Preparation courses for the exam in computer science. USE courses in computer science

Registration for the USE-2018 preparation courses in informatics at the USE-Studio Educational Company continues.

Our results in 2015: points on the exam in computer science. Best result in 2016: 93 points.

Classes are held in mini-groups, in which no more than 6 people. This enables the tutor to pay attention to each student, see the weaknesses and eliminate them before the exam.

Classes in mini-groups are taught by a professional tutor Lada Borisovna Yesakova.
Here's what students have to say about her and her work:
Lada Borisovna Esakova is an excellent teacher. Explains everything clearly and intelligibly, very attentive to each student. Because I'm applying to the Moscow State University of Music and Culture, which Lada Borisovna graduated from, I found a lot of common topics! I recommend to everyone!Katya Drozdova, 96 points.

I would like to say a big thank you to Lada Borisovna, because it was she who not only helped me learn how to solve the exam in computer science, but also finally convinced me that I want to study further in the same field. The classes were interesting, easy and fun. And on the exam, I was able to get 88 points, although at the beginning of the year I had difficulty gaining 50.


USE courses in informatics- not only for future programmers. These exams are taken by applicants for many prestigious specialties. For example, nanotechnology, systems analysis and management, logistics, analytics.

results USE in Informatics are taken into account when applying to a number of faculties of leading universities. Among them: Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics, MESI, MIREA, Plekhanovsky, MEPhI, MAI and others.

Good news for everyone who wants to pass the exam with a high score!
One of the largest publishing houses in Russia - Rostov "Phoenix" - has released a series of books by teachers of the company "EGE-Studio".
The "Author's course" series also includes a complete course for preparing for the exam in computer science.
The author of the book is Lada Borisovna Yesakova.
The entire series is provided in the bookstore "Labyrinth".
The manual contains a detailed analysis of all types of problems, recommendations for solving, as well as brief theoretical references. The manual is intended for graduates planning to take the exam in computer science, as well as for their teachers.
The book is written in a simple and understandable language, without the use of complex scientific terms, and will help students of different levels of preparation to effectively prepare for the exam. The methods for solving problems proposed in the book have proven to be the most easily mastered and avoid accidental errors.
The manual was compiled on the basis of the Demonstration version of the control measuring materials of the unified state exam of 2016 in informatics and ICT. Also, all the main types of tasks that were encountered in training, rehearsal and diagnostic work, the Unified State Examination in Informatics of the main and early waves of 2013-2015 are considered.
Do you want to learn from the author of the manual for preparing for the exam?
Ask a question to someone who answers thousands of applicants from the pages of a book?
Come to us and pass the exam for 100 points!

What do you need to pass the exam in computer science well?

Do you think the computer science exam is one of the most difficult? Maybe your child wants to become a software engineer, and he definitely needs to take Informatics as the main entrance exam to the university? Then enroll him in our preparation courses for the Unified State Examination and the OGE in Informatics! In the classroom, children will be able to learn a lot of new and useful for passing the exam.

From 4800 rub/month

1 time per week for 3 academic hours

Branches near your home!

How we prepare for the Unified State Examination and the OGE in Informatics

Each lesson of the preparation course for the Unified State Examination and the OGE in Informatics consists of two parts. In the first half, the guys study the basic rules and formulas: Boolean operations, number systems, and so on, and in the second, they solve a large number of reinforcement tasks. Much attention is paid to understanding the essence of the subject and the subject area, so that children not only memorize algorithms for solving problems, but also understand the algorithm by which a complete solution is built.

The second semester of the preparation course for the Unified State Examination and the OGE in Informatics begins with the study of the basics of programming in the C / C ++ language. Children learn the syntax of the language, learn how certain programs work. Also, much attention is paid to the study of programming algorithms, which is required in the last part of the exam.

Informatics classes are filled with a lot of interactive activities, with the help of programming, the guys will learn the basics of combinatorics, the rules for working with images and tabular data on computers, thereby immediately checking their answers to the exam or the OGE. We help children master such a difficult subject and make computer science a favorite hobby of all schoolchildren!

Academic plan

# Topic of the lesson (OGE) Topic of the lesson (USE) Duration
1 Presentation of information The amount of information. Information transfer rate 3 ac. hours
2 Transfer of information Number systems 3 ac. hours
3 Data processing Information encoding 3 ac. hours
4 Main devices used in ICT Fundamentals of Logic 3 ac. hours
5 Recording information about objects and processes of the surrounding world by means of ICT Algorithmization and programming 3 ac. hours
6 Creation and processing of information objects Information Models 3 ac. hours
7 Search for information 3 ac. hours
8 midterm exam midterm exam 3 ac. hours
9 Design and modeling. Graphical presentation of information Computer file system 3 ac. hours
10 Mathematical tools, dynamic (electronic) tables Spreadsheets 3 ac. hours
11 Fundamentals of working with digital signals. Part 2 Database 3 ac. hours
12 Organization of the information environment Network technologies 3 ac. hours
13 Algorithms and data structures Determination of a winning game strategy (Analysis and construction of a game tree) 3 ac. hours
14 Basics of programming. Part 1 3 ac. hours
15 Basics of programming. Part 2 3 ac. hours
16 Final testing. Psychological preparation for the exam 3 ac. hours

A few reasons why your children (and you!) will love the preparation courses for the Unified State Examination and the OGE in Informatics in Moscow:

  • Unique curriculum. At a time when your child receives unforgettable emotions when solving complex and exciting problems, you will know that he is preparing for the Unified State Examination or the OGE in computer science. (Just imagine how these skills will help him in his studies and life in the future!)

  • Non-standard approach. Our classes in preparation for the Unified State Examination and the OGE in computer science are not at all like school lessons. Children have complete freedom of action, and we instill in them a love for the subject with an exceptionally interesting and exciting course.

  • Fascinating practice sessions. All the tasks that we give in the lessons are related to real life. It occupies kids' minds and is great for kids of all skill levels.

  • Constant contact with parents. We always keep you up to date on your child's progress in the preparation courses for the Unified State Examination and the OGE in computer science. You will know how he does his homework, works in class, and whether he succeeds.

Where is the program "Preparation courses for the Unified State Examination and the OGE in Informatics"?

Programs of preparatory courses for the Unified State Examination and OGE in Informatics are available in our 20 centers throughout Moscow!

Educated IT specialists have become more and more in demand in the labor market in recent years. Large corporations, medical institutions, banks, manufacturing, transport companies and small private industries are interested in having such employees on their staff. Since modern information systems, software is an integral part of the work of an accountant, a personnel worker, and a manager in almost any area of ​​life. In this regard, the training of IT specialists working in the field of high technologies, programming, information security, storage and processing of tens of thousands of databases becomes a difficult task that requires an immediate solution.

Today's school computer science program does not meet the objectives of an in-depth study of the subject. Many topics are given only in theory. As part of the exam, there are often tasks that are not considered at all by the school teacher in the classroom and are extremely difficult to master on their own.

If you need a thorough and competent preparation for the exam in computer science, you have come to the right place. We guarantee the achievement of a decent result in the exam, based on a solid knowledge base.

Course experts do not provide ready-made answers to exam questions. The goal of the teacher is to develop the basic mental abilities of the graduate to the degree of perfection, to teach him to solve problems in computer science, masterfully applying the knowledge of the key laws of mathematics and physics. We try to convey to the student by accessible means a clear idea of ​​the most important secrets of this science, its purpose, tasks and place in the modern world.

Teachers of the preparatory courses "USE Moscow" help to prepare for the exam and psychologically, develop the student's strong confidence in their knowledge. Experienced mentors will teach you:

Regularly take into account the time spent on solving an individual task and the entire task as a whole;

Correctly prioritize when solving exam tasks according to the degree of complexity, determine what is important to complete in the first place and what is more reasonable to postpone;

Work with the system of "spiral movement through the text", - review tasks several times to determine the order of solving problems;

Skillfully use the methodology for assessing the correctness of the decision and predicting the final result.


The study of the material in groups of 2 people. The teacher reveals the abilities of each, identifies topics that require re-learning. The work involves a constant dialogue with students;

Confirmation of progress in learning by conducting systematic tests in the format of a valid USE;

Sign up for training at any branch of your choice. There are 25 branches of the training center in Moscow, located near metro stations and excluding long interchange routes;

Today, a computer is not only an opportunity to always be in the center of events and communicate with friends. Computer knowledge allows you to noticeably move up the career ladder and master a specialty that can safely be called the most promising at the beginning of the 21st century. Websites and online stores are the main opportunity to promote your product or service.

If the page is made with high quality, “usable” and user-friendly, this means that at least half the path to success has been passed. Therefore, the profession of an IT specialist, web developer, programmer occupies top positions and guarantees a high salary. But if at school the basics of programming were not taught well, then the preparation courses for the OGE in computer science are the first necessity for entering a prestigious university.

Why is computer science so important?

To get a good education and a promising profession, you need to understand the basics of programming. After all, if a person does not understand simple algorithms, he is unlikely to delve into all the nuances of his future profession and be able to perform complex tasks. That is why state examinations for admission to technical universities imply a high level of knowledge in this area.

Unfortunately, not every teacher at school is able not only to describe the algorithm, but also to correctly explain to the student how the computational processes occur and why such a result is obtained. That is why studying according to the school curriculum does not always provide the necessary level of knowledge. Very often, the program does not provide the main basis, which is why graduates get confused in terms and draw wrong conclusions.

Preparation courses for the GIA / OGE exam in computer science

Learning the basics of computer science and repeating the program at the Hodograph center implies a thorough study of basic concepts, as well as practical exercises that provide an opportunity to understand complex topics. Teachers work according to special manuals designed specifically for preparing for the exam.

Our center is considered to be the best in Moscow, as the specialists who work with the guys are not theorists, but practitioners. They understand how programs work and give graduates explanations that are based not only on book definitions, but also on real examples. Thanks to this, GIA / OGE courses in computer science bring results and a high score on testing.

To search for proven computer science courses for schoolchildren and students, use the YouDo service. Teachers registered on the Yudu website provide effective courses for all ages at competitive rates.

Course features

Basic and applied informatics is a compulsory subject in educational institutions. Living in the age of technology, a person must be well versed in computers, especially if he is going to connect his future profession with them.

Computer science courses for students and schoolchildren will help in an in-depth study of this subject. Classes are held in specially equipped rooms in small groups. Individual lessons are also possible to prepare students in grades 10, 11 for passing exams.

The selection of the curriculum depends on the initial level of preparation of the student and his age (starting from grade 5).

The following factors influence the cost of education:

  • type of group (large, small, individual lessons)
  • program difficulty level
  • number of classes
  • age group

Teachers also offer courses for adults to improve their skills. You can find out the final prices by viewing the prices on the Yudu website.

How to order services

To find effective computer science courses (Grade 9), apply on the Yudu website. Choose the appropriate offer from those that will come with your order.

Check out the profiles of teachers and institutions to compare their course fees and experiences. Read customer reviews to help you find courses quickly.