Coronary artery disease. There are certain risk groups

In some cases, it is diseases that can show a person what he is doing wrong. The language of disease is a peculiar way of showing people's real feelings. You need to listen to your body, learn to understand it and realize when you need to change something in your life. If a person suffers from hypertension, then you need to understand what emotions he experiences. Many diseases greatly interfere with experiencing the true enjoyment of life. So why do health problems arise? How to get rid of this?

Scientists have long proven that most health problems come from psychological problems. Psychosomatics will help to understand this and improve the physical condition of a person.

How does the psyche affect the occurrence of diseases? You should know that emotions and complexes need to be let out, to get rid of the negative. If feelings are kept inside, then the body suffers greatly. The more a person expresses emotions, the less he gets sick. Psychosomatics is currently included in the international classification of diseases, which are called somatophoric. The prerequisites for somatic diseases are stress and anxiety, depression and unresolved ambitions, illnesses and various mental disorders.

You need to know some information to cope with ailments. First you need to understand what the consequences of psychosomatic disorders can be. In traditional medicine, there are psychomatic disturbances or reactions. Reactions usually do not take long, they pass after life circumstances change.

For example, a person is in fear, he has a chill on his back, or his palms sweat. All this can be called reactions that pass independently after a short period of time. Psychomatic disturbances are constantly present, even if at the moment there is no irritation.

For example, a person has experienced a lot of stress. Before that, nothing bothered him, but suddenly hypertension and heart problems began. Emotional experiences and unresolved psychological problems bring problems with blood vessels, constant fatigue and much more. Emotional experiences provoke long-term problems with physical health. A person may not have serious pathologies, but he constantly feels unwell and painful.

emotional illness

There are a huge number of diseases that are called psychosomatic. They cause great problems in the life of any person, and can even lead to death. During negative emotions, some organs cease to function normally.

Usually, fear, anger and longing have a great influence on the body. If a person feels threatened, then his senses begin to work according to a certain pattern. When a person sees danger with his eyes, all his organs seem to shrink. After that, a large amount of adrenaline is released, which compresses the muscles. Breathing occurs superficially, everything happens quickly and imperceptibly. Through too high emotional stress, diseases become more and more.

There are some of the most common psychosomatic diseases:

  • cardiovascular;
  • asthma;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • rheumatism and arthritis;
  • oncology;
  • irritable bowel;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • disorders in the sexual sphere.

Psychosomatics arises due to difficulties in life, various stresses and emotional stress. If a person is silent and prefers to restrain his own emotions, then his body begins to speak with the help of various diseases.

Cardiovascular diseases and psychosomatics

Currently, the majority of deaths are due to cardiovascular disease. Very often, such diseases are provoked by the psychological state of a person. Vascular and heart diseases due to psychosomatics can be as follows:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • coronary artery disease;
  • cardioneurosis;
  • arrhythmia;
  • neurocircular dystonia.

All these diseases can manifest themselves in early childhood. Usually a child feels the environment and conflicts with his body, looks at the relationship of his parents, reacts strongly to quarrels and scandals, and there is a reaction to close. The child feels dissatisfaction with his own life, considers himself useless or suffers from excessive guardianship. He has a hostile attitude towards others, he cannot breathe calmly, there is resistance to the world around him.

After that, the baby shrinks inside himself. As a person grows older, muscle tension is present, blocks are formed. Unexpressed emotions keep the muscles in constant tension, the vessels nearby are under constant pressure. As a result, blood circulation and circulation of cardiovascular diseases are changed. Hypoxia begins, cells and tissues do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients.

Arterial hypertension often occurs due to negative emotions that have no way out. Hypertensive patients have a special character, they have their own habits and expression of emotions. However, all of them, without exception, are aggressive because of certain fears, but carefully suppress this state of theirs. Ischemic disease also often appears due to psychosomatics.

Emotional instability and constant worries can provoke a myocardial infarction and death. It is necessary to relieve stress and tension, get rid of increased anxiety and depression. Given that a stroke occurs due to complications of cerebral atherosclerosis, then all of the above can provoke this disease.

Cardiac neurosis occurs because a person is constantly in fear, he is not able to let go of negative emotions, a person is prone to panic attacks. All this happens because of negative emotions, a person feels a conflict within himself, he lacked love and care in childhood, he is constantly irritated and in a stressful situation, experiences an all-consuming feeling of guilt.

It is imperative to let go of destructive feelings and emotions. If we combine all the psychosomatic causes of diseases of the cardiovascular system, we can make a list:

  1. The heart symbolizes love, and the blood symbolizes joy. If a person lacks love and joy, then he experiences apathy and his heart thickens. The blood flow begins to weaken, anemia begins, the heart vessels become clogged. People become pessimists, they do not see that they are surrounded by happiness that can be achieved.
  2. Emotional experiences bring cruelty.
  3. People do not pay attention to real human values, career growth and the material world play a big role for them.
  4. Complexes and self-doubt provoke a negative perception of reality.
  5. Workers are constantly under stress, they are afraid that they cannot live up to the expectations of others.

Heart disease provokes and indifference to their own feelings. People who believe that they are unworthy to love and be loved, who are afraid to express emotions and experiences that are closed in themselves, will definitely face cardiovascular diseases. It is imperative to learn to listen to your heart and recognize experiences in order to heal heart disease.

Circulatory system

Many believe that the heart is the most important organ in the life of any person. It is it that gives the opportunity to enjoy life and find a golden mean with the outside world. As long as the heart beats, a person can live. Blood personifies the soul, allows you to rejoice and gives strength to live.

Tachycardia and psychosomatics

Special studies in the field of psychological state and heart disease have not yet been conducted. However, science suggests that tachycardia develops due to the negative emotions that a person experiences. That is, those people who constantly experience fear and anxiety are exposed to such a disease much more often than everyone else.

People who are positive and happy are much less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Usually, negative emotions, in the presence of heart disease, can quickly lead to death. Tachycardia is very often found in young people who are unable to exercise control over their emotions.

Also, pathology can occur in those who are constantly frightened and feel remorse. Usually such individuals prefer to keep their emotions under strict control, they never tell anything to others. Also, regular visitors to cardiologists are people who prefer to lead an active lifestyle, they have aggression on their faces, they suffer from various phobias and are characterized by anxiety. All this provokes the so-called fictional disease.

It is imperative to eliminate the psychological causes of the disease in order to avoid negative consequences. It is worth considering how a person thinks, whether he takes everything too close to his heart, whether he is compassionate, compassionate or tired of life. If he often uses such phrases, then he may soon develop tachycardia.

You need to change your emotional state in order to get rid of psychological problems and eliminate the disease. It is imperative to control your thoughts and emotions in order to prevent tachycardia.

Angina pectoris and psychosomatics

The heart begins to ache due to a lack of love for oneself and others, for life in general. People who have a heartache do not have deep feelings, they do not appreciate life. They feel old grievances and cannot get rid of them, they are tormented by jealousy and regret, pity and fear. They are very afraid of being alone, but in fact they are.

People fence themselves off from others with a thick and impenetrable wall, and therefore remain alone. Problems lie like a stone right on the heart, so a person does not feel joy. Some people complain that they cannot even worry about their own children. They worry about others, for grandchildren and loved ones, but they are not really interested in anything. They simply have a heartache, but they cannot help others.

Heart psychosomatic diseases occur in exciting and compassionate people. They try to take all the pain and suffering of others on themselves.

As a result, vasoconstriction occurs, and, as a result, angina pectoris. One must be merciful, but not sympathetic to others. You should bring joy to others, but not worry with them. Be sure to love yourself and loved ones, remember the biblical commandments, because they say the truth.

A kind person who understands others and himself, knows why he lives in the Universe, always has a healthy heart. Experts noted that people who have a sick heart believe that life cannot pass without stress and worries. They negatively assess the surrounding reality, all situations for such individuals are stressful. They cannot be responsible for their own lives.

However, life can only give pleasant and useful moments.

Pleasant ones give joy, and useful ones help to get the necessary experience. You should not carry unpleasant emotions in your heart, you need to smile and get rid of experiences, feel freedom and lightness.

Cardiac arrhythmia and psychosomatics

When a person is in perfect order, he never thinks about the heart. If interruptions occur in the work of the heart, then you need to think about your life and understand what is wrong in it. You need to listen to the most important organ, without which it is impossible to live. It is it that is able to tell where a person has lost his rhythm. Do not constantly rush and rush, catch up with unnecessary fuss. Indeed, in this case, feelings are subject only to fear and anxiety.

Heart blockade may well lead to cardiac arrest, in which case urgent surgical intervention is required. Some are in a hurry to raise their own children, they are afraid that they will not have time to do this on time and the children will be left without parental help and support.

As a result, such people live in a frantic rhythm, which the body is simply unable to withstand.

The heart gives a hint that you need to urgently stop and continue to live at a slower pace. You need to start doing what really interests a person, what will bring moral satisfaction and joy. And what we have to do now only exacerbates the situation.

Atherosclerosis and psychosomatics.

With atherosclerosis, there is an increase in cholesterol and blockage of the channels of joy and happiness. When a person does not experience the pleasure of life, he begins to get very sick. It is necessary to learn to be happy, and this directly depends on emotions.

The stress in life affects the blood vessels, and all this leads to the occurrence of atherosclerosis. All such personalities are united by stubbornness, they are sure. that the world around them is too bad, and they are always unlucky. Also, people with this disease have very big problems with memory. They tend to forget all the bad things that happened to them.

Expert opinion

Diseases of the cardiovascular system are progressing in the conditions of modern life, because people are forced to bear serious emotional burdens. Brief symptoms of transient tachycardia, arrhythmias, hypotension, and hypertension may be present. Usually such problems arise after emotional overstrain, fear and anger.

Psychological illnesses cause myocardial infarction. Experts are convinced that heart disease often arises from the inability to realize a person in society. People with coronary heart disease have some similar traits in character. All the feelings that a person experiences affect the cardiovascular system.

Sometimes, after surgery, the long-awaited healing does not come, the situation only gets worse. All this happens because the main psychosomatic causes of the disease have remained with the person. The heart, without exception, is considered a symbol of love. That is why, when a person experiences a painful separation, he develops a heart disease. If parents do not give the warmth necessary for the baby, then he finds a toy, which becomes a substitute for feelings.

Some experts are sure that sometimes a person transfers all his experiences to a certain person in his heart, because he cannot express them openly. A person does not show others longing and lack of love. A woman can be silent in order to maintain peace and tranquility in the family, as a result, an overwhelming burden falls on her heart, which causes psychosomatic diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Meyer Friedman, along with Ray Rosenman, was engaged in research on the individual characteristics of individuals with coronary heart disease. Experts noted that all subjects have a number of common features. Type A hearts are often prone to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

These people are constantly struggling with the surrounding reality, they are aggressive and ambitious, conflicts and belligerent, impatient and irritable. A person strives to achieve his goals in the shortest possible time, overloads himself, but does not have time for anything. He is always waiting, expecting that tomorrow will bring much more than today, he feels constant dissatisfaction.

Such people do not react to body language, even if they feel unwell, they work with full force. These individuals can become enraged at any careless word, they are extremely excitable and restless. The behavior of "B" shows a too free attitude to life, such personalities practically do not have tension. The behavior of class "C" is inherent in timid and shy people, they are always ready to put up with the surrounding reality, trying to go with the flow.

Back in the eighties of the last century, a German scientist Franz Friczewski decided to divide the class "A" into three. In the first one there are too modest and closed people, they are very reserved. It is almost impossible to piss them off, but when this happens, they do not calm down for a very long time.

In the second class are those individuals who carefully hide their own feelings, but are constantly on their nerves. In the third group are people who are extremely emotional personalities. They are constantly gesticulating and laughing, talking too loudly. When they swear, then they cannot remember why it happened.

Results and conclusions

The main cause of cardiovascular diseases are psychosomatic problems. You need to listen to your own body in order to stop in time and start changing your life. It is necessary to eliminate psychological problems, only then it will be possible to avoid heart disease. You should correctly express your own emotions, then everything will be in order!

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So our task is to learn to understand this language. And it's not difficult. Are you suffering from hypertension? Worried about chest pain and shortness of breath? Tired of headaches? Have you been diagnosed with "incurable" vegetative-vascular dystonia?

This is a short list of ailments that prevent you from enjoying life. What is the problem? It's about the wrong approach to treatment. You can not fight the signs without knowing the cause! As a doctor, I approve. It is necessary to take into account the integrity of the body.

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Scientists have long proven that most physical ailments begin with unresolved mental problems. Emotions of a person settle in his body in the form of pain. The science that studies the relationship of mental processes with diseases is called psychosomatics.

The very term emotion suggests that our feelings should come out. If the feelings do not come out, the body suffers from this. The more a person expresses his emotions, the less physically sick he is. Today, psychosomatic diseases are included in the international classification of diseases and are called somatoform. They are expressed in somatic (bodily) complaints and symptoms.

The question arises: how to protect yourself from ailments? And if the disease is already there, from whom to seek help for healing? First, you need to be information savvy. After all, as the people say, he who is informed is armed. And so, in order. First, let us study in more detail the consequences of emotional experiences in the body.

Traditional medicine divides psychosomatic disorders into psychosomatic reactions and psychosomatic disorders.

Psychosomatic reactions short-term and disappear after a change in the circumstances that caused them. When a person is in a captivity of fear, she may have a feeling of coldness on the back or sweating of the palms; if she is shy or embarrassed, then she develops sweating, a bashful blush on her cheeks, her ears “burn”. These are all psychosomatic reactions - situational, which disappear after a while and do not require any correction.

Psychosomatic disorders repeated, even in the absence of an irritant or unpleasant emotion. Before the stress experienced, for example, neither the heart nor headaches bothered a person. After that, he began to feel pain behind the sternum, shortness of breath, and constant fatigue. And these are already signs of angina pectoris or neurocirculatory dystonia. Against the background of emotional experiences, there may be numbness of the arms and legs, pseudo-deafness, etc. This is all conversion- the transformation of an emotional experience into a bodily symptom. Pain of any localization, in which deviations at the tissue level have not yet appeared, is functional syndrome. For example, a headache, in which there are no organic disorders (tumors, blood clots) in the head, is functional in nature and is a psychosomatic deviation. Other fairly common functional abnormalities are vegetative-vascular dystonia, cystitis and lumbalgia. In 90% of cases, lumbalgia (acute lower back pain) is functional in nature and is not associated with either a hernia or circulatory disorders or damage to nerve endings.

Diseases of the body due to emotions.

There are many diseases that have a psychosomatic nature. They not only significantly complicate and worsen the standard of human life, but often have deadly consequences. Before considering them, let us understand how emotion affects the functionality of organs. Pathological disorders of the body occur against the background of negative feelings. And above all - a consequence of fear, anger, longing.

As soon as a person perceives some kind of threat with his senses, a whole scheme works in his body. When receiving information about danger through the eyes, the brain will form the emotion of fear and affect muscle tone - the person shrinks. Next, the adrenal glands secrete the hormone adrenaline, which is distributed throughout the tissues and causes the muscles to contract. Breathing becomes shallow. This scheme during the day works every time in an emotional state. Everything happens very quickly.

How many times a day this scheme works, how many times a day a person experiences various emotions! Due to increased emotional stress, the number of patients increases.

Here are the most common psychosomatic diseases:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Diseases of the stomach: gastritis, ulcer.
  3. Bronchial asthma.
  4. Atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis).
  5. Basedow's disease (hyperthyroidism).
  6. Ulcerative colitis.
  7. Polyarthritis: rheumatoid arthritis.
  8. Oncological diseases.
  9. Sleep disorders of any origin.
  10. Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  11. Sexual disorders. The psyche is directly related to sexuality.
  12. Obesity or overweight. The desire to eat is controlled by the psyche. There are people who lose their appetite in a problem situation, and there are those who "jam" the problem.
  13. Anorexia nervosa (against the background of emotions, the desire to stop eating altogether) or bulimia nervosa (against the background of emotions, a strong desire to eat).
  14. Diabetes.

The prerequisite for these diseases is difficult life circumstances in which a person had to endure emotional trials. A long stay in an unbearable overwhelming atmosphere, a thirst to breathe deeply, difficult relationships, overstrain, emotional wounds, grief, fear - this is not a complete list of previous experiences. And not being able to express negative emotions, a person is silent, and his body asks for help in the form of painful signals. For example, asthma displays restrained tears. Diabetes mellitus gives rise to family strife, a protracted stressful condition. The root cause of diabetes is an unsatisfied need for warmth and love. Gastritis and stomach ulcers are formed in very sensual and demanding people.

What emotions destroy the heart and blood vessels?

Among modern diseases, the most common causes of death are cardiovascular diseases. Their reasons are described on other pages of sites, but psychological ones are especially common. The psychomatic component is characteristic, first of all, of the following diseases of the heart and blood vessels:

  • ischemic heart disease;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • arrhythmias;
  • cardioneurosis,
  • neurocirculatory dystonia.

Commitment to neurocirculatory dystonia appears in early childhood. At the same time, the home environment has a huge influence on the development of the disease. If in a close circle there is a tense relationship between adults, a constant atmosphere of irritation and a lack of warmth, or if the child is overprotected, the child develops dissatisfaction on a subconscious level. Dissatisfaction causes internal resistance, hostility. The child does not know how to express them. Subsequently - frequent internal compression. With age, there is a constant tension of the muscular system, the formation of different muscle blocks.

The multiplied unexpressed feelings keep the muscles in tension, which over time squeeze the nearby vessels. This leads to a change in blood and lymph circulation. Blood hypoxia, starvation of cells and tissues is generated. And this is the pathological mechanism of cardiovascular disease. Appearance arterial hypertension promotes emotional experience. A person with hypertension has a certain temperament, certain emotional manifestations, certain habits. But all hypertensive patients are characterized by chronically suppressed aggression against the background of fear. The main reason for the development of arterial hypertension is constant, everyday affective tension, anxiety and anxiety. Coronary artery disease(or coronary heart disease) also refers to psychosomatic ailments. The loads that the heart experiences with increased emotionality are very high. Psychosomatic experiences affect fat metabolism and cause atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries. The defeat of the coronary vessels is the foundation of a violation of the supply of oxygen and nutrients with the blood to the heart muscle. Emotional conditions that contribute to the progression of coronary disease and fatal consequences - heart attack, This:

  • constant stress and tension
  • increased anxiety
  • depression.

Considering the fact that a cerebral stroke is a complication of cerebral atherosclerosis, we can safely attribute all of the above experiences to the development brain stroke . Heart rate abnormalities- it can be arrhythmia, acceleration, slowing of the heartbeat, provoked by disagreements and situational factors during periods of great internal drama. The main feeling that causes such attacks is fear. At the core cardiac neurosis lies the fear of death from cardiac arrest. A panic attack causes an irresistible fear of the thought of mortality. In addition, the causes of cardioneurosis:

  • negativism;
  • isolation;
  • increased emotionality;
  • internal conflict;
  • lack of love in childhood;
  • stress;
  • guilt.

Get rid of destructive emotions and feelings.

If we group all the emotional causes of cardiovascular ailments, we get such a list.

  1. Launched emotional experiences. Lack of joy. Cruelty. Belief in the importance of unrest.
  2. The heart is a symbol of love, and blood is a symbol of joy. If a person’s life is constantly lacking in love and joy, then the heart thickens and becomes apathetic. As a result, the blood flow becomes weak and little by little anemia approaches, the formation of an atherosclerotic plaque, and a gradual blockage of the heart vessels. People are so focused on the dramas that they find for themselves that they do not notice the joy that surrounds them at all.
  3. Chasing money and career growth, ignoring the real values ​​​​of life.
  4. The endless fear of humiliation, the fear that there will be accusations of inability to love, produce all diseases of the heart.
  5. Inferiority complexes, insecurity.
  6. Feeling of loneliness.
  7. Feeling of threat, inner isolation.
  8. High ambitions and hard-to-reach goals. Workaholics are more susceptible to stress, and, ultimately, high blood pressure, heart pain.
  9. Pretentiousness, criticality.
  10. Repression of any feelings.

Diseases of the heart result from indifference to sensations. People who consider themselves unworthy of love, receiving love, forbidding the expression of feelings, will certainly face signs of cardiovascular disease. It is necessary to learn to recognize personal experiences, to listen and understand the voice of one's own heart in order to reduce the burden of heart disease, and eventually recover completely.

Treatment of psychosomatics of heart and vascular diseases

Summing up, once again about the main thing. The cause of most physical diseases is the displacement of unresolved psychological problems from the level of the soul to the level of the body. To heal from cardiovascular and other diseases, we need to learn to identify what we feel, talk about it, and express emotions correctly. Then the probability of getting sick will decrease significantly!

This is what we teach our patients at the Healthy Heart and Vessels Course with Dr. Goncharenko. This is a clear step-by-step program for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Held:

  1. Offsite wellness programs
  2. Individual consultations and a course of improvement with a doctor in Kyiv
  3. Online course on the internet.

Our methods for 4-6 months in 90% of cases, it is possible to restore the function of the heart and blood vessels without pills and expensive operations! The best treatment for heart and vascular diseases is their prevention, prevention. We will help you change your life: get rid of bad habits, unhealthy lifestyle.

Dr. Oleg Goncharenko

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Psychosomatic causes of heart disease. Pain in the heart, angina pectoris, heart rhythm disturbance, atherosclerosis.


It is believed that the heart symbolizes the life center of a person. His ability to enjoy life, to live in harmony with himself and with the world around him. We live as long as our heart beats. Blood is the material symbol of our soul. Blood is joy and vitality, and vessels bring joy and strength to every cell of our body.

Heart pain, angina pectoris

Pains in the heart arise from unsatisfied love: for oneself, loved ones, the world around, for the very process of life. People with a sick heart have a lack of love for themselves and for people. They are prevented from loving long-standing resentment and jealousy, pity and regret, fear and anger. They feel lonely or fear being alone. They do not understand that they themselves create loneliness for themselves, fencing themselves off from people, relying on old grievances. They are weighed down by emotional longstanding problems. They are a "heavy load", a "stone" on the heart. Hence the lack of love and joy. You are simply killing these divine feelings in yourself. You are so busy with your own and other people's problems that there is no place and time for love and joy.

“Doctor, I can’t help but worry about my children,” the patient tells me. - My daughter has a husband who is a drunkard, my son divorced his wife, and I worry about my grandchildren, how are they, what is happening to them. My heart aches for all of them.

– I understand that you only want the best for your children and grandchildren. But is heartache the best way to help them?

“Of course not,” the woman replies. “But I can't do it any other way.

The heart often hurts those people who are filled with pity and compassion. They strive to help: people, taking on their pain and suffering (“A compassionate person”, “Heart bleeds”, “Take! Close to the heart”

“They have a very strong desire to help their loved ones and those around them. But they do not use the best methods. And at the same time they completely forget about themselves, ignore themselves. Thus, the heart is gradually closed to love and joy. His blood vessels constrict.

Being open to the world, loving the world and people, and at the same time remembering and taking care of yourself, your interests and intentions is a great art. Remember? "Love your neighbor as yourself!"

A good heart does not get sick for a century, And an unkind one becomes heavier.

Evil has destroyed more than one heart.

Have a good heart, be able to answer good for good.

I have found that people with heart problems believe in the need for tension and stress. They are dominated by a negative assessment of the surrounding world or any events and phenomena in it. Almost any situation they consider as stressful. This is because they have not learned to take responsibility for their lives. Personally, I divide all situations in my life into two categories: pleasant and useful. Pleasant situations are those that give me pleasant experiences. And useful ones are those in which you can learn something important and positive.

“Fifteen years ago I was admitted to the hospital with a suspected heart attack. I had a hard time then. Thought it was already over. Well, nothing, the doctors supported, treated. And when I was discharged, one smart doctor told me: “If you want to have a healthy heart, remember: never scold anyone and never swear at anyone. And even if someone is scolding someone nearby, run away from there. Choose good people for yourself and be good yourself.” So I remembered his words for the rest of my life. If they swear in trolleybuses, I get out and sit on a fixed-route taxi. Pensioner neighbors joke: "Semyonich has become a rich man, he travels by taxi." And I think that you should not save on your health.

“Doctor, I feel sorry for people all the time.

- I condemn in my heart.

- I take it to heart.

The world is so unfair.

“Take to heart”, “Compassionate person”, “Stone on the heart”, “Heart bleeds”, “Cold heart”, “Heartless” - if you use such phrases, then you have a predisposition to heart disease or it is already sick. Stop carrying something unpleasant in your heart. Free yourself, smile, straighten up, feel light and free.

Rhythm disturbance

Interruptions in the work of the heart is a direct indication that you have lost your own rhythm of life. Listen to your heart. It will surely tell you that you are imposing an alien rhythm on yourself. Hurry somewhere, hurry, fuss. Anxiety and fear begin to control you, your feelings.

One of my patients developed a heart block. In this disease, not every impulse from the sinus node reaches the heart muscle. And the heart contracts at a frequency of 30-55 beats per minute (with a normal rhythm of 60-80 beats). There is a risk of cardiac arrest. Medicine in this case offers to perform an operation and put an artificial pacemaker.

“You see, doctor,” the patient tells me, “I am no longer young, and my little son is growing up. We must have time to give him an education, to ensure a decent life. For this reason, I left my favorite job and went into business. And I can't stand this frantic rhythm, competition. In addition, constant checks by the tax inspectorate. And everyone has something to give. I'm tired of all this.

“That's right,” I say, “business has a completely different rhythm. And your heart tells you that you need to stop, stop worrying and start doing in life what interests you, what brings joy, moral satisfaction. What you are doing now is not yours.

- But after all, many people changed their profession with the beginning of perestroika.

“Of course,” I agree. – For some, doing business helped to reveal their talents, and many simply rushed in pursuit of money, forgetting about their purpose, betraying themselves, betraying their hearts.

“But I need to provide for my family,” he disagrees. - And at my previous job I received scanty money.

- In this case, - I say, - you have a choice: either you live according to the rhythm imposed and artificial for you, or you change jobs and live in your natural rhythm, in harmony with yourself and the world around you. Besides, - I add, - favorite work, if it is correctly put, can bring not only moral, but also material satisfaction.


An increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood is a clogging of the channels through which joy enters you. And not eating fatty foods is in the first place in the causes of this disease. Since it has been proven that if cholesterol does not come from outside, then its internal (endogenous) begins to be produced. cholesterol. The reason is not in food, as many people think, but in the lack of joy. Learn to rejoice - and your vessels will be cleansed! Metabolism depends on our emotional state.

Resistance and tension in life affect the vessels and also lead to atherosclerosis. I have found that people with vascular sclerosis are very stubborn. They stubbornly refuse to notice the good in life, they constantly insist that this world is bad, that life is hard and unbearable.

There is another very important point in the occurrence of this disease. People with sclerosis, and these are elderly people, complain of memory weakness. That is, their illness helps them to forget. Forget old troubles.

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Psychosomatics: cardiovascular diseases (hypertension)

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels in economically developed countries are the most common cause of death. In recent years, cardiologists have placed increasing emphasis on psychosocial risk factors and their association with somatic factors (Burns and Katkin 1993; Burns et al. 1993; Cohen et al. 1994; Contrada 1994; Dembroski and MacDougall 1983; Miller et al., 1996). Lifestyle, personality attitudes and the position of a person in his professional and family environment are important for blood circulation and its physiological regulation. Somatic risk factors such as malnutrition, obesity, smoking and alcohol abuse, which reflect personality traits, have long been known (Broitigam et al., 1999).

The psychosomatic component is primarily characteristic of the following diseases of the cardiovascular system:

essential arterial hypertension; coronary artery disease; heart rhythm disturbances; cardiac neurosis of fear.

The heart and blood vessels are involved in all forms of life, although normally a person is not aware of this. With physical and mental stress, the work of the heart begins to be perceived in the form of an increased heartbeat or tachycardia. Unlike motility or breathing, the activity of the heart and blood vessels is excluded from direct human perception. And only under certain borderline conditions and disorders the heart is perceived consciously. Even in cases of severe disorders, such as congenital heart disease, cardiac phenomena are subjectively perceived only in the late stages of decompensation. However, even in these cases, a kind of uncertainty arises: “although my heart is mine, it is somehow indefinite and not amenable to control, like, for example, a limb.” This sense of uncertainty already contains the germ of fear. This is the basis for the assumption of the possibility of phobic personality development.

The mental sphere also determines the functions of the heart and blood vessels, as well as the somatic one. Activity and rest, sleep or wakefulness, mental alertness and excitement, outwardly expressed or suppressed feelings are associated with various conditions of the circulatory system. The connection between the activity of the heart and emotions is reflected in many idioms and sayings.

Despite the fact that changes in the work of the heart are equally manifested in both positive and negative feelings, pathological disorders in the cardiovascular system are associated with fear, anger, rage, longing and other negative emotions, which lead to the fact that, for example, with fear of loneliness, with the danger of an attack, there is a feeling that the heart begins to beat in the throat and in the head area. The resulting release of adrenaline causes vasoconstriction, increased heart rate and increased myocardial contraction, which in turn leads to a state of anxiety and fear.

The heart is usually associated with love. The question arises: why does the breakup of a relationship, the loss of a loved one often lead to heart disease? If the mother does not give her child enough warmth, he shows to his doll the feelings that he would like to feel in his mother. The doll becomes a substitute for a loved one.

Some cardiologists suggest that sometimes the heart turns into a symbol of a loved one and all those feelings are transferred to it, which for some reason cannot be expressed openly. A person is afraid to show his displeasure to others. A woman does not dare to object to her beloved, and in order to reduce longing and avoid depression, she tyrannizes her own heart, taking out her irritation on it.

Repressed hostility (Barefoot et al., 1996; Barefoot et al., 1994; Benotsch et al., 1997; Siegman and Smith, 1994; Siegman et al., 1992) and type A behavior play a major role in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. (Booth-Kewley and Friedman, 1987).

Since in most cases it is not possible to clearly date the onset of the disease, it is difficult to talk about the situation that causes it.. However, certain internal conflicts have been described as causal situations (Gentry, et al., 1982; Irvine, et al., 1991; Saab and Schneiderman, 1993). Arterial hypertension often begins when a person is in a situation of chronic tense expectation (Grace, Graham, 1952). Typical statements of hypertensive patients: “I must be ready for anything”, “I am such that I take on all the difficulties”, “no one will stop me, I am ready for anything.” Provocative situations are often prolonged states of fear, lack of time and increasing tension. In addition, situations are described in which it is possible to discharge hostility and aggressiveness, but this does not happen due to inhibition or scrupulousness.

Numerous experiments with both animals and humans have shown that with fear, anger and anger, blood pressure rises and that chronic emotional overstrain can lead to persistent hypertension.(Coeher, 1971; Groen et al., 1971; Angermeier and Peters, 1973; Cannon, 1953; Reindell et al., 1971). It is generally accepted that hypertensive patients have chronically suppressed aggression associated with fear.

For patients with hypertension, they describe a typical neurotic personality structure with a predominance of obsessive states, as a result of which internal and external conflicts often arise, which makes emotional discharge difficult(Groen et al., 1971).

The fact that essential hypertension often occurs in members of the same family can be interpreted in the sense of "psychological inheritance"(Hermann et al., 1989). Experimental studies show that patients with hypertension tend to increase pressure even in those situations that do not cause any changes in pressure in normotonic patients (Hodapp, Weyer, 1982).

According to Alexander (2002), the central point of the psychodynamics of the patient with essential hypertension is the constant struggle with the growing hostile-aggressive feeling. At the same time, there are difficulties of self-affirmation. Patients are afraid of losing the favor of other people and therefore control the manifestations of their hostility. In childhood, they are usually prone to fits of rage and aggression. Formerly an aggressive child, an adult becomes emphatically compliant, unable to stand up for himself. Understanding the possibility of losing the location of relatives and friends due to their aggressiveness makes the child control his hostility and hide it. Patients with arterial hypertension constantly show irritability if they encounter insurmountable resistance. Their life imposes on them the role of "draft horse". They are stuck for many years in one job and rarely change firms, even if they are underpaid. If they achieve a position of authority, it is difficult for them to become an authority for others. They do the work for others instead of establishing discipline. From this over-conscientious and over-responsible behavior, heightened feelings of anger, hostility and aggressiveness are born, over time requiring more and more efforts to contain them. Thus a vicious cycle develops that leads to a chronic state of tension. The characteristic situation that provokes the disease is life conflicts that mobilize hostility and the desire for self-assertion and at the same time make it impossible to freely express them.

Initially, these traits were found in the observed behavior of patients. In further studies, it was shown that, in comparison with normotonic patients, their perception of conflict and stress was changed. For example, flight controllers are at risk of increased pressure not only when they identify with their profession and are adaptable and accommodating to co-workers, but also when they are insensitive and in denial about job stress (Rose et al.. 1978).

In the formation of hypertension, direct interaction in the family also plays a role, which is shown in studies of conflict behavior in families with a hypertensive father, in which the family was studied as a clinical unity, based on a systemic vision of symptoms.(Baer et al., 1959, 1933; Baer, ​​1983).

The structure of the personality of a family member- for example, the conflict-aggressive impulse of hypertension - affects the behavior of the interaction of the family as a whole ("family accumulation" of essential hypertension). In every family, rules are formed between parents and children, according to which conflicts are regulated; in families with a hypertensive father, children have less effective opportunities for transferring and resolving conflicts, as evidenced by the predominance of negative non-verbal communication in these families (for example, do not give an answer, turn your head away, avoid eye contact). A variety of studies indicate that limited perception of conflict and stress and avoidance of conflict correlate with the appearance of high blood pressure, i.e., these are the types of behavior that children acquire from a hypertensive father in the process of socialization in the family. This point of view, along with the genetic component, could open up the complementary aspect of the possible reproduction of essential hypertension (Theorell, 1990; Luban-Plozza et al., 2000).

Family interaction is characterized by a kind of ban on speech or communication, which also affects the non-verbal sphere, as a result of which understanding, observing, controlling, restraining activities predominate, while giving, reporting, participating expressions rarely appear (Kroger, Petzold, 1985).

A single personality structure for all patients with arterial hypertension has not been established. However, with a wide distribution and a wide variety of forms of the disease, this should not be expected.

And yet, among the psychosomatically examined pre-selected patients, there are constantly repeated certain personality traits. Hypertensive patients are described as hardworking, committed to duty, sociable, with a great sense of responsibility. In this regard, they have internal and external conflicts from which they cannot emotionally distance themselves. In their specific modesty attitude, they give up their needs in favor of others, wanting their approval and not provoking aggression or hostility. It is these signs, described independently by different researchers as willingness to help, shyness, chronically suppressed aggressiveness, that make up the manifest personality traits that are of great importance for the formation of characteristic reactions of suppression of needs perceived as dangerous. Manifest features of the perception of the environment and behavior in many hypertensive patients is a form of protection from their own aggressive impulses (Cottingtonetal., 1986; Diamond, 1982).

Most patients with essential hypertension usually do not have proper awareness of their disease. From a psychoanalytic standpoint, outwardly wrong neurotic behavior is ideologically justified by the desire for activity and helping people. But even with this unfavorable initial situation, in some cases, changes can be achieved if, thanks to the maturation of the personality, its one-sided orientation is eliminated and the person as a whole begins to orient himself in life in a new way.

manifest personality traits of a patient with arterial hypertension , his industriousness and orderly behavior, contact, accuracy and conscientiousness impress, make him, it would seem, a pleasant, compliant patient. However, it should be remembered that in most cases, a hypertensive person does not verbalize his aggressiveness, ambition and desire for rivalry, which often remain latent. This can be felt if you try to have a lasting effect on the lifestyle of the patient. His low compliance with the necessary long-term therapeutic program, during which the patient usually cannot realize his needs and cannot even express his judgments and attitudes that contradict the therapeutic program, often complicates the relationship between the psychotherapist and the patient. In labor and family crisis situations, and above all in latent conflicts in relations with a psychotherapist, patients are easily injured, but they cannot verbally express their aggressiveness. They simply go away from treatment, do not appear by the appointed time. This seemingly unmotivated interruption of treatment leads them to develop a sense of guilt and its projection. It is important for the psychotherapist's countertransference to be aware of his patient's oppositional tendencies and to encourage him to talk, helping him to cope with feelings of guilt or tension during treatment. A benevolent attitude, in which the therapist himself does not feel disadvantaged, and does not make unnecessary reproaches, determines the possibility of continuing therapy.

For the relationship between the psychotherapist and the patient, it is important to notice in time that the patient tends to suppress his own critical needs and reveal them only indirectly, for example, in the form of an unmotivated interruption of treatment.

The situation of the relationship between the psychotherapist and the patient is often characterized by a conflict of aggressiveness/dependence on the part of the patient.

Conditions for the treatment of hypertension are characterized by:

Low motivation, since complaints are received mainly for minor subjective symptoms;

Well-placed drug therapy;

Personal factors characterized by a conflict of aggressiveness/dependence, which can lead to tension in the relationship between the psychotherapist and the patient and be expressed in the unreliability of interaction.

For supportive treatment, early involvement of the social field, a non-directive attitude of the psychotherapist to the patient that does not activate the conflict of aggressiveness / dependence, the psychotherapist's active communication of information, strengthening of one's own responsibility and independence, as well as self-perception (for example, due to self-measurement of pressure) are recommended.

Psychotherapeutic treatment seems appropriate and indicated only when the patient has the appropriate pressure of suffering. Relaxation and behavioral interventions are well established as a support for drug therapy, as drug doses can be substantially reduced in this way.

As part of a behavioral therapy program, the patient's own responsibility should be pursued through the use of biofeedback and stress relief techniques. Patients must understand what situations, difficulties, conflicts lead to an increase in blood pressure, learn to control their successes and failures. It is necessary to clarify whether these successes correspond to the canons of the classical reflex theory and whether we are talking about the direct formation of conditional connections, and not just about teaching patients general soothing techniques.

Solution focused therapy, symbol drama, art therapy, creative visualization, transactional analysis, and family therapy can be used successfully.

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Psychology of diseases: Heart (problems)

1. HEART (PROBLEMS) - (Louise Hay)

Guilt. Symbolizes the center of love and security.

Longstanding emotional problems. Lack of joy. Callousness. Belief in the need for tension, stress.

Joy. Joy. Joy. I gladly let the flow of joy through my mind, body, life.

2. HEART (PROBLEMS) - (V. Zhikarentsev)

What does this organ represent in a psychological sense?

Represents the center of love and security, protection.

Long-term emotional problems. Lack of joy. Hardening of the heart. Belief in tension, overwork and pressure, stress.

Possible Healing Solution

I return experiences of joy to the center of my heart. I express love for everything.

3. HEART (PROBLEMS) - (Liz Burbo)

The heart provides blood circulation in the human body, functioning like a powerful pump. Far more people die from heart disease these days than from any other disease, war, catastrophe, etc. This vital organ is located in the very center of the human body.

When we talk about a person concentrates, it means that he allows his heart to decide, that is, he acts in harmony with himself, with joy and love. Any problems with the heart are a sign of the opposite state, that is, a state in which a person accepts everything too close to the heart. His efforts and experiences go beyond his emotional capacity, which prompts him to excessive physical activity. The most important message that heart disease carries is “LOVE YOURSELF!”. If a person suffers from some kind of heart disease, it means that he has forgotten about his own needs and is trying his best to earn the love of others. He doesn't love himself enough.

Heart problems indicate that you must immediately change your attitude towards yourself. You think that love can only come from other people, but it would be much wiser to receive love from yourself. If you depend on someone's love, you have to constantly earn that love.

When you realize your uniqueness and learn to respect yourself, love - your love for yourself - will always be with you, and you will not have to try again and again to get it. In order to reconnect with your heart, try to give yourself at least ten compliments a day.

If you make these inner changes, your physical heart will respond to them. A healthy heart endures deceit and disappointment in the love sphere, as it never remains without love. This does not mean that you can do nothing for others; on the contrary, you must continue to do everything that you did before, but with a different motivation. You should do it for your own pleasure, not to earn someone's love.

4. HEART (PROBLEMS) - (Valery Sinelnikov)

Pains in the heart arise from unsatisfied love: for oneself, loved ones, the world around, for the very process of life. People with a sick heart have a lack of love for themselves and for people. They are prevented from loving long-standing resentment and jealousy, pity and regret, fear and anger. They feel lonely or fear being alone. They do not understand that they themselves create loneliness for themselves, fencing themselves off from people, relying on old grievances. They are weighed down by emotional longstanding problems. They are a "heavy load", a "stone" on the heart. Hence the lack of love and joy. You are simply killing these divine feelings in yourself. You are so busy with your own and other people's problems that there is no place and time for love and joy.

Doctor, I can't help but worry about my children, the patient tells me. - My daughter's husband is a drunkard, my son divorced his wife, and I'm worried about my grandchildren, how are they, what's wrong with them. My heart aches for all of them.

I understand that you only want the best for your children and grandchildren. But is heartache the best way to help them?

Of course not, the woman replies. - But I can't do it any other way.

The heart often hurts those people who are filled with pity and compassion. They strive to help people by taking on their pain and suffering (“Compassionate person”, “Heart bleeds”, “Take to heart”). They have a very strong desire to help loved ones, people around them. But they do not use the best methods. And at the same time they completely forget about themselves, ignore themselves. Thus, the heart is gradually closed to love and joy. His blood vessels constrict.

Being open to the world, loving the world and people, and at the same time remembering and taking care of yourself, your interests and intentions is a great art. Remember? "Love your neighbor as yourself!"

Why do people forget the second part of this commandment?

A person with good thoughts, who understands, realizes and accepts his place and purpose in the Universe, has a healthy and strong heart.

A good heart never gets sick

And the bad is getting heavier.

Evil has destroyed more than one heart.

Have a good heart

Be able to answer good for good.

I have found that people with heart problems believe in the need for tension and stress. They are dominated by a negative assessment of the surrounding world or any events and phenomena in it. Almost any situation they consider as stressful. This is because they have not learned to take responsibility for their lives. Personally, I divide all situations in my life into two categories: pleasant and useful. Pleasant situations are those that give me pleasant experiences. And useful ones are those in which you can learn something important and positive.

I have a familiar bath attendant. He is already seventy years old. Made a golden wedding. He recently told me about himself.

Fifteen years ago, I was admitted to the hospital with a suspected heart attack. I had a hard time then. Thought it was already over. Well, nothing, the doctors supported, treated. And when I was discharged, one smart doctor told me: “If you want to have a healthy heart, remember: never scold anyone and never swear at anyone. And even if someone is scolding someone nearby, run away from there. Choose good people for yourself and be good yourself.”

So I remembered his words for the rest of my life. If they swear in trolleybuses, I get out and sit on a fixed-route taxi. Pensioner neighbors joke: "Semyonich has become a rich man, he travels by taxi." And I think that you should not save on your health.

But now I can steam three people at once with a broom in the bathhouse. And I feel great.

One of my patients with heart disease often used the following phrases in a conversation:

Doctor, I feel sorry for people all the time.

I take it to heart.

The world is so unfair.

“Take to heart”, “Compassionate person”, “Stone on the heart”, “Heart bleeds”, “Cold heart”, “Heartless” - if you use such phrases, then you have a predisposition to heart disease or it is already sick. Stop carrying something unpleasant in your heart. Free yourself, smile, straighten up, feel light and free.

5. HEART (PROBLEMS) - (Valery Sinelnikov)

I remember the physiology lessons at the medical university. We then conducted experiments on frogs. The frog's heart was cut out and placed in saline. And if you maintain certain conditions, then the heart can beat in isolation from the body for as long as you like. This is because the heart has its own pacemaker (sinus node).

But, while in the body, the heart also reacts to certain hormones, nerve impulses coming from the central and autonomic nervous system. And when everything is in order in our life, we do not think about our heart.

Interruptions in the work of the heart is a direct indication that you have lost your own rhythm of life. Listen to your heart. It will surely tell you that you are imposing an alien rhythm on yourself. Hurry somewhere, hurry, fuss. Anxiety and fear begin to control you, your feelings.

One of my patients developed a heart block. In this disease, not every impulse from the sinus node reaches the heart muscle. And the heart contracts at a frequency of 30-55 beats per minute (with a normal rhythm of 60-80 beats). There is a risk of cardiac arrest. Medicine in this case offers to perform an operation and put an artificial pacemaker.

You see, doctor, the patient tells me, I am no longer young, and my little son is growing up. We must have time to give him an education, to ensure a decent life. For this reason, I left my favorite job and went into business. And I can't stand this frantic rhythm, competition. In addition, constant checks by the tax inspectorate. And everyone has something to give. I'm tired of all this.

That's right, I say, business has a completely different rhythm. And your heart tells you that you need to stop, stop worrying and start doing in life what interests you, what brings joy, moral satisfaction. What you are doing now is not yours.

But after all, many people changed their profession with the beginning of perestroika.

Of course, I agree. - For some, doing business helped to reveal their talents, and many simply rushed in pursuit of money, forgetting about their purpose, betraying themselves, betraying their hearts.

But I need to provide for my family,” he disagrees. - And at the previous job I received scanty money.

In this case, I say, you have a choice: either you live according to the rhythm imposed and artificial for you, or you change jobs and live in your natural rhythm, in harmony with yourself and the world around you. In addition, - I add - favorite work, if it is correctly put, can bring not only moral, but also material satisfaction.


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Psychosomatics of heart disease

Our body just adjusts to our mood, our thoughts, feelings, emotions. And the result of such adjustment is often the occurrence of various diseases.

Psychosomatics from A to Z

What to do with psychosomatics?

This article is for those who have already begun to understand that the roots of all problems are in the head, as well as for those who have already noticed the close connection between the psyche and the body. Surely you have noticed more than once that as soon as an old painful problem pops up, its echo is immediately found in the body in the form of an exacerbation of a chronic disease, a rise in temperature, an exacerbation of allergies, etc. This is one of the signs that the disease is psychosomatic.

What are psychosomatic illnesses

The name "psychosomatic diseases" - speaks for itself, these are diseases, the causes of which lie in the psyche. However, this does not mean that these are some twisted, far-fetched and not real diseases at all. They are the real ones, only the causes of these diseases are not only in the entry of the virus into the body, not in the lack or excess of some hormone, but much deeper.

What is the reason, for example, that the hormone took and stopped being produced in the right quantities? It's not just that the body is tired of performing its prescribed functions without failures? No.

Our body just adjusts to our mood, our thoughts. Since most people do not even track and realize their thoughts and emotions, our body acts as a very convenient means of feedback, showing that in this part of it, under the influence of negative emotions, something is not working properly. Our body begins to signal pain and discomfort already in extreme cases, when our emotions remain unheard for a long time, and mental pain continues to grow.

And for this, he should rather say thank you than be offended and complain that it brings us down and does not allow us to live in peace.

Consider the relationship between the body and the psyche on one of the diseases - asthma. In simple words, during an exacerbation, under the influence of allergens, an attack occurs and a person cannot fully breathe, because he cannot exhale. What is the body trying so hard to tell a person?

The fact that a person does not want to live a full life, does not want to "breathe deeply", does not want or believes that he does not have the right to breathe and live independently (especially in the case of constant use of an inhaler), that a person takes a lot, but gives with great difficulty (difficulty exhaling). Plus, the presence of the allergen itself, which triggers an asthma attack, indicates that a person cannot stand something, protests against any events or actions, but cannot or does not give himself the will to express this protest due to education, stereotypes, fear opinions of others. And it was the constant ignoring of all these psychological factors that caused the onset of the disease, and these same factors are the cause of its transition to the chronic stage.

And so it is possible to make out each disease.

Psychosomatics body protest

But we are primarily interested in what can be done about it, because it is not so easy to take and finally give yourself the freedom to protest against the fact that a person cannot stand it (in the case of asthma), and not reach out habitually for an inhaler. Just like that, we are not given the root causes for which these automatisms arose to adjust to a different way of behavior and response, and until we eliminate them, we will not be able to react differently. Moreover, in the explanation of psychosomatic diseases, multifactoriality is recognized - a set of causes that interact with each other, that is, several psychological problems can become the sources of one disease at once, and a large number of related, at first glance, even unrelated problems can influence its occurrence. , problems.

The reasons, as we said above, are ourselves, the features of our personality that were formed as a result of upbringing, as well as the features of character and temperament, exactly what a person is proud of at first glance, because it is these features that make him different from all.

The past plays a huge role in shaping the personality, and you can read about working with it and the negative consequences of the absence of this work in this article. Here we only want to say that in order to get rid of any personality or character trait, you will need to work through all the episodes of the past, the postulates and beliefs that formed this trait, and there are thousands of them. But, in fact, we have not yet met people who would like to solve only one single problem in life or be cured of one single disease. Sooner or later, the question arises of a total study of all one's fears, beliefs, sexual complexes, resentments, illusions, psychological trauma, all episodes of the past and fantasies about the future.

Yes, it's a lot of work, but it's worth it. The Baibak system is aimed precisely at such total work. Moreover, the system, due to its automation, allows you to restore health and completely removes all the causes of the disease not in decades, as promised in other practices, but in just 6-8 months.

So, if you really understand that health and garbage in the head in the form of complexes, fears and resentments are simply not compatible, and you understand that you can’t leave it like that, it’s impossible to live with it, then the Baibak system can be useful to you. To get acquainted with the system and receive the book on your e-mail, fill out the form at the top or bottom of the page, but you should decide whether to work with the system or not only after reading it.

Abscess, abscess, abscess - A person is worried about the evil that has been done to him, about inattention and revenge.

Adenoids - Swell from sadness, or become inflamed from humiliation. Family tensions, disputes. Sometimes - the presence of a childish feeling of undesirability.

Addison's disease - (see Adrenal disease) adrenal insufficiency. Severe lack of emotional nourishment.

Adrenaline diseases are diseases of the adrenal glands. Defeatism. I hate to take care of myself.

Alzheimer's disease is a type of senile dementia, manifested by total dementia with progressive memory decay and cortical focal disorders. (See also Dementia, Old Age, Decrepancy). Desire to leave this planet. The inability to face life as it is. Refusal to interact with the world as it is.

Hopelessness and helplessness. Anger.

Alcoholism - Sadness breeds alcoholism. Feeling of worthlessness, emptiness, guilt, inconsistency with the world around. Self denial. Alcoholics are people who do not want to be aggressive and cruel.

They want to be joyful and bring joy to others. They are looking for the easiest way to escape from everyday problems. Being a natural product, alcohol is a balancing principle. It gives a person what he needs. It temporarily solves the problems that have accumulated in the soul, relieves the tension from the drinker.

Alcohol reveals the true face of a person. Acoholism recedes when treated with kindness and love. Alcoholism is the fear of not being loved.

Alcoholism destroys the physical body.

Allergic rash on the face - A person is humiliated by the fact that against his will everything has become clear. Seemingly good and fair humiliates a person so much that there is no strength to endure.

Allergy - A tangled ball of love, fear and anger. Who do you not tolerate? Fear of malice - fear that anger will destroy love. This causes anxiety and panic and, as a result, allergies. - in adults - the body loves the person and hopes for an improvement in the emotional state.

It feels like it doesn't want to die of cancer. He knows better. - on animal hair - during pregnancy, the mother was frightened or angry, or the mother does not like animals. - on flower pollen (hay fever) - the child is afraid that he will not be allowed into the yard and becomes embittered by this, in an adult - grief in connection with some incident in nature or in the village. - for fish - a person does not want to sacrifice anything for the sake of others, a protest against self-sacrifice. For a child - if the parents sacrifice themselves and their families for the good of society.

Amnesia is the partial or complete absence of memory. Fear. Escapism.

Inability to take care of oneself.

Anaerobic infection - A man is desperately fighting to destroy the dungeon, get out of it at will. Pus itself rushes to the air, looking for a way out. Anaerobic infection does not look for a way out; even without oxygen, it is capable of destroying the dungeon.

The more extensive the focus of the disease, the more likely the likelihood of blood poisoning.

Angina, purulent tonsillitis - A strong belief that you cannot raise your voice in defense of your views and ask for your needs to be met. - scold yourself or others, - subconscious resentment against yourself, - the child has problems in relations between parents, - removal of the tonsils - parental desire that the child obey big and smart adults - the tonsils are the ears of conceit - non-existent ears will no longer perceive the words. From now on, any offense will cultivate his conceit - ego. He can hear about himself - heartless.

It is no longer easy to make him dance to someone else's tune. If this happens, then other tissues of the larynx are affected.

Anemia - a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. Lack of joy in life. Fear of life. Feeling that they are not good enough for the world around them.

Anorexia - loss of appetite. Unwillingness to live the life of a dead man. For a person, they think convincingly and deftly and make decisions - thereby imposing their will. The weaker the will to live, the weaker the appetite.

Food is a factor that prolongs such a life and mental anguish. Self-hatred and self-denial. The presence of extreme fear.

The denial of life itself.

Anuresis - Bedwetting in children - the mother's fear for her husband is transmitted to the child in the form of fear for the father, and the kidneys blocked by fear can be released and do their work in a dream. Daytime urinary incontinence - the child is afraid of his father, due to the fact that he is too angry and harsh.

Anuria - cessation of urine flow to the bladder due to impaired blood flow in the kidneys, diffuse damage to their parenchyma or obstruction of the upper urinary tract. A person does not want to give vent to bitterness from unfulfilled desires.

Anus - (point of release from excess load, dropping to the ground.) - abscess - anger towards what you do not want to get rid of. - pain - guilt, not good enough. - itching - guilt over the past, remorse, repentance. - fistula - you continue to stubbornly cling to the trash of the past.

Apathy - Resistance to feelings, drowning out one's self.

Apoplexy, seizure - Escape from family, from yourself, from life.

Appendicitis - Humiliation from an impasse, when experiencing shame and humiliation about this, the appendix bursts and peritonitis occurs. Stopping the flow of good.

Appetite (food cravings). Excessive - the need for protection. Loss - self-protection, distrust of life. Appetite for various dishes and foods arises as a subconscious desire to compensate for the lack of energy. It contains information about what is happening in you now: - you want sour - a feeling of guilt needs to be recharged, - sweet - you have a great fear, consumption of sweets causes a pleasant feeling of calmness, - craving for meat - you are embittered, and anger can be nourish only with meat. Each stress has its own amplitude of fluctuation, and each food product or dish has its own, when they coincide, the body's need is satisfied. Milk: - loves - tends to deny his mistakes, but notices the mistakes of others - does not like - wants to know the truth, even if it's terrible. He rather agrees to the bitter truth than to sweet lies, - he does not tolerate - he does not tolerate lies, - he overdoes - you can’t wait for the truth. Fish: - loves - loves peace of mind. in the name of which they have made efforts, - does not love - does not want either apathy or peace of mind, is afraid of passivity. inactivity, laziness, - does not tolerate - does not tolerate indifference, laziness, even peace of mind, wants life to boil around him, - loves fresh fish - wants to live in the world quietly, quietly, so that no one touches him and he himself does not disturb others - loves salted fish - beats his chest with his fist and declares: "Here he is, a good man."

Salt increases decisiveness, self-confidence. Water: - drinks a little - a person has a heightened vision of the world and a sharp perception, - drinks a lot - the world is vague and unclear for him, but supportive and benevolent. The energy of some products: - lean meat - honest open malice - fatty meat - secret vile malice, - cereals - responsibility to the world, - rye - interest in comprehending the deep wisdom of life, - wheat - interest in comprehending the superficial wisdom of life, - rice - an accurate balanced perfect vision of the world, - corn - easy getting everything from life, - barley - self-confidence, - oats - thirst for knowledge, curiosity, - potatoes - seriousness, - carrots - laughter, - cabbage - cordiality, - swede - craving for knowledge, - beets - the ability to explain complex things intelligibly, - cucumber - languor. daydreaming, - tomato - self-confidence, - peas - logical thinking, - onion - recognition of one's own mistakes, - garlic - self-confident obstinacy, - apple - prudence, - dill - patience and endurance, - lemon - critical mind, - banana - frivolity - grapes - satisfaction, - egg - craving for perfection, - honey - gives perfect maternal love and warmth, like a mother's hug.

Arrhythmia - Fear of being guilty.

Arteries and veins - Bring joy to life. Arteries symbolically correlate with a woman, they are more often sick in men. Veins correlate with men, more often they get sick in women. Arterial diseases in men - anger due to the fact that women stick their nose into the economy. Gangrene - a man scolds himself for stupidity, cowardice and helplessness. Vein dilation in men - considers the economic side his duty , constantly worried about the family budget. Skin ulceration is a man’s militant desire to settle things with his fists. A trophic ulcer is a drain pipe in a reservoir of anger, if the anger is not released, the ulcer will not be cured, and a vegetable diet will not help either. economic problems causing anger to oneself. Inflammation of the veins - anger at the economic problems of a husband or men. Inflammation of the arteries - anger at oneself or women due to economic problems.

Asthma - Suppressed urge to cry. Suppression, strangulation of feelings. The fear that they don’t love me causes the need to suppress my panicky anger, not to protest, then they will love, secret fear, suppression of feelings and, as a result, asthma. Children’s - fear of life, suppressed feelings in the family, suppressed crying, a repressed feeling of love, the child is afraid of life and does not want to live anymore. The elders surround the soul of the child with their anxieties, fears, disappointments, etc.

Atelectasis is the collapse of the entire lung or part of it due to impaired ventilation due to obstruction of the bronchus or compression of the lung. It comes from sadness due to the inevitable feeling of a lack of strength to fight for one's freedom.

Atherosclerosis - tough unbending ideas, complete self-righteousness, inability to open the door for a new one. - perhaps a sagging spine. - senile dementia - a person craves an easy life, attracts what he wants, until his mind degrades to the level of an idiot.

Muscle atrophy - muscle wasting. Arrogance towards others. A person considers himself better than others and is ready to defend it at any cost. He does not put people in anything, but he longs for fame and power.

Illness comes to help prevent mental arrogance from turning into outward violence. Overexertion of the calf muscles indicates a conscious desire to hurry, shrinking means suppression of sadness. for example - all the men in the family were forced to walk on tiptoe for fear of disturbing the mother in her eternal haste. Men in the family were assigned a secondary role in economic affairs. Tiptoe walking signifies exceptional obedience.

Bacteria - Streptococcus pyogenes - a savage desire to hang someone disenfranchised on a bitch, the realization of one's unbearable humiliation. - other Beta-hemolytic streptococci (Sanginosus) - growing like a ninth wave challenge to those who deprive of freedom (I will live to harm you) - Arcanobacterium haemolyticum - waiting for the right moment to commit petty deceit and malicious meanness - Actinomyces pyogenes - imperturbable-looking weaving nets and setting traps to take revenge.

Hips - Express vital economic stability or strength, endurance, strength, influence, generosity, superiority. They carry a lot of faith in moving forward. Hip problems: - fear of going forward with determination, there is nothing or little that is worth going towards. - fracture - the more difficult, the more severe the person's thoughts about the future. - fleshiness - fear and grief about their vitality.

Childlessness. (Infertility.) - Fear and resistance in relation to the process of life. No need to go through the experience of parenthood. - The fear of being childless leads to a malfunction of the ovaries and the cell is released exactly when you do not want it. - Children of the new time want to come into this world without stress, and not to correct the mistakes of their parents, t .to. by them (children) - they have already been learned and they do not want to repeat them. A woman who does not have children, first of all, needs to revise her relationship with her mother, and then mother and father.

Understand and realize the stresses absorbed from them, forgive them, and ask for forgiveness from your unborn child. - It is possible that there is no spirit that would need this body, or he decides not to come, because: 1. - he doesn't want his mother to be bad, 2. - you can love your mother even as a spirit, 3. - he doesn't want to be guilty, 4. - he doesn't want to be born to his mother. who doesn't believe. that in the hands of the child is the wisdom and power of birth, 5. - he knows that under the load of stress (the mother draws pictures of defective development, birth trauma, etc.), he will not be able to fulfill his life task.

Anxiety, anxiety - Distrust of how life flows and develops.

Insomnia - Distrust of the process of life. Guilt.

Rabies, rabies - Belief that violence is the only solution. Anger.

Diseases of the veins and arteries - The charge of men or women, respectively, due to failure in household affairs.

Diseases of the intestinal tract - Arise similarly to diseases of the bladder.

Alzheimer's disease - Brain exhaustion. overload disease. It occurs in people who completely denying emotions, absolutize the potential of their brain.

It arises in those who have a maximalistic desire to receive, as well as the consciousness that in order to receive it is necessary to fully use the potential of their mind.

The pains are long, dull - Thirst for love. Craving to be possessed.

Pain is guilt. Guilt is always looking for punishment. Sharp pain, sharp anger - someone just made you angry. Dull pain, dull anger - a feeling of helplessness about the realization of one's anger. Boring pain, boring anger - I would like to take revenge, but I can not. Chronic pain, long-term anger - an increase or decrease in pain indicates an influx or ebb of anger. Sudden pain - sudden anger. dominance over oneself or others. Pain in the legs - anger associated with doing work, receiving or spending money - economic problems. Pain in the knees - anger preventing progress. Pain in the whole body - anger against everything, because everything is not like me I want. Pain in these places indicates a critical increase in this character trait. - forehead - prudence, - eyes - clarity, - ears - importance, - nose - arrogance, - jaws - pride.

Sores, wounds, ulcers - Unreleased outward anger.

Warts - Small expressions of hate. Belief in your own ugliness. - on the sole - anger about the very foundations of your understanding. Deepening feelings of frustration about the future.

Bronchitis - A tense atmosphere in the family. Quarrel, disputes and abuse. Sometimes boiling inside. - In the family there is despondency, anxiety, weariness from life. - The feeling of love is infringed. oppressive relationship problems with mother or husband. - Who feels guilty and splashes it out in the form of accusations.

Bulimia - Insatiable hunger. (Pathological increase in appetite.) - the desire to go through life with noise. - the desire to take possession of an illusory future, which is actually disgusted.

Bursitis - inflammation of the synovial bag of the joint. The desire to beat someone. Suppressed anger.

Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina. Sexual guilt. Self punishment.

Anger at a spouse, partner.

Venereal disease - Sexual guilt. The need for punishment. Thoughts that the genitals are the place of sin.

Insult, mistreatment of other people.

Varicose veins. (Knotty - extended.) Being in a situation that you hate. Depression, discouragement. Feeling overworked and overworked.

OverweightNeed for protection. Escape from feelings. Lack of a sense of security, self-denial, search for self-realization.

Thymus gland - an organ of immunity In a child: - too small - parents are afraid that nothing will come of it. The stronger the fear, the stronger its spasm. - greatly increased - the parents' firm focus on the fact that the child should become famous at any cost and he already boasts of himself before the deadline. - represents a huge shapeless mass - parental ambitions for the child are excessive, but not rosary. In an adult: A person feels guilty and blames himself. - a decrease in the thymus indicates how much a person misinterprets the law of cause and effect. - dispersal in the lymphatic system - confuses causes with effects.

Viral diseases - Rhinovirus - desperate throwing because of their mistakes. - Coronavirus - terrifying thoughts about their mistakes. - Adenovirus - chaotic fuss dictated by the desire to make the impossible possible, the desire to atone for their mistakes. for the inability to correct their mistakes, depression. the desire not to be. - Paramyxovirus - the desire to correct one's mistakes in one fell swoop, while knowing that this is impossible. - herpes - the desire to remake the world, self-flagellation due to the surrounding evil, a sense of responsibility due to its eradication. - Coxsackievirus A - desire, even crawling away from their mistakes. - Epstein-Barr virus - a game of generosity with one's own limited abilities in the hope that what is proposed will not be accepted, simultaneous dissatisfaction with oneself, pushing a person beyond the boundaries of the possible. Depletion of all internal support. (Stress virus). - Cytomegalovirus - conscious poisonous anger at one's own sluggishness and at enemies, the desire to erase everyone and everything to powder, not the realization of hatred. - AIDS - a violent unwillingness to be a nonentity.

Vitiligo is a depigmented spot. Feeling that you are out of things. Not related to anything. Do not belong to any of the groups.

Ectopic pregnancy - Occurs when a woman does not want to share a child with anyone. It speaks of maternal jealousy, opposed to anyone encroaching on the child.

Dropsy, edema - What or who do you not want to get rid of? Dropsy of the brain - The mother of the child accumulates unshed tears of sadness about the fact that they do not love her, do not understand, do not regret that everything is not the way she wants. The child may be born already with dropsy.

Age problems - Belief in society. Old thinking. Denial of the present. Fear of being someone else's me.

Blisters, water bubbles - Lack of emotional protection. Resistance.

Hairiness - Desire to blame. There is often a reluctance to feed oneself. Anger that is covered.

Gray hair - Overwork, stress. Faith in pressure and tension.

Lupus, skin tuberculosis - Concession, refusal to fight, to defend one's interests. Better to die than stand up for yourself.

Inflammations - Inflamed thinking. Excited thinking.

Inflammation of the bladder - A person feels humiliated due to accumulated disappointments.

Tears - appear from the fact that a person does not get what he wants from life. Sweat - removes the most different types of malice from the body in the greatest amount. By the smell of sweat, you can determine the character of a person. Saliva - indicates how a person achieves his goals. Fear of worldly affairs dries up the mouth. Increased salivation occurs from the rush to get rid of their problems. Because of a bad mood, a person wants to spit. Mucus from the nose is anger due to resentment. Chronic runny nose is a state of constant resentment. Sneezing is an attempt by the body to sharply throw out insults from itself, including those inflicted by others. Phlegm is anger at whining and whiners, as well as at the problems associated with them. Vomiting is an aversion to life. Anger against the excesses of others, and so on. against their own excesses. Pus - accompanies anger caused by helplessness and impotence - humiliated anger.

This is a hostile anger caused by dissatisfaction with life in general. Sexual secretion - exasperation associated with sexual life. - Trichomoniasis - the desperate malice of the frivolous, - gonorrhea - the gloomy anger of the humiliated, - chlamydia - imperious anger, - syphilis - the anger of losing a sense of responsibility to life. Blood - symbolically corresponds to the malice of the struggle, vengeful malice. The thirst for revenge is looking for a way out. Urine - disappointments associated with the life of feelings are removed with it. - acid m. - a person is no longer able to bear the accusations. - protein in m. disappointments associated with the volitional sphere are displayed

Miscarriage - A pregnancy is terminated when: - the baby feels unloved and is burdened with more and more until the critical point is reached. for the spirit to leave. How long can you endure? If a woman with care and love devotes herself to preserving the pregnancy, then the child will remain. But if the fear of losing the child and the search for the guilty are added to the previous stresses, then no treatment will help. Fear blocks the adrenal glands, and the child decides that it is better to leave than to live such a life. Many months, forcible preservation of pregnancy with unresolved stress, as a result, gives an abnormal birth and a sick child. - the spine sank.

The 4th lumbar vertebra supplies energy to the uterus, the baby's cradle. The uterus is the organ of motherhood. The stresses of the mother and her daughter - the future mother - make the uterus heavier, the positive energy is destroyed, and the uterus is not able to maintain the pregnancy. - if the 4th lumbar vertebra has sunk, it does not protect it during pregnancy; during childbirth prevents the exit of the fetus.

Gases, flatulence - Undigested ideas, thoughts. Clamping.

Maxillary sinuses - They are the receptacle of energy, self-pride.

Gangrene - Joyful feelings are drowned in poisonous thoughts. mental problems.

Gastritis - Prolonged uncertainty, uncertainty. Rock feeling.

Hemorrhoids - expansion of the veins of the lower rectum. Painful feeling. Fear of letting go. Fear of the forbidden line, the limit.

Anger towards the past.

Genitals, genitals - (Personify the male or female principle.) - problems, diseases of the genitals - anxiety that it is not good or good enough.

Huntington's chorea is a chronic hereditary progressive disease characterized by an increase in choreic hyperkinesis and dementia. (Chorea is fast, erratic, violent movements of various muscles.) Feeling of hopelessness. Resentment, resentment that you cannot change others.

Hepatitis The liver is the seat of anger and rage. Anger, hatred, resistance to change.

Gynecological diseases - In innocent girls and old women, it speaks of a disdain for the male sex and sexual life. And the microbes that peacefully inhabit the body turn into pathogenic and disease-causing ones.

Gynecology - A woman does not know how to run a household like a woman. Intervenes in men's affairs imperiously, humiliatingly, restlessly, shows distrust of a man, humiliates men, considers himself stronger than her husband.

Hyperactivity - Feeling pressured and going on a rampage.

Hyperventilation - increased breathing. Distrust of processes. Resistance to change.

Hyperglycemia is an increased amount of sugar in the blood. (See diabetes.) Depression by the burden of life. What is the use of this?

The pituitary gland represents the control center. Tumor, inflammation of the brain, Itsenko-Cushing's disease. Lack of mental balance. An overproduction of destructive, overwhelming ideas.

Feeling overpowered.

Eyes - personify the ability to clearly see the past, present, future. They reflect the state of the liver, which is the focus of anger and anger, and the eyes are the place where sadness is released. Whoever pacifies his anger, because a simple crush satisfies him, since his hardened soul requires a more fierce retribution, aggressiveness arises in him. - the birth of evil - purposeful conscious malice - incurable eye diseases.

Eye diseases, eye problems Don't like what you see with your own eyes. Occur when sadness is not fully poured out. Therefore, the eyes get sick both in those who cry constantly and in those who never cry. When people reproach their eyes for seeing only one unpleasant thing, the foundation of an eye disease is laid. Loss of vision - the occurrence in memory and scrolling of some bad events. Loss of vision caused by aging - an unwillingness to see the annoying little things in life. An aged person wants to see the great things that have been done or achieved in life. - Astigmatism - anxiety, excitement, anxiety. Fear of really seeing yourself. - an eyesore, divergent strabismus - fear of looking at the present right here. - myopia - fear of the future. - glaucoma - inexorable unforgiveness, pressure from long-past pain, wounds.

An illness associated with sadness. Together with the headache - the process of increasing sadness. - congenital - the mother had to endure a lot of sadness during pregnancy. She was greatly offended, but she clenched her teeth and endured everything, but she cannot forgive. Sorrow lived in her even before pregnancy, and during it she attracted injustice, from which she suffered and became vengeful. She drew to her a child with an identical mentality, whose debt of karma was given the opportunity to be redeemed. Overflowing and overwhelmed by it. - farsightedness - fear of the present. - cataract - inability to look ahead with joy.

The future is covered with darkness. - conjunctivitis is a disorder. downfall, disappointment, as to what you look at in life. - acute conjunctivitis, infectious, pink eyes - disorder, unwillingness to see. - strabismus (see keratitis) - unwillingness to see what is there. Crossed goals. - dry eyes - refusal to see, to experience a feeling of love. I would rather die than forgive. A malevolent, caustic, unfriendly person. - barley on the eye - a look at life with eyes full of anger.

Someone's anger. Eye problems in children - unwillingness to see what is happening in the family.

Worms - Enterobiosis - pinworms. The presence of small cruel tricks associated with the completion of work and cases that he is trying to hide. love and freedom are not put in anything. It is necessary to release the hidden cruelty. - Diphyllobathriasis is a tapeworm.

covert cruelty. clinging to trifles and making an elephant out of a fly.

Deafness - Denial, isolation, stubbornness. Do not disturb me. What we don't want to hear.

Purulent acne - on the chest - an unbearable humiliation associated with a feeling of love. The love of such a person is rejected or not appreciated. - under the arm - a person’s desire to hide his feeling of love and the accompanying need for affection and tenderness out of a sense of shame and fear of sinning against established traditions. - on the back - the impossibility of realizing desire. - on the buttocks - humiliation associated with major economic problems.

Ankle joints - Correlate with a person's desire to brag about his achievements. - swelling of the left ankle joint - chagrin due to the inability to boast of male achievements. - swelling of the right ankle joint - too, but female achievements. - destruction - anger due to fear. that he will be considered an upstart. - inflammation of the ankle joint - suppression of anger and putting on the mask of a good person.

Calf - Calf represents the standards, foundations of life. Destruction of ideals. Expresses how progress in life is realized. - rupture of the calf muscle - anger at female slowness. - fracture of the leg bone - anger at male slowness. - inflammation - feeling humiliated due to too slow progress. - muscle cramps - confusion of will due to - for the fear of moving forward.

Headache - Self-criticism. Assessing your inferiority. The child is used by parents as a shield to repel mutual attacks.

The children's world of feelings and thoughts is being destroyed. A woman has fear and domination - dominance in a masculine manner in order to please the authorities.

Brain - Spasms of the brain - a manic desire for intelligence. Conscientious fools, frightened people striving for intelligence, because: - they want to gain wisdom. - and through it to gain intelligence. - and through it to gain honor and glory. - to gain wealth. The desire to break through with their own head (mind).

Vertigo - Distracted, erratic thinking, flight. Refusal to look around.

Hunger (Increased feeling of hunger.) - A violent desire to cleanse oneself of feelings of self-hatred. Horror without hope for change.

Vocal cords - The voice is gone - the body does not allow you to raise your voice anymore. Inflammation of the vocal cords is accumulated, unspoken anger. A tumor on the vocal cords - a person goes into an angry scream and his accusations outgrow all sorts of limits.

Gonorrhea - Seeks punishment for being bad, bad.

Throat - Channel of creativity. Means of expression. - sores - retention of angry words. Feeling unable to express oneself. - problems, illnesses - indecision in the desire to "get up and go."

Restraining yourself. - scolding yourself or others - a subconscious resentment towards yourself. - a person wants to prove his own rightness or the wrongness of another person. The stronger the desire, the more serious the disease.

Fungus, wild meat - Stagnant beliefs. Refusal to release the past. Letting the past rule today.

Influenza (see influenza.) - A state of dejection.

Chest - Personifies care, care and upbringing, nutrition. Sacrifice from the heart chakra of the heart is an opportunity to remain without a heart at all. Sacrificing one's heart - to a woman, work, etc. to earn love.

The desire to breastfeed his way to prove that he is something of himself. - Breast diseases - excessive care and care for someone. Overprotection from someone.

Women's breasts - If a woman sacrifices her breasts to a man, hoping to become loved through this. Either she is unhappy that she cannot sacrifice her breasts - for to sacrifice, as if there is nothing and nothing - she can lose her breasts. The breast is tender, like love. Its shameless use in order to move up the corporate ladder, inciting passion - turns against the very breast. - cyst, tumor, ulcers - the position is suppression.

Hernia - Broken ties. Tension, load, load, burden. Wrong creative expression.

Herniated spinal cord - Karma debt - in a past life left someone to die with a broken spine.

Duodenum - The duodenum is a team, a person is a leader. A team that is constantly humiliated breaks up and does not want to serve as a solid support. Marking time on the spot makes the leader pissed off and makes him increasingly look for the cause in others.

The more this heartless nerd, for whom the goal is more important than people, bonfires the team, the more severe the disease. Reasons: - constant pain - constant anger at the team. - Ulcer bleeding - vindictiveness towards the team. man and burst.

Depression - Feelings of hopelessness. The anger you feel about not being able to have what you want.

Gums, bleeding - Lack of joy in the decisions you make in life.

Gums, problems - Inability to maintain one's decisions. Weakness, amoebicity about life.

Childhood illnesses - Belief in ideals, social ideas and false laws. Children's behavior in the adults around them.

Diabetes (Hyperglycemia - high blood sugar.) - - desire for others to make my life good. - human body's attempt to make life sweeter. women against men and men's reciprocal. The essence of malice is that the other side has destroyed the happiness of life and beauty. - is a disease of open or secret hatred, vile, petty and treacherous. - comes where fabulous dreams are not realized.

Diarrhea - Denial, flight, fear.

Dysentery - Fear and intense anger. Belief that they are here to get you. Oppression, oppression, depression and hopelessness.

Dysbacteriosis (Violation of the mobile balance of microflora.) - The emergence of conflicting judgments regarding the activities of others.

Disk, displacement - Feeling that life does not support you at all. Indecision.

Dysmenorrhea (See Women's Diseases.) - Hatred of the body or women. Anger at yourself.

Progressive muscular dystrophy - Unwillingness to accept one's own value, dignity. Denial of success.

Muscular dystrophy - An insane desire to control everything and everything. Loss of faith and trust. Deep need to feel safe.

Breathing - Represents the ability to recognize life. - Breathing problems - fear or refusal to fully recognize life. You do not feel the right to occupy space in the world around you or even to exist in time.

Bad breath - Anger and thoughts of revenge. Feels like he/she is being held down.

Glands - Personify the holding of a place. An activity that begins to manifest itself.

The stomach controls nutrition. Digests, assimilates ideas. Stomach problems - fear, fear of the new, inability to assimilate the new. Blaming yourself for the state of affairs, the desire to make your life complete, even more forcing yourself to do something. - bleeding - bearing a terrible revenge in your soul. - prolapse of the stomach and atrophic gastritis (low acidity, anemia due to lack of vitamin B - 12) - a disease that accompanies passivity, as well as guilty without guilt, who forces himself to prove his innocence. - ulcerative gastritis - forcing oneself to overcome fear they don’t like me and actively take up work. - hyperacidity - forcing everyone around to spin, showering them with accusations .- low acidity - a feeling of guilt in all kinds of deeds. - stomach cancer - malicious violence against oneself.

Jaundice, biliousness, envy, jealousy - Internal and external prejudice, preconceived notions. The base is out of balance.

Gall Bladder - Restraining anger. which can only be brought out through the body. Accumulates in the gallbladder.

Gallstones - Bitterness, Heavy thoughts, condemnation, censure, pride, arrogance, hatred.

Women's diseases - rejection of femininity, rejection of the feminine principle, denial of oneself.

Rigidity, lack of flexibility - rigid, stagnant thinking.

Abdomen - the location of the disease in the abdomen indicates the location of the cause of the problem. - upper abdomen (stomach, liver, duodenum, transverse colon and spleen) - problems related to spiritual affairs. - middle of the abdomen (small and large intestine) - with mental affairs. - the lower abdomen (sigmoid colon, rectum, genitals, bladder) - with material ones.

Fat - personifies protection, hypersensitivity. Often personifies fear and shows the need for protection. Fear can also serve as a cover for hidden anger and resistance to forgiveness. - hips at the waist - pieces of stubborn anger at parents. - thighs - packaged children's anger. - stomach - anger at rejected support, nourishment. - arms - anger at rejected love.

Connective tissue disease - collagenosis. Typical for people who try to leave a good impression of a bad thing. This disease is characteristic of hypocrisy and hypocrisy.

Diseases of the lower body - weakening - disappointment and resignation to life - overexertion to the point of complete immobility - stubborn struggle and unwillingness to give up under any circumstances - both types of pathology - muscle wasting in pursuit of meaningless values.

Rear - Delivering a soft but powerful blow from the stern, wanting to knock off the interfering course.

Stuttering - Lack of sense of security. There is no possibility of self-expression. They are not allowed to cry.

Constipation - Refusal to let go of old ideas, thoughts. Attachment to the past. Sometimes torment. Anger: I still can't get it! Man saves everything for himself. Stinginess can be spiritual, mental and material: - fear that knowledge or awareness will be exploited by others, fear of losing them, does not allow sharing even worldly wisdom, stinginess in the divisibility of quality. - stinginess in giving love - stinginess in relation to things. The use of a laxative is contrary to the desires of man. - the wall of the descending colon is entirely thickened and insensitive - a hopeless loss of faith in that. that life can get better. A person is absolutely sure of his worthlessness and therefore does not share his love with anyone. - the sigmoid colon is enlarged, without tone - in his hopelessness, the person has killed his sadness, i.e. malice caused by lying and stealing. Constipation hastens the onset of bowel cancer.

Constipation in thinking and constipation in the anus are one and the same.

Wrist - Represents movement and lightness.

Goiter. Growth of the thyroid gland - A feeling of hatred for the fact that you have been hurt, suffering. Man is a victim. Unfeasibility.

The feeling that you are being blocked from your path in life.

Teeth - Represent decisions. - Diseases - protracted indecision, inability to crack thoughts and ideas for analysis and decision making. In children whose father suffers from an inferiority complex. teeth grow at random. Upper teeth - express the feeling of inferiority of the father in relation to the upper part of his body, future and mind. Lower teeth - express the feeling of inferiority of the father in relation to the lower body, potency, past and material support of the family. Bite - father forced to clench his teeth from suffering. The destruction of the child's teeth is the mother's anger at the father's masculinity, the child supports the mother's point of view and is angry with the father.

Clamped Wisdom Tooth - Don't give mental space to build a solid foundation.

Itching - Desires that are not to your liking, do not fit with reality. Dissatisfaction. Remorse, remorse.

Excessive desire to go out, to become famous or to leave, slip away.

Heartburn - Constricting fear. Forcing yourself out of fear leads to the release of excess acids, plus anger, the acid concentration rises and food is burned.

Ileitis is inflammation of the ileum. Worrying about yourself, about your condition, is not good enough.

Impotence - Pressure, tension, guilt for social beliefs. Anger at the previous partner, fear of the mother. Fear that I will be accused of not being able to feed my family, not doing my job, not being able to be a diligent owner, that I am not able to love and sexually satisfy a woman, that I am not a real man. Self-flagellation for the same reasons.

If a man constantly has to prove his sexual viability, then he is not destined to have sex for a long time.

Heart attack - Feeling useless.

Infection - Irritation, anger, annoyance.

Influenza - The answer to the negativity and beliefs of the masses, groups of people. Faith in statistics.

Sciatica is a disease of the sciatic nerve. Supercriticality. fear for money and the future. Making plans that are not consistent with the real state of affairs. Anxiety, due to unwillingness to grasp the trends of the current moment.

Persistent impossibility or unwillingness (inability) to “enter” the state of “here and now”.

Stones in the organs - Petrified emotions - the sadness of a stupid fossil.

Gallstones - a fierce struggle with evil, because it is evil. Anger at the boss. Heavy thoughts, arrogance, pride, bitterness.

Hatred. Regardless of whether they hate me or I hate someone, or there are people around me who hate each other - all this affects a person, gets inside him and begins to grow a stone.

Kidney stones - the fear that they do not love me, causes the need to hide their anger for evil, then they will love - secret malice.

Candidiasis - thrush, a group of diseases caused by a yeast-like fungus. A strong feeling of absent-mindedness. The presence of a large amount of anger and feelings of disappointment, hopelessness. Demanding and distrusting relationships with people.

Love for disputes, for confrontational heated discussions.

Carbuncles - Poisonous anger at personal injustice.

Cataract - Inability to look ahead with joy. The future is shrouded in darkness.

Coughing, coughing - Desire to bark at the world. "See me! Listen to me!"

Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea. The desire to beat and beat everyone and everything around. Extreme anger.

Cyst - Scrolling through old images that hurt. Carry on with your wounds and the harm that has been done to you. False growth (growth in the wrong direction.) The stage of unshed sadness, active hope for getting rid of the annoying feeling of sadness and readiness to shed a tear.

He does not dare and does not want to cry, but he cannot help crying.

Brushes - Problems with brushes - problems with the characteristics listed below. Hold and control. Grab and hold tight. Grab and release. Caress. Pinching.

All ways to interact with diverse life experiences.

Intestine - Assimilation. Absorption. Easy emptying.

Intestines - personify the liberation from waste. - problems - fear of letting go of the old, unnecessary.

Menopause - problems - fear of ceasing to be desired / desired. Fear of age. Self rejection. Not good enough. (Usually accompanied by hysteria.)

Skin - Protects our individuality. organ of perception. The skin hides the spiritual life of a person, it is the first to give him a sign. - skin diseases - anxiety, fear. Old, deeply hidden dregs, dirt, something disgusting.

I am in danger. Dry skin - a person does not want to show his anger, the drier the skin, the more hidden anger. Dandruff - the desire to get rid of annoying thoughtlessness. Peeling dry skin - an urgent need to get rid of anger, which, however, does not work out due to inability. Redness of dry skin - anger has become explosive. Peeling and redness of dry skin in the form of spots is characteristic of psoriasis. Psoriasis is mental masochism: heroic mental patience that brings happiness to a person in its scope. Oily skin - a person does not hesitate to splash out his anger. He stays young longer. Purulent acne is a specific malice or enemy, but he keeps this malice in himself. Normal skin is a balanced person. Pigment is the “light” of life, temperament.

Suppression of temperament makes the skin white. Pigment spots - a person lacks recognition, he cannot assert himself, his sense of dignity is hurt. Congenital spots, moles - the same problems, but in the mother, due to similar stresses. - why a person does not allow himself to assert himself in life. A person suppresses himself because of the opinions of others, often this is a debt of past life karma. Red spots - excitement, indicate that there is a struggle between fear and anger.

Knees - Represent pride and ego. They express the principles according to which progress in life occurs. They indicate with what feelings we go through life. - Problems - stubborn, unyielding ego and pride. Inability to submit. Fear, lack of flexibility.

I will not yield for anything. - A peace-loving, friendly and balanced traveler has healthy knees, - a traveler walking with battle and deceit has broken knees, - a person who wants to outwit life has damaged menisci, - a person walking with pressure gets sick .- from sadness over failures, water forms in the knees. - from sadness caused by revenge, blood accumulates. Violations in achieving life goals, dissatisfaction with the goals achieved: - crunch and creak - the desire to be good for everyone, the connection of the past and the future; - weakness in the knees - hopelessness about progress in life, fear and doubts about the success of the future, loss of faith, a person constantly pushes himself forward, at the thought that he is wasting time - self-flagellation, mixed with self-pity; - weakening of the knee ligaments - hopelessness in advancing in life ; - knee ligaments reflect progress in life with the help of connections: a) violation of the flexion and extensor ligaments of the knees - violation of honest and business ties; b) violation of the sides th and transverse ligaments of the knees - a violation in business relations that take into account the interests of all parties; c) violations of the intra-articular ligaments of the knees - disrespect for a hidden informal business partner. in the knees - fear due to the fact that life has stalled. - clicking in the knees - a person, due to the preservation of his reputation, suppresses sadness and anger caused by stagnation in movement. - rupture of the knee tendons - an attack of anger at stagnation in life. - meniscus injuries - an attack of anger at the one who knocked the ground out from under your feet, did not keep your promise, etc. - damage to the patella (patella) - anger at the fact that your progress did not find support or protection. The stronger the desire of a person to kick another, the more severe the knee injury he gets.

Colic, sharp pains - Mental irritation, anger, impatience, annoyance, irritation in the environment.

Colitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon. It personifies the ease of care from what presses. Overly demanding parents. Feelings of oppression and defeat.

A huge need for love, affection. Lack of a sense of security.

Spastic colitis - Fear of letting go, letting go. Lack of a sense of security.

Ulcerative colitis. An ulcer of any kind is caused by the cruelty that comes from suppressing sadness; and she. in turn, from the unwillingness to be helpless and to reveal this helplessness. Ulcerative colitis is the disease of the martyr, the one who suffers for his faith and beliefs.

Lump in the throat - Distrust of the process of life. Fear.

Coma - Escape from something, from someone.

Coronary thrombosis - Feelings of loneliness and fright. I don't do enough. I will never do this.

Clubfoot - Attitude towards children with increased demands.

Bones - Personify the structure of the universe. Attitude to the father and to the man. - deformation - mental pressure and constriction. Muscles cannot stretch.

Lack of mobility of the mind - fractures, cracks - rebellion against authority.

Pubic bone - Personifies the protection of the genital organs.

Bone marrow - Like a woman, being a source of love, she is under the strong protection of a man - bones - and does what a woman was created for - to love a man.

Urticaria, rash - Little hidden fears. You make an elephant out of a fly.

The blood vessels of the eyes are bursting. Own malice.

Hemorrhage in the brain. Stroke. Paralysis - - A person overestimates the potential of his brain and wants to be better than others. A kind of revenge for the past - in fact, a thirst for revenge. The severity of the disease depends on the magnitude of this thirst. - manifestation - imbalance, headaches, heaviness in the head. Two possibilities of a stroke: - a blood vessel of the brain bursts, with a sudden attack of anger and an angry desire to take revenge on the one who considers him a fool.

Love turned into malice breaks out of the boundaries, i.e. from a blood vessel. - blockage of the blood vessels of the brain - a person suffering from an inferiority complex loses hope of proving that he is not what others think. A breakdown due to the complete loss of one's own dignity. Whoever has the mind remains, and the feeling of guilt intensifies, it is not given to recover. Whoever feels joy that the disease has saved him from a humiliating situation, recovers. CONCLUSION: If you want to avoid a stroke, release the fear of evil discontent.

Bleeding - Departing joy. But where, where? Frustration, the collapse of everything.

Blood - Personifies the joy in life, free flow through it. Blood symbolizes the soul and woman. - Blood density - greed. - Mucus in the blood - resentment at the unfulfilled desire to get something from the female. Blood, illness (see leukemia.) - Lack of joy, lack of circulation of thoughts, ideas. Curtailment - blocking the flow of joy.

Blood discharge - Desire to take revenge.

Blood pressure - high - over tension, a long-standing insoluble emotional problem. - low - lack of love in childhood, defeatist mood. What is the use of all this, it still won't work!?

Croup - (see bronchitis.) A tense atmosphere in the family. Arguments, swearing. Sometimes boiling inside.

Lungs - The ability to accept life. organs of freedom. Freedom is love, servility is hate. Anger at the female or male sex destroys the corresponding organ - left or right. - problems - depression. depressed state. Grief, sadness, grief, misfortune, failure. Fear of accepting life.

Does not deserve to live a full life. Inflammation of the lungs (in a child) - both parents have a blocked feeling of love, the child's energy has flowed to the parents. There are quarrels and screams in the family, or condemning silence.

Pulmonary pleura - The disease indicates problems associated with restriction of freedom. - Covering the lungs - restriction of one's own freedom. - Lining the chest cavity from the inside - others restrict freedom.

Leukemia is leukemia. A persistent increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood. Hardly suppressed inspiration. What is the use of all this!?

Leukopenia - a decrease in the number of leukocytes. A painful decrease in the blood of white blood cells - leukocytes. A woman has a detrimental attitude towards a man, men have a detrimental attitude towards themselves. Leukorrhea - (whites) - the belief that women are helpless before the opposite sex. Anger at a partner.

Lymph - symbolizes the spirit and the man. Problems - spiritual impurity, greed - a warning that the mind must be switched to the essentials: love and joy! - mucus in the lymph - resentment at the unfulfilled desire to receive something from the male.

Lymph nodes - a tumor. Chronic enlargement in the head and neck - an attitude with arrogant contempt for male stupidity and professional helplessness, especially when there is a feeling that a person is not appreciated enough or his genius goes unnoticed. - censure, guilt and great fear that " not good enough." A frantic race to prove myself - until there is no substance left in the blood to support itself. In this race to be accepted, the joy of life is forgotten.

Fever - Malice, anger, anger, anger.

Face - personifies what we show the World. Expresses attitude to visibility, to illusions. - Thickening of the skin of the face and covering with tubercles - anger and sadness. - Papilloma - constant sadness about the collapse of a particular illusion. - age spots, or papilloma is pigmented - a person, contrary to his desire, does not give free rein to his own temperament. - sagging features - comes from skewed thoughts. Resentment about life. Feeling resentment towards life.

Shingles - Waiting for the other shoe to fall off the foot. Fear and tension. Too much sensitivity.

Lichen - herpes on the genitals, coccyx. Complete and deep faith in sexual guilt and the need for punishment. public shame. Faith in the punishment of the Lord.

Rejection of the genitals. - cold on the lips - bitter words remain unspoken.

Ringworm - Allowing others to get under your skin. Don't feel good enough or clean enough.

Ankles - Represent mobility and direction, where to go, as well as the ability to receive pleasure.

Elbows - Represent a change in direction and the admission of a new experience of experience. Punching the road with elbows.

Loringitis is an inflammation of the larynx. So recklessly you cannot speak. Fear to speak out. Resentment, indignation, Resentment against authority.

Baldness, baldness - Tension. Trying to control everything and everything around. Do not trust the process of life.

Anemia - Vitality and the meaning of life have dried up. Belief that you are not good enough destroys the power of joy in life. It occurs in someone who considers the breadwinner to be bad - in a child: - if the mother considers her husband a bad breadwinner of the family - when the mother considers herself helpless and stupid and exhausts the child with lamentations about this.

Malaria - Lack of balance with nature and life.

Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast. Over caring for someone or something.

Mastoiditis - inflammation of the nipple. The collapse of hopes. Wanting not to hear what's going on. Fear that infects a sober understanding of the situation.

Uterus - Personifies the place of creativity. If a woman believes that the feminine in her is her body and demands love and reverence from her husband and children, then her uterus should suffer, because. she demands the cult of her body. She feels that she is not loved, not noticed, etc. Sex with a husband is a routine self-sacrifice - the wife's debt is fulfilled. Passion is spent on hoarding and it is no longer enough for a bed. - endometriosis, a disease of the mucous membrane - the replacement of self-love with sugar.

Frustration, frustration and insecurity.

Meningitis of the spinal cord - Inflamed thinking and anger at life. Very strong disagreements in the family. Lots of clutter inside. Lack of support.

Living in an atmosphere of anger and fear.

Meniscus - An attack of anger at the one who knocked the ground out from under your feet, did not keep his promise, etc.

Menstrual problems - Rejection of one's feminine nature. The belief that the genitals are full of sin or dirty.

Migraine - Resistance to the flow of life. Disgust when led. Sexual fears. (Usually can be relieved by masturbation.) Injection of sadness causes an increase in intracranial pressure in an adult, with a very severe headache that culminates in vomiting, after which it subsides. A critical accumulation of sadness occurs in the invisible plane, which causes swelling of the brain on a physical level. The movement of the brain fluid is blocked by fear: they don’t love me, because of which the suppressed fear develops into anger - they don’t love me, they don’t feel sorry for me, they don’t consider me, they don’t listen to me, etc.

When restraint acquires life-threatening proportions and a desire to fight for life awakens in a person, i.e. suppressed aggressive anger against life, at that moment vomiting occurs. (See vomiting.) Myocarditis - Inflammation of the heart muscle - lack of love debilitates the heart chakra.

Fibroids - A woman accumulates the cares of her mother (the uterus is the organ of motherhood), adding them to her own, and from the impotence to overcome them, she begins to hate everything. The daughter's feeling or fear that her mother does not love me collides with the mother's imperious possessive behavior.

Myopia, myopia - Distrust of what lies ahead. Fear of the future.

Brain - Represents a computer, a distribution model. - A tumor - stubbornness, refusal to change old thought patterns, erroneous beliefs, miscalculated beliefs.

Calluses (Usually on the legs.) - Hardened areas of thought - stubborn attachment to pain experienced in the past.

Mononucleosis - damage to the palatine, pharyngeal tonsils, enlarged lymph nodes, liver, spleen and characteristic changes in the blood. A person no longer takes care of himself. One of the forms of diminishing life. Anger at not getting love and approval. Lots of internal criticism.

Fear of your own anger. You force others to make mistakes, you attribute mistakes to them. The habit of playing the game: But, isn't it all terrible? Seasickness. Lack of control.

Fear of death.203. Urine, incontinence. Fear of parents, usually father.204.

Bladder. Not the realization in practice of their spiritual abilities. It accumulates disappointments affecting the emotional sphere - an unpleasant smell of urine - disappointments associated with the lie of the person himself. - inflammation - bitterness due to the fact that work dulls the senses. - chronic inflammation of the bladder - accumulation of bitterness for life. - infection - humiliated, usually by the opposite sex, lover or mistress.

Blaming others - CYSTITIS - restraining oneself in relation to old thoughts. Reluctance and fear to let them go. Offended.

Urolithiasis - A suppressed bouquet of stresses to a stone indifference, so as not to be unintelligent.

Muscles - Represent our ability to move through life. Resistance to new experiences.

Muscle atrophy - shrinking of the muscles. Arrogance towards others. A person considers himself better than others and is ready to defend it at any cost. He does not put people in anything, but he longs for fame and power. Illness comes to help prevent mental arrogance from turning into outward violence. Overexertion of the calf muscles indicates a conscious desire to hurry, shrinking means suppression of sadness. for example - all the men in the family were forced to walk on tiptoe for fear of disturbing the mother in her eternal haste. Men in the family were assigned a secondary role in economic affairs.

Tiptoe walking signifies exceptional obedience.

Muscles - Attitude towards mother and woman.

Adrenal glands - Organs of dignity. Virtue is the courage to believe in one's own inner wisdom and grow in the direction of increasing that wisdom. Dignity is the crown of courage.

The adrenal glands are like caps on the heads of the kidneys, a sign of respect for both female and male prudence, which means worldly wisdom.

Narcolepsy - irresistible drowsiness, Zhelino's disease. Unwillingness to be here. Wanting to get away from it all. Can't handle.

Drug addiction - If the fear of not being loved - develops into disappointment with everyone and everything, and in the realization that no one needs me, that no one needs my love - a person is drawn to drugs. Panic fear of death leads a person to drugs. Getting into spiritual impasse, having suffered from false goodness as the only goal of life. Drug use destroys spirituality. One of the types of drug addiction is work addiction (see smoking).

Indigestion - In a nursing child - infections caused by Escherichia coli, gastritis, inflammation of the intestines, etc., mean that the mother is frightened and angry.

Neuralgia is an attack of pain along the course of a nerve. Punishment for guilt. Flour, pain in communication.

Neurasthenia is an irritable weakness, neurosis is a functional mental disorder, a disease of the soul. If a person, out of fear that he is not loved, feels that everything is bad and that everyone harms him personally, he becomes aggressive. And the desire to be a good person makes you suppress aggressiveness, from such an internal combat of fears - a neurosis develops. A neurotic does not recognize his own mistakes, for him everything is bad

Do not take problems to heart - this is what psychologists recommend. But why? Perhaps they have good reasons for this. Heart diseases are not always physiological in nature, sometimes they are caused by psychosomatic problems.

Psychosomatics is a new science that allows you to determine those hidden psychological causes that cause certain diseases. Metaphysicians say that if these causes are removed, then the disease will recede. If she is not completely cured, then at least her therapy will be much easier.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system today are leading among other ailments. The number of congenital heart defects has increased. Such a disease as a heart attack - has become younger. Conventional medicine attributes these trends to:

Deterioration of the quality of life of people;

Deterioration of the ecological situation;

Lack of a culture of leading an active lifestyle;

To increase the stress load on the human body.

It is stress that causes unsystematic pain and tingling in the region of the heart. Many people do not pay attention to this, but all because in the unrestrained rhythm of everyday problems they do not want to pay attention to health.

Alternative Treatments

Spontaneous pain in the heart can occur due to nervous exhaustion, overexertion. There is an abundance of technologies that help to identify the main problems from the whole number of problems and quickly find methods for solving them:

Application of meditation practices;

Application of attunement practices;

The practice of stopping the internal dialogue;

Practicing affirmations.

In psychosomatics, the heart lends itself wonderfully to beneficial influences when it comes to active meditation and understanding of the lesson. Yoga can help not only to remove the psychological problems that caused the disease, but also to restore blood vessels, to improve blood microcirculation. Meditation allows you to adjust the flow of energy in the heart and improve its rhythm - all of its indicators.

For those patients who have chronic diseases or heart disease, yoga is the only way to get physical activity. Today, there are many methods of respiratory therapy, which allows you to restore the energy of the body, and when it is healthy, the psychological state of a person improves and the psychosomatics of the heart disappears, leading to pathologies.

But what to do if the disease has overcome the child? Children can also practice yoga under the guidance of their parents. She has performed particularly well in the infant rehabilitation program. They will not master breathing practices, but yoga may well replace physiotherapy exercises.

Affirmations give tremendous positive results: “I open my heart to love; the energy of happiness fills me and flows through my veins; I live in love." The specificity of the psychological correction of heart disease is that it requires consistency and diligence. In one day, a long-term illness will not recede, but improvements in life will be noticeable from the first session of therapy.

In order for the heart to work dynamically and fully, it is necessary to realize the fullness and richness of life. The heart hurts when it constantly shrinks from fear, pain, resentment, experiences. And when it is open to love, then a person breathes deeply, is fully aware of his uniqueness and thanks life for the lessons and not for sorrows and troubles. Children who have heart disease came into this world to teach their parents about love. It's worth thinking about it.

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