How to make the title page of the report correctly - a complete analysis of the first page and a sample. How to write a title page for an essay

For many schoolchildren or first-year students, the design of the title page is confusing. On the one hand, this is sheer nonsense that does not affect the value of the work, on the other hand, teachers often find fault with the design of the title page. The problem is also that, despite the official state requirements, each institution has the authority to demand its own registration from students.

It should be understood that the abstract or report is scientific work. That is why there are so many requirements related to the design. To begin with, the entire work and the title page should have a clean and tidy appearance. If you will use a folder when submitting an essay or report, then you need to provide a place for it. Step back three centimeters on the left, and one and a half and two on the other sides.

How to format the title page of the abstract?

By Russian standards, the title page of the abstract (and the report at the same time) is divided into 4 parts:

  • the top block contains the name of the educational institution;
  • the central block contains information about the work itself (name, type of work);
  • the right block includes data about the author of the work (full name of the student, group) and the teacher (full name and status (professor, associate professor) of the teacher), also in this place signatures are usually made and marks are put, notes on work;
  • the bottom block is the name of the city and the date of creation of the work.

Each indentation and font size has its own instructions from the Ministry of Education, but the problem is that educational institutions have the right to make their own requirements for the title page. Moreover, each department can make its own amendments to the design first sheet. The whole transformation process ends with teachers, who often do not pay attention to "requirements from above" and put forward their own "tested" schemes.

If disagreements arise, then it will not be possible to prove anything to the respected professor. Therefore, when making a title page, there is a proven way - to ask the teacher for it. This way you can avoid unnecessary worries and save time on polishing the title page. But still, often the teacher is asked to issue the work “correctly”, that is, according to state standards.

How to properly format the title page of an abstract according to state standards?

Upper block

The name of the educational institution is written at the top, it is worth paying attention that it is written in full. For example: “Vologda State Academy named after N.V. Vereshchagin. The entire name can be written in CAPITAL LETTERS (holding Caps Lock). The name is written in full! With all the "Ministry of Education ..." and "Institution of Higher Education ...".

The text should be bold, with center alignment set. To save space, you can make the line spacing equal to one. The font size for the entire title page is chosen one - 14 point.

The top block should have a 2 cm deviation from the top of the sheet. The same indent should be for the bottom block from the bottom of the sheet. For the left side, the indentation has already been given above, and for the right side it is better to make it one and a half centimeters. Speaking about the fields, it should be noted that it is this indicator that changes most often, therefore it is better to ask the teacher about them.

central block

It goes immediately below the top block, and you need to indent two lines (Enter twice). The central block consists of four or five lines or lines, each with its own information:

  • first line- the name of the faculty, but it is often written in the upper right corner of the title page, you should check this line with the teacher;
  • second line- the name of the department, written in ordinary letters (14 size), the first word "Department" with a capital letter (Department of Anatomy and Histology);
  • third line- in capital letters (holding Caps Lock) is written "SUMMARY", this is the main word in the entire title page, so you can make it in 16 point font. You also need to make a gap of one line between this line and the previous one;
  • fourth line- the name of the discipline. For example: “By discipline: Anatomy of farm animals”, while the first letters in the line and the title are written in capitals;
  • fifth line- the title of the work, first with a capital letter write "On the topic:", and then with a capital letter the name of the work. Write it in full, even if it is large, the title of the work can come out in two lines.

right block

We will divide it into two parts: for the teacher and the student.

  • Completed:
  • 1st year student
  • day department
  • Groups №XXXL
  • Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich
  • Signature:

The teacher part consists of 7 lines:

  • supervisor
  • Professor / Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer (ask the teacher for his status)
  • Departments of Anatomy and Histology
  • Petrov Petr Petrovich
  • Grade:
  • The date:
  • Signature:

All words are written in 14 point, regular font.

bottom block

The easiest block to design. Make some indents so that the two lines of the bottom block fit at the very bottom. Usually you need to skip 7-8 lines. First, write the name of the city, and below - the year of writing the work.

How to arrange the title page of the report at the institute and school?

There are no differences in the design of the abstract and the report. Only instead of the word "Abstract" write "Report". Confusion can cause a report at school, but you can draw it up according to the same rules as an abstract. Fonts and indents in a school report are similar to a university essay. In a school report, you can increase the font of the topic name, frames and underlines are also allowed. If the work is creative (on the topic of culture and art), then you can choose more original fonts. In the upper block, indicate the name of the school (in full). In the middle block, skip the name of the department and discipline. The right and bottom blocks are identical to the student's abstract.

A rather large number of questions and many doubts are raised by students and students on the title page of the report (according to GOST 2017, we consider a design sample in this article). Why this particular page? Yes, because there is special attention and special requirements for it, which all must be taken into account, which is quite difficult.

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The title page of the report according to GOST 2017 is a general theoretical sample

The first (it is also the main) page contains all the information about the student, teacher and topic. It reflects the names of: educational institution, disciplines, topics and other information. It is convenient to issue it as a separate file when the work is completely ready and no changes are expected, for example, in the title of the topic. So, the first page of the work is drawn up according to this scheme.

  • "A cap". First, create the first 3-4 top rows, center aligned:

    Line 1 - MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE (indicate which country. Note, capital letters);

    2 - full name of the educational institution (lowercase letters);

    3, 4 - one-spaced name of the faculty and department (also full; note that abbreviations are not allowed on this page).

  • "Centre". Next, we move on to creating the “central” information - the topic. Stepping back from the “header” of 8 intervals, we type the name of the type of work in capital, bold type: REPORT (if it is being prepared for a conference or symposium, indicate this data right there). And in the next line there is information about the topic of the work (its name is in capital letters, bold type).
  • "Right" column. Stepping back 5 intervals, we form a left-aligned column on the right, in which we indicate:

    - in 1 line - Speaker:

    - 2nd line - Student (group, surname and initials);

    - 3 line - pass;

    - 4 line - Checked:

    - 5 line - Regalia of the teacher, his surname and initials.

  • The “bottom” block is the bottommost line, centered: City and year.

The title page of the report in accordance with GOST 2017 - a general technical sample

It is assumed that the design of the work is carried out on a computer in a Microsoft Word text editor. It is convenient to issue a title in a separate file. This page has the following settings:

  • centimeter "shores" (indents) along the edges: left - 3, right - 1, upper and lower - 2;
  • line spacing on this page is used - single (in the text on the following pages - one and a half);
  • typing in Times New Roman (size 14 is used for all pages);
  • headings are not underlined, abbreviated or hyphenated (we have already noted which ones are capitalized and bolded);
  • the title is not numbered, but is taken into account in the total number of pages, being considered the first.

When faced with the preparation of materials for a presentation at a school conference for the first time, students are surprised to learn that it is important not only to collect and systematize information, present it correctly, but also arrange it in accordance with GOST. What are the main requirements state standard, how to fill in correctly title page of a report or essay at school and what are the differences in design title pages for pupils and students?

What does GOST say about the title page of a report or abstract?

Cover page of the report for the school- this face work so treat it registration stands with full responsibility. It is important to understand that the content and place of the inscriptions on title page, type and size font strictly regulated. Report or essay student is a small, but still scientific Job and look like she should accordingly. Post pictures, draw flowers or monograms on title page inappropriate, by rules it is unacceptable.

Create a title page right means to strictly follow all requirements standard. Long gone are the days when young talents wrote lyrics report by hand, today even elementary school students type information on a computer. Therefore, we will talk about requirements to computer registration works. Let's consider them in more detail.

The material is presented on A4 sheets. The fields are standard, those that Microsoft Word automatically suggests. The left margin is much wider than the others (3 or 2.5 cm), let's not forget that the sheets will need to be sewn together.

The size font- 14, line spacing - 1.5. Let's open the secret about the type font GOST doesn't say anything. So formally, you can use any, if the materials of the conference or the Olympiad do not additionally indicate which one font use. Times New Roman and Arial are the most commonly used, not because they are good and others are worse. The explanation is much simpler, these two kinds fonts installed on all computers without exception.

Numbering. Pages work are numbered sequentially, starting with the first - the title page. But there is one caveat - the number is not put on the title page, on the next one page with the content (table of contents) number 2 will be affixed. Pay attention to this. The number on the title page is a violation. And one more key point title page, not in the text work after the headlines dot not put. This is the most common mistake when design students of scientific works.

Volume abstract for a student usually does not exceed 10-12 pages, including title page and bibliographic list.

Title page of the report example

On right title page formatted should the following information should be posted:

  • the full name of the educational institution in accordance with the license, and not just “average school No.", students indicate and title departments;
  • type work written in big bold font (report, essay, essay);
  • the name of the item, but this is an optional position;
  • title(it is recommended to type in capital letters);
  • surname and initials of the author, class (for students group number);
  • surname and initials of the teacher, students indicate the full name. and academic degree, the title of head of scientific work;
  • city;
  • end with a date.

Sample title page of a student's essay

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Average school No. 14 with in-depth study of mathematics and physics "

city ​​of Belgorod


on astronomy on the topic


Done by: 4th grade student

Pyatakha Maria

leader: teacher

astronomy Nasedkina N.T.


You can use the above example, as a cover page template for a school essay.

How to write and format an essay, report and other independent work of students?

After the theme is approved work, it is necessary to discuss with the teacher, what aspects from his point of view should be covered? The plan will help to systematize the material that you will find in the literary sources proposed by the teacher. Then it remains only to study the information related to the topic of the report, and state it in your own words. Do not forget, mechanical copying without attribution of the author is called plagiarism. Report cannot consist of quotations alone, even if formalized indicating the original source. The value of student work in that the student independently draws conclusions from what he has read and suggests current directions for studying scientific problems.

Inspiration and good luck!

Friends, good time of the day. In any educational institution, students are given such tasks -. And today we will talk about how to arrange the title page of an essay in schools and universities. Since many students face this problem.

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After all, the following depends on the correct and high-quality design of the title page:

  • First, he is the face of the abstract, your work. It immediately shows how responsible you were for the task.
  • Secondly, the teacher, looking at the title, determines how much the work is and evaluates it.

What is an abstract title page

This is the very first page in the study paper. It indicates the names of the department, strange, full name of the student and teacher. The title is issued in most cases by GOST standards, but this also happens. that university teachers are replacing these rules with a well-thought-out training manual.

In general, for the design of the title, they adhere to the 2 main state standards:

  1. "Research Report" - GOST 7.32-2001, which very well describes the main requirements that should be placed on it.
  2. "ESKD" - GOST 2.105-95 - general requirements for any text document.

Design rules

Although teachers may require the student to adhere to the manual. However, there are rules that cannot be avoided. But it is better to find out the various nuances at the department in advance.

According to the guest, includes the following parameters:

  • Not always, but the name of the country is written
  • Department name (abbreviated or full, ask the reviewer)
  • Name of discipline
  • Topic of scientific work
  • Full name, course, group number
  • Full name of the host, his position
  • author
  • What city does the author live in?
  • What year was the document completed?

You need to remember the following, it is not numbered. I wrote about almost all versions of numbering.

Also, the GOST does not indicate the font, and therefore the teachers ask - Times New Roman, 14 pins.

Correct design in Word according to GOST 2017-2018

  1. In the center of the sheet, including caps lock, the name of the department or ministry of your educational institution is written. For convenience, use Caps Lock.
  2. Next, the name of the educational institution is prescribed, full or short, while observing a single line spacing.
  3. Below in quotation marks - the name of the department
  4. In capital letters, in the middle of the sheet, they write in a font of 16-20 kegel in size - “Abstract”
  5. Then the subject on which the essay is being written and the topic
  6. Then, to the right of the center, the full data of the author and the verifier are written
  7. And the last stage - at the bottom of the page in the center of the city and year

sample for students

As mentioned above, title pages may vary depending on the educational institution. Some require adherence to GOST standards, while others require manuals.

Requirements in schools

Just like in universities, in schools, children are also given various types of tasks, such as reports, essays. And many students want to get an excellent grade from work. And therefore, the question of how to make the right title is of interest to almost any student. Let's highlight the main requirements:

  1. School name in full
  2. What kind of work (abstract, report, etc.)
  3. Subject of work (not compulsory in elementary school)
  4. Theme and name of the project
  5. Student's last name and class
  6. Surname of the checking teacher (also not required in elementary school)
  7. City (town) and date

Rules and design example for school

Settings in Word

  • Indents: right - 10 mm, left - 30 mm, top and bottom - 20 mm each
  • The font is Times New Roman, 14 pt, the name of the educational institution is 12 pt, the name of the project is 28 pt and bold, the title of the work is 16 pt and bold
  • Sheet A4


The title page is the face of the student work, which creates the first impression of it. Whether it is good or bad is up to you. For our part, we will tell you in detail and be sure to show how to write the title page of the abstract so as not to lose face.

What is the importance of the correct design of the title page of the abstract? If the title page is designed incorrectly, then the reviewer, most likely without even reading the text of the main part, will deploy you for revision.

Of course, all the norms and design standards are spelled out in GOST and in the manual at the department. However, before you start writing the title page of the abstract, ask the teacher if he has any personal preferences in the design. Suddenly you got a not very accommodating supervisor.

What exactly should be on the title page of the abstract?

Before you write the title page of the abstract correctly, you need to set the margin sizes:

  • right - no less 1.5 cm,
  • left - 3 cm,
  • top and bottom - 2 cm.

It is worth clarifying the size of the fields with the teacher, as he may not adhere to state standards and change the requirements.

The title page must contain:

  • the name of the university;
  • full name of the department;
  • name of the discipline;
  • the subject of scientific work;
  • student data (full name, course, group number, form of study);
  • data of the checking teacher;
  • the city where the student is studying;
  • year of issue of the document.

Numbering rules and font

Although the numbering starts from the title page, the number "1" is not put down, the same applies to the content page.

In the document, the numbering starts from the introduction page with the number "3".

As a rule, when writing an abstract, it is necessary to adhere to the standard font - Times New Roman and size 14 pt.

Stages of creating a title page

First, conditionally divide the A4 sheet into 4 parts. This is the top, center, right and bottom, and in each of them you must adhere to certain requirements.

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First part

In the first part at the top of the page in capital letters in the center we write: MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. On the next line, indicate the name of the university and below the name of the department in quotation marks.

Second part

We place the second part in the center: here we write in capital letters the word “SUMMARY”, and after it we indicate the discipline and topic.

The third part

The third block needs to be right-aligned. Here the data of the student and the inspector are written. The position of the teacher is indicated without fail:

Fourth part

And the last, fourth part is drawn up at the very bottom of the page and aligned in the center. Here we indicate the city and year of issue of the abstract.

If the abstract is due at the end of December, then indicate the next year.

It is important to remember that the point is not placed anywhere.

You understand that writing the title page of an abstract correctly is a simple science. However, if you don't feel like bothering to "rivet the title page" yourself, then the student service will do this mechanical work for you. You just have to subscribe to our telegram channel to keep abreast of student life and current news.