Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson on teaching literacy in a preparatory group (independently developed). Frontal lesson in the preparatory speech therapy group

Olga Vladimirovna Savkina
Frontal speech therapy lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group for children with OHP "Consonant sound"

« Consonant» .

Target: Formation of a holistic view of consonants.


1. Develop phonemic hearing.

2. Learn to distinguish sounds by loudness and deafness, softness and hardness.

3. Learn to work with word: determine position sound in a word to form new words.

4. Automate corrective work on sound pronunciation and development of coherent speech.

5. Develop mental processes: memory, attention, imagination, thinking.


Mirrors, sets of chips for compiling sound schemes, subject pictures, house layouts (blue and green, printed cards, reading cards syllables, words.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: Guys! The beautiful autumn season has arrived! Let's go to the forest with you. We will play along the way.

Development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills. Work on the development of breathing and voice.

1.1. General relaxation.

In the morning we go to the yard, Steps on the spot.

Leaves fall like rain, Wave your hands in front of you.

And they fly, fly, fly ... Wave your arms outstretched to the sides.

They all want to sleep. Sleep simulation.

1.2. Development of general motor skills.

The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing

It blows, it blows. Energetic hand gestures.

yellow leaves

Breaks from the tree. Imitation of leaf shedding.

Leaves are falling

Right under our feet. Lean forward, hands touching the legs.

1.3. The development of fine motor skills.

The wind flew through the forest

The wind counted the leaves: Smooth wave-like movements of the palms.

Here is oak

Here is maple

Here is a rowan carved,

Here from a golden birch, They bend one finger on both hands.

Here is the last leaf from the aspen,

The wind threw on a blade of grass. Calmly place your palms on the table.

1.4. Facial massage.

With imaginary trickles of rain (stroking, droplets (tapping with fingertips) and again in streams (stroking).

1.5. Development of mimic muscles.

The sun came out after the autumn rain, and you smiled and rejoiced.

But suddenly a cloud came running, and you frowned, upset.

But the wind carried away the clouds, and you smiled again.

1.6. Development of articulatory motor skills. Exercises:

- for the jaw: mouth open (keep counting up to 10); alternately open and close the mouth;

- for lips: lips in a smile - "pipe";

- for language: "spatula" (keep counting up to 10).

1.7. Work on the development of speech breathing and voice.

Setting lower diaphragmatic breathing. The exercise is performed while standing, hand on diaphragm:

Standing exhale inhale pause noisy exhale

2. Introduction to the topic.

Speech therapist: - Guys! Let's take turns singing our names and clapping, highlight the first sound in a word.

Speech therapist: - Guys, we said the first sounds in names so much has been said sounds. And what are these sounds? How are they pronounced - freely or with a barrier? (with barrier). Air meets obstacle (obstruction).

What do we call these sounds? (Consonants) .

Speech therapist: - That's right, guys. Who will name the theme of our lessons?

Children: - Consonants.

Speech therapist: - Guys! Why did I put two houses for you - blue and green? What do they stand for? (Everyone lives in the blue house consonant hard sounds, and in green - live soft consonants). And also consonants can be voiced and deaf.

Raise your hand those whose name begins with a voiced consonant sound. Now raise your hand those whose name begins with a deaf consonant sound. Well done!

3. Exercise "Catch consonant» .

Speech therapist invites children to listen carefully sounds which he will pronounce and clap his hands upon hearing consonant.

The teacher says sounds: a, o, s, y, t, k, i, s, n.

4. Exercise "The Fourth Extra".

Speech therapist: - Next task such: you need to listen to a series of words and name the extra (beginning with another sound) : Smoke, house, room, dacha; catfish, juice, poppy, son; cotton wool, water, bucket, veil; ball, steam, shock, noise.

5. Didactic game "Put a picture in the house".

Speech therapist: Guys! There are various pictures in front of you. You must choose any of them and name the first one. sound in a word, determine which consonant(hard or soft) this word begins. If on soft consonant- so you need to settle in a green house, and if on a solid consonant means blue.

6. Dynamic pause.

Speech therapist: - We go through the forest - we bent over, passed under the low branches of trees, pushing the branches apart, jumping over a puddle, stepping over high wet grass.

7. Locating sound in a word.

Speech therapist: - Now we will determine where the sound in a word: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end. I will name the word and you you will put a blue or green circle in the corresponding box in sound track. Mountain, guitar, cat, whale, poppy, chalk.

8. Exercise "Voiced - deaf".

Speech therapist: - I will call you different syllables. If the syllable starts with consonant voiced means you clap your hands. And if with consonant deaf, raise your hand.

KA - GA, SA - FOR, CA - FOR, LA - RA, SHA - ZHA - SHA, PA - PA - BA, YOU - DY - YOU.

Then speech therapist says words: MOUNTAIN - BARK, BEETLE - BITCH, ROSE - GOAT, SEAM - DITCH, DAUGHTER - POINT, POP - BOB.

9. Definition of the given sound in a word.

Speech therapist: - I will call you the words, and you must determine by ear where you hear the given sound in a word(at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of a word). [K] - CAT (at the beginning, FLOUR (in the middle, CURRENT (at the end).

10. Consolidation and generalization of the material covered.

Speech therapist invites children to name any of the words that would begin with consonant and determine what it is sound(hard - soft, voiced - deaf).

11. Bottom line lessons. Performance evaluation children.

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, Correctional Pedagogy

Speech therapy classes are the main form of correctional education, which is aimed at the regular development of speech components, as well as preparing the child for school.

There are several types of speech therapy classes: frontal, subgroup, individual.

When preparing and conducting a lesson, it is very important to remember that throughout the lesson, children should have a positive attitude, which is expressed in the desire to study. This is achieved by using surprise moments, game fragments, exciting tasks and exercises, during which the learning process turns into an interesting game.

It was with the use of such methods and techniques that I conducted a lesson on the topic: Treasure seekers in the preparatory group for school in our kindergarten.

NOD form: frontal speech therapy lesson in a playful way (preparatory group for school)


  • Educational:
    • to consolidate the skill of correct pronunciation of sounds [w], [g], [h], [l], [r] in words and phrases;
    • improve clear and correct speech.
  • Educational:
    • improve attention, memory, imagination;
    • develop phonemic perception, fine motor skills.
    • Educational:
    • to form interest in the lesson, curiosity;
    • develop a sense of tolerance.

Equipment: map, binoculars, watch, pencils, compass, glasses, spoon, felt-tip pens, drawings of the sun, table, river, dragon, stairs, wood, jewelry box, sweets.

GCD Plan

  1. Organizing time. (riddle guessing)
  2. Introduction to the topic. (acquaintance with the map)
  3. “We are in a dense forest” (words with sounds [w], [g], [h], [l], [p])
  4. "Let's build a bridge" (memory game)
  5. "Evil Dragon" (clear pronunciation)
  6. "Tall old oak" (finish unfinished objects)
  7. “Remember and draw” (remember the beginning of the lesson and draw objects)

1. Organizational moment

Children enter the office, say hello, sit on chairs that stand in a semicircle. A sun without rays is attached to the board in the middle. ( Appendix 1 )
- Morning. Spring. The gentle spring sun peeks through the window. But the sun is missing something. Look, children, what is missing? (Not enough rays).
– Not enough of its bright hot rays. In order for the sun to have rays, you must solve riddles.
The guesser takes one ray and attaches it to the sun. ( Annex 2 )
(How many rays, so many mysteries associated with spring).

2. Introduction to the topic

- Guys, on the way to you, I found this on the street. (showing the bundle). Do you know what it is? (This is a map). What is a map? (They look for a treasure on it). What is a treasure? (These are treasures). Let's use this map to look for treasure, shall we? Will you come with me? ( Appendix 3 )
- First of all, look at the table. (Items on the table: binoculars, watch, compass, glasses, spoon, pencils). Look carefully and remember what we need and need.
(The table is closed with a handkerchief).

3. "We are in a dense forest"

- Let's look at the map. We got into the forest. How can we get out of this dense forest? ( Appendix 4 )
(On the board is a picture depicting animals and objects).
- This picture will help us get out of the forest. Here we need to connect objects whose words have the sound [l] with a red felt-tip pen, the sound [w] - blue, the sound [g] - green, the sound [p] - black, the sound [h] - yellow. ( Annex 5 )
(Children name the desired pictures and connect them together with felt-tip pens of the desired color).

4. "Let's build a bridge"

- If you look at the map, in front of us is a river. (Before the children, a drawing: a river with banks). What do you need to do to get through it? (Needs a bridge).
- That's right, we will build a bridge using geometric figures, but not just like that, but consistently. ( Appendix 6 )

- Remember the figures in the same sequence and draw a bridge using the figures.

5. "Evil Dragon"

The bridge is built and we can cross the river. We look at the map. What is it, in front of a big evil dragon. He doesn't want to give way. How to pass? To pass, we need to say a magic spell to him, then he will become kind. ( Annex 7 )

(Spell - tongue twister).

- The tongue twister must be spoken quickly and clearly.

6. "Tall old oak"

- The dragon became good, kind and gave way to us.
- Let's look at the map. But what is it? Very tall old oak. And according to the map, the treasure is located at the very top of the oak. How can we get there? ( Annex 8 )
(Let's make a ladder).
Here is a ladder, but there are no rungs on it. They are hidden behind these underdrawn objects. It is necessary to finish them and get a stick from the stairs. ( Annex 9 )
(Children draw one at a time, get a stick and glue it on the stairs).
“Here is the staircase. Hooray, we found a treasure. Let's open it up and see what's in there. But the box won't open.

7. "Remember and draw"

(A painted table in front of the children). (Annex 10 )

- Remember, at the beginning of the lesson, we had objects on the table. Remember what was there and draw on this table.

8. Bottom line

“The box has been opened.
(The treasure is divided among the children).
How did we find the treasure? What have we been through? Did you enjoy the activity? What did you like the most?

Organizational care of children in the group.

Synopsis of the frontal l speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group: "Sounds [s] and [s"]"

Topic: "Sounds [s] and [s"]".


1. Correctional and educational:

- To teach children to distinguish between sounds [s] and [s"];

- Learn to differentiate sounds by hardness-softness;

- Continue to teach children the sound analysis of words;

2. Correction-developing:

Rdevelopment of phonemic hearing;

Developmentvisual, auditory memory and attention;

Rdevelop articulatory motor skills.

3. Correctional and educational:

ATdevelop respect for each other.

Equipment: subject pictures, mirrors, book.

Preliminary work: familiarity with the letter and sound [s]

I. Organizing time.

We will start our lesson today with “Gymnastics for the Mind”. Answer my questions:

The most talkative bird (magpie).

Night bird (owl).

The number following the number six (seven)

Yellow-breasted bird (titmouse)

Mustachioed fish (catfish)

What do we see when we sleep

Sea color (blue)

Insect resembling a helicopter (dragonfly)

What sounds are often repeated in words? (Sound [s] and [s"]).

Today in the lesson we will pronounce the sounds [s] and [s"] and look for words in which these sounds occur.

II. Main part.

And in order to pronounce these sounds correctly, you need to do exercises for the lips and tongue.

1. Articulation gymnastics :

exercises "Frog", "Elephant", "Shovel".

"Frog" - smile, with tension, exposing closed teeth. Hold this position for a count of five. The bite should be natural, the lower jaw should not move forward.

"Elephant" - stretching your lips forward with a tube, form an "elephant's trunk"

Spatula - Smile, open your mouth. Put a wide tongue on the lower lip. Keep calm for a count of five. In this exercise, it is important to ensure that the lower lip does not strain and does not stretch over the lower teeth.

2. Game "Guests"

Look, we have guests. Do you want to know what their names are?

I'll give you a hint. The name of the girl begins with the sound [s] What can her name be? (Sveta, Sonya, Snezhana)

And the name of the boy begins with the sound [s "]. What is the name of the boy? (Sema, Seryozha).

What sound do you hear at the beginning of the word Sonya? (sound [s])

– …, give a description of the sound [s]. (The sound [s] - consonant, solid, deaf, whistling is denoted by a blue chip)

And in the word Sema? (sound [with "])

- ... characterize the sound [s "]. (Sound [s"] - consonant, soft, deaf, whistling is indicated by a green chip)

What is the similarity between the sounds [s] and [s "]? (both sounds are consonants, deaf, whistling)

And what is the difference between them? (The sound [s] is hard, and the sound [s"] is soft).

3. The game "Let's treat the guests."

Our guests are hungry, I prepared treats for them. Let's feed them.

We will treat Sonya with treats with the sound [s].

What can we feed Sonya? (We will treat Sonya with meat, lard, butter, juice).

And we will treat Semu with treats with the sound [s "].

What can we feed Sam? (seeds, herring, peach, orange).

And what else can you treat Sonya and Semyon? (plum, cream, jelly).

Our guests are now full.

4. The game "We will resettle the animals."

Look, Sonya and Sema brought us a book. This book is about animals, but the animals all ran away. Let's help put the animals in the book. Look in the book one page is blue and the other is green. If we hear the sound [s] in the name of the animal, then we place it on the blue page, and if we hear the sound [s"], then on the green page.

Who did we put on the blue page? (dog, pig, fox)

Who did we put on the green page? (piglet, moose)

Sonya and Sema are a little tired, let's play ball.

III. Dynamic pause. Ball game "Name the baby"

Pig - piglet, elk - calf, owl - owlet, rat - rat, fox - fox, magpie - ..., sable - .... lynx - ...

IV. Fixing the material.

Game "Shop"

Mom sent Sonya to the store and asked me to buy everything there that begins with the sound [s]. Take a blue pencil and paint over the bows around these items.

What items did Artem find? (skipping rope, dump truck, chair)

And what objects did Vika see? (table, samovar, juice)

(practical performance of the task)

Sound analysis of words.

Guys, it's time for our guests to return home, let's post their names with the help of chips.

(laying out words)

Well done all done.

V. Summary.

It's time for us to return to the group. With what sounds did we pronounce and look for words today? (sounds [s] and [s"]).Evaluation of student activities

Irina Kotkova
Abstract of the frontal speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group "Country of Knowledge"

Synopsis of the frontal speech therapy lesson.

Theme: "Land of Knowledge"

Integration of educational areas:

"Cognitive Development"

"Physical development"

"Social and communicative development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Target: speech development of children 6-7 years old with speech disorders.


Correctional and educational:

Expand and clarify children's ideas about school and holiday

Activate the dictionary on the school topic;

Develop the grammatical structure of speech (coordination of numerals with nouns, the formation of the plural of nouns, word formation (to form single-root words);

Develop the skill of phonemic word analysis;

Develop the skill of forming compound sentences;

Correct the features of the intonational side of speech, namely: the perception and reproduction of various intonations of the sentence (narrative and interrogative); the perception and reproduction of the logical stress in the sentence.


Develop the skill of drawing up a proposal for a picture;

Activate visual attention and perception;

Develop fine and general motor skills;

Improve the ability to select a rhyme and logically answer the question;

Develop creative imagination;

Develop speech hearing, memory;

Correctional and educational:

To form the skills of cooperation, interaction, goodwill, independence, responsibility, initiative;

To promote the development of the ability to follow the rules during the game;

To create conditions for stimulating creative imagination.


Nouns autumn, September, knowledge day, school, teacher, student, break, bell, school supplies, textbook, ruler, pencil case, pen, notebook, diary, briefcase, call, stop, question and others.

Adjectives: autumn, special, joyful, happy, long-awaited, interesting, attentive, educated, smart, school, sonorous, exciting, amazing and others.

Verbs: mark, listen, teach, read, decide, write, ring, do not interrupt, rest, do not shout, help, receive, do, take, answer, sing, draw and others.

Equipment. Recording of the song "Teach at school"; songs "Friendship" of the group "Barbariki" electronic presentation"; bus model, soft cubes with the letters W, K, O, L, A; tricolor cubes for phonemic word analysis, school supplies: briefcase, pens, pencils, sharpeners, rulers, textbooks, notebooks, diaries, pencil cases; mirror, beads, soft toys, plastic gun, doll, bell; ball; strips for laying out a sentence scheme, question marks and dots; emoticons with emotions.

preliminary work. Viewing the electronic presentation “September 1. Knowledge Day. Reading children's classical literature: A. Barto "I grew up", "On the way to class", "To school", V. Dragunsky "The Enchanted Letter", S. Mikhalkov "School". Holding a children's holiday "Day of Knowledge" with the invitation of a children's creative team.

Course progress.

Organizing time.

Target: Creation of an emotionally positive background, mood for work, acquaintance with the topic of the lesson.

Children enter the office to the song "Teach at School" to the words of M. Plyatskovsky, the music of V. Shainsky. Children stop in the center of the office near the speech therapist.

Speech therapist. Good morning, guys!

Today we have an unusual day. Take a look out the window.

If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,

If the birds have flown to a distant land,

If the sky is cloudy

If it's raining.

Is this the time of year?

Children. It's called autumn.

Speech therapist. Exactly, it's called autumn. But what happens on the very first day of autumn?

Children. Children go to school in autumn.

Speech therapist. That's right, children on September 1 go to school for new knowledge. And exactly in a year you will become schoolchildren and go to school. In the meantime, we will encourage the preschoolers a little more, do you agree?

Children. Yes, we agree.

Well, since we have an unusual day today, I suggest that we all go on an exciting journey together. Look what a beautiful bus came to us. Read what is written on it.

Children read the inscription on the bus: "Land of knowledge."

Speech therapist. That's right, "Land of Knowledge". Would you like to ride in this amazing country?

Children. Yeah, that would be nice.

Speech therapist. Well, then I invite everyone to quickly take their seats on the bus. Get comfortable.

The children get on the bus. The speech therapist rings the bell.

Speech therapist. This ringing bell, almost like a school bell, will warn us today that the bus has arrived at a new stop. So, are you ready?

Children. Ready!

Speech therapist. Then go!

The continuation of the song "Teach at school" sounds.

Main stage.

The speech therapist rings the bell.

Speech therapist. Guys, how are we going to the land of knowledge? You and I do not know the rules that prevail in this country at all. I'll tell you a secret: the "Country of Knowledge" lives by the same rules of conduct as in school. How should you behave at school? So?

A slide showing fighting children appears.

Children. No. At the lesson, you need to listen to the teacher, be attentive, do not distract your neighbor, do not push around during breaks, you must not shout, you must greet other teachers.

Speech therapist. That's right, but whether everyone knows these rules, we will now check.

Conducted verbal school rules game

Goal: Development of auditory attention, speech, thinking, sense of rhyme.

Be diligent in class

Be calm and ... (attentive)

All write, do not lag behind,

Listen don't... (interrupting)

Speak clearly, clearly

For everything to be ... (understandable).

If you want to answer

You have to raise your hand.

In mathematics, they count

At recess (rest)

If a friend began to answer,

Don't rush (interrupt)

And if you want to help a friend -

Raise calmly (hand).

Know that the lesson is over

Kohl, you heard ... (call).

So that doctors do not worry,

At recess, don't (shout).

Speech therapist. Very well! You are right about the school rules. What you don’t need to do at school, we figured it out. What do kids do at school anyway? (Rings the bell). Our bus makes a stop. And we will go out and stand in a circle. Let's recap what students do at school.

Game "Pick up the word-action"

Purpose: activation of the verb dictionary.

The speech therapist invites the children to go to the center of the office, stand in a circle and pass the ball in a circle, naming the word-action.

Speech therapist. Let's say what do students do at school?

Children. Listen, study, greet, practice, draw, write, count, read, memorize, sing, draw, relax, run, etc.

Speech therapist. Well done, look how much we have learned about what children do in school. But, it's time for us to go. Take your seats.

Children get on the bus, the continuation of the song "Teach at school" sounds. The speech therapist rings the bell. A slide appears on the board with a picture of a stop called "School".

Purpose: development of phonemic analysis of the word.

Speech therapist. And we came to a stop.

Speech therapist. Guys, get off the bus. See what interesting cubes are on the floor! They have some letters on them. Let's take a closer look at them, maybe we can make a word out of them.

Children with a speech therapist get off the bus. Scattered on the floor are soft, large cubes with the letters W, K, O, L, A. Children spread the word "school" on the floor. If they fail, the speech therapist gives a hint.

Speech therapist. Guys, you heard this word more often than others in the song under which you entered the office and rode the bus.

Children. The word is "School".

Speech therapist. That's right, school. But what is a school?

Children. This is the place where children learn and gain new knowledge.

Speech therapist. How many sounds are in this word?

Children pronounce all the sounds in order and count them.

Children. Five sounds.

Speech therapist. Well done guys, you're right. Now break into pairs and try to complete the task: there are cubes of three colors on the floor, each pair will have to choose the right number of cubes and make a sound scheme for the word “school”. The task is carried out on the tables.

The children are doing the task. The speech therapist checks the correctness of the task.

Speech therapist. Let's see if everyone is up to the task, shall we?

A slide appears on the board with the image of the school and four sound schemes for the word "school". Children choose the correct one, the rest disappear.

Speech therapist. They did an excellent job. But it's time for us to move on.

The speech therapist rings the bells and invites the children to board the bus. The continuation of the song "Teach at school" sounds.

Speech therapist. Next stop "Finger warm-up".

Purpose: development of rhythm, development of memory, fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Speech therapist. Guys, you tried so hard, laid out diagrams from large cubes, your hands are probably a little tired. Let's work a little with our fingers so that they rest a little.

Children with a speech therapist perform finger exercises "To School".

I will go to school in the fall.

There I will find friends for myself, Children “walk” with their fingers on their knees.

I will be such a scientist!

But I will not forget my garden. Bend one finger on both hands

Threaten with the index finger of the right hand

Speech therapist. Well, well stretched fingers, and it's time for us to go.

The song "Teach at school" sounds again. The speech therapist rings the bell.

Speech therapist. Next stop "Collect a portfolio."

Purpose: to develop the ability to answer with a full sentence, to form complex sentences.

The speech therapist invites the children to get off the bus. Together with the children, they approach the table, on which school supplies lie along with various other items.

Speech therapist. Guys, look, someone forgot their things. There are so many things here. And even a briefcase someone left. Probably some not very diligent student. Can we help him get ready for school?

Children. Yes, let's help.

Speech therapist. Then let each of you take two items, one of which will definitely come in handy at school, and the other is not needed there, put the desired item in the briefcase, and leave the other in this basket. And about your subjects, you should say a beautiful full sentence. For example, "At school I will need a pencil case, but I will leave the rattle to the kids."

Children choose two subjects.

1 child. I will take a notebook to school, and I will leave the flashlight in the garden.

2 child. I will put pens in the briefcase, and I will give the soft toy to my younger brother.

3 child. I will take a ruler to school, and I will blow soap bubbles on the street, etc.

Speech therapist. Guys, how to call in one word all those items that we put in a briefcase?

Children. School supplies.

Speech therapist. Well done guys, they did a great job. Let's hurry to the next stop.

The speech therapist rings the bell. The children get on the bus.

Children "ride" to the song "Teach at school."

Speech therapist. Well, we continue our journey.

Next stop "Family of words".

Purpose: development of the ability to form single-root words.

Speech therapist. Guys, remind me again what do children do at school?

Children. Learn.

Speech therapist. What are the names of children who go to school?

Children. Students.

Speech therapist. And who teaches children at school?

Children. Teacher.

Speech therapist. What are the names of the special books that students use to study?

Children. Textbooks.

Speech therapist. And what is the name of a person who studied a lot, learned a lot, became very smart and educated?

Children. Scientist.

Speech therapist. Guys, but they say that not learning is darkness, but what then is light?

Children. Teaching.

Speech therapist. Guys, what a great fellow you are, what a big family of words you have made! And we arrived at the next stop.

Well, I'm even a little tired. And you? Learning is not easy, right? I suggest you take a break and move to the music. But first, answer me one question: what should the guys be like in the garden, and at school, and in the “Land of Knowledge”?

Children. Friendly.

Speech therapist. That's right, friendly and never quarrel.

The song of the group "Barbariki" Friendship sounds.

Dynamic pause.

Purpose: development of general motor skills, change of activity, development of a sense of rhythm.

Children perform movements to the music for a speech therapist.

Speech therapist. We've made good progress, and it's time for us to the next station. Take your seats.

Game "Make a proposal".

A slide appears on the board with the plot picture "The teacher teaches a lesson."

Target. Development of the skill of making sentences on a plot picture, development of the skill of reproducing intonation (narrative and interrogative, development of the skill of reproducing logical stress in a sentence.

Speech therapist. Guys, look carefully at what is shown on the board and try to make a sentence.

1 child. The teacher leads the lesson.

2 child. Children raise their hands.

3 child. The kids love going to school.

4 child. There is a math lesson, etc.

Speech therapist. You have made very good suggestions. And let's try to count the number of words in your sentences and make diagrams of these sentences. To do this, again break into pairs and go to the tables. First sentence: "The teacher is teaching the lesson."

Children lay out a sentence scheme from strips.

Speech therapist. Guys, what letter does the sentence begin with?

Children. Capitalized because the beginning of a sentence is capitalized.

Speech therapist. What sign did you put at the end of the sentence?

Children. Period, because it's a declarative sentence.

Speech therapist. And if you put a question mark at the end, what would that sentence be?

Children. Interrogative.

Speech therapist. That's right, interrogative. But how will it sound?

Children. Is the teacher teaching?

Children. Leads.

Children. Teacher teaching a lesson?

Speech therapist. Well done, and now the word lesson.

Children. Teacher leads lesson?

Speech therapist. You see, guys, the words in the sentence remained the same, and depending on the word that you highlighted with your voice, the meaning of what was said changes. Let's go further?

The children take their seats on the bus.

Speech therapist. Station "Mathematics".

Slides with different amounts of school supplies appear on the board.

The game "Tell by the model."

Purpose: To develop the ability to coordinate numerals with nouns, form the plural of nouns, develop elementary mathematical representations.

Speech therapist. Let's count the items and name them accurately. For example, one sharpener, three sharpeners, many sharpeners.

1 child. One pencil case, three pencil cases, many pencil cases.

2 child. One handle, two handles, many handles.

3 child. One brush, four brushes, many brushes.

4 child. One pencil, five pencils, many pencils.

If the child calls incorrectly, the speech therapist asks the rest of the children to help and all together clearly repeat again.

The final stage.

Purpose: the result of the activity, the development of the ability to assess one's emotional state.

Speech therapist. Well done guys, they did a great job. And our journey to the "Land of Knowledge" has come to an end. Did you like it?

Speech therapist. For my part, I want to wish you, next year, when you go to school, it is very good to study only for fours and fives, listen to teachers, parents, grow up smart, kind, educated people.

And now I will give you two emoticons, and you, please choose the one that matches your mood now.

Children choose emoticons.

Topic: “Trip to Prostokvashino” (sounds P and Pb, letter P)

Popova Natalya Vasilievna

teacher speech therapist

MDOU No. 185 "Rosinka", Arkhangelsk

Target: to consolidate the skills of clear pronunciation and discrimination of sounds P and Pb; fix the image of the letter R.

Tasks: I teach children to listen carefully to the speech of an adult, to correctly understand logical and grammatical constructions; to consolidate the skills of clear pronunciation and distinguishing between the sounds P and Pb in words and sentences; develop phonemic perception; improve the skills of analytical and synthetic activities, develop the sound-syllabic representations of children; to fix the graphic image of the letter P, carrying out the prevention of dysgraphia; improve the practical use of nouns in indirect cases; II to develop auditory attention, auditory and visual memory; III to develop the skills of educational activities (the ability to answer questions with complete sentences, control the delivered sounds)

Material: phone, symbols of sounds P and Pb, flannelgraph, figurines, pictures: train, village, pen, pictures on topics with sounds P and Pb and without sounds, toy Zvukedik - evil and good, tokens, ball, letter P, letters of the split alphabet, counting sticks.

Lesson progress:

I Organizing moment. The one who answers will sit down, did I say the sentences correctly:

1. A cart is carrying a horse. (No, but how is it right?); 2. The cat caught the mouse; 3. The horse is carrying the cart; 4. The mouse caught the cat; 5. The lantern is illuminated by the street; 6. The street is illuminated by a lantern.

II (Phone rings) "Hello! Hello Matroskin! Hello Sharik! Are you inviting us to visit? Thanks for the invitation. Goodbye!" The guys, the cat Matroskin and the dog Sharik invite us to visit the village of Prostokvashino. Do you want to go to Prostokvashino? Matroskin and Sharik have favorite sounds. Guess what these sounds are, I will highlight them with my voice: Matrrroskin, Sharrrik. (P and Pb).

Today, at the invitation of the cat Matroskin and the dog Sharik, we will go to Prostokvashino and remember the sounds P and Pb.

III (Display of symbols of sounds) The dog growls menacingly: rrrr. The little puppy growls: rrrr. What does our tongue do when we pronounce these sounds? Is the mouth closed or open? What are lips doing? Describe the sounds P and Pb.

IV Game "Catch the sound". We catch the sounds P and Pb with our palms. Close your eyes: r, b, m, r, ra, zha, rya, byu, am, ru; cancer, cat, fish, house, primer, hedgehog, suitcase, axe,…

V. Since we are going to visit, we need to buy gifts for the inhabitants of the village of Prostokvashino. We go shopping. An evil Zvukoedik settled in the store. The sound-eater eats the sounds P and Pb in words. We pass the Zvukoedik, we correct the words: ... epka, ... fish, b ... yucca, g ... ear, topo ..., snows ... Well done, we corrected all the words correctly, and the evil Zvukovod turned into a good Zvukovichka. And we will go shopping in the store, you need to buy gifts only with the sound P or Pb. Alyosha will go to a furniture store; Ksyusha - to the grocery store, Grisha - to the dishware store; Nikita - to the store "Goods for giving"; Vlad - to the dishware store. What did you buy? What is the sound in your word, where is it?

VI Gifts have been prepared, we get on the train, let's go. (Showing a picture) And here is the village of Prostokvashino. (Showing figurines on a flannelograph) Who is waiting for us? (Uncle Fyodor, cow Murka, dog Sharik, cat Matroskin, calf Gavryusha, postman Pechkin). In what names is the sound P (Fedor, Matroskin, Murka) heard, and in which are the sound Pb (Gavryusha, Sharik)? Who do we greet? (With Uncle Fyodor, the dog Sharik, the cat Matroskin, the cow Murka, the calf Gavryusha, the postman Pechkin.) Who and what did we bring as a gift? Ksyusha, to whom and what will you give?

VII Matroskin wants to play the game "Whatever happened" with you. Look at the pictures, memorize them, close your eyes, now Matroskin, he will remove some picture. Whatever happened?

VIII Uncle Fedor offers to play the game “Think of a word by the first syllable”: Ra-ra-ra, the game begins, I ask from the syllable Ra to tell me now the words (rocket, rackets, wound, rainbow, work, radio, shell, crayfish, …) (Give tokens)

Uncle Fyodor has a large garden, we will help him dig up the beds.

We took the spatulas

The beds were dug up.

Picked up a rake

The beds were leveled.

Seeds in rows

Together we planted

And then water

Watered warm.

IX Ball game "Find a place for sound." Insert into the word in which I will call the sound P or Pb. It should be the second: a pud - a pond, a cat - ..., a battle - ..., a bale - ..., a chopper - ..., heels - ..., a cat - ...

X Pechkin loves to compose poems, listen to what poem Pechkin came up with about Uncle Fyodor, it has a lot of words with the sounds P and Pb:

Fedor has a garden

It grows carrots

Both peas and tomatoes

NearFedora's garden

Mostly tomatoes.

I read again, for each word with the sounds P and Pb, you take a counting stick.

Count how many sticks you have, how many words with the sounds P and Pb were in the poem?

XI Together with the inhabitants of Prostokvashino, we remembered the sounds P and Pb. What letter represents these sounds? (Show letter P)

The letter R is not difficult to write

Right to the stick carefully

We will draw a flag.

And you get a checkbox.

What are the elements of the letter R? What are these elements? The calf Gavryusha wrote letters on the board. Are all letters spelled correctly? Cross out the wrong letters.

XII Uncle Fyodor will soon go to first grade, just like you. Guess what you need to write to Uncle Fyodor at school. I will scatter this word into sounds, and you prepare your hands, “collect” the sounds into a whole word

Sound-syllabic analysis of the word PEN, lay out this word from the letters.