How to enable Russian language in photoshop cs5. How to put the Russian language in "Photoshop CS6": tips, tricks

How to translate Photoshop into Russian and what to do if it doesn't work. Photoshop is a very popular image processing program from Adobe. Moreover, not only photographers use it, but also ordinary people who want to correct themselves in photographs or try themselves as a designer. But it happens that the downloaded Photoshop is in English and working with such a program, especially for beginners, is completely inconvenient. Let's figure out how to fix the problem.

Adobe Photoshop CC

The Photoshop CC version is the most complete and modern of the entire line of programs of this type presented.

If this method did not help, try uninstalling the program from your computer and downloading the Russian version again. Remember to select Russian when the installation wizard prompts you to do so.

adobe photoshop cs5

How to make photoshop in Russian? Do not rush to get upset when you find that the downloaded editor is full of English words. Most likely, translation is already built into the program, you just need to get to the desired settings and turn it on. Try to do it the same way as above. Find the Edit field in the top line, then select Preferences - Interface. We are looking for a window with the inscription Language and diligently trying to find Russian among the list of languages ​​that have fallen out. Next, click OK, close Photoshop, and then reopen the program.

If this method did not help you, there is a fallback:

  • download crack for your version. To do this, you need to determine which modification of the program is installed on the computer;
  • We are looking for the Photoshop shortcut on the desktop, right-click on it. A menu pops up in which you need to find the line Properties. In the window that opens, find the Details tab at the top and go there. You will see full information about the program, including the version. Well, then - a matter of technology;

  • We enter into any search engine a query like “download crack for Photoshop (and your version, for example, cs5). The search will return many sites where you can download the required file;
  • But that is not all. Now you need to unpack the downloaded crack in the .rar format using an archiver and transfer the ru_RU folder to the Locales directory. If you downloaded a file with the .exe extension, you don't need to do anything, just run it and the program will do everything by itself;
  • Then repeat all the steps at the beginning of this section. Run and use Photoshop in Russian.

By the way, such a manual works successfully when you need to change the Photoshop language to some other: Ukrainian, German, French.

How to translate Photoshop into Russian

In earlier versions of Photoshop (cs1\cs2), translation is more difficult. The settings panel does not contain any data for changing the language. The Russian-language version must be selected at the time of purchase of the program. But the program code of these versions contains a bug that causes the language to switch to English on its own. Let's try to fix this. We go into the photoshop folder, find Application Data. It should contain .lng files. We delete those that have the name en.lng. We launch the program again - now you can work with it in Russian.

Photoshop is the most popular photo editor. Most users, when purchasing or downloading a program, are faced with one very common problem, namely with an English-language interface.

Of course, not all people have basic knowledge of English, which makes it very difficult to navigate the interface and edit photos. What if your version of Photoshop CS6 has an English interface, but you need to make it Russian? We will talk about this in this article.

If the language is set in the program

After opening the application, you see an empty editor in front of you. At the top, there are various functions needed for photo editing and fine settings programs. To change the localization of the interface in a quick way, it is enough:

To quickly enter the above settings, you can use the special key combination " Ctrl+A". This combination will bring up the interface parameters, and you will not have any need to go into the settings, as described in the first method.

We use the Russifier

Of course, in addition to the described methods, there are others. alternatives. Not all versions of the application have a built-in Russian language, it has to be installed using special programs, the so-called " Russifiers».

Russifier is a special application that copies localized files to a folder with Photoshop. After that, your photo editor starts and works with the Russian interface. The most popular program for changing the language in a photo editor is called " Additional language packages for Photoshop”, the software is located on the Internet (you can download it for free). After downloading and launching the crack, you need to perform the following manipulations:

There are other ways to change localization in Photoshop CS6, but not all of them are particularly effective, and most importantly, simple. If there is a need to change the English language of the software to Russian, then pay attention to the methods described above. With the help of the described information, you can set up a photo editor for yourself in a few steps and comfortably edit your favorite photos.

Many image users don't know how to change the Photoshop language.

Not surprisingly, working with one of the most popular and most professional and feature-rich image editor is not so easy: a huge number of functions means a certain complexity of the application interface, and this creates additional difficulties.

Let's take a closer look at how to change the program language yourself.

How to determine the version of Photoshop?

Follow the instructions to find out which version of the editor is installed on your personal computer:

  • start the application; wait for the main screen to appear;
  • click on the "Help" tab (may be called "help" in some versions). It is located on the right side of the main program control panel;
  • click on the item "System Information";
  • a text field with detailed information about the program and its assembly will appear in a new window. The first line is the basic version number and build ID data. You can copy this information into a search engine to find out more about your installed Photoshop.

Once you know which version of Photoshop you are using, you can begin to change the language of the application.

Change the language in all versions

Follow the instructions below according to your version of the editor.

Photoshop CS1 and CS2

In older versions of the editor, changing the language is more difficult. The program control panel does not have a separate menu for changing the interface language, so the user indicated the version he needed at the stage of purchasing the program.

Both of these versions of Photoshop (CS1 and CS 2) automatically reset the language settings - the developers have not fixed this bug, citing the irrelevance of the program assemblies. Because of this, the program language constantly reverts to the default - English. To fix this problem yourself, go to the hard drive of your PC where the Photoshop root folder is installed.

In the Application Data/Adobe directory, look for files with the extension .lng- they are responsible for the encoding and language of the application interface. Find all files called en.lng and delete them from this folder; leave only those files that belong to the Russian language (files with the ru tag).

Just in case, do not delete the files permanently - save them. This rule applies to any manipulations with system files of directories and libraries.

Notice! You need to perform these actions while the program is turned off. After deleting the files, restart your computer and launch Photoshop again. Instead of English, the interface will be automatically translated into Russian.


Surprisingly, the easiest way to change the language in the third version of the editor is to uninstall the program and reinstall it. During the re-installation, you need to select the required language and install.

To change the display of the language interface without uninstalling the program, you can install a special crack, but this is associated with a whole series of possible new problems, and experienced users try to avoid cracks.

Such language "patches" (mini-programs that are placed on top of the main application and "patch" its small flaws) are developed by advanced users.

Patches are not an official software product, and the developer is not responsible for them. Often, the interaction of the cracker strongly conflicts with the operation of the antivirus, and the program begins to behave unpredictably - “fly off”, not open, work incorrectly, etc.

If you still decide to use the crack, install it like a regular program in the root folder of the Required Photoshop program. Wait for the installation to finish and restart your computer. A good working crack can be downloaded from the link - it is recommended on many forums.

CS4 and CS5

Unlike earlier versions, in Photoshop CS4 the language can be changed.

To do this, go to the main program window, select the Edit tab on the main toolbar. Then click on Preferences. Next, select Interface. In the "Language" tab, select the desired value and save the changes.

In some cases, the language settings are not applied automatically, so it is best to restart the program and the computer for the settings to take effect.

Rice. 8 - the main window of Photoshop CS4


One of the most common versions of Photoshop today is CS6.

It also had some adventures - often, despite the initial choice of another language, after installing and launching the program for the first time, users see a completely English-language interface.

In some cases, the encoding of some characters may not be displayed correctly, so you should change the language so that the system updates all encodings and corrects inaccuracies. The sequence of actions is the same as in the previous paragraph.

Follow instructions:

  • run the program and wait for it to fully load;
  • on the main menu bar, click on the Edit tab;
  • move the pointer to the Preferences item until a pop-up list appears;
  • now click on Interface;
  • in the window that opens, find the field responsible for the text display settings (at the very bottom) and select the interface language, as shown in the figure below;
  • now close the program and start it again. Photoshop will automatically change the language.

CC 2014, 2015

Language settings in Photoshop versions CC 2014 and 2015 are changed in the same way as in version CS6. All language settings can be changed directly using the familiar "Interface" window. To change the text display, close the program and open it again after a few seconds.

At the same time, in CC versions, the language bar outwardly often does not change even after choosing a new language.

If this happens and the language has not changed, change the Language parameter in the Interface window again and close the application.

If you need to create some kind of graphic element for your site, then I recommend using Photoshop. If you need to process a photo of your soulmate (for example), then I advise you to do this through Photoshop.

What is Photoshop? This is a graphics editor with a huge number of features. The same as Paint, only it has more features. Andrey Zenkov and the Start Luck blog are with you! Today I will tell you how to make Photoshop in Russian.

PS (Photoshop) is produced by an American company, so English is the standard language. Some beginners find it difficult to navigate the English-language interface. in Runet are made in Russian, so the search for some tools becomes a real test. to create beautiful works, I advise you to use Russified software.

Change language inside Photoshop

Some installed programs already include an interface in Russian, but it is not activated. Switching to the desired version is easy, you just need to make a few clicks and everything will be ready.

First, launch the program and wait for the download. On the top control panel (it can be identified by the words File, Edit, Image, etc.), click on the "Edit" tab. In the table that opens, select the "Preference" item. A window will appear where you are interested in the Interface section. Here at the very bottom there is a Text block.

Open the list opposite the UI Language line (click on the small arrow next to the word "English"). This will display a list of available language packs. If there is Russian, move the cursor over it and click the left mouse button. If not, then read on.

For the interface changes to take effect, you need to restart Photoshop. If you are before this, save all changes before closing, so that later you do not have to start working from the very beginning.

If there is no Russian language, the following method will suit you (which is much easier) or a banal download of the installation package with the Russian language and re-installation of the program. Then you can change the language as I described above.

There are many free versions of software in Russian on the Internet. I do not recommend using such options, since third-party software may be preinstalled in pirated options, which can harm the computer. It is better to pay once for the licensed version and improve your design skills.

Download and install Russifier

The third and, in my opinion, the most impractical way. Why impractical? The fact is that crackers weigh a little, users download them directly from various sites. Bad webmasters take advantage of the inexperience of users by introducing . Of course, if you use the recommendations from the previous section, and also do not forget to turn on, then you will not have any problems.

The first step in this method is to find the crack. Search either yourself, following my advice from the previous paragraph, or use my suggestion: for Adobe CC Photoshop CS6 - (.zip 2.6 Mb). Some add-ons are a simple archive from which you need to transfer files to the desired directive yourself. I left a link to the automatic installer. You just need to run the program and select the desired language:

To complete the installation, click on the "Next" button and wait for it to complete. The utility itself will find the desired folder and download the package. To switch the language, go to PS and change it as described in the first method.

In general, with regard to using the Russian version, I advise you to work with it only at first, while you are learning the basics. The fact is that advanced online lessons are aimed at an English-speaking audience.

Their study will allow you to learn a lot of new and interesting, you will learn how to perform work of any complexity. You will not be able to take classes with the Russian interface, you will get confused in the functions and tools, so you will not be able to work with the effects of the authors.

This is where my time comes to an end. Today I told you how to change the interface language in Photoshop. If you want to become a real master, I recommend taking the course " Photoshop from scratch in video format 3.0 ", which is led by Zinaida Lukyanova. You will learn how to create beautiful effects, draw unique objects and much more.

I hope that my article today helped you solve another problem. Do not forget to subscribe to my blog to be aware of new publications on the most interesting and relevant topics!

Andrey Zenkov was with you, I say goodbye to you for today, see you soon!

Today, probably, only the lazy one does not know what Adobe Photoshop is, or did not try to create or edit something in this graphic editor. Users who first installed the editor are wondering how to put the Russian language in Photoshop CS6. This is a truly powerful editor for creating both raster and vector graphics. It has a huge set of a wide variety of tools - both standard and separately installed. These are various plug-ins, brushes - just a huge number of a wide variety of brushes that can be downloaded on the Internet. And you can create them yourself right here and save them for later work. It all depends on the user's imagination.

Photoshop has the ability to load various fonts, gradients, and more. At first glance, the Photoshop interface, or rather, the variety of menu items, tool settings and buttons, can scare away. But not everything is as scary as it might seem at first. Initially, when installing Photoshop, it is not possible to set the Russian language, which causes some difficulties for users who are unfamiliar with English. -

So how to put the Russian language in Photoshop CS6? 1. Very simple - run the application. 2. In the upper right corner of the program interface, click the Edit button. 3. In the dialog box that opens, look at the very last line - Preferences ("Settings"). 4. Hover over it with the mouse - the following context menu will open, in which we click on Interface. 5. We look at the center of the window that opens. In the Text column, the UI Language item - switch to Russian, overload Adobe Photoshop. After the reboot, the interface will be completely Russified.

Of course, there are many lessons on the net - both text and video - in Russian, but even in these Russian-language lessons, Photoshop with an English interface is very often used. Therefore, if you translate "Photoshop" into Russian, then during training there may be some difficulties with the perception of the names of tools and menu items that will become familiar to you in Russian, and during training their English names will be pronounced. But also the quality of these very lessons often leaves much to be desired. If you are worried about how to put the Russian language in Photoshop CS6, then it is better not to do this. Firstly, there will be an additional incentive to improve or learn English. Secondly, unfamiliar names of buttons and tools will be easier to perceive. Which, by the way, you will get used to very soon, studying various material about Photoshop from the network.