How to translate the word Arabic. Arabic dictionaries

According to some data, there are about 3,000 languages ​​in the world. Arabic is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world. Arabic is spoken today by about 400 million people. It belongs to the Semitic languages ​​spoken in the Middle East and East Africa.

Arabic is the language in which the Qur'an was revealed. Due to the fact that interest in the study of the Koran is growing incredibly, along with it, interest in the Arabic language is growing.

The Arabic language is distinguished by its richness and size. For example, in French there are about 25,000 words, in English - 100,000, the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language - about 200,000 words, in literary Arabic we have about 400,000 roots, each of which produces several derivative words. Vocabulary Lisan al-Arab contains 80,000 roots alone, not words. One of the famous Arabic linguists al-Khalil ibn Ahmad al-Farahidi (718 - 791) indicates that the Arabic lexicon contains 12,305,412 words. No language can compare with the Arabic language in terms of the richness of its heritage and the number of synonyms.

German orientalist Warnbach said: “Arabic is not just the richest language in the world. The number of outstanding authors alone,

who wrote on it, is not subject to calculus. Our time differences with them created between us, alien to the Arabic language, and their works an insurmountable barrier, and it is possible to see what is behind it only with difficulty ”( Anwar al Jundi. literary language of the Arabs. P.303).

German orientalist Zephyr Haunga wrote: “How can a person struggle with the beauty of this language, its impeccable logic and incomparable magic?” The neighbors of the Arabs themselves in the countries they conquered were defeated by the magic of this language. Even people who kept their religion in this stream began to speak Arabic with love" (magazine " al-Lisan al-Arabi, 86/24. From the book "The sun of the Arabs rises in the west").

When Islam began to spread rapidly in the 7th century, many non-Arabs became interested in the new religion. Persians, Greeks, Turks and others

thirsty to know something new, unknown to the village, the culture of the Arabs. New endless terms and expressions appeared before them, which they understood with difficulty. In this regard, it became necessary to compile catalogs and dictionaries, where it was possible to explain the meaning of words and ways of their application.

The concept of an explanatory dictionary

What is an explanatory dictionary? An explanatory dictionary is a monolingual dictionary containing words arranged in alphabetical order, with a brief description of what these words mean and, often, accompanying the interpretation of words with examples of their use.

According to Arabic explanatory dictionary

called mujam or kamus. The very first appearance of such dictionaries dates back to the 7th-8th centuries.

Types of Arabic dictionaries

Arabic dictionaries are divided into several types:

  • Dictionary of meanings, or explanatory dictionary. Such dictionaries explain the lexical meanings of words.
  • Language dictionary. A dictionary containing a list of language units with their characteristics or their translation into another language.
  • Dictionary of borrowed words. This is a dictionary that contains words entered into the Arabic language from other languages.
  • Dictionary of proverbs and sayings.
  • Dictionary - glossary.

    This is a dictionary of highly specialized terms in any branch of knowledge with interpretation, sometimes translation into another language, comments and examples. A dictionary of Quranic terms and terms from the field of hadith.

  • Dictionary of professional ter

    mines in various fields such as medicine, politics, etc.

In the age of globalization and the mass spread of the English language, Arab countries have become less involved in the popularization of Arabic explanatory dictionaries.

Explanatory Dictionary Lisan al-Arab

Dictionary Lisan al-Arab belongs to the largest and largest dictionaries of the Arabic language. The author of this dictionary is Ibn Manzur.

The dictionary consists of five sources, each of which is essentially a separate dictionary, these are:

  • "Tahdhib al-Lugha" al-Azhari
  • Al-Muhkam Ibn Sida
  • al-Sihah al-Jawhari
  • "Hashiya as-Sikhah" Ibn Bari
  • An-Nihaya by Ibn al-Athir

Lisan al-Arab contains 80,000 root words, which is 20,000 more than the dictionary of al- Qamus al-Mukhit. This dictionary is considered a linguistic encyclopedia containing terms from the field of philology, literature and other sciences. Ibn Manzur divided the dictionary according to the letters of the alphabet, each of which is a chapter containing sections. Each section is also divided alphabetically.

Lisan al-Arab so huge, it is housed in 20 volumes of a modern printed format. It is very popular in Arab countries.

Welcome to the Arabic-Russian dictionary. Please write the word or phrase you want to check in the text box on the left.

Recent Changes

Glosbe is home to thousands of dictionaries. We provide not only dictionary Arabic-Russian, but dictionaries for every existing pairs of languages ​​- online and free. Visit the home page of our site to choose from the available languages.

Translation Memory

Glosbe dictionaries are unique. On Glosbe you can check not only translations into language Arabic or Russian: we also provide examples of usage, by showing dozens of examples of translated sentences containing translated phrase. This is called "translation memory" and is very useful for translators. You can see not only the translation of a word, but also how it behaves in a sentence. Our translation memories come mostly from parallel corpora that have been made by humans. Such translation of sentences is a very useful addition to dictionaries.


We currently have 117,804 translated phrases. We currently have 5729350 sentence translations


Help us in creating the largest Arabic-Russian dictionary online. Just sign in and add a new translation. Glosbe is a unified project and anyone can add (or remove) translations. This makes our dictionary Arabic Russian real, as it is created by native speakers who use the language every day. You can also be sure that any mistake in the dictionary will be corrected quickly, so you can rely on our data. If you find a bug or you can add new data, please do so. Thousands of people will be grateful for this.

You should know that Glosbe is not filled with words, but with ideas about what these words mean. Thanks to this, by adding one new translation, dozens of new translations are created! Help us develop Glosbe dictionaries and you will see how your knowledge helps people around the world.

This is an incredibly necessary thing if you are going to travel to the resorts and cities of the Arab countries. Of course, in many resorts of the world, knowledge of English is enough for you, and sometimes only Russian, but this does not apply to the resorts that we are talking about. In many Arab resorts, only Arabic is familiar and common, so this phrasebook will be an indispensable tool for you.

Here are collected the most common topics for conversation and all sorts of frequently asked questions.


Common phrases

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Yesنعم naam (quince)
Notلا la
Thanksشكرا shukran
You are welcomeمن فضلك athos
Sorryآسف athos
I don't understand لا افهم Ana Ma Bethham
What is your name? ما اسمك shu ismak?
Very nice يسعدني ezaiak
Where is the toilet here? أين التواليت؟ fine al hamam
Where do you live? أين تعيش؟ aesh fane
What time is it now? ما هو الوقت؟ spruce sah kam
I'm in hurry. Ana mustazhil.
Do you know English? Taarif inglizi?
Who? Min?
What / what? Ay/ayy
Where? Vine?
Where? Ilya vine?
How? Kif?
How much? Caddesch?
When? Mata?
Why? Bream?
What? Shu?

At customs

At the station

Walk around the city

In transport

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
guide dalIle
driver SAEC
Taxi Taxi
bus bass
the car saiYara
airplane tayYara
ship, boat kareb
camel dzhEmal
donkey hmAr
the airport matAr
port minAa
station mahatta
ticket bitAka, tazkara
registration tasjil
stop here! Stana ghena
there henAc
here ghena
change (money) mablyak baakyn
Where is the? as-souk al ghura duty free hair dryer tugad?
straight alatUl
back uara
take it slower beshuish
hurry up Asraa
how much does it cost to get to...? bekAm tausIlya lel…?
I want to go to the market. Ana Aiz arUh e'su


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
0 sipher
1 wahid (wahad)
2 itnan (itnin)
3 talata
4 arba-a
5 khameez
6 sitta
7 saba-a
8 tamania
9 tizaa (tes-a)
10 ashara
11 hidashar
12 itnaashar
13 talattashar
14 cart tashar
15 hamas taashar
16 sittatashar
17 sabataashar
18 taman tashar
19 tiza tashar
20 ishrin
21 wahid wa ashrin
22 itnan va ashrim
30 talatin
40 arbaain
50 khamsin
60 sitin
70 sabba-in
80 tamanin
90 tiza-in
100 mia (meya)
200 mitein
300 talatmeya
400 arbameya
500 hamsameya
600 sittameya
700 sabameya
800 tamanimeya
900 tisameya
1 000 alpha
2 000 alphen
3 000 talattalaf
100 000 mit alf
1 000 000 million-en

In hotel

In the shop

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
What is the priceكم يكلف bicam hut?
Cashالنقدية fulus; nukud
Cashlessلغير النقدية andi kart
Breadخبز khubz
Waterماء water
Fresh squeezed juiceتقلص عصير جديدة asyr fresh
Sugar / saltالسكر / الملح sukkar/malech
Milkحليب khalib
Fishسمك Samak
Meatلحمة lyakhm
Henدجاجة sales
Muttonلحم الضأن lahm haruf
Beefلحوم البقر lyahm bakar
Pepper / spicesالفلفل / التوابل fylfil / bharat
Potatoالبطاطس sweet potato
Riceالأرز ruz
Lentilsنبات العدس adas
Onionالبصل basal
Garlicثوم tum
Sweetsملبس halaviyat
Fruitsثمرة favakia
Applesالتفاح tuffs
Grapeالعنب anab
Strawberryالفراولة phrase
orangesالبرتقال burtukal
Mandarinالأفندي kelemantina
Lemonالليمون limon
Garnetالعقيق rumman
Bananasالموز muses
Peachesالخوخ hoh
Apricotمشمش mish-mish
Mangoمانجو manga

In a cafe, restaurant

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Check please (bill)يرجى التحقق من (حساب) hysab
Tea coffeeالشاي / القهوة shay / kahwa
Instant coffeeقهوة فورية nescafe
Soupحساء shuraba
Olivesزيتون zeytun
Saladسلطة lettuce
Grilledمشوي mashvi
Friedمشوي mackley
Boiledمسلوق maslyuk
I do not eat meat!أنا لا أكل اللحوم! ana ma bakul lyakhma!
Vermicelliشعر الملاك shaaria
Pastaمعكرونة pasta
Stuffed pepperمحشو الفلفل fylfil mehshi
Sandwichسندويتش sundwish
Cheese / sour cream (sour)الجبن / يفسد كريم)خمر) jubna / laban
Beerجعة bira
Wineالنبيذ nabid


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Policeالشرطة shurta
Ambulanceسيارة إسعاف isaaf
Hospitalالمستشفى mostascifa
Pharmacyصيدلية sidalia
Doctorطبيب tabib
I got sick / I got sick Ana Marid / Ana Marida
wound, wound jArah
blood ladies
temperature harara
sunstroke Darbat ShYams
diabetes sukkari
allergy hasasiya
asthma Azma
pressure dAgat

Dates and times

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
night leil
day nHar
afternoon baad dohor
yesterday mbArech
the day before yesterday Awwal mbareh
today al Yum
tomorrow bukra
day after tomorrow baad bukra
What time is it now? kam essAa?
Hour elvahida
Two hours assAnie
Noon mountAsaf ennagAr
Midnight mountAsaf ell
A quarter to ten el Ashra Ilya rubie
quarter past six assAdisi varubie
half past five elkhAmisi walnUsf
five past nine ettisie wa hamsu dakAik
twenty to three esAlici Ilya Sulsi
Sunday elAhad
Monday elesnEn
Tuesday elsoulasAe
Wednesday alArbie
Thursday eyakhamis
Friday elgeumue
Saturday essaybit
January eve essany
February Shbat
March ezAr
April nissan
May iAr
June KhazirAn
July TamUz
August ab
September sibteembar
October tyshrIn el Awwal
November tyshrin essani
December kan Unal Awwal
Winter shitaa
Spring rabie
Summer safe
Autumn harif
Tuesday fi yom essulasAe
This week fi gas lusbua
Last month fi shagr elmazi
Next year fiseIni elkadimi

Greetings - This theme includes a list of phrases needed to greet and start a conversation.

Standard phrases - a list of the most common words and questions that are most often used in a conversation.

Station - so that you do not feel discomfort while at the station in a foreign country, which is associated with a language barrier, use this phrasebook topic.

Passport control - passing through control at the airport, you need to know a number of phrases and answers to questions translated into Arabic, just here these phrases are presented.

Orientation in the city - in Arab cities there are a lot of people and intersecting streets, in order not to get lost, you will need to check the route to your destination with passers-by. This topic will help you with this.

Transport - so that you do not have problems with public transport and taxis, use this topic.

Hotel - when checking into a hotel, be prepared for the fact that you will have to answer some questions, their translation and translation of other necessary phrases are in this section.

Emergencies - anything can happen in a foreign country, to make sure, use this topic from the Russian-Arabic phrasebook. Using the words and phrases from this topic, you can call for help, call the police or ask passers-by to tell an ambulance that you feel bad.

Dates and times - the translation of words denoting date and time.

Purchases - using this section, you can make any purchases anywhere, whether it is a market or an expensive jewelry store. Here are collected all the necessary questions and phrases for this.

Restaurant - in order to call the waiter, place an order, find out what this or that dish includes, you need to know Arabic or just use the words from this topic.

Numbers and figures - every tourist should know how to pronounce this or that number in the language of the country in which he is resting. Just the translation of these figures and numbers is collected in this section.

Welcome to the Russian-Arabic dictionary. Please write the word or phrase you want to check in the text box on the left.

Recent Changes

Glosbe is home to thousands of dictionaries. We provide not only dictionary Russian-Arabic, but dictionaries for every existing pairs of languages ​​- online and free. Visit the home page of our site to choose from the available languages.

Translation Memory

Glosbe dictionaries are unique. On Glosbe you can check not only translations into language Russian or Arabic: we also provide examples of usage, by showing dozens of examples of translated sentences containing translated phrase. This is called "translation memory" and is very useful for translators. You can see not only the translation of a word, but also how it behaves in a sentence. Our translation memories come mostly from parallel corpora that have been made by humans. Such translation of sentences is a very useful addition to dictionaries.


We currently have 111,147 translated phrases. We currently have 5729350 sentence translations


Help us in creating the largest Russian-Arabic dictionary online. Just sign in and add a new translation. Glosbe is a unified project and anyone can add (or remove) translations. This makes our dictionary Russian Arabic real, as it is created by native speakers who use language every day. You can also be sure that any mistake in the dictionary will be corrected quickly, so you can rely on our data. If you find a bug or you can add new data, please do so. Thousands of people will be grateful for this.

You should know that Glosbe is not filled with words, but with ideas about what these words mean. Thanks to this, by adding one new translation, dozens of new translations are created! Help us develop Glosbe dictionaries and you will see how your knowledge helps people around the world.