Movement is life. How to do everything? How to learn to do everything and increase efficiency The main rule is to do everything

We conclude our February thematic selection of the best blogs of the week on Mel with student bloggers. They tell why universities do not provide knowledge that can be applied in practice, and also share life hacks on how to do everything and pass the exam painlessly. We wrote about school everyday life and problems, and about the experience of teachers, including abroad -.

5 unusual rules that will help you do everything

Yana Ilyinskaya, our new blogger, is trying to combine what brings money with what will allow her to get her dream profession and climb the career ladder. In the morning to work, in the evening with a buzzing head - to study. And in the late evening - to do homework. And then there are family and friends. Yana. The first and most important rule: it is impossible to do everything.

“You probably know this feeling: you planned 150 incredibly important things for tomorrow, but in the end you didn’t manage to do everything, although you tried very hard and thought out the upcoming schedule well. It happened to me too, and I was terribly angry with myself for not knowing how to plan my time. In fact, we are not to blame for this - it is simply impossible to foresee absolutely everything.

This happens because we do not take into account the probability of a “bad” development of events. The husband will be delayed on the way from the store; negotiations at work will drag on for two hours; the teacher at the institute decides to conduct a double seminar; there will be too much queue at the bank. So that such force majeure events do not spoil our mood and allow us to have time to redo all the cases anyway, we draw up two schedules: “good” and “bad”.

What future teachers are actually being taught

Another blogger (and again a new one!) is studying at the Pedagogical University to become an English teacher. The student tells how she managed to get into a state-funded place, how hard it was to study and that she did not receive any practical skills in three years at the university. The situation worries not only her, but also her classmates, but no one does anything to fix something.

“I remember that we had the discipline “Methods of Education”. I was even glad that at last there would be something practically useful. By the way, I took a course of methodology at work. There I was taught how to behave in class, how to move, how to look, how to prepare for a lesson, how to control my voice. At work, I constantly went through “simulations”: I went to the blackboard and conducted a lesson for colleagues who got into fights, were rude, and asked awkward questions. Gained experience.

When I, full of hope, came to this very couple according to the methodology and saw the “basics of communist education” in a book, and then they told us about the goals and objectives. And also, that you can entertain the class with a filmstrip. I think everyone heard the terrible rumble of my collapsed hopes.

“A session is the exam twice a year?”

And here is the opinion of a freshman, our regular blogger,. She heard a lot of horror stories that the session is "tin, severed heads and handfuls of antidepressants." But everything worked out: the girl closed the first session without much difficulty, even the back-breaking physical-ru! Three simple secrets on how to pass a session without problems -. It seems that the session is still easier than the exam!

“We study on a 100-point system. I've only had problems with... physical. I'm serious. Future economists in physical education are being “bumped” by a woman who looks to be 89 years old. In her camp, a ballet bearing is still visible (here I have a “sigh of envy”), in her eyes - steel. It's impossible to cheat. Impossible Anrial. Here there will be 120 people to download the press - she will still notice who missed the time. Sometimes I think she has an extra pair of eyes on the back of her head. And now, as if in a whisper: “He sees your reflection in the coffee pot.” This despite the fact that she is without glasses as without hands. Bitter irony. He can't see without glasses, but with glasses he sees everything without diminishing. Terrible person."

“Higher education is out of touch with life”: the disappointments of a student who entered the magistracy

It is not so easy to decide to become a student again, therefore, few still enter the magistracy. Blogger Alexandra Cherepanova works as a teacher of additional education. And the magistracy profile has chosen the appropriate one. True, expectation and reality did not coincide this time. Girl, where they teach "according to the manuals written under Tsar Peas", and theoretical knowledge that is useless and most often not applicable in practice.

Higher education is completely out of touch with life, and let them tell me that a master's program involves a theoretical and scientific level, I do not agree. Any knowledge must correspond to the realities of the time. But some items cause only bewilderment.

We have been spinning all our lives like squirrels in a wheel, we believe that we are working tirelessly. But, in the end, we do not feel truly happy, we get very tired and fall down. In addition, I really want to do everything: to stay with my family, and complete a complex project at work, and read a recently bought book, and go abroad. How to do everything, because there is a lot to do and meet the deadline? How can you organize your own day and enjoy your results? Let these tips serve as great life hacks and examples so that from now on you can not only keep up with everything planned, but also overfulfill the plan.

The first step is planning

In order to start doing everything, you need to set yourself, namely, to promise yourself and plan everything that you can do in a day. This requires organization, careful planning of each hour. Try to write down in your diary not only the plan that should be implemented the next day, but also entries for the week ahead and even for the month. So it will be much more convenient and comfortable, you can save a lot of time and stop being nervous every time. So, step-by-step and step-by-step planning begins with:

  • write down in a separate notebook all the most necessary and obligatory things that you need to do 100% in time, it is best to rewrite them in a column, and next to indicate the exact start and end time;
  • if you don’t know what time you will finish doing a certain thing, then set small breaks, which are called temporary backlashes;
  • do not forget to continue the list with the most important tasks that also need to be solved;
  • now, you need to close your eyes and imagine tomorrow, take a deep breath and draw a picture in your head of how you will start your morning;
  • If you need to make any necessary adjustments, be sure to do so.

Remember that only those necessary things that absolutely need to be done will be recorded in this notebook. If you want to write about what you do every day on the machine, for example, wake up, wash your face, brush your teeth, then this will be superfluous. You just need to enter a keyword: for example, face, brush, breakfast. It is unlikely that after you wake up, you immediately run to the most necessary things. Indeed, in the morning, water procedures and a hearty breakfast are a priority. All this is called planning, i.e. when you gradually think over your actions one after another, writing out a certain time and your employment. For many people, this kind of planning helps them get things done.

The second step is the workflow

So that during vigorous activity you do not overwork, it is important to think over your daily load. In other words, try to plan your day in such a way that all the necessary actions and decisions are within your reach. Do not load yourself so that there is not a single free minute. It is this kind of planning that is considered incorrect, since it is very dense and unsettles a person and overworks. As a rule, it is with such a loaded planning that a person does not have time at all. Therefore, try to group all your cases by workload. Here is a small example of how to do it:

  1. You have a whole week ahead of you, not counting weekends. Take one of these days to plan the other five. If some urgent matters and important meetings arose during the week, then be sure to distribute them throughout the week, and do not stick them in one day.
  2. Devote one more day out of the whole week to finding the necessary information about all the cases that are included in yours. It can look in detail at a specific activity that needs to be addressed.
  3. The most important and necessary point is not to be nervous and not to worry if something does not work out. We are all human and each of us gets very tired. Therefore, if you lost your way or did not come to a meeting, could not complete some very important project, or did not call a friend who is waiting for your call - do not be discouraged, as this can all be made up for. The main thing is to always warn that you have not done something or cannot do it. Promise that the work will be done. First of all, make such a promise to yourself that in the future such incidents will not happen.

Essential life hacks to get things done

It would seem that if there were not 24 hours in a day, but, say, 48, then a person would work like a machine and be able to do absolutely everything that he undertakes. But what a pity that we only have 24 hours to complete a huge amount of work. That is OK! There are life hacks for this that will definitely help solve this problem. By the way, what are life hacks? This word did not exist before. Today, almost every third person knows what it is. A life hack is something very simple and useful, instant, something that will help save the maximum amount of time and solve all problems.

  1. The most important thing is to do what really causes you an incredible and huge interest. If you are bored, then feel free to give up what you do not like. Believe me, life is too short to waste your precious time on absolutely unnecessary, uninteresting and tiring activities.
  2. Try to write down and keep a record of the things that you would really like to do. It is never too late to try something new, because with the advent of innovations in our lives, not only interest changes, but also the worldview. When a person is very interested in something, when he is fascinated by his favorite pastime, then he absolutely manages to do everything.
  3. Another important life hack, albeit not entirely positive, but worth it. Very often people ask us to help them, which takes a considerable amount of time. As a result, we work at a loss, i.e. we actively help other people, but we ourselves are in a state of stagnation and cannot do our own work. In this case, it is very effective to refuse people. Yes, even if this is not the most pleasant action that you have to do, but in order to do everything, you need to be tough.
  4. It will be very effective if you begin to mark the work already completed throughout the day. Also, always know when to stop. If you are very drawn to something, you can spend the whole 24 hours on it, despite the fact that the diary contains three more tasks that need to be solved.
  5. You won’t believe it, but water and deep breaths help to keep up with everything. A great idea to keep your body in good shape and not get tired is to drink one glass of water for an hour and a half, as well as take five minutes to take a breath of fresh air. After such a pause, a person feels fresh, renewed and gets down to business with renewed vigor.
  6. Stop being lazy, this is not the best quality that lives in a person. It is best to spend this “doing nothing” time on your development, on drawing, on learning something new, on the gym and even on cooking, but not on lying on the couch and a complete lack of interest in life. And also, this includes eating, which should also be useful. You do not need to turn on the TV or look for some interesting program for a long time, just to eat and watch something at the same time. This is one of the most harmful human habits, as the TV literally draws us in. It is best to abandon TV programs altogether, especially if they do not carry any scientific and educational load.

Let all these life hacks become the most useful and productive tips that you will apply in your life.

Start the day well and profitably

We all love to sleep very much, especially until 11 to 12, and someone generally gets up only in the late afternoon. The most important thing is to start your day on time. And the earlier you get up, the better - this is called a routine. Believe me, the extra 10-15 minutes will not play the weather for you, you will not get enough sleep, but on the contrary, immerse yourself in a sleepy kingdom. If you set an alarm clock for 5, 10, 20 minutes, or even a whole hour later, then you simply won’t have time to get ready and go to work - you will definitely be late. Therefore, it is very important to start your day well, and it happens at 7-8 in the morning, when the body is ready to wake up. Another important point is to get ready for work or for some important meeting. Turn on energetic cheerful music that will not only shake you up and bring you to life, but also charge you with positive, unreal energy. From here a good mood is born, as a result of which you can absolutely do everything. Why? Because you feel good! By the way, be sure to get enough sleep. This is the most important thing for the body and in order to really do everything the next day. Do not sit in front of the computer or in front of the TV until the morning, so that after 2 hours of sleep again, run to work. Better go to bed at 10-11 pm.

The one that steals your time

Do you know why people sometimes do not have time to do everything in a day? They fell into the trap of time thieves. It's about the Internet. Previously, it was a TV, but today social networks have literally taken over the world, that almost the entire planet sits in front of a computer and burns its time. Perhaps this is the most harmful, but beloved by all habit.

Conduct an experiment: turn on your laptop, log on to the Internet and just try to climb the sites. You won't notice how time flies. It seemed that you were online for about 10 or 15 minutes, but in fact it will take more than two or three, or even four hours. Now, do you understand why the internet is named the greatest thieves of time? No, if, of course, you work on the Internet, then this is absolutely not a problem. Only now people are very fond of putting everything off until later and watching meaningless series, programs with stars or something like that.

That is why it is worth limiting your time spent on the Internet, if it relates to entertainment. If you are addicted to the Internet, and you cannot live without a laptop, then you should set yourself a specific task: for example, learn a foreign language using Internet programs. In this case, being on the World Wide Web will be quite justified, effective, efficient, and even give a result.

Another thief of time is a mobile phone, in which most of humanity wastes their free time. And if old phones are no longer so fashionable, and there is nowhere to dig, then smartphones and iPhones literally “eat up” the human brain. Sometimes, we ourselves do not notice how we disappear in the world of a mobile phone. Various games and entertainment programs are made with the intent that people not only do nothing, but in principle do nothing. Make it a lot smarter: install some application on your mobile phone that will teach you something. For example, a dictionary of foreign words to learn a few a day. Deceive this time thief with your own powers. Only in this case it will be possible to really catch everything.

Keep your brain in shape

This is necessary in order to have enough time for everything. With every hour, our strength, unfortunately, expires, and the brain is depleted, so some kind of specific recharge is needed. And life in general is oversaturated with a stream of information that needs to be remembered. Therefore, in order not to decrease the efficiency of your brain, be sure to carry something with you that contains sugar. For example, it could be chocolate. After eating one slice, you will continue to work with renewed vigor and in a good mood, and the brain will not feel overwork and fatigue.

In fact, it is very easy to do everything in life. It is important to correctly build your work schedule, arrange and not take on those cases that will not bring any benefit. Think over each item, try to master everything that is written in your diary, eat well, but know the measure. Yes, you don't have 10 hands, not everyone has a car to cover long distances. But all this is not a problem if you adhere to certain points and take into account all the tips collected in this article.

There is an opinion that a person can be successful only in one business, since he does not spray on others. But it is worth changing something in your life, as you will see the opposite.

How to learn to do everything: top 4 rules

1. Without unnecessary thoughts

Few people notice that during the day a lot of time is spent thinking and scrolling through situations that have already happened. But in order to endure valuable experience, one time is enough. Otherwise, we make ourselves feel anxious and anxious every time. To learn how to keep up with everything, it is worth discarding disturbing thoughts. For example, when you take a shower, you do not need to “execute” yourself by constantly returning to the past. Think about the first thing you will do when you get to work, make a plan in your head.

2. All at once?

When we go on a diet, we always want to see the result the very next day. If you want to do everything, it is important not to rush life. One day is only 24 hours and it is simply impossible to squeeze all the tasks and tasks into them. Sometimes the formula "slowly but surely" is effective.

3. Without idealism

Bringing everything to perfection is clearly a good habit, as long as it is not intrusive. Sometimes the mess in the room can be an inspiration, and not a “polished” concept is exactly what you need to achieve the desired result, etc.

And remember, everyone has their own ideal. This does not mean that you need to do everything on a blunder, you need a golden mean, and then during the day you will be in time for everything.

4. Throw out the time wasters

In the modern world, it is difficult for us to imagine that we will forget our mobile phone somewhere. But it is he who is one of the devourers of our time: distraction by calls, SMS, games, etc. In order to keep up with everything, it is necessary to give up chronophages for a certain time, things that take time from us. For example, if you are cleaning, you should not turn on the TV. It’s more fun with him, but the process will take longer, as the picture captivates, I want to sit down and look. This also applies to mobile phones, the Internet, and so on.

Time cannot be turned back, so its value is difficult to exaggerate. You can't get back the lost time. Every adult and independent person has the right to manage his time. But why do some people have time for everything, while others lack twenty-four hours a day? How to do everything without compromising physical and mental health?

Time management in the truest sense of the word is impossible. Management means the ability to use time rationally so that you can do everything you want to do.

Accounting and operational planning of time is defined as (translated from English as "time management").

Time management allows you to organize work and personal time within the framework of one day to a week. To determine the ability to streamline life as a whole, the concept of life management (translated from English as “life management”) has been introduced.

There is an opinion that knowledge of time management helps only in work, only leaders and managers need it. This is not true. Time management is useful to anyone who wants to organize their time and learn how to use it effectively. And the engineer, and the housewife, and the student want to know how to increase efficiency and save time, because they all work.

The basic rules of time management will tell a busy person how to do everything both at work and at home, without harm to health.

The principle of effective time management: time is not measured in minutes, but in events. You need to measure time by life events, actions. This unusual perception of time will give a person a feeling of fullness of life.

The main idea of ​​time management is that time should be spent on the most important things in life.

How to keep up with everything if it is not clear what exactly needs to be done in time? To manage time, you need to learn:

  1. prioritize;
  2. define achievable, specific, clear goals;
  3. plan a day, a week, a life.


Time management starts with planning the day. It’s good when a person knows how to make a schedule for the day, or better, write it down in a diary. Goals, tasks, plans and a daily schedule written down on paper are more likely to be achieved than those that are not written down.

Making a daily routine, a person better remembers what he has to do. And you won’t be able to forget anything, because everything is recorded!

Another positive aspect of the daily routine is the division of tasks into important and less important. By writing down the exact time by which you need to complete the task, a person sorts all the tasks into urgent, paramount and those that can be postponed for a while.

The daily routine organizes and obliges the individual to be responsible and punctual. You need to try to stick to the schedule.

Tips to help you stick to your daily routine without breaking the schedule:

  • Order

In order not to waste time looking for things, they need to be kept in order. Each thing should have its own place so as not to remember where it was left.

If a person has everything on the shelves on the desktop in the literal sense, then everything is also on the shelves in the head in a figurative sense. A good hostess has all kitchen and household utensils, linen and food in their places, signed and sorted.

  • Distractions

How to keep up with everything when there are so many distractions around? TV, telephone, Internet, distracting smells, sounds - these are all time wasters, being distracted by which, a person is out of schedule. There should be time for communication, relaxation and entertainment, but it should also be included in the schedule.

If there are too many distractions, you need to take steps to eliminate them. Yes, a friend who calls just to chat can be offended if she is denied this. But do you need such a friend who does not understand that now there is no time to talk to her, and continues to bother?

  • automatisms

Some everyday procedures can be brought to automatism. Fulfilling them, along the way, do something else. For example, a girl wants to learn a foreign language on her own, but cannot find time to study, as she is busy with housework. She determines the habitual activity that she does automatically (washing dishes) and, doing it, learns the language (listens to the tutorial in audio format).

  • Rest

Persistent and hardworking people, answering the question: “How to do everything?”, Decide to extend the working day by refusing to rest. They just don't rest. As a result, labor efficiency decreases, a person becomes overtired, loses interest in work, and with it health.

You need to rest physically, mentally and morally. Outdoor recreation and cultural recreation is a great opportunity not only to relax, but also to recharge your batteries and be inspired for new achievements.

  • Start the day and end it on time

People who reset the alarm after it has rung for another five minutes doom themselves to being late, fuss, turmoil and worries throughout the next day.

It is best to always get up at the same time. Going to bed at the same time is also useful, the body gets used to it, and the process of falling asleep is faster. This is the prevention of insomnia.

How to keep your brain in shape

Not always the problem of lack of time lies in the inability to manage it. Sometimes a person does not have enough strength to complete all the planned activities. How to improve brain performance? when the brain refuses to think?

Modern life is oversaturated with information, events and stressful situations. All this leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the brain.

Some people intuitively come to the realization of how to increase mental performance, the body, as it were, tells them what to do.

For example, students eat chocolate before an exam. Sweet not only improves mood, but also improves brain function. Chocolate contains sugar, which is needed for brain activity, it "charges" the brain.

In addition to chocolate, there are other, more effective and useful ways to increase brain performance:

  • Breaks at work

The ability to take a break from work for a while and get some rest has a positive effect on performance during the day. After work, you need to take a break from it, do household chores, hobbies, communicate with loved ones.

Obsessive thoughts about work do not allow the brain to relax. Often, it is after a person is distracted from the problem, “let go” of it, that ideas come to him about how to solve it.

Consciousness rests during sleep, and the unconscious part of the psyche continues to work. For people who are guided by the principle “the morning is wiser than the evening”, the answer to the question of how to increase efficiency is simple - get a good night's sleep.

The optimal load for a healthy and efficient individual is from thirty-five to forty working hours per week. Two days off are designed to restore strength, gain energy and desire to work further. In order not to waste hours of rest, it is also better to plan weekends.

  • Nutrition

It is good for the brain to eat foods containing natural starch and sugar: nuts, potatoes, rice, beans, black bread, and so on. The so-called slow carbohydrates, unlike fast ones, are able to charge the brain with energy for a long time. The diet should include all the necessary for the human body and minerals.

Using I write, you need to know the measure. If, if you want to increase the efficiency of the brain, a person will overeat, the effect will be the opposite. Satiety negatively affects the performance of the brain, the body spends energy on the assimilation and processing of food instead of sending it to the brain. After a too heavy lunch, a person does not know how to force himself to work, as there is a desire to lie down and relax.

  • Warm-ups, gymnastics and physical activity

During the working day it is useful to do physical exercises. Specialists working at a computer should periodically be distracted from it and do gymnastics for the eyes. Physical activity improves blood circulation in the brain, and also helps to restore old or create new neural connections.

Self-massage of the head and neck. Massage of the head and collar area improves blood flow in the cerebral cortex. If you do self-massage of the head at least once for ten minutes every day, the question of how to force yourself to work in the late afternoon will lose relevance, the ability to maintain clarity of thought will remain until the end of the working day.

  • color therapy

It has been proven that color affects the brain, changing the state and mood of a person. You can charge the brain by looking at the yellow color. It is the color of the sun, energy, optimism. It improves mental performance, tones and invigorates.

You can find or print a picture that is dominated by yellow, look at a yellow-colored piece of furniture, or look outside on a sunny day.

  • aromatherapy

Aromatherapy uses all natural essential oils. Citrus and woody scents are the best to stimulate the brain. You can light an aroma lamp (if a person works at home), drop oil into an aroma pendant and hang it next to you or apply a little on the skin (initially test for an allergic reaction).

  • Reading

Reading at least thirty minutes a day is a universal answer to the question of how to increase brain performance. This method is suitable for children, and adults, and people of advanced age.

Reading increases concentration, develops imagination, figurative and analytical thinking, broadens horizons, develops personality and brain. Of course, not all literature is useful, preference should be given to classical works, scientific and educational publications, textbooks.

  • Rejection of bad habits

The notion that alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, and all other addictive substances stimulate brain activity is wrong. These are false stimulants that create only the illusion of improving brain function.

In fact, they all worsen it, the amount of work performed is reduced and the quality suffers. The answer to the question of how to do everything in a day is obvious for a smoker - quit smoking. Smoking takes a lot of time and health.

Often a person does not know how to make himself work, because he does not know how to motivate himself. In this case, nothing will help him if he does not want to help himself.

How to do everything when you really don’t feel like doing it, you are too lazy to work, your thoughts are focused on anything but work? Need to get motivated!

The best motivation is personal goals. You need to be aware and remind yourself of what you need to try and work for. When work is filled with meaning, it becomes easy and enjoyable. By working consciously, a person inspires himself and stimulates the brain to continue working in order to achieve goals.

Constant purposeful movement has become the norm for most people, but for many, the daily routine does not cease to be chaotic, which makes you look around and wonder how others manage many times more with less time?

The art of doing everything is a means to survive, while maintaining your mental health, appearance, strength, enjoying everyday worries. That is why there are books on time management that will be useful not only for hard-working women, but also for housewives who are no less busy.

In a special review site - 7 books
about managing your time.

Gleb Arkhangelsky. "Time drive. How to manage to live
and work"

Perhaps with this book you can safely begin your journey to the normalization of the schedule of your life. In it, in an accessible and simple language, the main reasons for misunderstanding the price of every passing minute are stated. It seems that everything written by the author is already known to us, but for some reason we cannot put a few simple rules into practice, postponing for later. Gleb Arkhangelsky details the course of actions, gives real examples, gives universal advice that can be useful not only in business, but also for everyday life.

Sveta Goncharova. Time management for moms.
7 commandments of an organized mom

Sooner or later, every woman faces such a problem as the lack of time for something personal in view of the appearance of children. This book is an incredible helper for women in evenly distributing their time and saving their energy on what seems important, but in fact replaces more priority matters. I must say that it is not only for accomplished mothers, but also for future ones, it is for women who know what it means to do many things at the same time and at the same time take care of someone other than themselves. And most importantly, Sveta Goncharova teaches a woman to take care of herself first.

David Allen. “How to put things in order.
The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

If you read all the books on time management in turn, you can trace a series of simple and fairly obvious methods that we cannot put into practice for one reason or another. David Allen, on the other hand, seems to have written his book specifically for creative people who are distinguished by their special approach to issues of order (it’s not for nothing that “creative disorder” is so common). His book gives detailed recommendations on how to free the mind from obsessive thoughts about unfinished business and not forget anything. Creativity and its scheme of "organization of personal affairs" guarantee changes in habitual instability.

An unusual approach to the usual basics of time management is offered by Mark Forster, breaking down the list of habitual tasks into those that can be abandoned and those that require immediate execution. The author teaches to abandon inefficient activities in favor of productivity in order to reduce the concentration of employment to the volume that will be comfortably distributed over the available amount of time. The book teaches you to manage your attention in the name of the quality of your duties.

Erin Doland. “Simplify your life. How to clean up
at work and at home"

Erin offers to start life from scratch, completely change the way you think about home, work, daily and personal life in just seven days. And then enjoy the result. To do this, you just need to allocate a little time every day to restore order, including in your head. The book gives a lot of advice, which helps to concentrate and structure your affairs not at random. Very motivating if you want.

Jan Frank. Music and the monster. How to organize
creative work"

The author describes his personal experience in doing business, offering us to try some simple, but very effective methods. Studying them, I want to definitely try, and not tomorrow, but right now. For example, Yana suggests using alternating work and rest: 45 minutes of work and 15 minutes of rest, 5 days in standard mode and a couple of days for rest, 4 hours of work in the morning, and after a break - another 4 hours of work in the evening. Very creative and, importantly, feminine.

It is one thing when there are a lot of things to do and there is not enough time for them, and quite another is the lack of concentration on especially important concerns, which can be very small in number. In addition, our life provides many opportunities for an adrenaline rush, and when we return to our usual activities, they don’t smell there. Hence absent-mindedness, inability to concentrate, low efficiency. The author proposes a strategy for finding a "golden mean", directs thoughts in the right direction with illustrative examples, where there is no place for apathy and indifference.

Text: Victoria Ionichevskaya