is only a satellite of the Earth). This small nimble planet "runs around" around the Sun in just eighty-eight days.

People born under the sign of Gemini, in which Mercury is the ruler, move and act just as quickly. Just been there, but already here, and vice versa! It is not for nothing that the metal of Mercury is considered fast, mobile and changeable mercury. My friend, in whose natal chart this sign is accentuated, always amazed me with her agility. Here is an example: we take a walk in the winter with children and enter the warm premises of the store. While I am just starting to untie my daughter's hat, she already manages to take off her fur coat and hat from her child and is carried away somewhere ahead, and he cheerfully minces after her, trying to keep up.

But diversity can be associated not only with mobility and speed, but also with a variety of interests and activities - when everything is at once and a little of everything. The ability to do several things at the same time, the desire to collect the maximum possible amount of heterogeneous information and various impressions - these are perhaps the most characteristic "Mercurian" qualities. Alas, we have to admit that sometimes most of the things started are not completed, with information growing like a snowball, it is not clear what to do, and the desire to try everything leads to superficiality or inconstancy. But, as they say, these are all “production costs”! At best, one can imagine a person who collects a field bouquet, trying to get as many different flowers into it as possible. Of course, it can turn out a little colorful, but still - beautiful! It is curious that most of the minerals related to the sign of Gemini have a multi-colored, "mottled" color.

And also - motley, or, as they say, "cheerful" colors - a symbol of something frivolous, frivolous, which also fully corresponds to the original "twin" characteristics. Well, a serious, sedate person will not put on anything colorful! And the "Mercurians" do not pretend to be particularly solid: they, as a rule, are "jokers", they like to fray, and they look indecently young, no matter what age they are.

So, it has long been clear that variegated color mixtures are most often associated with Mercury. It is believed that it also corresponds to gray, which is still the same mixture of different shades, but more “finely ground”, that is, brought to a homogeneous state. There is also a mention of blue, one of the most airy colors. Mercury, of course, belongs to the elements of air, but this is where its “kinship” with the celestial blueness ends.

The color of the planet Mercury. But with another "Mercury" color, yellow, everything is a little more complicated. After all, as we remember, rich yellow is a “sunny” shade. Perhaps Mercury is entitled to some yellowness, as the planet closest to the Sun, but, of course, not to royal saffron. By the way, if you remember, yellow is associated with consciousness, but, unlike our luminary, Mercury represents its more mundane aspects, namely, intelligence, logic and the verbal sphere. Rather, its color is light yellow, for the planets belonging to the elements of air should be "painted" in lighter and more transparent tones. A little bit of blue is also possible here, cooling the yellow and turning it into a light lemon or so-called chartreuse color. To the negative characteristics of Mercury, we can add the unkind glory of yellow, as the color of treason, because the inconstancy of the wards of this planet is just a byword.

Each planet has a specific color. By mixing different shades, you can achieve completely unique properties and qualities.

Sun - Orange gamut

The sun is responsible for protecting the body, health, life values ​​and everything else that concerns the human ego. Therefore, the use of the orange range of colors carries these energies. When using the orange scale, a desire is created to defend oneself and move away from possible irritants.

Moon - white gamma, milky colors

White gamma are the colors of acceptance and sensitivity. They are best used in cases and projects related to concentration and attention. White color is the best background for reading and learning. White color gives emotional relaxation and calmness.

Mars - red scale

Mars is the planet of strength and energy. Therefore, the red range of colors gives, first of all, an impulse to activity and decisive action. Most often, I use red colors in the design of very visited places so that people make decisions faster. Contact the red scale when you want to get the strength to be active.

Mercury - green scale

Green gamut sets a high pace for intelligence and communications. If you need to sell something or find a common language with people - green colors will make these processes easy and relaxed.

Jupiter - yellow scale

Learning, knowledge, growth and development associated with the yellow scale ruled by Jupiter. Yellow colors can give motivation and a desire for knowledge if the beholder wants to develop, but can also exert pressure if the person is passive and inert. So use this range carefully.

Venus - Blue

From time immemorial, blue colors have been energy of tenderness and romance. The blue scale is best used to attract women and romantic natures. The best color to attract partners and life partners. The blue gamma awakens creativity.

Saturn - black and blue

Black is the color of order, which is why businessmen and serious people love it so much. It is worth being wary of the side effect of black - depression and stagnation, which is mixed with this scale. Arm yourself with black colors if you need to give the impression of a businesslike, experienced person.

Ketu - purple gamma

Purple colors are pretty ambiguous. On the one hand, this is the highest degree of spirituality and liberation from the captivity of matter. On the other hand, the purple gamma can carry the spirit of schizophrenia and inner confusion. Be careful with this range.

Rahu - colorful and rich scales

It is also worth mentioning that mixing colors gives unique combinations of planetary energies. Here are some examples:

Pink = Red (Mars) + White (Moon). Pink color definitely indicates sexuality and a subtle hint. Many girls who like to subtly attract attention use pink tones in their wardrobe.

Brown = Green (Mercury) + Red (Mars). The brown gamma is a vintage classic that carries an active message to people and is distinguished by a pleasant visual pressure.

Mix colors and get the right combinations of planets!

Roman Gavrilov