Mechanical vibrations or is Kabardin O.F. right? Physics - Reference materials - Textbook for students - Kabardin O.F

Physics. Student's handbook. Kabardin O.F.

M.: 2008. - 5 75 p.

The handbook summarizes and systematizes the basic information of the school physics course. It consists of five sections; "Mechanics", "Molecular Physics", "Electrodynamics", "Oscillations and Waves", "Quantum Physics". A large number of detailed developed tasks are given, tasks for independent solution are given.

The book will be an indispensable assistant in studying and consolidating new material, repeating topics covered, as well as in preparing for tests, final exams at school and entrance exams to any university.

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1. Mechanical movement 7
2. Uniformly accelerated motion 14
3. Uniform movement in a circle ..., 20
4. Newton's first law 23
5. Body weight 26
6. Strength 30
7. Newton's second law 32
8. Newton's Third Law 34
9. Law of gravity 35
10. Weight and weightlessness 40
11. Movement of bodies under the action of gravity. 43
12. Strength of elasticity 46
13. Forces of friction 48
14. Conditions for the equilibrium of bodies 52
15. Elements of hydrostatics. . 58
16. Law of conservation of momentum 64
17. Jet propulsion 67
18. Mechanical work 70
19. Kinetic energy 72
20. Potential energy 73
21. The law of conservation of energy in mechanical processes 79
Examples of problem solving 90
Tasks for independent solution 104
22. The main provisions of the molecular kinetic theory and their experimental substantiation 110
23. Mass of molecules 115
24. Basic equation of the molecular-kinetic theory of an ideal gas 117
25. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of molecules 119
26. The equation of state of an ideal gas 126
27. Properties of liquids 131
28. Evaporation and condensation 135
29. Crystalline and amorphous bodies 140
30. Mechanical properties of solids 143
31. The first law of thermodynamics 148
32. The amount of heat 152
33. Work with a change in gas volume 155
34. Principles of operation of heat engines. . 159
35. Heat engines 171
Examples of problem solving 183
Tasks for independent solution 196
36. The law of conservation of electric charge. . 200
37. Coulomb's Law 205
38. Electric field 207
39. Work when moving an electric charge in an electric field 214
40. Potential 215
41. Substance in an electric field 221
42. Electric capacity 224
43. Ohm's Law 229
44. Electric current in metals 237
45. Electric current in semiconductors .... 241
46. ​​Semiconductors 246
47. Electric current in electrolytes 256
48. Discovery of the electron 259
49. Electric current in gases 264
50. Electric current in vacuum 271
51. Magnetic field 277
52. Lorentz force 283
53. Matter in a magnetic field 287
54. Electromagnetic induction 290
55. Self-induction 297
56. Magnetic recording of information 301
57. DC Machine 305
58. Electrical measuring instruments 309
Problem Solving Examples 312
Tasks for independent solution 325
59. Mechanical vibrations 330
60. Harmonic vibrations 334
61. Energy transformations during mechanical vibrations 337
62. Propagation of vibrations in an elastic medium 342
63. Sound waves 344
64. Reflection and refraction of waves 347
65. Interference, diffraction and polarization of waves 352
66. Free electromagnetic oscillations. . . 358
67. Self-oscillating generator of undamped electromagnetic oscillations 362
68. Alternating electric current 366
69. Active resistance in the AC circuit 370
70. Inductance and capacitance in an alternating current circuit 372
71. Resonance in an electrical circuit 376
72. Transformer 378
73. Electromagnetic waves 381
74. Principles of radio communication 387
75. Energy of electromagnetic waves 402
76. Development of ideas about the nature of light. 404
77. Reflection and refraction of light 407
78. Wave properties of light 411
79. Optical instruments 416
80. The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation 429
81. Elements of the Theory of Relativity 433
Problem Solving Examples 445
Tasks for independent solution 454
82. Quantum properties of light 458
83. Evidence of the complex structure of atoms. 472
84. Bohr quantum postulates 478
85. Laser 484
86. Atomic nucleus 489
87. Radioactivity 496
88. Properties of nuclear radiation 501
89. Experimental methods for detecting charged particles 505
90. Uranium nuclear fission chain reaction 510
91. Elementary particles 517
Examples of problem solving 526
Tasks for independent solution 533
Answers to tasks for independent solution 536
Physical constants 539
Mechanical properties of solids 540
Pressure p and density p of saturated water vapor at different temperatures t 541
Thermal properties of solids 542
Electrical properties of metals 543
Electrical properties of dielectrics 544
Masses of atomic nuclei 545
Intense lines in the spectra of elements arranged by wavelength 546
Physical quantities and their units in SI... . 547
SI prefixes for the formation of multiples and submultiples 555
Greek alphabet 555
Index 557
Name Index 572
Recommended Reading 574

Mechanical oscillations and self-oscillations of bodies are considered and analyzed in the section "Oscillations and waves" of the book by O.F. Kabardin "Physics. Reference materials ”(see Kabardin O.F. Physics. Reference materials. A book for students. - M .: Education, 1991. -367 p. - P. 213). “In nature and technology, in addition to translational and rotational movements, there is often another type of mechanical movement - fluctuations». (Kabardin O.F. Physics. Reference materials. A book for students. - M .: Education, 1991. -367 p. - p. 214.) This is the first phrase of the analyzed section of O.F. Kabardina for students. In it, vibrations of bodies are characterized as one of the types of mechanical movement, existing along with the translational and rotational mechanical movements of bodies.

In fact, in nature and technology there is one main type of mechanical movement -. Translational, rotational, rectilinear, uniform and non-uniform, mechanical movements are special cases of mechanical vibrations. The properties of mechanical vibrations are universal. Their study should precede the study of the properties of its special cases, but not vice versa. However, in the reference material O.F. Kabardin, all special cases of mechanical vibrations are studied by mechanics, and mechanical vibrations are excluded from the field of mechanics and included in the field of physics.

Examples of simple mechanical oscillations are given. “The common feature of the oscillatory movement in all these examples is the exact or approximate repetition of the movement at regular intervals. Mechanical vibrations called movements of bodies that repeat exactly or approximately at the same intervals of time "(Kabardin O.F. Physics. Reference materials. A book for students. - M .: Education, 1991. -367 p. - p. 214.

There are no objections to examples of oscillatory motion. And the rotational movement of the Earth around its axis and the rotation of the Earth around the Sun is not an exact or approximate repetition of the movement at regular intervals? And the phases of the Moon, reflecting sunlight, are they not an exact or approximate repetition of the rectilinear translational movement of light at regular intervals?

There are in nature and technology a certain set of common features that characterize the oscillatory movement, in addition to the exact or approximate repetition of the movement at regular intervals, which can be considered below.

Reference material by O.F. Kabardin, it is reported that in the mechanical vibrations of bodies, internal and external forces are present, act and interact:

“Forces acting between bodies within the considered system of bodies are called internal forces. The forces acting on the bodies of the system from other bodies that are not included in this system are called external forces».

Based on this definition of internal and external forces, students may have the misconception that external forces and internal forces can exist separately, on their own, without interaction and without relation to each other. In fact, the so-called external and internal forces always interact and do not exist outside the interaction. External forces are such only in relation to internal forces. Internal forces are such only in relation to external forces.

The internal forces of the considered mechanical oscillatory system cannot be understood if their interaction with external forces is not understood. The action of internal forces among themselves is subject to their interaction with external forces.

In the modern theory of mechanical vibrations, the definition of internal and external forces is one-sided: their direct opposite is noticed and noted, but their inseparable unity is not taken into account. Therefore, their causal relationship has no definition.


“Free vibrations are called vibrations that occur under the action of internal forces. According to this feature, the vibrations of a load suspended on a spring, or a ball on a thread (Fig. 1) are free vibrations "(The figure is taken from the book Kabardin O.F. Physics. Reference materials. A book for students. - M .: Education, 1991. -367 p. - p. 214.)

The actions of internal forces that cause oscillations of the load and oscillations of the ball cannot be isolated from the action of external forces on the load and on the ball. This position follows from the fact of damped oscillations of the ball and the load. Since their vibrations are damped, external forces act on them and slow down their vibrations, and to the extent that their vibrations cannot be considered free vibrations.

Free vibrations of the load and the ball do not exist in objectivity, but exist only in subjectivity, in our imagination, ideally, only in mental form. In a similar mental form, for example, there is an ideal gas, an ideal solid body, an ideal liquid, and other abstractions. One cannot do without them when thinking about the form of mechanical vibrations of the body, it is erroneous and unacceptable to take their subjective form for an objective form.

“Oscillations under the action of external periodically changing forces are called forced vibrations. Forced vibrations are made by the piston in the cylinder of an automobile engine and the knife of an electric razor, the needle of a sewing machine and the cutter of a planer.(Kabardin O.F. Physics. Reference materials. A book for students. - M .: Education, 1991. -367 p. - p. 214.)

In short, all vibrations of bodies in nature and technology are forced vibrations. They exist only in connection with the external environment, in the necessary connection of internal forces with external forces. Moreover, the action of external forces subordinates to their controlling command power the action of internal forces of any operating system, from the simplest to the most complex.

"The position in which the sum of the vectors of forces acting on the body is equal to zero is called the equilibrium position." (Kabardin O.F. Physics. Reference materials. A book for students. - M .: Education, 1991. -367 p. - p. 215)

The equilibrium position of the body is an abstraction that exists only in our mental representation. The equilibrium position and the total equality to zero of the internal forces of the oscillatory system of death are similar. It can be thought in a mental form, but one should study living acting mechanical oscillatory systems, each of which either exists during its certain period of time in an indefinite space, or exists in its certain space for an indefinite time. For example, a ball suspended on a thread can be at rest in the right extreme position of equilibrium, in the left extreme position of equilibrium and in the middle position of equilibrium for an indefinite time (Fig. 1)

When the ball, making oscillations, deviates from the vertical position of stable equilibrium either to the right side or to the left side, then in a state of motion it exists for a certain time in an indefinite space. And in general, visually observing the damped oscillations of a ball suspended on a thread, they should be considered as existing in their own space during their own time. Its space and time do not exist separately. Together they represent a dual form of the existence of oscillations of a ball suspended on a thread.

The existence of oscillations of the ball in a state of motion for a certain period of time is its existence in an indefinite space in which only its wave properties are manifested. The existence of vibrations of the same ball in a certain place in space at rest is its existence for an indefinite time, in which only its corpuscular properties are manifested. In other words, the definiteness of space and the corpuscular properties of a ball at rest exclude the definiteness of time and its wave properties. The certainty of time and wave properties of the ball in the state of motion exclude the certainty of the space of the ball and its corpuscular properties.

On this basis, a general uncertainty principle is established for the relationship of space and time to each other. It (principle) states: there are no such states in a mechanical oscillatory system in which space and time simultaneously have certain, exact values. The principle is called general because there is a well-known particular uncertainty principle of W. Heisenberg, discovered in 1927. It is recognized as one of the fundamental provisions of quantum theory. The general principle of indeterminacy of space and time in classical mechanics can be recognized as a similar fundamental position.

A ball suspended on a thread can be at rest provided that the oppositely directed forces acting on it are equal in modulus: the downward force of gravity and the upward force of elasticity. This position of the ball in the theory of mechanical vibrations is called the position of stable equilibrium.

If the ball is deflected by hand from the equilibrium position at a certain angle, for example, to the right side or to the left side, as shown in Figure 1, then the hand, moving the ball up, performed a certain amount of work against gravity. The work of the hand against the force of gravity is equivalent to the expended human energy, which in the substance of the ball turns into its surplus potential energy.

If the ball is released, it will begin to move simultaneously horizontally to the equilibrium position and fall vertically down to the earth's surface. The surplus potential energy of the ball will begin to turn with an increase in the speed of movement into the kinetic energy of the ball. In the lower extreme position, when the ball crosses the vertical, the gravitational force acting on the ball gives way to the numerically equal force of inertia. The force of inertia acts on the ball moving rapidly to the right of the equilibrium position and up from the earth's surface. If in the oscillations of the ball the force of gravity is replaced by the force of inertia, then these two forces are both opposite and united

In "Physics" O.F. Kabardin describes the oscillations of a load suspended on a spring, which are previously considered as movements of the load relative to the equilibrium position.

“When the load is shifted upward from the equilibrium position, due to a decrease in the deformation of the spring, the elastic force decreases, the force of gravity remains constant (Fig. 2b). The resultant of these forces is directed downward, towards the equilibrium position..(The figure is taken from the book Kabardin O.F. Physics. Reference materials. A book for students. - M .: Education, 1991. -367 p. - p. 215.)

The statement, according to which, when the load is shifted upward from the equilibrium position, the resultant force of elasticity and gravity is directed downward, is understandable and true. Along with it, the attention of students is offered the second statement, according to which the decrease in the deformation of the spring is the cause. Its consequence is a decrease in the elastic force, from which follows the displacement of the load upwards from the equilibrium position. The force of gravity remains constant.

In fact, this phenomenon does not exist, but there is another phenomenon generated by an external force, which, by its action on the load, takes it out of the state of rest and shifts it from the equilibrium position upwards. The consequence of the action of an external force on the load is a decrease in the elastic force and deformation of the spring.

In the book of Kabardin O.F. the existing phenomenon is replaced by a non-existent phenomenon in order to exclude from the vibrations of the load the action of the hand that raises it to the top of the hump. It results in the assertion that on the graph (Fig. 2) free vibrations of the load have the beginning of the position a , not position b .

In free vibrations of the load, the action of the hand on the load from the bottom up should not be present. The load cannot move up by itself. Therefore, it is moved upwards by a real external force, which is absent in the next period of load oscillations. In its place is another force.

“If the load is lifted above the equilibrium position and then released, then under the action of the resultant downward force, the load moves with acceleration to the equilibrium position.”(Kabardin O.F. Physics. Reference materials. A book for students. - M .: Education, 1991. -367 p. - p. 215)

Lifting a load above the equilibrium position is mechanical work, during which the energy of a person is converted into the potential energy of the lifted load. Its numerical value is equal to the product of the weight of the load and the height, which is equal to the maximum value of the amplitude, or the maximum value of the deviation of the load upwards from the position of stable equilibrium. The load raised above the equilibrium position is in a position of unstable equilibrium at rest, that is, in a certain space for an indefinite time.

The load leaves the state of rest not by itself (according to Newton's first law), but due to the action of an external force on it, which must be present and which is absent in the reference material. As a result, it turns out that the hand, which is an external force, not only lifts the load to the height of the amplitude, but also brings it out of the state of rest.

The weight falls down under the influence of gravity. It falls with increasing speed and crosses the position of stable equilibrium at the maximum increased speed, which from an increasing speed becomes a decreasing speed.

“After passing the equilibrium position, the resultant force is already directed upward and therefore slows down the movement of the load, the acceleration vector a reverses direction. After stopping in the lower position, the load moves accelerated upwards, to the equilibrium position, then passes it, experiences braking, stops, begins to move rapidly down, etc. - the process periodically repeats. ”(Kabardin O.F. Physics. Reference materials. Book for students. - M .: Education, 1991. -367p. - p. 215)

In this description of the behavior of the load, the interaction of the load with the external force of the external environment, which is present and acts on the load, is artificially excluded. And the load in the lower extreme position is at rest, from which (according to Newton's first law) it cannot leave it by itself, without the influence of an external force of unknown origin on it.

The grossest replacement of a true phenomenon by a false phenomenon is due to the fact that the external force that brings the load out of its state of rest is completely elusive and hidden. Its appearance and its effect on the load cannot be explained by the existing theory of mechanical vibrations and waves. Therefore, in it, non-free vibrations of the load appear as free vibrations.

« Minimum spacing the time it takes for a body to repeat its movement is called period of oscillation". On the graph (Fig. 3), the beginning of the period of cargo oscillations does not coincide with the origin of coordinates. Its beginning may be the highest point of the first hump.

“For the analytical description of body oscillations relative to the equilibrium position, the function is given ƒ(t) , which expresses the dependence of the displacement x from time t : x = ƒ(t) The graph of this function gives a visual representation of the process of fluctuations in time. You can get such a graph by plotting the points of the graph of the function ƒ(t) in coordinate axes OH and t (Fig. 3)"

Where is the beginning of the first period of the body's oscillations, and where is its end, not shown on the chart. Consequently, the graph of this function does not give a visual representation of the process of body oscillations in time.

In fact, the hand lifts the load suspended on a spring and then releases it. Lifting the load by hand precedes the beginning of the first period of its oscillations. On the graph, the period of oscillation of a load suspended on a spring begins at the highest point of the first hump and ends at the highest point of the second hump.

On the graph, the first hump contains the left and right halves. The left half of the hump corresponds to lifting the load by hand. The right half of the hump corresponds to the free fall of the load. The minimum period of time for the load to oscillate, after which its movement is repeated, ends at the highest point of the second hump.

Unlike the period of oscillation, the wavelength does not have its own beginning and end, but it is always enclosed between the beginning and end of the period of oscillation of the load. In the intermediate space of the wave of vibrations of the body, short-range and long-range actions are concluded, which appear in mathematical operations on equations describing mechanical vibrations and waves.

On the graph (Fig. 4) the wavelength λ the body has the beginning of the highest point of the first hump, and the end - the highest point of the second hump. In this case, the wavelength has a certain length, commensurate with a unit length. (The figure is taken from the book Kabardin O.F. Physics. Reference materials. A book for students. - M .: Education, 1991. -367 p. - p. 222.)

The wavelength expression does not say in words where the wave begins and where it ends. The graph shows the beginning of its length and its end: a) above the coordinate axis and b) below the coordinate axis. The designation of the wavelength below the coordinate axis is unsatisfactory, since such a wave of an oscillating body contradicts its oscillation period and does not make sense. There are no oscillations of the body, the time period of which would correspond to such a wavelength.

The wavelength of an oscillating body and its time period always have a common beginning and a common end. Under certain conditions, the ends belong to the period of time, but do not belong to the wavelength enclosed between them. In other conditions, the ends belong to the wavelength, but do not belong to the period of time enclosed between them. The image of the wavelength, which includes a cavity and a hump or a hump and a cavity, cannot correspond to the mechanical vibrations of bodies. This image cannot correspond to any period of oscillations, the beginning of which coincides with the beginning of the wavelength of the body and the end of which coincides with the end of its wavelength.

Therefore, waves, the image of a wave containing a whole hump and a depression marked (Fig. 4) below the coordinate axis, is generally recognized in the modern theory of mechanical vibrations and waves, but exists only in the view of a learned physicist. Objectively, there is no wave, a wave containing a whole hump and hollow, although in the textbook for students its false image appears as a true image.

In the cited book by O.F. Kabardin, starting on page 214 and ending on page 280, there is a symbolic image of a wave that contains a whole hump and a hollow. If students, leafing through these pages of the book and not reading a single word, see the false wave symbol 74 times, then this is quite enough for it to be preserved in the representation for the rest of their lives, even if one of the students becomes a scientist in subsequent years physicist of the highest rank.

"Relationship between wavelength λ , speed v and oscillation period T is given by λ = TV ».

Expression λ = TV corresponds to the period T time of the oscillating body and the wavelength λ have a common beginning and a common end, and that the quotient of dividing a linear interval of space by a linear segment of a period of time is categorically equal to one. Hence, v = 1 may have the meaning of a constant absolute speed of the process of interaction of forces inside a mechanical self-oscillating system.

The impulse of the force turned out to be equal to the energy of this force:

mv=mv2 (1)

The sides of equality (1) are equal quantitatively and directly opposite qualitatively. The impulse of the force of the left side exists in the self-oscillatory system for a certain time in an indefinite space in a state of motion and exhibits only wave properties. The energy of the same power of the right side exists in a certain space for an indefinite time at rest and exhibits only corpuscular properties. In relation to each other, the left side is primary, is a condition, and the right side is secondary, derivative, determines the left side and is its truth. In a similar relationship to each other, the time period of a self-oscillating system relates to its space.

Equality (1) may also be remarkable in that it represents in two different forms the same measure of motion, which the supporters of Leibniz and the supporters of Descartes regarded as two measures of motion, of which one could only be a real measure, and the other only imaginary and imagined measure. The dispute between them lasted almost 40 years and did not lead to a positive result. They agreed that the left side is correct under certain conditions, and the right side is correct under other conditions, although it was quite clear that there should not be two measures of movement. F. Engels wrote about this: “... cannot be equal, except for the case when v = 1 . The task is to find out for ourselves why the movement has a double kind of measure, which is just as unacceptable in science as in trade. M. and F. E. Op. v. 20, p.414/.

The statement about the existence of a constant absolute speed, which differs from the speed of light, appeared in the causal mechanics of the astrophysicist N. A. Kozyrev. He called it a pseudoscalar that changes sign when moving from the right to the left coordinate and vice versa. It determines certain conditions and the formation of energy in stars (p. 247); characterizes all the causal relationships of the World (p. 250). To clarify its properties as a course of time, it is necessary to perform experiments with rotating bodies - tops (p. 252) (N. A. Kozyrev. Selected works. - L .: LGU, 1991) You can download this book (6.61Mb, djvu ).

Equality (1) is a positive solution to the problem of the existence of one measure of motion.

Equation expressing the wavelength

may indicate that in a self-oscillatory system, the space of a wave, determined by a period of time, throws off its three-dimensional form and takes on a one-dimensional form of time. Time, while defining space, itself remains indefinite time. As a result, a conclusion appears about the general relation of the uncertainties of space and time, a special case of which is the W. Heisenberg uncertainty principle, discovered in 1927.

Reflections on the vibrations of a ball suspended on a thread and a load suspended on a spring in space and time inevitably lead to the consideration of forced undamped mechanical self-oscillations.

“Auto-oscillations are called undamped oscillations in the system, supported by external energy sources in the absence of an external variable force. An example of a mechanical self-oscillating system is a clock with a pendulum. In them, the oscillatory system is a pendulum, the source of energy is a weight raised above the ground, or a steel spring. A self-oscillatory system can usually be divided into three main elements: 1) an oscillatory system; 2) energy source; 3) a feedback device that regulates the flow of energy from a source into an oscillatory system. The energy coming from the source (weight) for a period is equal to the energy lost in the oscillatory system for the same time.

At the beginning of each period (Fig. 5) the weight in position 8 transfers to the pendulum a constant portion of potential energy of a certain value. Its pendulum fully uses over a period of time to work against friction forces, turning it into dissipating thermal energy. (The figure is taken from the book Kabardin O.F. Physics. Reference materials. A book for students. - M .: Education, 1991. -367 p. - p. 221.)

However, in the book "Physics. Reference materials» O.F. Kabardin does not say a word about the fact that the pendulum of the clock at the end of each period before the beginning of the next period transfers half the energy to the weight. The transfer of energy by the pendulum to the weight is noted in the book by A.P. Kharitonchuk “Reference book for watch repair. — M:. — 1983.

A methodological error in the study of material relating to oscillations and self-oscillations of bodies deserves special attention, which has been waiting for its correction for more than two hundred and fifty years. Such a long existence of it may testify to its unusually difficult elimination and even more difficult scientific analysis of it. It arose in the theory of classical mechanics, but the contradictions generated by it revealed themselves in a sharper negative form in the theory of quantum mechanics.

Scientists are looking for ways to eliminate its contradictions in the theory of quantum mechanics, in which they cannot be eliminated. They are removable in the theory of classical mechanics, in which contradictions appear in a less acute form and therefore scientists do not look for ways to eliminate them, they are patient with their presence.

For example, in the field of quantum mechanics, scientists are looking for the Higgs boson, a theoretically predicted elementary particle in 1964 by Peter Higgs. It necessarily arises in the Standard Model due to the Higgs mechanism of spontaneous electroweak symmetry breaking.

The search for and estimation of the mass of the Higgs boson continues to this day. Scientists have established the mass interval of the possible existence of the Higgs boson - 114-141 GeV and brought it up to 115-127 GeV. The value of the mass interval is shortened, but very slowly and expensively. Since decreasing the interval literally leads to nothing, waiting for the discovery of the Higgs boson is the same as "sitting by the sea and waiting for the weather" or "looking for the cat's fifth leg."

At the Tevatron synchrotron, “extra” elementary particles were found that were not accepted by the sought-for Higgs bosons. The reason for this was the unsatisfactory location of their discovery. They were found not in the place where the Higgs boson could appear, but in the place where it could not appear.

Therefore, the experimental fact of the discovery at the Tevatron of "superfluous" elementary particles hastened to be closed and forgotten. Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider did the same. There was a methodological error.

The methodological error lies in the fact that the "superfluous" particles left without attention could be an impetus in the development of theoretical mechanics.

“We observe the most powerful impulses in the development of theory when we manage to find unexpected experimental facts that contradict established views. If such contradictions can be brought to a high degree of acuteness, then the theory must change and, consequently, develop ”/ P. L. Kapitsa. Experiment. Theory. Practice - M:, 1981. - pp. 24-25 /.

The methodological error was not the fault, but the misfortune of the scientists who were looking for a solution to the problem in the theory of quantum mechanics, but should have been sought in the theory of classical mechanics. Why is that?

A century and a half ago, the principle was discovered in the field of methodology, according to which "A developed body is easier to study than a cell of the body" (See K. Marx, F. Engels. Op. Vol. 23, p. 26). The discovery of this principle was outside the field of the theory of quantum mechanics, in an unfinished scientific work. Therefore, this methodological principle was forgotten before the developers of the theory of classical mechanics and the theory of quantum mechanics could learn about its discovery.

A century later, in the field of mathematics, the Hodge hypothesis appeared, according to which it is possible to bypass the study of a complex developed system and approach its study in a roundabout way. On a roundabout way, first of all, simple “cells” of a complex system are studied, and after studying them, a semblance of a complex system is mentally created from them, the study of which turned out to be superfluous. If Hoxha knew and understood the principle that a developed body is easier to study than a cell of the body, then he would have no doubt that his hypothesis contradicts this principle, and its proof is a waste of time.

In any case, the Higgs boson may be, in its origin, a “cell” of energy that the clock pendulum at the end of the oscillation period, before the start of the next oscillation period, transfers to the weight. The energy transferred to the weight by the pendulum and the Higgs boson can have their common source in the Higgs field and originate from it. Therefore, the energy transferred to the weight by the pendulum can be called the Higgs energy, if there is no more suitable name for it.

The transfer of the Higgs energy by the pendulum to the weight can be observed visually if we consider the interaction of the tooth 11 of the ratchet wheel 1 with the left flight 4 of the left side of the anchor fork 3 (Fig. 5).

Let us assume that the pendulum of the clock completes the last quarter of the period of oscillation. It moves with decreasing speed against gravity and moves from position 7 to position 8 (Fig. 5). Flight 4 of the left side of the anchor plug 3 is in the slot between the tooth 11 and the tooth 12 and moves deep into the slot. On the way to the deepest point of the flight slot 4 touches the middle of the right plane of tooth 11, presses on the tooth, continuing to move deeper into the slot. The flight moves and reaches the deepest point of the slot, and the tooth 11, under its pressure, turns the ratchet wheel counterclockwise at a small angle. The pendulum reaches position 8, stops moving in it and goes into a state of rest.

The ratchet wheel 1 moves the chain links in a counterclockwise motion, and the chain lifts the weight up against gravity to a certain height, increases its potential energy by a certain amount. Thus, the pendulum of the clock through the anchor fork 3, flights 4, tooth 11 of the ratchet wheel 1 and tooth 11 transmits energy of unknown origin to the weight. After its transmission and completion of the fourth quarter of the oscillation period, the pendulum is brought out of rest by an external force. He begins the next period of oscillation and the reception of energy transmitted to him by the weight.

The energy transmitted by the weight to the pendulum contains two parts. One part of it belongs to the potential energy of a weight raised above the earth's surface by a human hand. Its other part is the “excess” energy, or Higgs energy. When it entered the pendulum from the outside, it did not have its own form and was not a fixed energy. But when returning from the weight to the pendulum, it turned out to be in an alien fixed form, belonging to the form of the potential energy of the weight.

As a result, two parts of the energy transferred by the weight to the pendulum turned out to be. One of them was the potential energy of the weight, and the other part was the “excess” energy, which the pendulum received from outside in an unmaterialized and non-fixed form, transferred to the weight and received back from the weight in a materialized fixed form. The embodied fixed form of the Higgs energy can be called energy 1, and the non-realized non-fixed form of the Higgs energy can be called energy 2.

The “extra” Higgs energy turned out to exist in two states in energy state 1 and in energy state 2. In the first state, it is in a fixed form, which it has assumed, and belongs to some substance with certain properties. Its properties can be mistaken for the properties of matter, and vice versa, the properties of a material form can be mistaken for its properties. In the second state, it is in an unfixed form, but manifests its properties in a fixed material form as its properties. Both conditions should be considered separately.

Property 1. The Higgs energy 1, which is present in the weight in a materialized form, is transferred by the weight to the pendulum, which uses it to work against friction forces and turns it into dissipating thermal energy.

Property 2. Energy 2 comes from the Higgs field into a rapidly moving substance, in which the pressure decreases in accordance with the principle of D. Bernoulli, promulgated in 1738: “ In a jet of liquid or gas, the pressure is small if the speed is high, and the pressure is high if the speed is low. . Decreasing pressure in matter below atmospheric pressure is not complete without the entry of Higgs energy into it 2.

Property 3. The Higgs energy 2, which is present in the pendulum in a non-material form, materializes in it, takes on its material form, in which it is not fixed.

Property 4. It is able to pass without loss and without friction through any fixed forms of substances, becoming like the superfluidity of a liquid.

Property 5. By its presence or absence in the substance of the pendulum, it does not change the magnitude of its mass and its weight. In the pendulum, it is present in an insubstantial, elusive form in a state of weightlessness.

Property 6. On the one hand, non-fixed energy 2 is opposite to any fixed form of energy. On the other hand, it, having assumed the form of fixed energy, becomes indistinguishable from it, forms a relationship with it, the sides of which are a unity of opposites.

Property 7 . The transition of the unfixed Higgs energy from the substance of the pendulum to the substance of the weight is realized not in the form of a continuous movement of the weight upwards, but in the form of a jump of the weight, interrupting its state of rest. The transfer process is intermittent.

property 8. The transmission of the Higgs energy by the pendulum to the weight is realized through the friction of the hard steel flight and the soft bronze of the ratchet wheel tooth. As a result, wear appears on hard steel, but it does not appear on soft bronze. This experimental fact indicates that the Higgs energy passing through the steel softens it, makes it softer than soft bronze.

Property 9. The Higgs energy coming from the outside into the substance of the pendulum in an insubstantial form does not exhibit viscosity and friction. But when it enters the pendulum in a materialized form, it turns into heat energy in the substance of the pendulum through friction.

As you know, Louis de Broglie, in order to establish a connection between the movement of a corpuscle and the propagation of a wave, tried to imagine “a corpuscle as a very small local disturbance included in the wave” / “Philosophical Issues of Modern Physics / Ed. I.V. Kuznetsova, M.E. Omelyanovsky. - M., Politizdat, 1958. — p.80/.

Following the example of de Broglie, one can imagine that the Higgs energy 2 enters the wave at point C, and at point A enters the substance of the weight. It materializes in the weight, turns into the Higgs energy 1, enters back into the substance of the pendulum at point A, and turns into dissipating thermal energy in the pendulum.

The waveform shown in fig. 6 is absent in the theory of mechanical self-oscillations and waves. But it is this waveform that clearly shows that the Higgs energy is “superfluous” for both the pendulum and the weight, since it contradicts the principle of necessity and sufficiency. The revealed contradiction requires its resolution. Within the framework of the existing ideas and the theory of modern mechanics, the revealed contradiction has no resolution. According to the principle “a developed body is easier to study than a cell of a body”, a developed body is easier to study than an undeveloped body. Wall clocks such as clocks are an undeveloped body, and the self-winding grandfather clock of the Amsterdam Museum is a developed body.


Self-winding grandfather clock differ from winding wall clocks with a weight in that the source of energy for the pendulum in them is not a weight, but glycerin filling a U-shaped glass tube (Fig. 7). For example, a U-shaped glass tube at the beginning of each period of oscillation of the pendulum of a grandfather clock transmits to the pendulum twice as much energy as it receives from the pendulum at the end of the same period of oscillation of the pendulum. For the oscillations of the pendulum of the clock, such a replacement does not matter.

Replacing a weight with glycerin is of fundamental importance for the theory of mechanical self-oscillations. It resolves a contradiction that has no resolution in winding wall clocks such as clocks. In a self-winding grandfather clock, the Higgs energy transmitted by the pendulum to the weight follows the principle of necessity and sufficiency. Its origin becomes completely clear and its new properties are discovered.

Property 10. The Higgs energy exits the Higgs field as an inseparable pair of momenta. One of them, in the form of an impulse, enters the oscillations of glycerol, and the other impulse enters the oscillations of the pendulum at the same time.

This is not a hypothesis requiring proof, but an indirectly discovered experimental fact. These two momenta are revealed when they are transferred by the pendulum to glycerin and glycerin to the pendulum.

Higgs energy in the form of a pair of pulses leaves the Higgs field. Pulses separately enter the self-oscillating system. One of them enters it in its one place, and the other impulse enters it in its other place. The impulses vary in size. The momentum transmitted by the pendulum to glycerin is half the momentum transmitted by the glycerin to the pendulum.

The modern theory of classical mechanics "does not notice" the existence of self-winding grandfather clocks stored in the Amsterdam Museum for more than two hundred and fifty years. This attitude hinders her development. But as soon as she recognizes and includes as an example of mechanical self-oscillations self-winding grandfather clocks, she will be forced , according to P. L. Kapitza, change , get out of the impasse and develop .

In the meantime, an example of mechanical self-oscillations are winding wall clocks such as clocks. Replacing the example of self-oscillations with the example of a self-winding grandfather clock resolves a contradiction that was waiting to be resolved, but does not answer the fundamental question. One and the other watches are the handiwork of the most talented watchmakers. They are copies of mechanical self-oscillations, the originals of which are created by nature itself. In nature, they must exist and can be found if you look hard enough.

A copy of mechanical self-oscillations can be of invaluable help in finding one of the originals. The clock pendulum is a subsystem in which oscillations are carried out by a solid material. Therefore, in the original, vibrations can be carried out by a solid material. I once happened to see in passing a pendulum clock, the pendulum of which was a solid material suspended from a spring and making vertical oscillations. Therefore, it may be that the solid material of the original may oscillate vertically.

Fluctuations of liquid glycerin are the second subsystem, in which oscillations occur on two opposite sides of a glass tube separately in the form of two pendulums. In the original, one should expect fluid oscillations on two opposite sides in the form of two pendulums. On two sides of the glass tube, liquid glycerin oscillates vertically. The oscillation period begins with the presence of glycerol on both sides at the maximum amplitude.

During the first quarter of the time period, the amplitudes decrease to zero. In the second quarter of the oscillation period, the amplitudes increase to a maximum value. In the third quarter of the period, the amplitudes decrease to zero. In the fourth quarter of the period, the amplitudes increase to a maximum value. The original of the oscillations of glycerin can be the tides in the World Ocean, and the original of the oscillations of the pendulum of the clock can be the vertical oscillations of the earth's crust. The original was discovered, a copy of which is a self-winding grandfather clock of the Amsterdam Museum.

The oscillations of glycerine and the pendulum of grandfather clocks can be of assistance in analyzing the oscillations of the original, the analysis of the oscillations of water in the ebb and flow, and in the analysis of the oscillations of the earth's crust.

On fig. 7 is not a working drawing of a self-winding grandfather clock, but only a simplified diagram, which is a periodic oscillation of glycerin and a pendulum.

At the beginning of the first quarter of the glycerol oscillation period on the right side of the U-shaped glass tube, the piston 5 is in the upper limit position, and the piston 10 on the right side of the tube is in the lower limit position.

The initial positions of both pistons are the beginning of the oscillation period of glycerol. They correspond to the maximum amplitude of glycerol oscillations. Glycerin receives materialized Higgs energy from the pendulum, which it uses for a period of time to work against friction forces.

Assume that on the left side of the glass tube, piston 5 has come out of rest. Its amplitude decreases, the speed of movement from top to bottom increases, the pressure in glycerin, according to the principle of D. Bernoulli, decreases and becomes less than atmospheric pressure. In connection with the decrease in pressure, a quarter of the portion of the non-material Higgs energy enters the glycerin from the outside.

A similar process is realized on the right side of the glass tube. In it, the piston 10 came out of rest. Its amplitude decreases, the speed of movement from the bottom up increases, the pressure, according to the principle of D. Bernoulli, decreases and becomes less than atmospheric pressure. In connection with the decrease in pressure, a quarter of the portion of the non-material Higgs energy enters the glycerin from the outside.

In the second quarter of the glycerine time period, after the amplitude decreases to zero, the glycerine under the piston 5 continues to move. Its speed decreases, the amplitude increases to the limit. The pressure in glycerin, according to the principle of D. Bernoulli, increases to the value of atmospheric pressure, glycerin goes into a state of rest. The non-reified Higgs energy does not enter glycerin from the outside, and the energy that arrived from outside the day before is reified in it.

A similar process occurs on the right side of the glass tube. After decreasing the magnitude of the amplitude to zero, the glycerin under the piston 10 continues to move. Its speed decreases, the amplitude increases. The pressure inside the glycerin increases to the value of atmospheric pressure, the glycerol goes into a state of rest. The non-reified Higgs energy did not enter the glycerine from the outside, and the energy received the day before is reified in it.

In the third quarter of the time period, the glycerin, on the right side of the glass tube, comes out of dormancy, sinks down. Its amplitude decreases, the speed of movement from top to bottom increases, the pressure decreases and becomes less than atmospheric pressure. In connection with the decrease in pressure, a quarter of the portion of the non-material Higgs energy enters the glycerin from the outside.

A similar process is carried out on the left side of the glass tube. Glycerin comes out of rest, moves up under the piston 5. Its amplitude decreases, the speed of movement increases, the pressure decreases and becomes less than atmospheric pressure. In connection with the decrease in pressure, a quarter of the portion of the non-material Higgs energy enters the glycerin from the outside.

In the fourth quarter of the period on the right side of the glass tube under piston 10, the glycerin continues to move downwards. Its speed decreases, the amplitude increases. The pressure inside the glycerin rises to atmospheric pressure. The non-reified Higgs energy did not enter the glycerine from the outside, and the energy received the day before is reified in it. Glycerin goes into a dormant state.

A similar process is realized by the movement of glycerin on the left side of the glass tube under piston 5. Glycerin continues to move upwards. Its speed decreases, the amplitude increases. The pressure inside the glycerin rises to atmospheric pressure. The non-reified Higgs energy did not enter the glycerine from the outside, and the energy received the day before is reified in it. Glycerin in the upper extreme position goes into a state of rest. During the entire elapsed period of time, the Higgs energy for the pendulum is embodied by glycerin, which is 2 times greater than the Higgs energy embodied during the same time by the pendulum for glycerin.

Glycerin completes its period of oscillation at rest a little earlier than the pendulum. The pendulum, by means of a feedback device, pushes glycerin out of rest, transfers the materialized Higgs energy to it, and completes its period of oscillation at rest. Glycerin, having received the embodied Higgs energy from the pendulum, pushes the pendulum out of rest by means of a feedback device, transfers the embodied Higgs energy to it, and together with the pendulum begins the second period of oscillation.

The second period of time, exactly repeating the first period of time, it is only for the oscillations of glycerin and the pendulum. For self-winding grandfather clocks, the second time period is the second half of the same time period. After the first period of time of oscillations of glycerol and the pendulum, the Higgs energy does not go out into the external environment, but remains in the grandfather clock and passes from one subsystem to another subsystem. In the second period of time, it is present in the clock, and only at the very end of it does it return in the form of thermal energy to the Higgs field, completing its complete circuit.

Figure 8 shows the non-embodied Higgs energy 1 that enters the glycerol at point A. During the period of oscillation, it resides in the glycerol and ends the period of oscillation of the glycerol at point C, which is the common beginning of the second wavelength and the second period of oscillation of the glycerol. In the second period, it is present in a materialized form in the substance of the pendulum and is used by the pendulum to work against friction forces. At point E, it leaves the substance of the pendulum in the form of thermal energy and dissipates in the external environment.

Figure 8 shows the non-reified Higgs energy 2. It enters the pendulum from outside at point E. During the first period of oscillation, it is present in the pendulum and ends the period at point C, which is the common beginning of the second wavelength and the second period of oscillation. In the second period, it is present in a materialized form in the substance of glycerin and is used by glycerin to work against friction forces. At point A, it leaves the glycerin outside in the form of thermal energy and dissipates in the external environment.

The two periods of oscillation of the glycerin and the pendulum complement each other and form one period of oscillation of a self-winding grandfather clock. This oscillation period can be associated with another oscillation period, which includes two periods of oscillation of two subsystems of one similar mechanical self-oscillating system.

One of its subsystems, for example, is the ebbs and flows of the waters of the oceans, and its other subsystem is the oscillations of the earth's bowl under the waters of the oceans. Its other subsystem is the fluctuations of the earth's crust, or the bowl of the oceans.

Ebb and flow . Tides are periodic vertical fluctuations in the level of the world's oceans or seas. They appear during the day in the form of two "bulges" of the water surface at opposite ends of the Earth's diameter near the equator. One pair of "bloatings" appears simultaneously in the first half of the day, and the other pair - in the second half of the day. On opposite sides of the water surface in the equatorial region, the tide turns into low tide within one quarter of a day, and the low tide turns into high tide in the same time.

Of all the famous tidal scientists, only Galileo came up with the ingenious conclusion that he believed that tides are caused by the rotation of the earth . But his conclusion was forgotten and remains so to this day. The derivation discovered by Galileo can now be rediscovered.

Suppose that on opposite sides of the globe on the surface of the waters of the oceans there are visually observed two tides, the equal amplitudes of which have a maximum height. One of the tides will be called left, and the other tide will be called right. Let us first consider the behavior of the left tide.

The mentally considered tide has the form of a “swelling” of the water surface of the world ocean in the equator region. "Bloating" is otherwise called a tidal hump or full water. Within three hours of the time of day, the highest point of the tidal hump descends to a point called the amphidromic point, which corresponds to the zero value of the amplitude in mechanical vibrations. Within three hours, the amplitude of the tidal hump decreases, the speed of movement of its surface from top to bottom increases, the pressure inside the tidal hump, according to the principle of D. Bernoulli, decreases and becomes less than atmospheric pressure. Due to the decrease in pressure, a quarter of the portion of the non-material Higgs energy enters from the outside into the water mass of the tidal hump.

A similar process is realized on the right side of the globe, on the water surface of the world ocean, on which there is the same tidal hump, having the same height, amplitude and highest top point. After the release of the tidal hump from rest, it descends. Its amplitude decreases, the speed of movement increases, the pressure inside it, according to the principle of D. Bernoulli, decreases and becomes less than atmospheric pressure. Due to the decrease in pressure, a quarter of the portion of the non-material Higgs energy enters from the outside into the water mass of the tidal hump.

In the second quarter of the time period on the left side of the globe on the surface of the water of the world's oceans, the mass of water of the tidal hump continues to move downward. After passing through the amphidromic point, the water mass of the tidal bulge turns into the mass of water of the ebb trough. Its deepening speed decreases, the amplitude increases, and the pressure in the water mass of the ebb trough, according to the principle of D. Bernoulli, increases to the value of atmospheric pressure. For this reason, the non-materialized Higgs energy does not transfer from the air environment to the aquatic environment, but the non-materialized Higgs energy that entered it the day before is embodied in the aquatic environment.

A similar process takes place on the right side of the globe on the surface of the oceans. After passing through the amphidromic point, the water mass of the tidal bulge turns into the mass of water of the ebb trough. Its deepening speed decreases, the amplitude increases, and the pressure in the water mass of the ebb trough, according to the principle of D. Bernoulli, increases to the value of atmospheric pressure. For this reason, the non-materialized Higgs energy does not transfer from the air environment to the aquatic environment, but the non-materialized Higgs energy that entered it the day before is embodied in the aquatic environment.

In a quarter of a day, both tidal humps on the surface of the world's oceans, at opposite ends of the diameter of the globe, in the region of the equator, turned simultaneously and, accordingly, into two ebb troughs. The tides turned into ebb tides and in the process of this conversion they took in a half of the portion of the non-materialized Higgs energy for its materialization in the water mass.

In the third quarter of the time period, we mentally consider the minimum level of the water surface at low tide, which is otherwise called low water. During three hours of the time of day, the lowest point of the ebb trough rises up to a point called the amphidromic point, which corresponds to the zero value of the amplitude in mechanical vibrations. The amplitude of the ebb trough decreases, the rate of rise of the surface of the ebb trough increases, the pressure inside the rising mass of water, according to the principle of D. Bernoulli, decreases and becomes less than atmospheric pressure. In connection with the decrease in pressure, a quarter of the portion of the non-material Higgs energy enters from the outside into the water mass of the ebb trough. At the end of the third quarter of the time period, the surface of the ebb depression reaches the amphidromic point at the maximum increased speed.

A similar process takes place on the right side of the globe on the surface of the oceans. After passing through the amphidromic point, the water mass of the ebb trough turns into the mass of water of the tidal bulge. Its rate of ascent decreases, the amplitude increases, and the pressure in the water mass of the tidal hump, according to the principle of D. Bernoulli, increases to the value of atmospheric pressure. For this reason, the non-material Higgs energy does not pass from the atmospheric environment into the aquatic environment of the tidal hump, and the non-material Higgs energy that entered it the day before is embodied in the aquatic environment.

In a quarter of a day, both ebb troughs, located on the surface of the world's oceans in the equator, on opposite sides of the globe, simultaneously turned into two tidal humps. In the process of this circulation, both tidal humps took in half of the portion of the non-material Higgs energy for its materialization in water.

As a result of the elapsed period of time, two tidal humps of the water surface in the equatorial region, at opposite ends of the Earth's diameter, turned into two ebb troughs, and after that, two tidal troughs turned into two tidal humps. In the process of turning tides into tides and tides into ebbs, the water present in them took in a certain amount of non-material Higgs energy from the outside. In water, she materialized, took on its form and acquired a new quality.

In the second period of time, both parts of the Higgs energy are present in the subsystems of an integral self-reproducing living system. And only at the very end of it, they return in the form of thermal energy to the Higgs field, completing their complete circuit.

Figure 8 shows the non-embodied Higgs energy 1 that enters the water at point A. During the oscillation period, it is in the water and ends the water oscillation period at point C, which is the common beginning of the second wavelength and the second period of water oscillation. In the second period, it is present in a materialized form in the substance of the earth's crust and is used by it to work against the forces of friction. At point E, in the depths of the earth's crust, it lingers, accumulates, and increases the temperature of the earth's substance.

Figure 8 also shows the non-material Higgs energy 2. It enters the Earth's crust from outside at point E. During the first oscillation period, it is present in the Earth's crust and ends the period at point C, which is the common beginning of the second wavelength and the second oscillation period. In the second period, it is present in a materialized form in the form of humps and depressions in the equatorial region on opposite sides of the globe. The mass of water uses it to work against the forces of friction.

On fig. 8 at point A, it lingers in the water in the form of thermal energy and heats it, raising its temperature. Two periods of oscillations of both subsystems, water and the earth's crust, which complement each other, form one period of oscillations of the self-reproducing living system of Nature itself. One of its subsystems, for example, is the ebbs and flows of the waters of the World Ocean, and its other subsystem is the fluctuations of the earth's crust.

All the properties of the Higgs energy, which were manifested in the oscillations of glycerol and the pendulum of self-winding grandfather clocks, are manifested in the interaction of oscillations of the earth's crust and in the ebb and flow. In the contact of the sea surf with the rocky sea shores, a working is visible on the rocks and cliffs: sand, gravel with smooth large rounded stones.

There can be no production on the water.

The embodied Higgs energy is used by both sides of the relationship to work against friction forces and turns into thermal energy.

Thermal energy is absorbed by water, which forms the warm Gulf Stream in the Atlantic Ocean. Heat in the depths of the earth, calculated for many kilometers, raises the temperature of the substance of the earth's crust, accumulates and finally comes to the surface in the form of volcanic activity.

The Gulf Stream cannot stop its existence, but it can change the trajectory of its current. And volcanic activity on Earth cannot disappear. "Dormant" old volcanoes can wake up and new earthquakes and volcanoes can appear.

Iceland has dozens of active and dormant volcanoes that are scattered throughout the country. Hot thermal springs heat the houses of the capital city of Reykjavik. Hot springs exist in groups, of which there are about 250 with 7 thousand springs. Some springs throw water to the surface, superheated in underground "boilers" up to 7500C.

On the example of Iceland, the thermal energy of volcanoes and thermal springs belongs to the Higgs field. Initially, it comes from it into the ebbs and flows of the oceans. Of these, it passes to the oscillations of the earth's crust, in which it turns into thermal energy, contrary to the second law of thermodynamics: a process is impossible in which heat would transfer spontaneously from colder bodies to hotter bodies.

In short, the action of the grandfather clock was copied from nature itself by the ingenious watchmaker, using the example of mechanical self-oscillations of the upper layer of water in the World Ocean and the earth's crust.

In my opinion, the modern theory of ebb and flow, which was initiated by Kepler, is erroneous. The reason for the tides is very close to the truth is the conclusion of Galileo, who considered them to be the cause of the daily rotation of the Earth. On the example of the ebb and flow, the thermal effects of the Gulf Stream ocean current and the volcanic activity of the Earth, one can judge the inexhaustible energy of the Higgs field and its eternal circulation in the process of the Earth's cosmic life.

During each semidiurnal period of time, the mass of water of the World Ocean of a certain size, in the process of ebb and flow, receives from the outside a portion of the non-material and unfixed Higgs energy of a constant value. It materializes in water and is prepared for transfer to the earth's crust at the end of the period. During the same period of time, the same mass of ebb and flow water contains half of the portion of the materialized Higgs energy. It passes from the substance of the earth's crust into the substance of water to maintain the energy of the tide and the maximum height of the hump at the end of the semi-diurnal period of time.

Ultimately, half of the portion of the embodied Higgs energy in the water substance, after its use to work against friction forces, turns into thermal energy. It raises the temperature of the water. However, there may be cases in which, without fail, half of the portion of the materialized Higgs energy is present in the water in a special state for some time. Being embodied, it is in water clumps of water of any size and any shape. It can be in the form of two objects, or four, or six objects in one group. Clumps of water and energy can unite and separate, be at rest and in a state of motion, be together and separately, be in a state of motion, weightlessness, move without friction, in any direction and at any speed.

Objects can dive six kilometers deep in seconds and swim out of the depths to the surface of the water in seconds. Objects can move in opposite directions, instantly at a huge speed, go from a state of motion to a state of rest, and instantly leave a state of rest.

In length, width and height, objects can be tens of meters, instantly disappear in one place and appear in another place in a smaller or larger number. These properties of clumps of Higgs energy, materialized in the water of ebbs and flows, should be completely fixed by the locator.

No technologies existing on Earth can yet provide submersion and lifting of deep-seated vehicles six kilometers in a matter of seconds, and ebb and flow can do this.

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Name: Physics - Reference materials - Textbook for students.

This manual provides a brief but fairly complete presentation of the school physics course from the 7th to the 11th grades. It contains the main sections of the course: "Mechanics", "Molecular Physics", "Electrodynamics", "Oscillations and Waves", "Quantum Physics". Each section ends with paragraphs "Examples of problem solving" and "Problem for independent solution", which are a necessary element in the study of physics. In the "Appendices" at the end of the book there is an interesting reference material compiled by the author. The reference book can be useful for high school students and graduates of secondary school for self-study when repeating previously studied material and preparing for the final exam in physics. The material allocated in a separate paragraph, as a rule, corresponds to one question of the examination ticket. The manual is addressed to students of educational institutions.

mechanical movement.
The mechanical motion of a body is the change in its position in space relative to other bodies over time.

The mechanical movement of bodies is studied by mechanics. The section of mechanics that describes the geometric properties of motion without taking into account the masses of bodies and acting forces is called kinematics.

Path and movement. The line along which the point of the body moves is called the trajectory of motion. The length of the trajectory is called the distance travelled. The vector connecting the start and end points of the trajectory is called displacement.


mechanical movement. 4
2. Uniformly accelerated motion. eight
3. Uniform movement in a circle 12
4. Newton's first law. fourteen
6. Strength. eighteen
7. Newton's second law. nineteen
8. Newton's third law. 20
9. The law of universal gravitation. 21
10. Weight and weightlessness. 24
11. Movement of bodies under the action of gravity. 26
12. Strength of elasticity. 28
13. Forces of friction. 29
14. Conditions for the equilibrium of bodies. 31
15. Elements of hydrostatics. 35
16. Law of conservation of momentum. 40
17. Jet propulsion. 41
18. Mechanical work. 43
19. Kinetic energy. 44
20. Potential energy. 45
21. The law of conservation of energy in mechanical processes. 48
Examples of problem solving. 56
Tasks for independent solution.

Physics. Student's handbook. Kabardin O.F.

M.: 2008. - 5 75 p.

The handbook summarizes and systematizes the basic information of the school physics course. It consists of five sections; "Mechanics", "Molecular Physics", "Electrodynamics", "Oscillations and Waves", "Quantum Physics". A large number of detailed developed tasks are given, tasks for independent solution are given.

The book will be an indispensable assistant in studying and consolidating new material, repeating topics covered, as well as in preparing for tests, final exams at school and entrance exams to any university.

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1. Mechanical movement 7
2. Uniformly accelerated motion 14
3. Uniform movement in a circle ..., 20
4. Newton's first law 23
5. Body weight 26
6. Strength 30
7. Newton's second law 32
8. Newton's Third Law 34
9. Law of gravity 35
10. Weight and weightlessness 40
11. Movement of bodies under the action of gravity. 43
12. Strength of elasticity 46
13. Forces of friction 48
14. Conditions for the equilibrium of bodies 52
15. Elements of hydrostatics. . 58
16. Law of conservation of momentum 64
17. Jet propulsion 67
18. Mechanical work 70
19. Kinetic energy 72
20. Potential energy 73
21. The law of conservation of energy in mechanical processes 79
Examples of problem solving 90
Tasks for independent solution 104
22. The main provisions of the molecular kinetic theory and their experimental substantiation 110
23. Mass of molecules 115
24. Basic equation of the molecular-kinetic theory of an ideal gas 117
25. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of molecules 119
26. The equation of state of an ideal gas 126
27. Properties of liquids 131
28. Evaporation and condensation 135
29. Crystalline and amorphous bodies 140
30. Mechanical properties of solids 143
31. The first law of thermodynamics 148
32. The amount of heat 152
33. Work with a change in gas volume 155
34. Principles of operation of heat engines. . 159
35. Heat engines 171
Examples of problem solving 183
Tasks for independent solution 196
36. The law of conservation of electric charge. . 200
37. Coulomb's Law 205
38. Electric field 207
39. Work when moving an electric charge in an electric field 214
40. Potential 215
41. Substance in an electric field 221
42. Electric capacity 224
43. Ohm's Law 229
44. Electric current in metals 237
45. Electric current in semiconductors .... 241
46. ​​Semiconductors 246
47. Electric current in electrolytes 256
48. Discovery of the electron 259
49. Electric current in gases 264
50. Electric current in vacuum 271
51. Magnetic field 277
52. Lorentz force 283
53. Matter in a magnetic field 287
54. Electromagnetic induction 290
55. Self-induction 297
56. Magnetic recording of information 301
57. DC Machine 305
58. Electrical measuring instruments 309
Problem Solving Examples 312
Tasks for independent solution 325
59. Mechanical vibrations 330
60. Harmonic vibrations 334
61. Energy transformations during mechanical vibrations 337
62. Propagation of vibrations in an elastic medium 342
63. Sound waves 344
64. Reflection and refraction of waves 347
65. Interference, diffraction and polarization of waves 352
66. Free electromagnetic oscillations. . . 358
67. Self-oscillating generator of undamped electromagnetic oscillations 362
68. Alternating electric current 366
69. Active resistance in the AC circuit 370
70. Inductance and capacitance in an alternating current circuit 372
71. Resonance in an electrical circuit 376
72. Transformer 378
73. Electromagnetic waves 381
74. Principles of radio communication 387
75. Energy of electromagnetic waves 402
76. Development of ideas about the nature of light. 404
77. Reflection and refraction of light 407
78. Wave properties of light 411
79. Optical instruments 416
80. The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation 429
81. Elements of the Theory of Relativity 433
Problem Solving Examples 445
Tasks for independent solution 454
82. Quantum properties of light 458
83. Evidence of the complex structure of atoms. 472
84. Bohr quantum postulates 478
85. Laser 484
86. Atomic nucleus 489
87. Radioactivity 496
88. Properties of nuclear radiation 501
89. Experimental methods for detecting charged particles 505
90. Uranium nuclear fission chain reaction 510
91. Elementary particles 517
Examples of problem solving 526
Tasks for independent solution 533
Answers to tasks for independent solution 536
Physical constants 539
Mechanical properties of solids 540
Pressure p and density p of saturated water vapor at different temperatures t 541
Thermal properties of solids 542
Electrical properties of metals 543
Electrical properties of dielectrics 544
Masses of atomic nuclei 545
Intense lines in the spectra of elements arranged by wavelength 546
Physical quantities and their units in SI... . 547
SI prefixes for the formation of multiples and submultiples 555
Greek alphabet 555
Index 557
Name Index 572
Recommended Reading 574

Annotation to the book / manual for preparation:

The proposed manual is intended to prepare for the Unified State Examination in Physics and for entrance exams in physics to higher educational institutions.

The book contains the necessary theoretical and practical material that meets the required educational standards. The first chapter contains all the basic concepts, physical laws and formulas from the school physics course. The second chapter contains 20 options for real USE tests in physics. The third chapter is a collection of tasks, selected according to the difficulty levels for each topic. All tests and assignments have answers.

The manual is addressed primarily to graduate students, but it will also be extremely useful for teachers and tutors to prepare students for the successful passing of the exam in physics.

Table of contents:


  1. Mechanics;
    1. Kinematics;
    2. Dynamics;
    3. Conservation laws;
    4. Statics;
    5. Hydrostatics;
  2. Thermodynamics;
  3. Electricity and magnetism;
    1. Electrostatics;
    2. D.C;
    3. A magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction;
  4. Vibrations and waves;
  5. Optics;
  6. The quantum physics;
  7. Brief reference data;


  • Option 1;
  • Option 2;
  • Option 3;
  • Option 4;
  • Option 5;
  • Option 6;
  • Option 7;
  • Option 8;
  • Option 9;
  • Option 10;
  • Option 11;
  • Option 12;
  • Option 13;
  • Option 14;
  • Option 15;
  • Option 16;
  • Option 17;
  • Option 18;
  • Option 19;
  • Option 20;
  • Answers;


  1. Part 1 USE
    1. Mechanics;
    2. Molecular physics. Gas laws;
    3. Thermodynamics;
    4. Electricity and magnetism;
    5. Vibrations and waves;
    6. Optics;
    7. Special theory of relativity;
    8. The quantum physics;
  2. Part 2 USE
    1. Mechanics;
    2. Molecular physics. Gas laws;
    3. Thermodynamics;
    4. Electricity and magnetism;
    5. Vibrations and waves;
    6. Optics;
    7. Special theory of relativity;
    8. The quantum physics;

TASKS 29-32 USE:

  1. Mechanics;
  2. Molecular physics. Gas laws;
  3. Thermodynamics;
  4. Electricity and magnetism;
  5. Vibrations and waves;
  6. Optics;
  7. Special theory of relativity;
  8. The quantum physics;


  • Part 1 of the exam;
  • Part 2 of the exam;
  • Tasks 29-32 USE.

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O.F. Kabardin "USE 2016. Physics. Expert» (PDF) was last modified: April 18th, 2016 by Koskin

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