Which of these events is earlier than the others. Which of the following events happened first

  • 1. Which of these events happened before all the others?

    • publication of the Manifesto on 17 October
    • Russia's entry into World War I
    • beginning of the first Russian revolution
    • start of the Russo-Japanese War

  • 2. The most important documents of the Stolypin agrarian reform were published:

    • in 1894 and 1901
    • in 1904 and 1905
    • in 1906 and 1910
    • in 1914 and 1917

  • 3. The creation of large monopolistic associations in Russia began:

    • at the end of the 19th century.
    • at the beginning of the twentieth century.
    • after the revolution of 1905-1907.
    • after World War I

  • 4. The first State Duma in Russia in the twentieth century. was created:

    • during the crisis at the beginning of the century
    • during the revolution of 1905-1907.
    • during the First World War
    • in February 1917

  • 5. Arrange in chronological order the events of the revolution of 1905-1907:

    • A) the beginning of the All-Russian political strike
    • B) "Bloody Sunday"
    • C) armed uprising in Moscow
    • D) publication of the Manifesto on October 17

  • 6. Arrange in chronological order the events that took place in 1914-1918:

    • A) February Revolution in Russia
    • B) the retreat of Russian troops from Galicia after the Gorlitsky breakthrough
    • C) the assassination of Archduke Franz Joseph
    • D) Brusilovsky breakthrough

  • 1. In the battles of the Russo-Japanese War, the Russian troops were commanded by:

    • V.V. Shulgin and S.Yu. Witte
    • A.A. Brusilov and A.V. Samsonov
    • S.O. Makarov and Z.P. Rozhdestvensky
    • NOT. Zhukovsky and S.A. Chaplygin

  • 2. Which of the following military operations took place during the Russo-Japanese War?

    • assault on the Isthmus of Perekop
    • Brusilovsky breakthrough
    • Tsushima battle
    • crossing the Sivash

  • 3. Which of the following events took place during the revolution of 1905-1907?

    • Kornilov rebellion
    • armed uprising in Moscow
    • uprising of peasants under the leadership of A.S. Antonova

  • 4. In the summer of 1905, there was an uprising of sailors on the ship:

    • "Varangian"
    • "Aurora"
    • "Petropavlovsk"
    • "Prince Potemkin-Tauride"

    • in Moscow
    • in Ivanovo-Voznesensk
    • In Petersburg
    • In Nizhniy Novgorod

  • 6. Russia's allies in World War I were:

    • France, Austria-Hungary
    • France, Turkey
    • UK, France
    • Bulgaria, France

  • 7. A well-known Russian philosopher in the early twentieth century. was:

    • ON THE. Berdyaev
    • S.P. Diaghilev
    • P.Ya. Chaadaev
    • K.E. Tsiolkovsky

  • 8. The largest Russian filmmaker in the early twentieth century. was:

    • P.M. Tretyakov
    • A.A. Khanzhonkov
    • A.A. Block
    • K.S. Stanislavsky

  • 9. Which of the following happened in the first decade of the 20th century?

    • A) Russo-Japanese War
    • B) accession to the throne of Nicholas II
    • C) Russian sale of Alaska to the United States
    • D) the formation of the first Russian State Duma
    • D) Russia's entry into World War I
    • E) creation of the Entente (triple alliance)

  • 10. Establish a correspondence between the names of Russian political parties of the early twentieth century. and the names of their leaders:

    • A) Cadets 1) V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)
    • B) social democrats 2) A.I. Guchkov
    • (Bolsheviks) 3) P.N. Milyukov
    • C) Octobrists 4) P.A. Stolypin
    • D) Socialist-Revolutionaries 5) V.M. Chernov

  • 11. Establish a correspondence between events (actions) and the names of their participants:

    • A) signing in Portsmouth 1) V.M. Purishkevich
    • peace treaty 2) K.S. Stanislavsky
    • with Japan 3) P.N. Milyukov
    • B) conducting agrarian 4) P.A. Stolypin
    • reforms 5) S.Yu. Witte
    • C) management of the Moscow Art Theater
    • D) the creation of a monarchy
    • "Union of the Russian people"

  • 1. One of the forms of monopolies in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. were:

    • directories
    • zemstvos
    • syndicates
    • concessions

  • 2. Executive authority in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. - This:

    • State Council
    • Senate
    • The State Duma
    • Committee of Ministers

  • 3. Which of the following was typical for the economic development of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century?

    • isolation from the penetration of foreign capital
    • emergence of monopoly associations
    • egalitarian distribution of land
    • the beginning of the formation of a single all-Russian market

  • 4. The practice of creating legal workers' organizations under the control of the police in the early twentieth century. got the name:

    • revisionism
    • Zubatovshchina
    • Menshevism
    • antonovism

  • 5. The position of the Bolsheviks regarding the First World War was expressed in the slogan:

    • establishment of "civil peace"
    • continuation of the war "to the bitter end"
    • defense of the Fatherland from the German invasion
    • turning the imperialist war into a civil war

  • 6. Futurists called themselves at the beginning of the twentieth century:

    • representatives of one of the avant-garde trends in poetry
    • creators of the first Russian films
    • founders of new theaters in Moscow and St. Petersburg
    • members of the Association of Science Fiction Writers

  • 7. Which of the listed associations is known in the Russian culture of the early twentieth century. the publication of an art magazine of the same name, the implementation of international art projects, the promotion of Russian art abroad?

    • Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions
    • Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia (AHRR)
    • "Blue Rose"
    • "World of Art"

  • 8. Which of the following was characteristic of the cultural life of Russia in the first decade of the 20th century?

    • literacy campaigns
    • creation of the Russian school of classical ballet
    • creation of the first domestic films
    • holding the first traveling art exhibitions

  • 1. What event, according to historians, put an end to the first Russian revolution?

    • dissolution of the second State Duma
    • publication of the Manifesto on 17 October
    • execution of workers at the Lena mines
    • end of the Russo-Japanese War

  • 2. The split of the Russian Social Democrats into Bolsheviks and Mensheviks in 1903 was caused by disagreements on the following issues:

    • about the program and the charter of the party
    • on participation in the activities of the State Duma
    • about the overthrow of the autocracy
    • on participation in the Congress of the Second International

  • 3. Which of the above was the reason for Germany to declare war on Russia on July 19, 1914?

    • performance of Russian troops to help Serbia
    • participation of Russian revolutionaries in the assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    • Russia's refusal to stop the general mobilization that had begun
    • conclusion of a military agreement between Russia and France

  • 1. Read the extract from the historian's article and write the name of the war it refers to:

  • “War… Liaoyang, Port Arthur, Mukden, Tsushima and thousands of killed and wounded Russian soldiers and sailors who did not understand why they shed their blood here.

  • The news of the defeat of the Russian army and navy made an impression in Russia, aroused public inquiries about the causes of the disaster ... ".

  • 2. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a contemporary about the events of 1905 and write the date of the events about the eve and the beginning of which we are talking about:

  • “I got to Vasilyevsky Island, to the Gaponovsky Department, when it was already dark. There are a lot of people, a crowd in front of the house. The petition to the tsar is continuously read and discussed... Deep faith in the rightness of the undertaking. For this faith, the whole mass is ready to go to death, to the greatest torment. Gapon is a symbol for them, a banner of their big just cause... I stayed all night in the Vasilyevsky department. Together with the mass I went to Palace Square ... I saw that many in the crowd were walking, like me, not believing in a favorable outcome, but they were walking, because at that time it was impossible not to go.

  • It was not a surprise to me when we met detachments of infantry and cavalry at the Palace Bridge. The front ones stood up, the back rows continued to move in the same reverent mood when the first salvo rang out ... ".

  • 3. Read an excerpt from the certificate of the police department about the events in Moscow (1905) and write the name of the month when they took place:

  • “From 7 pm on Tverskaya and Sadovaya, the combat squad carried out a number of armed attacks on the troops and police, set fire to the horse-drawn railway station and set up barricades. On the same day, the troops bombarded the Fiedler school, where the fighting squads sat down. A bomb was thrown at the troops from the balcony. 12 cannon shots and several rifle salvos were fired, after which the revolutionaries surrendered among 118 people, losing 3 killed and 15 wounded.

  • 4. Read an excerpt from the memoirs relating to 1906, and write the name of the body missing in the text, the beginning of which is referred to:

  • “And yet these elections were a completely new phenomenon in Russian political life. The monopoly of power eluded the hands of the highest bureaucratic world; people of a different formation, raznochintsy, albeit with a property qualification, formally received the right to control the government ... At one of the first meetings ___________, one of the speakers exclaimed to a thunder of applause: “Have you seen these golden uniforms the other day? All these unnecessary trinkets - these royal regalia, studded with diamonds! Gentlemen, this is the crystallized sweat of the Russian people!

  • 5. Read the excerpts from the international treaty and write the missing word in the name of the year when this treaty was signed:

  • “H[th] Majesty the All-Russian Emperor, on the one hand, and Ye[go] Majesty the Emperor of Japan, on the other, being inspired by the desire to restore the enjoyment of the blessings of the world for their countries and peoples, decided to conclude a peace treaty ...

  • This Agreement shall be signed in duplicate in French and English...

  • In witness whereof the mutual plenipotentiaries have signed the present treaty of peace, and have affixed their seals thereto.

  • Done at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on the twenty-third of August (fifth of September), one thousand nine hundred _________, which is the fifth day of the ninth month of the eighth year of Meiji.

  • Signed by: Yutaro Komura Sergei Witte

  • K. Takahara Rosen.”

  • 6. Read an excerpt from the protocol of the Samara Stock Exchange Society (1913) and write what general term the form of association of industrialists in question is called:

  • “At present, it is considered proven that the oil industry is under the influence of tacit agreements of the oil owners ... For example, in 1911, the largest group was the English Oil Corporation, which concentrated over 70 million pounds at its disposal. oil. If we add here the Nobel group (80 million poods) and the Dutch company (up to 50 million poods), then it turns out that the three combined groups have at their disposal an annual production of about 200 million poods, i.e. about 50% of the production of the Baku region ... Of course, it was not difficult for a group of foreign oil owners who are dictators in the oil business to establish a syndicate, dictate their prices and dispose of Russian oil wealth entirely in their own interests.

  • 7. Read an excerpt from a historical essay and write the name of the scientist missing in the text:

  • “The revolution in ideas about rockets and their usefulness began with the publication of the article ____________ “Investigation of world spaces with jet devices” (1903). The idea of ​​creating a space rocket for interplanetary flights has since received a solid foundation. The subsequent works of _________ also touched on the theory of rocket flights (especially “Reactive Instrument as a Means of Flight in the Void and Atmosphere” 1910, three works on space flights 1911-1914)”.

  • 8. Read an excerpt from the manifesto of Emperor Nicholas II and write the name of the war in which Russia is entering:

  • “Following its historical precepts, Russia, united by faith and blood with the Slavic peoples, has never looked at their fate indifferently. With complete unanimity and special force, the fraternal feelings of the Russian people towards the Slavs have awakened in recent days, when Austria-Hungary presented Serbia with demands that are obviously unacceptable for a sovereign state ...

  • Now it is necessary not only to stand up for the unjustly offended kindred country, but to protect the honor, dignity, integrity of Russia and its position among the great powers.

Option 1

Part 1

A1. Which of these events happened first?

1) Azov campaigns of Peter I

2) Crimean campaigns by V. Golitsyn

3) sections of the Commonwealth

4) Smolensk war

A2. The activity of which of the named persons belongs to the era of palace coups?

1) A. Adasheva

2) V. Shuisky

3) E. Biron

4) A. Kurbsky

A3. Read an excerpt from the work of the historian V.O. Klyuchevsky and indicate which of the rulers of Russia was the author of this program.

“Here are the most important parts of this program: 1) peace and even union with Poland; 2) the struggle with Sweden for the eastern Baltic coast, with Turkey and the Crimea for southern Russia; 3) completion of the reorganization of the troops into a regular army; 4) replacement of the old complex system of direct taxes with two taxes, per capita and land taxes; 5) the development of foreign trade and domestic manufacturing industry... It is easy to see that the totality of these transformative tasks is nothing more than the transformative program of the sovereign.

1) Alexander II

2) Nicholas I

4) Paul I

A4. Which of these events happened later than the others?

1) Northern war

2) Azov campaigns

3) Crimean campaigns by V. Golitsyn

4) Livonian War

A5. Which of the named persons was an outstanding Russian portrait painter of the 18th century?

1) I. Kramskoy

2) A. Rublev

3) F. Rokotov

4) I. Repin

A6. Which of the following government bodies appeared in Russia during the reforms of Peter I?

A) State Duma

B) boards

D) magistrates

D) orders

E) Zemsky Sobors

Specify the correct answer.

A7. Which of these documents was adopted during the reign of Paul I?

1) Table of ranks

2) "Decree on uniform inheritance"

3) "Decree on a three-day corvee"

4) Cathedral code

A8. Which of these events happened later than the others?

1) Streltsy uprising

2) Salt Riot

3) Copper Riot

4) Pugachevshchina

A9. Which of the events listed below are associated with the Russian-Turkish wars of the second half of the 18th century?

A) Prut campaign

B) the capture of the fortress of Izmail

C) Chesme naval battle

D) the battle near the village of Shipka

D) Sinop sea battle

E) the battle on the river Rymnik

Specify the correct answer.

A10. Which of the following characterizes the policy of Catherine II?

1) the adoption of a law on compulsory service for the nobles

2) carrying out provincial reform

3) establishment of ministries

4) establishment of the Synod

A11. Which of the named persons was a famous Russian historian in the 18th century?

1) V.V. Tatishchev

2) S.M. Solovyov

3) V.O. Klyuchevsky

4) K.D. Kavelin

A12. Which of the reforms listed below are associated with the reign of Catherine II?

A) the introduction of free enterprise

B) the creation of the Supreme Privy Council

C) the introduction of compulsory service for the nobility

D) secularization of church lands

E) liquidation of the hetmanship and elements of autonomy in Ukraine

E) creation of the State Council

Specify the correct answer.

1) ABG 2) AVE 3) AGD 4) BVG

A13. The accession to the Russian throne of Elizabeth Petrovna was the result of

1) her invitation to the throne by members of the Supreme Privy Council

2) palace coup

3) appointing her heir to the throne according to the will of Peter I

4) a special decision of the Senate and the Synod

A14. Which of the following events is related to the 18th century?

1) accession to Russia of Left-bank Ukraine

2) the entry of Crimea into Russia

3) Yermak's campaign in Siberia

4) Caucasian war

1) E. Falcone

2) F. Shubin

3) M. Kozlovsky

4) P. Klodt

A16. Read an extract from a modern historian's work and name the monarch in question.

“He brought from Europe not only knowledge, impressions, labor corns, but also an idea that he formulated for himself in the simplest possible way: in order to make Russia as strong as the great powers of Europe, it is necessary to adopt everything necessary from the West as soon as possible. It was then that the orientation towards the Western European model of life finally took shape, and this automatically meant the denial of the life of old Russia, consistent and sometimes bitter rejection, the destruction of the old, hated ... "

1) Alexander I

2) Alexander II

4) Peter III

A17. To which of the indicated events do the years - 1700, 1709, 1721 belong?

1) urban uprisings

2) Northern war

3) Seven Years' War

4) palace coups

A18. Which of these territories became part of Russia in the first quarter of the 18th century?

1) Western Ukraine

2) Finland

3) Eastern Siberia

4) Estonia

A19. Which of the following refers to the features of the socio-economic development of Russia in the second half of the 18th century?

1) the emergence of the first manufactories

2) the growth of new forms of economy based on market relations

3) the appearance of the first fairs

4) development of factory production

A20. Read an excerpt from the work of the historian S.M. Solovyov and name the war with which the described events are connected.

“In September, Karl turned to Ukraine; On September 28, the tsar himself intercepted Levengaupt, who was hurrying towards him, at the village of Lesnoy, not far from Propoisk, and struck him down, took all the artillery and the convoy, which Charles hoped so much for. “This victory we have,” according to Peter, “may be the first to be called, because it has never happened over a regular army, and besides, there is a much smaller number before the enemy: here the first sample of a soldier was.” Karl entered Ukraine. The Little Russian hetman Mazepa went over to his side, the Zaporozhye Cossacks went over to his side; but the mass of the people in Little Russia remained faithful to the Russian tsar.

1) Livonian

2) Smolensk

3) North

4) Seven year old

A21. Which of the named persons could become the Russian empress only by signing the "conditions"?

1) Catherine I

2) Catherine II

3) Anna Ioannovna

4) Anna Leopoldovna

A22. Which of the named cultural figures of the XVIII century. were writers?

A) V.K. Trediakovsky

B) F.G. Volkov

C) G.R. Derzhavin

D) D.I. Fonvizin

D) I.P. Argunov

E) F.I. Shubin

Specify the correct answer.

A23. Aggravation of the Eastern question in the foreign policy of Russia in the second half of the 18th century. was caused by

1) deterioration of Russian-Iranian relations

2) the desire of European states to capture the eastern territories of Russia

3) the desire of Russia to get access to the shores of the Black and Azov Seas

4) Russia's desire to establish itself in Central Asia

A24. Political and economic struggle between "priesthood" and "kingdom" in the 18th century. ended

1) in favor of "priesthood"

2) in favor of the "kingdom"

3) a compromise between the authorities and the church

4) separation of church and state

A25. Read an excerpt from the work of the historian N.I. Pavlenko and indicate whose accession is referred to in the document.

“... a distinctive feature of the coup was its anti-German orientation ... The name ... became a symbol of the Russian beginning and the restoration of the greatness of Russia, partially lost after Peter the Great. The coup put an end to German dominance and caused rejoicing that spilled out far beyond the boundaries of the guards barracks.

... a feature of the conspiracy was also the active participation in it of foreign states interested in changing the orientations of Russia's foreign policy. Sweden and France were directly interested in the overthrow of the Braunschweig family ... "

1) Catherine I

2) Elizabeth Petrovna

3) Anna Ioannovna

4) Catherine II

A26. Which of the aforementioned associates of Peter I became the most serene prince, a “semi-powerful sovereign”, and after the death of the tsar was deprived of his ranks and awards and sent into exile?

1) F.Ya. Lefort

2) F.M. Apraksin

3) A.D. Menshikov

4) B.P. Sheremetev

A27. Which of the following concepts and terms characterize the development of Russian culture in the 18th century?

A) modern

B) sentimentalism

B) classicism

D) fresco

D) baroque

E) wanderers

Specify the correct answer.

1) ABC 2) BVD 3) IOP 4) WHERE

A28. Which of these events relate to the domestic policy of Catherine II?

1) creation of the Free Economic Society

2) formation of the Private Committee

3) creation of the State Council

4) formation of the Supreme Privy Council

A29. Russia became known as an empire

A30. Which of the named persons led the uprising in 1707-1708?

1) Stepan Razin

2) Emelyan Pugachev

3) Kondraty Bulavin

4) Ivan Bolotnikov

Part 2

IN 1. Arrange the following events in chronological order. Write the letters that denote the events in the correct sequence in the table.

A) annexation of Crimea to the Russian Empire

B) the conclusion of the Nystadt peace

B) Sinop naval battle

D) Battle of Poltava

IN 2. Which three of the following names of historical figures refer to the 18th century? Circle the appropriate numbers and write them down in the table.

1) B. Morozov 4) B. Khmelnitsky

2) E. Pugachev 5) I. Shuvalov

3) S. Razin 6) K. Razumovsky

IN 3. Establish a correspondence between the terms and the time of their appearance. For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


A) reserved years 1) XIX century.

B) poll tax 2) XVI century.

C) the abolition of school years 3) XV century.

D) St. George's day 4) XVII century.

AT 4. Read an excerpt from the work of a modern historian and name under which of the rulers the body in question was created.

“The Supreme Privy Council was created by decree ... of February 8, 1726 as a result of a struggle for power between separate groups of the nobility. Initially, it consisted of 7 members, of which A.D. Menshikov, F.M. Apraksin, G.I. Golovkin, A.I. Osterman, P.A. Tolstoy advanced under Peter I. The result of a compromise with the tribal nobility was the inclusion of Prince D.M. Golitsyn, who represented the interests of the tribal nobility. Formally, this body had an advisory character, but in fact it decided all state affairs. The colleges were under his control. The role of the Senate was significantly limited, since then it has been called "High", and not "Governing".


AT 5. Match the names of contemporaries. For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


A) Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich 1) A. Kurbsky

B) Emperor Peter I 2) A. Menshikov

C) Tsar Ivan IV 3) N. Panin

D) Emperor Paul I 4) A. Ordin-Nashchokin

5) S. Witte

AT 6. Read an excerpt from Russkiye Vedomosti 1899 and write the name of the artist in question.

“This year, the Wanderers have their own title picture and their own leading artist. Historical painting - "Suvorov Crossing the Alps in 1799". The author is a first-class and very popular artist... It is impossible to more clearly depict the triumphs and influence of ideas of a certain order on the canvas: discipline, passion, devotion and some kind of harmony inherent in the spirit and temperament of the Russian soldier.

AT 7. Which three names of statesmen listed below refer to the 18th century? Circle the appropriate numbers and write them down in the table.

1) A. Ordin-Nashchokin

2) P. Kiselev

3) I. Shuvalov

4) N. Panin

5) P. Palen

6) N. Milyutin

AT 8. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of an eyewitness to the execution of one of the leaders of the peasant movement and write his name.

“The chariot had not had time to drive up to the scaffold with the villain, when they grabbed him with it and, having taken him up the stairs to the top of it, put him on the edge of his eastern block, opposite us ... He stood in a long unsheathed sheepskin coat, almost numb and beside himself and just got baptized and prayed. His appearance and image seemed to me completely inconsistent with such deeds that this monster performed ... A small beard, disheveled hair and a whole appearance that meant nothing and so little resemblance to the late Emperor Peter the Third, whom I happened to see so many times and so closely ... »

Answer:___________________________________________________________ .

AT 9. Which three of the following associates belong to the reign of Peter I? Circle the appropriate numbers and write them down in the table.

1) I. Bruce

2) A. Menshikov

3) A. Orlov

4) G. Derzhavin

5) G. Potemkin

6) F. Lefort

AT 10 O'CLOCK. Establish a correspondence between the names of monarchs and the concepts associated with their reign. For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


A) Paul I 1) the theory of official nationality

B) Alexander I 2) counter-reforms

C) Alexander III 3) three-day corvée

D) Nicholas I 4) Private Committee

5) poll tax

C1. What are the main tasks of the policy of "enlightened absolutism" pursued by Catherine II (at least three tasks). Give at least three examples of this policy.

C2. Below are two points of view on the transformations of the era of Peter I:

1. The transformations of the era of Peter I were prepared by the entire previous development of Russia in the 17th century.

2. All the innovations of Russia in the XVIII century. associated only with the name of Peter I. In the XVII century. there were no preconditions necessary for carrying out such large-scale reforms.

Please indicate which of these points of view you prefer. Give at least three facts, provisions that can serve as arguments confirming your chosen point of view.

C3. Compare the structure of state bodies in Russia in the first half of the 18th century. and the first half of the 19th century. List at least two common characteristics and at least two differences.

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Read an extract from a historical source and briefly answer questions C4-C6. The answers assume the use of information from the source, as well as the application of historical knowledge in the course of the history of the corresponding period.

^ From the work of the modern historian E.V. Anisimov.

“The fate of Catherine proved that the human will, desire can become no less real and powerful factor in history than dozens of multi-gun ships and thousands of soldiers. Empress Catherine created glory for herself, which became her powerful weapon, like that warship that was called “Catherine’s Glory” ...

The French diplomat Corberon wrote in his report that the fame that the empress created for herself, her decisive character, her abilities and luck replace her skillful statesmen and experienced generals.

... The Empress entered the history of Russia as an outstanding statesman, and the era of her reign became a time of grandiose reforms and the publication of the most important legislative acts ...

Before her were the real goals of strengthening the autocracy, carrying out the necessary military, administrative and estate reforms. It implemented them in a unified way, with one general idea - to maximally contribute to the development and improvement of that "regular" state, the foundations of which were laid by Peter the Great.

... Catherine's legislative acts outlived her for a long time and, together with the basic laws of Peter the Great, became the basis of Russian statehood for many decades. Actually, the ambitious queen-legislator probably dreamed of such a conclusion of the historian.

C4. What chronological period in the history of Russia is referred to in the document? Specify its scope. Under what name did this period go down in history?

C5. Using the text of the document and knowledge of history, mark what reforms were carried out by Catherine II (indicate at least four reforms).

C7. What are the main results of Russia's foreign policy in the second half of the 18th century? (at least three totals). Give examples (at least three examples) of Russia's military triumphs of this period of time.

Control section on the history of Russia XVIII century in grade 11

For the first half of the 2009-2010 academic year MOU "Secondary School No. 23"

Option 2

Part 2

A1. The reign of Catherine II began in

1) 1741 3) 1762

2) 1755 4) 1771

A2. Moscow University was founded in

1) 1755 3) 1725

2) 1687 4) 1701

A3. Crimea became part of Russia in

1) XVI century. 3) XVIII century.

2) XVII century. 4) XIX century.

A4. The era of palace coups in Russia falls on

1) 20-60s of the XVIII century.

2) the end of the 17th century.

3) the middle of the XIX century.

4) the end of the XIX century.

A5. Dates are associated with the sections of the Commonwealth

1) 1703, 1709, 1721

2) 1730, 1741, 1762

3) 1767, 1775, 1785

4) 1772, 1793, 1795

A6. What event ended in 1763?

1) Seven Years War

2) annexation of Crimea to Russia

3) sections of the Commonwealth

4) an uprising led by E. Pugachev

A7. Which of these events are associated with the dates: 1606-1607, 1670-1671, 1773-1775?

1) peasant-Cossack uprisings

2) stages of enslavement of peasants

3) sections of the Commonwealth

4) wars for access to the sea

A8. Which of the following rows lists the dates of the wars between Russia and Sweden?

1) 1700-1721, 1788-1790

2) 1768-1774, 1787-1791

3) 1813-1814, 1816-1818

4) 1848-1849, 1853-1856

A9. Which of the following events of the 18th century happened earlier than others?

1) the death of Anna Ioannovna

2) accession to the throne of Peter II

3) the beginning of the disgrace of A.S. Menshikov

4) the beginning of the Seven Years' War

A10. Which of the following events happened earlier than the others?

1) the battle of Austerlitz

2) Suvorov crossing the Alps

3) Russia's accession to the continental blockade of England

4) Peace of Tilsit

A11. Which of the following events occurred later than the others?

1) the beginning of the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna

2) The "Great Embassy" of Peter I to Europe

3) entry of Ukraine into Russia

4) establishment of the patriarchate

A12. Which of the following events took place in Russia in the 18th century?

1) the creation of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy

2) opening of the Higher Women's Courses

3) opening of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum

4) foundation of Moscow University

A13. “Insignificant heirs of the northern giant” - this is how A.S. Pushkin on successors

1) Peter I

2) Paul I

3) Nicholas I

4) Peter III

A14. The largest popular performance of the XVII - XVIII centuries. took place under the leadership

1) Ivan Bolotnikov

2) Stepan Razin

3) Kondraty Bulavina

4) Emelyan Pugacheva

A15. To the monuments of architecture of the XVIII century. applies

1) Pashkov's house in Moscow

2) Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin

A16. The establishment of the Free Economic Society is associated with

1) the policy of "enlightened absolutism" of Catherine II

2) the reforms of Peter I

3) reforms of the Chosen One

4) the internal policy of Paul I

A17. Which of the named persons was a statesman of the 18th century?

1) G. Potemkin

2) I. Peresvetov

3) A. Ordin-Nashchokin

4) A. Adashev

A18. Moscow University was opened on the initiative

1) Peter I

2) Catherine II

3) M.V. Lomonosov

4) M.M. Speransky

A19. To the monuments of architecture of the XVIII century. applies

1) Cathedral of the Smolny Monastery in St. Petersburg

2) Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin

3) St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow

4) Hagia Sophia in Novgorod

A20. Princess E.R. Dashkova

1) famous actress

2) the first female mathematician

3) President of the Russian Academy of Sciences

4) the first wife of Peter I

A21. Which of the Russian monarchs did Emelyan Pugachev pretend to be?

1) Paul I

2) Peter II

3) Ivan Antonovich

4) Peter III

A22. Which of the listed architectural monuments was built according to the project of V.I. Bazhenov?

1) Winter Palace

2) the building of the Noble Assembly in Moscow

3) Pashkov's house

4) Ostankino Palace

A23. In the XVIII century. Russian troops entered Berlin during

1) Seven Years War

2) Northern war

3) campaigns of Suvorov

4) Ushakov's campaigns

A24. The fortress of Izmail was taken by Russian troops during

1) the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774.

2) Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791.

3) the Italian campaign of Suvorov

4) Seven Years War

A25. During the Seven Years' War, the Battle of

2) Sinop

3) Kromah

4) Kunersdorf

A26. In the reign of Paul I, a document was adopted

1) decree "On the three-day corvee"

2) "Charter to the cities"

3) "Table of Ranks"

4) "Sudebnik"

A27. The policy of Catherine II reflects the event

1) liquidation of the hetmanate in Ukraine

2) establishment of the Senate

3) liquidation of the patriarchate

4) establishment of the Synod

A28. What event took place in the second half of the 18th century?

1) accession of Right-Bank Ukraine and Belarus

2) annexation of Eastern Siberia

3) participation in the Northern War

4) participation in the Livonian War

A29. What event took place in the second half of the 18th century?

1) participation in the division of the Commonwealth

2) annexation of Western Siberia

3) the accession of the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates to Russia

4) Prut campaign

A30. Indicate the correct correspondence between the name of the ruler of Russia and the authority created during her reign

1) Catherine I - Cabinet of Ministers

2) Anna Ioannovna - Conference at the royal court

3) Elizabeth I - Supreme Privy Council

4) Catherine II - Legislative Commission

Part 2

IN 1. Establish a correspondence between the names of historical figures and events with their participation. For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


A) Dmitry Bobrok 1) the liberation of Moscow from the Poles in 1612

B) Kuzma Minin 2) Battle of Kulikovo

C) Hetman Mazepa 3) "standing" on the Ugra

D) Prince Potemkin 4) Northern War

5) annexation of Crimea

IN 2. Match dates and events. For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


A) 1613 1) opening of the Academy of Sciences

B) 1654 2) convening the Legislative Commission

C) 1767 3) the election of Mikhail Romanov to the kingdom

D) 1785 4) entry of Ukraine into Russia

5) the adoption of the "Letter of Letters to Cities"

IN 3. Match dates and events. For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


A) 1581 1) Northern War

B) 1682 2) issuance of a decree on "reserved years"

C) 1755 3) the beginning of the reign of Peter I

D) 1774 4) the conclusion of the Kyuchuk-Kaynarji peace

5) opening of Moscow University

AT 4. Arrange the names of historical persons in chronological order of their lives and activities. Write the letters that represent the names in the correct sequence in the table.

A) B. Khmelnitsky

B) G. Otrepiev

C) K. Bulavin

D) G. Potemkin

AT 5. Place the following events in chronological order. Write the letters that denote the events in the correct sequence in the table.

A) the beginning of the reign of Peter I

B) the proclamation of Russia as an empire

C) adoption of the Council Code

D) Italian and Swiss campaigns of A.V. Suvorov

AT 6. Arrange the documents of the 18th century. in chronological order of their publication. Write down the letters that denote the documents in the correct sequence in the table.

A) decree "On the secularization of church lands"

B) "Table of Ranks"

B) the decree "On single inheritance"

D) "Manifesto on the freedom of the nobility"

AT 7. The list below shows the names of generals and naval commanders of Russia in the 18th and 19th centuries. Choose from the list of names related to the 18th century. Circle the appropriate numbers and write them down in the table.

1) Mikhail Skobelev

2) Ivan Gurko

3) Alexander Suvorov

4) Peter Bagration

5) Fedor Ushakov

6) Petr Rumyantsev

AT 8. The list below contains the names of figures of Russian culture. Choose from the list of names related to the 18th century. Circle the appropriate numbers and write them down in the table.

1) A.N. Radishchev

2) I.P. Kulibin

3) M.I. Glinka

4) D.I. Fonvizin

5) V.G. Perov

6) O.A. Kiprensky

AT 9. The list below presents the events of Russian history. Choose from the list of events related to the 18th century. Circle the appropriate numbers and write them down in the table.

1) liberation of peasants from serfdom

2) opening of the first public theater

3) opening of Kazan University

4) the introduction of recruitment duty

5) creation of military settlements

6) Seven Years War

AT 10 O'CLOCK. Arrange the names of historical persons in chronological order of their lives and activities. Write the letters that represent the names in the correct sequence in the table.

A) Elena Glinskaya

B) Elizaveta Petrovna

C) Sophia Paleolog

D) Princess Sophia

Read an extract from a historical source and briefly answer questions C1-C3. The answers assume the use of information from the source, as well as the application of historical knowledge in the course of the history of the corresponding period.

^ From the work of the historian V.N. Balyazin.

“This century has gone down in world history under the name of the “Century of Russia”. Two brilliant reigns symbolized this century: it began with the reign of Peter I the Great and ended with the activity of Catherine II, also called the Great. According to A.S. Pushkin, in this century "Russia entered Europe like a ship launched from the stocks - with the sound of an ax and the thunder of cannons."

At the beginning of the century, St. Petersburg was founded, and in the middle of it, Moscow University was founded. In this century, Russia has become a European power, firmly taking its place in the alliance of other states and loudly declaring itself as a great and powerful country.

The century ended with the victorious Italian and Swiss campaigns of A.V. Suvorov, when "the Russian bayonet broke through the Alps." This century passed the baton of glory and deeds to the centuries to come.

C1. What century is the document talking about? What did the historian mean when he said that in this century Russia became a European power?

C2. What can you say about the results of Russia's development in this century based on the text of the document and knowledge of history?

C3. Based on the knowledge of the text of the document and the course of history, indicate what the succession of the reigns of Peter I and Catherine II consisted of.

C4. Name at least two main provisions that make up the content of the concept of "enlightened absolutism."

Give at least three facts from the history of Russia in the 18th - early 19th centuries that testify to the desire of monarchs to give their power such a look.

C5. Consider the historical situation and complete the task.

In the second half of the XVIII century. ideas of the policy of "enlightened absolutism" began to penetrate into Russia. What was the contradiction of such a policy?

C6. Describe the main events associated with the palace coups in the second quarter of the 1720-1760s. What were their causes and effects?

C7. Compare the position of the nobility under Peter I and Catherine II. Indicate what was common in this provision (at least two common characteristics), and what was different (at least three differences).

Note. Record your answer in the form of a table. In the second part of the table, differences can be shown both in comparable (paired) features, and those features that were inherent in only one of the compared objects (the table does not establish the mandatory number and composition of features and differences, but only shows how best to formulate the answer ).

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The key to the control section on the history of Russia in the 18th century.

Option 1

Part 1 and 2.

1) making a decision to replace the surplus with a tax in kind

2) dispersal of the Constituent Assembly

3) anti-Bolshevik speech of sailors in Kronstadt

4) the conclusion of the Brest peace

509. What is the name of the peasant uprising in the Tambov province of 1920 - 1921 years?

1) "Pugachevshchina" 2) "Makhnovshchina"

3) "Antonovshchina" 4) "Zubatovshchina"

510. Proposed by I.V. Stalin's plan the unification of the Soviet republics in 1922 is called the plan

1) "federalization" 2) "autonomization"

3) "confederations" 4) "Sovietization"

511. Arrange the following events in chronological order

A) adoption of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On overcoming the cult of personality and its consequences"

B) the abolition of Article 6 of the Constitution of the USSR on the leading role of the CPSU in the life of society

C) the transformation of the Council of People's Commissars into the Council of Ministers of the USSR

D) liquidation of economic councils

512. Which of the following refers to events confrontation between legislative and executive power in Russia in October 1993?

1) conclusion of a peace agreement to overcome the crisis

2) issuance of a decree on the restoration of the power of the Soviets

3) assault on the White House in Moscow

4) holding mass demonstrations throughout the country

513. Arrange the following events in chronological order. Write the letters that denote the events in the correct sequence in the table.

A) holding a referendum on the preservation of the USSR as a renewed federation of sovereign republics

B) the beginning of the struggle against cosmopolitanism

C) the proclamation of a course for "perestroika" in the USSR

D) adoption of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On overcoming the cult of personality and its consequences"

514. From the transcript of the first meeting of the conference of heads of governments of the USSR, USA and Great Britain.

Roosevelt. …I want to assure the members of the new family – the members of this conference gathered around this table – that we are all here for one purpose, to win the war as soon as possible. ... I think that this meeting will be successful and that the three nations, united in the process of the current war, will strengthen ties among themselves and create preconditions for close cooperation of future generations.

Churchill. This is the greatest concentration of world forces that has ever been in the history of mankind ...

Stalin. In welcoming the conference of representatives of the three governments, I would like to make a few remarks. I think history spoils us. It has given us very great strength and very great opportunities. I hope that we will take all measures to ... use the power and authority that our peoples have entrusted to us. Now let's get to work.

Roosevelt. ... Turning to a more important and more interesting issue for the Soviet Union - operations through the Channel<Ла-Манш>, I want to say that we have been drawing up our plans for the past year and a half, but due to lack of tonnage, we have not been able to determine the date of this operation ... The English Channel is such an unpleasant strip of water that excludes the possibility of starting an expedition through the Channel before May 1 ... If we are to carry out large landing operations in the Mediterranean, the expedition through the Channel may have to be postponed for 2 or 3 months. Therefore, we would like to get advice from our Soviet colleagues in this matter ... We would very much like to help the Soviet Union and pull back part of the German troops from the Soviet front. We would like to receive advice from our Soviet friends on how we can best alleviate their situation.

Name the year and place of this conference. What war was it during??

On the basis of the text and knowledge of history, indicate at least three main issues discussed at the conference.

What reasons for the delay in the planned operation across the English Channel did F. Roosevelt mention in his speech? What additional reasons can you give? List at least three reasons.

515. Which of the listed historical figures took part in the events of February - October 1917?

A) A.F. Kerensky B) S.L. Perovskaya

C) P.A. Stolypin D) L.D. Trotsky

D) K.S. Aksakov E) P.N. Milyukov

Specify the correct answer.

1) ABG 2) AGE 3) BDE 4) VGE

516. Which of the following provisions formed the basis of the Union of Soviet Union created in 1922 Socialist Republics?

A) legislative consolidation of the advantages of the Russian nation in the union state

B) refusal to develop a common union constitution

C) transfer of powers for the defense of the country to the allied center

D) equality of all union republics

E) maintaining full independence for the republics in the conduct of foreign policy

E) the existence of a single monetary unit

Specify the correct answer.

1) ABG 2) AVD 3) AGE 4) VGE

517. Which of the following provisions characterize the political regime 1930s?

A) alternative choices

B) multi-party system

C) ensuring freedom of religion for citizens

D) cult of personality

E) a ban on the creation of intra-party groups and platforms

E) censorship of periodicals

Specify the correct answer.

1) ABC 2) ABE 3) BVD 4) WHERE

518. Which three of the political and military figures listed below participated in in the events of 1917? Circle the appropriate numbers and write them down in the table.

1) S.Yu. Witte 2) General L.G. Kornilov

3) L.D. Trotsky 4) K.P. Pobedonostsev

5) General M.D. Skobelev 6) A.F. Kerensky

519. Which three of the following features characterize the development of domestic science in 1930-s? Circle the appropriate numbers and write them down in the table.

1) party control over science

2) lack of connection between science and production

3) close cooperation between domestic and foreign scientists

4) sponsorship of science by domestic entrepreneurs

5) significant expansion of the network of scientific institutions

6) repressions against a number of prominent domestic scientists

520. Arrange the following terms, concepts related to foreign policy, the international position of our country in the first half of the 20th century, in the chronological order of their occurrence. Write down the letters that denote the terms, concepts, in the correct sequence in the table.

A) anti-Hitler coalition

B) collective security system

C) "streak of diplomatic recognition"

D) Entente

521. Arrange the following events in the military history of the first half of the 20th century. in chronological sequences. Write the letters that denote the events in the correct sequence in the table.

A) the creation of the First Cavalry Army under the command of S.M. Budyonny

B) the defeat of Russian troops under the command of General A.N. Kuropatkina in the Battle of Mukden

C) the appointment of G.K. Zhukov First Deputy Supreme Commander

D) the offensive of the troops of the Southwestern Front under the command of A.A. Brusilov (Brusilovsky breakthrough)

522. Establish a correspondence between military leaders and their activities during the wars of the first half of the 20th century.

A) A.A. Brusilov B) S.M. Budyonny

C) A.N. Kuropatkin G) G.K. Zhukov 1) commander of the First Cavalry Army during the Civil War

2) First Deputy Supreme Commander during the Great Patriotic War

3) commander of Russian troops in the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905.

4) commander of the Southwestern Front in 1916 during the First World War

5) Chief of the General Staff since 1942, commander of the Soviet troops in the Far East in 1945.

523.Give at least three statements that characterize the state of the Soviet army in July - November 1941

Name at least three Hero Cities that received this title in commemoration of the events of the Great Patriotic War.

524.Compare the characteristic features of the development of the Soviet culture in the second half of the 1920s. and in the second half of the 1930s. (goals, objectives, education system, relationship between the creative intelligentsia and the authorities, etc.).

Indicate what was common (at least three common characteristics) and what different (at least two differences).

Note. Record your answer in the form of a table. In the second part of the table, differences can be shown both in terms of comparable (paired) features, and those features that were inherent in only one of the compared objects (the table does not establish the mandatory number and composition of common features and differences, but only shows how best to arrange answer).

526. What series of dates is associated with the creation of international organizations of socialist countries led by the USSR?

1) 1946, 1960 2) 1949, 1955

3) 1953, 1965 4) 1961, 1967

527. Which of the following events is associated with the end of the period of detente of the international tensions in the 1970s?

1) the beginning of the Korean War

2) breaking off relations with Yugoslavia

3) conflict with China

4) the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan