Where is the poet Robert Rozhdestvensky buried? Childhood and youth

Let's start with a reminder of the date of birth of Robert Rozhdestvensky - June 20, 1932
Here is what he wrote about himself:

I was born
in the village of Kosikha
rainy summer
in Altai.
And behind the village a blue field
And it smelled of overripe rain ...

The poet's childhood coincided with the Great Patriotic War. And again, let's give the floor to Robert Ivanovich: “My father is a professional military man, and my mother graduated from the Omsk Medical Institute in mid-June 1941. So in the very first days of the war, my parents went to the front.”

Remembering the place and time of his birth, the poet will exclaim:

I was born much later.
In June.
At forty-one.
And the harsh voice of Levitan
Was my lullaby.

It is no coincidence that the first poem published in July 1941 by nine-year-old Robert was called "My dad goes camping with a rifle." Until 1943, he lived with his grandmother, and after her death, he was assigned by his mother to an orphanage in Moscow, where he stayed until 1945. After the Victory, the Rozhdestvenskys lived in Leningrad, and since 1948 - in Petrozavodsk.

There, after graduating from school, Robert entered the university. But a year later, in 1951, he left his studies there for the sake of the Gorky Literary Institute. In Moscow, the young poet immediately plunged into the atmosphere of literary disputes. The real success was brought to him in 1955 by the poem “My Love”.

It is Robert Rozhdestvensky who owns the famous phrase: “Everything begins with love.” It is no coincidence that this line of his programmatic poem also became the title of one of his best collections, which will appear in 1977.

Here is a photo from a family album, depicting the poet with his wife and daughters Katya and Ksenia.

- His wife recalled: “He was not only monogamous, but also a faithful man, a knight ... In his presence it was impossible to say bad things about anyone. Life with him was a holiday. And not just for me, for everyone. For our girls, for our mothers, for friends…”.
We continue the story of the poet:
— He graduated from the Literary Institute in 1956. In the same year, the famous 20th Party Congress was held, at which the role of Stalin in the history of the country was reviewed.

Another era began. In the sixties of the twentieth century in our country, poetry will become an important phenomenon in the life of society. Poets gathered huge halls and stadiums for their evenings. How rock singers collect them today. Such poetry will be called "pop".

Particularly famous will be the evenings at the Polytechnic Museum in Moscow. It is there that the hall will sing along to the songs of Bulat Okuzhava, listen to the poems of Andrei Voznesensky and Yevgeny Yevtushenko. In the same place, a young man with large features, in a coarse knit sweater, will appear on the stage and, stuttering a little, will read his poems, so sincere and surprisingly in tune with the times.

Here are photographs where all the listed poets are captured together.

“It is these four poets who will become the voice of that era. Those whose creative biography begins in these years will be called the sixties.

- In 1969, Robert Ivanovich wrote the poem "Dedication". It is about the feat of Yuri
Alekseevich Gagarin.

- Songs occupy a significant place in the creative heritage of Rozhdestvensky.
Many of them are still on the air today, for example, "Big Sky".

Let's talk about the history of the creation of the song:
- On a not very fine spring day, April 6, 1966, the pilots, the aircraft commander, Captain Boris Vladislavovich Kapustin, and the navigator, Senior Lieutenant Yuri Nikolayevich Yanov, received an order to overtake their winged car to another airfield. During the flight, both engines failed, and the plane began to fall on the residential areas of the big city. The pilots managed to take the plane out of the city. They decided to land in the forest, which could be seen nearby.

Unfortunately, there was a cemetery in this forest) and on the occasion of Easter there were a lot of people there. And although a command was received from the airfield to eject, the pilots decided not to leave the falling car. The lake that appeared in the distance could well be suitable for an extreme landing on water, but a dam suddenly appeared in front of the highway, on which there were many cars, forced the crew commander to lift the already completely uncontrollable aircraft with incredible physical effort and carry it over the dam. After this maneuver, the car abruptly and with a large slope went into a thick layer of silt at the bottom of the lake. Both pilots were killed.

They were only thirty-five years old. All the major newspapers of the Soviet Union wrote about this tragedy. Rozhdestvensky also learned about this event from them. In 1967, a young poet, almost the same age as the pilots, wrote his poem and turned to the composer Oscar Feltsman with a proposal to set it to music. That's how this song was born.

“Great Sky” is a narrative song with a dramatic development of the plot, the basis of which is an extraordinary event”:
About this, comrade,
Can't remember
in one squadron
Friends served
And was in service
And in their heart
Big sky, big sky
The huge sky is one for two.
Friends, flew
In the heavenly distance
Hand to the stars
Could reach
Trouble has come
Like tears to the eyes
Once in flight, once in flight
Once in flight, the engine failed ...
and you should jump
Flight failed! ..
But will collapse on the city
Empty plane!
Will pass without leaving
living trail,
And thousands of lives, and thousands of lives
And thousands of lives will be interrupted then!
Quarters are fading
And you can't jump...
"Let's reach the forest" -
Friends decided.
"Away from the city
Let's take death.
Let us die, let us die
Let us die, but we will save the city!”
airplane boom
Rushed from heaven
And flinched by the explosion
Birch forest! ..
Not soon glades
Grass will grow...
And the city thought, and the city thought,
And the city thought: "Teachings are coming!"

In the grave lie
In the middle of darkness
Great guys
Great country...
Light and solemn
Looks at them
Big sky, big sky
Huge sky - one for two!

Thinking about the beginning of the poem. What a happy life these two guys had! They had everything: real male friendship, favorite work, winged soul, a sense of being filled with great meaning. Still: rarely is anyone given the opportunity to "reach the stars with their hands."

Because they had "a huge sky - one for two." Most often, Rozhdestvensky uses cross-rhyme in his works. In the same poem, the rhyme is adjacent, paired. As if even the type of rhyme is intended to emphasize this harmony and the inseparable unity of the fate of two friends.

And the second stanza is divided into two parts by the line: "The trouble came up like tears to the eyes." A wonderful comparison, in which both the suddenness of what happened, and the pain of a lyrical hero who tells about the fate of dead friends. And if in the first part of the stanza there is the happiness of a seemingly endless life, then in the second there is such a tragic phrase in its dispassionate statement of fact: “Once the engine failed in flight.”

The next two stanzas are a description of the last moments of the life of the pilots. And it seems that everything is really simple: “And you should have jumped - the flight didn’t work out!

Moreover, such a command came from the ground. However, it is no coincidence that the poet uses the opposing union "but" immediately after this line. Then an empty plane that crashed on the city will not leave a living trace, it will interrupt thousands of lives.

So friends were faced with a choice. And the poet gives us their solution. At the same time, it is important that this is direct speech: “Let's reach the forest! Away from the city we will carry death. Let us die, but we will save the city and again the union “but”! Only now he points out that for the sake of the life of others, people are able to choose their own death.
Bibliography of Rozhdestvensky:

Collected works in 3 volumes. - M.: Fiction, 1985.

The future poet Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky, whose name was known to everyone in the Soviet Union, was born in the Altai village of Koshikha in June 1932. At birth, his name was different - Robert Stanislavovich Petkevich. His birth father, Stanislav Petkevich, is a Pole by nationality. He served in the NKVD. Robert's mother, Vera Fedorova, worked as the director of a local school before the war. In parallel, she studied at a medical school.

Petkevich Jr. received his name, atypical for a Siberian village, in honor of the revolutionary Robert Eikhe. When the boy was 5 years old, his parents divorced. Soon the war began. In her whirlwind, Stanislav Petkevich, drafted into the ranks of the Red Army, and her mother, who was mobilized as a doctor to the front, spun. Robert's father died in 1945 in Latvia, where he was buried in a mass grave. It was to him that the first verse of a 9-year-old son was dedicated, entitled "My dad goes camping with a rifle ...". It was published in the Omskaya Pravda newspaper in July 1941.

Little Robert Rozhdestvensky with his mother

After the mobilization of his parents, Robert stayed with his grandmother. But after her death in 1943, her mother placed her son in an orphanage. She was able to pick it up after the end of the war in 1945. Vera Pavlovna Fedorova came for Robert with her new husband, fellow soldier Ivan Rozhdestvensky. Robert received the patronymic and surname of his stepfather, who managed to replace the boy's own father. Soon Robert had a half-brother, Ivan Rozhdestvensky. At the end of the war, the Rozhdestvensky family lived in Koenigsberg for some time, but then moved to Leningrad. In 1948 he moved again - to Petrozavodsk.

Poems and creativity

The creative biography of Robert Rozhdestvensky began from the publication of several of his "adult" poems in the Petrozavodsk magazine "On the Line" in 1950. Then the poet turned 18. In the same year, he makes an attempt to enter the Moscow Literary Institute, but it was unsuccessful. In order not to waste time, Rozhdestvensky year studies at Petrozavodsk University, but the next year he repeats his attempt to enter a literary university. The second time was successful. In 1956, Robert Rozhdestvensky graduated from the Literary Institute.

In 1955, a year before graduating from high school, the young poet accumulated such a volume of works that he was able to publish his debut collection of his poems called Flags of Spring. It was printed by the publishing house of Karelia. A year later, Rozhdestvensky's poem "My Love" immediately appeared. In the same 1955, Robert Ivanovich's first song "Your Window" was written. This happened after the poet met the musician Alexander Flyarkovsky. Young people met in Altai, where they had an internship.

Subsequently, the creative heritage of Rozhdestvensky, as a songwriter, was replenished with many songs, most of which became famous and loved throughout the USSR. Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky entered the history of Russian literature along with several talented contemporaries of the "sixties", including,. The works of the first half of his life were full of civic pathos and catchy manifestos. But over time, Rozhdestvensky's poetry becomes more and more lyrical. Replaced by love lyrics.

If you look at the work of Robert Ivanovich as a whole, then there are no topics that he would not touch. Here are human relations, and the difficulties of everyday life, and the joy of being, and space exploration. In many ways, the poetry of Robert Rozhdestvensky has something in common with creativity. In a large number of his poems, there is just as much energy and "combat" pathos. This is especially true of poems about the war that have become songs. “The Ballad of Immortality”, “Great Distance”, “If We Forget the War”, “Moments” (from the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring”) – these songs, when performed, penetrate the soul, appealing to the best patriotic impulses.

But many songs based on poems by Robert Rozhdestvensky are loved not only for their pathos, but also for their soulfulness. Examples are numerous. This is “All Life Ahead” performed by VIA “Gems”, “My Years”, “Echo of Love” and “Sweet Berry”, which was performed at different times and “Gravity of the Earth”, soulfully sung by Lev Leshchenko, “Call me, call" from the film "Carnival" and many others. Almost all Russian pop stars sang and continue to sing songs to the words of Robert Rozhdestvensky.

The same can be said about domestic composers. It is easier to name those who did not write music for the songs of Robert Rozhdestvensky. Among the best known are Mark Fradkin, and dozens of others. In 1979, Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky was awarded the USSR State Prize. He is an active public figure.

It was Rozhdestvensky who headed the commission on literary heritage and took care of the poet's speedy rehabilitation. Rozhdestvensky also headed the commission on literary heritage (he achieved the opening of her museum in the capital) and. He is the compiler of the first book of Vysotsky's poems, which was published in the USSR.

In 1993, Robert Rozhdestvensky signed the sensational "Letter of Forty-Two", which bears the signatures of Ales Adamovich, Bella Akhmadulina, and other representatives of the liberal intelligentsia of Russia.

Personal life

The whole personal life of Robert Rozhdestvensky was connected with only one woman, the love for whom he carried through his whole life - with Alla Borisovna Kireeva. She is a renowned literary critic and artist. It was to her that he dedicated all his poems about love.

Robert Rozhdestvensky and Alla Kireeva had two daughters - Ekaterina and Ksenia. The first daughter appeared in 1957. She is a translator, photographer and journalist. The second daughter was born in 1970. She works as a journalist.


In 1990, doctors diagnosed Robert Rozhdestvensky with a terrible diagnosis - a malignant brain tumor. But the operation, successfully performed in France, continued the life of the poet for 4 years. He not only lived, but continued to create in these last years.

Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky died in August 1994. The cause of death was a heart attack. Rozhdestvensky was buried not far from Peredelkino, where he lived in recent years, in the so-called literary necropolis.


  • Moments. Moments. Moments...
  • We matched with you
  • huge sky
  • Love will come to you
  • echo of love
  • Alyosha's thoughts
  • Whole life ahead...
  • Radius of action
  • 210 steps
  • seventies
  • Identification
  • heart radar


Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky (1932−1994), Russian poet and publicist. Born on June 20, 1932 in the village of Kosikha, Trinity District, Altai Territory, in the family of a military man, the childhood of the future poet was "wandering". After his parents left for the front, he was brought up in orphanages. Studied at Petrozavodsk University; graduated from the Literary Institute. M. Gorky (1956). He began to print in 1950. In numerous collections (Flags of Spring, 1955; Test, 1956; Drifting Avenue, 1959; Coeval, Uninhabited Islands, both 1962; Range, 1965; Son of Faith, 1966; Seriously, 1970; Radar of the Heart, 1971; Voice of the City, Everything Begins with Love, both 1977; This Time, 1983) and poems (My Love, 1955; Letter to the Thirtieth Century ", 1963; "Poem about different points of view", 1967; "Before you come", "Poem about love", 1968; "Dedication", 1969; "210 steps", 1978, State Prize of the USSR, 1979; Expectation, 1982 ) showed himself as one of the representatives (along with E. A. Evtushenko, A. A. Voznesensky, B. A. Akhmadulina and others), "young poetry" of the 1950s-1960s, whose work was distinguished not only by sincerity and freshness poetic language, but also a pronounced citizenship, high pathos, scale and contrast of the image, combined with a certain rationality. Turning to topical poetic themes (the struggle for peace, overcoming social injustice and national enmity, the lessons of the Second World War), the problems of space exploration, the beauty of human relations, moral and ethical obligations, the difficulties and joys of everyday life, foreign impressions, Rozhdestvensky with his energetic, pathos, "fighting" letter was the successor of the traditions of V. V. Mayakovsky.

Over the years, moving away from his characteristic declarativeness and diversifying the rhythmic structure of the verse, Rozhdestvensky, in an organic fusion of journalistic expressiveness and lyricism, created many texts of popular songs (“Peace”, “Become the way I want”, Song of the elusive avengers from the movie “The Elusive Avengers”, 1967, directed by G.P. Keosayan, "Undiscovered Islands", "Big Sky", "Sweet Berry", "I Wish You", etc., including songs for performances and operettas "The Naked King", music by T (N. Khrennikova, "Charley's Aunt", music by O. B. Feltsman, "Niels' Journey with Wild Geese", music by V. Ya. Shainsky). D. B. Kabalevsky wrote music to the words of the poem "Requiem". He left a book of literary and critical notes "The conversation will be about the song."

Rozhdestvensky Robert Ivanovich (real name - Petkevich) was born on 06/20/1932 in Altai in the village of Kosikha. His wartime childhood was little different from others: cold, hunger, waiting for news from the front and fear for loved ones.

Robert entered the first year of the military music school, which he never managed to finish, because. The writer's stepfather was a military man, and his family had to move frequently. Rozhdestvensky lived in Koenigsberg, then in Kaunas, then in Taganrog and even in Vienna. Robert finished his school education in Leningrad. In 1951, he entered the Moscow Literary Institute to study. There, in 1953, the writer met his future wife, Alla Kireeva.

Having gained popularity, Robert Ivanovich tried to travel all over the world, and never needed financially: books were quickly sold, evenings were held in full halls. Rozhdestvensky headed Vladimir Vysotsky's commission on literary heritage under the Writers' Union. In addition, the writer has worked in animation and feature films and has been a jury member at 26 and 32 Cannes film festivals.

In 1970, the poet was awarded the Moscow Komsomol Prize, in 1972 - the Lenin Komsomol Prize, after, in 1979, Robert was awarded the State Prize.

In 1993, Robert Ivanovich signed with his like-minded people “a letter of the 42nd to Boris Yeltsin, where they demand a ban on nationalist and communist parties. Rozhdestvensky, already seriously ill, created Robert Rozhdestvensky's Last Poems, which were published after his death.

Robert Rozhdestvensky died of a heart attack in 1994 and was buried in the cemetery in Peredelkino.

Robert Christmas. Life and art.

ROBERT CHRISTMAS Robert Rozhdestvensky with his poems turned out to be much more modern and relevant than the era in which he lived. Perhaps that is why he remains popularly loved.
Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky (real name - Petkevich) Russian poet, publicist. Born on June 20, 1932 in the village of Kosikha, a district center in Altai. Father is an officer, mother is a military doctor. His father, Stanislav Nikodimovich Petkevich, was a descendant of exiled Poles. The boy remembered little about his father, since in 1937 his parents separated. And in 1941, my father volunteered for the front and soon died.
Mother, Vera Pavlovna, graduated from the Omsk Medical Institute on the eve of the war and immediately went to the front as a military doctor. V.P. Rozhdestvenskaya with her son Robert 1943 Robert stayed with his grandmother. In July 1941, a short poem appeared in Omskaya Pravda, written by a schoolboy, Robert Petkevich. Robert transferred his first - nine-ruble fee to the Defense Fund.

He studied first at the Faculty of Philology of Petrozavodsk University, then, in 1951-1956, at the Literary Institute. Gorky. The young poet immediately plunged into the atmosphere of literary disputes, corridor discussions, and friendly feasts. Then Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Rasul Gamzatov, Grigory Baklanov, Vladimir Sokolov studied here. The future poet met them, made friends. Here in 1953, Robert met his first and only love, a student of the department of criticism Alla Kireeva, his future wife. He was 21 years old, and Alla was 20.

Love lyrics occupies a special place in the poet's work. Having lived for 41 years with his beloved wife Alla Kireeva, Robert Rozhdestvensky understood not only real feelings, but also the intricacies of the structure of the female soul. It seems impossible to calculate how many of Rozhdestvensky's poems are dedicated to his beloved wife, who became his muse.

Without you
At least in a dream, let's see you.
Let at least in a dream
your voice will sound...
Out the window -
not the rain
not that groats
it's been good since morning.
And it's knocking, knocking...

How I need you now!
Would see.
Remember everything.
Behind the wall they are talking about something.
I can not hear.
But, perhaps, - about you! ..

I guess I owe you
love is probably a bad shore:
I want to hear the voice
I can not!
I'm trying to remember the face
I can not!..

Let's see you at least in a dream.
You just say how you are.
And that's it.
And I will wake up.
And it will be easier for me...

Probably tomorrow
mail will bring
your letter.
What should I do with him?
Do you hear?
You must understand me
at least the air
even the fastest
but it still takes four days.

Four days!
What are these days
It happened -
Can I read in letters?
As it is from a thunderstorm, they will come.

Let's see you -
I'm really looking forward to -
even in a dream!
And then I will not endure
I'll run out into the night
without a hat
no coat...

Let's see you, let's go
and then...
And then I love you more.

Nocturne performed by Muslim Magomayev

A poet who burst into life with a fresh wind of change. Poetic lines were expected from him, as answers to many questions. He was quoted, adored, literally carried in his arms.

And he stuttered (as a child, a friend got hit by a car in front of Robert, and he was scared, it turns out, for life). His stutter and his famous mole made him all the more charming. The popularity is huge: books were snapped up, creative evenings with full halls. In the 60s, he was one of those who conquered the Polytechnic and sports palaces.
He was one of the "magnificent five", no less beloved than the then hockey players: Rozhdestvensky, Yevtushenko, Voznesensky, Akhmadulina, Okudzhava.

Poems by Robert Rozhdestvensky convey the air of that time, the unique atmosphere of the "thaw" of the 60s of the last century. Creativity Rozhdestvensky in a good sense "variegated". Here are heroic ballads, and humorous sketches, and love lyrics, and caustic satire, and "Requiem", and philosophical poems about the meaning of life, and fluent foreign sketches, and even a kind of science fiction, and journalism, and songs.

And how many great songs he wrote! "Chasing" from "Elusive" and "Call me, call" from "Carnival", "Echo of Love" and "Wedding", "Big Sky". So, the wonderful song "Echo of Love" arose after talking with the actor Evgeny Matveev, who told the poet a lot about the experiences of his hero. Anna German, having received the sheet music and the text of this song in Warsaw, immediately sent a telegram to the composer Yevgeny Ptichkin: “I am ready to immediately fly out for recording.” She performed this song together with Lev Leshchenko. The song has long been detached from the film and lives its own life for more than 30 years.

The song “Echo of Love” sounds in Spanish by A. German (music by E. Ptichkina)

In the late 1980s, Rozhdestvensky began to faint frequently. At first, doctors thought that all the problems were in the vessels. Later, the poet was found to have a benign tumor. Experts advised to send him for treatment to a foreign clinic. And the relatives of Rozhdestvensky were forced to go in search of funds for treatment in all instances.

About France, the poet was already transported on a stretcher. He had two surgeries. This helped prolong his life by as much as five years. Rozhdestvensky knew that he was running out of time. And he began to write in a completely different way. Having retired to Peredelkino, the poet created his best lyrics, which subsequently compiled the collection “The Last Poems of Robert Rozhdestvensky”, rare in its poignancy and love of life.

On the morning of August 19, 1994, Rozhdestvensky again became ill. His eldest daughter Ekaterina called a family friend, doctor Roshal. The poet was taken to the Sklifosovsky hospital. The next day the poet was gone. He was sixty-two years old.

These poignant lines will move you to tears!

There are poets who are forgotten during their lifetime.
There are poets, with the death of which their work goes into oblivion. But there are those whose poems continue to live and sound after their departure. Such a poet is Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky. His poems are remarkable in that everyone can find in them what excites him, what is close and understandable, what is in tune with his soul.
Let us recall the verses of this remarkable poet about the most important.

A person needs little...

Please be weak

Please be
And then I will give you
And then I'll fly out -
grow up
I will become special.
I'll take it out of the burning house

I'll venture into all the unknown
to everything reckless,
I'll throw myself into the sea
sinister -
and save you!
This will
my heart told me
commanded by the heart...

But you are
stronger than me
and more confident!
Are you ready to save others?
from heavy despondency.
You yourself are not afraid of the whistle of a blizzard,
no crackling fire.

Don't get lost
don't drown
you won't accumulate evil.
You won't cry
and you won't groan
if you want.
Become smooth
and become windy
if you want...

Me with you -
so sure-
Even on purpose
even for a moment,
I ask,
shy, -
help me believe in myself

Everything starts with love...

A beautiful woman is a profession

A beautiful woman is a profession.
And if it's still not settled,
it is condemned and each version
has its unconditional supporters.

To her, from childhood, fed not by fables,
to remain alone and, therefore, powerless,
much scarier, much more dangerous
than if she were not considered beautiful.

Let the past novels leaf through enough,
let the ugly girls rave about visiting princes.
And in the rare profession of a fabulous woman
there is
and strict principles.

She walks silently along the tremulous street,
sits as if on a throne with sworn friends.
You have to live - daily shot

She smiles cheerfully at her friends.
Friends will answer and immediately be offended ...
A beautiful woman is a profession
Everything else is pure amateurism.

You told me...

I'll drown in your eyes, can I?
After all, drowning in your eyes is happiness.
I'll come and say: Hello,
I love you. It's complicated...

No, it's not hard, it's hard
It's very hard to love, right?
I'll go to the steep cliff
I'll fall, can you catch it?

Well, if I leave, will you write?
I want to be with you for a long time
A very long time…
All my life, you know?
I'm afraid of the answer, you know ....

You answer me, but only silently,
Answer with your eyes, love?
If so, then I promise
that you will be the happiest
If not, then I beg you
Do not reproach with your eyes,
Do not pull your gaze into the pool
Let the other you love, okay ...

Do you even remember me a little?
I will love you, can I?
Even if I can't, I will!
And I will always come to the rescue
If it's hard for you!

"Monologue of a woman" performed by Alisa Frendlich

"I'll drown in your eyes, you can ..." performed by Inna Men

June 20 marks the 80th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet pop poet Robert Rozhdestvensky.

Russian poet and publicist, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky (real name - Petkevich) was born on June 20, 1932 in the village of Kosikha, Troitsky District, Altai Territory, in the family of a military man.

Robert Rozhdestvensky is known for his translations of the works of the poets of the Soviet republics, his poems into many foreign languages.

On August 19, 1994, Robert Rozhdestvensky died of a heart attack in Moscow. The poet was buried in the cemetery in Peredelkino near Moscow.

After the death of the poet, the collection "The Last Poems of Robert Rozhdestvensky" was published.

In 2002, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the poet, in the town of writers in Peredelkino, one of the streets.

In 2009, the Sherbakul inter-settlement central library was named after Robert Rozhdestvensky.

The Moscow Regional Literary Prize was named after the poet.

The poet was married to critic Alla Kireeva. There are two daughters in the family: Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya, photo artist, magazine "7 Days", and Ksenia Rozhdestvenskaya, journalist.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources