How a person influences life and the outside world with the internal state of his consciousness. How does it affect others? How a person affects life

Each year corresponds to one of the twelve, which endows a person with certain characteristics. It is believed that each year of the twelve-year cycle is distinguished by a certain level of solar activity, which affects the personality and potential of a person, the attitude of those around him.

Horoscopes can help you better understand your loved ones and those around you, but you should not take this information as the ultimate truth. Still, each person is individual, since he is influenced by many factors that are difficult to take into account, for example, upbringing. In addition, people are able to change themselves throughout their lives.

a brief description of

The Year of the Rat (1984, 1996, 2008, etc.) corresponds to the sign of Sagittarius. These are talented, organized, energetic people who are able to fulfill themselves as businessmen and politicians. Their disadvantage may be self-confidence, a tendency to conflict and pickiness.

People born in the year of the Ox (1985, 1997, 2009) are influenced by the Capricorn sign, which makes them hardworking, patient, self-confident, eloquent. Among the shadow sides can be pettiness, grumpiness, pride, fanaticism.

"Tigers" (1986, 1998, 2010) are influenced by the sign of Aquarius. They are often independent, determined, active, hardworking, optimistic, attractive. Their shortcomings can be fussiness, impulsiveness, capriciousness, familiarity in communication.

Those born in the year of the Rabbit (1987, 1999, 2011) have similar traits with people belonging to the Pisces sign. They are sensitive, romantic, artistic, prudent, modest. Among their negative qualities - excessive and caution, secrecy, conservatism.

"Dragons" (1976, 1988, Aries) are characterized by insight, generosity, independence, insight. Those unfortunate enough to see their other side can point to their self-confidence, exactingness, self-centeredness, lust for power, recklessness and sometimes ruthlessness.

Those born in the year of the Snake (1989, 2001) correspond to the zodiac sign of Taurus. Snakes know how to be sexually attractive, diplomatic, sympathetic, intuitive, amiable and noble. But they are also fickle, arrogant and domineering.

"Horses" (1990, 2002, Gemini) are often talented, active in business, hardworking, sociable, sympathetic, generous. Sometimes they can show self-interest, capriciousness, adventurism, dishonesty.

Those who were born in the year of the Sheep / Goat (1991, 2003, Cancer) are distinguished by sincerity, romance, generosity, and developed creativity. Their shadow sides can be irresponsibility, indecision, capriciousness, vindictiveness, laziness.

The ninth sign of the Chinese horoscope is Monkey (1980, 1992, Leo). She is often intellectually developed, inventive, sincere and devoted, and at worst - cunning, petty, capricious and careless.

The Year of the Rooster (1981, 1993, Virgo) endows a person with enterprise, diligence, practicality, straightforwardness, and generosity. His disadvantage, perhaps, will be emotional detachment, self-centeredness, willfulness, fanaticism.

"Dog" (1982, 1994, 2006, Libra) is able to conquer others with its intelligence, attentiveness, devotion. If she is not in the spirit, then she can show herself to be conflicted and irreconcilable.

Finally, those born in the year of the Pig (1983, 1995, 2007, Scorpio) have such positive qualities as generosity, selflessness, sincerity, and virtue. They are talented and erudite. Showing their negative traits, they can be snobs, authoritarian, quick-tempered, dishonest, pessimists.


Is there a connection between a person's name and his destiny? Parapsychologists say that all names have a certain energy. But only recently this theory has received scientific evidence.

Name and appearance

A group of psychologists from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem found out that the name is associated with a person's appearance. So, in appearance, it turns out, you can guess the name - at least when it comes to your compatriot. Certain cultural stereotypes play a role here. The phenomenon was named by scientists as the “Dorian Gray effect”, and the results of the study were published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

The researchers conducted a series of experiments. The first of them was attended by 70 residents of Israel. They were asked to look at 25 color photographs of strangers and decide which of the four proposed names best suits each of them. In 30% of cases, volunteers correctly guessed the name of a stranger - this is significantly more than it should have been according to probability theory. A similar experiment was also carried out with a team of 115 Frenchmen. There, the percentage of guessing was even higher - 40%.

It also turned out that the hairstyle of the person in the picture influenced the frequency of guessing. All photographs were divided into three categories. Some showed hair, ears and neck clearly, and facial features looked blurred. On others, you could clearly see the eyes, cheeks, nose and mouth, but the hair and neck were not visible. And finally, on the third, both the face and the hairstyle were clearly visible. It was the pictures of this category that accounted for the largest number of correct answers - an average of 36%. Where the hairstyle was more visible than the face, the number of correct answers was 33%. Where only faces were visible - 30%. That is, in order to guess the name with a greater probability, the subject had to have as much information as possible about the person's appearance.

However, certain limitations have been identified. If volunteers were offered photographs and names of people of a different nationality, then the number of correct answers decreased.

In addition, scientists have developed a special computer algorithm that was "taught" to identify correspondences between people's faces and their names. At the same time, training took place on the basis of 94 thousand individuals. As a result, the number of guesses was 64% with a probability threshold of 50%. It turned out that the computer gave the same names to people with similar facial expressions.

According to the lead author of the study, Jonat Zwebner, there are certain stereotypes about names in our minds. Therefore, we unconsciously build communication with others in accordance with these stereotypes, which also affects the name bearers themselves. Zwebner believes that people develop a certain image depending on the name. But there are times when they feel uncomfortable with a given name, because it does not correspond to their internal state, it is difficult for them to adapt to this image. And then the person changes his name. So, a girl who does not have special ambitions may feel uncomfortable with the pretentious name Christina, and start calling herself, say, Katya. But in show business it is not uncommon when Maria or Elena, having taken a pseudonym, becomes Marianna or Elena.

Lucifer Complex

And how do unusual, non-standard names affect people? Sometimes parents give their children "meaningful" names that don't fit into any cultural stereotype at all. So, on June 26, 2002, a boy was born in Russia, named BOC rVF 260602 (“Biological object man of the Voronin-Frolov family” plus date of birth). True, the registry office flatly refused to register the child under that name. Until the age of 14, he lived without a birth certificate, and then received a passport with the name Igor. He called himself that.

A few years ago, a family named a child Lucifer. In fact, this name means "Lightbringer", but in Christian culture it is the name of an angel of darkness. Since 1998, such names as Dolphin, Luka-Shchastya Summerset Ocean, Buddha-Alexander, April, Zarya-Zaryanitsa, Okean, Sophia-Sun, Alice-Nefertiti have been registered in Moscow ... Children live in Sweden under the names Metallica, Lego and Google . In the USA - Messiah, Instagram, Meningitis, Batman ...

In most cases, the child is still not called a super exotic name in everyday life. As a rule, they come up with some kind of home or diminutive name that sounds more correct. Moreover, a dubious or dissonant name can become a subject for ridicule.

But sometimes unusual names help people in life. So, a student of a medical college, Brilliant Bazuev, a rare name helped several times in the preparation of various documents. Officials of the passport office and the tax office at the sight of the name Brilliant simply melted ...

Names "correct" and "incorrect"

A well-known Russian expert in the field of names, Boris Khigir, believes that the name really affects the human psyche and, in the long run, its fate, therefore it is necessary to give children the “correct” names.

What are considered

"wrong"? Well, for example, in Russia these are double names like Anna-Maria: children with such names grow up psychologically unstable. Foreign names should be avoided - they do not correspond to the stereotypes of our culture. Men with the names Sergey and Anatoly often have a penchant for drinking and drugs. The Alexanders start smoking early and are prone to stealing.

The female names Tatyana, Yana and Yulia are essentially masculine, Khigir says. These women often have an increased level of aggression.

I think you really noticed more than once that people with the same names look alike and act alike. Therefore, if you want your child to have certain qualities, then you need to come up with an appropriate name for him. And if you do not like your own qualities, then you should think about changing the name. Sometimes just finding a new derivative of your full name is enough to change your destiny.

American business practices are aggressive. This was a consequence of the fact that sales techniques in America are as much a commodity as bicycles or boots, and much less expensive than actual production. There is no need to rent production space, purchase machines, develop models, or hire specialists. As a result, America has become the birthplace of many methods of subliminal influence - the so-called manipulation of people based on the subconscious.

Features and results of experiments

One of these techniques was the so-called "25th frame". Its creator, James Vickery, based his idea on the effectiveness of influencing people through an “extra” frame inserted into the video sequence of a movie. Every 24 frames for 1/3000 of a second, another one was added with an advertisement that viewers unconsciously perceive as an indication of action. This insert does not attract attention, but is deposited in the subconscious and gives impetus to action. Experiments conducted by Vickery showed the following: all summer of 1957, a movie theater in Fort Lee, New Jersey, inserted a hidden advertisement of popcorn and Coca-Cola at the 25th frame. Sales during viewing increased: Coca-Cola by 18%, and popcorn by 57.8%.

Panic and excitement

After the publication of the results of the experiment, the reaction of the public was varied. Sales business owners rushed to buy the technology, and Vickery's lectures were very popular. Technology began to be introduced in political and election events, in training.

Journalists, teachers, politicians sounded the alarm. Their professional skills threatened to become less in demand against the backdrop of such an easy way to get anything from people. There were accusations of zombifying society and thus violating the human right to independent decision-making. Journalist Norman Kazinis published a damning article, "The Stained Subconscious."

25 frame in movies

In a number of films, directors have used this technology to increase interest in their tapes. As an example, these are the series "Babylon-5", "And now - the word."

In the television series Colombo, the perpetrator uses frame 25 to get the victim to the right place. Then Lieutenant Colombo himself catches the criminal in this way.

Vickery's system was found to have side effects. In Japan, the 25-frame technique has been blamed for epileptic seizures in children after watching Pokemon cartoons.


Under the new technique, the soil staggered rather quickly. It was bought for a TV store and the text “Call right now” was played on the 25th frame. There was no effect.

The American professional publication, the Advertising Research Foundation, demanded documentary evidence from Vickery on his experiments and was refused.

A student from New York, Stuart Rogers, came to Fort Lee to collect material for an essay. He met the owner of the movie theater where, according to Vickery, the experiment was being carried out. It turned out that no experiments had ever been carried out in the cinema, and the size of the auditorium did not match Vickery's declared size.

A group of scientists at the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands, led by Johan Carremans, concluded that the subconscious effect is not perceived by people uncritically as a call to action, with the exception of mentally unbalanced individuals. Inserts in the film should last about a minute for the viewer to evaluate their credibility and decide whether he needs this product or not.

Five years after the introduction of the technology, James Vickery was forced to admit that all the results of the experiments were fabricated by him, and the technique itself was a fraud.

25 frame in Russia

American manipulation technologies penetrated into Russia in the 90s. Here they were taken very seriously and a ban on them was even included in the legislation. Paragraph 9 of article 5 of which (“Pid-witted advertising”) reads:

“It is not allowed to use in radio, television, video, audio and film products or in other products and distribute hidden advertising, that is, advertising that has an effect on their consciousness that is not realized by consumers of advertising, including such an effect through the use of special video inserts (double sound recording) and in other ways.

In Russia, they came up with the name “Effect of 25 frames”, in America it is “Methods of influencing the subconscious”. In the United States, by that time, they had already lost their relevance, and the Russian market turned out to be uncritically receptive to everything that came from across the ocean.

Artemy Lebedev popularly explains the mechanism of success of such methods among Russian businessmen: “Mysticism and superstition own the mind of the Customer. As soon as something appears, the exact mechanism of action of which is not very clear, the Customer will react with a positive reflex, like a trained Pavlovian dog. Unclear? I'm taking it."

Until now, the 25 frame technique is used in Russia to attract clients in the field of language training, in all kinds of yoga-meditation practices, in the system of recovery and weight loss.

Translated from Greek, the term "character" is translated as "sign", "sign", "distinctive feature", that is, this is what distinguishes us from other people, is an indicator of our individuality. Character is usually quite closely related to temperament on one physiological basis. Let's look at what it consists of - character? First of all, these are talents, preferences, vital interests, transmitted at the genetic level. If the ancestors of a person (about seven previous generations) were kind and good people, then the probability of the main positive character tends to 10 points (on a ten-point scale). If in the family a person had many people with dominant negative character traits, then the probability of getting a good personality is sharply reduced. If very respectable parents unexpectedly grow up an unbridled, boorish child, which usually strikes people close to the family quite strongly, this may have just such reasons: the character could be transmitted from ancestors more distant in time than parents and grandparents. The second important factor, quite strongly affecting the formation of character, is, of course, education. Even the most disobedient child can be brought into a more or less divine form by a good upbringing. The main character traits are the result of upbringing in the family, then at school, in a team. Usually they become stable already in adolescence and it is almost impossible to change them then.

That is why it happens that a clash of different characters, open or covered by external manifestations, is quite often the cause of misunderstanding. How does a person's character manifest itself in contacts with other people? The character of a person in communication shows his face primarily in his worldviews, in his assessments of other people and the environment. People with deeper knowledge, wiser experience, with a high cultural development have a character that is popularly called easy. They are forgiving, responsive and try to think bigger. People with a rather limited range of interests, difficult to communicate, have a difficult character.
And yet, the character of a person is not given to him only from Mother Nature. There is no such person whose character could not be changed at least in some aspects. And people who refer to the fact that I am who I am, and that's it, nothing can be done about it - immature and insolvent.
But basically, negative character traits manifest themselves brighter in situations where a person is "touched to the quick."
A person is not alone in this big world, he exists in society and constantly comes into contact with other people, therefore other people constantly enter the personal space of each of us, occupy certain places there, create a good or bad mood for us, attract or repel us . Psychoanalysts argue that people, interacting with each other, form a kind of socio-psychological field.
Each person has a need for a certain number of contacts necessary for him, which are aimed at the realization of his emotionally colored states. These needs can be divided into three types of vector orientation: towards people, against people and away from people. In most people, usually one type of needs dominates, due to which the psychological properties of character also differ: contact, aggressiveness, isolation in oneself and openness to other people.

According to the above properties, it is possible to distinguish the characteristics of three social types.

Compliant type
This type of personality is directed towards people, it is characterized by the desire to join a group, to a more influential, strong personality, it suppresses its aggressive aspirations, but does not like people very much.

Aggressive type
This type of character is directed against people, has an idea of ​​​​his life as a struggle against everyone and everything, all other people are enemies for him. The main thing for him in life is victory at any cost and control over others, he does not trust anyone completely. Attachments and sympathies in his understanding are weaknesses.

Decoupled type
This type has a vector orientation from people, it has a lot of emotional barriers in relationships with other people. Too close contacts cause him wariness and anxiety, he tries to suppress his emotions and refrains from evaluating other people.

The ability to correctly understand the position of a partner in communication, to flexibly modify your own - all this will allow you to achieve success in relationships with other people.
Do we need to understand ourselves and the other person? Of course yes! When a person can understand his complex inner world, it will become much easier for him to overcome difficult life problems, the main thing is to be able to predict and regulate his own behavior and the behavior of others.
If we learn to analyze our own psychological characteristics, we will be able to more clearly analyze the behavior and state of mind of other people, draw up their psychological portraits and predict reactions to our actions in relation to them.

Determining the character of a person using other methods.

In psychology, they often turn to the description of the characters of K. Leonhard. It is based on vast life experience and research into the psychological world of people. It is no less scientific than classifications obtained by mathematical methods.

Leonhard identified several types of character: demonstrative, pedantic, stuck, excitable.

The most pronounced is demonstrative a type that refers to people who express their emotions vividly, from the point of view of others, even too much.
In other words, such people have a very developed ability to demonstrate and exaggerate their emotions.
A person with this type of personality can force out negative emotions and experiences from his consciousness, even completely forget what he does not want to remember (such emotions include cases when he acted in an indecent way).
All people, to a lesser or greater extent, have developed a similar ability to displace from consciousness, some traumatic emotional experiences, this is one of the protective mechanisms of the human psyche. However, in a demonstrative personality, this is one of the main lines of behavior.
Such a person tries to assert himself, his main goal is to maintain prestige in the eyes of others. He needs constant attention, ideally admiration, and an indifferent attitude for him is the worst of evils.
Completely opposite to the demonstrative is pedantic character. In people with this type of personality, the ability to repress negative emotions is low, so all kinds of negative images linger in their minds for a very long time. If a person with a demonstrative character makes decisions quickly, impulsively, the process of deliberation is reduced to almost zero, then a pedantic person hesitates for a long time and ponders everything for a very long time. The bad traits of this nature are usually indecisiveness, fear of mistakes, which makes it necessary to constantly check and recheck their actions, of course, if this is not an isolated case, but stable behavior. But, as you know, our virtues are a kind of continuation of our shortcomings, and a pedantic character in its own way can be expressed in such remarkable qualities as punctuality, accuracy, foresight, prudence - in a word, everything that a demonstrative personality lacks so much.
The next character type is stuck. People of this type are characterized by a very long delay in strong feelings: rage, anger, fear, especially when they were not expressed in real life due to some obstacles. This affect may not fade for a long time and flare up with initial fury weeks, months, even years later. People of this type are distinguished by strong resentment and vindictiveness. Unlike the demonstrative type of character, which is confident in its exclusivity and the recognition of others, the stuck character needs real respect and recognition, which he will achieve by any means.
At excitable people are often stated to have a very uneven course of life, they are constantly irritated, prone to impulsive actions, without bothering to weigh the consequences. Failure to manage oneself leads to conflicts.
Based on the accentuation of the nature of the communication partner, K. Leonhard gives the following recommendations.
With a demonstrative type, you need to filter the information received from it very strongly, because it is all permeated with his own subjective emotional ideas and experiences.
With a pedantic type, communication should be therapeutic in nature, because. these people need encouragement and support. Even though a pedantic person's problems often stem from indecisiveness, this does not need to be pointed out, it is best to use nonjudgmental tactics.
With the stuck type, you need to help him understand the essence of his constant struggle with someone or for something.
With an excitable type, you must always keep in mind that their aggression can accumulate for a long time on a subconscious level, their outbursts of rage are always unexpected, so here you need to carefully monitor body language - the accumulating aggression will definitely be expressed in such "non-verbal" communication (gestures, facial expressions , poses).
Psychologists also tried to find a connection between a person’s character and the structure of his body (E. Kretschmer - “Body structure and character”), between character and face shape, between handwriting and character, but still we should not forget that character is based on the properties of the nervous human systems.
The character of a person changes under the influence of time, environment, life situations. The main thing is not to lose sight of the forecast of such a change, which can be prevented.
So the tendency to leadership can eventually turn into dominance, and then into despotism. Self-confidence grows into self-confidence and narcissism. Demanding grow into intransigence and even cruelty. Skepticism becomes stubbornness and negativism. Compliance will eventually become meekness, and there it is not far from passive obedience. Trust can give way to obedience and dependency. Kindness will turn into lack of independence and excessive conformism. And responsiveness in disinterestedness and sacrifice.
Our website presents a patented . This test is designed to help you in your relationships with others.
The program for an online assessment of a person's character - the Volikov test is a very complex organism, which consists of hundreds of numerical matrices that analyze very contradictory factors that affect our character. Therefore, it is impossible to get a perfectly accurate result for all 21 character traits. According to our observations, as a rule, out of 21 character factors, 18-19 quite accurately reflect the character of a person (with known time and place of birth). The remaining 2-3 factors of a person's character may differ by several points.

Go through our free online, and you can understand yourself much better, and perhaps even those around you, if you know the exact date of their birth. Good luck!