Spain training for foreigners. Studying in Spain

Costa Brava, Alicante, Valencia - Spain is famous for its beaches and comfortable climate. However, it is worth going here not only to soak up the southern sun. The country offers many opportunities for quality education.

Higher education in Spain is not yet well known in Russia, but throughout the world, where Spanish is extremely common (it is spoken by almost 500 million people), it is considered first-class and the diploma of local universities is recognized in most countries.

Universities in Spain

Name Number of weeks Dates Age Price from
17+ EUR 6450 21+ EUR 16815 18+ EUR 5730 18+ EUR 17745 18+ EUR 18900

Universities of England, USA, Europe

What you need to know to get into a Spanish university

Universities in Spain are of two types - public and private, regardless of the form of ownership, they are all equally quoted and guarantee high quality education, which, by the way, is controlled by the National Institute of Quality.

A graduate of a Russian school cannot enter a Spanish university and study in Spanish. First, he will have to study for 1-2 years at the university, and after that he can already try to switch to a bachelor's degree in Spain. And even those who received secondary education in Europe, the USA, Canada (and this is a minimum of 12 years), three conditions must be met:

  • Pass the entrance exams for foreign students (selectividad para extranjeros). Required - Spanish, history, foreign language. And additional exams - depending on which faculty of the University of Spain is planned to enter.
  • Collect documents: passport, certificate, recommendation and motivation letters.
  • Get a student visa. It seems that at first glance this is not such a complicated process, but there is quite a lot of paperwork in it. It should be borne in mind that the Spaniards are famous for their slowness, and therefore a couple of gray hairs when submitting documents is guaranteed.

If a student plans to transfer from a Russian university, then he must: firstly, study in Russia for at least a year, secondly, collect a package of documents for translation into Spanish and, finally, receive a letter of recommendation. In this case, it may also be that the Spanish university will require additional documents, since each application is considered separately.

Spain also has several international universities. Where our graduates can enter immediately for the first year without additional years of study at a Russian university: these are, for example, Marbella International University Center, Le Roches Marbella, Geneva Business School.

Higher education for Russians in Spain - what to choose

There are many rankings that determine the best Spanish universities according to several criteria: for example, successful student employment or famous scientific works. Spanish universities willingly accept Russian students.

The higher education system in Spain looks like this:

  • Diplomatura - the first stage, similar to the bachelor's degree, that is, the average level;
  • in the magistracy, highly qualified specialists are trained, they are called Licenciatura here;
  • as a result, the student receives the qualification of Arquitecto (for architects and builders), Ingenerio (for technological specialties) or Licenciado - all the rest.

Most universities in Spain have programs in English.

Choice of specialty

The Spaniards are traditionally strong in such disciplines as history, philosophy, geography, physics, mathematics, economics and, of course, tourism. It is to these faculties in Spanish universities that the main influx of students goes.

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia is considered the best technical university, where, however, they study not only technical, but also the humanities. Universidad de Granada is famous for its research laboratories, the Geneva Business School in Barcelona teaches banking and finance, and the Marbella International University Center is known for its programs in international business and communications, marketing, advertising and media.

Spain is one of the largest tourist powers in the world, so the attitude to the hospitality industry is very special here. For example, Hotel School Sant Pol de Mar is a real training camp, where from the very first year students work in an elite hotel and restaurant Gran Sol with real clients and go through all stages of career development. Another school, Le Roches Marbella, has Swiss roots and works closely with top managers of leading hotel chains (for example, Accor, Kempinski Hotels & Resorts, Marbella Club Hotels & Resorts) when creating programs. In addition, education here is conducted in English, and you can enter after the Russian school.

The cost of studying at a Spanish university is much more democratic than at US and UK universities. The highest prices are set, of course, by educational institutions in Madrid and Barcelona. But in the Spanish provinces, the cost is already much more affordable. We are talking about regions such as Andalusia, Alicante and Valencia. Some universities offer paid internships.

Spanish university admission services

When applying through an educational agency, it is not necessary to understand all the intricacies of Spanish education. EduTravel specialists will help with the selection of a university, admission and enrollment, select a place to live, suggest programs depending on the goals of study, take care of the preparation of all documents, including obtaining a student visa category D and filling out forms.

Upon graduation from the rating international boarding schools in Spain, foreign graduates are fluent in two popular European languages, thereby acquiring indisputable advantages in entering elite universities around the world. It is worth noting that Spanish higher education has received recognition and appreciation in all countries of the world without exception. Within the walls of prestigious universities in Spain, academic disciplines are taught in English as part of some educational programs. In accordance with the statistics, Spain is included in the list of TOP-10 countries whose leading universities provide high-quality training for future managers of well-known international companies.

Professional advice from experienced experts

The specialists of our educational center provide their services to Russian schoolchildren and students in the selection of an educational program and a university in Spain, the preparation of the required package of documents when enrolling in an educational institution. Directly at our center, Russian applicants are given the opportunity to pass preliminary testing, as well as effective preparation for successful writing of entrance exams. In addition, if interested, a Russian teenager can become a member of the study tour. It should be noted that after enrolling in a leading Spanish university, our specialists do not interrupt communication with students, since abroad it is required to maintain constant contact with parents and resolve various issues that may arise during the period of study.

Ranking of the best universities in Spain

Below is a list of prestigious Spanish universities that provide high-quality teaching of disciplines within the framework of the developed educational programs.



The cost of the bachelor's program, USD

The cost of the master's program, USD

University of Barcelona


Autonomous University of Madrid

Autonomous University of Barcelona


Complutense University of Madrid

Pompeu Fabra University


Polytechnic University of Catalonia


Polytechnic University of Valencia


University of Navarra


University of Granada

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Advantages of higher education in Spain

  • informal classroom environment

Leading universities in Spain practice a non-strict approach to the vast majority of formalities. So, in case of delay in the timely delivery of work, he is given the opportunity to hand it over for a whole week. In addition, Spanish universities do not set strict criteria for writing term papers, in particular, there is no restriction on the amount of written text. As part of the classes, teachers are encouraged to express the personal point of view of students, at the same time they show friendliness in communicating with foreigners and Russian students. Thus, the applied teaching methodology to some extent simplifies the educational process and at the same time makes it exciting for students to study.

  • Interdisciplinary programs

A common practice in Spain is close cooperation between leading universities, research centers, as well as commercial organizations. In the overwhelming majority of cases, on the basis of effective interaction, leading universities and universities are being created, which have developed interesting interdisciplinary programs for undergraduates and graduate students. At present, as practice shows, the most ambitious and advanced research is carried out in those areas that are at the intersection of sciences. In this connection, the target audience for admission to these educational programs are foreign applicants who dream of making a new discovery in science and technology.

  • Accommodation for the period of study in Spain

A distinctive feature and characteristic of Spain in comparison with other European countries is the low price of housing, food, and transport. So, the cost of renting a one-room apartment in the central part of the city will average 550 euros per month, if you choose the outskirts, the price will drop to 400 euros.

As for food, the average bill in a restaurant varies from 10 to 30 euros. In addition, students receive discounts in various museums, cafes, shops. And also foreign students are provided with a preferential travel pass for transport.

Spanish higher education system

  • Bachelor's programs

Thus, the duration of study under the bachelor's program is 4 years, corresponding to 240 ECTS. Every year, foreign students are expected to write term papers; in the 4th year, students are busy writing their final dissertation the whole year, the assessment of which is 30 ECTS. Obtaining additional academic credits is possible by attending electives and participating in various events organized by a leading university in Spain. It should be noted that a wide range of academic courses is offered to foreign students, however, their number is less when compared with compulsory disciplines.

  • Master's degree

The duration of study in the Spanish master's program is 1-2 years, which corresponds to 180 ECTS. It is planned to subdivide master's programs into the following types, such as professional, academic, and research. If the master's program is oriented towards the acquisition by students of skills within a certain specialization, then it is called professional. If you aspire to become a sought-after scientist in the future, then you should choose academic or research master's programs. Their key difference between them is due to the fact that more theory is taught within the framework of the academic program, while the research course, on the contrary, is more connected with work in a scientific laboratory.

  • Doctorate
After three years of study, the graduate is awarded a Ph.D. The postgraduate study period is divided into two stages. Thus, lectures and seminars are planned during the first year. Over the next two years, the student actively writes his dissertation. After the training stage has been completed, the graduate is required to defend his work in front of the members of the commission. As a rule, the teaching of doctoral programs is conducted in advanced postgraduate colleges, which are based on the elite universities in Spain. At the same time, they can be located in leading research institutes.

The best universities in Spain - study in English!

Among European countries, it is Spain that has developed and offers to the attention of foreign and Russian applicants the largest number of educational programs taught in English. In particular, English-language courses are most in demand and popular in master's programs. In addition, the leading universities in Spain have developed quite a lot of bilingual programs, in which some of the disciplines are taught in English, and some in Spanish. With regard to the requirement for successful admission, it is necessary to speak English at a level corresponding to 6.0 in the IELTS language exam.

Performance monitoring and grading system for top Spanish universities

According to the system of higher education in Spain, two systems have been established for assessing students' knowledge. Thus, the first system provides for grading from 1 to 10, while a score of 4.9 and below is considered unsatisfactory. Note that it is extremely difficult to get a grade of 9 or higher for the exam, only 5% of students achieve this. As for the second option, it is a 5-point grading system, within which the following categories are distinguished, namely: Suspenso (failed) Aprobado (passed) Notable (Very well ) and sobresaliente (Fine), Matriculade Honor (With Honours).

You will not believe it, but compared to the written form of passing tests, an oral exam is more often used within the walls of elite universities in Spain. As practice shows, the answer of the examinee in time is approximately 15 minutes. It is worth noting that within the walls of the leading Spanish universities, the emphasis is on high-quality writing of term papers and final work, and not on the process of passing exams. Immediately after graduation, graduates defend their final work before the members of the attestation commission.

Experienced lecturers from prestigious Spanish universities and academic career

It is worth noting that in Spain, international postgraduate students are given an excellent opportunity to work within the framework of research grants, the number of which is large, and which are offered by the Spanish government and independent foundations.

To obtain an initial position as a researcher, the candidate must have completed doctoral studies by that time and become the recipient of a certificate issued by the National Evaluation Agency. To take the position of a lecturer, a foreign graduate must obtain a special document issued by the ANECA agency and the presence of which allows him to conduct teaching activities. The process of obtaining it will not be difficult if you have experience in conducting research for more than three years. As for the promotion to the position of assistant professor and professor, it depends on the number and quality of research, teaching and student supervision.

It is worth noting the low salary level of a researcher, which is fixed and is set by the Spanish government. Thus, the salary level of a researcher is 1,584 euros per month, the position of a lecturer allows you to earn 2,250 euros, the salary level of an associate professor and a professor is 2,700 and 3,600 euros, respectively.

Employment while studying at a leading university in Spain

By obtaining a student visa, a foreign teenager is given the right to work for four hours a day. Having a job offer in hand, for the purpose of official employment, it is required to submit a package of documents to the prefecture, which includes a passport, a certificate of study hours, a copy of the contract, which specifies the time of work. The main condition for obtaining the consent of the prefecture is to ensure that education and work do not overlap. The permit review process takes 5 weeks.

However, the process of finding a job that provides flexible hours is quite difficult. As practice shows, employers show preference for those applicants who can work full time. Thus, the overwhelming majority of foreign students opt for freelancing, thereby working from their home at a convenient time, free from classes.


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Higher education in Spain is paid, but local tuition prices are quite democratic and start at 2000 € per year. At the same time, the student has the opportunity to receive a scholarship or grant.

Diploma recognition

Diplomas from Spanish universities are recognized by universities and companies around the world and are an absolute indicator of quality

Standard of living

Spain attracts many with its sunny and hot climate, as well as a high standard of living. According to these parameters, the country is consistently at the forefront in the European Union.

Work while studying

A local student is entitled to 4 hours of work each day. A special agency is looking for an employer

Teaching languages:

  1. English

    10 %

  2. 90 %


Yuri Ustrov, PhD student at the University of Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona

My life in Priorat (Catalonia) began with a master's degree in tourism management from the University of Rovira y Virgili (Tarragona). My choice fell on this university, because in 2009 it was (and still is) one of the best research universities in Spain. The myths about the frivolity and disorganization of the inhabitants of the Mediterranean were dispelled in the first month, which once again convinced me that one should not believe stereotypes. The absence of obligatory attendance of lectures and the highest level of work of the library, of course, create the illusion of "relaxation".

However, people still go to class and spend a lot of time in teamwork. Written tasks are a separate song. It is quite difficult to “plagiarize” something, because the tasks are formulated in such a way that you have to invent everything yourself. For example: compare 2 phenomena, describe a trend based on an electronic database, calculate the integration of a tourist cluster, substantiate the possibility of creating a tourist site based on a village development plan, substantiate and plot a tourist route in a mapping software, conduct a semi-formalized interview ... In general, you can’t be frivolous ... 2 years of creativity. Without headings, paragraph indents and tabs according to GOST. Another important feature of my university is the electronic bureaucracy and the absence of a rigid hierarchy. Students solve many questions by e-mail and through special electronic forms. In 2011, I won a research grant, thanks to which I can safely write a dissertation for 4 years with a minimum teaching load. And on weekends I put into practice all the useful things that I learned from the master's program in a small family winery, where I invite you with pleasure. Studying in Spain is an opportunity to gain knowledge and skills at a modern level in comfortable conditions, to find new friends, combining all this with a healthy Mediterranean diet, sun and warm sea. In recent years, Spain has become one of the world leaders in the education market, leaving behind the image of a country suitable only for beach tourism with sangria, paella, bullfighting, siesta and other leisure activities.

Despite the outbreak of the economic crisis, it still continues to be one of the most powerful European states. However, not only investors and those who wish go to this country. Higher education in Spain attracts students and applicants from many countries of the world.

It seems that there is no more passionate and vibrant country than Spain. It was here that the incendiary flamenco dance was born, it is in this country that the most emotional football matches are held.

Of course, there is also a shadow side in the form of bullfighting, reminders of the atrocities of the all-powerful Fra Torquemada and the consequences of the economic crisis. But this can hardly stop someone who is interested in studying in Spain.

Every student and applicant knows that higher education in Spain is very prestigious. Every year, thousands of applicants from all over the world come to this country to gnaw at the granite of science. Spanish universities have produced many highly qualified specialists. Higher education in this state meets all European standards. At the same time, it is quite affordable.

Higher educational institutions of the country

You can get an education in Spain at any chosen university. It can be either public or private educational institution. Administratively, they are divided into four main divisions:

  1. University faculties.
  2. Higher technical schools.
  3. University schools.
  4. University colleges.

The building of the international university in Catalonia

Universities in Spain have a special structure. Thus, Spanish universities include vocational schools. There can be absolutely any specialization.

Which university to choose

Spain in the deep Middle Ages was famous for the quality of higher education. Universities in Spain at that distant time trained mainly theologians, merchants and navigators. Today, of course, the choice of professions has become much wider.

Today, students and applicants from Russia are invited by the following Spanish universities:

Cost of education

Today, studying in Spain cannot be called cheap. Foreign applicants who want to enter the university of Madrid, Barcelona and Salamanca have to pay dearly.

In other provinces, prices for foreigners do not differ much from the cost of tuition for Spanish students. Quite democratic is the cost of education in the universities of Andalusia, Valencia and Alicante. On average, the annual cost of training varies from 2,000 to 3,000 euros.

Features of secondary education

Anyone who plans to commit and stay there forever should take care to enroll their children in a private or public school. The legislation of this country obliges all parents to provide their children with primary and secondary education in Spain. For Russian-speaking newly minted citizens of Spain, secondary education is available in almost every school.

Classes in the Spanish school

Teaching in educational institutions of this type is carried out only in Spanish or the second local dialect. Learning the first foreign language begins when the child is 8 years old. A second foreign language is introduced when a teenager reaches the age of thirteen.

Sending children to study in a Spanish school is quite difficult. This is due to the fact that enrollment in such schools is carried out strictly at the place of residence. That is, for admission you need a residence permit in one of the Spanish cities.

However, if a teenager at the age of fifteen or eighteen years old goes to study, then he can stay with the host family. This is true when it is supposed to receive higher education in Spain. The child must become a member of a special program. To do this, the child must have excellent grades and a certificate of proficiency in Spanish.

Private schools

It is not uncommon for a foreign student applying to study in Spain to prefer private boarding schools to public institutions.

Most often, children study in English-speaking schools. Only certain electives are taught in the state language. Most of these institutions are accredited by the British Council. This involves passing an exam that allows you to enter one of the universities in the UK.

In order to enter a private boarding school, you must go through the competition. Foreign applicants have very high chances, since such educational institutions are positioned as multicultural. Some of them have special programs that allow a foreign child to quickly adapt to an alien environment.

How to proceed

The academic year in schools is divided into trimesters. The academic year starts in mid-September. The school year ends at the end of June. Children who want to study in publicly funded schools are recruited from February to April.
Private schools have their own curriculum.

Spanish school building and sports ground

In order not to be late for the beginning of the school year, you need to ask about it in advance.
Becoming a student of a Spanish school is quite simple. For this you need:

  • pass an interview;
  • pass an exam in Spanish;
  • pass the general subject exam.

Submission of documents depends on how prestigious the educational institution is. On average, documents must be submitted within one to two years.
The cost of studying in a private school varies from three to seven thousand euros for primary classes and from eight to twenty thousand euros for senior classes.

Features of preschool education

As in any other country in the world, presupposes the presence of kindergartens. These institutions are an important part of the education system and are not considered compulsory. Kindergartens provide care for children aged from six months to six years. These institutions have 2 levels, which in turn are divided into 3 sub-levels.

Levels and sublevels

The first sublevel involves the education of children aged from six months to 3 years. The second sublevel involves teaching children from 3 to 6 years old. Modern Spanish kindergartens are almost no different from similar Russian institutions. To a greater extent, attention is paid to ethical education. Children attend various circles, learn music, dance, go to a theater studio.

Attention is also paid to logical thinking. There are classes in mathematics and even computer science. Today in Spain there are many kindergartens, which are taught in French, English and German. There are many international groups. Many experts believe that Spanish will be better learned by a child if he attends a nursery.

Adherents of home education do not agree with this thesis, who believe that there is no need to send a child to kindergarten until four or five years old.

What documents are needed

Pre-school education in Spain meets all European requirements and is of excellent quality. In order to register your child in a kindergarten, you must prepare a list of documents, including:

  • high-quality photocopies of certificates of vaccinations;
  • 2 high-quality photographs;
  • medical certificate;
  • a photocopy of the child's identity document;
  • a photocopy of a certificate confirming the registration in the municipality;
  • photocopies of parents' documents;
  • social card.

Each certificate must be translated into the state language.

An example of a Spanish translation of one of the documents

Depending on which kindergarten is selected, the list of documents may be slightly modified.
Kindergarten education starts in September. The cost of visiting the kindergarten is relatively low. Today it is about one hundred euros per month.

Spanish language schools

What could be better for a student planning to enter one of the universities of the chosen country than studying Spanish in Spain? This state is now ready to offer foreign applicants training in three hundred language centers. True, one must take into account the fact that only ten percent of these centers have a CEELE quality certificate.

Today, language schools offer the following programs for foreigners:

Experienced specialists believe that it is possible to truly master a foreign language only after a detailed acquaintance with the culture and life of the country. Therefore, studying in language schools also involves getting to know the history and even the cuisine of Spain.

Some Russians have the opportunity to learn the language almost for free. To do this, they are encouraged to become a member of the volunteer program. This option is more economical, but in terms of quality, it is no worse than the opportunity to study at a language school.

Additional education

Parents who want their children to grow up fully developed are recommended to think about additional education in Spain. This country offers many special programs for children who want to develop their talents. Almost all children's centers are located in Barcelona and other major cities in Spain.

Sense of rhythm

No one will argue with the fact that it is necessary to study mathematics and the humanities. In the end, without certain knowledge in these areas, a person will not be able not only to enter the university of interest to him, but also to navigate in everyday situations. The Spaniards pay considerable attention to the physical development of children. It is not only about sports, but also about dancing.

Spain is perhaps the most musical country. It seems that she is the only one and is associated with the name of an incendiary and passionate dance. Dance lessons are held at the international dance center. The center building is located in the center of Barcelona.

You can bring children from the age of three - experts believe that three years is the optimal age for harmonious learning of this art.

In the international dance center you can learn not only flamenco, but also other famous dances. Here they even teach classical ballet and hip-hop.

Depending on their wishes, the child will very soon be able to become a real "ace" in one or another dance direction.

The younger generation from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine is increasingly striving to get an education in Europe. Universities in Spain are especially attractive for study. According to experts from the British company Quacquarelli Symonds, 3 Spanish universities entered the Top 50 educational institutions in the world. In total, about 50,000 foreign students, including Russians, study in the country.

The advantages of higher education in Spain also include:

  1. Affordable pricing policy. If you wish, you can actually find a course worth 750 € per academic year;
  2. High quality of educational services. In educational institutions they give a solid baggage of theoretical knowledge, promote an individual approach to each student, use the creative potential of the individual, musical and artistic abilities with maximum benefit;
  3. The third argument in favor of studying in Spain is often its functionality. With a bachelor's or master's degree, you can find work in the EU, Russia and the CIS countries.

The education system in Spain consists of five levels:

  • Preschool (Educación Infantil);
  • Primary school (Educación Primaria) - is compulsory for a child from 6 years old. Lasts 6 years;
  • The middle level consists of the obligatory basic part of the Educación Secundaria Obligatoria and the additional education of the bachillerato (Bachillerato);
  • The highest level (Educación superior) is represented in Spain by three types of universities: public, private and spiritual. In total, there are about 50 public and 10 private universities in the country. Many universities have medical faculties, where it is possible to receive a full-fledged education. In all categories of universities, education is paid, but those who wish can receive a grant or scholarship and study for free;
  • Professional training. Such programs are offered by colleges, institutes, faculties of additional education at universities, higher schools, technical schools. Students and parents should understand that this is rather an analogue of Russian secondary vocational education, college or technical school.

Structure of higher education

In Spain, higher education belongs to the pan-European Bologna system and branches into three parts:

  • 1 step - Estudios de pregrado or bachelor's degree (grado) - training lasts 4 years, it is possible to obtain any specialty;
  • 2 step - Estudios de postgrado or magistracy (master) - the course lasts from one to two years. It is supposed to acquire a narrow specialization and prepare for research activities;
  • 3rd step - Doctorado or PhD- the course is similar to the Russian postgraduate course, lasts three years, provides for scientific activity and obtaining a doctoral degree.

Some high schools have additional programs. They are called master, experto o especialista universitario and are the second step. Really more in line with refresher courses with more practice. They last 1-2 years and include a large number of hours of practical training. These courses are expensive, even in state universities the cost of studying for a master remains very high.

Curricula and plans, the pricing policy of universities are not controlled by the state - these issues are within the competence of the educational institution. The age of the applicant is of little interest to others and is limited by common sense. Before the age of 18, a young person is unlikely to receive a certificate, and after 40 it is irrational to study for a bachelor's degree, but finishing a master's or master's course is quite realistic. The academic year in Spanish universities begins on September 15 and ends on June 15.

Expert tip: Most foreigners prefer to get an education in a master's degree. They receive a bachelor's degree at a domestic university, at the same time they improve their Spanish and collect the necessary information about the prospects for further study. Then they apply for a master's degree in one of the Spanish higher schools. Studying according to this scheme is cheaper and more conscious.

Admission conditions

For admission, you must submit a package of documents and pass entrance tests in Spanish.

Items delivered typically include:

  • Spanish language;
  • Foreign language (including Russian);
  • Writing an essay;
  • History or philosophy (at the choice of the applicant).

In addition to the compulsory subjects, the applicant takes four additional disciplines.

Please note: for all foreign students, a prerequisite is the translation of a school certificate or diploma into the state language and its notarization. To do this, you first need to contact the Spanish Ministry of Education.

In fact, there are few conditions for foreign applicants. It is important that the applicant for study meets two points:

  1. Obtaining secondary education at home. The proof of this will be a certificate of complete secondary education. Upon admission to a magistracy or postgraduate study, bachelor's and master's degrees are presented, respectively;
  2. Good command of Spanish or English. To prove it, it is enough to provide a certificate or pass a test directly at an educational institution.

Below is a list of certificates that are accepted by all universities in Spain. Passing scores depend on the requirements of the university and competition between applicants.

  • Cambridge: level C;
  • IELTS: 6;
  • TOEFL CBT: 213;
  • TOEFL IBT: 82;
  • TOEFL PBT: 550.

List of required documents

For admission after the 11th grade of a Russian school, you need to prepare a package of documents:

  • International passport;
  • Certificate of complete secondary education of the state standard. Only documents certified properly are accepted. Good marks in the certificate will add chances for admission;
  • Visa. It is enough for students to apply for a study visa;
  • Motivation letter with a brief statement of the reasons for which there was a desire to study here.

Additionally, the university may request documents at its discretion.

Passing trial tests

Selectividad (selectividad) or entrance tests in higher schools in Spain are held 2 times a year: in early June and early September. Accordingly, registration for tests begins in April or early July.

Samples consist of two blocks:

  1. The first part - four mandatory exams in specialized subjects;
  2. The second part - 2 additional exams for those who want to increase their chances of admission.

Additional tests are highly recommended for students applying for:

  • Faculties of Medicine;
  • Legal specialties;
  • Foreign languages;
  • Control;
  • architecture.

All exams are conducted in Spanish.

Cost of education

In public universities, part of the cost of education is covered by the budget, the amount of coverage is 75%, so you can often hear that education in Spain is budgetary. The student has to pay only a quarter of the cost.

The situation is different with private and ecclesiastical institutions. Here, education is completely paid, on average the cost of education is 5,000 €, in a public school you will have to pay about 1,300 € for a similar course.

  1. Initially, the cost of 1 block of classes is calculated - ECTS-credit - (this is approximately 30 academic hours) for faculties, a system of benefits and a calculation scale are prescribed. The price of one ECTS-credit varies from 12 to 30€ depending on the university and program;
  2. At the next stage, the student chooses the blocks of classes that he will attend in the academic year. The minimum bar is 30-35 credits per year, the standard number is 60 blocks. If there is a desire to speed up learning, there is an opportunity to choose even more blocks, if you want to stretch your studies for more years, they gain the minimum number;
  3. After drawing up an individual program, it remains to multiply the cost of 1 ECTS-credit by the number of blocks, calculate the available benefits and reduction coefficients.

The cost of one year varies from €757 at the Faculty of Tourism at the Universidades de Andalucia to €14,730 at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Navarra. The prices shown are valid for 2019.

Is it possible to study for free

To get a free education in Spain, you need to try hard. First, applicants are looking for a preferential program or scholarship from the university. It is necessary to take into account the fact that applicants for one grant can be from 30 to 50 people. Therefore, if a future student does not fit the picture of an ideal scholarship holder, then it is worth taking a closer look at the budget education programs at public universities in Spain.

What grants and scholarships are available

You can start your search with the state programs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Agency for International Cooperation.

To get the desired result, you need to carefully study:

  1. Financing conditions;
  2. Obligations to return to Russia;
  3. The system of penalties, and do not rush to send a resume.

For example, the "Sandwich Program for 24 Months" assumes that the first six months the student studies at home, the second semester in Spain, then returns to his homeland. To act focused, experts advise choosing one or two programs and carefully preparing the necessary developments, resumes, and passing tests.

  • Embassy of Spain in the Russian Federation, Moscow, Bolshaya Nikitskaya st., 50/8, [email protected] and