Crossword "consulate and the formation of the Napoleonic Empire".

1. Napoleon was born in 1769 in the city of Ajaccio on the island:

A) Martinique B)Sicile/Sicily C)Corse/Corsica

2. Why did Napoleon speak French with a strong accent?

BUT)because he had a pronunciation defect B) because he was born near Italy C) because he did not study well at school

3. What subject at the Brienne school did little Napoleon like the most?

19. In December 1805, Napoleon wins a decisive victory over the Russians and Austrians under:

A) Milan B) Austerlitz C) Vienna

20. In 1810, Napoleon divorces Josephine Beauharnais, who was unable to bear him an heir, and marries Marie-Louise, daughter of the emperor:

A) Austria B) Prussia C) Russia

21. In 1807, Napoleon signs a peace treaty with Alexander I, but violates it by invading Russia in:

A) 1810 B) 1812 C) 1813

22. Napoleon's soldiers were shod in:

A) boots B) clogs C) shoes

23. The French call the main battle with the Russian army:

A) the battle of Borodino B) the battle of Moscow C) the Russian battle

24. Which of the Russian commanders offered to surrender Moscow to the French troops, but save Russia?

A) Suvorov B) Zhukov C) Kutuzov

2 5 . The French retreated from Moscow along the Old Smolensk road, which is now called the highway:

A) Rublevskoye B) Mozhayskoye C) Novo-Rizhskoye

26. Returning to Paris, Napoleon gathers a new army. Even summer teenagers are called into it. For their baby faces they are called:

A) little Napoleons B) Marie Louise C) nabulio

27. Allies: Russians, Prussians and Austrians - defeated Napoleon in the "Battle of the Nations" near Leipzig in:

A) 1813 B) 1814 C) 1815

28. What does it mean in French lang. expressionCest Berezina:

A) an overwhelming success B) a huge carnage C) a complete failure

29. After the defeat of Napoleon, the Cossacks entered Paris. What words are still left of them in French:

A) trattoria B) bistro C) tavern

30. After abdicating the throne in Fontainebleau, Napoleon, who retained the title of emperor, was sent by the allies to the island:

A) Saint Helena B) Elba C) Corsica

31. Ten months later, on March 1, 1815, Napoleon lands near Nice and begins his triumphal march on Paris. Without shedding a single drop of blood, he enters Paris, but his reign will last only:

a) three months B) one hundred days C) six months

3 2 . What was the name of the last battle that Napoleon lost?

A) Battle of Moscow B) Battle of Waterloo C) Battle of the Nations

33. Napoleon is arrested, he again signs the abdication, before going to Saint Helena, he spends his last days in France, these are:

A) the castle of Malmaison, owned by Josephine Beauharnais,

B) the island of Aix in the Atlantic Ocean C) the Tuileries Palace

34. On the island of St. Helena, which belonged to the British, Napoleon will dictate his memoirs and die in 1821 at the age of:

A) 45 years old B) 51 years old C) 60 years old

35. Which document underlies the modern constitution of France:

A) Roman law B) Napoleonic code C) decrees of General de Gaulle

36. The remains of Napoleon were transported to Paris in 1840 and placed in a sarcophagus in the cathedral:

BUT) Saint-DenisAT)Les InvalidesFROM) Notre Dame de Paris

37. Which portrait depicts Napoleon Bonaparte?


Ex Island Test

Answer the questions by choosing one correct answer

1. What is the name of the ocean in which the island of Aix is ​​located in French?

A. Ocean Atlantique B. Mer Mediterranee C. océ an Indian

2. What is shaped like the island of Aix ?

A. maple leaf B. boomerang C. circle

3. What is prohibited on the island of Aix?

A. Taking pictures B. Swimming C. Driving

4. What countries could not divide the island of Aix among themselves during the Hundred Years War?

A. Germany and England B. France and Turkey C. France and England

5. Which of the French emperors surrendered on the island of Aix and was sent into exile on the island of St. Helena?

A. LudovicXVI century. Napoleon Bonaparte S. Charles de Gaulle

6. From what French word did the word "fort" come from the phrase "Fort Boyard"?

A. fort - strongb.fort - fortificationC.form - form

7. What was Fort Boyard originally intended for?

A. for defense B. for storing weapons C. for holding balls

8. What Fort Boyard became in the 19th century ?

A. armory B. prison C. hospital for the mentally ill

9. What is depicted on the coat of arms of the island of Aix?

A. golden bull B. goldfish C. golden lion

10. Which department (departement) is the island of Aix?

BUT. Savoie B. Charente Maritime C. Var

11. How to write the name of the island of Aix in French ?

BUT. Î le dAix B. Terre d'Eks C. VilleEx

12. From what on about. Ex make world-famous jewelry?

A. of gold (or) B. of silver (argent) S. from mother-of-pearl (nacre)

13. What marine life is bred on about. The ex?

A. oysters B. carp C. jellyfish

14. Which of the museums can be visited on about. The ex?

A. Louvre B. Napoleon Museum C. Fort Boyard

15. What does the word î meanle?

A. land B. bay C. island

  1. Reasons for the weakening of Napoleon's empire

1. Decline in industry and commerce

2. dissatisfaction of the people with continuous wars

3. France's refusal of an aggressive policy

  1. The system of measures introduced by Napoleon prohibited all countries dependent on France from trading with England. Historians believe that she caused no less harm to France than to England. it
  1. Continental blockade
  2. trade war
  3. "closure" of England

Under the terms of the Congress of Vienna, Prussia received the Rhine region and Westphalia, Austria-Lombardy and ____________________, the power of ___________ over the Roman region was restored.

Test 1

Theme: "France under Napoleon"

Option 2.

1. In May 1804, Napoleon was proclaimed

1) first consul

2) consul for life

3) the emperor of the French

2. Arrange the following events in chronological order. Write the letters that denote the events in the correct sequence in the table.

A) Napoleon's entry into Berlin

B) the siege of Zaragoza

B) the Battle of Waterloo

D) the battle of Marengo

D) the expulsion of the French army from Russia


3. The document in question, Napoleon considered his "true glory". He secured the inviolability of private property, equality of citizens, freedom of conscience.


  1. Civil Code
  2. Declaration of Independence
  3. Constitution

4. Reasons for the weakening of Napoleon's empire

  1. The desire of the peoples of countries dependent on Napoleon for freedom
  2. The negative effects of the continental blockade on the French economy
  3. Decline in Napoleon's aggressive activity

Find and indicate the number of the item that is superfluous in this list.

  1. 5. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct words.

Under the terms of the Congress of Vienna, Prussia received the Rhineland and Westphalia. The German Confederation was created from _______________ states. The emperors of Russia and Austria, the king of Prussia created ____________________________________________________.


"The Consulate and the Formation of the Napoleonic Empire"


5. The French monarchy, overthrown during the revolution and restored after the defeat of Bonaparte (name of the dynasty)

6. Napoleon needed only three days of foggy weather to take this city - the capital of a powerful state - a direct enemy of France ...

7. In the battle near this village, Bonaparte's army inflicted a crushing defeat on the Russian-Austrian troops and forced the Austrian emperor to recognize the freedom of action of France in the German and Italian lands

8. The city in whose Dome Cathedral Bonaparte was crowned with the crown of Charlemagne and proclaimed King of Italy

9. Official appointed in the city instead of the elected commune

10. After the victory over the Austrians near this city, Napoleon entered Vienna and settled in the imperial palace

12. The country, the campaigns in which ended for Napoleon Bonaparte's France with the victory at Marengo and the annexation of Piedmont and Genoa

14. The name of the army created by Napoleon in 1805 for the war with England

17. Forgiveness announced by Bonaparte to emigrated aristocrats

18. The monetary unit of France, strengthened as a result of financial reform and the creation of a French bank

19. Place of the defeat of the Prussian army in 1806

21. 150 French factories took part in this grand event in 1801.

22. The second month of the republican calendar in France

23. A government official in France assigned to manage a department

24. The name of the economic blockade of England, established by Napoleon's decree, which deprived England of European markets

25. Fill in the missing word from the prayer that ended each service: "Lord, protect. Lord, protect the consuls"

26. Religion of "...the vast majority of French citizens"

28. "In the world," said Napoleon Bonaparte, "there are only two powerful forces: the saber and. Ultimately, the saber wins."

29. The period of the French Revolution from 1799 to 1804


1. "Calmness, order, legality" - the principles of this most important document, adopted in December 1799 (named case).

2. Head of the Ministry of Police, former destroyer of Lyon and persecutor of the church

4. Cape, where the English squadron under the command of Admiral Nelson defeated the French fleet in 1805

11. The core of Napoleon's army, its pride and glory

13. Title of Bonaparte since 1804

15. Revolutionary-minded poor man in Paris during the VFR

16. The city near which Napoleon and Emperor of Russia Alexander I signed a peace treaty on a raft, humiliating for the Winter Palace

20. An outstanding legislative act, about which Napoleon said: "My true glory is not that I won forty battles: Waterloo will erase the memory of all these victories. But what cannot be forgotten, that it will live forever - this is mine" (we write in ONE word)

24. One of the three rulers of France under the Constitution of 1799

27. Supporters of the French king

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Related quiz: The Age of Napoleon

1. The Congress of Vienna was convened to:

a) creating a coalition of states against revolutionary France;

b) overcoming the international consequences of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars;

c) resolving the issue of restoring the royal Bourbon dynasty in France;

d) the lifting of the continental blockade of England.

a) a directory b) an empire; c) consulate; d) republic.

3. What explains the cult of Napoleon in Europe:

a) leadership talent;

b) the destruction of the old bourgeois order;

c) the Civil Code.

4. What is the essence of the continental blockade?


5. The result of the Napoleonic wars was:

a) the economic and political weakening of England;

b) the establishment of the political hegemony of France in Europe;

c) the military weakening of France;

d) the creation of a military alliance against Russia ..

6. What Napoleon considered his most outstanding achievement:

a) 40 battles won;

b) the Civil Code;

c) 100 days of the second coming into power;

d) did not particularly single out any of his achievements.

7. In 1804, Napoleon was proclaimed:

a) emperor b) consul for life

b) First Consul d)

8. The "Battle of the Nations" is called the battle:

a) at Waterloo c) at Borodino

b) near Leipzig c) near the city of Zaragoza

9. The reasons for the weakening of the Napoleonic empire include (specify the excess):

a) inadequate military spending

b) the negative consequences of the continental blockade

c) dissatisfaction of the population with the aggressive policy of the emperor

d) the struggle of the peoples of the conquered countries for independence

10. Napoleon was proclaimed Emperor of the French

a) In 1799 b) In 1802 c) In 1804

11. Arrange the following events in chronological order. Write the letters that denote the events in the correct sequence in the table.

A) French invasion of Spain

B) Battle of Borodino

C) "100" days of Napoleon"

D) the battle of Austerlitz

D) "Battle of the Nations" at Leipzig

12. Reasons for the weakening of Napoleon's empire

a) Decline in industry and commerce

b) dissatisfaction of the people with continuous wars

d) France's refusal of an aggressive policy

13. Arrange the following events in chronological order. Write down the letters that denote the events in the correct.

A) Napoleon's entry into Berlin

B) the siege of Zaragoza

B) the Battle of Waterloo

D) the battle of Marengo

D) the expulsion of the French army from Russia

14. The document in question, Napoleon considered his "true glory." He secured the inviolability of private property, equality of citizens, freedom of conscience.

A) civil code

B) Declaration of Independence

B) the constitution

Answer: __________

15.The system of measures introduced by Napoleon forbade everyone countries dependent on France to trade with England. Historians believe that she caused no less harm to France than to England. BUT) Continental blockade b) Trade war