Integration of the content of educational activities in the dow. Using the Dow Integration Process

MBDOU D / s "Snowdrop"


“The personality of the educator means everything in the matter of education”


Implementation of the principle of integration in the educational process of the Federal State Educational Standard

The principle of integration is the fundamental principle of the development of modern preschool education. Integration should provide the preschooler with a holistic perception of the world around him.[ 3. S.1-7]

For the first time, interest in the problem of integration arose in the works of Ya.A. Kamensky. Integration is of great importance for improving the effectiveness of the upbringing and education of children at all levels of education from early childhood to the release of children to school. An integrated approach should be small in scope but capacious. Building the educational process on the principle of integration, the educator solves such problems as:

Formation in children of deep, versatile knowledge;

Active formation of the surrounding reality, development of logic, thinking, communication skills;

The effectiveness of the upbringing and development of children.

The essence of an integrated approach to GCD is the combination of knowledge from different areas that complement each other. It is important to note that when planning and conducting GCD with children, such methods as help:

Surprise, game moments;

Consideration, observation, comparison, examination;

Comparative analysis, comparison;

problematic issues;

A variety of speech didactic games to activate the vocabulary, expand the idea of ​​the diversity of the facets of the native language, foster a sense of self-confidence.

The form of conducting GCD is non-standard, interesting, it can be travel, educational excursions, interesting meetings. The choice of a certain topic of the project determines the selection of educational areas for it, which will comprehensively reveal its content to the child.

For example, the theme of the project "Our Mothers" combines such educational areas as "Speech development", "Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".

During the thematic week, children listen to works about their mother, look at reproductions from paintings by famous artists (for example, A. Shilov's "Portrait of a Mother"), illustrations, photographs, children themselves draw portraits of their mothers, make gifts, you can organize an exhibition of portraits, a gift workshop for mothers and grandmothers, listen to musical works dedicated to mothers, organize a concert for mothers together with adults. On such days, it is useful to organize creative meetings with mothers and grandmothers who will talk about their profession, etc.

On such days, children not only immerse themselves in the atmosphere of joint teamwork, preparation for the holiday, but also learn to appreciate and respect relatives and friends. Spiritual, moral and gender education is evident here, such qualities as activity, curiosity, responsiveness, creativity are formed.

Or another example: Thematic week dedicated to Victory Day. A lot of preliminary work is being done with the children: reading stories about the Second World War, looking at pictures about the feat of soldiers, talking with children, drawing on the theme of the war, meeting with veterans, creating family presentations “Abakan during the war years”.

You can give many examples of the implementation of the principles of integration in GCD, the main thing is that it is interesting so that the child can realize his creative abilities: he composes, fantasizes, imagines, thinks, develops communication skills. Consequently, children learn to communicate freely and express their thoughts and opinions, which is an integral part of working with preschool children.

The technology of integration of organized educational activities may be different, but in any case, the manifestation of the creative activity of the teacher is necessary. This is one of the important conditions during its implementation for the development of children's abilities. Of course, when implementing the principles of integration, it is also necessary to have an equipped methodological base: the presence of computers, methodological developments, reproductions of paintings, collections of musical works, etc. The main search question arises: how to integrate educational areas in the educational process? I think there is only one answer: to show creativity, creativity and imagination.


1 Berezina N.O. Guidelines. M.: Enlightenment 2011-240s.

2 Veraksa N.E. Project activity of preschoolers. Mosaic-synthesis 2008-112s.

3 Emelyanova N.E. Integrated cognitive task as a systematizing factor in the development of the child. Primary School Plus before and after-2013 No. 10-1-7s.

4 Kirienko S.D. Integration of the content of education in the practice of work in preschool educational institutions. Primary School Plus before and after 2011-#10 1-5s.

5 Morozova L.D. Pedagogical design in the preschool educational institution. Sfera 2010-128s.

6 Trubaychuk L.V. Integration as a means of implementing the educational process. Primary School Plus before and after 2011-#10 1-7s.

7 Fomina N.A. Integration of educational areas in preschool educational institution No. 7 / 2012. 87s.

Preschool pedagogy is currently undergoing significant changes.

Particular attention is paid to the principle of integration of educational areas. According to numerous researchers, integrated learning contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world in children, makes it possible to realize creative abilities, develops communication skills and the ability to freely share impressions.

The principle of integration is innovative and obliges preschool educational institutions to radically restructure educational activities in kindergarten on the basis of synthesis, combining educational areas, which involves obtaining a holistic educational product that ensures the formation of integral qualities of a preschooler's personality and his harmonious entry into society.

Until recently, there was a subject system of education, upbringing and development in the preschool educational institution, and it turned out that knowledge remained scattered, artificially divided according to the subject principle.

The design of the educational process in a modern preschool educational institution requires a foundation on principleintegration educational areas and allowing to integrate the content of preschool education within the framework of a particular topic.

The choice of the topic and integrated educational areas belongs to teachers who implement the main general educational program of preschool education, taking into account the individual characteristics of children and the specific conditions for the implementation of the educational process.



"The principle of integration in preschool education"

Preschool pedagogy is currently undergoing significant changes.

Particular attention is paid to the principle of integration of educational areas. According to numerous researchers, integrated learning contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world in children, makes it possible to realize creative abilities, develops communication skills and the ability to freely share impressions.

The principle of integration is innovative and obliges preschool educational institutions to radically restructure educational activities in kindergarten on the basis of synthesis, combining educational areas, which involves obtaining a holistic educational product that ensures the formation of integral qualities of a preschooler's personality and his harmonious entry into society.

Until recently, there was a subject system of education, upbringing and development in the preschool educational institution, and it turned out that knowledge remained scattered, artificially divided according to the subject principle.

The design of the educational process in a modern preschool educational institution requires a foundation onprinciple of integrationeducational areas andcomplex-thematic principle,allowing to integrate the content of preschool education within the framework of a particular topic.

The choice of the topic and integrated educational areas belongs to teachers who implement the main general educational program of preschool education, taking into account the individual characteristics of children and the specific conditions for the implementation of the educational process.

In domestic pedagogy, the first attempt at a theoretical study of aspects of this problem was made by K.D. Ushinsky, who revealed the psychological foundations of the relationship of various subjects.

The system of knowledge that should be formed among students was understood by K.D. Ushinsky not as a mechanical sum of abstract ideas, but as a unity of organically interconnected knowledge about an objectively existing world. “Only the system, of course, is reasonable, emerging from the very essence of objects, and gives us complete power over our knowledge. A head filled with fragmentary, incoherent knowledge is like a pantry in which everything is in disorder and where the owner himself will not find anything.

Moreover, “to state without connection a description of certain natural objects and phenomena would mean

only it is useless to tire a child's memory."

One of the important principles of planning an integrated lesson is to determine the ratio of familiar and new material. The latter must necessarily be based on existing and well-learned knowledge, which contributes to the rapid construction of associations, involving the child in solving a problem situation from his own experience. Great importance in integrated classes is given to the development of a child's communication skills as one of the most important factors in his readiness for school.

Integrated classes give the greatest effect when these are not single experimental classes, but a system built according to a special program.

Integrated classes are characterized by a mixed structure, it allows you to maneuver in the organization of content, to present its individual parts in different ways.

1. Introduction . A problem situation is created that stimulates the activity of children to find its solution (for example, the question is asked: “Guys, what will happen if there is no water on Earth?”).

2. Main body. Children are given new knowledge necessary to solve a problematic issue (for example, the importance of water in nature and human life, etc.) based on the content of different sections of the program based on visibility. In parallel, work is underway to enrich and activate the vocabulary, teaching coherent speech.

3. Final part. Children are offered any practical work (didactic game, drawing, etc.) to consolidate the information received or update previously learned.

Integrated classes give the pupil a fairly broad and vivid idea of ​​the world in which he lives, the relationship of phenomena and objects, mutual assistance, the existence of a diverse world of material and artistic culture. The main emphasis is not so much on the assimilation of certain knowledge, but on the development of figurative thinking. Integrated classes also require the mandatory development of the creative activity of pupils. This allows using the content of all sections of the program, attracting information from various fields of science, culture, art, referring to the phenomena and events of the surrounding life.

The need for the organization of integrated classes is explained by a number of reasons:

  1. The world surrounding children is known by them in its diversity and unity, and often the sections of the preschool educational program aimed at studying the individual phenomena of this unity do not give an idea of ​​the whole phenomenon, splitting it into separate fragments.
  2. Integrated classes develop the potential of the pupils themselves, encourage active knowledge of the surrounding reality, understanding and finding cause-and-effect relationships, developing logic, thinking, and communication skills.
  3. The form of conducting integrated classes is non-standard, interesting. The use of various types of work during the lesson maintains the attention of the pupils at a high level, which allows us to speak about the sufficient effectiveness of the classes. Integrated classes reveal significant pedagogical opportunities, relieve fatigue, overstrain of pupils by switching to a variety of activities, significantly increase cognitive interest, serve to develop imagination, attention, thinking, speech and memory.
  4. Integration in modern society explains the need for integration in education. Modern society needs highly qualified, well-trained specialists. To meet this need, the training of educated specialists must begin from kindergarten, elementary grades, which is facilitated by integration into the preschool educational institution, primary school.
  5. Integration provides an opportunity for self-realization, self-expression, creativity of the teacher, contributes to the disclosure of his abilities.

The peculiarity of the organization of the integrative process in the preschool educational institution is such that all of the listed forms cannot exist in their pure form, the choice of a specific topic implies their integration.

For example, the topic “Our mothers” (senior preschool age) involves the choice of such educational areas as “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Music”, “Labor”, “Reading fiction”, “Artistic creativity”, as well as different types of activities: artistic and creative, gaming, reading, cognitive research. A single organizational form can be a matinee. During the day, children read works about mothers, draw portraits of mothers, make an exhibition of portraits, talk about mothers' professions, make a gift for mothers (for example, an application card), organize a concert for mothers together with adults, participate in the project "Mom's outfits" or " Hostess. On such a day, a meeting with one of the mothers is useful, who will share the secrets of preparing a favorite treat for her son or daughter. Children not only immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a joint holiday, but also learn the ideal of a modern woman, learn to appreciate and respect their mother. This is how spiritual, moral and gender education takes place, social, personal, artistic and creative, cognitive and speech development is carried out, as well as the formation of such qualities as activity, curiosity, emotional responsiveness, creativity.

The theme “My family” (senior preschool age) assumes as the leading form the choice of a project organized on the basis of the integration of all educational areas: “Health”, “Physical culture”, “Cognition”, “Music”, “Labor”, “Reading fiction literature”, “Communication”, “Safety”, “Artistic creativity”, “Socialization”. The project is quite time-consuming, so it can be completed within 3-5 days. The system-forming factor in the integration of educational areas can be the activity of compiling the "Family Tree" together with parents, the presentation of this project and the protection of each family. At the same time, it is important to tell not only about family members, but also about their rights, duties, and professions. It is also possible to defend the mini-project “Family Traditions and Hobbies”, in which children, together with their parents, in a free form (drawing, dance, photographs, dramatization) represent their family, maps of their microdistricts, houses, apartments. As materials for projects, children, together with their parents, select proverbs and sayings about the family. Projects can also include role-playing games (“Family”, “Furniture Salon”, “My Apartment”, “House”), dramatization games of fairy tales (“Turnip”, “Geese Swans”), creative storytelling (“ How I help at home”, “Who will I be”, “I will be mom / dad”, “Our favorite pets”). In addition, competitions can be included in such projects (“My family’s morning exercises”, “Mom, dad and I are a sports family”, “Love my dish of my family”, “Family budget”); drawing competition (“My family”, “We are on vacation”), family newspapers, organization of the exhibition “Family hobby”. The project can also read the stories of L.N. Tolstoy "Bone", "Filippok", A. Lindgren's fairy tale "The Kid and Carlson", listened to the works of P.I. Tchaikovsky from the "Children's Album", learned and performed songs about mother.

Integration as a holistic phenomenon that unites educational areas, different types of activities, techniques and methods into a single system based on calendar and thematic planning, acts in preschool education as the leading means of organizing the educational process, the leading form of which is not classes, but joint activities with adults and independent activities children.

Integration allows each child to open up in joint activities, to find the use of their abilities in creating a collective and individual creative product. An important aspect is the presentation of the results of this activity (at events where educators, parents, teachers of additional education are not observers, but active participants).

It should be borne in mind that any integration cannot replace the classical educational process in a preschool educational institution in the main sections of the program, it only connects knowledge. This means that children will be able to get more and more new ideas about concepts, systematically supplementing and expanding the circle of already existing knowledge and ideas.

Recently, in connection with the introduction of new educational standards, scientists and practitioners have regained interest in integration. The principle of integration of educational areas is innovative and obliges preschool educational institutions to radically rebuild educational activities in kindergarten on the basis of synthesis, combining educational areas, which involves obtaining a holistic educational product that ensures the formation of integral qualities of a preschooler's personality and his harmonious entry into society.



Integration of educational areas in preschool educational institutions

Recently, in connection with the introduction of new educational standards, scientists and practitioners have regained interest in integration. Thus, the fundamental principle of the development of modern preschool education, proposed by the Federal State Requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education (FGT), isprinciple of integration of educational areas.

This principle is innovative and obliges preschool educational institutions to radically restructure educational activities in kindergarten on the basis of synthesis, combining educational areas, which involves obtaining a holistic educational product that ensures the formation of integral qualities of a preschooler's personality and his harmonious entry into society.

According to such researchers as M. V. Krulekht, A. G. Gogoberidze, M. V. Lazareva, the implementation of the principle of integration contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world in children, the development of communication skills and the ability to freely share impressions, and makes it possible to realize creative abilities.

The principle of integration requires the selection and selection of the content of education, as well as ways to implement it, ensuring the integrity of the child's perception of the world around him, awareness of the various connections between its objects and phenomena.

First of all, it is important to define such a definition as"integration". The term "integration" refers to the number of general scientific concepts. Its active use in domestic science has been noted since the 1980s. Philosophy, and then pedagogy, gradually moved towards the characterization of such phenomena as fusion, connection, interconnection, etc. The comprehension of the concept of "integration" came from the comprehension of the categories "connection", "relationships", "integrated approach", "system", "integrity".

At first, philosophers worked out quite deeply the concepts included in the category of "integration". Having achieved some unity in understanding their meaning, we approached the definition of the concept of "integration". The definition of this concept has been refined, supplemented and deepened over the years. Here are some definitions from philosophical dictionaries of different years.

In 1975, integration was understood as “the unification into a whole, into the unity of any elements, the restoration of any unity” (N.M. Kondakov). Integration was defined in 1983 as “a side of the development process associated with the unification into a whole of previously heterogeneous parts and elements” (S.S. Averintsev). In 1987, integration was considered as a concept “meaning the connectivity of differentiated parts and functions of a system, an organism into a whole, as well as a process leading to such a state” (Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary).

Philosophers now understand integration both as a process and as a result of resolving any contradictions through the establishment of connections, as the highest level of interconnection, which gives such a product as an integral consistent system.

In pedagogy, this concept came from philosophy. The problem of integration in education was dealt with by O.P. Petrova, A.V. Petrov, V.S. Bezrukova, N.S. Antonov, A.V. Antonova, T.S. Komarova, M.S. Asimov, A. N. Tursunov, Yu. S. Tyunnikov, N. K. Chapaev, M. N. Berulava, A. A. Kharunzhev, V. G. Ivanov and others. teachers followed the path of direct borrowing of definitions and characteristics of integration from philosophical sources. But this deprived the pedagogical theory of integration of independence and reflection of the specifics of the integration of pedagogical phenomena, so later the concepts of pedagogical integration appeared.

Pedagogical integration,according to V. S. Bezrukova, this is the establishment of connections and relationships by pedagogical means and for the sake of pedagogical goals. It is carried out within the framework of pedagogical theory and practice, therefore pedagogical principles, forms and methods of integration are used. Pedagogical integration has several essential characteristics that determine its categorical status. Most often, integration is seen as a process and as a result of this process. But, in addition, integration is often characterized as a principle for the development of pedagogy and pedagogical practice. The triune role of integration (principle, process, result) explains the objectivity of the existence of several definitions of this concept. We are interested in such definitions asprocess and result.

As a process integration is seen as "the direct establishment of links between objects and the creation of a new integrated system in accordance with the intended result" (V.S. Bezrukova). This is a kind of procedure for integrating objects, which includes the choice of necessary and expedient links from the totality of their types and types, methods for establishing these links.

As a result Integration acts as a form that objects acquire by interacting with each other. As a form, integrative programs, integrative types of children's activities, integrative forms of organization of psychological and pedagogical work, various technologies can be presented.

The integration process and its design are proposed to be carried out in two stages.

First stage consists in preparing for the integration process, which involves:

  • determination of the direction (goal) of integration;
  • selection of integration objects and their analysis;
  • choice of the form of the integration process with its essential and formal-logical features.

The result of the preparatory phase should bemodel of integrative educational process,i.e., the prevailing general idea of ​​what exactly is being integrated and what should come of it.

Second stage of integrationis a direct development of the chosen form of integration, namely:

  • choice of system-forming factor;
  • creation of a new neoplasm structure;
  • establishing links and dependencies of the integration components;
  • application of integration methods;
  • fixing a new integrative formation.

Integration in the general case, it means unification, interpenetration - the unification into one "whole" of various elements or parts. The "whole" always has more advantages and opportunities than the disparate elements. Integrated activities make the pedagogical process more interesting and meaningful.

Integration in preschool education ensures the total impact of educational components on pupils, which is many times more active and preferable than the influence of each of them separately, which ensures a positive result of educational work. Integration consists in the implementation of both the priority goals and objectives of the upbringing and development of the individual on the basis of the formation of holistic ideas about the world around; in the implementation of not only substantive, but also formal goals and objectives of education and development; in strengthening the links between the components of the content of different sections of the program (interspecific integration) and within sections (intraspecific integration); in the interaction of methods and techniques of education and organization of direct educational activities of children (methodological integration); in the synthesis of types of children's activities; in the introduction of integrated forms of organizing joint activities of an adult and children and independent activities of children with a complex structure.

For the first time, interest in this problem arises in the works of Ya.A. Comenius. “Everything, both the largest and the smallest, must be adjusted to each other and connected in order to form an inseparable whole.” Ya.A. Comenius wrote that an object will be assimilated if a solid foundation is laid on it, if this foundation is laid deep, if everything that allows for difference is different in the most precise way, and everything that has a mutual connection is constantly connected. These provisions of the great didactic present the essence of the universal course of development of any large complex system in relation to a particular case, which is the child's knowledge system that develops in the learning process.

In domestic pedagogy, the first attempt at a theoretical study of aspects of this problem was made by K.D. Ushinsky, who revealed the psychological foundations of the relationship of various subjects. The system of knowledge that should be formed among students was understood by K.D. Ushinsky not as a mechanical sum of abstract ideas, but as a unity of organically interconnected knowledge about an objectively existing world. “Only the system, of course, is reasonable, emerging from the very essence of objects, and gives us complete power over our knowledge. A head filled with fragmentary, incoherent knowledge is like a pantry in which everything is in disorder and where the owner himself will not find anything. Moreover, "to state without connection a description of certain natural objects and phenomena would only mean uselessly tiring a child's memory."

In particular, K.D. Ushinsky was the first to propose the integration of reading and writing in elementary school based on the sound analytical-synthetic method of teaching literacy. As conceived by the teacher, this made it possible to adapt and combine into a single whole the individual elements of two types of speech activity - writing and reading - in order to achieve a common goal: the formation in children of the ability to communicate remotely using text. Thus, when teaching literacy K.D. Ushinsky proposed to combine reading and writing, based on common linguistic foundations: acquaintance with sound, letter, syllables, words, sentences, text.

Throughout the 20th century, integration was used by teachers at different levels of education as a harmonious combination of various subjects, which made it possible to bring integrity to the child's knowledge of the world. Particular interest in the problem of integration appeared at the end of the 20th century. At the same time, the term "integration" itself appeared. At the UNESCO session (1993), a working definition of integration was adopted as such an organic relationship, such an interpenetration of knowledge, which should lead the student to an understanding of a unified scientific picture of the world. This definition gives an understanding of the ultimate goal of the integrated process and has an ideological aspect, but (like any definition) requires clarification.

Yu.S. Tyunnikov highlightssigns of an integrative process:

1) integration is built as the interaction of heterogeneous, previously disparate individual elements;

2) integration is associated with qualitative and quantitative transformations of interacting elements;

3) the integrative process has its own logical and content basis;

4) there must be pedagogical expediency and relative independence of the integrative process.

“In the process of integration,” notes Yu.S. Tyunnikov, - there is a constant change in individual elements, they are included in a larger number of connections. The accumulation of these changes leads to a transformation in the structure of functions of the elements that have entered into a relationship and, as a result, the emergence of a new integrity.

These signs of integration are the basis for its application in modern education. But the greatest achievement of practical science in the late 1980s and early 1990s was the creation of a variety of integrated courses in elementary school. Prior to this, it was believed that integrated education should be started later - at 11–12 years old, since the younger student is not ready for it, since he does not have logical thinking (N.N. Svetlovskaya). However, the studies of V.V. Davydova, L.V. Zankov and other scientists proved the opposite. Since that time, the integrated courses "Mathematics and Design", "Natural Studies", "Environment", "Fine Arts and Artistic Work" began to be tested.

Support for integrated learning is also intensively carried out by psychologists. A significant contribution to it was made by the theory of internalization by A.N. Leontiev: “The main role in the development of concrete psychological views on the origin of internal mental operations was played by the introduction into psychology of the concept of internalization”, which means the transformation of the process of external activity into processes of consciousness, during which “they are generalized, verbalized, reduced and, most importantly, become capable of to further development that transcends the boundaries of the possibilities of external activity.

In preschool pedagogyAt present, significant theoretical and practical material has also been accumulated on the problem of the relationship between types of children's activities from the standpoint of a comprehensive and integrated approach (N.A. Vetlugina, T.G. Kazakova, S.P. Kozyreva, T.S. Komarova, G.P. . Novikova and others). So, T.S. Komarova considers integration as a deeper form of interconnection, interpenetration of the different content of the education of preschool children, covering all types of artistic and creative activities. At the same time, the author emphasizes that in integration one type of art acts as a pivotal one, while the other one helps a broader and deeper understanding of images and their creation by various expressive means.

However, integrated classes have not been specifically studied as a form of integrated preschool education. At present, a completely different task has been set before the preschool educational institution - to develop not integrated classes through the synthesis of educational areas, but to offera holistic integrative process of interaction between an adult and a child on a specific topic within one dayin which they will be harmoniousvarious educational areas are combined for a holistic perception of the world around. This is a fundamentally new approach to preschool education. Until recently, there was a subject system of education and upbringing in the preschool educational institution, and it turned out that knowledge remained scattered, artificially divided according to the subject principle.

The need to implement the principle of integration in preschool education lies in the very nature of thinking, dictated by the objective laws of higher nervous activity, the laws of psychology and physiology. The use of integration in preschool education is explained primarily by a biological phenomenon, which is characterized by intensive maturation of the body and the formation of the psyche: rapid physical development occurs, body proportions change, muscle mass increases, brain mass increases. A child of preschool age in a relatively short period goes through all the stages of human development.

According to some scientists (A.F. Yafalyan and others), holographic (holistic) and subsensory (supersensitive) perception of the world, which are innate, ensure the rapid development of the child. Obviously, it was holographic and subsensory nature that allowed the preschooler to master the world at a fast pace, to go through the stages of human development in 4–5 years. High sensitivity, integrity of perception of the world give him the opportunity to most fully, voluminously, quickly and, most importantly, accurately assimilate human experience.

At birth, a child is a large sensitive organ or, more precisely, is in a holographic (holistic) state. He is able to holistically, undividedly, and therefore accurately and adequately perceive the world. Children's perception is holographic: the child "hears" with his whole body, "sees" with his whole body. The world, external influences permeate the body, psyche, brain and are adequately perceived. Gradually, over time, differentiation of the sense organs occurs. The extinction of subsensory and holographic, according to scientists, dramatically reduces the rate of development of the child. Ensuring the systematic functioning of the integration process allows you to create a holistic system for the development of cognitive activity among preschoolers and makes it possible to holistically perceive the world around without violating its nature.

Any integration is interaction with each other.You can interact in several ways:

  • frontal, aimed at all children at once
  • individual, directed at each child separately and the response from each is not related to other children
  • subgroup (children are united on a certain basis and an adult interacts with the entire subgroup as a whole, receiving a response from each subgroup)
  • intragroup, the same as subgroup, but the interaction of children within the group is added to achieve the goal (teamwork)
  • intergroup (groups interact with an adult and with each other to achieve a goal);
  • general command (the highest way; an adult leads a group of children as a whole, and subgroups interact with each other).

Forms of integration:

  • Layer-like - the layering of layers of various types of art and activity, the content of which is permeated with one goal - the creation of a holistic artistic image in the mind of the child;
  • Spiral - the content and types of activities gradually increase quantitatively and qualitatively, changing at each turn;
  • Contrast - the principle of dialogue and contrast in the reasoning of the teacher and children. It is based on comparison, comparison and problematic issues;
  • Interpenetrating - the organization of this type of artistic and creative activity, into which other types are poured (music, art, etc.).
  • Individually differentiated - orientation towards creating conditions for the creative development of the child.

Functions of pedagogical integration.

The functions of pedagogical integration are the ways of displaying its activity in the performance of a certain task or role.

In modern pedagogy, there is no generally accepted list of integration functions, therefore it is advisable to single out the most general, invariant functions of pedagogical integration that would be relevant to all its varieties. These can be: methodological, developing, technological functions. Each of them is capable of accumulating a number of smaller functions.

1. Methodological function.Three aspects of the methodological function of pedagogical integration can be distinguished: heuristic, worldview-axiological, instrumental:

- the heuristic aspect is associated with the ability of pedagogical integration, to serve as an initial basis for the development of new pedagogical concepts;

- the ideological and axiological aspect is manifested, first of all, in the fact that pedagogical integration serves as a means of intellectual and spiritual enrichment of the participants in the pedagogical process;

- the instrumental aspect of the methodological function of pedagogical integration expresses its ability to act as a tool:

a) knowledge and transformation of pedagogical science: today, due to the rapid development of integration processes in it, it is turning into one of the leading scientific constellations that determine the further movement of science in general and, especially, the humanities, which is determined by the occupation of pedagogy of central positions in the structure of modern human knowledge;

b) knowledge and transformation of educational practice, which is confirmed in the intensification of the processes of development and updating of integrative technologies;

c) designed to ensure the continuity of new and old, theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

2. Developing function.

Development is accomplished through differentiation of the whole, allocation of functions, acts of behavior in it and their new integration, unification into a new whole. Differentiation leads to the emergence of new actions - perceptual, mnemonic, mental, etc., to the multiplication, enrichment and improvement of mental activity, integration - to streamlining, subordination and hierarchization of their results. Integration serves as a means of forming new mental formations, a new structure of activity.

3. Technological function.Its content includes: compression, compaction of information and time; elimination of duplication and establishment of continuity in the development of knowledge and skills; dissolution and interpenetration of knowledge and skills of some disciplines into others; systematization of concepts, facts, skills, denial of some part of acquired knowledge, skills in the formation of generalized integrative properties, establishment of subordination and coordination.

For the effective organization of the integration process in preschool education, it is necessary to highlightsystem-forming factor of integrationas a "working unit", which can be any component of the content of preschool education, the qualitative characteristics of its participants. The main system-forming factor iseducational areas.

FGT distinguish 10 educational areas ("Health", "Physical culture", "Cognition", "Music", "Labor", "Reading fiction", "Communication", "Safety", "Artistic creativity", "Socialization") , GEF DO - 5 educational areas ("Social and communicative development", "Speech development", "Cognitive development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development"), which should not be implemented in the educational activities of the preschool educational institution in its pure form - their synthesis is necessary, integration is needed, which will provide qualitative and quantitative changes in the formation of personality traits of a preschooler. At the same time, one must understand that it is not so much their unification that gives integrity to educational areas, but the penetration of one area (or several) into another.

Second system-forming factor is integration educational areasbased on calendar-thematic planning, which determines the logical and content basis of a holistic educational process.

Third factor isintegration of core activitiespreschool children: cognitive research, labor, artistic and creative, communicative, motor. Activity as a psychological basis for integration is able to unite disparate components within itself and provide the necessary conditions for the emergence of a new educational product, the creation of which includes teachers, children, and parents. Such an educational product can be new knowledge, a drawing, a dance, a performance, a text composed by a child, etc. Some scientists, when integrating various types of activities, propose to createsynthetic activity blocks. So, D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya is developing a "creative field" that allows you to include the child in creative activity. Other methodologists offer modules as an integrator of various activities. As an integrator of all types of child activities in preschool education, it is also appropriate to consider the game.

In an integrated activity, several types of children's activities can be represented, the content of which is determined by one topic. At the same time, attention should be paid to the fact that the structure of integrated activities should be represented by the components of each type of children's activity included in it.

Consider the specifics of the types of children's activities: essence, types and structures.

Game activity

Game activity is a form of a child's activity that is aimed not at the result, but at the process of action and methods for its implementation, and is characterized by the adoption by the child of a conditional (as opposed to his real life) position.

Types of gaming activities:

Creative Games:

- directing (based on ready-made content proposed by adults; based on literary works; with plots invented by children on their own);

- role-playing;

- dramatization games;

- theatrical

- games with building material (with specially created material: floor and table building material, building kits, constructors, etc.; with natural materials; with auxiliary materials, etc.);

- fantasy games;

- improvisational games-etudes;

Games with rules:

- didactic (by content: mathematical, speech, environmental, etc.; by didactic material: games with objects, desktop-printed, verbal (task games, conversation games, travel games, guessing games, riddle games ));

- mobile (according to the degree of mobility: low, medium and high mobility; according to the prevailing movements: games with jumping, running, climbing, etc.; in subjects: games with a ball, with a hoop, etc.);

- developing;

- musical;

- computer (based on the plots of works of art; strategies; educational).

Structure of game activity (games as activities):

Motivation - voluntariness of participation in gaming activities, the possibility of choice, competitiveness, satisfaction of the needs of children in activity, approval, self-affirmation, self-realization;

Goal-setting - the goal of play activity is specific, the child perceives it as play actions that he intends to carry out (feed the doll, catch up with those who run away, lay out cards by color, etc.);

Planning - preliminary or proceeding during the game, thinking about its procedural side, for example, the sequence of game actions, the unfolding of the plot, etc.;

Means - toys, objects, materials, play environment;

Actions - actions with the help of which the plot of the game is embodied, roles are played, the game task is solved;

The result is expressed, in contrast to productive activities, in positive emotions, meeting the needs of children in activity, approval, self-affirmation, self-realization.

The structure of creative play as a process (D. B. Elkonin):

The roles that the players take on;

Actions that are generalized and abbreviated, ways of implementing roles;

The use of objects, in which real objects are replaced by game objects (conditional);

Plot, content - the area of ​​reality, conditionally reproduced in the game;

Real relations between playing children, expressed in various remarks, remarks, through which the course of the game is regulated.

Game structure with rules:

Didactic task (for children it is formulated as a game);

Means for implementing the game task;

Game actions (methods of manifestation of the child's activity for game purposes);

Rules (have a universal binding character);

Result (child's solution of a game problem).

The highlighted features of gaming activity determine its significance for solving the problems of all educational areas. It should be emphasized that the implementation of any activity may have a game character or proceed as a certain type of game. For example, motor activity is an outdoor game; cognitive research activity - didactic game, etc. This allows us to define association as a way of integrating game activity with any other type of children's activity.

Cognitive research activity

Cognitive research activity is a form of a child's activity aimed at understanding the properties and relationships of objects and phenomena, mastering the methods of cognition, contributing to the formation of a holistic picture of the world.

In the process of cognition, information is received (received) and comprehended with the help of cognitive mental processes (sensation, perception, thinking, memory, speech), which are inseparable parts of a single process of displaying the objective world and its transformation into a subjective image (experience).

The structure of cognitive research activities:

Statement (or acceptance) of a cognitive (search) task as a result of understanding the problem and analyzing the problem situation;

Finding ways to solve the problem (making assumptions, defining a hypothesis);

Determination of an action plan for solving a cognitive task (for testing a hypothesis, for implementing a method of cognition);

Implementation of an action plan for solving a cognitive problem (conducting an observation, experiment, etc.);

Analysis of the results, discussion of the results, fixation of the results and formulation of conclusions.

Types of cognitive research activities:




Experimentation (for children) is a type of cognitive research activity aimed at transforming an object for the purpose of cognition, the result of which is the formation of generalized methods for practical study of the situation (N. N. Poddyakov).

Experimentation as a type of cognitive research activity is the second leading activity in preschool age (N. N. Poddyakov).

Researchers of experimentation (M. I. Lisina, S. L. Novoselova, N. N. Poddyakov, J. Flavell, and others) single out the main feature of this type of cognitive research activity: the child learns the object in the course of practical activity; the practical actions carried out by him perform a cognitive, orienting and research function, creating conditions in which the content of the object of knowledge is revealed.

Experimentation contributes to the powerful manifestation of children's own activity, aimed at obtaining new knowledge (cognitive form) and products of children's creativity (productive form).

Qualitative features and intensity of experimentation of preschoolers depend on the interaction of three aspects of this type of cognitive research activity:

A) the variety of practical influences of the child on the object being examined (search aimed at obtaining information);

C) the child's comprehension of the content of the object (analysis, comprehension of the information received).

There is mental and real experimentation. Mental experimentation is the operation of an ideal model that replaces a real object (A.P. Chernov). Real experimentation is a practical knowledge of reality, operating (direct practical actions) with the object itself or its material model.

Research activity is a type of cognitive research activity associated with the solution of a creative, research problem with a solution unknown in advance and assuming the presence of the main stages characteristic of research in the scientific field.

Research activity, in contrast to experimentation, involves the implementation of all the above structural components of cognitive research activity as stages of activity and the maximum independence of children at all stages.

Modeling is a type of cognitive research activity that involves an indirect practical or theoretical study of an object, in which not the object of interest to us is directly studied, but an auxiliary system that is in some objective correspondence with the object being known.

The peculiarity of modeling lies in obtaining objectively new information (cognitive function) by operating with sign-symbolic means, which represent structural, functional, genetic relationships at the level of essence (N. G. Salmina).

The classification of modeling according to the specifics of actions includes:

- substitution;

- drawing up models;

– activities using models.

The classification of modeling by the nature of the models includes:

1. Object modeling - the model reproduces the geometric, physical, dynamic or functional characteristics of the object. Such models are used to study the processes occurring in the original object of research or development (a model of an ecosystem (forest), a model of a mill, a bridge, etc.).

2. Sign modeling - the role of models is played by sign formations of any kind: diagrams, graphs, drawings, formulas, graphs, words and sentences in a certain alphabet (natural or artificial language) (craft diagram, a visual algorithm for performing crafts, conducting experiments and etc.).

3. Mental modeling - models become mentally visual.

4. Modeling, in which the experiment includes not the object itself, but its model, due to which the latter acquires the character of a model experiment (experiments with a globe to demonstrate the change of day and night when the planet rotates around its axis).

The identified features of cognitive research activity determine its significance for solving the problems of all educational areas. It should be emphasized that the implementation of tasks in any activity has an indicative stage, which is implemented as a cognitive-search stage. This allows us to define association as a way of integrating cognitive research activities with any other type of children's activity.

Communicative activity

Communicative activity is a form of a child's activity aimed at interacting with another person as a subject, a potential communication partner, involving the coordination and unification of efforts in order to establish relationships and achieve a common result.

Components of communicative activity:

The subject of communication, presented by another person, a communication partner;

Communication needs - the child's desire for knowledge and evaluation of other people, and on this basis for self-knowledge and self-esteem. They include the need for benevolent attention, cooperation, respect, mutual understanding and empathy;

The motives of communication are the impulse to communicate, which is represented by one's own qualities and the qualities of other people, for the sake of which a person enters into communication. Motives of communication of a preschooler - business, personal, cognitive;

Means of communication - operations with the help of which communicative activity is carried out. In the process of communicative activity, a preschooler uses all possible means of communication: expressive-mimic, subject-effective, speech.

Communication is represented by communicative, perceptual and interactive sides. Communication between a child and an adult is realized in the following forms:

Situational business;


Extra-situational-personal. Communication of the child with peers is realized in the following forms:


Situational business;

Extra-situational business.

FGT and the practice of preschool education emphasize the importance of mastering oral speech by children. Let's take a closer look at its structure.

Types of oral speech:

monologue speech;

Dialogic speech.

Sides of oral speech:

The lexical side of speech - includes vocabulary, the meaning of words and their appropriate use, associative links, lexical means of expression;

The grammatical structure of speech - includes the morphological side of speech, word formation, syntax;

Pronunciation side - includes speech hearing, sound pronunciation, orthoepic correctness of speech, sound expressiveness of speech, diction, culture of speech behavior;

Elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech (preparation for teaching literacy) - includes familiarization with the word, sentence, the verbal composition of the sentence, the syllabic structure of the word, the sound structure of the word.

The identified features of communicative activity determine its significance for solving the problems of all educational areas. It should be emphasized that any kind of children's activity can be of a collective nature, including proceeding as a child's cooperation with other children or adults. For example, motor activity is an outdoor game in a subgroup of children; cognitive research activity - conducting research in pairs; productive activity - making collective crafts, etc. This allows us to define association as a way of integrating communicative activity with any other type of children's activity.

motor activity

Motor activity is a form of a child's activity that allows him to solve motor problems by implementing motor functions.

Types of motor activity:


- basic movements (walking, running, throwing, jumping, climbing, balance);

- drill exercises (building, rebuilding);

- general developmental exercises;

- dance exercises;

Sport exercises:

- summer;

- winter;


- mobile;

– sports;

The simplest tourism.

The structure of gymnastics, sports exercises, simple tourism:

goal setting;

Definition of sports equipment to achieve the goal;


Motor actions;


The structure of the game (mobile, sports):

Didactic task;

Means (equipment) for the implementation of the didactic task;

Game actions;



Labor activity

Labor activity is a form of a child's activity that requires efforts to satisfy physiological and moral needs and brings a specific result that can be seen/touched/felt.

Types of labor activity of preschoolers (according to the content of labor):


Household work;

Labor in nature;

Manual labor.

The structure of the labor process:

Goal setting and motivation of the labor process;


Labor equipment (tools);

labor activities;

The result of labor (product of labor).

productive activity

Productive activity is a form of child activity, as a result of which a material or ideal product is created.

Types of productive activities:


- subject;

- plot;

- decorative;


- subject;

- plot;

- decorative;

Artistic work:

- application (subject; plot; decorative (pattern));

- construction from paper;


– construction from building materials;

– construction from boxes, coils and other materials;

- construction from natural materials.

The structure of productive activity (drawing, modeling):


The process of creating a product (pictorial actions);

Analysis of results.

The structure of productive activity (artistic work):

Analysis of the sample from the point of view of the manufacturing method;


Choice of means, materials, tools;

The process of creating a product (“transferring” a learned action from one specific craft to another; from one material to another, adjusting actions taking into account the specifics of the material);

Intermediate results (self-control);

The results of children's activities (assessment).

The structure of productive activity (design):

Idea (plan); choice of means, materials, tools;

Determining the sequence of actions;

The process of creating a product;

Evaluation of results.

Musical and artistic activity

Musical and artistic activity is a form of a child's activity that gives him the opportunity to choose the closest and most successful positions in the implementation: a listener who is able to evaluate a piece of music and express the results of his own perception; performer of musical works (singer, orchestra member, dancer); composer (improviser of musical chants and dances; creator of the plot of a musical and dramatic game, etc.).

Musical and artistic activity is characterized by great independence in determining the concept of work, a conscious choice of means of expression, and sufficiently developed emotional, expressive and technical skills. The core of artistic activity is the artistic image as a peculiar way of conveying the phenomena of reality.

Types of musical and artistic activities:

Listening to music (musical and artistic perception);

Music performance (performance):

- singing;

- musical and rhythmic movements;

- playing children's musical instruments (elementary music making);

Creativity (elementary musical creativity) - attempts at individual embodiment, interpretation of the musical image presented in:

- singing;

- rhythmic;

- musical and gaming activities;

- playing children's musical instruments.

Structure of listening to music:

Need, motive and attitude to listening to music;

Communication with art, in particular with music (artistic experience);

Evaluation, judgment.

The structure of musical and performing activities:

Need, motive and installation for the performance of a musical work;

Thinking through the character of the future musical image by the child;

Search for adequate means of expressing the invented musical image;

Interpretation (embodiment) of a musical image (transmission with the help of special skills of the result of perception of a musical image).

The structure of the creative act:

Intention: the emergence of interest in creativity, the motive of activity associated with its result;

Search for means of expression: creative actions of the child to change, supplement and combine known elements, apply skills in new conditions, find new options for solving creative tasks;

The birth of a new work: the creation (interpretation, improvisation) of a musical work or musical image (the result of expressing the inner world of the child, his abilities, inclinations, values).

Perception of fiction

The perception of fiction, as a special type of children's activity, is a form of child activity that involves not passive contemplation, but activity that is embodied in internal assistance, empathy for the characters, in the imaginary transfer of events to oneself, "mental action", resulting in the effect personal presence, personal participation in events (M. M. Alekseeva, V. I. Yashina).

The perception of fiction, being a mental act, has an external expression in the following activities:

Reading (listening);

Discussion (reasoning);

Narrative (retelling), recitation;


situational conversation.

M. P. Voyushina identified four levels of perception of a work of art:

Fragment level. Children who are at a fragmentary level of perception of a work of art do not have a holistic view of the work, their attention is focused only on individual, usually the most striking events - the plot, climax or denouement - that is, fragments of the work; they cannot make connections between episodes. An immediate emotional reaction when listening to a text can be vivid and fairly accurate, but children find it difficult to verbally express their feelings, do not distinguish between the dynamics of emotions, and do not associate their experiences with specific events described in the work. Their imagination is poorly developed, the reconstruction of a literary image, based on what they read, is replaced by an appeal to life impressions. Children cannot always determine the motives of the character's behavior, do not correlate the motives, circumstances and consequences of the hero's actions, find it difficult to determine the qualities of his character by the actions of the character, therefore their opinion about the actions of the hero is inaccurate, distorted or even incorrect from the everyday point of view;

Ascertaining level (corresponds to the reproductive level of understanding the work). For all levels of perception, except for fragmentary, integrity is characteristic. Thanks to more developed attention, children who are at the ascertaining level of perception of a work of art easily memorize the plot, restore the actions of the characters, and retell the text. Children with a stating perception of a work of art are distinguished by an accurate direct emotional reaction, they are able to see a change in mood, but it is still difficult for them to express their feelings - they do not know the appropriate vocabulary, do not name the shades of feelings, usually limited to the words "fun" or "sad". Imagination is poorly developed, the recreation of a literary image is replaced by a listing of individual details. Children's attention is focused on events, they easily restore their sequence, but they do not always understand how events are related to each other. Usually they can explain the reasons for the individual actions of the characters, but it is difficult for them to cover all the cause-and-effect relationships, to take into account all the circumstances. They easily reproduce the general, external situation described in a work of art; with special questions from the teacher, they can correctly determine the motives for the behavior of the characters, while focusing on their own worldly ideas about the reasons for this or that act, without noticing the author of the work. But, unlike children with a fragmentary level of perception of a work of art, children with a stating level try to think, justify their answers, see a change in mood;

Level of "hero", character (analytical level). Children who are at the “hero” level are distinguished by an accurate emotional reaction, the ability to see and convey the dynamics of emotions in a word, correlating the change in their feelings with specific events described in a work of art. Possessing a developed imagination, they are able to recreate a literary image based on artistic details. In the work they are interested, first of all, in the characters, hence the name of this level. Children correctly determine the motives, the consequences of the actions of the characters, evaluate the heroes, justify their point of view with reference to the actions. True, in many ways their motivation remains naive and superficial: children perceive only obvious facts and do not see the subtext in a work of art. Summarizing what he heard, the child talks only about the hero of the work, the generalization does not go beyond the specific situation, specific image, character assessment;

Idea level. Children who are at the “idea” level are able to emotionally respond not only to the event side of the work, but also to the artistic form. They have a developed imagination and recreate a literary image based on artistic details. They like to listen to the piece several times and reflect on what they hear. Their generalization goes beyond the specific image. Although the wording of the answers may be childishly naive, it is the children's desire to correlate the reflections caused by a work of art with real life, to identify the problem in the work, which is important. Children are able to see the main conflict of the work, they are interested in the author's attitude to the characters, the motives of the characters' behavior, they often pay attention to the title of the work, to individual artistic details.

The structure of perception of fiction:

Need, motive and attitude to the perception and reflection of works of fiction;

Thinking through the integrity of the displayed literary image by the child;

The preschooler's search for adequate means of reflecting the literary image;

Interpretation (embodiment) of a literary image (transmission with the help of special skills of the result of perception of a literary image).

As a result of the development of integrative activity, the child develops holistic social and psychological formations, integrated methods of activity that are easily transferred from one sphere to another, an individual style of activity, the development of social experience, and the development of creative abilities.

fourth can be considered as a systemic factorformation of integral personality traits, which are provided by the FGT as the end result of the educational activities of the preschool educational institution. At its core, a person is holistic, systemic. In the process of personal development, the child gradually acquires independence as the ability for autonomous existence and social activity as the ability to create and maintain their relationship with the environment. The integral individuality of each person is formed in the process of upbringing, development and training.

In the FGT, the lines of education are clearly distinguished: spiritual and moral, civil, patriotic, gender, as well as the education of a healthy safe lifestyle. The federal document also highlights unified educational processes focused on educating a citizen who loves his people, his land and his homeland, who is tolerant of the culture, traditions and customs of other peoples. In addition, FGT outlines the lines of development of preschool children: physical, social and personal, cognitive and speech, artistic and speech. Undoubtedly, the integration of educational activities should take into account and ensure the processes of upbringing and development of a preschooler.

In order to qualitatively implement integration into the preschool educational institution, it is necessary to highlightforms of integration, which will ensure the synthesis of educational areas, the relationship of different types of activities and the formation of the integral qualities of the personality of a preschooler in the process of education, development on the basis of calendar and thematic planning. The forms of the integrative process characterize the final product, which acquires new functions and new relationships between the teacher, pupil, parents within one day, one week. Such integrative forms in preschool educational institutions can be joint creative projects, holidays, experiments, excursions, role-playing games.

The peculiarity of the organization of the integrative process in the preschool educational institution is such that all of the listed forms cannot exist in their pure form, the choice of a specific topic implies their integration.

Thus, integration as a holistic phenomenon that unites educational areas, different types of activities, techniques and methods into a single system based on calendar and thematic planning, acts in preschool education as the leading means of organizing the educational process, the leading form of which is not classes, but joint with adults and independent activities of children.


  1. Davydov, V.V. Psychological theory of educational activity and methods of primary education based on meaningful generalization / V.V. Davydov. - Tomsk: Peleng, 1992. - 102 p.
  2. Comenius, Ya.A. Selected pedagogical works / Ya.A. Comenius. - M. : Uchpedgiz, 1955. - 279 p.
  3. Leontiev, A.N. Activity: Consciousness: Personality / A.N. Leontiev. - M. : Politizdat, 1972. - 354 p.

At the present stage of development, human society requires the introduction of new approaches that increase the level of the educational process of the younger generation. How can this problem be solved? Integration in pedagogy is a real way that allows former students to quickly adapt to the world around them. That is why it is important for any teacher to understand what this concept includes.

Integration Prerequisites

The most common word in the vocabulary of a modern teacher and educator is the word "system". It implies:

  • educational institution as a system;
  • systems of training sessions;
  • a system of relationships between children and teachers, etc.

And all this is completely natural. After all, even A. S. Makarenko argued that no means can be considered separately from the system. Moreover, it cannot be recognized as good or bad when considered outside the complex of existing educational influences.

Inextricably linked with the system is such a concept as “integration in pedagogy and education”. It gives integrity to the entire learning process.

Concept definition

This in pedagogy is nothing but a process, as well as the result of the interaction of various elements. The above leads eventually to the emergence of something holistic, new.

The principle of integration in pedagogy can be considered in two aspects. Firstly, this is a state characterized by consistency, orderliness and stability of links between various elements. Secondly, the process that leads to this state. In addition, integration is a very important indicator of the effectiveness of the entire education system in pedagogy, since it serves as a criterion for its integrity.

The interaction of various elements in a preschool educational institution is a complex and multilevel process. That is why there are different approaches to the definition of the concept of integration. So, V. S. Bezrukova believes that integration is the definition of the highest form of interconnection in pedagogy. It expresses the unity of all components of the education system, defining its content.

And according to the scientist O. G. Gilyazov, integration in pedagogy is an integral system of organically interconnected disciplines. It is built by analogy with the world that surrounds the child.

According to I. S. Serdyukova, integration in pedagogy is nothing more than a process of communication and convergence of sciences, which are the highest form of transition to a higher quality level of education.

However, despite different opinions, the concept under consideration is invariably based on procedural characteristics. That is why integration in pedagogy is a well-structured, multi-component and well-organized connection of all parts of the education system. Its ultimate goal is the self-development of the child.

The value of integration

A holistic system of various elements in education serves for the versatile development of children. In addition, it contributes to the satisfaction of their interests and abilities, providing coordination of influence on the emotional, motivational, volitional and effective-practical sphere of the child's individuality.

The concept of "integration" in pedagogy means:

  • complex characteristic;
  • a combination of pedagogical tools used in extracurricular and educational activities;
  • integrity in achieving planned results;
  • the relationship between basic and additional education;
  • flexibility in the organization of educational activities using various methods and forms of extracurricular activities;
  • creation of creative circles, as well as the introduction of integrative courses;
  • interaction of all elements of the educational process, society and school.

Forms and levels of integration

The main task of pedagogical influence on the child is to teach him to perceive the world around him as a whole. The student must be aware of the connection between objects and phenomena in order to then draw a general picture. In addition, the child must be able to see things from different angles.

Effective children become possible only under certain conditions, when various forms of integration in pedagogy are used. One of them is internal. It means integration in any particular school discipline. At the same time, disparate facts and concepts included in one field of knowledge are combined into a system. As a result, the educational material takes the form of large blocks. This allows you to modify the structural content of the discipline. The advantage of this form of integration is that the student receives complete information about the material being studied. It is also remarkable that the teacher at the same time makes the lesson more capacious.

Intra-subject integration involves the construction of a spiral structure of the presentation of the material, based on the principle of concentricity. In this case, the cognitive process can proceed either from the general to the particular, or vice versa. New knowledge is given by the teacher in portions, which gradually deepens and expands the already existing horizons of the student in this subject. Modern pedagogy requires the educational process to be carried out along the path of consolidation with the simultaneous study of related sections and topics. At the same time, the student is offered a generalization of exercises and tasks, carrying out independent actions based on analogy, induction and comparison, drawing up tables and diagrams, etc.

Another form of integration is intrasystem. It develops the student's ability to use materials in one subject while studying another. The child begins to master knowledge in a complex way, perceiving general scientific categories and approaches as a whole. In this case, integration can be carried out in several ways. The first one is horizontal. It establishes interdisciplinary connections that are based on the same scientific knowledge. This avoids repetition and saves study time. The second approach is vertical. With him, interdisciplinary connections serve to form general types of thinking, including physical and mathematical, humanitarian and environmental, etc. This allows the child to create a complete picture of the world.

The concept of "integration" in pedagogy includes two more of its forms - internal and external. The first of them is a characteristic of the internal educational process. External integration is carried out in the interaction of an educational institution with other structures and with society.

Let's take a closer look at intra-school integration. It represents the interaction and interconnection of various pedagogical tools used at several levels:

  • establishing internal communications (for example, intra-subject);
  • implementation of interaction between educational means (for example, between subjects);
  • connection of material on one subject to the study of another (conducting an integrated lesson);
  • introduction of new teaching aids (conducting classes in groups of different ages, etc.).

Directions of integration

The pedagogical process becomes more effective when:

  • expanding the educational opportunities of training sessions that increase the morality of the child and influence his social development;
  • strengthening the cognitive, intellectual nature of extracurricular activities;
  • the use of a whole range of educational tools that blur the boundaries between the educational process and extracurricular activities, which ensures the diversified development of the child's personality.

If integration is at the highest level in the educational process (this is the definition of a process in pedagogy that is not regulated by the classroom system), then this is the latest high-quality education, which is a comprehensive educational tool.

Ideas and tasks of integration

To implement a comprehensive impact on the development and formation of a child in modern pedagogy, a multi-level model of interaction is being developed, which provides for various stages of growing up children.

Thus, there is an integration of pre-school and primary school education. The elementary school teacher helps kids to study the phenomena and concepts of the main educational areas. This allows you to organize further development of subjects at a deeper level. At the same time, there is a wonderful opportunity to develop special abilities in children, which is part of the integration function in pedagogy.

Combining intra-school levels of education, teachers carry out comprehensive educational activities aimed at the development of the child and his education. At the same time, the main task of the school is solved - to release from its walls a person with stable skills, knowledge and social skills.

When general and additional education merge, gifted and creative individuals are revealed. In this case, differentiation and integration are widely used. At the same time, pedagogy determines the direction of the child's activity and strives for its comprehensive development.

General and Special Education

Currently, the state policy of educating the younger generation adheres to a new strategy. It consists in the fusion of general and special education. This orientation provides an opportunity for interaction between children with different health abilities. The main principle of such a policy lies in the humanization of society, as well as in the formation of the ability to normal perception of people with disabilities.

Integration in correctional pedagogy is of great importance. The fact is that releasing a person with disabilities into life is not an easy task. He must have a real opportunity to participate in all forms and activities of society. This would allow him to compensate to some extent for the existing limitations of opportunities and development.

Integration in adheres to the idea that the life and life of people with disabilities should be as close as possible to the style and conditions of life of the whole society.

segregation institutions

These include a whole system, the formation of which in our country was completed by the end of the 20th century. This process was facilitated by Russia's entry into the global educational and information space.

The concept of segregation and integration in correctional pedagogy must comply with accepted international standards that relate to persons with disabilities. That is why the task of educating such children should be solved at the state level, since it requires both economic support and spiritual, moral, personnel, content and organizational readiness.

Today in Russia there is a problem of integration in the pedagogy of special education, since many children with developmental problems study in regular schools according to regular programs. The reasons for this are:

  • lack of the required number of correctional (special) educational institutions;
  • their great distance from the place where the child lives;
  • the reluctance of many parents to give their child to special institutions.

Cooperative learning

There are several models of integrated education. One of them is the joint education of ordinary schoolchildren and children with WHO. Such an educational system arose on the initiative of modern special pedagogy in Russia. Thus, integrated education in the ordinary class of deaf schoolchildren is considered to be a relatively new phenomenon. Not so long ago, such children ended up in mass educational institutions very rarely, and even then mostly by accident. These were ineffective integrations caused by the cultural and socio-economic conditions of our country. Nowadays, such a phenomenon is no longer a rarity.

Parents of hard of hearing and deaf children submit documents to a regular school for various reasons. Among them:

  • lack of available information about the system of correctional education;
  • an objective assessment of the readiness of a child with WHO to attend a public school;
  • the prestige of visiting a general-purpose institution for children with disabilities.

Regardless of the reasons for the choice made by the parents, their decision is worthy of respect and understanding. However, the integration of a child into ordinary schools will be effective only for those children who, thanks to early diagnosis and hard work, are close in terms of their level of development to the age norm.

Creating Special Classes

Integration in the correctional pedagogy of our country, as a rule, adheres to one, the most common model. It provides for the creation of special classes in mass general education schools. They accept children:

  • with intellectual disabilities;
  • with a delay in the development of the psyche;
  • with difficulty adapting to the school environment.

Special groups can also be created in ordinary kindergartens. They accept students with speech, visual and hearing impairments.

The problem of modernity

Recently, the main reason for persistent underachievement of schoolchildren is the difficulty of their adaptation in the educational environment. Because of this phenomenon, from 20 to 30 percent of children cannot master the material of a regular program already in the primary grades. This is due to the ever-increasing flow of information and its complication, as well as the deterioration in the health of the younger generation.

To solve this problem in Russia, an individual approach to the student is organized, taking into account his capabilities and characteristics. At the same time, a system of classes is being created in which a highly qualified teacher works, and the children are in sparing conditions. There is an adjustment of the school environment, adapting to the needs and abilities of students.

Teaching children with mental retardation

When mastering the curriculum, students with mental retardation experience persistent difficulties that occur due to:

  • insufficient attention;
  • low level of educational motivation;
  • cognitive passivity;
  • underdevelopment of memory, perception, motor skills, coordination, etc.

Such children are characterized by a limited supply of information about the world around them and low performance. In order to release such a person into life, you need him. In psychology and pedagogy, specially created correctional educational institutions or classes make it possible. This area already has a fairly serious experience. The organization of education for children with mental retardation in our country has been carried out for several decades. With the help of a teacher, schoolchildren overcome numerous difficulties, and half of the children continue their education after primary school along with ordinary students.

According to Russian experts, the implementation of integration requires early detection of the disease and its psychophysical correction at the initial stage of development. Only in this case will the process of real development of a student with special needs be ensured. The implementation of such a condition will prepare the child for integrated education in a mass educational institution, realizes his natural potential. In addition, it will enliven the activity of the student and create an environment conducive to his full development.

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The term "integration", meaning "union, connection, summation", is used in pedagogical technologies in several meanings.

From a philosophical and pedagogical point of view, integration can be considered as a mechanism that ensures the alignment of the individual level of thinking and the level of development of the collective consciousness of mankind, defined by the concept of "noosphere"; it is a concept that reflects the fundamental conditions for the formation of any system.

The principle of integration is becoming the leading principle in the development of modern educational systems. The essence of this principle is an understanding of the conditionality of a strict division of natural sciences and the humanities into separate educational areas, the desire to create synthetic, integrated knowledge systems that give students an idea of ​​a holistic picture of the world.

1. The concept and technologies of integration in education

education integration educational synergy

· The principle of complementary natural-science methodological tradition and humanitarian methods of cognition.

· Synergetic approach: commonality of regularities and principles of self-organization of various macrosystems - physical, chemical, biological, technical, economic, social.

· System approach: integration is a system of systems, the result of systematization of a higher order.

· Gnoseological approach: integration is a method and process of formation of a multidimensional polyphonic picture of the world, based on the conjugation of various methods and forms of comprehension of reality; it is the process and result of the formation of integrity (holism) - a single quality on the basis of many other qualities; the principle of the implementation of the educational process, based on the complementarity of different forms of comprehension of reality.

· Hermeneutic approach: integration is a principle that manifests itself in the transformation of all components of the educational system in the direction of unification, generalization, development of integrative educational programs, training courses, lessons, events, obtaining integrative educational results, etc.

· Activity approach: integration is a means that provides a holistic knowledge of the world and the ability of a person to think systematically when solving practical problems; creation of conditions for the formation of a personality-multidimensional picture of the world among students and comprehension of oneself in this world.

· Informational approach: integration - the leading trend of updating the content of education - is a big scientific problem. The main task here is the integration of channels of information interaction of students with the world in its integrity and diversity, the actualization of the natural possibilities of multidimensional perception of reality. The objects of integration in educational cognition can be: types of knowledge, a system of scientific concepts; laws, theories, ideas; models of objective processes.

· Developing training.

At present, the following concepts and technologies of integration based on general education take place in Russian education:

Integration of the content of education, reduction of a lot of subject matter, enlargement of educational areas (the concept of V.V. Serikov);

Generalization of the content of educational subjects (the concept within subject integration - V.I. Zagvyazinsky);

Consolidation of didactic units (P.M. Erdniev);

Technologies for integrating educational subjects (physics + chemistry - A.I. Gurevich);

Combining various technologies, methods, techniques in the same spatio-temporal coordinates (the concept of didactic systems synthesis - L.A. Artemyeva, V.V. Gavrilyuk, M.I. Makhmutov);

Combining upbringing and education, training and work, the efforts of the school and society into a single whole (the concept of integrating the educational forces of society - V.V. Semenov);

Environmental education, harmonization of the "nature - man" system;

global education;

Holistic, holistic education;

2. Models of content integration in academic disciplines

The traditional content of modern school education, and especially the natural sciences, is fragmented, built on a disciplinary principle. Developed within the framework of the technocratic paradigm, it reflects the state of the natural sciences. At the same time, preference is given to the achievements of classical science, and non-classical science is represented in them by the first third of the 20th century, and there are practically no ideas of synergetics, information about the nature and mechanisms of self-organization and evolution of chemical, biological, social, planetary, space and other systems.

Didactics is still taking steps towards adapting the ideas of synergetics into the content of school education. This will most fully illustrate the unity of all things, build a single procedural model of the world - a synergistic picture, through the prism of which the world appears to humanity as a super hierarchy of interacting systems, in which everything - inanimate and living nature, human life and creativity, society and culture - is interconnected and subject to the universal laws.

Integration in mathematics is the action of summation, the inverse of differentiation (separation). When applied to a specific object - the content of education, already differentiated in the school curriculum into 10 educational areas and more than two dozen individual subjects, the integration operation is aimed at:

Creation of a unified picture of the world on a scientific basis;

Elimination of repetition and duplication of material in different subjects;

Interrelation of various subject systems of knowledge;

Unloading and optimization of the mode of educational work of schoolchildren, etc.

The operation of integration in mathematics gives an answer that allows many specific solutions. In the construction of the so-called integrated educational technologies, a wide variety of specific solutions is also obtained - models that differ in one or another parameter.

2.1 Model "Integration (unification) of academic disciplines"

The natural-science picture of the world combines the subject systems of physics, chemistry, geography, and biology. For its effective formation, there are attempts to create combined courses: physics and chemistry; geography, biology and chemistry (natural science); history, literature, music and fine arts (world art culture); mathematics and labor (mathematics and design), "Mathematics and design", "Natural science and agriculture", "Physics with the basics of industrial production", "Fine arts and artistic labor", etc.

For some specialized educational institutions, the state standard of education provides for an integrated course "Fundamentals of natural science knowledge of the world", which combines such disciplines as mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, which are studied in the graduating classes of general education schools. The purpose of this integrated course is not only to teach students the named disciplines (even if in an abbreviated version), but also to process the material of these subjects in such a way that they represent a discipline in which various branches of science are united among themselves on a single logical basis.

Integrated classes (lessons). The construction of the educational process on an integral basis is embodied not only by integrated disciplines. Integrated lessons, which have become widespread in recent years, are most often one of the forms of generalization of knowledge. They can be conducted on the basis of intra-subject, inter-subject and inter-system integration: combined two-, three- and four-subject, immersion lesson, excursion lesson, hike lesson, travel lesson, etc.

Integrated lessons often serve as a direct consequence of the parallel study of related subjects (topics), which, as it were, are brought into one lesson.

This achieves:

The actual association of subject systems of knowledge about a given object, phenomenon;

Gain in time spent on mastering the material;

One of the teachers frees up time for individual work, control, etc.

Examples: integrated lesson "Crystals" (physics + chemistry), lesson "Geographical discoveries" (geography + history).

integrated days. On this day, the lessons of physics, chemistry, biology are put one after another and are taught almost immediately by three teachers. Example: "Forces in nature, their manifestation in the organisms of animals and humans." At the same time, there is a non-delayed integration of natural science knowledge gained in the lessons of various subjects.

Preparation for the implementation of each such integrated model begins 2-3 weeks in advance. Interdisciplinary consultations are held in advance, where students are advised how much work needs to be done immediately before the “day”.

2.2 “Synchronization” model of parallel programs, courses and topics

Another model for integrating academic subjects is the temporal (in time) synchronization of programs that should be built so that the subjects being integrated are currently studying topics that are similar in content or historical era or some other feature. It is also possible to synchronize the subjects of the natural science and humanities cycles.

With synchronized parallel learning on the same day, different teachers study topics that are similar in content in different lessons. Examples: parallel study of the periodic law in chemistry and the electronic structure of an atom in physics or the study in mathematics of those mathematical knowledge that will be immediately applicable in the next lesson when solving problems in physics or chemistry.

2.3 Model of intersubject communications

Intersubject communications (IPC) - mutual consistency of curricula, due to the content of sciences and didactic goals. It is necessary to operate with mathematical concepts in physics classes, formulating laws and conclusions from certain theoretical premises, transforming formulas, solving physical problems, etc. Even at the first stage of studying physics (grades VI-VII), students perform simple algebraic transformations, use knowledge about the proportionality of quantities and the functional relationship between them, about coordinates and methods for drawing graphs, etc. Knowledge of mathematics is applied in the classroom in chemistry. The courses of physics and chemistry mutually reinforce each other.

Sometimes coordination is carried out within cycles and not only of one class (ie, horizontally), but also over a number of years (vertically).

Interdisciplinary connections were of particular importance in the integration of subjects, in which, for the formation of complex topics, the elements associated with them (doses, topics, sections, facts, concepts, laws, etc.) from various branches of knowledge were singled out. MPS could be traced in time as concomitant, preceding, subsequent, promising, recurring (concentric). The direction and path of the transfer of ZUN determined their role as providing or provided, direct or indirect. Finally, by their nature, the connections could be logical, philosophical, epistemological, semiotic.

Interdisciplinary connections are built using the methods of structural and functional analysis - the study of phenomena as a structurally dissected integrity, in which each element of the structure has a specific functional purpose.

* There are "n" and "m" structural elements in each of the two integrable subject areas (doses, topics, sections, facts, concepts, laws, theories, etc.).

* Relationship matrices are built

Interdisciplinary connections are even more clearly visible when constructing structure-oriented graphs. Each topic of the subject is indicated by a circle with a number, and its connection with the topic of another subject is depicted by a directed straight line segment.

Accounting for the number and directions of links of this element allows you to make changes and plan the program content of academic disciplines, while:

The finite elements of the graph, from which there are no providing connections, are considered as inexpedient;

Elements with the least number of connections - are taught at the level of familiarization, memorization, understanding;

The elements with the most connections are sorted at the application level.

A program of continuous training is being drawn up, equipped with the MPS, both in supporting and in provided disciplines.

Forms of implementation of the MEA:

Classes using MPS;

Complex seminars;

Interdisciplinary conferences;

Various forms of extracurricular activities.

3. Jena-plan-school (P. Petersen (1884 - 1952))

target orientations. Teach children:

a) talk to each other (dialogue);

b) not be afraid to take the initiative;

c) learn to look critically, to think;

d) respect others and others around you;

e) want to be honest and be yourself;

f) learn to cooperate.

Need: "learn to live" and "live to learn."

The goal of all learning activities, written in the school plan, is to create a link between the reality in and around the child and learning in the classroom situation.

Conceptual features:

· World orientation, embracing all near and far surroundings of the pupil, is what the child gets acquainted with, moving from knowledge of the immediate environment to more and more distant.

· What the child experiences at every moment of his life, and the whole environment is a single whole. Dividing it into parts - educational subjects that are studied by students, is a structure invented by scientists.

The child often learns something faster from another child than from an adult; their life worlds are very close.

· Education for the Jena-plan-school has a service function. Education is put at the service of upbringing.

· The desire to abandon the systematic study of the sciences represented by academic subjects, the desire to know the world in its unity.

Content Features. Jena-plan-school does not rely on subjects. She seeks to organize and activate the meeting of children with the surrounding reality. The school creates life and work situations for this. Naturally, children here learn to read, write, and count, acquire other knowledge and skills.

The traditional school goes from the written and printed word to nature, to real life. Jena-plan-school - on the contrary. It goes from life and work situations to their analysis, to the study of what is given in the content of various educational subjects, that is, the movement of thought is made from situations that occur in life, to specific academic subjects, taken in a complex, integrated.

Features of the organization. In the Jena-plan-school, the following groups are distinguished in which interaction and knowledge of the surrounding world takes place: a) the school community; b) family group; c) a group of one table; d) level group; e) a group of choice.

The school community includes everyone who is related to the school: teachers, administration, group leaders (this is a non-traditional type of association), children and parents.

Family group. This is a heterogeneous group of different ages, and the educational process in it occurs naturally and spontaneously. Family groups are at school and, according to age, are united into younger ones (4 - 6 years old); medium (6 - 9 years); senior groups (from 9 to 12 years old inclusive).

In each group, the student studies for an average of three years, although there may be deviations for various reasons. For a child, his own group is the main one, and what happens in it is what the teachers of the Jena-plan-school called: "learning to live" and "living to learn."

Children in this group differ in age, sex, level of development, pace, giftedness, and character. This heterogeneity makes a natural learning process possible. In such a family group, the same natural manner of learning can take place as in a family: in it, the older child teaches something to the younger and vice versa.

Coming to the group as a junior, the child starts from the bottom. Other children stay longer in this group. They know and are able to do more: they independently master the skills, show initiative more easily, are responsible for the course of affairs in the group, etc. the youngest is still dependent on them for everything. They accept him into their group.

When he becomes average in age, he notices from the new children that he has moved forward. He is less dependent and remembers his position at the very beginning.

When he becomes the eldest in the group, he achieves greater independence, has more opportunities for self-determination. But, having reached this level, the child moves on to the next group, and the whole process begins anew: there he will again find himself in the position of the youngest, less independent in the new conditions; but he already knows that he can grow up, and he sees from other children that this is really happening.

Thanks to family groups, repetition is excluded. If necessary, you can extend the time of stay in the group. It is also possible vice versa: a shortened period when the child develops faster in all areas of knowledge and practical activity.

Groups of the same table are distinguished by their heterogeneity: they combine the younger, middle and older children of the same family group. Because of this, they can better learn from each other by helping and collaborating.

Level groups are an organizational tool that makes it possible to simultaneously teach large groups of children: they provide an explanation for children who are equally familiar with the material.

A choice group occurs when children are given the opportunity, on the basis of their interests, to take part in a particular job or cause for a certain period.

Jena-plan-school is a model of a democratic type of school in which children and adults, parents and teachers form a single family.

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