Learning to the methods of objective activity is understood as. Understanding learning, signs and indicators of learning

The concept of learning was proposed by N. A. Menchinskaya. A person's learning ability is one of the main indicators of his readiness for learning, for the assimilation of knowledge spontaneously or purposefully in the conditions of any particular educational system. Learning psychophysiologically correlates with such a property of the nervous system as dynamism, i.e. the rate of formation of a temporary connection (V. D. Nebylitsyn) Learnability in the broad sense of the word, it can be interpreted as “a potential opportunity to acquire new knowledge in friendly work “with adults” (B.V. Zeigarnik), as a “zone of proximal development” (L.S. Vygotsky). The concept of "special learning" is singled out as the preparedness of the psyche for its rapid development in a certain direction, to a certain area of ​​knowledge and skills. Learnability can be interpreted as a characteristic of the individual differences of trainees (G. Klaus).

One of the leading domestic scientists, 3. And Kalmykova, under learnability understood the totality (ensemble) of a person's intellectual properties, on which, in the presence and relative equality of other necessary conditions (the initial minimum of knowledge, a positive attitude to learning, etc.), the productivity of educational activity depends. In this definition, learning is put in connection with productivity. Productivity is primarily understood as the quality, pace of work, its volume per unit of time, the absence of tension and fatigue for a long period, satisfaction with the result of work. The productivity of educational activity can be characterized by these parameters in relation to the knowledge being mastered and the generalized methods of action being formed.

Learnability correlates with the concept training"as a combination of all the characteristics of mental development, which are the result of previous learning (A. K. Markova). In this interpretation, learning is correlated with the level of actual development, and learning is correlated with the zone of proximal development. It is important that A. K. Markova’s position is that learnability- this is the student's receptivity to the assimilation of new knowledge, his readiness to move to new levels of mental development.

Throughout schooling, the student goes through various stages of learning development. So, for example, in a younger student, the consolidation of educational material prevails over the true mastery of knowledge, i.e. transfer abilities. If a high school student does not reach this level, then the reason lies in the wrong organization of training. Learning depends on the development of self-control, the rate of assimilation, attitude to learning, subject, teacher, individual personality traits.

Learning indicators (Kalmykova Z.I., Markova A.K.):

  • The pace of progress
  • durability of mastered material,
  • ease of learning, lack of stress,
  • flexibility of mental activity when switching to new ways of working,
  • independent thinking,
  • Generalization of mental activity, completeness of abstraction,
  • economical thinking,
  • The ability to self-learn
  • activity of orientation in new conditions,
  • Receptiveness to help and lack of resistance to it.

learning psychology underachievement


Individual indicators of the speed and quality of a person's assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the learning process. A distinction is made between general learning as the ability to assimilate any material, and special learning as the ability to assimilate certain types of material (various sciences, arts, and types of practical activity). The first is an indicator of the general, and the second - the special giftedness of the individual. O. as to learning and assimilation differs from the ability for independent cognition and cannot be fully assessed by indicators of its development alone. The maximum level of development of O. is determined by the possibilities of independent knowledge.

Brief psychological dictionary. - Rostov-on-Don: PHOENIX. L.A. Karpenko, A.V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. 1998 .


Individual indicators of the speed and quality of a person's assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the course of training.


1 ) general learning ability - the ability to master any material;

2 ) special learning ability - the ability to master certain types of material: various sciences, arts, types of practical activities.

The first is an indicator of the general, the second - the special giftedness of the individual.

Learning is based on:

1 ) the level of development of cognitive processes of the subject - perception, imagination, memory, thinking, attention, speech;

2 ) the level of development of his spheres of motivational-volitional and emotional;

3 ) the development of components of educational activity derived from them: understanding the content of educational material from direct and indirect explanations, mastering the material to the extent of active application.

Learning is determined not only by the level of development of active cognition (what the subject can learn and learn independently), but also by the level of “receptive” cognition (what the subject can learn and learn with the help of another person who owns knowledge and skills). Therefore, learning as the ability to learn and assimilate differs from the ability to independent cognition and cannot be fully assessed only by indicators of its development. The maximum level of learning development is determined by the possibilities of independent cognition.

Dictionary of practical psychologist. - M.: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998 .

The ability to master new, including educational, material (new knowledge, actions, new forms of activity).


Learning, based on abilities (in particular, features of sensory and perceptual processes, memory, attention, thinking and speech), and the cognitive activity of the subject, manifests itself differently in different activities and in different educational subjects. Of particular importance for increasing the level of learning is the formation - at certain, sensitive stages of development, in particular during the transition from preschool childhood to systematic schooling - metacognitive skills. These include the management of cognitive processes (planning and, manifested, for example, in voluntary attention, voluntary memory), speech skills, the ability to understand and use various types of sign systems (symbolic, graphic, figurative).

Psychological Dictionary. THEM. Kondakov. 2000 .


(English) docility,educational ability,learning ability) - an empirical characteristic of the individual capabilities of the student to assimilation educational information, for implementation learning activities, including memorization educational material, solution tasks, the implementation of various types of educational control and self-control. (For the use of the term "learning" in relation to organizations, see . - Red.)

O. in the broad sense of the word acts as a manifestation of common abilities person, expressing the cognitive activity of the subject and his ability to assimilate new knowledge,action, complex forms of activity. Expressing general abilities, O. acts as a general possibility of mental development, the achievement of more generalized systems of knowledge, general methods of action. According to the possibilities generalization there are students who have great abilities in certain special subjects (mathematics, drawing, music, etc.).

As an empirical characteristic of a person's ability to learn, O. includes many indicators and parameters of a person's personality. These include, first of all, the cognitive capabilities of a person (features of sensory and perceptual processes, memory,attention,thinking and speeches), peculiarities personalities- motivation, character, emotional manifestations; the attitude of the student to the learning material being assimilated, to the study group and the teacher. An important characteristic of O. are the qualities that determine the possibilities communication, and the corresponding manifestations of personality (sociability, isolation).

O. is formed from early childhood. Of particular importance is the formation of opportunities for learning in special - during the transition from preschool childhood to systematic education at school, from school education to special education, involving the mastery of various types of professional activities (in vocational schools, technical schools and universities). The most essential qualities of cognitive processes and personality, providing an opportunity for learning: a) control of cognitive processes (voluntary attention, etc.); b) human speech capabilities, the ability to understand and use various types of sign systems (symbolic, graphic, figurative), which provide further opportunities self-education.

Thus, the concept of O., along with general characteristics - higher cognitive capabilities and abilities for self-control in the process of performing learning objectives- includes some significant features that contribute to the manifestation of O. at various educational and age stages of a person's mental development. For a preschooler, such special qualities are those that provide him with great opportunities to participate in play activities, for a schoolchild - the opportunity to more accurately fulfill various school requirements, for a student - the opportunity to master professional activities and independent learning.

O. in an adult includes many special skills, including the skills of research and creative activities. In this case, the skills of working with scientific and other texts, the ability to correctly formulate scientific and educational tasks, the ability to self-control and precise planning are of great importance. For O.'s assessment, see .

Big psychological dictionary. - M.: Prime-EVROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .

See what "learning" is in other dictionaries:

    Learnability- the ability to master new, including educational, material (new knowledge, actions, new forms of activity). Ability-based learning (particularly sensory characteristics) Psychological Dictionary

    LEARNING- English. learnability/trainability; German Lernfahigkeit. The ability of an individual to perceive knowledge, skills and behavioral patterns. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    LEARNING- (English learning ability). Individual indicators of the speed and quality of a person's assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the learning process. The ability to assimilate new, including educational material (new knowledge, actions, new forms ... ... A new dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)

    Learnability- the student's individual ability to assimilate educational material, perform educational activities, to quickly and consciously memorize, analyze, and apply it. Learnability is the general ability of a person to constantly develop in the process ... ... Fundamentals of spiritual culture (encyclopedic dictionary of a teacher)

    LEARNING- individual indicators of the speed and quality of a person's assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the learning process. There are: 1) general learning ability, the ability to master any material; 2) special learning ability the ability to master certain types ... Modern educational process: basic concepts and terms

    learnability- ▲ adaptation in the living world, learning is characteristic of warm-blooded animals, the activity of insects is regulated by instincts; its rudiments are already observed in worms. education. learning... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Learnability- individual indicators of the speed and quality of a person's assimilation of the content of training. Distinguish general O. as the ability to assimilate any material, and special O. as the ability to assimilate certain types of educational material (sections of courses ... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    learnability- mokslumas statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Gebėjimas mokytis, išmokti. Mokslumas - viena iš intelektinio aktyvumo rūšių. Mokiniai gali turėti stiprų praktinį intelektą, bet silpną teorinį. Žemo mokslumo mokiniai yra menkesnio intelekto,… … Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas

    learnability- mokslumas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Individualūs rodikliai, rodantys, kaip sparčiai žmogus mokydamasis įgyja žinių, mokėjimų, įgūdžių ir kokia to, ką įgyja, kokybė. Skiriamas bendrasis mokslumas - gebėjimas išmokti bet ... ... Sporto terminų žodynas

    Learnability- (trainability) susceptibility of dogs to learning and accumulation of experience, the speed of skill formation. It depends on many factors, the main ones are: the correspondence of the tasks of learning to the characteristics of the breed (the formation of a particular breed is associated with ... ... Dictionary of trainer

In the field of learning, there is one or another susceptibility, sensitivity to the assimilation of knowledge, the ability to further learning, susceptibility to learning influences from outside. This phenomenon is called learning. T.P. is rightly noted. Goncharova that "the student remains only taught and educated, he is an object, not a subject of the process of cognition of the surrounding world, his passive position is the main evil in the organization of the educational process."

Learning in the broad sense of the word - ability to assimilate knowledge and methods of action, readiness to move to new levels of learning. In this case, it acts as a manifestation of the general abilities of the student, reflecting the cognitive activity of the subject and his ability to assimilate new knowledge, actions, complex forms of activity. Expressing general abilities, learning acts as a general possibility of mental development, the achievement of more generalized systems of knowledge, general methods of action. Learning is characterized by individual indicators of the speed and quality of a person's assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the learning process.

There are different shades in the understanding of learning. “Children with the same level of mental development under the guidance of a teacher are capable of learning in completely different sizes ... One child of 8 years old is able to solve a problem for a 12-year-old with help, and the other is a 9-year-old.” Learning is not the same as learning. The ability to learn does not coincide with the development of the child, respectively, in the diagnosis should be highlighted. N.S. Leites, confirming the position on the discrepancy between development (development) and learning ability, cites the words of Aristotle: “ Why, when we are older, we have a stronger mind, and when we are younger, we learn more easily».

“Although learning is directly related to child development, however, they never go evenly and parallel to each other. The development of a child never follows, like a shadow, the object that casts him, the schooling. Therefore, tests of school achievements never reflect the real course of children's development.

As an empirical characteristic of a student's ability to learn, learning includes many indicators and parameters of the student's personality.

These primarily include:

  • human cognitive abilities (features of sensory and perceptual processes, memory, attention, thinking, speech);
  • personality traits - motivation, character, emotional manifestations;
  • the attitude of the student to the learning material being assimilated, to the study group and the teacher.

An important characteristic of learning is the qualities that determine the possibilities of communication, and the corresponding manifestations of the personality. Learning is formed from early childhood. Of particular importance is the formation of learning opportunities during sensitive periods of human learning - in the transition from preschool childhood to systematic schooling, from schooling to special education, which involves mastering various types of professional activities.

The most significant personality traits that provide its learning opportunities are:

  • management of cognitive processes (voluntary attention, memory, etc.);
  • the student's speech capabilities, the ability to understand and use various types of sign systems (symbolic, graphic, figurative), which provide further opportunities for self-learning.

Thus, the concept of learning, along with general characteristics (higher cognitive capabilities and abilities for self-control in the process of performing educational tasks), includes some significant features that contribute to the manifestation of learning at various educational and age stages of a person’s mental development. For a preschooler, such special qualities are those that provide him with great opportunities to participate in play activities; for the student - the possibility of more accurate fulfillment of various school requirements; for the student - the possibility of mastering professional activities and independent learning.

In psychology today, various kinds learnability.
They usually differ:

  • general learning ability - the ability to master any material;
  • special learning ability - the ability to assimilate certain types of material: various fields of science, art, areas of practical activity.

The first is an indicator of the general, the second - the special giftedness of the individual.

AT basis learnability lie:

  • the level of development of the cognitive processes of the subject - perception, imagination, memory, thinking, attention, speech;
  • the level of development of his spheres - motivational-volitional and emotional;
  • development of components of educational activity derived from them - understanding the content of educational material from direct and indirect explanations, mastering the material to the extent of active application.

Learning is determined not only by the level of development of active cognition (what the subject can cognize and assimilate independently), but also by the level of cognition " receptive”(by what the subject can learn and learn with the help of another person who owns knowledge and skills). Therefore, learning as the ability to learn and assimilate differs from the ability to independent cognition and cannot be fully assessed only by indicators of its development. The maximum level of learning development is determined by the possibilities of independent cognition.

Learning is mental development in dynamics, so its presence is a reliable indicator of the progressive nature of development. Such manifestations of the dynamics of mental development as development, upbringing -\u003e have similar signs, for example, responsiveness to external influences, switchability (from one plane of thinking to another, from one way of social behavior to another). Learnability, development, upbringing are revealed best in an individual training and formative experiment, in constant comparison with vital indicators in the course of a longitudinal study. “To take into account the dynamics of the upbringing of a person means to penetrate into the innermost meaning of her being, and this is the main psychological core of education.” Learning is broadly understood as adaptability. The idea is expressed that learning in the biological sense is an aspect of biological protection: changing the environment to certain limits, not exceeding the possibility of the system functioning, causes a reaction of a protective type, through which the property of learning is manifested and established. Learning in humans is no longer a single act of biological defense, but includes the social experience of previous generations.

B.V. Zeigarnik notes that learning ability is the range of potential opportunities for children to acquire new knowledge in friendly work with adults.

B.G. Ananiev understands learning as the preparedness of the human psyche throughout the previous period of its formation for its rapid development in the learning process in a strictly defined direction.

Z.I. Kalmykova interprets learning as one of the main indicators of mental development, understands it as a system of intellectual qualities of the mind, on which the productivity of educational activity depends, all other things being equal (minimum knowledge, motivation).

Learning is "a system, an ensemble of intellectual properties of a person, the emerging qualities of her mind, on which the productivity of educational activity depends - in the presence of an initial minimum of knowledge, attitudes towards learning and other necessary conditions." The individual combination of qualities of the mind determines individual differences in learning.

O.M. Morozov names a number of signs of learning:

  • speed of formation of new concepts, generalizations;
  • flexibility of mental operations;
  • the ability to solve problems in different ways;
  • memory for general concepts;
  • generalized knowledge;
  • intellectual activity, etc.
  • active orientation in new conditions;
  • transfer of known methods of solving problems to new conditions;
  • the speed of formation of new concepts and methods of activity;
  • pace, efficiency (the amount of material on which the problem is solved, the number of steps), working capacity, endurance;
  • and, most importantly, receptivity to the help of another person, which can be measured by the amount of dosed help needed by the child to complete the task.

Learning is the general ability of an individual to acquire new knowledge, to form skills and abilities. Learnability characterizes the level of mental development of a person, the formation of generalized methods of action in him. Learning is formed from early childhood. In this case, it is especially important to effectively use the sensitive periods of personality development - the periods of the greatest predisposition of a person to the assimilation of certain areas of social experience.

The most important indicator of learning is the amount of dosed assistance that a student needs to achieve a given result.

learning is a thesaurus, or a stock of learned concepts and methods of activity. That is, a system of knowledge, skills and abilities that corresponds to the norm (the expected result specified in the educational standard).

The process of assimilation of knowledge is carried out in stages in accordance with the following levels: discrimination or recognition of an object (phenomenon, event, fact); remembering and reproducing the subject, understanding, applying knowledge in practice and transferring knowledge to new situations.

The quality of knowledge is assessed by such indicators as their completeness, consistency, depth, effectiveness, strength.

One of the main indicators of the student's development prospects is the student's ability to independently solve educational problems (similar in terms of the principle of solving in cooperation and with the help of a teacher).

The following are accepted as external criteria for the effectiveness of the learning process:

- the degree of adaptation of the graduate to social life and professional activities;

- the growth rate of the self-education process as a prolonged effect of training;

– level of education or professional skills;

- Willingness to improve education.

In the practice of teaching, a unity of the logics of the educational process has developed: inductive-analytical and deductive-synthetic. The first focuses on observation, live contemplation and perception of reality, and only then on abstract thinking, generalization, systematization of educational material. The second option focuses on the introduction by the teacher of scientific concepts, principles, laws and regularities, and then on their practical concretization.

Learnability is the ability to master new, including educational, material (new knowledge, actions, new forms of activity). Learning, based on abilities (in particular, the features of sensory and perceptual processes, memory, attention, thinking and speech) and the cognitive activity of the subject, manifests itself in different ways in different activities and in different educational subjects. Of particular importance for increasing the level of learning is the formation at certain, sensitive stages of development, in particular during the transition from preschool childhood to systematic schooling, metacognitive skills, which include the management of cognitive processes (planning and self-control, manifested, for example, in voluntary attention, arbitrary memory), speech skills, the ability to understand and use various types of sign systems (symbolic, graphic, figurative).

Learnability- a complex dynamic system of individual properties of a person, which determines the productivity of educational activities, the speed and quality of mastering social experience. O. is based on the level of development of cognitive processes (perception, imagination, memory, thinking, attention, speech), motivational-volitional and emotional spheres of the personality. O. also depends on the age of the person, value orientations, personal attitudes of the subject, the level of his activity, the degree of mastery of the means of cognition, and the characteristics of the previous training of this person. A distinction is made between general and special giftedness, which correlates with indicators of general and special giftedness. The first type of O. denotes the ease and depth of assimilation in the process of learning and self-education of any social experience, the second - any specific type of it in the field of science, production, art, etc.

The term O. became widely used by B.G. Ananiev, S.L. Rubinstein, G.S. Kostyuk, N.A. Menchinskaya and others as a synonym for the ability to acquire new knowledge in connection with the adoption by domestic psychologists of the position of L.S. Vygotsky that learning leads to development, creating a zone of proximal development. It is believed that mental abilities for learning can be judged by the results of independent cognition when solving new problems, carried out through productive thinking, which forms the basis of learning (Z.I. Kalmykova). The structure of learning includes the individual characteristics of a person’s productive thinking, which determine the choice of features that are essential for solving a problem and the level of their generalization, the ease of assimilation and application of new knowledge, the rate of progress in learning, and the breadth of the transfer of acquired skills and abilities. O. is formed in ontogenesis, during which, under the influence of training, some individual features of the child’s thinking are fixed, begin to manifest themselves steadily in the performance of activities that require thinking, associated with the assimilation of the content of various educational subjects, and become personality traits, qualities of the mind.

A.A. Verbitsky

Definitions, meanings of the word in other dictionaries:

Psychological Encyclopedia

(eng. docility, educational ability, learning ability) - an empirical characteristic of the individual abilities of a student to assimilate educational information, to perform educational activities, including memorizing educational material, solving problems, performing various types of educational ...

Psychological Encyclopedia

Category. The ability to master new, including educational, material (new knowledge, actions, new forms of activity). Specificity. , based on abilities (in particular, features of sensory and perceptual processes, memory, attention, thinking and speech), and ...

Psychological Encyclopedia

Individual indicators of the speed and quality of a person's assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the learning process. The basis of learning is the level of development of cognitive processes, motivational-volitional and emotional spheres of the personality, as well as the development of derivatives from them ...