If a person feels bad. Why is it so bad at heart, what to do and how to cope with the situation? Why do I feel bad in my soul? Causes

You might just not notice them. Therefore, in this article I will still try to answer the question -

When your soul feels bad, you seem to understand perfectly well that this is temporary and that it will soon pass like a raging storm, and wonderful weather will come. It's just that I don't want to wait. I want to speed up the process, because this can no longer continue.

For starters, it would be great if you take your position. We are all human and we are all prone to blues to one degree or another. The reasons for this are countless. For example, the time of year, lack of sunlight, hormonal changes in the body, constant or when there is nothing to do with yourself, and so on ad infinitum. So try to realize that you are not the only person who is not in the best mood right now. Awareness of this fact and acceptance of one's current position already half helps to come to one's senses. You may not believe me, but it's true.

Once accepted, it would be great if you identify the cause of your bad mood. I think you know perfectly well that having dealt with the cause of the problem, this means half solving it. If you feel bad right now, then something is bothering you. It's time to understand what exactly and how to fix it. To do this, you need to make an effort. Yes, I know that in a bad state of mind to do this is not at all easy. But do you want to endure more? Also, the thought process helps too. To maximize the effect, I advise you to change the situation. A trip out of town will be an ideal way out of this situation, as clean fresh air and peace will help you return to normal.

The next step you should definitely take is Start eating mood-boosting foods. I'm not just talking about chocolates and sweets. The list of such products includes milk, cucumbers and tomatoes, fish, blueberries, red peppers, bananas, yogurts and cottage cheese, whole grain flour products, various cereals and almonds, as well as citrus fruits. You may not believe that such a concoction can improve your mood, but I advise you to use this advice. Also, do not forget to decorate dishes beautifully. It will be very cool if you plunge into cooking. In addition, pleasant aromas and enjoyment from your work will make you forget about all sorts of worries.

When you feel bad at heart, you can, so to speak, "pour out your soul" to your interlocutor. This is perhaps one of the most powerful ways to come to your senses. This method is the most pleasant for you, and not very pleasant for your interlocutor, since he will have to listen to your complaints and wipe his snot. Your interlocutor can be parents, a girlfriend or a friend, a psychologist. The main thing is to find a person who is ready to listen to you and give adequate advice. If you have no one to complain to, then yourself, out loud, express everything that does not suit you. After such a procedure, you will definitely feel better, and you will feel it yourself. Perhaps your interlocutor will also feel better. After your complaints, he will understand that his life is not so bad! So both of you will win.

When I'm feeling down, I turn on my favorite movies. While watching the film, the vector of my attention moves away from my problems and goes to other people's problems, that is, to the problems of the main characters of the film. If the film is a comedy, then everything is clear. Comedy is always uplifting even when you don't want it to be. So I don't understand you, why are you still on this page and not looking for a comedy movie? Are you interested in other tips? Then read this article further.

Very often, the cause of apathy is fatigue and endless stress. And when you feel bad at heart, your body lets you know that you are not a robot and you should have a good rest. Surround yourself with care, because in fact you are the only person with whom you will spend your whole life. Start pampering yourself. Go and get a massage. It generally helps so much that it will seem to you that you never had a bad mood. Tested by me personally - the results are shocking. In addition to massage a warm bath helps to recover. This is not the first time I'm talking about this. Simply, for some reason, many people neglect banal advice, making hasty conclusions. I will be very happy if you, after reading this article, follow at least one piece of advice.

Another piece of advice I want to give you is that it is not for everyone. It depends on the type of person. When I feel bad, I try to surround myself with friends. Like I said before, you can complain to them. And simply, in the company of people is always fun. Sometimes they complain to me, and I understand that I have everything chiki-piki. If you are an introvert, then solitude with yourself is suitable for you. Loneliness also helps to come to oneself. In addition, the best come just when you stay with yourself.

An excellent answer to the question of what to do when the soul feels bad will be -. Many will think that this advice is stupid. But this advice is really stupid. Well, how can you practice gratitude when your heart is bad? And you begin to thank yourself for what you have done in this life. I know that there are many victories in your life that you have forgotten about. For example, successful admission to a university, or winning a competition, or maybe you did something that you did not expect from yourself? I've done crazy things in my life, and I'm grateful for that. Sometimes I don't understand how I managed to do this? Now I wouldn't do that for sure! The same is true for you. Recall those moments when you excelled yourself and thank yourself for it. You are well done!!!

By the way, guys… how about extreme. I just remembered one incident from my life. It was a long time ago and I felt bad at the time. I don't remember why anymore. I just sat on the couch and suffered. Then I thought, if I feel bad, let it get worse. At that time, I liked one girl, but I didn’t have the spirit to invite her on dates. I was afraid of rejection. And then I decided to spoil my mood even more. As I dialed her number, I saw my heart jump out of my chest in fear (not literally). She picked up the phone and I confessed everything to her. Then 20 seconds of silence. In those seconds, I almost passed out, but SHE RESPONDED TO ME. We then chatted on the phone for two hours. After the conversation, I was euphoric, and all because I dared to do what I did not dare to do. I wanted to make it worse for myself, but it turned out the opposite.

So you do what you have not dared to do for a long time. You can call your boss and tell him everything. This does not mean that he will then fire you. After your verbal beating, he will respect you more. And not only him, but also your colleagues. In short, you need adrenaline to lift your spirits. It sounds crazy, but this method really helps.

About how pets help us in not the best periods of life for us - the entire Internet has been rewritten. So I'll just say the same thing - get yourself a pet. With him you will not be bored, especially when he spoils where it is not necessary.

Keep yourself busy. I know this sounds too trite, and it is written about in every article under the keyword . For some reason, many write that the best way to keep yourself busy is repair. I decided to test this theory and YES, it's really very entertaining. While I was fixing the door in the shower stall, I did not notice how time flew by. It's been three whole hours. No, well, you can imagine, I fiddled with one door for three hours. At this moment, you only think about the door, well, sometimes you swear when you lose the right bolt. In fact, this is a super-powerful way to get rid of a bad mood.

You know, I once looked at myself in the mirror and saw my gloomy face. And then I started making faces. A little at first, then it all went away. There were so many laughter. Then my brother came into the room, looked at me like I was an imbecile, and began to make faces with me. It was so much fun!!! I know you might think I'm a complete jerk for telling you to make faces. In fact, I am quite an adequate person and I try my best to answer the question . You don't have to do it, but if you do decide, you won't regret it.

And the last piece of advice I want to give you is to do yoga. Yoga helps not only improve health by harmonizing the work of organs, but also improve your well-being.

I suggest you purchase the course. By following the methodology outlined in this course, you will almost always be in the best mood + You will prolong your youth. This became possible with the help of yoga. Yoga is the key to health, beauty and longevity. .

I advise you to visit the page. There you can keep yourself very busy creating a collage of your desires. The whole focus of attention will go to what you want to receive in this life. This process cannot be described in words, it must be experienced. You are ready? Then you.

On this article "What to do when you feel bad at heart?" came to an end. I wish you a great mood!!!

What to do when you feel bad


Today we will be discussing a topic such as "heart heaviness". Many complain that they can not get rid of this unpleasant feeling. We will consider the origin of this feeling, its various types and ways out of this unpleasant state.

First of all, let's translate this abstract expression into a more concrete direction. How does this feeling manifest itself? It manifests itself as a vague feeling of anxiety somewhere in the chest. There is a feeling that a weak electric current is being let in inside. "Heart flutters." A very unpleasant sensation, no wonder people want to get rid of it. So, heaviness in the soul is a feeling of anxiety.

When does anxiety arise?

It occurs when some unsolved problem hangs over us, when we feel the approach of some kind of trouble, when we need to fix something, and when we are in some kind of limbo and the unknown is pressing on us.

What do these situations have in common?

First of all, they are united by the need to find a solution and the need for immediate action. Feelings of anxiety motivate us to act and try to avoid some of the negative consequences of inaction.

Thus, one must understand that “heaviness in the soul” is not a disease, but a symptom. Our feelings stimulate us to act before it's too late. Thus, it would be wise to fight not with a sense of anxiety, but with the situation that caused it.

I will give an example from my own experience. One of my acquaintances, a man in his early forties, who complained of a feeling of anxiety in the wording "heaviness in the soul for several months." After I began to question him about the events in his life that preceded the onset of anxiety, it turned out that before they arose, he had a big fight with his son. During these few months, they never reconciled (why is a separate issue), but he did not connect his emotional state with the situation that preceded it. For some reason, my friend did not want to connect these two events. In the course of work, we sorted out the reasons for the quarrel and this man wished to make peace with his son. Soon he did it and the heaviness in his soul passed.

In this example, the person subconsciously felt that reconciliation was necessary, but his resentment prevented him from doing so. At the same time, he did not want to link the situation and his condition, trying to get out of the internal conflict (a feeling of resentment and a desire to make peace).

Thus, heaviness in the soul testifies to some unresolved life situation, which, however, may not be realized. Based on the foregoing, work with anxiety should consist in clarifying the circumstances that preceded its appearance. This allows you to identify the "urge to action", which causes a feeling of heaviness in the soul.

I note that a person is not always able to do this on his own, since this can be interfered with by a person’s false ideas about what drives him.

Resolution of the situation.

It is good when the situation can be resolved easily, but it happens that it is too difficult or impossible to resolve it. This happens when the resolution of the situation does not depend on us, but on other people, or other circumstances beyond our control. Unfortunately, it is not always possible for our feelings to explain that we are powerless in something.

What to do in such a situation?

Everything is simple. Feelings require action from us, which means that action must be provided. If we can't handle the situation ourselves, maybe other people can handle it. You need to ask people for help. Asking for help is also an action that will make you a little calmer. In addition, it is likely that help will actually resolve the situation.

Unfortunately, there are situations that neither you nor other people can resolve. In such cases, a person needs the moral support of other people.

In such circumstances, diverting attention from the complexities can help.

For example, in the event of the loss of a significant loved one, in addition to other negative tendencies, a feeling of anxiety can also be observed. There is nothing you can do about such a loss, so distraction can help in such a situation. Maybe someone can help. But this is another, much more complex topic, which we will not dwell on now.

What should not be done?

Many people prefer to deal with anxiety through various chemical means, such as alcohol, sedatives, drugs, etc. It is important to understand that they are not able to help overcome anxiety, but can only slow down our nervous system. Thus, it can only make a person slower, but not calmer. In addition, these drugs have a number of side effects, for example, they can cause sleep problems, which will interfere with psychological recovery. Therefore, you should never drink alcohol and sedatives to feel better at heart. This can only trigger new unresolved situations that will cause additional anxiety, which in turn forces you to increase the dose. Thus, a person can fall into a vicious circle.

This is where we will end today. I wish you only lightness in your soul. Good luck!

Our life consists of a mass of events and emotional upheavals, we strive to work, improve our personal lives, dream of success and wealth. On this path, we spend a lot of internal forces and sometimes it seems to us that the goal is so far away and unattainable. Hands fall, longing absorbs, and a dark cloud “settled” in the soul, which “pouring rains” and capturing longing and mental suffering. Surely everyone has come to such a moment when you want to hide from the whole world, feel sorry for yourself and understand how to live on. Why is it so bad at heart? How to cope with this condition and help yourself on your own?

Remember, our life is not only today. Tomorrow morning will come and everything will change dramatically, the clouds will dissipate, the sun will come out and all bad things will definitely pass. After all, this is how our world works!

Longing and pain are excellent partners at the right time

When a person falls into a state of despondency and melancholy, he begins to “nibble” on himself, because this is kind of self-pity and doing so is absolutely wrong. And the problem is aggravated - a feeling of guilt for one's behavior is added to the mental "storm". But psychologists, paradoxically, say that sometimes it’s very useful to yearn! In this state, a person is able to completely rethink the next stage of life, and realizing his mistakes, he enters the battle with great zeal and strength!

That is, in moments of painful experiences, you do not suffer easily, but think about how to overcome these troubles. Get angry! Yes, you heard right, anger is not always a bad thing. This is a powerful stimulant that will allow you to understand that you are able to change everything and become much stronger and better. These mechanisms of the human subconscious are well studied, unfortunately not everyone knows how to use them. Here are some postulates to help you:

  • Pity and resentment are powerful antidepressants! How to understand it? At the moment when you feel very bad to succumb to pity, conduct an internal dialogue. And, when you have fully spoken out, try to look at yourself from the outside: an unfortunate, oppressed person who should be pitied! Well, do you like this character? Of course not, so, fix this image in your head, and understand self-pity is the lot of weak people! You should not show others that you are weak and helpless, but they will sympathize with you, but they will not treat you as a full-fledged person!
  • Anger and anger at one's inaction is much more effective than self-pity! Well, you felt sorry for yourself, and now it's time to start getting angry at your helplessness! Do not blame life or loved ones for your failures. From this day on, take full responsibility only for yourself! Remember, the world is the same for everyone, and only we can choose how to treat it! Bad at heart, what do you think to do? Imagine that everything is in your hands, now you are angry and it hurts so much, but the answer is already in front of you - now you will not do wrong and will be more critical of yourself! Then you will have to suffer much less often;
  • Action - this third stage smoothly follows from the previous two. Paradoxically, but you yourself will want to change something, try to move on and win. Just do not skip this stage, otherwise you risk mired in depression and longing for a long time.

Don't let longing and heartache shape the rest of your life. Overcome difficulties and move forward!

Spilling out emotions

Oddly enough, in this age when democracy is flourishing and everyone can express their opinion, people are increasingly hiding their emotions. But our brain cannot only absorb and analyze information, it must “filter” and get rid of the accumulated “garbage”! We are simply obliged to throw out our emotions and it doesn’t matter if they are negative or negative. I want to cry from the heart or just scream, or maybe it's time to express everything that has accumulated? Be sure to do this, you can alone or in the company of a loved one. Choose what makes you feel more comfortable. There is no way to do this in the house, go to nature in a secluded place. You can beat the pear and tell her what pissed you off and made you suffer. It sounds trite, but it actually helps a lot. After such a discharge, you take a different look at the situation.

Everything passes

Feeling bad, what should I do? Think in a moment of despair that this situation has probably already happened to someone, and people overcame it and moved on. Yes, it is difficult for you to think about others right now, but it is absolutely necessary to do so. Do not dwell on the problem, switch to thinking about how soon everything will pass and change for the better. Take the situation not as a punishment, but as an invaluable lesson in life. After all, from it you can take practical guidance and in the future clearly understand how to act and how to cope with troubles. Look at your problem detachedly, from the outside - try to be as objective as possible. What can be done today, what measures will help to overcome the difficulties. Or maybe you just need to abstract from the problem and think about it tomorrow? Take some time for yourself: do what you love most or just take a walk and admire nature.

Nothing stimulates a strong person like insurmountable problems.

Setting and society

Dear friends, remember that everything that happens to you is not a unique situation! It’s just that everyone experiences differently, you should not dwell on suffering and “feed” them with an oppressive atmosphere and isolation. You dreamed of going to some beautiful place - so the time has come. Remember, life does not tolerate delay, postponing everything for later, you will never do it. Take care of yourself today: take a break somewhere, or maybe it's great for you to go camping with friends or relieve stress when you spend money. Do what you want! Psychologists say that our dissatisfaction is the main cause of depression and inexplicable longing!

Life is one and do not let it "flow" by. Do not look at her as an indifferent spectator, act and enjoy every minute.

Once you ask yourself the question, why is it so bad at heart , try to think where would you be comfortable right now? Maybe the company of best friends and going to a disco will suit you, or maybe just meet up with relatives whom you haven't seen for a long time? And if you want to lie in bed and read your favorite work, or watch an interesting educational film? Choose what suits you. And be sure to try to step back from your oppressive mood, allow yourself to just sit back and relax! Such a pastime will give new energy and desire to act and reach new heights!

Image: Mitya Ku (flickr.com)

Why do I feel so bad that I do not feel the harmony as it was before? How to get rid of the terrible feeling of emptiness that accompanies me everywhere? The soul suffers from such thoughts, but there is simply no desire to live. When life acquires the status of "everything is complicated", and the day consists of nothing but failures and moral stress - it's time to sit at the helm of your "ship". The search for reasons will help to direct them to a new direction, because they contain the “root of evil”. Help is just around the corner - just read to the end.

Everything is very bad or why it happens

When the morning begins not with a cheerful exercise and a smile, but with sadness, complete hopelessness - obviously, you need to think about yourself. Where does that deep sadness come from, from which it is difficult to get out for weeks? Why does a mental breakdown occur, and you are no longer that cheerful person, but a gray shadow? Negative emotions await at the most inopportune moment when we do not expect it. Yesterday there was an affair with a loved one, prosperity, peace, but today everything is awry. Negativity can fly into life, but it is important not to let it stay here. When everything is bad - and with it the energy to do something disappears. It is important to understand what exactly is the cause of sadness. This state has obvious as well as hidden features.

When a person says "help me bad" - he may experience:

  • Family problems- the most frequent case. Within the framework of misunderstanding on the part of close, eternal quarrels, isolation in oneself is born. Negative feelings arise due to insufficient love, mutual understanding, support.
  • Everything is very bad at work.. Colleagues do not understand, and this boss always criticizes? Do you have to drive for hours to another part of the city, and then stay until night in the office? Intense employment is capable of making a stale cracker out of an energetic personality. A disloyal team is a common cause of nervous breakdowns.
  • I am in poor health. When you feel your weakness, you want to cry and return to normal. A habitual life with light thoughts is hard to imagine without good health. It is important not to delay, consult a doctor and bring yourself back into shape.
  • How bad it is for me, because the person I love left me. Nights without a break in tears, a sad look out the window, apathy towards the outside world - all this evokes depression. Difficulties in a relationship make few people happy.

A person can also say “I feel bad” if he has been unable to get out of a bitter state for a long time. Negativity tends to turn into chronic depression that is hard to find peace of mind. One reason can be reflected on another, which creates a chain of unpleasant consequences.

For example, a university student has problems communicating with classmates. He always comes home in a bad mood, ignores his relatives on a nervous basis, and is rude to them. This provokes parents to a scandal and a verbal skirmish begins. At the same time, the child of the family ceases to study well, which threatens him with a departure from the budget for the contract. The family cannot afford to pay for education, and the son, under a wave of depression, begins to take alcohol and smoke. This is a rather banal example, but it takes place in real life.

Like this case, there are thousands of others, and the conclusion is the same - people are driving themselves into a dead corner. It is worth dealing with one problem, which will eliminate the appearance of the following. The way out of depression often lies before our eyes.

What to do when it's bad

I feel bad and it morally eats me up every day - help me! It is important to immediately pull yourself together and do something in the form of a moral shake-up. The feeling of helplessness gradually makes the person uncontrollable. Stress is increasingly affecting behavior, many things cease to please, as before, and strong feelings cease to help morally. In advanced cases, scolding yourself for being too exposed to circumstances is the best lesson you can learn.

Advice, a word from the outside sometimes cannot break through that wall of misunderstanding that a person himself has created. Feeling so bad that you want to make ends meet? We take will into a fist, we call the most important people whom we can trust, and we express everything that has accumulated during this time. Comrade, native will always understand, help in difficult times. Perhaps all this time the victim lacks sincere understanding, freeing himself from all this confusion.

If the feeling of “I feel bad” has taken possession of you, then read our tips and they will certainly help you.

avoid loneliness

When everything is very bad, you don’t need to finish yourself off with silence even more. In such an environment, a person escalates the situation, becomes vulnerable. ? It is important not to justify your behavior and blame others for your troubles. Under any circumstances, you can be distracted. Why not read a book? Watch an interesting movie or go shopping? How about the idea of ​​listening to your favorite music that will get rid of the inner barrier? Karaoke, by the way, helps a lot.

Surround yourself with care

This advice complements the previous one. A positive charge can be received from bosom friends who can drive up at any moment, call in a cafe! There will always be someone who is with you, like "do not spill water." I feel very bad, but no one will cheer me up! What to do? It is important to defuse the situation and go out into the outside world. Why not meet an interesting person, go on a long-awaited date, put aside fears and propose a meeting to someone? You can cheer yourself up if you stop thinking about painful things.

Overcome fear and make amends

To avoid this, you need to correct that fatal mistake that is the cause of everything. The problem has been going on for months, maybe years? Such a stone on the soul simply stifles the opportunity to live fully! If your conscience is tormenting, then you should not be afraid to apologize, to tell the truth. I would like to say about my feelings - the main thing is not in a rude form, but it is understandable, so that it is clear to a person. Fear gnaws, deprives speechless - this does not need to be put up with. You can always make amends, which will not only reassure you, but also your opponent.

Make time for sports

Sport is a radiant vitamin, from which the body flutters, the soul is relieved, the mood is renewed. Breathing with free breasts, in a beautiful, strong body - isn't that happiness? Regular exercise builds willpower. It is she who is often not enough to deal with the moral blues. After a few months of fitness, the gym, someone who used to be without strength for any reason, today will confidently stay afloat.

Have fun and relax

When, you should allow yourself to relax. A holiday is impossible in a gloomy, heated environment. Terrible sadness will be melted if you go on a long-awaited journey, please yourself with a gift, invite your relatives to a restaurant, go out of town to nature. Why not visit the spa for a relaxing massage? Or maybe go to a football match and cheer for your favorite team? It is worth replacing the usual habitat with something bright, as we play with new colors.

Proper nutrition and personal care

I feel bad because I'm ugly, fat, angry at any reason. We are what we eat. Gastronomic interest woke up in a person since ancient times and has not faded since then. We eat to move, to think, to grow mentally and physically. You can feel lightness in thoughts in a healthy body. It's time to get rid of extra pounds, because of which there is no feeling of freedom.

It is worth replacing eating cakes with fresh fruits, and fast food with vegetables, cereals, and fish. Everything should be in moderation, but you should never let yourself go to disgrace. In a state of prolonged depression, a person with a radiant smile, a thin waist, an even skin tone turns into a kind of unhealthy personality. P.S. Dark chocolate, tea, oranges perfectly tone up!

Positive thinking is the best medicine!

Why do I feel so bad? It's about thinking! It is important to reconsider your view of the world, not to give up, to see the future in your future. Bad thoughts directly leave an imprint on the worldview. Even on a gray day, you can think about the world around, health, the ability to walk, see, dream. Someone now has a completely terrible situation, and we, at times, get upset over trifles.

You are great for reaching the victorious end of this article. We believe that now you are less worried about the thought "I feel bad and my life is over." Continue today with new thoughts about the good, find a way out of this trap. It's never too late to start a change for the better, and it's even useful!

A large amount of internal energy is spent on many daily activities and various experiences. And very often, with the depletion of energy reserves, it comes, and a person cannot understand why it is so bad at heart. At the first signs of such a state, you need to try to help yourself, otherwise a prolonged depression may occur, which will incapacitate for a long time.

What to do if the soul is very bad?

When the soul is very bad, a person feels oppressed, unhappy, weak, useless. To find the strength to get rid of this state, you need to be angry with yourself, anger will push you to take action against your own weakness and inefficiency. If the desire to act has appeared, but there is nothing to attach it to, you need to load your body physically - go for a run, dance, arrange a general cleaning, etc.

A bad state of mind almost always leads to holding back emotions, and holding onto negative experiences is especially dangerous. To throw them out, you can shout loudly (preferably in a secluded place in nature), beat a pillow or a punching bag. Such a discharge helps to take a fresh look at problems and find a way out of life's impasse.

The craving for in a bad state of mind is a natural desire that can be compared to the desire of a turtle to hide in its shell. However, such withdrawal does not lead to a solution to problems, but exacerbates them. To improve your own condition, you need to communicate with friends, go for walks, go on trips.

And most importantly - when it is very bad at heart, you cannot think that it is forever. The difficult period will not last forever, sooner or later improvement will come. You need to learn a lesson from problems, evaluate yourself as objectively as possible, and next time troubles will be experienced much easier.