Sea of ​​victories. The largest naval battles in the history of Russia (12 photos)

As a sign of memory of the three great victories of the Russian fleet - Gangut, Chesma, Sinop - Russian sailors traditionally wear three white stripes on their guises *.

* Guys - a large blue collar on a uniform - a sailor's upper cloth or linen shirt.


The naval battle of the Great Northern War of 1700-1721, which took place on July 27 (August 7), 1714. at Cape Gangut (now Khanko) between the Russian fleet under the command of Admiral F.M. Apraskin and Emperor Peter I and the Swedish fleet of Vice Admiral G. Vatrang. Gangut - the first major victory of the Russian fleet. She raised the spirit of the troops, showing that the Swedes can be defeated not only on land, but also at sea. The captured Swedish ships were delivered to St. Petersburg, where on September 9, 1714, a solemn meeting of the winners took place. The winners passed under the triumphal arch. Peter I highly appreciated the victory at Gangut, equating it to Poltava. On August 9, in honor of this event, a holiday was officially established in Russia - the Day of Military Glory.


Naval battle in the Aegean off the western coast of Turkey, June 24-26 (July 5-7), 1770. between the Russian and Turkish fleets ended with the complete victory of the Russian fleet over the enemy, which, in terms of the number of ships, was twice the size of the Russian squadron, but was almost completely destroyed. The victory was achieved thanks to the right choice of the moment for delivering a decisive blow, the surprise attack at night, well-organized interaction of forces, as well as the high morale and combat quality of the personnel and naval art of Admiral G.A. Spiridov, who boldly abandoned the stereotyped linear tactics, dominant at that time in the Western European fleets. All of Europe was shocked by the victory of the Russians, which was achieved not by numbers, but by skill. Today, a naval museum dedicated to the victory at Chesma has been opened in St. Petersburg.


Naval battle on November 18 (30), 1853 between the Russian squadron under the command of Vice Admiral P.S. Nakhimov and the Turkish squadron under the command of Osman Pasha. The Turkish squadron was heading to the coast of the Caucasus for the landing of a large landing force. On the way, she took refuge from the bad weather in Sinop Bay. Here it was blocked by the Russian fleet. However, the Turks and their English instructors did not allow the idea of ​​a Russian attack on the bay protected by strong coastal batteries. However, the Russian corals entered the bay so swiftly that the coastal artillery did not have time to inflict significant damage on them. During the four-hour battle, artillery fired 18 thousand shells, which almost completely destroyed the Turkish fleet. The Sinop victory was the result of a century and a half of the history of the Russian sailing fleet, since this battle was the last major naval battle of the era of sailing ships. With its victory, the Russian fleet won complete dominance in the Black Sea and thwarted Turkish plans to land troops in the Caucasus.

Gangut battle
The Gangut battle is a naval battle of the Great Northern War of 1700-1721, which took place on July 27 (August 7), 1714 near Cape Gangut (Hanko Peninsula, Finland) in the Baltic Sea between the Russian and Swedish fleets, the first naval victory of the Russian fleet in the history of Russia.
By the spring of 1714, the southern and almost all of the central parts of Finland were occupied by Russian troops. In order to finally resolve the issue of Russia's access to the Baltic Sea, which was controlled by the Swedes, it was necessary to defeat the Swedish fleet.
At the end of June 1714, the Russian rowing fleet (99 galleys, scampaways and auxiliary vessels with a 15,000-strong landing force) under the command of Admiral General Count Fyodor Matveyevich Apraksin concentrated off the east coast of Gangut (in Tverminna Bay) with the aim of landing troops to reinforce the Russian garrison in Abo (100 km northwest of Cape Gangut). The path to the Russian fleet was blocked by the Swedish fleet (15 battleships, 3 frigates, 2 bombardment ships and 9 galleys) under the command of G. Vatrang. Peter I (Shautbenacht Pyotr Mikhailov) used a tactical maneuver. He decided to transfer part of his galleys to the area north of Gangut through the isthmus of this peninsula 2.5 kilometers long. To fulfill the plan, he ordered the construction of a perevolok (wooden flooring). Upon learning of this, Vatrang sent a detachment of ships (1 frigate, 6 galleys, 3 skerry boats) to the northern coast of the peninsula. The detachment was led by Rear Admiral Ehrenskiold. He decided to use another detachment (8 battleships and 2 bombardment ships) under the command of Vice Admiral Lillier to strike at the main forces of the Russian fleet.
Peter expected such a decision. He decided to take advantage of the division of the enemy forces. The weather also favored him. On the morning of July 26 (August 6), there was no wind, which caused the Swedish sailing ships to lose their maneuverability. The vanguard of the Russian fleet (20 ships) under the command of Commander Matvey Khristoforovich Zmaevich began a breakthrough, bypassing the Swedish ships and remaining out of reach of their fire. Following him, another detachment (15 ships) made a breakthrough. Thus, the need for crossover was eliminated. Zmaevich's detachment blocked Ehrenskiöld's detachment near Lakkisser Island.

Believing that other detachments of Russian ships would continue to break through in the same way, Vatrang recalled the Lillier detachment, thus freeing the coastal fairway. Taking advantage of this, Apraksin with the main forces of the rowing fleet broke through the coastal fairway to his vanguard. At 2 pm on July 27 (August 7), the Russian avant-garde, consisting of 23 ships, attacked the Ehrenskiöld detachment, which built its ships along a concave line, both flanks of which rested on the islands. The Swedes managed to repulse the first two attacks with the fire of naval guns. The third attack was made against the flank ships of the Swedish detachment, which did not allow the enemy to use the advantage in artillery. Soon they were boarded and captured. Peter I personally participated in the boarding attack, showing the sailors an example of courage and heroism. After a stubborn battle, the Swedish flagship, the frigate Elefant, surrendered. All 10 ships of the Ehrenskiöld detachment were captured. Part of the forces of the Swedish fleet managed to escape to the Aland Islands.

The victory near the Gangut Peninsula was the first major victory for the Russian regular fleet. She provided him with freedom of action in the Gulf of Finland and Bothnia, effective support for Russian troops in Finland. In the Gangut battle, the Russian command boldly used the advantage of the rowing fleet in the fight against the Swedish linear sailing fleet, skillfully organized the interaction of the forces of the fleet and the ground forces, flexibly responded to changes in the tactical situation and weather conditions, managed to unravel the maneuver of the enemy and impose their tactics on him.

Side strengths:
Russia - 99 galleys, scampaways and auxiliary vessels, 15,000 troops
Sweden - 14 battleships, 1 provision ship, 3 frigates, 2 bombardment ships and 9 galleys

Military casualties:
Russia - 127 killed (8 officers), 342 wounded (1 brigadier, 16 officers), 232 captured (7 officers). In total - 701 people (including - 1 foreman, 31 officers), 1 galley - captured.
Sweden - 1 frigate, 6 galleys, 3 skherbots, 361 killed (9 officers), 580 prisoners (1 admiral, 17 officers) (of which 350 were wounded). In total - 941 people (including - 1 admiral, 26 officers), 116 guns.

Battle of Grengam
The Battle of Grengam - a naval battle that took place on July 27 (August 7), 1720 in the Baltic Sea near Grengam Island (the southern group of the Aland Islands), was the last major battle of the Great Northern War.

After the Gangut battle, England, preoccupied with the growth of the power of the Russian army, formed a military alliance with Sweden. However, the demonstrative approach of the combined Anglo-Swedish squadron to Revel did not force Peter I to seek peace, and the squadron retreated to the coast of Sweden. Peter I, having learned about this, ordered the Russian fleet to be moved from the Aland Islands to Helsingfors, and several boats were left near the squadron for patrolling. Soon one of these boats, which ran aground, was captured by the Swedes, as a result of which Peter ordered the fleet to be returned back to the Aland Islands.
On July 26 (August 6), the Russian fleet under the command of M. Golitsyn, consisting of 61 galleys and 29 boats, approached the Aland Islands. Russian reconnaissance boats noticed the Swedish squadron between the islands of Lameland and Fritsberg. Due to the strong wind, it was impossible to attack her, and Golitsyn decided to go to Grengam Island in order to prepare a good position among the skerries.

When on July 27 (August 7) ​​Russian ships approached Grengam, the Swedish fleet under the command of K.G. Sheblada, having 156 guns, suddenly weighed anchor and went to approach, subjecting the Russians to massive shelling. The Russian fleet began to hastily retreat into shallow water, where the Swedish ships pursuing it fell. In shallow water, more maneuverable Russian galleys and boats went on the attack and managed to board 4 frigates (34-gun "Stor-Phoenix", 30-gun "Venker", 22-gun "Kiskin" and 18-gun "Dansk-Ern" ), after which the rest of the Swedish fleet retreated.
The result of the battle of Grengam was the end of the undivided Swedish influence in the Baltic Sea and the establishment of Russia on it. The battle hastened the conclusion of the Peace of Nystadt.

Side strengths:
Russian Empire - 61 galleys and 29 boats
Sweden - 1 battleship, 4 frigates, 3 galleys, 3 skherbots, shnyava, galliot and brigantine

Military casualties:
Russian Empire - 82 killed (2 officers), 236 wounded (7 officers). In total - 328 people (including - 9 officers).
Sweden - 4 frigates, 103 killed (3 officers), 407 captured (37 officers). In total - 510 people (including 40 officers), 104 guns, 4 flags.

Chesme battle

Battle of Chesme - a naval battle on July 5-7, 1770 in the Chesme Bay between the Russian and Turkish fleets.

After the outbreak of the Russo-Turkish War in 1768, Russia sent several squadrons from the Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean to divert the attention of the Turks from the Black Sea Fleet - the so-called First Archipelago Expedition. Two Russian squadrons (under the command of Admiral Grigory Spiridov and English adviser Rear Admiral John Elphinstone), united under the general command of Count Alexei Orlov, discovered the Turkish fleet in the roadstead of Chesme Bay (western coast of Turkey).

July 5, battle in the Chios Strait
After agreeing on a plan of action, the Russian fleet, under full sail, approached the southern edge of the Turkish line, and then, turning around, began to take up positions against Turkish ships. The Turkish fleet opened fire at 11:30-11:45, the Russian - at 12:00. The maneuver failed for three Russian ships: "Europe" skipped its place and was forced to turn around and stand behind the "Rostislav", "Three Saints" rounded the second Turkish ship from the rear before being able to become operational and was mistakenly attacked by the ship "Three Hierarch", and "St. Januarius "was forced to turn around before he became in service.
"St. Evstafy, under the command of Spiridov, began a duel with the flagship of the Turkish squadron Real Mustafa under the command of Gassan Pasha, and then tried to board it. After the burning mainmast of the Real Mustafa fell on the St. Evstafiy", he exploded. After 10-15 minutes, Real Mustafa also exploded. Admiral Spiridov and the commander's brother Fyodor Orlov left the ship before the explosion. The captain of the St. Evstafiya Cruz. Spiridov continued command from the ship "Three Saints".
By 14:00, the Turks cut off the anchor ropes and retreated to Chesme Bay under the cover of coastal batteries.

July 6-7, battle in Chesme Bay
In the Chesme Bay, Turkish ships formed two lines of 8 and 7 ships of the line, respectively, the rest of the ships took a position between these lines and the coast.
During the day of July 6, Russian ships fired on the Turkish fleet and coastal fortifications from a long distance. Of the four auxiliary vessels, fireships were made.

At 17:00 on July 6, the bombardment ship Grom anchored in front of the entrance to the Chesme Bay and began shelling Turkish ships. At 0:30 it was joined by the battleship "Europe", and by 01:00 - "Rostislav", in the wake of which the fireships came.

"Europe", "Rostislav" and approached "Do not touch me" formed a line from north to south, engaging in battle with Turkish ships, "Saratov" stood in reserve, and "Thunder" and the frigate "Africa" ​​attacked batteries on the western coast of the bay . At 1:30 or a little earlier (at midnight, according to Elphinstone), as a result of the fire of the "Thunder" and / or "Do not touch me", one of the Turkish ships of the line exploded due to the transfer of flame from burning sails to the hull. The burning debris from this explosion pelted other ships in the bay.

After the second Turkish ship exploded at 02:00, Russian ships ceased fire, and fire-ships entered the bay. The Turks managed to shoot two of them, under the command of Captains Gagarin and Dugdale (according to Elphinstone, only Captain Dugdale's fireship was shot, and Captain Gagarin's fireship refused to go into battle), one under the command of Mackenzie grappled with the already burning ship, and one under the command of Lieutenant D. Ilyina grappled with an 84-gun battleship. Ilyin set fire to the firewall, and he, along with the team, left it on a boat. The ship exploded and set fire to most of the remaining Turkish ships. By 2:30, 3 more battleships exploded.

At about 4:00, Russian ships sent boats to save two large ships that had not yet burned, but only one of them, the 60-gun Rhodes, was able to be taken out. From 4:00 to 5:30, 6 more battleships exploded, and at 7 o'clock, 4 at the same time. By 8:00, the battle in Chesme Bay was completed.
After the Battle of Chesma, the Russian fleet managed to seriously disrupt the communications of the Turks in the Aegean Sea and establish a blockade of the Dardanelles. All this played an important role in the conclusion of the Kyuchuk-Kainarji peace treaty.

Side strengths:
Russian Empire - 9 battleships, 3 frigates, 1 bombardment ship,
17-19 small craft, ca. 6500 people
Ottoman Empire - 16 battleships, 6 frigates, 6 shebeks, 13 galleys, 32 small ships,
OK. 15,000 people

Russian Empire - 1 battleship, 4 firewalls, 661 people, 636 of them - during the explosion of the St. Eustathius ship, 40 wounded
Ottoman Empire - 15 battleships, 6 frigates, a large number of small ships, approx. 11.000 people. Captured: 1 battleship, 5 galleys

Rochensalm battles

The first Battle of Rochensalm is a naval battle between Russia and Sweden, which took place on August 13 (24), 1789 on the roadstead of the Swedish city of Rochensalm and ended with the victory of the Russian fleet.
On August 22, 1789, the Swedish fleet with a total of 49 ships under the command of Admiral K. A. Ehrensverd took refuge on the Rochensalm raid among the islands near the modern Finnish city of Kotka. The Swedes blocked the only strait of Rochensalm accessible to large ships, sinking three ships there. On August 24, 86 Russian ships under the command of Vice Admiral K. G. Nassau-Siegen launched an attack from two sides. The southern detachment under the command of Major General I.P. Balle for several hours diverted the main forces of the Swedes, while the main forces of the Russian fleet under the command of Rear Admiral Yu.P. Litta made their way from the north. The ships fired, and special teams of sailors and officers cut through the passage. Five hours later, Rochensalm was cleared, and the Russians broke into the raid. The Swedes were defeated, losing 39 ships (including the admiral, captured). Russian losses amounted to 2 ships. Antonio Coronelli, commander of the right wing of the Russian avant-garde, distinguished himself in the battle.

Side strengths:
Russia - 86 ships
Sweden - 49 ships

Military casualties:
Russia -2 ships
Sweden - 39 ships

The Second Battle of Rochensalm is a naval battle between Russia and Sweden that took place on July 9-10, 1790 on the roadstead of the Swedish city of Rochensalm. The Swedish naval forces inflicted a crushing defeat on the Russian fleet, which led to the end of the Russian-Swedish war, which was almost won by Russia, on conditions unfavorable for the Russian side.

An attempt to storm Vyborg, undertaken by the Swedes in June 1790, was unsuccessful: on July 4, 1790, the Swedish fleet, blocked by Russian ships in the Vyborg Bay, escaped from the encirclement at the cost of significant losses. Having withdrawn the galley fleet to Rochensalm (the main part of the sailing warships that survived the breach of the Vyborg blockade went to Sveaborg for repairs), Gustav III and flag-captain Lieutenant Colonel Karl Olof Kronstedt began preparations for the alleged Russian attack. On July 6, final orders were made to organize the defense. At dawn on July 9, 1790, in view of the approaching Russian ships, the order was given to start the battle.
Unlike the first Battle of Rochensalm, the Russians decided to break through to the Swedish raid from one side of the Rochensalm Strait. The head of the Russian rowing fleet in the Gulf of Finland, Vice Admiral Karl Nassau-Siegen, approached Rochensalm at 2 a.m. and at 9 a.m., without prior reconnaissance, began the battle - probably wanting to make a gift to Empress Catherine II on the day of accession to the throne. From the very beginning of the battle, its course turned out to be favorable for the Swedish fleet, which was entrenched in the Rochensalm raid with a powerful L-shaped anchor formation - despite the significant superiority of the Russians in personnel and naval artillery. On the first day of the battle, Russian ships attacked the southern flank of the Swedes, but were driven back by hurricane winds and fired from the shore by Swedish coastal batteries, as well as Swedish galleys and gunboats anchored.

Then the Swedes, skillfully maneuvering, moved the gunboats to the left flank and mixed the formation of the Russian galleys. During the panicked retreat, most of the Russian galleys, followed by frigates and shebeks, were wrecked by storm waves, sank or capsized. Several Russian sailing ships anchored in combat positions were boarded, captured or burned.

On the morning of the next day, the Swedes consolidated their disposition with a new successful attack. The remnants of the Russian fleet were finally driven away from Rochensalm.
The second battle of Rochensalm cost the Russian side about 40% of the Baltic coastal defense fleet. The battle is considered one of the largest naval operations (in terms of the number of vessels involved) in all of naval history; a larger number of warships - if you do not take into account the data of ancient sources about the battles of the island of Salamis and Cape Eknom - took part only in the battle in Leyte Gulf on October 23-26, 1944.

Side strengths:
Russian Empire - 20 battleships, 23 galleys and shebeks, 77 battle sloops, ≈1400 guns, 18,500 people
Sweden - 6 battleships, 16 galleys, 154 battle sloops and gunboats, ≈1,000 guns, 12,500 men

Military casualties:
Russian Empire - more than 800 killed and wounded, more than 6,000 prisoners, 53-64 ships (mainly galleys and gunboats)
Sweden - 300 killed and wounded, 1 galley, 4 small craft

Battle at Cape Tendra (battle at Gadzhibey)

The battle at Cape Tendra (the battle at Gadzhibey) is a naval battle on the Black Sea during the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791 between the Russian squadron under the command of F.F. Ushakov and the Turkish squadron under the command of Gasan Pasha. It happened on August 28-29 (September 8-9), 1790 near the Tendra Spit.

After the annexation of Crimea to Russia, a new Russian-Turkish war began. Russian troops launched an offensive in the Danube region. A galley flotilla was formed to help them. However, she could not make the transition from Kherson to the combat area due to the presence of a Turkish squadron in the west of the Black Sea. The squadron of Rear Admiral F. F. Ushakov came to the aid of the flotilla. Having under his command 10 battleships, 6 frigates, 17 cruising ships, a bombardment ship, a rehearsal ship and 2 fireships, on August 25 he left Sevastopol and headed for Ochakov to connect with the rowing fleet and give battle to the enemy.

The commander of the Turkish fleet, Hasan Pasha, having gathered all his forces between Hajibey (now Odessa) and Cape Tendra, was eager for revenge for the defeat in the battle near the Kerch Strait on July 8 (19), 1790. With his determination to fight the enemy, he managed to convince the Sultan of the imminent defeat of the Russian naval forces in the Black Sea and thus earned his favor. Selim III, for fidelity, gave his friend and relative (Hasan Pasha was married to the Sultan's sister) the experienced Admiral Said Bey to help, intending to turn the tide of events at sea in favor of Turkey.
On the morning of August 28, the Turkish fleet, consisting of 14 battleships, 8 frigates and 23 other vessels, continued to anchor between Cape Tendra and Hajibey. And suddenly, from the side of Sevastopol, Gasan discovered Russian ships sailing under full sail in a marching order of three columns. The appearance of the Russians confused the Turks. Despite the superiority in strength, they hastily began to cut the ropes and retreat in disorder to the Danube. Ushakov ordered to carry all the sails and, remaining in the march order, began to descend on the enemy. The advanced Turkish ships, having filled the sails, retired to a considerable distance. But, noticing the danger hanging over the rearguard, Gasan Pasha began to unite with him and build a battle line. Ushakov, continuing the rapprochement with the enemy, also gave the order to reorganize into a battle line. As a result, the Russian ships "very quickly" lined up in battle formation in the wind at the Turks.

Using the change in battle order that justified itself in the Kerch battle, Fedor Fedorovich withdrew three frigates from the line - "John the Warrior", "Jerome" and "Protection of the Virgin" to provide a maneuverable reserve in case of a change in the wind and a possible enemy attack from two sides. At 15 o'clock, having approached the enemy at the distance of a grape shot, F.F. Ushakov forced him to fight. And soon, under the powerful fire of the Russian line, the enemy began to evade into the wind and become upset. Coming closer, the Russians with all their might attacked the advanced part of the Turkish fleet. Ushakov's flagship "Christmas" fought with three enemy ships, forcing them to leave the line.

By 17 o'clock the entire Turkish line was finally defeated. Pressed by the Russians, the advanced enemy ships turned their stern towards them in order to get out of the battle. Their example was followed by other ships, which became advanced as a result of this maneuver. During the turn, a series of powerful volleys were fired at them, causing them great destruction. The two flagship Turkish ships, which were against the Nativity of Christ and the Transfiguration of the Lord, were especially affected. On the Turkish flagship, the main topsail was shot down, the yards and topmasts were killed, and the stern was destroyed. The fight continued. Three Turkish ships were cut off from the main forces, and the stern of the Hasan-Pashinsky ship was smashed to pieces by Russian cannonballs. The enemy took to flight towards the Danube. Ushakov pursued him until the darkness and the increased wind forced him to stop chasing and anchor.
At dawn the next day, it turned out that the Turkish ships were in close proximity to the Russians, whose frigate Ambrose of Milan was completely among the enemy fleet. But since the flags had not yet been raised, the Turks took him for their own. The resourcefulness of the commander - Captain M.N. Neledinsky - helped him get out of such a difficult situation. Having weighed anchor with other Turkish ships, he continued to follow them without hoisting the flag. Gradually lagging behind, Neledinsky waited for the moment when the danger was over, raised the St. Andrew's flag and went to his fleet. Ushakov gave the command to raise anchors and set sail to pursue the enemy, who, having a windward position, began to disperse in different directions. However, the heavily damaged 74-gun ship "Kapudania", which was the flagship of Said Bey, and the 66-gun "Meleki Bahri" lagged behind the Turkish fleet. The latter, having lost his commander Kara-Ali, who was killed by a cannonball, surrendered without a fight, and the Kapudaniya, trying to break away from the persecution, directed its course to the shallow water that separated the fairway between Kinburn and Gadzhibey. The vanguard commander, captain of the brigadier rank G.K., was sent in pursuit. Golenkin with two ships and two frigates. The ship "St. Andrey was the first to overtake the Kapudaniya and opened fire. Soon arrived "St. George", and after him - the "Transfiguration of the Lord" and a few more courts. Approaching from under the wind and firing a volley, they replaced each other.

Said Bey's ship was practically surrounded, but continued to bravely defend itself. Ushakov, seeing the useless stubbornness of the enemy, at 14 o’clock approached him at a distance of 30 fathoms, knocked down all the masts from him and gave way to the St. George." Soon, the "Christmas" again boarded against the nose of the Turkish flagship, preparing for the next volley. But then, seeing his hopelessness, the Turkish flagship lowered the flag. Russian sailors boarded the enemy ship already on fire, first of all trying to select officers to board the boats. With a heavy wind and thick smoke, the last boat, with great risk, again approached the board and removed Said Bey, after which the ship took off into the air along with the remaining crew and the treasury of the Turkish fleet. The explosion of a large admiral's ship in front of the entire Turkish fleet made a strong impression on the Turks and completed the moral victory won by Ushakov at Tendra. The intensifying wind, damage to the spars and rigging did not allow Ushakov to continue pursuing the enemy. The Russian commander gave the order to stop the pursuit and join the Liman squadron.

In a two-day naval battle, the enemy suffered a crushing defeat, losing two battleships, a brigantine, a lancon and a floating battery.

Side strengths:
Russian Empire - 10 battleships, 6 frigates, 1 bombing ship and 20 auxiliary ships, 830 guns
Ottoman Empire - 14 battleships, 8 frigates and 23 auxiliary ships, 1400 guns

Russian Empire - 21 killed, 25 wounded
Ottoman Empire - 2 ships, more than 2 thousand killed

Battle of Kaliakria

The Battle of Kaliakria is the last naval battle of the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791 between the fleets of Russia and the Ottoman Empire, which took place on July 31 (August 11), 1791 in the Black Sea near Cape Kaliakra (northern Bulgaria).

The Russian fleet under the command of Admiral Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov, consisting of 15 battleships, 2 frigates and 19 smaller ships (990 guns), left Sevastopol on August 8, 1791, and at noon on August 11 discovered the Turkish-Algerian fleet under the command of Hussein Pasha, consisting of 18 ships of the line, 17 frigates (1,500-1,600 guns) and a large number of smaller ships anchored off Cape Kaliakra in northern Bulgaria. Ushakov built his ships in three columns, from the northeast, between the Ottoman fleet and the cape, despite the fact that there were Turkish batteries on the cape. Seit-Ali, commander of the Algerian fleet, weighed anchor and sailed east, followed by Hussein Pasha with 18 ships of the line.
The Russian fleet turned south, forming one column and then attacking the retreating enemy fleet. Turkish ships were damaged and fled from the battlefield in disarray. Seit-Ali was severely wounded in the head. Losses of the Russian fleet: 17 people were killed, 28 were injured and only one ship was badly damaged.

The battle hastened the end of the Russian-Turkish war, which ended with the signing of the Iasi peace treaty.

Side strengths:
Russian Empire - 15 battleships, 2 frigates, 19 auxiliary ships
Ottoman Empire - 18 ships of the line, 17 frigates, 48 ​​auxiliary ships, coastal battery

Russian Empire - 17 killed, 28 wounded
Ottoman Empire - Unknown

Sinop battle

Sinop battle - the defeat of the Turkish squadron by the Russian Black Sea Fleet on November 18 (30), 1853, under the command of Admiral Nakhimov. Some historians regard it as the "swan song" of the sailing fleet and the first battle of the Crimean War. The Turkish fleet was defeated within a few hours. This attack served as a pretext for Britain and France to declare war on Russia.

Vice Admiral Nakhimov (84-gun ships of the line "Empress Maria", "Chesma" and "Rostislav") was sent by Prince Menshikov to cruise to the shores of Anatolia. There was information that the Turks in Sinop were preparing forces for landing troops near Sukhum and Poti. Approaching Sinop, Nakhimov saw a detachment of Turkish ships in the bay under the protection of 6 coastal batteries and decided to closely block the port in order to attack the enemy with the arrival of reinforcements from Sevastopol.
On November 16 (28), 1853, the squadron of Rear Admiral F. M. Novosilsky (120-gun battleships Paris, Grand Duke Konstantin and Three Saints, frigates Cahul and Kulevchi) joined the Nakhimov detachment. The Turks could be reinforced by the allied Anglo-French fleet, located in the Beshik-Kertez Bay (Dardanelles Strait). It was decided to attack with 2 columns: in the 1st, closest to the enemy, the ships of the Nakhimov detachment, in the 2nd - Novosilsky, the frigates were supposed to watch the enemy ships under sail; consular houses and the city in general, it was decided to spare as much as possible, hitting only ships and batteries. For the first time it was supposed to use 68-pound bomb guns.

On the morning of November 18 (November 30) it was raining with a gusty wind from OSO, the most unfavorable for capturing Turkish ships (they could easily be thrown ashore).
At 9.30 in the morning, holding the rowboats at the sides of the ships, the squadron headed for the raid. In the depths of the bay, 7 Turkish frigates and 3 corvettes were located moon-shaped under the cover of 4 batteries (one with 8 guns, 3 with 6 guns each); behind the battle line were 2 steamers and 2 transport ships.
At 12.30 pm on the 1st shot from the 44-gun frigate "Aunni-Allah" fire was opened from all Turkish ships and batteries.
The battleship "Empress Maria" was bombarded with shells, most of its spars and standing rigging were broken, only one guy remained intact at the main mast. However, the ship moved forward non-stop and, acting with battle fire on enemy ships, anchored against the frigate "Aunni-Allah"; the latter, unable to withstand the half-hour shelling, threw himself ashore. Then the Russian flagship turned its fire exclusively on the 44-gun frigate Fazli-Allah, which soon caught fire and also washed ashore. After that, the actions of the ship "Empress Maria" focused on the battery number 5.

The battleship "Grand Duke Konstantin", anchoring, opened heavy fire on battery No. 4 and the 60-gun frigates "Navek-Bakhri" and "Nesimi-Zefer"; the first was blown up 20 minutes after the opening of fire, showering debris and bodies of sailors on battery No. 4, which then almost ceased to function; the second was thrown ashore by the wind when its anchor chain was broken.
The battleship "Chesma" demolished batteries No. 4 and No. 3 with its shots.

The battleship "Paris", while at anchor, opened battle fire on battery No. 5, the corvette "Gyuli-Sefid" (22 guns) and the frigate "Damiad" (56 guns); then, blowing up the corvette and throwing the frigate ashore, he began to hit the frigate "Nizamie" (64-gun), whose fore and mizzen masts were shot down, and the ship itself drifted to the shore, where it soon caught fire. Then "Paris" again began to fire at the battery number 5.

The battleship "Three Saints" entered the fight with the frigates "Kaidi-Zefer" (54-gun) and "Nizamie"; with the first enemy shots, the spring was interrupted, and the ship, turning to the wind, was subjected to well-aimed longitudinal fire from battery No. 6, and its mast was badly damaged. Turning the stern again, he very successfully began to act on the Kaidi-Zefer and other ships and forced them to rush to the shore.
The battleship "Rostislav", covering the "Three Saints", concentrated fire on battery No. 6 and on the corvette "Feize-Meabud" (24-gun), and threw the corvette ashore.

At 1 ½ o'clock in the afternoon, the Russian steam frigate Odessa appeared from behind the cape under the flag of Adjutant General Vice Admiral V. A. Kornilov, accompanied by the steam frigates Crimea and Khersones. These ships immediately took part in the battle, which, however, was already drawing to a close; Turkish forces were very weak. Batteries No. 5 and No. 6 continued to disturb the Russian ships until 4 o'clock, but "Paris" and "Rostislav" soon destroyed them. Meanwhile, the rest of the Turkish ships, lit, apparently, by their crews, took off into the air one after another; from this, a fire spread in the city, which there was no one to extinguish.

About 2 hours Turkish 22-gun steam frigate "Taif", armed with 2-10 dm bombers, 4-42 fn., 16-24 fn. guns, under the command of Yahya Bey, escaped from the line of Turkish ships, which were suffering a severe defeat, and took to flight. Taking advantage of the speed of the Taif, Yahya Bey managed to get away from the Russian ships pursuing him (the frigates Kagul and Kulevchi, then the steam frigates of the Kornilov detachment) and report to Istanbul about the complete extermination of the Turkish squadron. Captain Yahya Bey, who was expecting a reward for saving the ship, was dismissed from service with deprivation of his rank for "unworthy behavior."

Side strengths:
Russian Empire - 6 battleships, 2 frigates, 3 steamships, 720 naval guns
Ottoman Empire - 7 frigates, 5 corvettes, 476 naval guns and 44 coastal batteries

Russian Empire - 37 killed, 233 wounded, 13 guns
Ottoman Empire - 7 frigates, 4 corvettes, >3000 killed and wounded, 200 prisoners, including Admiral Osman Pasha

Tsushima battle

The Tsushima naval battle is a naval battle on May 14 (27), 1905 - May 15 (28), 1905 in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bTsushima Island (Tsushima Strait), in which the Russian 2nd squadron of the Pacific Fleet under the command of Vice Admiral Zinovy ​​Petrovich Rozhestvensky suffered a crushing defeated by the Imperial Japanese Navy under the command of Admiral Heihachiro Togo. The last, decisive naval battle of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, during which the Russian squadron was completely defeated. Most of the ships were sunk or scuttled by the crews of their ships, some capitulated, some were interned in neutral ports, and only four managed to reach Russian ports. The battle was preceded by a grueling, unparalleled in the history of steam fleets, 18,000-mile (33,000-kilometer) transition of a large Russian squadron of diverse ship types from the Baltic Sea to the Far East.

The Second Russian Pacific Squadron under the command of Vice Admiral Z. P. Rozhestvensky was formed in the Baltic and was intended to reinforce the First Pacific Squadron, which was based in Port Arthur on the Yellow Sea. Starting its journey in Libau, Rozhdestvensky's squadron reached the coast of Korea by mid-May 1905. By that time, the First Pacific Squadron had already been practically destroyed. Only one full-fledged naval port remained in the hands of the Russians in the Pacific Ocean - Vladivostok, and the approaches to it were covered by a strong Japanese fleet. The Rozhdestvensky squadron included 8 squadron battleships, 3 coastal defense battleships, one armored cruiser, 8 cruisers, one auxiliary cruiser, 9 destroyers, 6 transports and two hospital ships. The artillery armament of the Russian squadron consisted of 228 guns, 54 of them - caliber from 203 to 305 mm.

On May 14 (27), the Second Pacific Squadron entered the Korea Strait in order to break through to Vladivostok, and was discovered by the Japanese patrol cruiser Izumi. The commander of the Japanese fleet, Admiral H. Togo, by this time had 4 squadron battleships, 8 armored cruisers, 16 cruisers, 6 gunboats and coastal defense ships, 24 auxiliary cruisers, 21 destroyers and 42 destroyers armed with a total of 910 guns, of which 60 had a caliber from 203 to 305 mm. The Japanese fleet was divided into seven battle groups. Togo immediately began deploying his forces in order to impose a battle on the Russian squadron and destroy it.

The Russian squadron went along the Eastern Passage of the Korea Strait (Tsushima Strait), leaving Tsushima Island on the port side. She was pursued by Japanese cruisers, following in the fog parallel to the course of the Russian squadron. The Russians located the Japanese cruisers at about 7 am. Rozhdestvensky, without starting the battle, rebuilt the squadron into two wake columns, leaving transports and cruisers covering them in the rearguard.

At 1315 hours, at the exit from the Tsushima Strait, the main forces of the Japanese fleet (battleships and armored cruisers) were discovered, which sought to cross the course of the Russian squadron. Rozhdestvensky began to rebuild the ships in one wake column. During the rebuilding, the distance between the enemy ships was reduced. Having completed the rebuilding, the Russian ships opened fire at 13 hours 49 minutes from a distance of 38 cables (over 7 km).

The Japanese ships returned fire three minutes later, concentrating it on the lead Russian ships. Using the superiority in squadron speed (16-18 knots versus 12-15 for the Russians), the Japanese fleet kept ahead of the Russian column, crossing its course and trying to cover its head. By 2 p.m., the distance had decreased to 28 cables (5.2 km). Japanese artillery had a high rate of fire (360 rounds per minute versus 134 for the Russian), Japanese shells were 10-15 times superior to the Russians in terms of high-explosive action, the armor of Russian ships was weaker (40% of the area versus 61% for the Japanese). This superiority predetermined the outcome of the battle.

At 2:25 p.m., the flagship battleship Knyaz Suvorov broke down and Rozhdestvensky was wounded. After another 15 minutes, the squadron battleship Oslyabya died. The Russian squadron, which had lost its leadership, continued to move north in a column, changing course twice in order to increase the distance between itself and the enemy. During the battle, the Japanese ships successively concentrated their fire on the lead ships, trying to disable them.

After 18 hours, command was transferred to Rear Admiral N. I. Nebogatov. By this time, four squadron battleships had already died, all the ships of the Russian squadron were damaged. The Japanese ships were also damaged, but none were sunk. The Russian cruisers, marching in a separate column, repulsed the attacks of the Japanese cruisers; one auxiliary cruiser "Ural" and one transport were lost in the battle.

On the night of May 15, Japanese destroyers repeatedly attacked Russian ships, firing 75 torpedoes. As a result, the battleship Navarin sank, the crews of three armored cruisers that lost control were forced to sink their ships. The Japanese lost three destroyers in the night battle. In the dark, the Russian ships lost contact with each other and then acted independently. Only two squadron battleships, two coastal defense battleships and one cruiser remained under the command of Nebogatov.
Some of the ships and Nebogatov's detachment still tried to break through to Vladivostok. Three cruisers, including the Aurora, went south and reached Manila, where they were interned. Nebogatov's detachment was surrounded by Japanese ships and surrendered to the enemy, but the Emerald cruiser managed to break through the encirclement and escape to Vladivostok. In the Gulf of St. Vladimir, he ran aground and was blown up by the crew. The destroyer Bedovy with the wounded Rozhdestvensky also surrendered to the Japanese.

On May 15 (28), one battleship, one coastal defense battleship, three cruisers and one destroyer, who fought independently, were killed in battle. Three destroyers were sunk by their crews, and one destroyer went to Shanghai, where she was interned. Only the Almaz cruiser and two destroyers broke through to Vladivostok. In general, the Russian fleet lost 8 squadron battleships, one armored cruiser, one coastal defense battleship, 4 cruisers, one auxiliary cruiser, 5 destroyers and several transports in the Battle of Tsushima. Two squadron battleships, two coastal defense battleships and one destroyer surrendered to the Japanese.

Side strengths:
Russian Empire - 8 squadron battleships, 3 coastal defense battleships, 3 armored cruisers (2 obsolete), 6 cruisers, 1 auxiliary cruiser, 9 destroyers, 2 hospital ships, 6 auxiliary ships
Empire of Japan - 4 class 1 ironclads, 2 class 2 ironclads (obsolete), 9 armored cruisers (1 obsolete), 15 cruisers, 21 destroyers, 44 destroyers, 21 auxiliary cruisers, 4 gunboats, 3 advice letters, 2 hospital ships

Russian Empire - 21 ships sunk (7 battleships), 7 ships and ships captured, 6 ships interned, 5,045 killed, 803 wounded, 6,016 captured
Empire of Japan - 3 destroyers sunk, 117 killed, 538 wounded

The brightest combat pages are associated with actions against Sweden and Turkey, Russia's rivals in the Baltic, Black and Aegean Seas. Each of these adversaries - both Sweden and Turkey - as a result of less than a century of consistent military struggle, ceased to exist as naval powers.

Let us briefly characterize the most glorious victories of the Russian fleet:

1. "The Russian eagle does not catch flies." Gangut battle July 27 (August 7), 1714. The battle took place during the Northern War of 1700-1721 between Russian and Swedish squadrons in the Baltic Sea, near the Hanko Peninsula.

The purpose of the Russian fleet was to land troops to reinforce the Russian garrison at Abo in modern Finland. The Swedish fleet (15 battleships, 3 frigates, and 11 more ships) under the command of Admiral G. Wattrang blocked the path of the Russian rowing fleet (99 galleys, scampaways and auxiliary ships) with a landing force of fifteen thousand people under the command of Admiral General F.M. Apraksina.

Personally, Peter I decided to use a tactical maneuver and transfer part of his galleys across the isthmus north of Gangut. The Swedish commander detached a squadron of Admiral Ehrenskjöld (1 pram "Elephant" (translated as "Elephant"), 6 galleys and 3 skerboats, 116 guns, 941 sailors) to prevent the Russians.

But the prevailing calm helped the Russian fleet to pass by the Swedish and board the entire squadron of Ehrenskjöld. The Swedes were killed 361 people, and the rest were taken prisoner. The Russians lost 127 men and 342 were wounded.

The victory was marked by the erection of an arch with the image of an Eagle sitting on the back of an Elephant with the inscription "The Russian eagle does not catch flies."

2. "Good start". Battle of Ezel May 24 (June 4), 1719 between Russian and Swedish squadrons in the Baltic, near the island of Saaremaa, modern Estonia. Seven Russian ships attacked 3 Swedish ships and forced them to lower their flags. The losses of the Swedes amounted to 50 people killed, 14 wounded, another 387 surrendered. This was the first victory in the naval artillery duel of the naval Russian fleet.

Tsar Peter I called this victory "a good start".

Emperor Peter I. Photo:

3. "Bringing closer the Nystadt Peace". Battle of Grenham July 27 (August 7), 1720 between the Russian rowing squadron under the command of General-General Prince M. M. Golitsyn (61 galleys and 29 boats) and the Swedish squadron under the command of K. G. Sheblad (1 battleship, 4 frigates, 3 galleys, 3 skherbots, shnyava, galliot and brigantine, 156 guns). The Russians, retreating, lured the Swedish ships in shallow water, where, going on a counterattack, boarded four frigates (103 killed, 407 captured), the rest retreated.

Russian losses: 82 killed, 236 wounded.

4. "Count Orlov Chesmensky". Battle of Chesme June 24-26 (July 5-7), 1770, during the First Archipelago operation of the Russian fleet (9 battleships, 3 frigates, and about 20 auxiliary ships, about 6,500 people) under the command of Count A.G. Orlov in the Aegean Sea against the Turkish fleet (16 battleships, 6 frigates, 6 shebek, 13 galleys and 32 small ships, about 15,000 people) under the command of Kapudan Pasha Husameddin Ibrahim Pasha. Having driven the Turkish fleet as a result of the battle of Chios (one ship from both sides exploded) into the Chesme Bay, the Russian fleet (loss of 4 fire ships and about 20 people) burned it with their artillery fire and the actions of their fire ships in the next two days. The Turks lost 15 battleships, 6 frigates, most of the small ships, about 11,000 people. One battleship and 5 galleys were captured by Russian sailors.

The Russian commander received the right to add the name "Chesmensky" to his surname.

5. "Destruction of the Dulcionist Fleet". Battle of Patras October 26-29 (November 6-9), 1772, during the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774 in the Aegean Sea. The Russian squadron (2 battleships, 2 frigates and three small ships, 224 guns) under the command of Captain 1st Rank M.T. Konyaev defeated the Turkish squadron (9 frigates, 16 shebek, 630 guns) under the command of Kapudan Pasha Mustafa Pasha . During the three-day battle, 9 frigates, 10 shebeks and more than 200 Turks were destroyed by Russian artillery and burnt out from brandskugels. Russian losses: 1 killed and 6 wounded.

6. "Cutting on the roads". First Battle of Rochensalm 13 (24) August 1789 in the Gulf of Finland, during the Russian-Swedish war of 1788-1790. The Russian fleet (86 ships) under the command of Prince K. G. Nassau-Siegen defeated the Swedish fleet (49 ships) under the command of Admiral K. A. Ehrensverd on the roads of the fortress city of Rochensalm, the modern Finnish city of Kotka. Swedish losses: 39 ships (including the admiral's, captured), 1,000 killed and wounded, 1,200 prisoners. The Russians lost 2 ships and about 1,000 men killed and wounded.

7. "Run through the system." Revel battle 2 (13) May 1790 in the Baltic during the Russo-Swedish War of 1788-1790. Ships of the Swedish fleet (22 battleships, 4 frigates and 4 auxiliary vessels) under the command of Duke Karl of Südermanland, passing by the battle line of the Russian fleet (10 battleships, 5 frigates and 9 auxiliary vessels) under the command of Admiral V. Ya. Chichagov, in turn subjected to long-term concentrated fire from all Russian artillery, were "driven through the ranks", suffering severe damage. As a result, the Swedes lost 1 ship destroyed, 1 captured and 1 stranded, 61 sailors were killed, 71 wounded and 520 captured. Russian losses: 8 killed and 27 wounded.

8. "Trafalgar of the Baltic" or "Vyborg gauntlets". The battle of Vyborg on June 22 (July 3), 1790 on the Baltic Sea during the same Russian-Swedish war. The Russian fleet (50 battleships and frigates, 20 galleys, 8 rowing skerry frigates, 52 small galleys, 21,000 sailors and soldiers) under the command of Admiral V. Ya. Chichagov blocked the Swedish fleet (22 battleships, 13 frigates, 366 small ships, 3 000 guns, 30,000 sailors and soldiers) under the command of King Gustav III and Prince Karl of Südermanland in the Vyborg Bay, after another unsuccessful attempt to capture St. Petersburg. Breaking through, the Swedes lost 7 battleships, 3 frigates, almost 60 small ships and up to 7 thousand killed, wounded and captured. The Russians lost 117 killed and 164 wounded.

Admiral F. F. Ushakov. Photo:

9. "Many thanks to Rear Admiral Ushakov." Battle of the Kerch Strait 8 (19) July 1790 of the year during the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791 between the Russian fleet (10 battleships, 6 frigates, and 17 other ships, 837 guns) under the command of Vice Admiral F.F. Ushakov with the Turkish fleet (10 battleships, 8 frigates , 36 other ships, 1100 guns) under the command of Kapudan Pasha Giritli Hussein Pasha, who was going to conquer the Crimea. Having concentrated the artillery attack on the Turkish flagship, the Russian commander won. The Turks fled, having lost one ship, having suffered heavy losses as part of their landing force.

Empress Catherine II expressed her great gratitude to our commander "Rear Admiral Ushakov."

10. "Unexpected attack." Battle of Cape Tendra August 28-29 (September 8-9), 1790 in the Black Sea during the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791. The Russian Black Sea Fleet (10 battleships, 6 frigates, and 21 auxiliary vessels, 830 guns) under the command of Rear Admiral F.F. Ushakov unexpectedly attacked the anchored Turkish fleet (14 battleships, 8 frigates and 23 auxiliary vessels, 1 400 guns) under the command of Giritli Husen Pasha and overturned his formation. The Turks lost 2 battleships and 3 auxiliary vessels, the flagship of the battleship was captured, more than 2,000 people were killed. Another ship of the line and several auxiliary Turkish ships sank on the way home. Russian losses: 21 killed, 25 wounded.

11. "Go down to the enemy." Battle of Kaliakria July 31 (August 11), 1791. The current Northern Bulgaria, the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791. The Russian fleet (15 battleships, 2 frigates and 19 auxiliary vessels) under the command of Rear Admiral F.F. Ushakov passed between the Turkish fleet (18 battleships, 17 frigates and 48 auxiliary vessels) under the command of Giritli Husen Pasha and coastal batteries and forced the Turks to flee. The Turks suffered heavy losses. The flagship sank in the strait off Constantinople.

12. "Near the capital of the Ottoman Empire." Battle of the Dardanelles, 10 (22) -11 (23) May 1807 in the Aegean Sea, near the Dardanelles during the Russian-Turkish war of 1806-1812. Conducting its Second Archipelago operation, the Russian fleet (10 battleships, 1 frigate) under the command of Vice Admiral D.N. Senyavin forced the Turkish fleet (8 battleships, 6 frigates, 55 auxiliary vessels) under the command of Kapudan Pasha Seit -Ali withdraw back to the straits with the loss of 3 ships and about 2,000 men.

Russian losses: 26 killed and 56 wounded.

13. "Between Athos and Lemnos". Battle of Athos, June 19 (July 1), 1807 in the Aegean Sea, between the Athos peninsula and the island of Lemnos. The Russian fleet (10 ships of the line) under the command of the same vice-admiral D.N. Senyavin inflicted a crushing defeat on the Turkish fleet (10 ships of the line, 5 frigates, 3 sloops and 2 brigs) that emerged from the straits again under the command of the same Kapudan Pasha Seit -Ali.

The Turks lost 2 battleships, 2 frigates, 1 sloop, up to 1,000 people were killed. One ship of the line was captured along with 774 prisoners. Two more ships never returned to the Dardanelles.

Russian losses: 77 killed and 189 wounded.

The Ottoman Empire lost the combat capability of its fleet for a whole decade.

14. "It will be done with the enemy in Russian." Battle of Navarino October 8 (20), 1827, Aegean Sea. At parting with the Russian squadron (9 ships) under the command of Rear Admiral L.P. Heiden, on the ship "Azov" Emperor Nicholas I said: "I hope that in the event of any hostilities, it will be done with the enemy in Russian."

United Russian-English-French squadron (10 battleships (4 Russian, 3 English, 3 French), of 10 frigates (4 Russian, 4 English, 2 French), 4 brigs, 2 corvettes (1 Russian), and 1 tender) supported the Greek liberation movement and faced opposition from the Turkish fleet (3 battleships, 17 frigates, 30 corvettes, 28 brigs, more than 10 other ships). The battle took place in Navarino harbor, where over 60 Turkish ships and over 4,000 sailors were destroyed. The flagship of the battleship "Azov" of the Russian squadron, which destroyed five Turkish ships, including the Turkish flagship, especially distinguished itself. For the first time in the Russian fleet, "Azov" was awarded the St. George flag for this battle.

Allied losses: 181 killed and 480 wounded.

Sinop massacre. Photo:

15. "Sinop Massacre". Battle of Sinop 18 (30) November 1853. The scene is the Black Sea during the Crimean War of 1853-1856. The Russian squadron (6 battleships, 2 frigates, 3 steamships, 720 guns) under the command of Vice Admiral P.S. 44 coastal guns) under the command of Vice Admiral Osman Pasha.

The Turks lost all 7 frigates, 2 corvettes, about 3,000 people were killed and wounded, 200 prisoners (along with the admiral).

The battle of Sinop was the last major battle of the sailing fleets.

The great M. I. Kutuzov said best of all about the people of heroism and victory, whose deeds we have described: "Your iron chest is not afraid of either the severity of the weather or the anger of enemies: it is a reliable wall of the Fatherland, against which everything will be crushed."

Mauritius Bakua, Gangut battle. Engraving

On August 9, 1714, at Cape Gangut, during the Northern War, the Russian fleet under the command of Peter I won the first major naval victory in Russian history over the Swedes. Now in detail - what kind of battle and how significant it was in the history of Russia. Let's figure it out.

What do we know about the Gangut battle

The Gangut battle is a naval battle of the Great Northern War of 1700-1721, which took place on July 27 (August 7), 1714 near Cape Gangut (Hanko Peninsula, Finland) in the Baltic Sea between the Russian and Swedish fleets, the first naval victory of the Russian fleet in the history of Russia.

By the spring of 1714, the southern and almost all of the central parts of Finland were occupied by Russian troops. In order to finally resolve the issue of Russia's access to the Baltic Sea, which was controlled by the Swedes, it was necessary to defeat the Swedish fleet.

At the end of June 1714, the Russian rowing fleet (99 galleys, scampaways and auxiliary vessels with a 15,000-strong landing force) under the command of Admiral General Count Fyodor Matveyevich Apraksin concentrated off the east coast of Gangut (in Tverminna Bay) with the aim of landing troops to reinforce the Russian garrison in Abo (100 km northwest of Cape Gangut). The path of the Russian fleet was blocked by the Swedish fleet (15 battleships, 3 frigates, 2 bombardment ships and 9 galleys) under the command of Gustav Vatrang.

The tactical move of Peter I

Peter I (Shautbenacht Pyotr Mikhailov) used a tactical maneuver. He decided to transfer part of his galleys to the area north of Gangut through the isthmus of this peninsula 2.5 kilometers long. To fulfill the plan, he ordered the construction of a perevolok (wooden flooring). Upon learning of this, Vatrang sent a detachment of ships (1 pram, 6 galleys, 3 skherbots) to the northern coast of the peninsula. The detachment was led by Rear Admiral Ehrenskiold. He decided to use another detachment (8 battleships and 2 bombardment ships) under the command of Vice Admiral Lillier to strike at the main forces of the Russian fleet.

Painting by Alexei Bogolyubov

Peter expected such a decision. He decided to take advantage of the division of the enemy forces. The weather favored him. On the morning of July 26 (August 6), there was no wind, which caused the Swedish sailing ships to lose their maneuverability. The vanguard of the Russian fleet (20 ships) under the command of Commander Matvey Khristoforovich Zmaevich began a breakthrough, bypassing the Swedish ships and remaining out of reach of their fire. Following him, another detachment (15 ships) made a breakthrough. Thus, the need for crossover was eliminated. Zmaevich's detachment blocked Ehrenskiöld's detachment near Lakkisser Island.

Andrey Lysenko. Peter I meets the foreign fleet, 2004.

Believing that other detachments of Russian ships would continue to break through in the same way, Vatrang recalled the Lillier detachment, thus freeing the coastal fairway. Taking advantage of this, Apraksin with the main forces of the rowing fleet broke through the coastal fairway to his vanguard.

At 2 pm on July 27 (August 7), the Russian avant-garde, consisting of 23 ships, attacked the Ehrenskiöld detachment, which built its ships along a concave line, both flanks of which rested on the islands.

The Swedes managed to repulse the first two attacks with the fire of naval guns. The third attack was made against the flank ships of the Swedish detachment, which did not allow the enemy to use the advantage in artillery. Soon they were boarded and captured. Peter I personally participated in the boarding attack, showing the sailors an example of courage and heroism. After a stubborn battle, the Swedish flagship, Pram "Elephant", surrendered. All 10 ships of the Ehrenskiöld detachment were captured. Part of the forces of the Swedish fleet managed to escape to the Aland Islands.

P. N. Wagner, Gangut battle
Myths and inaccuracies

However, St. Petersburg researcher P. A. Krotov, having examined archival documents, pointed out a number of inaccuracies in the traditional perception of the battle. He showed that there were not three attacks in the battle, but one (the myth of three attacks was created by the Swedes to show their stubborn resistance). The scientist outlined the results of the study in the monograph "The Gangut Battle of 1714".

The victory of the Russian fleet in the Battle of Gangut was due to the correct choice of the direction of the main attack, the skillful use of the skerry fairway to escort the rowing fleet to the Gulf of Bothnia, well-organized reconnaissance and the interaction of the sailing and rowing fleets during the deployment of forces.

The skillful use of the meteorological conditions of the theater of operations to organize a breakthrough for the rowing fleet in calm weather and the use of military cunning (demonstratively dragging rowing vessels across the isthmus to the rear of the enemy) also played a role.

The victory near the Gangut Peninsula was the first major victory for the Russian regular fleet. She provided him with freedom of action in the Gulf of Finland and Bothnia, effective support for Russian troops in Finland. In the Gangut battle, the Russian command boldly used the advantage of the rowing fleet in the fight against the Swedish linear sailing fleet, skillfully organized the interaction of the forces of the fleet and the ground forces, flexibly responded to changes in the tactical situation and weather conditions, managed to unravel the maneuver of the enemy and impose their tactics on him. Also, the Gangut battle was one of the last major battles in the history of the fleet, in which the boarding battle played a decisive role.

“For this battle, Peter I was promoted to vice admiral”

In September 1714, celebrations were held in St. Petersburg on the occasion of the Gangut victory. The winners passed under the triumphal arch, which depicted an eagle sitting on the back of an elephant. The inscription read: "The Russian eagle does not catch flies."

Pram "Elephant" no longer participated in the hostilities, but stood along with other captured ships in the Kronverk channel, which goes around Hare Island from the north (between the modern Artillery Museum and the Peter and Paul Fortress).

Ship model, Class C-1. Pram "Elephant", scale 1:48, Arkady Polivkin, Vecheslav Polivkin, Vitebsk.

In 1719, the tsar ordered that the Elefant be repaired, and in 1724, it was pulled ashore near the Kronverk harbor and kept forever as a trophy. But by 1737 the pram had rotted and was taken apart for firewood.

August 9 - in honor of this event in Russia, a holiday is officially established - the Day of Military Glory.

During the battle, the Swedes lost 361 people killed, 350 wounded, the rest were captured.

The Russians lost 124 people killed. There were 342 wounded.

In memory of the victories at Gangut and at Grengam (won in different years on the same day - the day of memory of St. Panteleimon), the Panteleimon Church was built in St. Petersburg.

Panteleimon Church, Pestel street. St. Petersburg, photo: Evgeny Yakushev

In 1914, at the initiative of the Imperial Russian Military Historical Society, marble memorial plaques with a list of regiments that fought at Gangut and Grengam were reinforced on the facade of the Panteleimon Church. (Opposite the church, at the end of house number 11 on Pestel Street, there is also a memorial plaque in honor of the defenders of Khanko (the modern name of Gangut) during the Great Patriotic War).

In the building of the Panteleimon Church, an exposition is opened that tells about the battles of Peter's galley and sailing fleet in the Baltic, about the courage of Russian soldiers in the Northern War and the heroism of sailors during the defense of the Khanko Peninsula at the beginning of World War II.

The following entry was made in the journal of Peter the Great about this battle:

“Truly, it is impossible to describe the courage of ours, both initial and private, because the boarding was so cruelly repaired that it was from enemy guns”

This victory was the first major military success of the Russian fleet and was of great military and political significance; Peter I himself equated it in importance with the Battle of Poltava. After all, the young Russian fleet defeated the then strongest Swedish fleet, which had not known defeat before the Battle of Gangut. In addition, this military success significantly strengthened the positions of the Russian troops in Finland and created the conditions for the transfer of hostilities to the territory of Sweden itself.

The Gangut victory made a great impression on the Western powers. Gangut showed that another maritime power was born to be reckoned with. England was especially alarmed, which took a course towards the neutralization of Russia in the Baltic. The British government, fearing that Russia would force Sweden to capitulate and sharply strengthen its position in the Baltic Sea, began to put pressure on Stockholm to continue the war and threaten the Russians with its powerful fleet. From the summer of 1715, the British squadron began to systematically visit the Baltic Sea, trying to contain the onslaught of Russia on Sweden. However, that's another story...