Effective methods of memorizing English words. How to memorize English words? How to quickly learn English words? Learn English words

The main problem in learning any foreign language is the memorization of words. To solve this problem quickly and memorize many constructions, the student takes up to 80% of the time and effort to master the active minimum. At this stage, the task of setting up a competent pronunciation, quick and correct reading, and developing the skill of perceiving foreign speech by ear is solved. learning English words Starting to learn English, a person, first of all, asks a series of questions: how to make learning easier and more efficient, how to memorize English words quickly, how to learn a lot of words? Of course, modern linguists and polyglots have created a lot of ways to learn hundreds and thousands of lexemes at once, many phrases, speech turns quickly.

I will tell you about the most popular ways to learn something:

  • Associations
  • memorization

The association method is very simple. For each English word or concept, a Russian word similar in sound is selected: lemon - lemon, nose - nose, tangerine - tangerine or mandarin. Our language even has words borrowed from foreign speech, and they have long been familiar to you: airport - airport, recruit - recruit, recruit, autobus - bus, aviation - aviation. Some neologisms also took English terms as a basis: browser, internet, monitor, office, printer.

Therefore, you will always find something to associate with those concepts that you have to learn. In addition, a large number of English characters, as in Russian, consist of two bases:

  • Overall - everywhere: over - over, over, excessively all - everything, entirely
  • Thunderstorm - thunderstorm: thunder - thunder storm - storm, storm (storm with thunder)
  • Exchange - exchange: ex - former change - replacement, change
  • Watermelon - watermelon: water - water melon - melon (water melon)

You can also associate situations. For example, to remember the word "fist" (fist), imagine a large pistachio that you crush with your fist.
memorizing words in English As for memorizing by heart, it is effective in two cases - if words are classified by consonance, when a group of words is similar in the first or last words. Or teach constructions in the second way - according to the thematic classification, which is closer to me personally. The same group includes the most used words and phrases. However, hard-to-remember words are better to quickly fix in memory by choosing a consonant analogue.

How to learn 100 words a day?

The process is best divided into 2 stages.

  • Divide all the concepts that you are going to learn according to one of the classifications: theme, consonance, associations
  • Take the first hundred with translation in Russian
  • Divide this portion into 5 equal portions
  • Several times, before memorizing, read the first 20 in order, trying to remember the translation at the same time
  • Don't spend more than 2 seconds learning one word
  • Close the translation with a piece of paper
  • Test yourself
    • By tapping the rhythm to yourself with a pencil or using a metronome (1 sec), achieve recognition of each word in time with a rhythmic beat
    • Immediately go to the next portion - learn the next 20
    • Repeat the steps and so on until the end of 100
    • The clock should be in front of your eyes. Note the time it took you to learn each twenty
    • Perform an easy check of all hundred
    • Just read the words you were taught
    • Use a template: close the translation, leaving the original

learning English words Notes:

  • Don't look back, repeat the words all the time and increase your daily portion
  • The portion size should be increased gradually - from 100 to 500, from 500 to 1000. However, first make sure that the technique is right for you and really helps you
  • You need to learn only in one direction - that is, when you see an English word, remember Russian, and not vice versa
  • The first 20 may take longer than the other group due to novelty
  • Memorizing a large number of words quickly does not mean learning a language, you need to learn how to use them correctly in colloquial speech
  • But knowledge of English phrases is the basis for further study of the English language.

The rapid study of English words should also be in parallel with the development of skills and abilities for constructing sentences, listening to English speech and setting the correct pronunciation. So have a good start!

Today, self-development in the form of learning languages ​​and going to the gym is literally a trend that everyone wants to keep up with.

From everywhere you can only hear “Don’t give up!”, “Be better than yesterday!”, “Work on yourself!”. If your figure is not perfect, everything is clear here - you need to follow proper nutrition and pump muscles. However, is it really that simple in learning English? Let's see.

If you have gaps in English, it is worth pulling up grammar and expanding your vocabulary. What to do if a bad memory, and all these words do not fit in the head? Is it possible to upgrade memory? The answer will pleasantly surprise you - you can.

Of course, someone will be able to quickly learn a number of new English words just by looking at them, and someone will have to make an effort. Everything depends on your desire.

In order to understand how you can pump memory, it is worth considering a few of your own features - everything is individual. As you know, there are two types of memory - someone perceives new things by ear, and someone - visually. There is one secret technique that we intuitively know at school, but eventually forget.

Remember how at a break, repeating a verse, you went from corner to corner with a textbook. Indeed, the movement contributes to the memorization of the new. And of course, memorization is significantly affected not only by speed, but also by the quality of memorization or the level of attention. It is important to focus on what you are learning here and now, and not fly in the clouds.

Understanding what memory is, it becomes obvious that by working on yourself, adding more self-discipline, you can develop memory, and easily memorize the required number of new memorizations of English words. All the excuses you've been using so far aside, it's time to get together and take a leap in learning English.

How to quickly learn English words

1. Learn words from context.

It is quite difficult to learn words if they are written as a list in a dictionary. This method can only be used if you are working with a teacher who will help you use these words in context, build a dialogue with you using these new words, and move the list of new words from your passive to active vocabulary.

If you are at the stage of independent study of English, then it is best to memorize words in the context of topics that interest you.

In this way of learning new words, two types of memory work - visual and auditory. Subtitles are important because they will help you be 100% sure what the word just sounded and how it is spelled. Agree, it is difficult to remember what you are not sure enough about.

If you study English with a teacher, then he will definitely include podcasts in your classes, which are also a magic wand for expanding your vocabulary.

3. Don't grab onto every new word.

When learning words, you should not grab each new word and run to write it out in a dictionary. If only because the number of words in the English language is incredible!

To begin with, it is best to memorize the base of words that you need, depending on your age and lifestyle. Of course, an experienced English teacher will be able to point you in the right direction and tell you what to focus on.

However, you can try and determine for yourself what to focus on and what words can be omitted.

4. Read.

You may be surprised, but now we are not even talking about reading in English, but about reading in our native language. It doesn't matter if it's fiction or quality articles.

Reading helps to make your thinking more flexible and develops your memory, thereby improving the memorization of new words in English.

5. Learn words in combination with grammar.

Many people think that the main base of English is words, and you don’t have to work much on grammar. Perhaps sometime in a parallel universe this myth will be dispelled, however, now it still exists.

Just imagine, if you know the conjugation of verbs, how many new words you will immediately learn. For example, if you do not perceive that all these new words in the text are just the first or second form of an irregular verb, they all seem new to you and confusion arises.

6. Learn English with modern technology, no more old-fashioned flashcards!

Fortunately, the world of modern technology contributes to the study of new words. For example, on our site there is a dictionary in a completely free format that will help you learn new words by memorizing them by ear and visually. The study takes place rather in a playful way, which helps to make the process of memorizing new words much more enjoyable.

In order to remember the English word faster, you can draw a certain parallel with it in your mind. It doesn't matter if it makes sense to someone else, the main thing is that it carries a certain message for you and, remembering this association, you could remember a new word.

For example, the word "sing" is somewhat similar to the word Singapore. You can draw a parallel with the phrase "singing in Singapore." In this method, only your imagination and imagination are important, add creativity.

8. Pay attention to words of common origin.

Words of common origin in various languages, cognates, seem to have been created in order to instill confidence that learning a new language is not as unattainable as it might seem at first glance. When learning new words, you will see for yourself that many English words are similar to Russian ones.

9. Communicate with native speakers.

It's no secret that a language is easiest to learn in an environment where it is spoken. However, it is not necessary to go to another country for this. You can find a pen pal or call him on Skype. Communication with a native speaker will be very helpful when learning new words.

There are even many sites where people from different countries offer to brush up on your English for free, in exchange for learning something from your native language. However, this technique is best used when you already have a fairly confident English. At the initial stage, it is better to contact a professional teacher so that he directs you in the right direction.

10. Use the S.M.A.R.T.

Set goals when learning new English words and you will see progress. It is much more pleasant to study English, noticing your progress. S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound - i.e. specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound.

Make a promise to yourself that over the next month you will learn 70 new words that are most in demand in the English language.

11. Speak and think like a native speaker.

When learning new words, pay attention to the accent and intonation with which it is customary to pronounce a given word. Try to imitate these elements at the very beginning of learning the language. In the future, this will greatly help you overcome the barrier of communication with native speakers.

12. Don't be afraid to make a mistake.

In order to speak correctly, it is not necessary to remember all the words that exist in English. It is enough, for starters, to master the basic base of words, of which there are about 300. Having studied the base, you will be able to express an idea without even knowing any word using the paraphrase technique.

Learning a language no longer seems so out of reach. Is not it?

By the way! We advise you to read our article how to learn English quickly. Not everything is so clear :)

How to help your child memorize English words easily

What can you do to help your child learn new words?

There are many memory poems that will greatly simplify the process of learning English for children. Can adults use methods for memorizing new words designed for children?

Yes! Both children and adults can learn a language through nursery rhymes.

For example:

We were given red tomatoes for lunch!(Red - red)
And a lemon, when it's ripe, has a yellow skin!(Yellow - yellow)
I like to run around the city in blue jeans!(Blue - blue)
Orange means orange, the color is the same, we will eat.(Orange - orange)
Let's call the gray mouse, he will be the gray mouse.(Grey color - gray)
Black is our black master, as always he came alone.(Black - black)
Green - green grass, she grew herself.(Green - green)
Brown is the new chocolate, I'm happy with brown.(Brown - brown)
White color - white and snow.(White - white)

You can help children learn new words by studying the rhyme and demonstrating the objects that the rhyme talks about. This technique will come in handy when working out the following rhymes:

This is a bear, this is a hare
This is a dog and this is a frog.
This is a car, this is a star
This is a ball and this is a doll.
One, two, three, four, five,
Once I caught a fish alive
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I let it go again.
Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
The little finger on the right.

With the help of poems, you can learn not only new words, but also remember temporary constructions. For example:

To have
I have a father
I have a mother
I have a sister
I have a brother.
Father, mother, sister, brother -
Hand in hand with one another.

With the help of this rhyme, you can work out the construction of the question:

How to learn English words for business

Do not be afraid, everything is the same here as in the study of general English. The main thing is to choose the necessary sources of study. It is worth focusing on a video on a topic that is relevant to you.

When choosing a textbook, it is also worth considering the business area that you need. Studying business English with a teacher, he will help you to place all the accents correctly and focus on the topics that you need, whether it is business, aviation or agriculture.

Do you need a mentor? Of course no one can say, for example, how to learn English words in 5 minutes;) But m We will select the best teacher who will lead you to the result. Set goals and achieve them! There is nothing unattainable, the main thing is to correctly prioritize and understand what to work on.

Good luck on your way to perfection!

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Learning a language is impossible without memorizing new words. But besides the banal and boring cramming, there are many simple, and most importantly, effective ways to learn unfamiliar words.

First you need to figure out exactly how you best perceive information. There is a small but very important checklist for this. If you are an auditory person, then the "read the notebook" method will work much worse for you than the "listen to the list of words to the text" method. And you can not even think about it and long and hard, to the bitter end and feeling your own worthlessness, look into this stupid notebook and not understand why nothing is remembered!

Traditional Methods

  1. Yartsev method (visuals)

We take a notebook. We write out the word - translation in 2-3 columns. We give a number of synonyms \ antonyms \ examples. From time to time we read lists, we just read, we don’t crammed anything.

I don’t know how it works, but, for example, I didn’t crammed German, but just read a notebook from time to time. The teacher did not arrange dictations, he never checked us against the lists. And I still, after many years, remember a bunch of words.

It turns out that you do not strain, do not try to pour 100 words into yourself in 30 minutes, just systematically, from time to time you refresh the material. But you should immediately warn that these words should be found in textbooks, articles, i.e. you must, in addition to reading the notebook, somehow activate them.

  1. Card Method

The second popular way. We take and cut a bunch of cards or buy square blocks of note paper. On one side we write the word, on the other - the translation. For advanced users, we indicate examples. We drive the cards in a circle, putting aside those that we know well. From time to time we repeat the past, in order to refresh. Of the minuses - if there are a lot of words and little time, you will spend a lot of time creating the cards themselves.

As an entertainment, you can arrange them in piles of 10 pieces in different places of the apartment, from time to time stumble upon them and repeat. Audials to this method must necessarily add speaking aloud. Cards are great for children, this can be turned into an interesting game.

  1. prescribing method

Classics of the genre. You take a word and write it many, many times. Works great for Chinese characters. Minus - melancholy green. But the method has been tested for centuries.

  1. Half page method

This is one of my favorite ways. You bend the sheet in half, write a word from one edge, with reverse side- translation. You can check yourself quickly. For me, as a visual, it works well, because. I easily remember in which part of the sheet a given word was written. Minus - you get used to a certain word order.

  1. Method "Interior Designer"

If you learn some specific vocabulary that surrounds you, you can make original “labels” everywhere - stick stickers with the names of objects. You can also stick on the monitor the most nasty words that do not want to be remembered. The advantage of this method is that it is fun. Minus - the brain can begin to ignore all these pieces of paper, and then they will hang somewhere for a long time.

Optimization methods

  1. Grammar grouping method

If you have a large list of words, the worst thing you can do with it is to learn it haphazardly. It can and should be processed and grouped. For example, first you write out verbs, and write them out not in a row, but group them according to the type of endings, or write out masculine nouns, then feminine and separately exceptions that do not fall into these lists.

Thus, since most of the words we do not apply to exceptions, you begin to see the logic of the language and memorize words in conjunction with their like.

  1. Meaningful grouping method

You write out and memorize the word and its synonym/antonym right away. This is true for both beginners and advanced. So you learned the word “good”, find out right away how it will be “bad”. And if you still remember “excellent, so-so, disgusting”, then you will greatly enrich your vocabulary.

  1. Method for studying single-root words

We take words, group them around the root, for example, “deed / do / done”, and learn several parts of speech with the same root at once.

  1. Etymological method

Works well for those who have learned multiple languages. When you study several languages ​​within the same language branch, you start to see similar roots. This actually comes with experience, and there is no need to learn a huge amount of words again. At some point, you just already know enough. And if I understand that this word does not categorically tell me anything, I climb into the etymological dictionary and get to the bottom of where it came from. While I do this, I remember it.

  1. chains of words

You take a list of words that you need to learn, and make up a story (even if it’s crazy) from them. So you will learn not 30 words, but 5 sentences of 6 words each. If you approach this matter creatively, you can have fun and usefully spend time.

Ways for those who do not like old-fashioned methods

  1. Spaced Repetition (spaced repetitions)

A technique of retention in memory, which consists in repeating the learned educational material at certain, constantly increasing intervals. In fact, you install an application on your phone, and the program will automatically show you the words in the specified order and with the desired frequency. You can use ready-made word lists or create your own.

Pros: capitally crashes into memory.

Cons: takes a lot of time. If you have already memorized the word, it will still pop up from time to time in some programs.

In Memrise, you can choose from ready-made lists of words or create your own. If the word is categorically not remembered, you can use special funny pictures that users create using mnemonics, or you can upload your own. Memrise also recently added a new option - you can not only hear the voice acting of a word, but watch a video of how people pronounce these words.

A service for working on written speech for those who have already mastered the basics of language practice. The user writes the text in the language being studied, after which the native speaker of the corresponding language takes to check the written text and makes his own corrections.

"Magic" Methods

Magic methods are very fond of luring various marketers and language gurus. Usually the essence of the methods lies in the "secret techniques of the special services", which, objectively speaking, are described in a pile of literature. And they ask for unhealthy sums of money.

  1. mnemonics

Mnemonics is one of the most popular methods, the essence of which is to come up with funny and absurd associations to a word that you can’t remember in any way. You take the floor and come up with some kind of associative image, which should be very bright. But in this image there should be a “key” to the memorized word.

Example: "grief" ("woe") - woe to a wounded tiger, vultures are circling over him.

For auditory

Rule #1 for you: Always speak out loud what you are learning. If you use cards, speak up. If you are reading a list, read it out loud. Listen to the words, this is the fastest way for you to remember them! Naturally, you will have to write them down, but things will go faster than if you read and wrote silently.

  1. listening to words

You can put audio recordings of word lists and repeat after the announcer. Usually in good textbooks a well-read list of words is given for the lesson. You can also listen to high-quality podcasts in which there is a detailed analysis of the dialogues.

  1. Multiple repetition

A method similar to writing words in a row, rather tedious and boring, but effective - repeat out loud several times. There is an opinion that a word can be considered learned if you have used it 5 times in context. So try to give 5 different examples of the use of this word. Naturally, out loud. You can fix it by writing it down.

Methods for those who absolutely do not want to work with lists

  1. Reading (lots of reading)

If the level is high enough and there is no urgent need to expand the vocabulary, it is easiest to read a lot. You can mark new words and even write them out (this works best, but not everyone likes to do this). By reading, you learn to understand the meaning of the context, you are “saturated” with words, they themselves become your passive reserve. But reading usually does not help much to translate them into an asset, i.e., in order to progress in the language, you need to do something else besides reading.

  1. Learn what is really needed

In one of my textbooks, the word "hoe" appeared in the vocabulary before the words "short and long" appeared. Do not learn "hoes" and any unnecessary garbage until you learn really relevant and vital vocabulary.

How to determine relevance? There are many tutorials and lists from the 1000 Most Common Words series. First we learn frequency, then - "hoes", not earlier. If you have not yet learned to count and do not know pronouns, it is too early for you to learn colors, no matter how much you want to.

  1. Get creative with the process

If everything infuriates you, words do not fit into your head and you want to quickly close these lists, experiment. Drawings help someone, someone walks around the apartment and recites aloud, someone communicates with his cat. If you are interested in something, do not be lazy to climb into the dictionary. Study what is close to you. Don't dwell on methods that don't work.

Why is it difficult to memorize English words? And how to learn to memorize English words quickly and easily? - These questions are asked by many, so we will answer each of them in detail.

Why is it difficult to memorize English words?

Firstly, new english word is accurate information, i.e. information that you need to know exactly, 100%.

Try to "approximately" or "partially" pronounce the English word! Foreigners will not understand you. Therefore, it is very important to memorize English words accurately. BUT any exact information is poorly remembered, even after exhausting "cramming" only 20% remain in memory.

Knowing this feature of memory, our ancestors 2 thousand years ago created mnemonics - the art of memorization. Today, mnemonics has been enriched with new techniques, methods, techniques and is one of the components of the “Memory Development Systems”.

Secondly, remembering English words is difficult due to the incorrect organization of words. Please note that most books and dictionaries aimed at the formation of vocabulary are compiled in alphabetical order, i.e. English words follow in alphabetical order. And this order is convenient only for searching for words, but not for memorizing.

Memorizing words in alphabetical order leads to the following negative consequences.

  • The memorized word is difficult to remember, “get it out of memory”, because the English word was memorized without a block of words related to it in meaning, and “stored on the same shelf”.

    A word memorized in alphabetical order can be compared to a book that you want to find in a bookcase, but you don’t remember which shelf it is on and what topic it belongs to. And in order to find the right book, you will need to "dig through" the entire closet. But if you put this book on a shelf with books on the same subject, you would find it very quickly.

  • When words are presented in alphabetical order, adjacent English words start with the same letter and differ little. And, as you know, homogeneous information is prone to forgetting, i.e. being memorized sequentially, words displace each other from memory.

    Therefore, it is very important that neighboring English words begin with different letters.

Thirdly, memorizing English words is difficult if you memorize a word without context. In addition, difficulties with memorization are associated with the ambiguity of English words.

Let us quote the well-known psychologist A.N. Leontiev (“Lectures on General Psychology”, 2001): “The difficulty lies in the fact that if you learn vocabulary words like this (foreign - Russian, foreign - Russian), then you will not know the language for a very simple reason: words, including foreign ones, are polysemantic. No value match. And another big annoyance. Do you know what a statistical dictionary is, a frequency one, where the frequency of using words in a language is indicated just next to the word as a frequency coefficient?

You see, high-frequency words are especially polysemantic, and low-frequency ones, that is, rarely found in the language, have a much smaller number of meanings, scientific terms should ideally not have many meanings at all (alas, ideally, because practically they are also polysemantic). If we take a very common word and learn it in this way, nothing will come of it. Because if you open a dictionary, not quite small, but larger, 20-30 thousand, then you will see that against German, English, French words the first, second, third meanings of the word and so on, I'm not talking about changes in meanings in idioms.

Fourth, memorizing English words is difficult due to the wrong memorization sequence. By "sequence of memorization" is meant the sequence of memorization of the constituents of an English word. What are the components of an English word?

Take, for example, wedding ["wedIN] - a wedding

1. wedding is writing English word
2. ["wedIN] is pronunciation English word
3. wedding is translation English word

So, English word consists of three components: 1) spelling, 2) pronunciation, 3) translation. And most often, in such a sequence you wrote down a new English word in a dictionary, and it is in this sequence that English words are presented in numerous books and dictionaries.

How did you start memorization?
- Of course, from writing, - you say and remember how many times you wrote down an English word on paper.
- And what did you do then?
- Then he said it out loud many times, i.e. "crammed": "["wedIN] is a wedding, ["wedIN] is a wedding..."

It turns out the following sequence of memorization:

writing - pronunciation - translation.

Memorization in this order is called "recognition" those. you need to see the English word written or heard to remember the translation. That is why we all read and translate English texts well. That is why we all, when traveling abroad, understand foreigners, but we cannot say anything. We can’t say, because we can’t quickly and easily remember the translation of the word, i.e. "reproduce" it from memory. This process is called "reproduction" and is the following sequence:

translation - pronunciation - spelling.

Memorizing an English word in this sequence guarantees a high quality of memorization and a high speed of recall, but using a certain method, which we will discuss below.

How to learn to memorize English words quickly and easily?

Obviously, you need to eliminate the above difficulties and learn:

  • correctly prepare the material for memorization, i.e. a) group English words according to topics and situations of use; b) arrange English words so that adjacent words begin with different letters;
  • memorize an English word in context according to the principle one English word - one context containing one translation;
  • memorize in the correct sequence, i.e. translation - pronunciation - writing, using a certain method, of which mnemonics is an integral part.

Everything is clear, except for the third point, - you say, - What is this "certain method"?

This is a method of memorizing the words of any foreign language, called "Polyglot". With this method, you will learn to memorize 100 - 200 new English words a day quickly and easily!

The "Polyglot" method is a sequence of mental actions and operations that form the skill of memorization.

It is enough to memorize only 500 English words using this method to form a memorization skill. You will not think about how you memorize, your brain will use this method itself, and English words will “memorize themselves”. If you are interested in the theoretical part and details, then you can familiarize yourself with them in another book “Secrets of memorizing irregular English verbs” by E.E. Vasilyeva, V.Yu. Vasilyeva, where the “Polyglot” method is described in more detail.

(for independent memorization of English words)

  1. Provide a translation of the word.
  2. "Take a picture" is a foreign word.
  3. Write a foreign word.

Let's use the "Polyglot" method to remember the English word:


1. "beard" is a translation
2. and bied is the pronunciation of the word (the second option is “Russian transcription”)
3. beard is the spelling of an English word

  1. Provide a translation of the English word.

1) “Present a translation of the English word” means to present a “beard”.
Some may "see in their imagination" a beard hanging in the air, others - the face of a grandfather with a beard.

It is advisable, at first, to help yourself with questions:
What does this word remind me of?
- What does this word look like?
- What does this word have to do with me?

2) And then we form a “picture” based on beard image according to principle: "Place. Hero. Situation", i.e. we ask ourselves questions:
- Where?
- Who? What?
- What situation?

Important! When forming the “picture”, place the translation of the English word in the right context.

AT this case the word is unambiguous and the word "beard" conjures up the face of a grandfather with a beard. Next, we form a “picture”, i.e. we remember a familiar grandfather in a familiar place (Place. Hero), we connect as many sensations and feelings as possible.

Let's imagine a familiar grandfather with beard sitting on a bench in the park, we will hear cheerful children's voices, we will smell the flowers, we will feel the warm rays of the sun ...

Please note that the situation is some kind of interaction of heroes, and we have only one hero. Let's leave the “unfinished picture” alone for now and move on to another point.

  1. Choose a consonant Russian word for pronunciation.

Pronunciation is

Let's choose a consonant Russian word for pronunciation, i.e. a word that has the same first sounds. In this case, the sound of the word "BIDON" is suitable. Please note that we highlight the matching consonant part in capital letters. It is desirable that the Russian consonant word designate an object or person.

  1. Connect the image of the translation with the image of the consonant word.

The image of the translation is a familiar grandfather with beard, sitting on a bench in the park.
“Combine the image of the translation with the image of a consonant Russian word” means

- “complete the translation picture” by including a BIDON in it, as a result you will get a “key-phrase” connecting the words “beard” and “BIDON”, for example: “Grandfather accidentally dipped beard in a can with milk";

Holding in the imagination the "key - phrase" simultaneously say aloud 2-3 times: bIed

  1. "Photograph" is an English word.

The English word is the word "beard ».
“Take a picture of an English word” means to highlight the word from all sides with yellow cards (size 6 x 7 cm) so that in the “window” there is only the word “beard ». And now we set ourselves to remember the graphic image of the word (Remember the spelling!) And read the word aloud 2-3 times.

  1. Write an English word.

Write an English word, i.e. write the word "beard » on a draft, without looking anywhere. Wrote once - checked, then write a second time, but without peeping. Recorded a second time - checked. And once again write down and check. It is important that you remember the spelling of the word from memory and do not peep anywhere! It is enough to write the word 3-5 times.

  1. Check the quality of visual memory.

“Check the quality of visual memorization” means to write the word backwards, from right to left, so that the word is read correctly.
For example: ....d

If you correctly spelled the word the other way around, then you can be congratulated, you have memorized the spelling of the English word by 100%!

  1. Write down on a card for further repetition.

On one side of the card, write down the translation of the word, i.e. "beard » , and on the other hand, write down the English word "beard ».

It is important to do two repetitions:
- repetition No. 1: according to the translation, i.e. remember the English word to the Russian word, having previously shuffled all the cards,
- repetition No. 2: according to the English word, we recall the Russian translation.

It is important that you first complete steps 1, 2 and 3 on a prepared list of words (50 - 200 English words), and then complete steps 4, 5, 6 with the same list of words.

Remember! English words need to be memorized not one at a time, but in lists grouped by topic!

In order to independently memorize English words using the Polyglot method, you first need to develop certain abilities and form some skills using simpler technology. Such a technology that allows you to memorize 200-500 English words in 1 lesson is the “ENGLISH-memory” technology. This technology contains "easy-to-learn" material in the form of "keys - phrases", and you just have to read the "key - phrase" and submit!

How to learn new English words without cramming and boring exercises? We offer you several interesting sites for memorizing English words, where you can expand your vocabulary for free and even ... help those in need without spending a single penny from your personal funds. How to do it? Read below.

Useful selection: 5 sites for learning English words

An interesting resource is a site for English learners, which contains hundreds of colorful visual thematic collections of flash cards that will be understandable even for beginners. A section for learning new words can be found at the following link.

In addition, a variety of tests for learners of English are presented. Beginners will be interested in vocabulary tests, which are also presented in the form of colorful flash cards. For higher levels, the site has exercises for finding synonyms and antonyms for words, testing knowledge of all forms of irregular verbs, as well as testing vocabulary for those who are preparing to take exams.

On this simple and beautiful resource, you can work not only with vocabulary, but also improve grammar, listening, speaking and reading at the same time. All skills need to be developed at the same time, and you can do it on the same site.

Pay attention to - a site for learning English words, extremely easy to use, but no less interesting. In the First words subsection, words for levels and are divided by subject. Most of the exercises are presented in the form of a visual dictionary. The advantage is that you are not given a translation into Russian, so an association will arise in your memory: a certain picture is associated with a word in English. Many linguists believe that this way of studying vocabulary is the most productive, since in doing so you give up the habit of mentally translating a word into Russian from English: a certain image will be clearly associated with a specific word.

In addition to visual exercises, you will find no less interesting developing tasks for finding synonyms and antonyms for a word, as well as tasks-questions that test your knowledge of the vocabulary of a particular topic. There are also exercises on the use of prepositions, on breaking down words into various categories, filling in missing words in dialogues, excluding an extra word from a group of concepts, etc. All tasks are fascinating, varied, presented simply and clearly.

The Harder words subsection is for level and above. Here the tasks are no less varied and interesting. There is a visual dictionary and the choice of the right word in sentences. In addition, here you will find an unusual task for finding errors when replacing one word with another that sounds similar to it (a phenomenon called malapropism).

In both subsections there are special exercises aimed at practicing vocabulary. In them, you are given 15-20 words to study and 15 various tasks aimed at practicing these words. We advise you not to go through all 15 exercises in one sitting: “stretch” them over three days of 5 tasks. Thus, during this time you will thoroughly fix the new vocabulary in memory.

In addition to these sections, on the site you will find exercises for learning phrasal verbs, idioms and proverbs, a variety of grammar tests and informative articles for learners of English.

Do you think that learning words from flashcards is the last century? On the site you can find flash cards in electronic form and learn English words online: progressively and conveniently. You are offered three stages of learning new words:

  • At first, you just look at the words and try to remember them by associating them with the picture.
  • Then they show you a picture for a while, and you try to remember the word.
  • At the third stage, you test your knowledge: write a word in English next to the picture.

The exercise is quite simple, but for beginners this is exactly what you need.

On the same site, in the Mistakes section, you can work on exercises with words that are often confused in English, for example, any and some, borrow and lend, etc. On the Word Games page, you will find a variety of games to expand and develop vocabulary: crosswords, memory games (memory training games), unusual sea battle, etc.

In general, the resource is simple even for beginners, the graphics are somewhat outdated, but you will not be distracted by beautiful pictures with cats while working with the dictionary. :-)

Not as colorful as the previous ones, very useful for learning English. It has several sections for learning the most common words, as well as sections with colloquial phrases where you can learn new words in context. The site is suitable even for beginners: you need to mark Russian in the list of languages, then you will see instructions in your native language and translations of words and phrases. "Continuing" you can try to deal with the English version of the site. In this case, the meaning of unfamiliar words can be found in the English-English dictionary, just click on the word you need to get help.

On the site you will find the 1500 Most Common English Words and Vocabulary section. It will help you expand your vocabulary. All words are voiced by native speakers, learn them and repeat after the speaker.

After that, go to the 1000 Most Common English Phrases section. Here you can learn new words in context. All phrases are voiced by native speakers, and the recordings are presented in two versions: at normal speed and at a slow pace. You can sort them by subject, for example, if you are preparing for a trip, select the phrases of the desired subject and study them.

Then go to the "100 Free Lessons" section. It is presented in the form of short dialogues on various topics. You can take phrases from there and memorize them: they will definitely come in handy in the future. Dialogues are also recorded in normal and slow motion: listen and repeat. You can listen to each phrase separately and try to pronounce it in the same way as the announcer.

The most unusual of all resources. Let's say right away that it will not work for beginners, but from the Pre-Intermediate level you can try to practice on it. Here you are given only one exercise: you must indicate what this or that word means, while offering four possible answers. That is, in fact, you need to find a synonym for the word.

What is the "feature" of this game? All the salt lies in the so-called "reward". For each correct answer, you "earn" 10 grains of rice. At the end of the game, the sponsors of the site recalculate the amount of grains earned into a monetary equivalent and transfer this amount of funds to the account of the World Food Program - the largest organization providing humanitarian assistance to the starving (usually African countries). The motto of the site is “Play and feed hungry people” - “Play and feed hungry people”.

Let's reveal all the cards at once: according to the estimates of foreign experts, the approximate amount of money that you can earn for the hungry in 10 minutes of the game is only ... 3 cents. Yes, a little, but if millions of people play this way?

Summing up, we can say that this is not the best resource for charity, but you can combine pleasant and useful: practice vocabulary and help those in need a little.

These are not all sites for memorizing English words. In future articles, we will continue to share useful links with you. However, words can be learned not only online, but also offline. In the article "" we talked in detail about how to learn new English words. Get busy and hone your knowledge. And in the article "" you can learn about good benefits for increasing vocabulary.