Strawberry crystals. The best varieties of strawberries, description, advantages and disadvantages

Information about a new drug allegedly distributed in Chelyabinsk schools was called a fake

Igor Grom

The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Chelyabinsk Region called information about a new drug allegedly distributed in schools in the region untrue. Relevant posts on social networks are stuffing.

The following post is rapidly spreading through the South Ural public pages on the VKontakte social network: “Attention parents!!! New drug in schools… Please pass this on even if you don't have kids in school. Parents should be aware of this drug. This is a new drug known as "strawberry". Schools are very scary these days, which we all need to know. There is a type of crystal that looks like strawberry pop rock (candy that fizzes and melts in your mouth). It also smells like strawberries and is distributed to children in schoolyards. They call it strawberries. The child ate it thinking it was candy and was taken to the hospital in critical condition. This drug also comes in chocolate, peanut butter, cola, cherry, grape, and orange. Please instruct your children not to accept candy from strangers or even to accept candy that looks like this from a friend (who may have been given it and thought it was candy). Pass this email on to as many people as possible (even if they don't have children) so we can raise awareness and hopefully prevent any tragedy."

However, the people who made the repost cannot name any particular school. Several authors of such publications answered the questions of the correspondent of the site that they simply saw the information on the Internet and decided to warn everyone.

“The police have no data on the appearance of such a drug and its distribution in educational institutions, the information is not true,” the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Chelyabinsk Region said.

Mikhail Denislamov, deputy chief physician of the Chelyabinsk Regional Narcological Hospital, also denied the appearance of such a drug. In addition, there has been no recorded increase in the number of minors receiving medical and psychological assistance in connection with drug use.

Note that the stuffing came from Kyiv, where similar messages were distributed a week earlier.

For many, summer comes when red, sweet and fragrant berries appear in forest glades and garden beds. Why do we love strawberries so much, what gives them taste and juiciness, is it healthy and why are berries directly from the garden seem tastier?

Guest from South America

Strawberries appeared in European gardens a long time ago, while until the 17th century they were not very popular because of small berries (in those days, small-fruited wild strawberries were grown). But in 1624 strawberries with large fragrant berries were brought to Europe from America. It was called the virgin (Fragaria virginiana) because it was in the English colony of Virginia that it grew in abundance.

Another progenitor of cultivated strawberries - Chilean strawberries (Fragaria chiloensis) - was brought from Chile in 1714 by a naturalist, military engineer and spy for the French crown. Amede-Francois Frezier. Traveling through Spanish possessions in South America, Frezier not only sketched fortresses and compiled notes on the military and economic power of the Spanish colonies in the New World, but also described representatives of the local flora and fauna, including cultivated ones.

Amede-Francois Frezier(1682–1773) , like many educated people of his time, possessed encyclopedic knowledge. In addition to the fact that he understood botany and the construction of fortresses, as well as other fortifications, Frezier had a good knowledge of chemistry. From his pen came the "Treatise on Fireworks", which remained the only practical guide to pyrotechnics until the discovery of bartholite salt in 1786.

Frezier was especially impressed by the plantations of local strawberries, about which he wrote: “They grow entire fields, as it were, of strawberries, which differ from ours in round leaves, more fleshy and strong shoots. Its fruits are usually the size of a walnut, and sometimes as small as an egg. They are whitish-red in color and slightly less delicate in taste than our wild strawberries.” Frezier completed a botanical description of the Chilean strawberry and decided to take its seedlings to the Old World. During the six-month voyage, he managed to save only five bushes, which, by a strange irony of fate, turned out to be female. As it turned out, the Chilean strawberry is a dioecious species.

A bunch of Chilean strawberries. Sketch from Frezier's travel diary.

Perhaps Frezier's interest in Chilean strawberries was due to the history of his family. At the beginning of the 10th century, a distant ancestor of Améde-Francois brought wild strawberries as a gift to the French king Charles III Rustic, for which he was awarded the title of knight and the noble surname Frais (in old French "strawberries"). Over time, the surname turned into Frézier, but our Frezier could not help but know that his ancestors bore the title of "strawberry knight."

Be that as it may, Frezier donated one of the plants to the Royal Botanical Gardens in Paris, where a member of the French Academy of Sciences, a botanist, took up the bush. Bernard de Jussieu. Repeated attempts to pollinate Chilean strawberries with pollen from European species were unsuccessful, but the pollen from the virgin strawberries growing in the neighborhood spontaneously processed a guest from Chile. As a result, a hybrid was obtained, on the basis of which varieties of modern garden strawberries, which are also called pineapple strawberries (Fragaria ananassa), were bred by breeding.

Garden strawberries came to the territory of the Russian Empire only at the beginning of the 20th century. One of the first was the frost-resistant variety "Victoria" (in honor of the English Queen Victoria - by the way, in our time it has long been replaced by sweeter and cold-resistant varieties).

In this regard, in some places garden strawberries are still called Victoria. If we go into botanical details, one cannot fail to say that strawberries are false berry: in the actual berries (gooseberries, black currants) the seeds are located inside the fruiting body, and in strawberries - outside.

This color!

Mature Pineberry berries are almost completely white because they lack the red pigment. They got their name due to the strong aroma and taste of pineapple.

The red color of strawberries is given anthocyanins. These water-soluble pigments are produced in the cells of many plants and are also responsible for the red color of fall foliage and some flowers. As the fruits ripen, they produce more and more anthocyanins and become redder.

Anthocyanins, despite their intense color and natural origin, are not used as natural food colors: their color depends on the acidity of the environment, which is inconvenient. The color of "strawberry cream" or "strawberry glaze" is given by a dye secreted from beets - betanin.

What a taste!

Ripe berries are almost 90% water. If you put up a thought experiment and evaporate all the water from strawberries, sugar (mainly glucose and fructose), acids (citric and malic) and vitamin C will remain from it. As the berry ripens, the percentage of sugar in it increases, and the acid decreases. That is why mature strawberries, which contain 6-9% sugar, seem to us much sweeter than unripe ones, although they also contain a lot of sugars - about 5%.

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, and anthocyanins are powerful antioxidants, so fresh strawberries are not only tasty, but also healthy. As for strawberry jam, alas, it is only tasty - during heat treatment and storage, ascorbic acid is destroyed, so it will not work to “store vitamins for the winter”. However, this applies to any jam.


There is another biochemical process involved in the formation of the divine taste of ripe strawberries. plant hormone auxin is responsible for ripening and starts the process of destruction of cell walls - a ripe berry becomes not only sweet, but also juicy.

And the smell!

It would not be an exaggeration to say that strawberries, especially wild ones, are one of the most fragrant berries in the world. And this marvelous smell is the result of the action of a whole cocktail of volatile organic substances, mainly esters, mixtures of which, isolated from other plants, are often called essential oils. In total, in the aroma, which we call the smell of strawberries, there are no more than 15 volatile substances, each of which, we note, is very different in smell from strawberries. By themselves, these substances smell like grass, caramel, flowers, fruits, and even rancid butter, but their “correct” combination is felt by our nose like the very smell of forest or garden berries.

The esters that give the aroma of strawberries evaporate quickly, but while the berry is hanging on a branch and participating in the metabolism, it produces new portions of the molecules responsible for the smell. It is worth picking a berry - the metabolism in it stops, and it begins to irreversibly lose "odor molecules", and long-term storage and transportation generally reduces their number to zero. That is why strawberries from the bush are always tastier, and imported ones often seem unreal. The sensation of taste is affected not only by sugar and acid, but also by esters, the content of which in picked berries, which we also wash, only decreases: along with dirt, water washes away flavoring substances.

The species Fragaria ananassa is also called "large-fruited" due to the size of the fruit. Most likely it is her varieties that you see on store shelves.

However, psychology should not be discounted: taste sensations are influenced by the environment in which we eat. Often a sandwich eaten in nature seems tastier than the exact same one that we snack on the road.

But wild strawberries and meadow strawberries are really more fragrant than garden strawberries. Interspecific crossing of Virginian and Chilean strawberries, followed by the development of modern varieties, has led to the fact that the garden strawberry simply lacks the genes responsible for the production of a number of "smell molecules" inherent in its wild relative. Breeders conducted artificial selection, increasing the resistance of strawberries to cold and disease, bringing out varieties with ever larger and more attractive fruits that could be stored longer. The smell, alas, had to be sacrificed.

The fruits of wild strawberries (Fragaria vesca) are smaller. It is this species that has been used by man since ancient times. According to some sources - from the time of the Mesolithic.

Now they are trying to return the aroma to garden strawberries by crossing it with wild strawberries, but so far wild strawberries with berries like garden strawberries and a smell like wild strawberries remain a dream not only for breeders, but also for genetic engineering specialists.

In parental chats and on forums on the Internet, real panic reigns. The fact is that recently there was information about a new drug that is allegedly distributed to children in schools under the guise of ordinary chewing sweets. And while the Ministry of Internal Affairs refutes this information, experts say that the threat is quite real and has a place to be.

As you know, there is no smoke without fire. Therefore, the panic of parents, who quickly exchange disturbing information in special chat rooms, did not arise from scratch. It all started with information that in several regions of Russia and even outside the country, in Belarus, a new drug allegedly appeared in the form of sweets, which is distributed by malefactors among children. In addition, there were cases of severe poisoning as a result of a case similar to the one described. The mother of a first-grader from Moscow shares her feelings and says in an interview for BFM that the rumor has grown into a real information bomb:

“I received an SMS in a parental chat from one of the mothers that near the school children were given sweets that contain some chemicals, it could be harmful to health, the child ended up in the hospital after these sweets. We ask you to warn all children, parents, teachers that children should not take anything near the school. This is not the first time, three years ago there was a similar story with chewing gum. I try to treat this information with caution, I take it into account, but I do not take any decisive action, ”writes Maria.

As panic quickly spread beyond the secret chat rooms, law enforcement responded just as quickly to the emergence of such information. However, their reaction did not reassure the parents at all, despite the statement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that all this was nothing more than rumors. Moreover, on October 18, the department stated that the information was checked and it was not confirmed. There were no cases of distribution of dubious sweets, according to law enforcement officers, in Russia. Even earlier, police departments in different regions of the country called these messages “fake and duck.” However, in some regions, for example, the Lipetsk region, the police nevertheless took a closer look at the situation and took it under long-term control.

“Recently, there have been mass mailings through social networks and instant messengers of messages about the appearance in several regions of a new type of drug and its distribution in educational institutions under the guise of sweets or chewing gum. As a result of the activities carried out by the police, no such cases have been identified, ”the press center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia reports.


The Ministry of Internal Affairs connects the appearance of information about "drug candy" with rumors often spread in such chats and therefore does not take the matter seriously. However, according to a member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, Sultan Khamzaev, this department makes a mistake:

“When we talk about children, about the element associated with the access of drugs into their hands, unfortunately, the dynamics are monstrous. The more parents improve and learn new techniques, how to correctly explain to the child from the point of view of prevention how to protect themselves in modern realities, this will be the most important and correct protective element. Drugs are distributed not just online through social networks, instant messengers, but there are these additional promotion channels through sweets.”

A specialist in this field, narcologist Oleg Stetsenko, adds fuel to the fire, agreeing that drugs in the form of sweets are a new round of illegal business. He reinforces his opinion with the fact that manufacturers have long learned to disguise prohibited mixtures and products as sweets in such a way that it is difficult to distinguish them even by taste. Accordingly, there is no problem in starting to distribute them through places and institutions that are thought of at the last moment - for example, through the same schools.

Photo: School of the Future

Psychologists also express their opinions, but they look into the problem a little deeper. Psychologist Yulia Orlova, wondering who needs all this at all, finds two polar answers at once:

“Maybe this is generally one of the ways to test what people succumb to and what they don’t. Who is behind this, who can benefit from it, the versions can be very different. The second side, why sow panic and discontent - so that later it would be easier to influence people. Yes, these topics are being discussed and will continue to be discussed. Maybe all these options, whether it be sweets or something else, are also testing options - what people will fall for, and what they will pass by without noticing.

By the way, not so long ago the Ministry of Education and Science came out with Russian schoolchildren and students on drugs. This testing is proposed to be carried out annually, and, among other things, to involve psychologists in it. As long as the story of "drug candy" remains a "fake" for law enforcement officers, it is difficult to say with certainty whether this is actually true or not. Let's hope that the guardians of the law are right.

For the last two or three days, parental chats have simply been torn apart by hundreds of messages with information that spices are allegedly distributed to children in Ufa schools. The drug is so dangerous that anyone who tries it instantly ends up in a hospital in extremely serious condition. Adults, of course, are very excited.

Here is the text of this message:

"Information has been received from the Department of Education. Very serious and important!
Dear parents, a message from an employee of the Kirov Territorial Department of Education Dubinina E.A.
Please take it seriously. Please have conversations with children. Information.
New drug in schools... Please pass this on even if you don't have kids in school. Parents should be aware of this drug. This is a new drug known as "strawberry". There is a type of crystal that looks like strawberry pop rock (candy that fizzes and melts in your mouth). It also smells like strawberries and is distributed to children in schoolyards. They call it strawberries. The child ate it thinking it was candy and is taken to the hospital in critical condition. This drug also comes in chocolate, peanut butter, cola, cherry, grape, and orange. Please instruct your children not to accept candy from strangers. Pass this email on to as many people as possible (even if they don't have children) so we can raise awareness and hopefully prevent any tragedy."

However, as it turned out, this is another fake. And with a big beard. Similar messages are sent in chat rooms in Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities. Moreover, they are sent out with enviable regularity - every academic year. It is worth noting that in all these cities, journalists called the departments of education and did not find any confirmed information anywhere.

So, for example, the publication "Petersburg Diary" conducted a whole investigation, the results of which are impressive.

"St. Petersburg public figures from the Youth Security Service (MSB) conducted an investigation and found out the source of the fake. At first, the trail led to Belarus, where the most "concerned" citizens placed the alarming text on a material medium, that is, they printed it out and photographed it against the background of a school diary. The appearance of these photographs on the Web once again heated up the situation in the form of an “official warning.” Then it turned out that the fake came to Belarus from Ukrainian users, and the original text came from across the ocean.

“Probably, someone decided to promote their public, could not come up with any scandalous publication, and therefore translated the fake from the English-speaking segment of the Internet,” notes Leonid Armer, head of the youth security service, who has been fighting the spread of fakes for many years. During the investigation of the SME, it was possible to trace the fake to the American Dallas, where this masterpiece was born back in May 2007. It is worth noting that the source code dealt with the distribution of opiates, but the rest of the text has not undergone major changes. For several years, this fake, with minimal changes, walked around the world until it reached St. Petersburg.

According to experts, the goal of the creators of this fake is either the promotion of their own account, website, or another whipping up of hysteria among impressionable parents, reports Petersburg Diary. There is another option - to divert the attention of law enforcement agencies from real cases.
There is only one plus in such fakes - it will never be superfluous to talk with a child about their own safety. And just pay attention to the student and ask "how are you?" always good for the relationship.

The material used information from the site

Reading time: 11 min

In the colorful and diverse strawberry-strawberry family, there are very interesting representatives, among which is the zemklunika. In the wild, in its pure form, this plant is not found, its appearance is due to selection.

Nowadays, there is a growing interest in growing earthworms, many summer residents acquire a hybrid for planting on the site. Photos and descriptions of earthworm varieties will help you make the right choice, and useful recommendations on agricultural technology will help you get a high yield.

What is Zemklunika: the history of appearance

The hybrid was bred back in the 70s of the last century, that is, the earthworm is not the brainchild of modern breeding. The famous biologist N.K. Smolyaninova, who crossed representatives of the Pink family - strawberries (Fragaria moschata) and large-fruited garden strawberries (Fragaria ananassa). Strawberry variety "Kaiser's seedling" and strawberry "Milanese" were taken as parental forms.

The resulting hybrid form produced large berries with great flavor. "Minus" - high sterility of peduncles, due to which the indicators of setting, unlike garden strawberries (Victoria), were weak.

Later, T.S. worked on strawberry-strawberry hybrids (SCG). Kantor is a well-known geneticist breeder who paid attention to crop yields. The result is the breeding of a hybrid with a high berry setting, which received the name "zemklunika" when applying for a patent.

Description of an unusual plant

The first varieties of earthworms are “Nadezhda Zagorya”, “Penelope”, “Muscat Biryulevskaya” and others. Among the main characteristics of hybrids:

  • high bushes and straight flower stalks (therefore, the berries of the earthworm never lie on the ground);
  • unusual elongated shape of the fruit;
  • rich aroma, in which fruity (pineapple, citrus), spicy notes are felt;
  • winter hardiness;
  • unpretentiousness in care;
  • disease resistance;
  • the possibility of growing on ridges of open ground, in containers, in greenhouses.

On a note! In most varieties, the berries do not crumble even after ripening, but dry slightly (strawberry-strawberry raisins).

Outwardly, the plants are similar to the remontant garden strawberries familiar to everyone. The leaves are green, trifoliate, shoots with internodes, many mustaches. The difference is in the number of flower stalks, as this culture blooms profusely. In some varieties (for example, in the "merchant woman"), the number of peduncles on one bush reaches 14-25 pieces, and the total number of flowers is 200-250.

Hybrid multi-nuts are attractive in appearance, bright saturated color. Weight - 10-30 grams. Color - purple, red, ruby ​​​​with a purple tint. Berries with a dense structure are tasty fresh, retain their shape perfectly when cooked, look aesthetically pleasing in any preparations (see photos).

They are suitable for transportation, do not turn into "porridge" when delivered from the site to the market, for which they are valued by farmers and hobbyists who grow products for sale. Currently, selection is aimed at improving small-fruited species, obtaining large berries.

Features of care for strawberry-strawberry hybrids

Agrotechnics of strawberries does not differ from the methods of growing garden strawberries. It is easier to care for, since the culture is not affected by the traditional diseases of the family - powdery mildew, gray rot, and is not susceptible to pests. It is unpretentious, grows and bears fruit in a small shade, but it is advisable to select illuminated areas where the yield will be higher and the berries are sweeter.

Knowing some of the subtleties and following the advice and recommendations of agronomists will allow even inexperienced summer residents to reap a good harvest.

Suitable soils for the berry plant are loam, with neutral acidity. Spreading earthworm bushes require a large feeding area, so in spring it is recommended to plant plants with a distance of at least 30-40 cm.

Care includes:

  • fertilizer application;
  • irrigation;
  • mustache trimming (several times per season);
  • preventive sprays.

Watering is regular, especially if there is not enough rainfall in the season. More often watered before flowering and during the ripening of berries.

On a note! Zemklunika blooms luxuriantly and profusely, so it is often used to decorate plots.

For top dressing, organic matter, mineral fertilizers are used, taking into account the growing season of the crop. Plants need additional nutrition before flowering (organic), during the period of berry setting, after harvest. In the second and third feeding, priority is given to potassium-phosphorus additives (superphosphate, wood ash). To increase productivity, the leaves are treated with a solution of boric acid, potassium permanganate.

There are no beardless strawberry varieties, and special attention is paid to pruning plants when growing. Bushes grow rapidly, shoots with rosettes take a lot of nutrition from the mother plant, which negatively affects the growth and development of peduncles. The mustache is cut off constantly, leaving only the rosettes selected for propagation and rooting.

The culture endures cold, shelter is required only in regions with harsh and snowless winters. Cover in late autumn, before frost, using spruce branches (pine, spruce), leaf litter, non-woven material. When using the canvas, first they put arcs of wire and only then cover the plantings with a cloth.

Zemklunika is propagated with rosettes, pre-rooting the selected specimens on a young mustache. They practice dividing the bushes, for which they take plants of 2-3 years of age. It is troublesome to grow seedlings from seeds; bushes are often acquired in nurseries.

In one place, a crop is cultivated for no more than three years, then seedlings or rooted rosettes are transplanted onto prepared ridges. The harvest is removed as it ripens, without delaying, so that other batches of berries ripen faster.

The best varieties of earthworms

A large number of varieties of amazing berries have been bred, differing in ripening time, weight and color of berries, and taste. A well-known varietal strawberry is the Kokinsky selection point (Bryansk), where Professor S. D. Aitzhanova has been working for more than two decades. The famous promising varieties of the hybrid “merchant”, “anastasia”, “baby” are the results of her painstaking work and research.

Popular varieties include:

  • "merchant" - the berries of the plant seem "dry", but in fact - juicy, fleshy. Variety from breeder S.D. Aitdzhanova (Bryansk), which is distinguished by excellent commercial properties. Included in the catalog of the State Register, seasonal yield - 400-450 g per plant. The bushes are tall, up to 40 cm. The berries are slightly elongated, the tip often resembles a spatula with incisions. The texture is dense and sweet. There is a rich nutmeg aroma. According to reviews - "merchant's wife" is the best productive variety of earthworms (see video);

  • "Vilma" is an excellent hybrid of strawberries and strawberries, valued for its excellent taste, high yield, winter hardiness. Beautiful berries are elongated, shiny, rich red. Pulp with a delicate structure, with a pleasant aftertaste of nutmeg. The bushes are small, with many peduncles and mustaches;

  • "Kokinskaya selected" - a large-fruited variety of culture, the berries reach a weight of 40-50 g. The plants are vigorous, well leafy. Fruiting is plentiful, the berries are dense, when fully ripe they are dark red with pinkish flesh. Seeds on the surface are golden, large, sepals are slightly curved. The taste is excellent, rich aroma;

  • "Diana" - beautiful plants with hard straight peduncles. Height - 28-30 cm. Berries weighing 16-20 g, rounded, rich red-scarlet color with delicate juicy pulp. Taste - sweet, slightly sour;

  • "baby" - an improved hybrid of the fifth generation. Large-fruited, with a good pleasant taste, with a nutmeg-strawberry aroma, reminiscent of strawberry sherbet. The berries are dense in structure, with well-developed achenes. High winter hardiness of the species;

  • "lapulya" - 12-15 peduncles are formed on each bush. The stems are strong, able to withstand a large number of fruits. The berries are tied large, weighing 20-25 g, although there are also specimens up to 35-40 g. They are oblong in shape, sometimes with cuts and “horns”, the color is ruby ​​with a slight purple tint. They are removed easily, without sepals, but do not fall off when overripe. The variety grows well in greenhouses, in flowerpots;

  • "lady" - in July, the berries of this fruitful variety of earthworms ripen. Weight - 20-24 g, 300-400 g are harvested from a bush. Fruits are slightly ribbed, dense, suitable for all types of processing. Coloring - dark red;

  • "Pineapple" - the name of the variety received for the pronounced aroma of tropical fruit. Plants reach a height of 25-30 cm, peduncles slightly sloping. The berries are conical, elongated, with a dense structure. Coloring - burgundy. On a bush, 45-50 pieces of berries weighing 8-10 g ripen per season. In terms of ripening, it is a mid-ripening species;

  • "raisa" is an unpretentious variety. The bushes are strong, well leafy, quickly build up the ground part. Zemklunika bright red, with a slight lilac tint, good sweet taste. Value: dense structure, rich taste, large berries (20-28 g). In processing, they retain their shape, suitable for cooking, freezing, drying;
  • Penelope is a mid-early hybrid. Valued for large fruit, shade resistance. Spreading bushes, with multi-flowered strong peduncles, hold fruit well in weight. This variety can grow in tree trunks in the garden. The berries are red, weighing 16-20 g, dark red. Taste - sweet, slightly spicy;
  • "Isabella" - teardrop-shaped burgundy-red berries of this variety are distinguished by a rich wine aroma, similar to grape "Isabella". Tall flower stalks rise above strong plants, ovaries form above the leaves. Zemklunika large, up to 30 g, is used for drying, freezing, making jams, jams. Excellent as an addition to homemade wines and tinctures;

  • "florica" ​​- on the creeping bushes there are many tall, strong peduncles. When flowering, the bed is as if strewn with snow, the variety blooms so profusely. Plants are well leafy, with beautiful emerald corrugated leaves. Berries are red, 12-15 g, fragrant taste. The first batches ripen by the end of June;

  • "Candied nutmeg" - in terms of terms refers to the middle-late varieties of culture. Fruits 7-8 g, dense, elongated, burgundy. The taste is excellent, there is a pronounced aroma of nutmeg. Value: high resistance to prolonged subzero temperatures, increased resistance to infections;

  • "hope of zagorya" - a hybrid of varieties "Mitze Schindler" and "Milan". Plants are tall, with wrinkled leaf plates, strong, well-pubescent peduncles. On a bush - up to 20 pieces. The fruits are conical, there is a small neck. Color - purple, with a purple tint. The very first batches are large, up to 28-30 g, then they become smaller. The pulp is sweet, not very juicy. Up to 450 g of berries are removed from the plant;

  • "find" - well-leafy bushes form powerful peduncles, a large number of thick reddish mustaches. Fruits without a neck, with fragrant pulp. Color - ruby ​​red. Resistant to a small shade, droughts and low temperatures, the earthworm bears fruit well in the climate of the North-West, the Urals, and Siberia. Harvest is used for processing, freezing and drying
  • "report" - 250-350 g of fruits are harvested from a bush of this variety. Berries weigh 8-18 g each, they have a good rich taste. The shape is slightly rounded, the color is red-brown. Harvest ripening - the last days of July (Moscow region);

  • "Muscat Biryulyovskaya" - an early ripe variety will please the harvest in June (in the middle lane). Bushes 25-30 cm high, flower stalks rise above the leaves. Zemklunika with dense pulp, elongated shape, color - carmine with a bluish tint. Taste - pleasant, sweet, there are notes of nutmeg;
  • "dar" - a novelty of domestic selection, resistant to waterlogging, low light, low temperatures. Forms a lot of peduncles, large earthworm, weighing 30-50 g, good taste. In shape - slightly elongated, conical, crimson in color with golden achenes. The return of the crop is friendly, stable;

  • "Student" - plants are tall, with erect peduncles. The berries are large, when fully ripe, a rich cherry color. Inside - juicy pulp of orange-red color. The taste is sweet, with a pleasant aroma. The value of the variety: reduced formation of mustaches, high yields, extended fruit return period. Variety "student" is recommended for growing beginner gardeners.

Zemklunika deserves attention, if only because it does not require careful care, it grows well in risky farming zones without additional shelters. New varieties are distinguished by good taste, large-fruited.

Natalia Severova