Do-it-yourself game modules in dow. Multifunctional module "Smart caterpillar

Prepared by:

Nadezhda Ivanovna Pustakhod

Teacher speech therapist

Currently, the system of preschool education is experiencing the contradictions of the transition period. The old principles of work are gradually becoming obsolete, and they are being replaced by new concepts and ideas.

Innovative processes at the present stage of the development of society determine new methods, forms, means, technologies used in pedagogical practice, focused on the personality of the child, on the development of his abilities.

The educational process in the preschool educational institution is characterized by an increase in the volume of intensity of educational and cognitive activity.

A child, as is known, is able to assimilate an educational program compiled for him by adults only if it becomes his own program, that is, if it becomes interesting and meaningful for him. Therefore, it is necessary to build the educational process on the basis of a complex thematic principle, close to the so-called "event" principle, which will make the life of kindergarten children more interesting, and the educational process motivated.

This can be achieved by carrying out the pedagogical process based on the principle of integration.

The modular principle of constructing the pedagogical process can help with this.

Modular principle organization of the pedagogical process is one of the types of integration of activities and makes it possible to implement modern requirements for the organization of work in a preschool institution.

The idea of ​​the modular principle was expressed by the director of the Research Institute of Preschool Education, Academician N.N. Poddyakov back in 1973. He proposed to create a program in such a way that the specific knowledge acquired by children is built around a central link, which is based on the most important connections and dependencies of a particular area.

And only now the idea of ​​the modular principle has been developed in the system of work of the preschool educational institution.

A distinctive feature of the module is that the classes included in it are not isolated, as in the traditional system of education, but are united with each other.

The author of the modular principle of the organization of the pedagogical process is A.I. Ivanova, Ph.D. Fundamentally new is the fact that the core for the association is any modular principle of constructing the pedagogical process:

Allows you to give a sufficient amount of knowledge, avoiding training overload;

To carry out the educational program not in the form of "direct learning", but in the form of a game and with the inclusion of other types of activities adequate for a preschooler;

To build communication on a personality-oriented basis and the pedagogy of cooperation and development associated with it.

A story interesting for children that can last up to several weeks.

What is the modular principle of the organization of the pedagogical process?

The name modular planning comes from the international concept of "module", one of the values ​​of which is a functional node, i.e. modular planning is a complete block of information.

The term "module" is defined as a unified, functionally complete unit, designed structurally as an independent product.

The module is called several classes aimed at the formation of certain concepts in children. The word "occupation" is not an analogue of a school lesson, but any kind of children's employment, including play and free activity.

The fundamental differences between modular technology and other pedagogical technologies are as follows:

1. The content of training in this system is presented in the form of an independent module, which is both a bank of information and a methodological guide for its assimilation.

2. The educational module ensures the achievement of the set goals. Children learn to formulate a sequence of actions, understanding the purpose of the activity.

3. The very essence of modular technology requires compliance with the subjective relationship between the teacher and the child. In this regard, the teacher faces the task of motivating, coordinating and managing the educational process.

The module is fundamentally different from the cycle of classes. Let's call these differences:

The cycle, as a rule, is organized within one type of activity, the module includes classes for all types of activity (cognitive-research, play, labor, productive, communicative, musical-artistic, reading);

In the module, almost all classes are complex. Within the framework of one lesson, children receive a maximum of ideas about the properties, qualities, relationships between objects, phenomena, about the existing relationships in the process of different types of children's activities;

The term "occupation" returns to its original meaning, because. children are busy all the time (up to everyday conversation and free activity), thus the word “occupation” ceases to be a synonym for a lesson;

A module, unlike a cycle, has a plot that unfolds over a long period of time (a month or more);

In the module, the pedagogical process ceases to be “preparation for life”, but becomes life itself, the life of children, here nothing is done “pretend”, conditionally, and everything happens in reality (what cannot be done is not included in the module);

The activity of children acquires expediency, they acquire knowledge not because the teacher planned it this way, but because they will really need this knowledge today or in the near future.

The module is not built on top of the pedagogical process, but built into it. Therefore, when drawing up a work plan, the teacher includes the topics of the module lessons as the topics of classes for the corresponding types of activities.

The advantage of teaching children on a modular basis

1. The modular principle allows you to build a pedagogical process based on the integration of all types of activities.

2. The pedagogical process becomes more economical, allows for a short period of time to solve several didactic goals and objectives.

3. The presence of a plot contributes to the development of the principle of learning in the game: when playing, children do not notice that they are learning.

4. The same factor gives a certain significance to the activities of children, since knowledge becomes necessary in real life. Children clearly see the purpose of learning, and this facilitates the formation of goal-setting in them. Knowledge is not a goal, but a means to an end.

5. Understanding the significance of their work and satisfaction with the quality of its final result creates a positive emotional mood in children and a desire to perform actions in the best way.

6. Person-oriented model of interaction of all participants in the activity.

7. Taking into account the individual capabilities, inclinations and individual pace of development of each child, since the module allows you to vary the type of activity and the complexity of the work of each individual child in a single process.

8. Stimulation of children's own cognitive activity (and not the communication of ready-made knowledge). The main focus is shifting from ready-made knowledge messages to stimulation of one's own cognitive activity.

"The modular principle of organizing the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions as a way of speech development of preschoolers"

The use of the modular principle of organizing the pedagogical process effectively contributes to increasing the cognitive activity, independence of children, which is important for the development of children.

Acting independently, by trial and error, the child acquires - "appropriates" knowledge and experience.

How to be specialists of a narrow profile? One of the possible options is the interaction of specialists, i.e. compiling a joint module, or participating in a module conducted by group teachers (“Dwarf Astronomer”, “Getting Ready for School”, “Bread is the head of everything”), because the module is nothing more than the integration of educational areas and types of children's activities. You can try to organize your own - speech therapy module. First of all, of course, it should be corrective, that is, by participating in it, children should exercise their speech abilities, train language skills and abilities.

It is obvious that the Russian language is very difficult. Our vocabulary includes historical, foreign words, and almost every word can have several synonyms. It is difficult for a preschool child to immediately master all the relations of words, it is difficult to build his phrase so that all the words correctly agree with each other - “were friends”. This is especially difficult for children with speech disorders. All the more difficult is the task for the teacher - to organize the observation of children's linguistic reality, to make this process an exciting and interesting activity.

Work on the preparation of lesson modules

Consider the structure of the module.

Module structure

Like any finished knot, module It has:

Beginning (tie)

At the beginning of the module, children get acquainted with the object through observation, examination, examination, aesthetic perception. At this stage, there are excursions and observations, acquaintance with examples of classical and fine arts, reading fiction and cognitive material, games for the development of thinking, perception, memory, etc.

The first lesson, in which the tie is implemented, is introductory.

Main part

The main part of the module includes drawing, modeling, appliqué, design; tasks-exercises, aesthetic games, experimenting with various artistic and visual materials, etc.

Completion (final summative lesson)

The completion of the module is the performance of creative tasks; registration of exhibitions, albums, compositions; fantasizing on the proposed topic and inventing new stories, organizing performances, theatrical games, holidays, etc.

When developing the content of the module, we must keep an eye on three main points:

· each lesson should carry a certain functional load;

· implementation of a logical connection between classes;

· the same forms of work should not be repeated, i.e. should be varied.

In this way , the plot allows you to make the goal of learning understandable to children - they know whyeach lesson is conducted, where and how the results of their work will be used. This facilitates the formation of goal-setting, the activity of children becomes expedient.

When working on a module, we use different kinds children's activities.

In this way,there is not only the integration of content, but also the integration of various organizational forms, in which various types of children's activities will be integrated to one degree or another, which ensures the integrity of the educational process.

A significant place in the work on the system of modular planning to achieve better results is occupied by effective methods and techniques, and various forms of organizing work with children. For this purpose, it is advisable to use TRIZ techniques. They contribute to the development of logical thinking and the formation of ideas that any action can be performed in different ways, that each of them has both advantages and disadvantages.

The last lesson of the module becomes the final one, so you need to make it as interesting as possible. This lesson summarizes the work done and is organized not in the form of a survey, but in the form of a holiday, tea party, ball, game - the cause for which the plot of the module was conceived and in which all the knowledge gained by the children was implemented in an informal setting.

If the module is designed well, the children willingly work together with the teacher and do not even notice that they are engaged in different activities. Here all the principles of the pedagogy of the community are implemented, children are liberated, a positive emotional coloring is introduced into their lives. To some extent, the module is a performance in which children are not spectators, but participants. This is a long term game.

In the module, the correct emotional attitude of the educator is important. He acts not as a knowledgeable adult, but as a person who receives joy from learning new things.

From the experience of the senior educator Kokurina Valentina Nikolaevna MDOU "Kindergarten No. 109" Syktyvkar

In the context of modernization, it is necessary to transform the system of preschool education. Goals encourage educators to identify contradictions and solve problems, fly new ideas, research and experimentation, and as a result, the accumulation of innovations and the promotion of innovations. The teachers of our preschool educational institution are in constant search for technologies that allow us to implement the main principle of preschool pedagogy - learning by playing. And this can be realized through the ideas of pedagogy of cooperation, emancipation of children. The result was the use of design technology and the modular principle of organizing the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution. These technologies make it possible to implement modern requirements for the organization of work in a preschool educational institution, based on the fundamental provisions of child psychology and preschool pedagogy.

Pedagogical design and the modular principle of the educational process as an activity are successfully mastered by our teachers.

Design experience is reflected in the design of the educational process in sections "ecology" . Small creative groups have developed projects that are successfully used in the educational process. These are projects such as: "Solar system" , "Meadow Plants" , "Wintering Birds" , "Inhabitants of the corner of nature" , "Planet Earth" .

The design experience as a management function of our preschool educational institution is reflected in the project of cooperation with the family, in the project "Healthy child - healthy society" (creation of a health-saving environment on the street), a project for the improvement of the territory of the preschool educational institution.

The modular principle of planning the educational process is also reflected in the work of teachers. As a result of a set of methodological measures for the study of this technology, methodological recommendations were developed "The modular principle of the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions" . The result was the development of modules "Bread is the head of everything" , "How We Grow Onions" , "Water is life" , "Neboleyka" and etc.

  1. Modular principle
  2. Recommendations for compiling lesson modules

Preschool education is a sensitive period in a child's development. The task of the kindergarten is to enrich the child's speech and ideas about the world around him, to teach him to see patterns, dependencies, mutual influences in it, to teach him to freely and competently build his statements, to support them with arguments and facts from various fields of knowledge available to the pupil, to awaken cognitive interests. Preschool education is characterized by many psychologists as carrying great unrealized opportunities in the knowledge of the world around. Educational activities help to reveal them. In the classroom, you can successfully develop independence, creativity, mental abilities, learning interests, which contributes to the process of active mastery of knowledge, mobilizes moral and strong-willed efforts in achieving educational and cognitive goals, self-esteem skills are formed.

The leading activity in preschool education is the game. But to a great doubt, more and more time has been devoted to education, since, according to parents, the result of the activities of the preschool educational institution is the readiness of the child to study for school.

Learning and play gradually began to differ, and this does not correspond to the age characteristics of preschoolers. Therefore, there is a constant search for ways to combine all types of activities into a single pedagogical process, as this is one of the ways to optimize the ratio of motor and intellectual activity of preschoolers. At the same time, interest in the ideas of collaborative pedagogy increased.

Such a form of work as a complex lesson has appeared everywhere. However, it did not become the leading form of organizing the pedagogical process in kindergarten, since often the combination of several types of activities in one lesson was carried out mechanically, without internal rationale.

In 1973, the director of the Research Institute of Preschool Education, Academician N.N. Poddyakov expressed the idea of ​​a modular principle of organization of the pedagogical process. With this approach, the lesson module becomes the structural unit of the pedagogical process.

"Module" - detachable, relatively independent part of any system or organization.

"Module of lessons" - a group of classes on different types of activities united by a logical thread (single content, plot).

In the modular system of education, all classes are united among themselves on the basis of any plot. This plot makes the pedagogical process interesting for children and allows you to implement the principle of learning in the game.

Like any completed node, a module has a beginning ("string" ) , the main part and completion - the final final lesson.

The module is fundamentally different from the cycle of classes. Let's call these differences:

  1. The cycle, as a rule, is organized within one type of activity, classes for all types of activity are included in the module.
  2. In the module, almost all classes are complex.
  3. term "occupation" returns to its original meaning, as the children are busy all the time (up to everyday conversation and free activity), thus the word "occupation" ceases to be synonymous with the lesson.
  4. A module, unlike a cycle, has a plot that unfolds over time. (month or more).
  5. In the module, the pedagogical process ceases to be "preparation for life" , but becomes life itself, the life of children, nothing is done here "pretend" , conditionally, but everything happens in reality (what cannot be done is not included in the module).
  6. The activity of children acquires expediency, they acquire knowledge not because the teacher planned it this way, but because they will really need this knowledge today or in the near future.

The work on compiling the module begins with the choice of topics and general focus, i.e. the central link around which all knowledge will be built.

Then the question of the plot of the module is solved. After all, it serves as a unifying rod for all activities. This can be a long-term game, correspondence with a fairy-tale character, searching for a treasure, disenchanting a creature, the work of a puppet studio, preparing for a performance, etc. Living objects have a great attraction for children, so they can also serve as a basis that connects everything classes among themselves. An interesting reason for organizing the module is holidays, including group holidays: tea drinking, a competition, an exhibition, KVN, etc. Different types of work, research work and other forms of activity that are interesting for children provide no less opportunities.

The plot allows you to make the goal of learning understandable for children - they know what each lesson is for, where and how the results of their work will be used. This facilitates the formation of goal-setting, the activity of children becomes expedient.

Having outlined and developed the plot, it is necessary to pay special attention to "string" module. It allows you to connect the learning process with the real life of children, the situation that develops in the group. Thanks to this, children get the impression that their activity is not an occupation, but a game or a favorite thing. A well-chosen plot gives the module integrity, and the children's activities - the necessary expediency. The first lesson, in which the tie is implemented, is introductory.

When developing the content of the module, it is necessary to strive so that each lesson carries a certain functional load, there is a logical connection between the lessons, the same forms of work are not repeated, but varied, the same thing is not performed by different methods. For example, in the module “Spring has instructed us to grow radishes” to communicate with Spring, drawing is chosen for the first time, herbarization of plants for the second, writing for the third, and sending grown radishes for the fourth. In the module "How Kesha Became a Frog" when studying the reproduction of frogs, teachers suggested consistently solving the same problem using different methods: first, draw the stages of development of amphibians, then mold them, then make an application. It is technically possible, but such redundancy will make the module heavier, make it longer, slow down the dynamics of the cognition process and, ultimately, get bored by children. Therefore, it is better to choose any one method.

The last lesson of the module becomes the final one and should be the most interesting. It sums up the results of the work done, and organizes it not in the form of a survey, but in the form of a holiday, game, competition, tea party, ball - the cause for which the plot of the module was conceived and in which all the knowledge gained by children is implemented in an informal setting.

If the module is designed well, the children willingly work together with the teacher and do not even notice that they are engaged in different activities. Here all the principles of the pedagogy of the community are implemented, children are liberated, a positive emotional coloring is introduced into their lives. In fact, the module is to some extent a performance in which children are not spectators, but participants. This is a long term game. The vast majority of classes become complex, integrated.

It is not easy to develop a full-fledged module. All its parts must be arranged on a strictly logical basis. It is designed to convey to children a certain amount of knowledge, but at the same time it must be emotionally saturated and focused not on preparing for life, but on today's real life of a little person.

Pedagogical working conditions on a modular basis

Ready-made modules are characterized by great lability. Working with them, the teacher has the opportunity to review the entire structure as a whole - from beginning to end, so it is easy to navigate in it. He decides for himself whether to complete the module in its entirety or to refuse something, to conduct all classes in a compact way or to stretch for a long time, to use the recommended equipment or replace it with another one. Thus, each educator easily adapts the ready-made modules to the existing conditions of his group.

The duration of the module, the number of lessons included in it, the interval between them are not subject to formal regulation. These parameters are determined by the logic of constructing the pedagogical process in this group, the specifics of the concepts being studied and the teacher's intention, emerging life situations that are not related to the module.

The introduction of the modular principle does not mean abandoning the program that a particular kindergarten operates under. On the contrary, the role of the founding document is growing even more. Each teacher is obliged to fulfill the standard provided by the program, with the difference that working on a modular basis allows you to do it not in the form "direct learning" , but easy, interesting, in the form of a game.

The lessons included in the module fit into the hours for each type of activity, so they are an integral part of the pedagogical process and do not increase the overall workload of children. The exception is short conversations that are held in free time.

A new approach to work planning makes it easier to take into account the individual characteristics of children, and allows them to develop a variety of abilities and inclinations. This is achieved through the creation of specialized modules aimed at developing certain abilities - visual, philological, musical, mathematical, labor, sports. Unlike specialized modules of a general profile, they do not have a specific focus. All types of activity are represented in them approximately equally, none of them occupies a dominant position.

In kindergartens of a general developmental type, the ratio of modules of different directions is approximately the same. In specialized preschool institutions, the proportion of modules that develop the corresponding abilities is increasing. However, even here the general level of their complexity should not exceed the cognitive capabilities of children.

When working on a modular basis, the role of the game increases. For a talented child, play is no less, and perhaps more important than for "medium" , as it creates a lot of room for imagination and creativity.

The question often arises: how many modules can be run simultaneously? One is better, less often two, in exceptional cases three, if they do not overlap in terms of topics and do not disrupt the rhythm of the group's work. Trying to organize all the work on the basis of modules is not rational. This will lead to a reduction in the free and labor activity of children, to the disappearance of many forms of work that are necessary and important.

Teaching children on a modular basis has a number of advantages over the traditional system. Let's list them:

  1. The modular principle allows you to build a pedagogical process based on the integration of all types of activities.
  2. The pedagogical process becomes more economical, allows for a short period of time to solve several didactic goals and objectives.
  3. The presence of a plot contributes to the implementation of the principle of learning in the game: when playing, children do not notice that they are learning.
  4. The same factor gives children's activities a certain significance, since knowledge becomes necessary in real life. Children clearly see the ultimate goal of learning, and this makes it easier for them to form goal-setting.
  5. Understanding the significance of their work and satisfaction with the quality of its final result creates a positive emotional mood in children and a desire to perform actions in the best way.
  6. Education on a modular basis contributes to the formation of optimal relationships between children and with the teacher. This facilitates the transition from educational-disciplinary to personality-oriented learning model.
  7. The absence of psychological pressure on the child, his positive emotions, the increase in the efficiency of the educational process contribute to the preservation of children's health and create the basis for the implementation of any health-saving technologies.
  8. The use of the modular principle creates conditions for the implementation of facilitation and holistic approaches to the organization of the pedagogical process. Facilitation (from English Facilitate - create favorable conditions) implies the creation of conditions most favorable for the joint achievement of educational goals with children. Term "holistic" (from English Whole - whole) means an approach to learning based on a single, holistic work of both hemispheres of the brain. This approach is widely used in humanistic learning models based on the understanding of the uniqueness and originality of each individual as the main value.
  9. The main emphasis is shifted from the communication of knowledge in finished form to the stimulation of one's own cognitive activity.
  10. Helping children in personal development is based on the motivation theory of the American psychologist A. Maslow, according to which each person has an inherent desire for self-development and self-realization while satisfying various needs, built in a certain hierarchical sequence. (physiological, security, needs for love and recognition, affection, belonging to a group, intellectual, creative and aesthetic).
  11. The modular principle of organizing the pedagogical process makes it possible to realize the wishes of many specialists about the features of pedagogical work with children in the first seven years of life.

The introduction of the modular principle into the practice of the work of preschool educational institutions is not a matter of one year. Modules can become a structural unit of a holistic pedagogical process only if a large number of them with different didactic and educational goals and objectives are developed. Then teachers will have the opportunity to design the pedagogical process based on the optimal combination of modules of different directions.

Module. Bread is the head of everything

Objectives: to introduce children to the process of making bread, to form an idea of ​​why bread should be preserved.


1. Work on the formation of the following concepts in children:

  • before getting on the table, bread goes through many different transformations
  • people of many professions take part in its manufacture
  • The taste of bread products depends on the products used and methods of preparation.
  • man must learn to do everything himself.

2. To develop such personality traits as curiosity, the desire to learn how to perform labor operations, and respect for the products of human labor.

3. Improve physical and labor skills, develop small muscles of the hands and logical thinking.

Module plot. Noticing the disrespectful attitude of children to bread or other food products, the teacher invites the children to learn about how bread is made. Children get acquainted with all stages of bread production: spikelets and grains, machines that help grow and harvest wheat, turn grains into flour, the process of making and baking bread. In parallel, they are preparing an album about bread. The module ends with a group holiday - a tea party, where children participate in various competitions, compete, whose sandwich will be tastier and more interesting, play games on the theme of the module, taste various products made from dough.

Lesson 1. What is bread made of?

Purpose: to begin to form in children an idea of ​​the long journey that bread goes through before it hits the table.


  1. In general terms, introduce children to the process of production and making bread.
  2. Continue to learn to understand the meaning of conventional signs.
  3. Generate interest in the topic.

Equipment: a board, chalk, ears of any cereals, a sheet of paper or a plate on which an ear is dismantled to study its structure (for each child).

Organization of children: they work sitting at tables.

Activities: speech development, familiarization with nature, the formation of ecological ideas, acquaintance with the outside world, the socialization of the child's personality.

During the analysis of the ear, the teacher does not seek to get ahead of the children's practical work with a verbal description. Taking into account the visual and figurative nature of their thinking, the teacher gives the children the opportunity to independently get acquainted with the structure of the ear, then invites them to tell how the ear is arranged, how the grains lie in it, what they are covered with.

Educator: Here you are yesterday (or in the morning) dabbled in bread. Do you know how and from what it is made? - There is a conversation going on.

During the conversation, it turns out: to get bread, you need dough, it is made from flour, flour is made from grains, and grains are grown in the field. Analyzing the process of making bread with the children, the teacher draws a diagram of this process on the board with chalk using conventional signs. To facilitate the perception of the material, these signs should be similar to the corresponding real objects.

Next, the children examine the spikelets, free the grains from the scales. At the end, the educator makes a conclusion: So we found out where the grains come from to get flour. The whole plant is called "cereal" . Grains are different. Tomorrow we will get acquainted with some cereal grains.

Lesson 2. How to turn grain into flour and dough?

Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the process of bread production.


  1. Introduce children to different ways of making flour.
  2. Develop non-traditional thinking, the ability to find several solutions to the same problem.
  3. Train the ability to clearly formulate one's thoughts, analyze and critically evaluate the statements of comrades, agree with comments or defend one's point of view.
  4. To teach respect for the statements of comrades, regardless of agreement or disagreement with their proposals.
  5. Improve the functions of the taste analyzer.

Equipment: grains of any cereal plant, electric and mechanical coffee grinders, mortar, meat grinder and any group room items that children find it possible to use to make flour.

Organization of children: together with the teacher, they stand around the table, and if necessary, move freely around the group room.

Activities: the formation of ecological ideas, work, familiarization with the outside world, the development of small muscles of the hands.

The teacher creates all conditions for independent work of children, but carefully monitors compliance with safety rules. On an electric coffee grinder, he grinds the beans himself.

The teacher shows the children whole grains and flour, offers to come up with different ways by which grains can be turned into flour. Children should not only make suggestions, but also think over technical solutions (at their level). Each of the proposed methods is tested. This tactic is observed even in the case when the option is obviously unsuccessful. The child, with the help of other children, must come to the correct conclusion on his own.

The teacher treats each proposal with great attention, attracts other children to discuss it and clarify the details.

Having come up with several acceptable ways to turn grain into flour, children in practice check their advantages and disadvantages. For example, some try to grind the grain in a mortar, others try to grind them in a manual coffee grinder or in a meat grinder, in an electric coffee grinder. Perhaps they will come up with other ways.

After work, they all consider the resulting flour together and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method: in a mortar, not flour is obtained, but rather grits; in a manual mill, coarse flour is formed, and only in an electric coffee grinder does flour look like real flour.

The amount of flour obtained will turn out to be small, but it is mixed with water and a dough is made. A small cake is taken to the kitchen and fried in a small frying pan on a conventional electric stove. Factory flour should not be mixed into the dough, as children should see the results of their own work.

When the cake is baked, it is divided into small pieces and given to those who wish to try. Tasters are convinced that the cake turned out not very tasty. Why?

The teacher carefully listens to the opinions of the children: in order for the cake to be tasty, it is necessary to add to the dough, in addition to water and flour, salt, milk, butter, sugar, etc. Depending on the set of products, dough products have a different taste.

Immediately, the teacher gives homework: ask your mother or grandmother to cook something from the dough. While mother is working, we must carefully watch what she will do and help her as much as possible. In the morning, you should bring pastries to the group and tell how it was prepared.

In the evening, the teacher repeats the same request to parents: make a small amount of any test (sour, unleavened, shortbread, sugar, rich, etc.), bake or fry any product from it and transfer it to the group in the morning. Be sure to involve children in the work and try to make them remember the whole process.

Lesson 3. What determines the taste of the product?

Purpose: to teach children to distinguish the taste of products.


  1. Teach children the rules of tasting.
  2. Train the ability to distinguish the taste of products.
  3. To form children's ideas that taste depends on the products included in baking and the method of preparation.
  4. Develop children's speech.

Equipment: pastries brought by the children, clean dishes, wipes for wiping hands.

Organization of children: they stand freely near the tables.

Activities: work, familiarization with nature, life safety, development of small muscles of the hands, observation, experimentation.

The teacher teaches children the rules of tasting and creates all the conditions for their independent work. Since the brought products will have to be eaten with their hands, the teacher reminds them to wash their hands before and after eating.

On the appointed day (preferably Monday) children bring their pastries to kindergarten. After breakfast, a free conversation is organized. Each child names his product and reports what products were included in the composition, as well as how it was prepared: boiled, baked, fried. The product is divided into small pieces, and all children try it, trying to catch the taste of the products enclosed in it.

Having considered one product, they proceed to the discussion and tasting of the next one. The teacher each time asks the owner to clarify what kind of dough the product is made of and how it was prepared.

At the same time, the teacher teaches children the rules of tasting: you need to take a small piece into your mouth, chew it well and feel the resulting taste sensations: they are complex, since the product includes many components.

In this lesson, you can also try unsuccessful, tasteless products. Such a teacher can cook himself, over-salting or under-salting the dough, overcooking or undercooking. This will help children understand the importance of following food preparation technology.

Lesson 4. How to cook sour dough?

Purpose: to show children how microscopic organisms - yeast - help a person make delicious dough.


  1. To acquaint children with the conditions necessary for their life.
  2. Improve children's work skills.
  3. To form an understanding of the cause-and-effect relationships operating in nature.

Equipment: enough flour, water, salt, sugar, butter, dry yeast.

Crockery: dough container, cutting board or oilcloth, knife, spoon, baking sheet (pan) for baking, plates for finished products, two small containers for holding dough at different temperatures.

Hygiene items: clean towels for drying hands, a napkin for covering the dough.

Organization of children: they are freely located around the tables on which they work.

Activities: familiarization with nature, development of speech, work, orientation in space, TRIZ, familiarization with the outside world, game.

The teacher only manages the work, but does nothing himself. He pays special attention to children on accuracy in work: tables and floors must remain clean.

The teacher invites the children to make their own sour dough. The consultants are those guys who cooked it together with their mothers at home. At first, everyone carefully examines dry yeast, then soaks it in water and monitors the change in consistency and appearance of the solution. They dilute the dough or sourdough, put it in a warm place, periodically observe the change in the state and appearance of the dough.

While the bulk of the dough is warm, the children conduct a small experiment: one small piece of dough is taken out into the cold (in winter they put it on the windowsill or between the frames, in the summer they put it in the refrigerator), and the other piece is cooked in very hot water. All three options are monitored.

Soon they will see that the bulk of the dough quickly fits, increases in volume. If the pan is on a tray, you can lower it so that the dough overflows. This will make a big impression on the children. Reheated dough and dough left out in the cold will not rise. Therefore, children come to the conclusion that yeast is alive. Microorganisms grow well and multiply in heat, but die at high and low temperatures.

From the finished dough, each child sculpts his own bun or figurine, which fantasy tells him. This will later help him define his work. Each child independently places their product on a baking sheet. (pan). Two buns from unrise dough are placed next to it.

The baking sheet is taken to the kitchen and placed in the oven. Prior to this, the teacher pre-negotiates with the kitchen workers certain terms for baking children's products.

When the products are ready, they are brought to the group and given to the children. Everyone takes their own bun. Before eating, children examine the structure of the dough, note how it has changed after being warm. On the fault they will see small holes.

Educator: this is the work of yeast. They form a special gas. As you have seen, small bubbles of this gas loosen even raw dough. When the dough warms up, the size of the bubbles increases. Holes, moves are formed in the test. From this, the dough becomes loose, and the product - soft and light. Let's compare our buns with buns baked from unroasted dough. In them, we killed the yeast with cold or heat. How are they different from normal ones?

Children taste these buns and note that the dough that has not risen is hard and rough.

Lesson 5. Excursion to the kitchen

Purpose: to introduce children to the technology of making buns in large quantities.


  1. Show the children how cooks prepare buns and other food.
  2. Help the children understand that here too much depends on the living organisms they already know - yeast.

Organization of children: they stand in the kitchen as a group or walk past the kitchen equipment if possible.

Activities: walk, speech development, familiarization with kitchen equipment, observation, socialization of the personality of children.

The teacher strictly monitors the observance of safety rules.

The children go on a tour of their kitchen when the pastries are being baked there. They should see the whole process, from kneading the dough to taking the hot buns out of the oven. If the dough is suitable for a long time, you can go to the kitchen 2-3 times. Kitchen workers, by prior arrangement with the teacher, comment on the progress of work, explain the purpose of objects and units unfamiliar to children.

Educator: You see, guys, they cook food for you in the same way as you did it yourself, but not in pots, but in vats. And smart machines and units help people in this. This is how the chef and assistants work every day to keep you full. Do they cook well? You like?

The children answer.

Let's thank everyone for showing us how they work and for making delicious food for us every day.

The children thank the kitchen staff and leave.

In the following days, during breakfast, lunch or dinner, the teacher reminds the children about their excursion to the kitchen, suggests determining with what equipment this or that dish was prepared, in what way it was prepared. He asks if he liked the food and promises to convey gratitude to the kitchen workers.

Lesson 6. Excursion to the bakery

Purpose: to introduce children to the work of a bakery.


  1. Continue the formation of concepts - a store, a seller, a driver, a baker, a buyer, a car, people's work.
  2. To acquaint children with the varieties of bakery products.
  3. Follow their journey from bakery to customer.
  4. Emphasize the importance of hygiene while working.
  5. To form a sense of respect for people of work and bread.

Equipment: signal red flags to stop traffic if you have to cross the street, each child has a pencil (a pen) and a sheet of paper on which a loaf of bread, a bun and a person are schematically drawn in advance.

Organization of children: children go to the store in pairs. They are accompanied by two teachers, one of whom is at the beginning of the column, the second at the end. In the store, children are positioned so as not to interfere with sellers and buyers, but at the same time everything is good to see.

Activities: familiarization with the environment, excursion, observation, speech development, learning to count, life safety, walk.

  1. The teacher preliminarily agrees on an excursion with the store employees and brings the children when the cars with bread arrive.
  2. In the store, the teacher tries not to tell the children, but to ask questions, to which they give answers based on the perception of what they see.
  3. To count the number of types of bakery products, as well as the number of buyers, children put dots against the corresponding icons on the sheets of paper they brought. The number of points is counted after returning to kindergarten.
  4. If the children get different numbers, the teacher does not focus on this and reports the correct numbers: "5-7 types of buns" , "10-15 buyers" .

In the beginning, children watch the car being unloaded like a bakery

items are placed on shelves. They count how many types of bread and bakery products they brought to the store today, and learn their names.

The teacher explains how bread differs from bakery products, draws the attention of children to the fact that bread lies on special trays that are not placed on the ground, but are carefully transferred to the store and left on the shelves along with the bread.

On the trading floor, children watch how buyers take bread, find out which products are in the greatest demand, what they buy more often: bread or buns. They count how many customers came to the store, how many of them bought bread. They note that in addition to bread and buns, the store has gingerbread, cookies, crackers and other products that are not delivered daily.

Children watch how the seller talks with buyers, how he finds out what they need, releases the goods. Watch how he receives money, gives change. The teacher draws the attention of the children to how the seller observes hygiene rules. With his hands, he touches only those products that have some kind of shell.

Returning to kindergarten, the children exchange impressions. The teacher encourages them to do so. Then everyone works with their registration sheet, counts the number of varieties of bakery products, how many people came to the store, remember if everyone bought bread and buns. Collectively discuss the received figures.

Children conclude that bread is one of the staple foods. Many people are involved in its production. When working with bread and other products, hygiene rules must be carefully observed.

Lesson 7. Comparison of the taste of products made from different cereals

Purpose: to develop a taste analyzer, to fix the rules of tasting.


  1. Report that flour can be made from any cereals.
  2. Strengthen cooking skills.
  3. Continue building tasting skills.
  4. Remember the taste qualities of different cereals.

Equipment: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, pearl barley, millet and other cereals, wheat flour, butter, salt, soda, kneading pots, spoons (according to the number of cereals taken), frying pan (pan), plates for finished products, coffee grinder or meat grinder.

Organization of children: they are freely located around the desktops, without interfering with each other. The teacher monitors compliance with safety rules.

Activities: work, development of speech, small muscles of the hands, observation, experimentation, familiarization with nature.

  1. The teacher distributes duties in such a way that each child is busy, makes sure that no one is left idle, one makes flour from one cereal, the second from another, someone collects dishes, etc.
  2. If there is no coffee grinder, you can get out of the situation in a different way: boil the grits until half cooked and grind in a meat grinder, make dough from the resulting slurry.
  3. Sugar should not be added to the dough, so as not to mask the taste of cereals.

Children are offered small amounts of white and dark flour, then they themselves use a coffee grinder to make flour from various cereals - oatmeal, rice, buckwheat. For all types of dough, the recipe should be the same. The easiest way is to cook the dough on kefir with the addition of a small amount of oil (margarine), soda, salt and a minimum amount of sugar. All procedures are performed by the children themselves. The educator only directs their activity without taking the initiative.

From the resulting dough, pancakes are fried or cookies are baked. It is more convenient to do this in the kitchen, but you can fry pancakes on an electric stove directly in the group room, subject to safety rules. (a teacher works directly at the stove).

When the products are ready, the children look at the color of each cookie, taste it, remember what kind of cereal it is made from. They analyze which cookies turned out to be tastier, or rather, which one they liked more.

The teacher sums up the whole experiment: flour can be made from any cereals. Previously, buckwheat pancakes and pancakes were very fond of in Russia, now they sell oatmeal cookies in stores, in Japan, Korea and China they often cook food from rice flour.

In Russia and other European countries, the most common cereal is wheat. Various products are prepared from it, cereals are now mainly used for making cereals.

Lesson 8. How did the bread come to the table?

Purpose: to introduce children to the cultivation of bread.


  1. Use the illustrations to introduce children to agricultural machines.
  2. Using a diagram to show the main stages of growing cereals.
  3. Continue to build respect for the people who grow grain and prepare food from it.
  4. To bring children to the idea of ​​the need for careful attitude to bread.
  5. Enrich the active vocabulary with the names of agricultural machines and professions of people involved in the manufacture of bakery products.

Organization of children: free, most convenient for the perception of the material being studied.

Activities: familiarization with nature, speech development, reading.

The teacher reads a story or several stories to the children about how crops are grown, how much labor needs to be spent in order for bread to come to the table. If the educator deems it necessary to strengthen the educational impact, one can pick up stories about difficult periods in people's lives, when every piece of bread was worth its weight in gold.

In parallel, in any other classes, children memorize poems, songs about bread.

Lesson 9. We grow bread

Purpose: to continue the formation of ideas about the production of bread.

Tasks: the same as in lesson 8.

Equipment: illustrations, filmstrips, slides, videos, - movies.

Activities: familiarization with nature, the environment, socialization, learning to count, speech development.

The conversation is free-form. Parents are of great help in the selection of illustrative material.

Children look at photographs and slides showing how bread is grown, how it is stored in elevators, how flour is ground from grain in production conditions, how various products are made from it. The teacher gives the necessary explanations. The text of the conversation depends on the content of the demonstrative illustrative material.

Lessons 10 - 12. Making an album about bread

Purpose: to consolidate and concretize children's ideas about the production of bread.


  1. Remember the sequence of steps in the production of bread.
  2. To improve labor skills, to form independence in children.
  3. Develop imaginative thinking.

Equipment: album sheets, glue, brushes, scissors, illustrations, pencils and pens.

Organization of children: free, convenient for the perception of the material being studied.

Activities: work, application, socialization of the personality of children, familiarization with nature, the formation of ecological ideas, the development of small muscles of the hands, drawing, literacy.

It is desirable that children do everything on their own. The purpose of the classes is not to make a beautiful album, but to improve the mental and labor skills of children by creating it.

On the first page of the album, in squares, children draw an ear, grain, a bag of flour, dough in a pan and ready-made bread. These squares are connected by arrows. Under them is written where it is done: "on the field" , "at the mill" , "in the bakery (in the kitchen)» . Signatures are made by the educator, but they can be made up of individual printed letters by children who have begun to learn to read and write. Then the lesson will become complex: natural history and literacy.

On each page of the album, photographs and drawings are selected on a specific topic. The sequence of pages corresponds to the sequence of the bread making process. The last pages show a variety of dough products. The number of pages in the album is determined by the number of selected illustrations and the intention of the teacher. Each sheet of paper, on which several photographs can be pasted, is put into a multifora, they are filed into a folder.

This album is in the group room and children have free access to it. As new illustrations appear, the album is supplemented.

Lesson 13. Making your album about bread

Purpose: to consolidate and concretize children's ideas about the production of bread through plot drawing.

Tasks: to teach drawing, observing the proportions and features of the appearance of objects.

Equipment: books with photographs of agricultural machines, different types of bakery products, as well as stories from the life of people of different professions involved in the production of bread.

Organization of children: free, convenient to work.

Activities: familiarization with nature, the environment, socialization, literacy, speech development, work, drawing.

The teacher invites each child to draw any plots on the topic being studied. So that the drawings do not repeat, the teacher gives different topics: someone draws a tractor and a combine harvester, others the process of sowing, harvesting, someone prefers to depict how mother cooks pancakes in the kitchen, etc.

To facilitate drawing, the teacher gives everyone a book, photograph or picture with an appropriate illustration.

All children's drawings are placed in multiforms and stitched into an album, regardless of the image quality. Previously, the teacher or the children themselves make captions for the drawings, reflecting their content. The album remains in the group and is always available for children.

Session 14. How can we save bread?

Purpose: to demonstrate to children that quite a lot of bread is lost, including in kindergarten.

Equipment: a box of dried crumbs and half-eaten pieces of bread, which quietly gathered in a group.

Organization of children: free.

Activities: familiarization with nature, the environment, socialization, frugality education, speech development, work.

During the lesson, the teacher makes sure that the children do not form a guilt complex.

The teacher demonstrates a box containing crumbs and half-eaten pieces of bread left on the tables for 2-3 weeks. Children see with their own eyes how much bread is lost imperceptibly. But they know that it takes so much effort to make it! After some discussion, the children take the crumbs to the birds; probably, after that they will treat bread more carefully.

Lesson 15. Group holiday - tea drinking

Purpose: to summarize the knowledge gained in the lessons of the module.


  1. Activate children's knowledge.
  2. Learn to use them in life and work.
  3. Build communication skills.
  4. Further socialization of the personality of children.
  5. Play, have fun.

Equipment: dishes and food that are necessary for tea drinking, special products for competitions, individual napkins.

Organization of children: free, arising from the real situation at each stage of the lesson.

Activities: play, familiarization with the environment, the formation of ecological ideas, the development of speech, counting, literacy, labor, socialization of the personality of children, artistic, aesthetic and cognitive development, TRIZ.

  1. The holiday consists of two parts: a competition and a tea party.
  2. For tea in the morning, parents bring a variety of dough products that they prepared the day before with their children.
  3. On the eve, the children decorate the group room with their crafts, which they made in the classroom for fine arts especially for the holiday.
  4. The competition can take place before the tea party, but can be combined with it.
  5. It is not advisable to create a jury: this can fetter children, they lose their spontaneity, the living joy of communicating with each other. In addition, scoring delays the procedure. It is better to refuse to identify the winner altogether. Let joy win.
  6. The following are some tasks that, in a simple version, are designed for children, in a more complex version, for adults. This will allow everyone to participate in the games. The number of teams is determined by the number of participants, most often there are two or three. Each team is mixed: it includes both children and adults.
  7. Before the competition, tasks are not communicated to either children or adults, otherwise they will offer such a huge number of solutions that there will not be enough time for their implementation.

Competition "Determine the taste"

  1. What dough is the cake made from?
  2. What flour or cereal is the product made from?
  3. How is the product prepared? (baked, boiled, fried)?
  4. What foods are included in the dough?
  5. What is superfluous? (Specially made products are offered for tasting, in which there is an excess of salt, sugar, flavoring, etc.).
  6. What is missing from the product (salt, sugar, soda)?
  7. What went wrong? (The dough is burnt, boiled soft, etc.).

Task for children: from a set of natural products (or their images) choose boiled, fried and baked.

Competition “Who will name more dough products?”

All teams name products in turn. If either team can't say anything, they skip a turn. A token is given for each answer. The team with the most chips wins. The competition is started by children, and when their knowledge is completely exhausted, it is continued by adults.

Competition for children "What - first, what - then"

All teams are given the same set of products (for example, ear, grain, flour, bread, biscuits, bread charlotte, cracker, crumbs, sandwich, tarts, etc.). Children must arrange them in a sequence corresponding to the natural course of transformations. If the products correspond to approximately one stage of transformation, they are placed one above the other. The teacher or one of the parents controls the correctness and speed of the task.

Competition for parents "Who will knead the dough faster"

One or two representatives are invited from each team and the same set of products is given.

Task for children and parents: “You have leftover bread. What can be prepared from them? Give me the recipe" . The team with the most number of ways to use bread wins.

Task for mother and child: prepare a sandwich from the proposed products. All couples work at the same time. The sandwich is judged not only by taste, but also by the originality of the design. The set of products should be large enough for participants to have the choice to develop their own imagination.

mobile game "What we did - we will not say, but how we did - we will show"

Of the adults, one leader is selected - the King. A team of children, having previously agreed among themselves, approach the King. The following dialogue takes place between them:

Hello King.

Hello children. Where have you been?

At the mill (or in another place where the intended actions take place).

What did you do?

What we did - we will not say, but how we did it - we will show.

Children show the actions they have conceived, the King must guess them. If you guessed correctly, the children run away, and the Tsar catches them. Those who are caught are taken prisoner. The rest think of a new action, and the game continues. If the King called the intended action incorrectly, the children remain in their places and give him one or two more attempts.

After playing a little, children and adults change roles: children become Kings, and adults think of actions.

During tea drinking, children dance, sing, recite poems, play musical instruments, dance. There is a competition on "How I Save Bread" (How do we keep bread in our family? ) .

This lesson is the final step in the implementation of the module. It sums up. All the knowledge gained by children is realized in an informal setting: through participation in competitions, games. In the course of this lesson, the educator analyzes the application by children of the knowledge gained during the implementation of the module, the awareness of this knowledge. The results are recorded on the following questions:

  1. What is bread made from?
  2. Stages of transformation of grain into dough.
  3. dough preparation methods. Products used to make dough.
  4. grain growing process.
  5. rules of respect for bread.

The results are recorded in the protocol.

F. I. of the child Examination questions

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 total score

Each question is evaluated on a 3-point scale.

3 points are given - if the child has fully mastered the content of the module and consciously applies knowledge in practical life.

2 points - has mastered the content of the module, but when performing tasks, he has great difficulty in applying knowledge when performing the proposed tasks.

1 point - the child experiences great difficulties in completing the proposed tasks.

All points are summed up and the total score is displayed. If the total score is:

13 - 18 points - a high level of mastering the content of the module.

9 - 12 points - average level.

Up to 8 points - low level

During the analysis, when problems are identified, adjustments are made to the content of the module.

During the implementation of the module, role-playing games are organized with children "Bakery" , "We meet guests, we treat" , Bakery. For these games, children, together with the teacher, sculpt all kinds of bakery products from salt dough, which, after drying, are painted with paints and later used in games and free activities.

For decorating a corner of nature indoors, I want to offer a hanging module that, without any doubt, will decorate the room and be a convenient demonstration material. The tree can "change" the crown (depending on the season) and hanging figurines (depending on the theme). Hanging figurines can also be figurines of forest animals and figurines of fruits.



Group designPendant module Group "Special child"

Suspended volumetric module "Forest tree"





Description: For decorating a corner of nature indoors, I want to offer a hanging module that, without any doubt, will decorate the room and be a convenient demonstration material. The tree can "change" the crown (depending on the season) and hanging figurines (depending on the theme). Hanging figurines can also be figurines of forest animals and figurines of fruits.

Materials for the manufacture of the module:

Double-sided cardboard:For the tree trunk, you will need 2 sheets of brown cardboard. For figurines of forest animals, cardboard is selected in accordance with the color of the object at this time of the year.

Templates used for barrel and figurines.For the manufacture of the module, you can use the templates that are attached below, as well as use reusable stencils depicting the contours of animals, birds and fruits. These stencils are used by many teachers to develop graphomotor skills in children.

Manufacturing process:1. We cut out the necessary details according to the templates. 2. Add the parts of the trunk and the crown (the part of the crown is between the parts of the trunk). 3. We sew in the center of the part with a regular thread. 4. We fold each part of the trunk in half, giving volume to the tree. 5. We hang a tree from the ceiling by a thread attached to the crown. 6. We hang figurines of forest animals or fruits cut out of cardboard (according to the season) to the roots and crown of the tree.

Meshchenskaya S.N., educator, Kansk, MDOU No. 15 "Sibiryachok", I qualification category.

Speech topic:"The use of modules to create a playful developing space for preschool children."

Designing a modern educational environmentpreschool institution as a multidimensional space (adequate to the actual needs of preschool children and corresponding to the development trends of modern culture, economy, production) answers humanistic positions of education. In kindergarten, the child gains experience of emotional and practical interaction with adults and peers. Opportunities for obtaining such experience are expanding provided that a subject-developing environment is created. Such factors for creating a situation of success and emotional well-being as design and ergonomics in the educational space of a preschool institution have a beneficial effect on the upbringing, education and health of children, so I consider the chosen topic relevant at the present stage of preschool pedagogy.

The “Concept on preschool education” formulates the mainprinciples of building a developing environmentin preschool institutions: the principle of distance, positions in interaction, the principle of activity, independence, creativity, the principle of stability - the dynamism of the developing environment, the principle of integration and flexible zoning, the principle of openness-closedness, the principle of taking into account gender and age differences in children, the principle of emotionality of the environment, individual comfort and emotional well-being of every child and adult, the principle of combining familiar and extraordinary elements in the aesthetic organization of the environment. The last two principles are very closely interconnected and are integral parts of the developing system of the educational environment. Based on the fact that the child is in a preschool all day long, it is of great importance to create optimal conditions for him to play, learn and develop in various activities. In accordance with modern sanitary-technical and aesthetic requirements, the subject-developing environment is systematically reconstructed and modernized.

A student-centered educational environment in kindergarten should be intensively developing, provoking the emergence and development of the child's cognitive interests, his volitional qualities, emotions, and feelings. There is a contradiction here: on the one hand, the need for space for the manifestation of children's activity, and on the other hand, the limited premises of the kindergarten.

The living space in the kindergarten should be such that it makes it possible to build non-overlapping areas of activity. This allows children to freely engage in different activities at the same time, in accordance with their interests and desires, without interfering with each other.

The premises of our group are new, it has been functioning for 2 years, the material and technical base is just being formed, I pay much attention to the functionality of the developing environment and the available game material. I believe that a child and an adult in kindergarten should become the creators of their subject environment, in accordance with the principle of active construction of a developing environment in a preschool educational institution.

So I set myself goal : creating conditions for the personal development of the child through the organization of a subject-spatial developing environment.

Formulated tasks:

  1. To create conditions for the optimal use of group space, a variety of activities and recreation for children.
  2. Develop logical and creative thinking, imagination of children, sensory activity, communication.
  3. To teach children non-standard thinking, a creative approach to using the group's existing equipment.

I organize the playing space in such a way that it has freely defined elements within the playing area, which would give scope for inventions, discoveries, which allows implementing a personality-oriented model of education. I introduce children to the transformation of the developing environment of the group. This was made possible thanks touse of modern gaming equipment. It allows you to adhere to the principles of organizing a developing environment within the framework of a student-centered model of education.

In the process of individual play and play with peers, the child develops such personal qualities as: independence, initiative, creativity, creative activity, purposefulness, a sense of collectivism, responsibility for the result, mutual assistance.

In my work I create a play space using different details and soft modules , which appeared in the practice of work relatively recently, this is the novelty and originality of this work. Soft modules - These are products for various purposes, made of foam rubber, covered with artificial leather.

I use them in sports, play and constructive activities of children, thereby encouraging children to be creative and active, creating conditions for their complete relaxation.

Bright and interesting toys are very popular among children. We just play with them, sit, put them under our heads, build a lot of interesting structures. I also use them in outdoor games: we walk on them, step over them, jump over them, as a result of which I develop motor activity and coordination of simple movements.

Performing actions with small details of the modules, I develop the child's attention, observation, logical thinking, perseverance, and consolidate the received elementary mathematical ideas. I introduce children to primary colors by naming the colors of the modules.

Actions with modules help to strengthen the baby's hands, develop coordinated hand and finger movements, sensory coordination in the "eye-hand" system, as a result of which the child's working capacity, his attention and mental activity increase, intellectual and creative activity is stimulated.

With the help of modules, I create a subject-play environment - from the modules, children build structures for role-playing games: a house, a shop, a hospital, a bus, a train, a steamboat, a pool.

The project of a spatial developing environment should include the possibility of changing it in accordance with the principle of stability of the dynamism of the developing environment. Multifunctional, easily transformable elements should stand out in the interior. The opportunity to transform the space appears for the educator and children (which is especially important): together with the children, we divide the room of the group into play areas for various types of play activities for various types of play activities: for recreation and active activities, thereby creating conditions for the productive development of the child.

We divide the space of the playroom taking into account the principle of gender and age differences of children - we separate zones for boys (for playing with cars, designing according to our own design) and girls (home, hairdresser). This allows you to show your inclinations in accordance with the concepts of masculinity and femininity accepted in society.

I offer hands-on experience modules to create a child's developing play space.

"Think of a way to bring the ball to life"

I offer the child a large stuffed ball, circles, triangles, ovals, stripes and pigtails on double-sided tape and ask him to “revive the ball”, focusing on his own imagination. Children are happy to make parts of the face from the proposed details - the nose, eyes and mouth - now a funny little man is ready, and his mood can be changed by regluing individual parts of the "face". Three round modules of different sizes will make a snowman or a caterpillar. The fantasy world is limitless!

Some time later, from rectangular or cylindrical modules, we build a friend for a little man - a dog or a cat, attaching to the modules a nose, eyes, pyramids from a conventional constructor replace their ears and tail and paws. Of these, we glue the “needles” to a hedgehog made from a module. I suggest the game, focusing on the age of the child. In the younger and middle age I suggest this species activities individually. In the future, I plan to offer group work to children of senior and preparatory preschool age, when several people work with one module.

The game is based on a similar principle."Let's figure it out together."

I seat the children in a semicircle around the module. I give one child the task of “turning” the module into a certain animal by gluing appropriate parts to it, for example, a mouse. Other children should not know about the task. They guess the animal after each detail glued by the child. The sooner the children guess the animal, the more successfully the child completed the task.

Through mathematical games, I form in children an idea of ​​quantitative relationships, ideas of time, magnitude. I focus on the joint activities of an adult with a child.

"Math Module"I build from a module-circle or rectangle. I attach a pocket to the module with nested details: balls-beads, circles and other geometric shapes of different colors, cords and stripes of various colors and lengths, counting material.

Possible exercises.

"How many balls?"- we agree on what color the balls will be for you and your child, put a few balls to the right and compare who has more, less or equally balls.

"Where are the flowers more?"- I suggest children to count flowers in the clearing. They “pick” several flowers, and then compare who picked more flowers, less, equally, where there are more flowers, in a clearing or in the hands of children. In order to give the correct answer, children use the application or overlay method.

"Cold-warm" sector Thermometers ”- using a natural room thermometer, I explain to the children that, depending on the air temperature, the thermometer column rises or falls. The guys indicate the temperature on each thermometer, compare the location of the strips and determine where the temperature is higher.

"Let's count" - I suggest that the children “plant” flowers on the field as much as they hear claps.

"Find a Path"- the task is to "get out of the forest" by stepping through the modules. The condition is this: you can only walk on rectangles / circles, or on red / yellow figures, on large / small figures.

"Build a Bridge" - I tell the child the situation - you need to cross the magic river. But the bridge needs to be built only from parts arranged in a certain sequence, for example: a rectangle, a circle, a square.

"Building a house" - I give one module to each child in the team. The task is to build a house from modules. Which team of children will complete the task faster, that one is the winner.

"Build a Tower" - I divide the children into 2 teams, put them in 2 columns. Modules are stacked between columns interspersed. The task is to build a pyramid / tower from rectangles - to the first team, from squares / tablet modules - to the second team. The team that completes the task faster and without errors wins.

"Listen carefully!"- from the rectangular modules - bricks we lay out the "path". The distance between the modules is slightly larger than the child's foot. The teacher says the word forward / backward and makes as many claps as the bricks need to be crossed.

"Build a Shape"- from the proposed modules we build a geometric figure. Squares - a rectangle, triangles - a square, from pill modules - a cylinder, from a rectangle - a trapezoid.

"Painter" - on the module-mat we “draw” any picture using flat objects: flowers, butterflies, fruits, geometric shapes. We make out the “picture” from the details of the designer using double-sided tape and small plastic toys. We draw according to the instructions or according to the child's own plan.

"Designer" - we build furniture for a doll corner from modules and decorate it with details: geometric shapes, making a pattern or funny faces out of them.

"What season?"- on the instructions, the child builds an object from the modules for the game at a certain time of the year. Children have to guess which season is guessed. For example: a sandbox, a slide, a gate with a ball, a boat, a skating rink, a pool.

"Train" - I put the module-train and say that the passengers need to prepare their own car for the journey. It can be a module of a certain color or shape, size. I complicate the task - each car should consist of 2 modules, you need to put them in such a way that it is convenient and reliable to ride. In this game, logical thinking develops well. The main thing to remember is that the cars must stand one after another and your train is ready to travel. You can ask what parts the child's carriage consists of and where he would like to go on this train.

In the program "Development" L.A. Wenger's classes often use flannelgraphs to work with deputies. They are successfully replaced by a module-mat and geometric shapes on adhesive tape.

The development of hands is closely related to the state of speech and thinking of the child. In my work, I contribute to this by developing the fine motor skills of the baby's hands. The hands are representatives of the speech centers of the brain, increasing their skill and dexterity, directly activating the child's speech functions.

Games and tasks with the use of soft modules always arouse interest in children, they allow you to make the game creative and active, therefore, more productive for the development and socialization of the child.

result was to increase the level of participation activity and increase the achievements of children in the role-playing game.







In 70% of the games that take place during the day (organized by the teacher or the children themselves), soft modules are used. This is an indicator of children's interest in the very process of the game and the desire to diversify it using their creativity and imagination.

Using soft modules in my work, I was convinced that this is a universal material for creating a game development environment in a preschool educational institution.

A real treasure for children is play furniture for kindergarten, where a child can realize his most vivid dreams. The organization of the play area is a very important process that further helps the pupils of the groups to hone important social skills in the form of a game.

Designers offer “professionally oriented” furniture for the game, complexes of several modules, made in accordance with the age characteristics of children, which contribute to the motivation for playing activities - the adoption of roles, the implementation of algorithms:

  • for girls, you can find kitchens, hairdressers, dressing rooms, doctor's offices, shop counters;
  • for boys in the nursery, play furniture for kindergartens is produced in the form of transformer modules, from which children can jointly assemble a car, the walls of the fortress - actively interact with it.

All furniture in kindergarten, for the street or indoor premises, must comply with a whole list of sanitary and hygienic requirements, and be safe for pupils.

The choice of children's play furniture for kindergartens when planning the zone takes place in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, based on the age of the pupils, the number of children in groups. An important role in the process of arrangement is played by the opinion, the initiative of the parents - part of the situation can be done by hand, subject to all standards.

Children's toy furniture involves the arrangement of corners for role-playing games. Here, toy houses become an integral part, in which children can learn socially significant skills in a playful way. At the same time, not only girls, but also boys can play in the houses - the latter are often assigned the role of guests who come to tea. The "house" of the boys can be stylized as a garage, a captain's bridge.

You can divide play furniture for kindergarten into the following categories:

  • street - houses, modules with swings, slides, sandboxes;
  • for indoor premises - plastic houses, tents, role-playing modules, transformer modules.

In the first case, the structures are static. Made of impact-resistant, moisture-resistant materials - wood, plastic, metal structures. Materials are stained in mass or using special impregnations, paints for wood or metal.

In the case when children's furniture is intended for use in a group, it can be made:

  • with a rigid, static frame;
  • in the form of collapsible modules;
  • children's soft play furniture, from which pupils can build sofas, cars, boats, and other furnishings.

Furniture items also take into account the ability to store children's toys.

For the street

For kindergartens, children's outdoor play furniture is designed primarily to meet the needs of children not only for communication and interaction, but also for physical activity. Manufacturers offer whole complexes made in accordance with the requirements of SanPin, environmental safety and the peculiarities of the psychophysiological development of preschool children. If parents take up the organization of playgrounds, wanting to equip the playground with their own hands, you need to enlist the support of a specialist who is aware of the norms and safety requirements. This means that play furniture as in the photo should have the following qualities:

  • stability, reliable fixation on the ground. Children's temperament is activity, mobility, the desire to experiment, loosen the structure. Whether it is a slide, a swing or a section with a basketball hoop - the module must remain motionless, prevent the structure from falling;
  • the absence of sharp corners is another important factor in preventing injuries;
  • the material used is impact-resistant, guaranteed to withstand the declared load by weight;
  • the design should have comfortable non-slip steps and railings, reliable fences;
  • decorative, movable elements are securely fixed. Joints, hinges, bearings - closed to avoid pinching clothes, baby's skin, fingers;
  • surfaces are easy to clean if necessary, resistant to sanitization.

Outdoor play furniture for children will become a real field of miracles, if you correctly approach its selection and installation. When installing swings, houses, slides, adults should remember that, despite the assurances of manufacturers about the safety of products, children should play outside under the supervision of educators.

For premises

Furniture for a children's playroom, according to the recommendations of the Federal State Educational Standard, should have multifunctionality, the ability to modify the environment and contribute to the development of spatial perception, motor skills, and imagination. Performing the function of a toy, furniture should remain a reliable and safe piece of furniture:

  • transformer tables, chairs, toy racks, “hairdressing” and “doctor’s offices” modules for girls, garages and ships, houses for boys, manufacturers are made from high-quality, certified materials - natural beech, laminated chipboard, curved plywood;
  • the metal frame is covered with polymer powder paint;
  • a water-based varnish is preferred as a coating;
  • products made of wood-based panels or plastic must be odorless, without any harmful substances that can cause illness in children in the room or cause allergies;
  • sharp corners are contraindicated - the outlines of the parts must have rounded protruding parts;
  • children's furniture may contain drawers, sections for toys, while all parts are securely fixed, and fasteners are securely closed with plugs. No protruding nails or screws.

Children's upholstered play furniture is modular elements with which a child can build a house, a car or design another object. A variety of designs and shapes of such modules allow children to find a replacement for toys and get the most diverse experience.

Upholstered furniture for kindergartens used as a playroom can be of 3 types:

  • frame - at the heart of the product is a frame made of metal or wood with a foam rubber filler, which is sheathed with fabric on top. For these purposes, flock is often used - it is resistant to abrasion, it is easy to care for it;
  • frameless or filling type - similar to the well-known bean bag chair. Penoplex as a filler allows you to give such a module a bag of absolutely any shape. For children, such a product provides a real scope for imagination and experimentation. This option is easy to manufacture and parents can make such modules with their own hands;
  • soft stuffed - here, in addition to foam rubber, vinyl leather is used. The material is easy to care for, does not stretch, economical in cost.

There are modifications equipped with wheels for the possibility of movement. It can be furniture in the form of animals, on which the child can ride, sitting on horseback. At the same time, the elastic upholstery will reliably soften the blow in the event of a fall.

Play areas

The arrangement of the playing space in the kindergarten should include the following points:

  • the opportunity for outdoor games - there should be enough space for children to be active;
  • furniture for role-playing games. These include houses, “kitchen”-type complexes, where there are kitchen utensils, sets of dishes and products, a toy medical room, a hairdresser, a store - or a colorful rack with a window that can become both a pharmacy and a post office;
  • shelving and containers for toys. After all, one of the important functions of the play area is to teach children to order;
  • special boards or sections of the wall with a washable surface on which pupils can draw.

When organizing space, it should be borne in mind that boys can be more active than girls. Children should not interfere with each other during the game.


Manufacturers of play furniture offer a large selection of houses for children of different ages. It can be "home" and street structures. Most of them are easy to assemble, so even girls can handle the device. This is important, because it is they who often make up the staff of the kindergarten:

  • for younger children, inflatable models are recommended. There are no sharp corners here, the floor functions as a trampoline. Children will be happy to run and frolic inside such a house. Another option is a tent house in the form of an Indian wigwam or a fabulous tent. The disadvantage of such options is their lightness and instability. With high activity, children can turn it over;
  • cardboard houses - suitable for older preschoolers. These designs can be painted, giving the house a look at your own discretion;
  • plastic structures - for indoor use, they are quite compact in size; street options are larger, may have 2 floors, extensions in the form of slides, ropes, ladders or swings;
  • wooden houses - used on the street, they can become a reduced copy of a log house or tower.

Giving preference to the model of the house, be sure to consider the conditions of its operation, the age of the pupils, their needs. Will it be a compact model or a spacious version with space for toys. For mixed groups, it is better to choose a universal design that is suitable for boys and girls to play.

Manufacturing materials

For the production of play furniture designed for kindergarten, a wide range of materials are used. At the same time, regardless of the type, the base must be environmentally friendly, safe and durable to ensure high-quality operation of products.

Material type Purpose Examples of using Advantages Flaws
Wood Outdoor structures / furniture for play areas. Playhouses, swings, sandboxes. Racks, modules. Eco-friendly, well ventilated in the case of the house, durable. Requires regular painting, impregnation treatment when used outdoors.
Plastic Outdoor structures, indoors. Playhouses, swings, sandboxes, slides, modules. Eco-friendly, low maintenance, impact resistant, can be easily assembled and disassembled. At low temperatures (-18 ° C), deformation may occur.
PVC Street / room. Playhouses trampolines, slides, tunnels. Light, elastic, no sharp corners, bright, children like it. Suitable for younger children. With a low quality of the material, there may be an unpleasant odor, the release of allergens.
Chipboard, MDF, chipboard For premises. Racks, modules, frames. Economical, strong material, wear-resistant. Ability to produce the most complex designs. May emit harmful substances in case of violation of production technology.
Foam rubber, expanded polystyrene Internal premises. Fillers for upholstered play furniture. Provide high-quality frame upholstery, maintain shape. They have a certain service life. After being replaced.

The production of furniture for preschool institutions is strictly regulated. Manufacturers undertake to follow the established GOST standards and have documents confirming the quality and safety of the materials used.

Requirements for children's furniture

Children's furniture used to equip the play area in a preschool institution must meet the established GOST standards, be environmentally friendly and comply with SanPin recommendations. Upon purchase, all necessary accompanying documents and certificates must be attached to the products:

  • surfaces of objects should not have burrs, sharp corners, protruding fasteners;
  • all fasteners are securely fixed and hidden by cuffs and plugs;
  • coating paint of pleasant shades, no smell or marks on clothes or skin upon contact;
  • all edges are carefully processed;
  • furniture should be multifunctional, ideally helping to save space, which is important in small rooms;
  • designs should take into account the age characteristics of children.

Furniture design is also important. It should be attractive to children, motivate them to play the game, manipulate the objects of the modules.