Master's degree in England. Requirements for applicants for master's programs in British universities

Foreign education trains truly "advanced" specialists, who are not yet in Russia, but in 5 years the demand for them will exceed the supply. That is why Russian students who have received a diploma abroad receive great prospects and start their careers from higher positions than graduates of Russian universities. A master's degree abroad forms the qualities that any employer wants to see: international experience, the ability to work with large amounts of information, creativity, dedication and expertise in a particular field. One of the leading destinations for the passage of the magistrate remains the UK.

Master's in the UK has its own characteristics. It usually lasts one year, which allows the student to save time and money, because the cost of a one-year program is lower than the total cost of a two-year study. The bulk of universities where you can take a British master's program is concentrated in England.

Master's in England is represented by more than a hundred universities. Everyone knows Oxford and Cambridge, but at least a dozen top-class universities shape the image of English higher education. Four of the top six universities in the world ranking are English. England is famous for its business schools and diplomatic programs, such as the London School of Economics and Political Science. King's College London offers a strong program in law and international relations. One of the most sought-after universities in the UK, the University of Exeter, trains quality specialists in the field of management and marketing. A large number of universities are located in cities with a rich research infrastructure: University of Manchester, Newcastle University, University of Sussex, University of East Anglia.Masters in England are also strong in their art direction.Here they train specialists in the field of fine arts, fashion, design, photography, journalism, art management, gallery business.Students can not only take an internship , for example, in a design studio, but also to receive an order from a company, participate in exhibitions and show their work at private shows.Thanks to such universities as Goldsmiths University London, University for The Creative Arts, The Arts University at Bournemouth, Brighton University a whole school of british d design and young British artists.

Regardless of which profile you have chosen and which educational institution you decide to apply to, a master's degree in England gives you such practical skills that will be useful in your future profession. An important distinguishing feature of the British system is that students study in small groups so that everyone can find enough time to communicate with the teacher or work independently. A different approach to teaching students, combined with work in the richest libraries, modern laboratories, research centers and studios, provides a unique training. The English Graduate Diploma is valued all over the world: employers are looking for people who know what awaits them at work, speak several languages ​​and have experience of performing tasks in a multicultural team. Of course, this is also reflected in the salary: according to this indicator, graduates of the English master's program are far removed from their competitors.

A master's degree in England in London promises a lot of career opportunities and adventures. Master's student Vadim Titov talks about British universities, their approaches to education and the chosen specialty.

According to statistics from the UK Home Office, the number of international students applying for visas increased over the past year (2017) by 8%. Vadim Titov, perhaps, is just the person who applied, entered and is now studying for a master's program in the Computational Finance program, which is not yet widespread in Russia. The STAR Academy agency talked with Vadim and found out what difficulties await foreign students in London and what surprises British education.

Why did you choose to study in the UK?

I wanted to go to London because it is one of the world's largest financial centers. Consequently, some teachers in large schools are directly employed by financial institutions. They really have something to teach, especially from a practical point of view and in terms of the relevance of the material being studied.

At the University of King's College London, the program itself, MSc Computational Finance, attracted. There are no such programs in Moscow yet (I completed my bachelor's degree in Moscow), since the Computational Finance industry itself is relatively new.

Master's student Vadim Titov talks about British universities, their approaches to learning and his chosen specialty

Was it difficult to enter the chosen specialty?

Thanks to the agency, the admission process was not the most difficult, although we applied quite late.

The UK government is working hard to keep local educational institutions competitive, so in December 2017, the process of obtaining a study visa for foreign students was partially simplified. The new rules apply to applicants wishing to enroll in a master's program in England for a duration of 13 months or less.

After completing a master's degree in the UK, graduates who want to get a work visa and apply their knowledge in practice are allowed to stay in the country to look for work for another 6 months after receiving a diploma.. Now 23 universities participate in the program, including the University of Edinburgh, Newcastle University, Durham University and others.

What does your school day look like? Are there any features in training that catch your eye?

For each subject, as a rule, two hours of lectures are allocated, in which new material is directly explained. All other classes (tutorial session, practical session) are intended for independent solution of tasks with the opportunity to contact the teacher or his assistant for help. After classes, you can go to the library or computer class.

It can be seen that universities are trying to provide students with all the necessary means for learning. For example, we have several laboratories with the latest computers, kitchens, etc. at the Faculty of Informatics (Bush House). All lecture halls have an automatic lecture recording system (Lecture Capture). If you missed a lecture, you can watch a replay later, which is very convenient.

The Faculty of Informatics (Bush House) has several laboratories with the latest computers, kitchens, etc.

Are homework assignments given?

Homework is given but, except for a couple of cases, is not graded.

What can you say about London? How comfortable is it to live in this city?

This is the epicenter of everything: cultural, business, academic, even nightlife. Therefore, if you live in a residence, then most likely, most of the residents will be freshmen who often like to “hang out”. Minus it or plus - remains at the discretion of the student.

Pluses, I think, and so everything is approximately clear. And of the minuses, I want to note the relatively high level of prices, of course. And there are few places where you can eat the usual food for us. Sandwiches and some salads are more common.

In the ranking of the best student cities in the world for students, London ranks 3rd. Despite the fact that the cost of rent and accommodation in the British capital is much higher than in the rest of the country. With a concentration of world-class universities, professional and social opportunities, and a huge number of head offices of international companies - studying in London may well be worth every penny and offer interesting job prospects.

- How do you like King's College London? Are universities in England very different from ours?

The university has a wide variety of nationalities. Many have their own associations, including the Russian Society Club, which periodically arranges meetings for Russian or Russian-speaking students. On my program, however, due to its specifics, the diversity is not so great: 13 Chinese out of 16 people.

The impression is that the universities here really care, or at least try to care not only about the academic achievements of students, but also about their interests, hobbies, views, and orientations. There are dozens of different student associations organizing meetings and events. Absolutely any student can find something interesting and useful for himself, making friends with so many events is also easy. Also, almost every campus has its own bar or club, which seems quite atypical for Russia.

Yes, it's not typical at all. What prospects for the future, in your opinion, does studying in London give to foreign students?

It all depends on the specific program and university. In my case, I study financial mathematics, technology and programming, which is growing in banks, so I think the prospects are good.

A big plus of studying in the UK is that it is easy to complete a master's degree in one year. Yes, education is expensive and living expenses are also rather high, but you can get a degree in just a year instead of two in other countries, which in the end turns out to be profitable.

Do you plan to return to Russia or do you want to work in London for a while after graduation?

What does this master's program give you in terms of personal development? Were your expectations justified?

It, in addition to knowledge, gives me communication with people from all parts of the planet. Expectations were fully justified. Specifically, in my program, the vast majority of professors teach very well. My verdict - if possible, then go.

The material was prepared for the blog.

School name Age Name of programs (which are available at this school) City


17+ Higher Education Professional Programs Postgraduate Education MBA Programs Preparatory Courses Professional Development English Language Courses FOUNDATION Program Education Abroad for Adults Second Higher Education Abroad Cheltenham and Gloucester (Cheltenham and Gloucester, 2 hours from London)

Cost: From 12,000 to 20,800 GBP

17+ London


Cost: From 12,000 to 20,100 GBP

Higher Education Language Courses Postgraduate Education MBA Programs Preparatory Courses Advanced Training English Language Courses FOUNDATION Program Education Abroad for Adults Second Higher Abroad Studying a Master's Degree Abroad: How Much Does It Cost, Where Is It Cheaper?

Cost: From 16,995 to 32,500 GBP

Higher Education Professional Programs Postgraduate Education Preparatory Courses Professional Development FOUNDATION Program Education Abroad for Adults Second Higher Abroad Studying a Master's Degree Abroad: How Much Does It Cost, Where Is It Cheaper?

Cost: From 8,995 to 12,500 GBP

12 Higher Education Professional Programs Postgraduate Education MBA Programs Preparatory Courses Professional Development English Language Courses FOUNDATION Program Education Abroad for Adults Second Higher Abroad Studying a Master's Degree Abroad: How Much Does It Cost, Where Is It Cheaper?

Cost: From 10,995 to 15,900 GBP

Cost: From 13,450 to 45,000 GBP

Higher Education Professional Programs Postgraduate Education MBA Programs Preparatory Courses Advanced Training FOUNDATION Program Education Abroad for Adults Second Higher Abroad Studying a Master's Degree Abroad: How Much Does It Cost, Where Is It Cheaper?

Cost: From 10,995 to 15,000 GBP

Higher education Postgraduate education MBA programs Preparatory courses Professional development FOUNDATION program Education abroad for adults Second higher education abroad Master's degree studies abroad: how much does it cost, where is it cheaper?

Cost: from 13,000 pounds + accommodation

Higher Education Language Courses Postgraduate Education MBA Programs Preparatory Courses Advanced Training English Language Courses FOUNDATION Program Education Abroad for Adults Second Higher Abroad Studying a Master's Degree Abroad: How Much Does It Cost, Where Is It Cheaper?

Cost: from £13,000 per semester

17+ Higher education Postgraduate education MBA programs Preparatory courses Advanced training FOUNDATION program Education abroad for adults Second higher education abroad London

Cost: from £14,000

Higher Education Professional Programs Postgraduate Education MBA Programs Preparatory Courses Advanced Training FOUNDATION Program Education Abroad for Adults Second Higher Abroad Studying a Master's Degree Abroad: How Much Does It Cost, Where Is It Cheaper?

Cost: from £16,000

16+ Higher Education Professional Programs Postgraduate Education MBA Programs Preparatory Courses Advanced Training FOUNDATION Program Education Abroad for Adults Second Higher Abroad Studying a Master's Degree Abroad: How Much Does It Cost, Where Is It Cheaper? Exeter

Cost: From 9,750 to 15,000 GBP

17+ Higher Education Language Courses Postgraduate Education MBA Programs Preparatory Courses Advanced Training English Language Courses FOUNDATION Program Education Abroad for Adults Second Higher Abroad Studying a Master's Degree Abroad: How Much Does It Cost, Where Is It Cheaper? London

Advantages and difficulties of studying in a master's program in England

If you are interested in a master's degree in England, then you should immediately accept that it will be boring, high-status and costly. At the same time, if the first parameter attracts one group of people, the second one is significant for another. For the third, due to the last parameter, studying in the UK becomes inaccessible.

But for all categories of students, gaining knowledge in the country of Cambridge, Oxford and two dozen other prestigious universities is one of the most important aspirations. Let's figure out what attracts advanced young people from all over the world to master's programs in Britain, and how much this pleasure costs.

What are the benefits of such a perspective?

Master's education lasts one course. Educational programs are divided into two logical parts: the first half of the year the student listens to lectures and performs practical tasks. There are no lectures or seminars in the second half of the academic year. It is devoted entirely to writing a thesis and preparing for its defense. The academic semester is extremely busy with classes that take place in a frantic mode. But students save money, since they would have to pay for each subsequent year. Yes, and eternal students are the privilege of individuals. The majority of students strive to finish their studies faster in order to start testing the theoretical knowledge gained in practice.

Despite the intensity of the classes and their content, the universities of England are famous for the highest level of knowledge given. This well-deserved reputation has lasted for many years. In England you can get the best education in the world. And the diplomas of local universities are not only recognized, but also highly valued all over the world. Under equal conditions, Masters who studied in England have a much higher chance of getting a job in prestigious companies.

Despite the fact that in this country there are universities with a long history and excellent traditions, there are also universities and colleges that operate not so long ago. Both those and others use both the long-standing principles of traditional British education and modern, innovative practices.

At local universities, students are offered 50,000 master's courses, including highly specialized ones. This fact enables the student to complete education in any specialty. And studying in the language of Byron and Shakespeare allows you to practice it every day, thoroughly preparing for further work in any country in the world.

Question price?

Like the States, England stubbornly holds the world's leading position in terms of the cost of an educational course. However, this figure is average. Universities in the UK, depending on the status and number of programs being implemented, offer future students different rates. So, young universities, where serious research work is not carried out, offer master's studies at an order of magnitude cheaper than educational giants such as Oxford or Durham University.

For example, a master's degree in England for those wishing to specialize in the humanities will cost no more than 9,000 pounds, while students who choose the exact sciences should expect to pay 12,000 pounds. As for the medical master's course, the fee will be a minimum of 20 thousand pounds per year.

At the same time, in different universities in Britain, the cost of similar courses is calculated according to different tariff scales. An overview pricing table looks like this:



Tuition for a master's degree (£, thousand)

Interior Design

Cranfield University

University of Bedfordshire

Cardiff University

Inchbald School of Design


London South Bank University

Coventry University

University of Lincoln

Cardiff University

Information Technology

University of Sunderland

Coventry University

University of Oxford

Imperial College London

The range of prices is impressive, but for Russian students it is rather a plus. Since anyone can find a course that is affordable from a material point of view. If you are sure that a master's degree in England is an unaffordable luxury for you, just spend some time to make sure of the opposite. Contact the relevant agency, and experts will help you find a suitable program for the price.

To get a consultation

Educational institutions with a master's degree (English) in the UK. We ask you to get acquainted with the educational institutions verified by our specialists, which offer unsurpassed quality in the field of education and education of character, discipline of students. This section offers comprehensive information about schools, international study programs, prices and reviews. If you have any questions, you can always consult our specialists. FREE enrollment services at partner institutions, places are limited. Assistance in the selection of institutions, advice on what documents you need to collect, what are the requirements for filing and enrollment deadlines.

Brief information. A course lasting from 1 year for those wishing to obtain a master's degree in the field of arts.

About the course. The institute offers several master's programs. Students can choose from the directions of Buddhist art, art history, restoration of easel, wall painting, curation of an art museum (gallery). Each course includes the possibility of an internship in London's cultural institutions. Diligent students are assisted in finding employment.

Students age: 21+

Start dates: September (possibly early October).

Enrollment requirements: bachelor's degree (specialist), for foreigners - Pre-Masters certificate, IELTS 7.0 (all skills).

The result of the training: a master's degree, the opportunity to find a job and make a career in London.

Lesson duration: 45 minutes.

Price: from £16,000 per year depending on the specialty.

A small excerpt from the description of educational institutions in this section:

The history of the modern University of Southampton began in 1862 with the founding of the Hartley Institute. The university received university status in 1953. Today, the University of Southampton unites 7 campuses in Southampton, Winchester. The network is connected by its own bus service.

The university is widely known as a research center. The pride of the university is the Oceanographic Center. It has the status of one of the best in the world. Also, the directions of electrical and electronic engineering have received international recognition. Of particular importance are the studies of university scientists in the field of nutrition.

More than 23,000 students study at the university today. The contingent for 18% consists of foreigners. The student community of the university is one of the strongest and most active in Britain. Priority for its members is environmental and volunteer activities.

Master's in London promises a lot of career opportunities and adventures. Master's student Vadim Titov talks about British universities, their approaches to learning and the chosen specialty

According to statistics from the UK Home Office, the number of international students applying for visas increased over the past year (2017) by 8%. Vadim Titov, perhaps, is just the person who applied, entered and is now studying for a master's program in the Computational Finance program, which is not yet widespread in Russia. The agency talked with Vadim and found out what difficulties await foreign students in London and what surprises British education.

– Why did you choose to study in the UK?

I wanted to go to London because it is one of the world's largest financial centers. Consequently, some teachers in large schools are directly employed by financial institutions. They really have something to teach, especially from a practical point of view and in terms of the relevance of the material being studied.

At the University of King's College London, the program itself, MSc Computational Finance, attracted. There are no such programs in Moscow yet (I completed my bachelor's degree in Moscow), since the Computational Finance industry itself is relatively new.

- Was it difficult to enter the chosen specialty?

A big plus of studying in the UK is that it is easy to complete a master's degree in one year. Yes, education is expensive and living expenses are also rather high, but you can get a degree in just a year instead of two in other countries, which in the end turns out to be profitable.


– Do you plan to return to Russia or do you want to work in London for a while after graduation?

- What does this master's program give you in terms of personal development? Were your expectations justified?

It, in addition to knowledge, gives me communication with people from all parts of the planet. Expectations were fully justified. Specifically, in my program, the vast majority of professors teach very well. My verdict - if there is an opportunity, then it's worth going.

The material was prepared by Nadezhda Ozonyuk together with specially for the site. The opinion of the editors may not coincide with the opinion of the student.