The general budget in the family or separate - the psychology of the issue. Pros and cons, where to start

Communication with a child

Whatever the activities, games and lessons, you do together. Mom and dad spend time with the child for something interesting. You sit next to each other, you talk, you laugh... Interaction with parents is very important for the correct mental development of the baby.

New information

The child learns a lot of new and interesting things during the lessons. He, of course, in any case, will know who the bear is, and understand what the fox looks like. But with the help of educational books, for example, with cards and photographs of animals, the child learns how the bear and fox look in reality, and not in the drawings.

brain development

During developmental classes, you teach your baby to learn. And since in early childhood the brain grasps everything on the fly, the child trains without tension. But at school it will be much easier for him, because the brain is already used to working, remembering, learning.

Acquisition of useful skills

Early development is not learning to count. This is the development of logic, thinking, a skill that will help count in the future. This is the preparation of the basis for further training. easier if you are already familiar with the letters. Learning to write is easy if you already know how to draw straight lines and circles. The better prepared you are when you start learning, the easier it will be to learn.

Ability to direct attention

Early development teaches you to do. It will not work out that the kid was running, jumping, watching cartoons, and then suddenly he can no longer run and jump, but he needs to sit at the table and listen carefully. Regular, albeit short, simple exercises will teach the baby perseverance. It will be easier for the child to motivate himself both at school and at the institute.

Increase self-esteem

Everyone needs praise. Mom, working with a child, feels great. The child, performing simple and interesting tasks, hears praise from his mother, sees approval, and this is important for the baby's self-esteem.

Talent Discovery

Lessons with toddlers will help you understand what interests the child, and identify a tendency to certain things. He draws with great pleasure, loves counting tasks, loves to tell stories ... You will learn a lot about your genius and, perhaps, choose for him in the future.


Parents get addicted

Early development becomes their goal. It's a shame that the child is no longer here. This is the goal of the parent himself - to prove and show how he can, because he has such a developed baby. Let's remember who we're doing this for. This is primarily communication, not a race.

Classes require strength

Taking care of a child is hard work. And, which already gives all of itself to the baby, can completely forget about itself. It is important to remember that early development should be fun.

The best interests of the child are not taken into account

Making early development their goal, parents forget about the child. They look in books, study methods, but do not notice what the children want. A well-known methodologist and master of the early development of babies, Frenchwoman Cecile Lupan, said that the most important thing in teaching a child is his interest. What interests the child? What is he asking about? What games do you like to play the most? It is about this that one must think and dance from this, and not at all from “must” and in no case “through I don’t want to.”

Unpreparedness for work

Fans of early development sometimes do not notice that their child is not ready. The body (both the brain and fingers) must be ready to learn and master the skill. It is important in the classroom to focus not on your desire to brag that you have a child prodigy, but on the readiness of the child. If the baby is not ready, and you expect him to have a straight line and read aloud, he will hear from you not praise, but comments, and he will see disappointment. For a small child, this will turn out to be a nightmare and shattered self-confidence.

Reluctance to learn

Incomprehensible classes, adult pressure, development beyond age - all this can do a disservice. It will become difficult for the kid, uninteresting, your lessons will be a torment for him, the thought will appear that learning is terrible. What do you think, what's next? And then - the eternal “I don’t want to go to school!”


We have listed all the pros and cons. And we realized that there are no cons. Early development, if it is understood correctly, if it is correctly and with pleasure, cannot have negative sides.

Thanks to the classes, parents spend more time with their children, children develop important life skills, feel more confident. There is a danger of overdoing it: giving difficult tasks, demanding a lot. But that's the problem with the parents. Remember that play and fun are important in developmental activities. Then the child will succeed.

The advantages of this trend include the fact that dating has become more accessible. Without meeting in real life, you can find suitable candidates and chat, getting to know each person better. This is an absolute plus for a city dweller, who, as a rule, has a shortage of time for making acquaintances.

To this we can add that every year the number of couples who met through the Internet is growing. Surely among your friends there are similar examples. This alone suggests that there are benefits from online dating.

But there are also some downsides:

1. In communication via the Internet, a lot of information is lost compared to real communication.

Gestures, facial expressions, gaze, intonation, voice and other non-verbal manifestations of a person carry a lot of information. Often, these manifestations determine the basic psychological compatibility. When communicating, you can really feel whether it is comfortable with a person, or there is something annoying. These factors can be decisive in living together and in personal communication. Communicating without taking into account this information, it is easy to fall into the illusion that if we are good in the chat, then we will be just as good in real life. It may be different: good in chat and social networks, but in reality - incompatibility.

2. Much of the courtship is virtual.

Courtship is an important stage in the formation of relationships. If it goes crumpled, then the partners cannot recognize each other's manifestations in many situations: for example, whether the partner knows how to take care of, sacrifice something for the other. It is also important to look from the outside, how your partner interacts with other people, how he manifests himself - after all, how a person behaves with other people, so he can behave with you.

It happens that relationships mature to a closer stage through Internet communication. Thus, the taste of courtship, conquest and many other nuances is lost.

3. People mostly communicate with an imagined image, and not with a real person.

Since communication is based on a meager amount of information, we ourselves begin to invent a lot of things, attribute them to a partner and believe that he has some qualities that may not actually exist, or they may seem distorted or diminished. You can also create the illusion that there is some positive quality, such as kindness or integrity. In real communication, it would immediately become clear that this is an illusion, just look at a person’s behavior in 2-3 situations, and in online relationships such an illusion can be maintained for a very long time. Many illusions will crumble when they collide with reality.

4. Communication via the Internet takes a lot of time.

Virtual communication takes a lot of time, while a real meeting in many cases immediately puts everything in its place. While we are building virtual images, waiting and wasting time, the very first meeting often gives an answer to the question whether this is my person or not.

So, we conclude that dating through the Internet has its own characteristics, both positive and negative. To avoid the latter, you need to check your feelings and build relationships already in the course of real communication.

Banks have been issuing cards of the MIR national payment system since 2015 after sanctions were imposed on Russia.

A number of Russian banks, including Genbank, Krayinvestbank, Verkhnevolzhsky Bank and Sevastopol Marine Bank (SMB), as well as Inresbank and Mosoblbank, were disconnected from the international Visa and MasterCard systems. The risk of further expansion of sanctions to other banks has become one of the main reasons for creating our own payment system. Indeed, in the event of a disconnection, a bank card will turn into an ordinary piece of plastic. However, they wanted to create their own system since the 90s, it's just that this decision was always shelved. Many countries have their own payment systems, and they work very efficiently. For example, in China there is China UnionPay, which even managed to enter the international market, and in Belarus the Belkart system was created.

At the moment, Russia has issued MIR cards, half of which were received by state employees. Three-quarters of them can be used for contactless payments

There are a lot of conflicting rumors around the new maps. There are both ardent supporters and opponents who claim that the state is trying to take money from the population in this way. And distrust is understandable - no one has yet forgotten how much money was lost in the nineties.

Nevertheless, let's look at the MIR cards objectively, what are their main advantages and disadvantages?


1.Our domestic.

The main advantage of the system is that it is autonomous and independent from foreign payment systems, from the political situation. So further sanctions will not jeopardize the operations of ordinary citizens.

2. Free transfer to Visa or Mastercard.

Most banks provide this service for free.

3. Accepted in major stores.

The Mir card is accepted for payment in all organizations with a cash turnover of more than 40 million rubles. For example, Auchan, Metro, Karusel, Lenta, as well as in fast food restaurants, etc. Every year, the list of shops, cafes and other service places where the card is accepted is becoming wider.

4. There is a cashback.

The MIR card is gradually acquiring partner projects, for which, spending money on the purchase of goods or services from partners, you can get interest on your expenses. You can buy household appliances, pay for purchases and gasoline.

5. Free card issue.

Most Russian banks issue a Mir card for free. Today, you can apply for a Mir card in more than 110 banks, including the largest ones, such as Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank, etc. In addition, it is free for those who receive payments from the state, in particular, public sector employees or retirees.

6. You can withdraw cash from any ATM.

The law obliges all banks to start accepting MIR cards from 07/01/2017.

controversial points

1. Cheapness.

For many citizens, the cost of annual maintenance can be higher than regular Visa and MasterCard cards. The cost of servicing the Mir card at Sberbank is 750 rubles per year, at Gazprombank - 1000 rubles per year. At the same time, the Mir card can also be provided with free service for pensioners and state employees.

2. Safety.

The developers of the MIR card note that the new card has a chip, a hologram and a magnetic stripe. And the card is also connected to a security system for making payments on the Internet, similar to 3D-Secure that works on Visa and MasterCard bank cards. However, this statement causes a lot of controversy, users believe that the security system is inferior to its foreign counterparts.

3. Obsession.

Many are embarrassed by the fact that the state is imposing the MIR card on the population. According to Federal Law No. 88-FZ of May 1, 2017, cash settlements with state employees must be transferred to new cards before July 1, 2018. Now, salaries of state employees and civil servants, scholarships, pensions and social payments, military salaries and other payments will be credited to the MIR card. The forced introduction of the system is fraught with the fact that in the absence of competition, its quality will suffer greatly.


1. Geography.

The main disadvantage of the card is that it can only be used for payments in Russia and Armenia. In the future, they are going to expand it to Belarus, Kazakhstan, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates.

2. Does not work with online stores.

Very few online retailers cooperate with MIR. With such a card, you cannot make a purchase on such large online sites as Ebay or Amazon. Among the giants of the market, Ali-Express is an exception, but for now, the owners of such a card should forget about smaller stores. In addition, the fact that the card cannot be connected to the Paypal payment system remains a serious problem, and withdrawals to such cards are not yet possible.

3. You cannot make purchases abroad.

Another serious problem is that the card can only be in rubles, and it will not work to pay with them abroad. A working option is to purchase a co-bagging card, i.e. a card of two payment systems, which will work in Russia as “MIR”, and in the international network as “Maestro”.

4.No support for smartphones.

In Russia, payments from smartphones are gaining popularity - Apple Pay, Samsung Pay. Integration with these systems was announced long ago, but so far the service has become available only to Samsung Pay owners, and the ability to pay with Mir cards using Apple Pay and Android Pay will appear in 2018.

Tigran Khudaverdyan, head of the Yandex.Taxi service, said on the air of the radio station that the company works only with official carriers that compensate passengers for damage in case of some unforeseen situations.

In turn, Vyacheslav Smirnov, chairman of the metropolitan taxi drivers' union, said that drivers of such aggregators often carry passengers through traffic jams and work 16 hours a day, which creates a risk of accidents.

According to Khudaverdyan, Yandex.Taxi cooperates only with legal taxi drivers. “Our principled position is that we work only with drivers who have an official permit for cars, which is popularly called a “licensed taxi”. Unlike other similar services, we do not work with unofficial taxis,” he said.

The head of the service noted that in case of any claims against the drivers, the clients of the service can receive compensation. "It's much easier to shake something off Yandex than from some official taxis. If these incidents happened to unknown companies, no one would know about them. We analyze all the cases that happen to our passengers and force our partners (taxi parks) to compensate passengers for damages. Yandex works only with legal entities. We have contracts with more than 200 companies in Moscow," he added.

Khudaverdyan also said that all drivers of the service must pass a special exam before starting work: "The driver must pass an exam for knowledge of the Russian language, we determine his psychological portrait, check his knowledge of the city. More than 15,000 drivers have passed this exam."

In turn, Vyacheslav Smirnov, chairman of the metropolitan taxi drivers' union, spoke on the air of Moscow FM about the negative aspects of taxi aggregators.

“Often drivers drive through a traffic jam, passengers end up paying more. They have lowered the price bar a lot, and now drivers work 16-18 hours, which is why the number of accidents has increased. At the same time, the driver earns a penny,” he said.

Khudaverdyan explained that the change of a taxi driver in the company lasts 10-11 hours. At the same time, daily revenue reaches 6-7 thousand rubles, and after all payments, the driver has about 3 thousand rubles left.

Recall that in July, taxi drivers asked to legally recognize aggregator companies (Yandex.Taxi, GetTaxi and Uber) as charterers, that is, official taxi representatives. It is also proposed to introduce criminal liability for the organization of mass illegal entrepreneurship in the field of transportation.

Such an appeal was sent to the presidential administration, the government and the State Duma by the chairman of the interregional transport trade union Roman Kruglov.

Recall that this year the city authorities will allocate 100 million rubles to subsidize the city taxi. It is planned to issue about 7,000 additional taxi licenses. At the end of 2014, approximately 48,000 permits had been issued. To obtain a permit, the driver must have three years of work experience.

In the capital, the issuance of permits to taxi drivers began on July 15, 2011. Since July 2012, they have been fined 5,000 rubles for not having a work license.

Already managed to capture almost every corner of the Earth. Now it is difficult to find a person who has not heard about the Internet, and the number of users of the global network is growing daily. Is it good or bad? To answer the question, consider the pros and cons of the Internet.

So why is the internet good?

Access to the information

The Internet is a huge repository of information of various kinds. It provides an opportunity to learn everything about everything without leaving home. The only thing you need for this is to have internet at home, pay for it, and you're done! All virtual libraries and museums of the world will open their doors for you. With the Internet, you can very quickly find, download or buy the right book, film, music, learn a lot of useful things: from the meaning of the universe to the recipe for charlotte.

Communication with loved ones

With Internet access, as well as some software, such as Skype, it will not be difficult to get through to your foreign friends or relatives. Many social services, such as, also support video communication, which, in addition to the connected Internet, will require a webcam. Thus, the Internet allows you not to lose touch with dear people, wherever they are. On the other hand, such a pathological situation may arise when virtual communication replaces the real one. Given all the pros and cons of Internet communication, each person can decide for himself whether he needs this type of communication or not.

Unlimited access to entertainment

Having access to the Internet, you can have fun without leaving your home, well, or at least you can watch a movie. No need to spend money on cinema tickets. What for? After all, even sitting in front of the monitor, you can arrange a real movie show! The pros and cons of the Internet do not end there.

Online shopping

The Internet allows you to buy the rarest goods, which, according to your desire, the courier will deliver directly to the apartment. With the Internet, you do not have to wander around the shops in search of the right thing and stand in lines: 1 click of the mouse - and you are already the owner of the coveted product.

It is worth moving from the advantages of the World Wide Web to its disadvantages.

Harm to health

We all know that spending too much time in front of a computer is bad for your health. Therefore, you should pause, periodically breaking away from the monitor.

scenes of cruelty

Conducted Internet at home for some people can turn into a real tragedy. This applies primarily to children, whose fragile psyche may be shocked by scenes of cruelty and violence found on the World Wide Web.

False Information

In addition to unconditionally truthful and necessary data, the Internet is full of unnecessary and unreliable information. As you know, information must meet several criteria: be up-to-date, complete, timely and accurate, however, thanks to the World Wide Web, many of the basic criteria for information quality disappear without a trace. The Internet is full of gossip, wandering from one blog to another, from forum to forum, and information is transmitted on the principle of a “deaf phone”. What is the site of the world encyclopedia "Wikipedia" worth, where everyone can "rule the Universe".

Identity theft

By posting your photos, videos on the Internet, making purchases online with a bank card, you risk losing your data, which can be stolen or intercepted and used for criminal purposes.

The destruction of the family

There are cases when one of the family members is completely immersed in the virtual world, becoming a "Level 80 Elf", a brave warrior, a faithful knight, etc. in online multiplayer games. Illusory reality can drag on so much that a person will not care about family worries.

Spam and viruses

Yes, we also owe these two unpleasant phenomena to the Internet. Fortunately, there are antiviruses, and this minimizes the risk of infecting your computer, but even they are not able to fully guarantee the safety of your device.

Internet and teenagers

It is no secret for parents that it is teenagers who tend to spend most of their time on the Internet, feeling all its negative effects, such as:

  • rachiocampsis;
  • blurred vision;
  • disorders in mental development, etc.

Social disorientation and many other conditions are the result of the negative effects of being online for a long time.

A huge part of adolescents falls into the risk zone in terms of the level of mental development, they have computer game addiction (online games) or Internet addiction, which, having manifested itself in childhood, can accompany a teenager in adulthood.

These are the main pros and cons of the Internet.

Even considering all the shortcomings of the World Wide Web, it is impossible to deny all the benefits that it brings. It can be used or not, but it is already impossible not to recognize its widespread integration into the life of modern society.

After weighing all the pros and cons of the Internet, we can conclude that it has approximately the same number of advantages and disadvantages, however, with moderate and competent use, its advantages noticeably outweigh the negatives.