Hexagram 53 love interpretation. Associative reading of the hexagram

If you move forward, carefully considering each step, success and luck will not change you in the future. Happiness will continue to be your companion if, without succumbing to persuasion, you do not get ahead of events. A tortoise has no less chance of finishing first than a hare. You are at the beginning of a long journey. The wish will eventually come true. Financial affairs will improve significantly.

In the previous one, forces were accumulated, restored, melted down. They were given an impulse. They have been tested in durability and are now free to move forward to activity. Therefore, this situation is called a flow. It should also be noted that the main image, passing through almost all the features, is the image of a swan.

This is the image of a water bird, which is in harmony with the name of the hexagram - Flow. But in order to understand this aphorism, it is necessary to take into account that this trend is not indifferent, but has a definite goal, such a goal as the girl's goal to get married. Of course, in order not to stray from the right path, complete steadfastness is needed here. Therefore, the main aphorism says only:

Flow. The woman goes to her husband. Happiness. Favorable stamina.

From the first aphorism onwards, the text of the Book of Changes here speaks of the gradual progress of the swan. By the way, Su Xun deciphers the image of a swan as follows: “The swan belongs to the birds of Light, but lives in water (classified as Darkness - Yu.Shch.). When he is on the water, he finds it comforting to get to land. When he is on land, he considers it a joy to get to the water.

The dual nature of this situation, where separation from the starting point is necessary, is expressed here in the image of a swan, which from the water surface, convenient for him and to which he is adapted, comes ashore into an environment less characteristic of him. However, this path arises as necessary. And the "Book of Changes" considers only the gradual stages of it.

In the first position, the swan only approaches the shore. Acting for activity may seem scary, but not to a person full of strength. Only a child could be frightened by a long and long road. Therefore, if there is danger here and causes some talk, then in the final analysis, since an exit to the outside is necessary here, the situation will unfold successfully. So the text here says:

Weakness in the beginning. The swan is approaching the shore. The little child is scared. There will be talk, but there will be no blasphemy.

The further gradual deployment of forces, expressed in the image of a swan that has reached the coastal cliffs, must, first of all, be built on a harmonious perception of what helps a person and what comes from the environment. Food and drink is something that constantly penetrates into a person from the outside. And in this support from the outside, a person should show his balance to the greatest extent. That's why the text says the text says here:

Weak trait in second place. The swan approaches the rock. In drink and food - balance. Happiness.

In the third position, an exit from the internal environment is planned, i.e. from the one that is active, and in translation into the images given in the Book of Changes, is the exit from the water, which pleases the swan so much. Thus, here the swan reaches the land, he enters it. But he is not adapted to life on land, just as at first a person who comes to activity and proceeds from his unchanging peace is not adapted to activity.

Therefore, here, as a threat, an incorrect development of his path can appear before a person. If a man goes on a campaign, then the wrong and unfavorable outcome of his enterprise is expressed in the fact that he dies on the campaign and does not return. The ancient Chinese authors of the Book of Changes saw the only purpose of a woman in procreation.

Therefore, for a woman, her unfavorable outcome is expressed in the form of the possibility of conception, but the impossibility of birth. Such a situation can only lead to action, but in order to get out of this situation, it is necessary to cope with all its interfering elements, it is necessary to cope with the robber, who symbolizes all deviations from the right path, i.e. from further development. In this sense, the text can be understood:

Strong feature in third place. The swan is approaching land. The husband will go camping, but will not return. The wife becomes pregnant, but cannot bear it. Misfortune.

The inability of a person to act, which limits his possibilities here due to lack of experience, largely leads to the fact that even if he passed the previous situation safely, he has not yet met the final charity here. The further resolution of events can be for him both successful and unsuccessful for him.

The fault, of course, is his ineptitude. The swan is not adapted to nest in a tree, but perhaps he will find a bough strong enough to sit on. So an acting person can find a sufficiently strong support for his further activity. In the latter case, the situation can unfold safely. But this is optional. Therefore, the Book of Changes says only hypothetically:

Weak trait in fourth place. The swan approaches the tree. Maybe he will reach his bitch. There will be no bullshit.

The fifth position, located high in the hexagram, is expressed here in the form of a hill, on which the swan penetrates even further. But this position is already so remote from the second and separated from it by the dangerous third position that its fruitfulness is called into question. The one who is unfruitful and does not create anything can develop for his own sake and already in himself and for himself can be strong. This power, however, leads only to self-satisfaction, but one should by no means forget about its unproductiveness. So the text says here:

Strong trait in fifth place. The swan is approaching the hill. A woman has not become pregnant for three years. In the end no one can defeat her. Happiness.

The sixth position is in accordance with the third, so here again the image of land appears, on which the swan is moving. But the goal has already been achieved, it is already possible, upon reaching the goal, to reach a further situation. And the achievement of the goal is expressed in the value of this situation. From the point of view of the authors of the Book of Changes, the rite is an action in which dignity and value come to the fore with special force.

Therefore, if it is said here that the feathers of a swan can be used in rituals, then it indicates the ultimate fruitfulness of this situation. At the previous stages, the "Book of Changes" warned about isolation and unfruitfulness, because such isolation in oneself would be a relapse, already passed through the previous situation, and in this sense would be evil.

The most important thing, then, is to give someone else the opportunity to take advantage of the results that are obtained by the person himself going through this situation. The feathers of the swan, if they remained on itself, would be devoid of any meaning, except for the one that is contained in them for the swan itself. They, applicable in the rite, are a symbol of a favorably achieved goal. So, in the text we read here:

Above is a strong feature. The swan is approaching land. Its feathers can be used in rituals. Happiness.

The symbol indicates the time of adaptation to circumstances and slow progress. Steady, but without undue haste, following the goal will lead to success.

Carefully think over your every step, moving forward, and luck will not change you in the future. It is better not to make rash acts now.

Do not succumb to persuasion and do not get ahead of events, then happiness will remain your companion in the future. You are now at the very beginning of a long journey to well-being and success. The tortoise has the same chance of reaching the finish line as the hare.

Financial affairs will improve significantly.

The realization of your plans and dreams will not come true soon. Your wish will eventually come true.

For the interpretation of the next hexagram, go to the page.

Explanation to the interpretation of hexagram 53. Development (Current)

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not fully understood and seems vague to you, read the explanation to the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you better understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question posed is Jian - Development (Current).

The hieroglyph depicts the symbol of penetration and water.

Non-stop and slow penetration, gradual advance. Seepage, taking any form. Fluid like water; malleable, flexible, submissive. Influence, influence.

Semantic connections of hexagram 53. Jian

Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and imaginative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the time of gradual and purposeful achievement of the goal through imperceptible and soft penetration, forced adaptability. The image of this hexagram is the ancient Chinese ceremony of marriage of the eldest daughter, which took place with many rituals and slowly.

Do not take the initiative, wait for the proper direction or sign to move forward. You will achieve true mastery and discover your true place in your business. To change things, rely on your spiritual powers and strengthen your connection with the Tao. Work your way through the yin feminine and the woman. Adapt, harmonize your own desires and penetrate into the essence of any situation slowly and gradually.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation of the canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the fifty-third hexagram.

[The woman leaves [to her husband.] Happiness. Favorable fortitude]

I. At the beginning of the six.

The swan is approaching the shore. The little child is scared. There will be rumors!

- There will be no hula.

II. Six second.

The swan approaches the rock. In drink and food - balance.

- Happiness!

III. Nine third.

The swan is approaching land. The husband will go camping and will not return.

The wife becomes pregnant, but cannot bear it. Misfortune.

- Favorable to deal with the robbers.

IV. Six fourth.

The swan approaches the tree. Maybe he will reach his bitch.

- There will be no hula.

V. Nine fifth.

The swan is approaching the hill.

A woman has not become pregnant for three years. In the end, nothing can defeat her.

- Happiness!

VI. Top nine.

(If) The swan is approaching land. Its feathers can be used in rituals.

The woman leaves (to her husband). Happiness. Favorable stamina.

The swan is approaching the shore. A small child is (terrible) in danger. There will be rumors. - There will be no hula.
The swan approaches the rock. In drink and in food - balance. - Happiness.
The swan is approaching land. The husband will go camping (and) will not return. The wife becomes pregnant, (but) cannot bear it. Misfortune. - Favorable - to cope with the robbers.
The swan approaches the tree. Maybe (he and) will reach his bitch. - There will be no hula.
The swan is approaching the hill. A woman has not become pregnant for three years. In the end, nothing can defeat her. - Happiness.
The swan is approaching land. Its feathers can be used in rituals. - Happiness.


Jiang (Current): gradual progress, slow and unceasing penetration; seepage, the ability to take any form; flexible, malleable, submissive; fluid like water; to influence, influence. The hieroglyph depicts water and the symbol of penetration.

figurative row

This is a time of gradual achievement of purpose through adaptability and soft, imperceptible penetration. An example is the marriage ceremony of the eldest daughter, which in ancient China took place slowly and with many rituals. Don't take the initiative. Wait for the proper sign or direction to move forward. Slow but steady progress will lead to success. You will discover your true place and achieve true mastery of your craft. Rely on your own spiritual powers and your connection to the Tao to change things. Work through the woman and the feminine yin. Harmonize your desires, adapt and slowly get to the bottom of each situation.

Outer and Inner worlds

Wind (Wood) and Mountain

Internal stability creates the basis for a gradual exit and penetration into the outside world.

Gradual advancement contains a hidden possibility of accumulating energy for important things.


Stillness does not last forever. Knowing this allows you to enjoy the flow.


Flow means gradual progress.


plant trees on high mountains.


small accumulates until it becomes big.

Tree over the mountain. Flow.

The noble man abides in strength and virtue in order to perfect the base.

Hexagram lines

First six

The swan is approaching the shore.
The little child is scared. There will be rumors.
But there will be no blasphemy.

There is a certain duality in the situation. You leave a setting more familiar to you to face the unknown. If you are weak in spirit, this may cause fear, but in the end everything will end well.

Six second

The swan approaches the rock.
In food and drink - balance.

You find an intermediate support. Timely help comes from outside. Rejoice in life. The path is open.

Nine third

The swan is approaching land.
The husband will go camping and will not return.
The wife becomes pregnant, but cannot bear it.
Favorably deal with the robber.

Unfavorable position associated with the crisis. Any wrong step can lead to disaster. The path is closed. To open it, you need to deal with the robber - that is, with what Symbolizes the deviation from the right path.

Six fourth

The swan approaches the trees.
Maybe he will reach his bitch.
There will be no bullshit.

Action needs support. If you can find a strong enough footing in a changing environment, everything will end well.

Nine fifth

The swan is approaching the hill.
A woman has not become pregnant for three years.
In the end, nothing can defeat her.

Top nine

The swan is approaching land.
Its feathers can be used in rituals.

The situation ends fruitfully and favorably. The results of your work can be used by others; you will be recognized and respected. The path is open.

Associative interpretation

  1. The guard pole is set in a high place. This is to try and see things more clearly.
  2. The medicine pot is on the ground. You should take preventive measures.
  3. The official climbs the stairs. It means "to soar higher and higher".
  4. A flowering branch lies on the ground. It means "failing a job interview" or "failing your college entrance exams."

Explanation of the hexagram according to Wen-wang.

Graduality. The maiden is married. Luck. The burden of being persistent.

Instructions for interpretation.

  1. This is the January hexagram. It is good in spring, summer and autumn and bad in winter.
  2. The action of Jian is to follow the correct sequence, stand on a solid foundation, do the work honestly, and make gradual progress.
  3. If a patient receives Chiang after consulting the I-Ching, this is a very bad sign.
  4. Your friend, who is connected with a large firm, arranges a small order from it to your firm. “This is just the beginning,” he warns, and indeed, a year later, after many small orders, they decide they can trust you and redirect most of their supply to you.

Explanation of individual yao according to Zhou-gong.

First Yao.
Initial six. The wild goose is gradually approaching the shore. The youngest son is in danger. Lots of talk. Nothing to blame.

  1. You are on a dangerous mission. Neither friends nor relatives support you, and you ride alone, a little worried but determined. Through your personal determination, you are victorious.
  2. The promise was only made - and immediately broken.
  3. Overconfidence can lead to disaster.

Second Yao.
The second six. The wild goose is gradually approaching the rock. Food and drink are peacefully shared. Luck.

  1. On the occasion of the first anniversary of your new venture, you are hosting a dinner for your friends to share in your happiness due to good luck and success in this endeavor.
  2. When you get old, there is still a lot to learn.
  3. If the patient receives this yao, then his condition is very serious.

Third Yao.
Nine third. A wild goose flies over the plateau. The person leaves and does not return. The woman is pregnant, but she has a miscarriage. Failure. It would be nice to ward off thieves.

  1. Your business is successful, but a friend comes along and tries to drag you into an adventure that will bring "ten times the jackpot." You weigh the pros and cons and realize that you are too ill-prepared for this and that if you lose, you will go bankrupt. You stay with the same business and focus on getting customers to pay their bills on time.
  2. This is a difficult position: neither forward nor backward.
  3. You will lose much more than you gain.

Fourth Yao.
Nine fourth. A wild goose flew into a tree. Maybe find a flat branch. Nothing to blame.

  1. You and your wife arrive at a motel near your new job and find that there are no vacancies. You comb all the neighborhoods in search of housing and finally find a suitable place to spend time.
  2. A wild goose chooses a tree to rest on. You must choose the right location or the right leader for yourself.
  3. It is too late to correct something when the crisis has already erupted.

Fifth Yao.
Nine fifth. The wild goose is gradually approaching the mountain peak. Three years the Woman will not have a child. In the end, nothing will stop her. Luck.

  1. You get a job with a person with whom you have been on friendly terms for many years. Now he "keeps his distance" and does nothing to encourage your intense work. A year later, he suddenly becomes friendly again, and you find out that one of those whom he trusted told bad stories about you all the time, but in the end was caught in a lie.
  2. The trees growing on the mountain are cut down because they are valued as timber. So it is with a talented person: his abilities can also destroy him.
  3. You are always grateful for kindness and try to repay it doubly.

Sixth Yao.
Top nine. The wild goose approaches the high plains. Its feathers can be used in sacred dances. Luck.

  1. You retire and indulge in your hobbies. You have a healthy old age. After a few years, you come to visit your old job and find out that you are still remembered with a kind word.
  2. Your reputation is supported by facts.
  3. You will become famous all over the country.

General interpretation according to Y. Shutsky

In the previous one, forces were accumulated, restored, melted down. They were given an impulse. They have been tested in durability and are now free to move forward to activity. Therefore, this situation is called a flow. It should also be noted that the main image, passing through almost all the features, is the image of a swan. This is the image of a water bird, which is in harmony with the name of the hexagram - Current. But in order to understand this aphorism, it is necessary to take into account that this trend is not indifferent, but has a definite goal, such a goal as the girl's goal to get married. Of course, in order not to stray from the right path, complete steadfastness is needed here. Therefore, the main aphorism says only: Flow. The woman goes to her husband. Happiness. Favorable stamina.

From the first aphorism onwards, the text of the Book of Changes here speaks of the gradual progress of the swan. By the way, Su Xun deciphers the image of a swan as follows: “The swan belongs to the birds of Light, but lives in water (classified as Darkness - Yu.Shch.). When he is on the water, he finds it comforting to get to land. When he is on land, he considers it a joy to get to the water. The dual nature of this situation, where separation from the starting point is necessary, is expressed here in the image of a swan, which from the water surface, convenient for him and to which he is adapted, comes ashore into an environment less characteristic of him. However, this path arises as necessary. And the "Book of Changes" considers only the gradual stages of it. In the first position, the swan only approaches the shore. Acting for activity may seem scary, but not to a person full of strength. Only a child could be frightened by a long and long road. Therefore, if there is danger here and causes some talk, then in the final analysis, since an exit to the outside is necessary here, the situation will unfold successfully. Therefore, the text here says: In the beginning, a weak trait. The swan is approaching the shore. The little child is scared. There will be talk, but there will be no blasphemy.

The further gradual deployment of forces, expressed in the image of a swan that has reached the coastal cliffs, must, first of all, be built on a harmonious perception of what helps a person and what comes from the environment. Food and drink is something that constantly penetrates into a person from the outside. And in this support from the outside, a person should show his balance to the greatest extent. That's why the text says the text says here: Weak trait in second place. The swan approaches the rock. In drink and food - balance. Happiness.

In the third position, an exit from the internal environment is planned, i.e. from the one that is acting, and in translation into the images given in the "Book of Changes" - the way out of the water, which pleases the swan so much. Thus, here the swan reaches the land, he enters it. But he is not adapted to life on land, just as at first a person who comes to activity and proceeds from his unchanging peace is not adapted to activity. Therefore, here, as a threat, an incorrect development of his path can appear before a person. If a man goes on a campaign, then the wrong and unfavorable outcome of his enterprise is expressed in the fact that he dies on the campaign and does not return. The ancient Chinese authors of the Book of Changes saw the only purpose of a woman in procreation. Therefore, for a woman, her unfavorable outcome is expressed in the form of the possibility of conception, but the impossibility of birth. Such a situation can only lead to action, but in order to get out of this situation, it is necessary to cope with all its interfering elements, it is necessary to cope with the robber, who symbolizes all deviations from the right path, i.e. from further development. In this sense, the text can be understood: Strong trait in third place. The swan is approaching land. The husband will go camping, but will not return. The wife becomes pregnant, but cannot bear it. Misfortune.

The inability of a person to act, which limits his possibilities here due to lack of experience, largely leads to the fact that even if he passed the previous situation safely, he has not yet met the final charity here. The further resolution of events can be for him both successful and unsuccessful for him. The fault, of course, is his ineptitude. The swan is not adapted to nest in a tree, but perhaps he will find a bough strong enough to sit on. So an acting person can find a sufficiently strong support for his further activity. In the latter case, the situation can unfold safely. But this is optional. Therefore, the Book of Changes says only hypothetically: Weak trait in fourth place. The swan approaches the tree. Maybe he will reach his bitch. There will be no bullshit.

The fifth position, located high in the hexagram, is expressed here in the form of a hill, on which the swan penetrates even further. But this position is already so remote from the second and separated from it by the dangerous third position that its fruitfulness is called into question. The one who is unfruitful and does not create anything can develop for his own sake and already in himself and for himself can be strong. This power, however, leads only to self-satisfaction, but one should by no means forget about its unproductiveness. That's why the text says here: Strong feature in fifth place. The swan is approaching the hill. A woman has not become pregnant for three years. In the end no one can defeat her. Happiness.

The sixth position is in accordance with the third, so here again the image of land appears, on which the swan is moving. But the goal has already been achieved, it is already possible, upon reaching the goal, to reach a further situation. And the achievement of the goal is expressed in the value of this situation. From the point of view of the authors of the Book of Changes, the rite is an action in which dignity and value come to the fore with special force. Therefore, if it is said here that the feathers of a swan can be used in rituals, then it indicates the ultimate fruitfulness of this situation. At the previous stages, the "Book of Changes" warned about isolation and unfruitfulness, because such isolation in oneself would be a relapse, already passed through the previous situation, and in this sense would be evil. The most important thing, then, is to give someone else the opportunity to take advantage of the results that are obtained by the person himself going through this situation. The feathers of the swan, if they remained on itself, would be devoid of any meaning, except for the one that is contained in them for the swan itself. They, applicable in the rite, are a symbol of a favorably achieved goal. So, in the text we read here: Above is a strong feature. The swan is approaching land. Its feathers can be used in rituals. Happiness.

Commentary by A.V. Shvetsa

In the external - Refinement and penetration, in the internal - Stay and inviolability. Internal stability is combined with external penetration. Without changing internally, a person more and more penetrates into the external manifestations of the Absolute. He seems to go with the flow, which moves him away from the usual and predictable. At the everyday level, this distance seems like grief: the husband will not return, the woman does not become pregnant, the small child is in danger. However, for a perfect sage - this is happiness.

Haislip interpretation

Moving forward, carefully think over your every step, and then luck will not change you in the future. If, without succumbing to persuasion, you do not get ahead of events, happiness and success will be your companions. A tortoise has no less chance of finishing first than a hare. You are at the beginning of a long journey. Financial affairs will get better, and patience and prudence will be rewarded in the end with the fulfillment of desires.

Description of external and hidden hexagrams

In the manifested world, a mighty tree threw up thin branches into the blue sky, and its roots penetrated deep into the earth. Already now there has been a penetration into the subtle spiritual spheres along with a firm rooting in the material world.

The wind shakes a huge green crown. Life is full of various events.

Right under the tree, a mountain begins to grow from the bowels of the earth. On the inner plane, something huge begins to grow, something very powerful, which is an unshakable support and support.

The higher the mountain, the stronger the gusts of wind at its top. This growth is accompanied by an increase in life's problems and fuss.

The tree will not withstand the onslaught of the wind and will fall down. The onslaught of various life problems will lead to a complete refusal to follow the former life guidelines and values.

Where yesterday the wind swayed the huge green crown of the tree, tomorrow the beautiful mountain will top the clouds.

That which was of paramount importance, that which constituted the meaning of life, was gone forever, it was replaced by something huge, unshakable, which came from the inner plane.

On the SUBCONSCIOUS, flames of a forest fire shot up into the sky. The maximum intensity of passions and emotions.

The trees are burning with a crack. Very tight connection with current events. All attention is captured by what is happening.

The flame of fire lit up the night. It became brighter than during the day. Everything became clear, transparent and understandable as never before. Illumination.

The fire woke up a huge sea locked in the bowels of the earth. Passions and emotions awakened something huge and dangerous, locked in the depths of the subconscious.

Underground waters rushed out in a stormy stream, extinguishing the flames of the fire. Steam clouds. This huge one came out and immediately extinguished the flame of emotions. From passions there was only a trace, like a cloud of steam, which will soon dissipate.

Where a forest fire raged yesterday, dangerous sea waves will walk tomorrow. There comes an immersion in a new, dangerous reality, which completely changes life values. What worried yesterday, because of which passions were seething, tomorrow will turn out to be completely unimportant.

General interpretation of hexagram No. 53

In the manifested world, a person aspires to God and establishes a CONNECTION WITH THE HIGHER. From the inner plane of man, something huge, something very powerful, begins to grow. This internal reliable support in any situation is called CONNECTION WITH THE HIGHER. The fuss of life itself fades into the background when the CONNECTION WITH THE HIGHER is manifested. An unshakable support - CONNECTION WITH THE HIGHEST fills the entire manifested reality.

On the subtle plane, against the background of conflicts, insight comes: a CONNECTION WITH THE HIGHER is established. Something huge and dangerous begins to rise from the depths of the subconscious. CONNECTION WITH THE HIGHER opens access to a new, deep layer of reality. This layer is called subtle reality. The fire of passions will go out on its own when this huge thing manifests itself on the subconscious plane of a person. There will be an immersion in a new, dangerous, subtle reality.

Initially, the CONNECTION WITH THE HIGHER was established in the subconscious, like a flash of insight against the backdrop of a fire of emotions and passions. This led to the discovery of the existence of a new causal layer of reality. A great, hidden danger was a powerful catalyst (accelerator) for the manifestation of CONNECTION WITH THE HIGHER in the manifested reality. At the same time, the establishment of CONNECTION WITH THE HIGHER in the world of events is a reliable, unshakable support for any undertaking, it is security in any situation.

Immersion in the subtle reality at the subconscious level is extremely dangerous, because it leads to an increase in the effect of the materialization of thoughts, including the materialization of various fears and anxieties. Resilience and self-control are needed in the face of any dangers along the way. This is the course of life, this is its meaning.




MATERIALISM - the statement about the primacy of matter, and that all subtle, ideal phenomena are only properties of material objects. Not recognizing the Higher, such a view breaks the connection with it. MATERIALISM reflects only one of the facets of reality, and is unable to explain many facts, such as the materialization of objects, synchronicity, etc. Faced with these phenomena, a person comes to the idea of ​​the existence of another facet of reality - the subtle world, which is the reason for the material world. Immersion in this world leads to the establishment of CONNECTION WITH THE HIGHER.






CONNECTION WITH THE HIGHER - orientation in one's actions, intentions, thoughts to the Higher.

An anecdote to illustrate the fact that it is in moments of danger that a person seeks to establish a connection with the Highest:

Two recently deceased people await their fate at the gates of Paradise. This is a priest and a driver. The gate guard comes out, takes the driver by the hand and leads him to Paradise. The priest asks the angel in amazement:

You probably just got it wrong? I observed all fasts, constantly read sermons to people. And it's just a driver. What did he do for God?

No, I didn't mix it up. The fact is that when you read sermons, people were mostly asleep. And when he drove his bus through the mountains, everyone prayed frantically!

Positions for awareness:

1. Whatever creative goal we choose for ourselves in this life, without orientation to the Higher, it will almost certainly turn out to be false, just a waste of time and effort. A child teaching a master how to build a house is absurd. So, even more absurd is the situation when we choose goals on our own, not correlating with the Highest, but focusing only on our understanding of reality. After all, we know a hundred times less about the Universe than a child about building a house.

2. When an action is ridiculous, and often immoral, it is often justified by some Higher idea. Take, for example, sacrifices or wars. Humanity has not invented a better idea for manipulation than Connection with the Supreme.

3. For the Connection with the Highest one needs a very great fearlessness and faith. In a moment of mortal danger, each of us tries to establish this connection. Everything is like in the famous parable:

A man hangs over an abyss on a thin branch that is about to break, and cries out to God: “I really now believed in you, God. Further, my whole life will be completely different under the influence of this faith! I beg you! Save!".

God answers him: “I hear you. I will save you. Let go of the branch."

Man: "What are you doing!?"

This is what happens in a moment of mortal danger. And to live in connection with the Supreme every day, extraordinary courage and faith are needed.

4. There is no RELATION WITH THE HIGHER. People are very frightened by life and inevitable death.

To hide from reality, they use a fairy tale about CONNECTION WITH THE HIGHER. Take any isolated wild tribe and it has its own God, with whom you can establish a connection either by yourself or through a shaman, and everything will immediately become good. This idea has enslaved the minds of the vast majority of people, because it makes life less scary and less pointless. Who has the courage to simply look life in the face, to perceive it as it is, not to hide with fear behind a CONNECTION WITH THE HIGHER?

5. “To know you need to get wet to the skin, to know you need to take a sip of goryushka, so that you can stretch your hands to the boarded-up gate with hope!” - B. Okudzhava. A “boarded gate” is a connection with the Highest, it opens when worldly values ​​lose their attractiveness and strength.

6. "You will never cross the ocean if you do not have the courage to lose sight of the shore!" - Christopher Columbus.

7. “On every mountain peak you find yourself over an abyss” - Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

8. “When the eyes are fixed on the sky, the sky is reflected in them. When you look at the swamp, the swamp is reflected. Our will and choice is where to turn our eyes”, - D. Yemets.

9. “If we listen to the voice of reason, then we will never have love. We will never have friends. We will never get into any business because we will decide: "It will not work" Or: "She will hurt me." Or: “I have already fallen in love unsuccessfully a couple of times, and therefore ...”. All this is nonsense! You must not miss life. Jump off the cliff every time and grow wings as you fly down." - Ray Bradbury

The name of this hexagram, with its internal relations between primary trigrams, speaks for itself. The upper trigram symbolizes not only the Wind, but also the trees. The lower trigram is Horus. Together, these elements describe the trees that gradually grow and populate the Mountain, making life fruitful and livable.

Gradual development means order, natural growth, the gradual fulfillment of goals and desires. You cannot grow a forest overnight. The trees grow slowly, turning the empty Mountain into a fertile place. It is the same with your situation, do not expect sudden changes or instant success, development will occur gradually.

The I Ching warns you not to give in to your impatience and not try by any action or force to get a favorable result, this is a direct path to failure. You need to change your attitude in the opposite direction: be consistent, smart, patient and persistent. Only then will far-reaching goals and permanent changes be fully accessible; you will have a bright future filled with optimism and victories.

You need to think about new, gradually developing relationships. This is not the time for short-term relationships or love at first sight. As the relationship develops, become more open. Sudden strong emotional outbursts and complete openness at the very beginning will lead to the opposite, expected result. As you build deeper and deeper relationships, you feel better and more confident. However, don't lose your vigilance. Gradual development implies that there will be gradualness throughout this period, and not just at the beginning. Once success is on your side, you can easily become overconfident and take risky steps. Don't make this mistake or you will hurt yourself.

A wish

Will take some time. It won't happen right away.


In love, as in no other aspect of life, the main thing is that the relationship develops slowly and gradually. The bud opens gradually and only then begins to bloom. If you open its petals by force, it will only fade.


Partners are suitable for each other, so there is every chance for a harmonious marriage. Do not wait with admiration that happiness will come at the same second.

Pregnancy, childbirth

For the most part, everything will go well. The chances that a girl will be born will be much greater if the birth takes place in the spring or summer.

Health status

Diseases of the abdomen, ears and nose. The disease should be treated immediately, neglect will only lead to tragic consequences. If the treatment does not show any improvement, then change the doctor.

Negotiations, disputes, litigation

Do not be stubborn, do not try to resolve the situation at once. Move slowly and steadily towards your goal.


Especially favorable if you go by plane.

Exam, test

Average score. If you have several exams in a row, then your score will improve over time.

Work, business, specialization

Favorably. There are chances of success. However, take your time and don't push too hard.


Gradual improvement is expected.

lucky color


lucky numbers

5, 7, 10

Changing Traits


If you stand with both feet on the True Path, then great achievements await you in your chosen field. Don't withdraw into yourself, it's not time. But don't be too idealistic, such an attitude will not bring any practical benefit. Connect with others as much as possible. Being on the True Path, set an example with your behavior, earn respect and admiration from the outside.

Fifth (dominant)

People around you, especially your loved ones, misperceive your motives and behavior. This cannot be fixed, so drop useless beliefs and wait for the period to end. Understand that periods of isolation will inevitably await you on the path of spiritual growth. If you reasonably accept this fact, the problems will finally be resolved in your favor.


The main thing now is to stay safe. Do not set yourself too high goals, but do not stagnate in one place. Be flexible and adapt to change.


If you take on a risky business, you will expose not only yourself, but also people close to you to danger and trouble. Instead, stay where you are. However, if some people are aggressive and hostile, then actions aimed at protecting yourself and your friends will be morally justified.

Second (dominant)

The classic text says: "When you find shelter and food, it does not mean that they are only for you." This means that you are now safe, in abundance, so that you can benefit others by sharing your condition with them. Your self-confidence grows.


No matter what you want, you are just starting to make your wish come true; you feel alienated, insecure, full of fears and doubts. Ignore criticism from others, it will not last long. If you don't take action now, you will really fail. Look inside yourself to lay a solid foundation for future development.

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Promotion. Flow. gradualism

The woman leaves (to her husband). Happiness. Auspicious divination.


1. Initial six.

The swan is approaching the shore. The little child is scared. There will be rumors! There will be no trouble.

2. Six second.

The swan approaches the rock. Balance in food and drink. Happiness!

3. Nine third.

The swan is approaching land. The husband will go camping and will not return. The wife becomes pregnant, but cannot bear it. Misfortune. Favorably deal with robbers.

4. Six fourth.

The swan approaches the tree. Maybe he will reach his bitch. There will be no trouble.

5. Nine fifth.

The swan is approaching the hill. A woman has not become pregnant for three years. In the end, nothing can defeat her. Happiness.

6. Top nine.

The swan is approaching land. Its feathers can be used in rituals. Happiness!


1. Initial six.

A new stage in life begins, you are approaching a new shore. You are not comfortable, and the environment is too talkative, do not believe gossip and intrigue. Over time, you will independently understand people and events.

2. Six second.

Gradually, you have achieved security, a decent income and can provide everything you need for loved ones, pay bills, and establish a business.

3. Nine third.

Family difficulties, losses. Misfortune never comes alone. Brace yourself!

4. Six fourth.

You have achieved stability and security. They will help you to settle into a new situation. Moderation in activity is only beneficial. Be content with little.

5. Nine fifth.

A certain milestone reached does not yet speak of satisfaction with life. For a long time you will not be able to get the desired results in business. In family life, difficulties and delays.

6. Top nine.

Fulfillment of desires, moral satisfaction. Do not forget about charity and gratitude to those who helped you once.


You were given to experience the violent, almost uncontrollable passions and emotions associated with life changes. The book didn't focus on your mannerisms and how you express them. At the moment, such a need has come. This is also evidenced by the image of the swan, which is the main character in the hexagram. You once again reach a new shore, once again start a new business or start a romantic relationship. But now you need to do this in accordance with the symbol used. Simply put, all your actions should be graceful, flexible, graceful - learn good manners, tact, compliance, etiquette, gentle influence on others, sophistication in words and movements, leave a commanding tone, give preference to calm step-by-step achievement of the goal.

The hexagram predicts a successful marriage. The future wife must educate all of the listed qualities of character in herself. The ability to control the situation, manage a husband, a family without conflicts and rudeness (which was in the 44th hexagram), diktat and humiliation of a partner is a great art. Not every woman owns it, it is easier to make a scandal, raise a question point-blank, threaten to leave, not talk for weeks and play the victim of injustice.

For a successful business, it is necessary to cultivate new qualities of a leader, work on new forms of communication, they bring an effect greater than flying sparks from the eyes and torn vocal cords.

The image of two swans in the Feng Shui of the premises is used as a talisman of a happy family life, devotion, the ability to overcome together, hand in hand; life's hardships. The hexagram promises the joint achievement of happiness and prosperity. You will also be lucky to meet a faithful, honest business partner.

Do not be afraid to show your inexperience, calmly treat criticism and comments of others addressed to you. Perhaps they are just jealous of you and want to hurt your heart with poisonous words. Stick to the chosen tactics, hone communication, manners, act with soft determination. The future is yours!