Shouts in a bad voice. Screaming in a bad voice

If the built-in Safari browser does not work, then clearing the history with deleting the site data in which the cause lies is most often the solution to the problem.

Fix Safari bugs on iPhone, iPad and Mac

If Safari doesn't work on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac, you don't have to look for alternative browsers right away. Any error can be eliminated independently if you understand what caused its appearance.

Troubleshoot iPhone and iPad

Why doesn't Safari on iPhone work? Errors can be different: the absence of the program icon, the inability to access a secure https site, etc. We rarely pay attention to a running program, but when the iPhone 5S or 6 stops accessing the Internet, we want to quickly deal with errors in the browser.

Often problems occur after a system update. After updating to iOS 9.3, users were faced with the fact that the browser stopped opening pages. In the next update, the developers eliminated the cause of the error, but before that, users had to turn off JavaScript in the settings, change the search engine and delete applications.

If the problem is not related to a system update error that the developers fix after being discovered by users, then you can solve it by restarting the application or clearing the history with browser data.

  1. Launch Safari. Click on the book icon.
  2. Open the History tab.
  3. Click "Clear" on the bottom bar.
  4. Select a period to delete cookies and website data.

The same operation can be performed through the "Safari" section in the settings.

Another common problem is the lack of a Safari icon in the home menu. To return it, you need to remove the restriction on the application.

  1. Open the settings, go to the "General" section.
  2. Go to the "Restrictions" subsection. If it is inactive, then there are no restrictions.
  3. If the subsection is active, go to it and disable the Safari restriction.

Serious iOS 9.3 bug! Pages won't open in Safari. What to do?

Click here and learn everything about Apple: ?Ad rates and returns: ?Twitter: https://

Safari not working on IOS

Hi all! In this video I will show and tell you what can break the browser safari on your devices. Personally at…

After disabling the restriction, the icon will appear in the home menu. If the above methods do not help to return the built-in browser to a working state, you can install from the App Store and use another browser - for example, Chrome.

Bug fix on macOS

If you don't have Safari running on Mac, there are several ways to fix the problem. The choice of method depends on the reasons why Safari on Mac starts to crash. The easiest solution is to restart the application. Close Safari and restart to get rid of non-critical errors. If the browser stops responding, force quit it. Hold down the combination Command + Option + Escape and in the window that appears, click "Finish".

If this does not help, close the browser processes individually:

  1. Open the Programs - Utilities folder, run System Monitor.
  2. Under the Memory or CPU tab, look for the Safari processes marked in red.
  3. Select the processes and end them with the "X" button on the toolbar.

These methods help bring Safari back to life when the browser stops working. If the crash persists, clear your browser's cache and history - open the Safari menu and select Clear History. Select a period and click Clear Log.

Disable plugins and check if errors appear when the browser is running without them. Leave only the necessary additions. In some cases, disabling the WebGL library on the "Security" tab in the web browser settings also helps.

To return the browser to its original state, clearing the information accumulated during the work, open the settings and select the "Reset Safari" item.

To reduce the chance of errors, keep your browser and system up to date. You can check for Safari updates in the App Store. If a new version of Mac OS is available, it is also recommended to install it.

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Errors in Apple applications are not common, but if they do occur, then developers try to respond and fix bugs at the same time.

The main culprits of errors, no matter how rude it may sound, are the users themselves, who use their gadget or personal computer carelessly and without care.

Problems that relate to the browser can be of various kinds. But today we will look at application login errors and ways to fix it.

The latest iOS system updates to 9.3 and higher have added new problems to the system, including access to Safari. Most often, this situation occurs in the iPhone and iPad. After studying what gadget users wrote on relevant forums about launch problems, we can name the reasons why this happens:

  1. Not an updated version of the browser or system (just check the iOS version in the settings).
  2. You have a program conflict that prevents Safari from loading in processes.
  3. The simplest mistake is to disable the browser or hide it from the system processes (there are utilities that simply disable and hide any application from the desktop - check if you hid it by mistake).
  4. The most recent problem may be the “universal link” feature installed on other applications, which causes a crash in the system and the browser refuses to load and turn on.

Recommendations for the care and maintenance of applications

To keep the system and Safari always in good condition, you just need to follow the following recommendations from experienced users of MAC OS and iOS:

  • Try to clear cookies in Safari for a certain period (at least once a month);
  • Do not load the processor with unnecessary work programs (disable unnecessary work processes and leave only the necessary ones);
  • You should not install unverified software and download files from unverified sources;
  • Always install updates and keep your system on the latest OS version.

Solving the problem with launching Safari

There is no single correct solution. After following all the recommendations below, the browser may not start, but you should try each of the options until the "winning end".

One way is to do the following:

The second way to fix the error

If the first option did not work on the phone, you can refer to a program conflict. Therefore, we perform the following steps:

Now you need to install the program on your smartphone. We do it like this:

  1. In the "airplane" mode, we synchronize the phone and computer to install the software.
  2. Go to the "Applications" tab.
  3. We are looking for a program in the form of an installation file.
  4. Click "install" and wait for the installation.
  5. Sync everything to iCloud.

After the synchronization is completed, we launch the program on the iOS device. After restarting your phone, you can try launching Safari.

If the above two options did not help, we recommend inviting a master or taking the gadget to a tuner to fix the error.

Safari browser users often run into trouble. The browser preinstalled on all Apple computers is not ideal, so it can start to slow down from time to time. This manifests itself not only in the slow loading of pages, but also in entering text into the address bar with a significant delay. The application may even simply freeze, like any other. There are a number of simple solutions that will get rid of Safari lags on macOS.

Cupertino regularly update their browser, removing the shortcomings of previous versions. Unfortunately, developers do not always succeed in correcting all errors and taking into account all the little things.

1. Update the software to the latest version

All software pre-installed on the computer, including the Safari browser, must be up to date. The automatic check for new updates is rather late, so we recommend checking for them manually. How to do it, you ask? Follow the instructions below:

Restart your computer, and if after that Safari continues to slow down, then move on to the second method to solve this problem.

2. Sign in to iCloud again

At first glance, this seems like a waste of time, but re-authorization in iCloud can positively affect applications that use this cloud storage service. For example, Safari stores your saved logins and passwords there, making them available on all your gadgets.

3. Clear your Safari history

This solution is one of the most effective, because along with the huge web browsing history that is stored in the computer's memory, the cache and cookies are also cleared. The cache size can take up several gigabytes of disk space.

How to clear the cache manually:

If this does not help, then try the next solution.

4. If you are using the Flash Player plugin, then remove it

Adobe's familiar Flash Player plug-in has not been pre-installed on Apple computers for a very long time. Google followed suit, removing this plugin from the Chrome browser, as well as many other browser developers. However, millions of users still install Flash Player, as many Internet resources still use it to play content. We recommend getting rid of this plugin once and for all, as it not only exposes us to the risk of computer hijacking, but also often causes the Safari browser to slow down.

5. Remove unnecessary extensions from Safari

If you have a large number of extensions installed in Safari, then there may be problems with it. Get rid of unnecessary and outdated add-ons. which have not been updated for a long time.

6. Update Java to the latest version

Most modern websites use Java components, and if you haven't updated them on your computer for a long time, this can cause the browser to work unsatisfactorily.

How to update Java to the latest version on Mac computers

7. Disable “Smart Search Box”

If you're facing the issue where Safari freezes while typing Google in the address bar, then try this method:

8. Configure your DNS settings correctly

DNS technology converts an address familiar to the average user, such as a website, into an IP address. If its parameters are set correctly in the settings, then this conversion takes place instantly. If the Safari browser experiences significant delays during the loading of some sites, then you should configure the DNS servers.

How to properly configure DNS server settings on macOS

We hope that at least one of all these solutions helped you, and the Safari browser on your Mac is no longer slow. If you have any questions then leave a comment below.

Despite the fact that updates, in general, are designed to improve the user characteristics of devices, there are often cases when, after installing them, something starts to function not as it should, or even stops working altogether. In part, it is understandable why - after all, in fact, each new firmware update causes a complete restructuring of the previous settings architecture. And no, no, and there are all sorts of failures.

It is impossible to warn them for sure, because. like each user, it has its own mass of settings and pre-installed programs, which means that the latest version of the firmware “lays down” in different ways. One of the mistakes of the updated iOS is the departure of regular applications. And in some cases, “native” services completely disappear from the usual menu sections.

So, for example, after installing new updatesiOS some users have noticed that the built-in browser tab has disappeared from devicesApple . For many, this has become very unpleasant surprise because this search engine is the main "window to the world" for

After all, the “native” browser works much faster than the imported analogues, and provides maximum protection against viruses or hackers. In addition, it can actively synchronize on all your Apple devices, which will allow you not to lose important tabs and quickly view them both from an iPhone and from Mac or iPad. Therefore, I would not want, even if temporarily, to give up the benefits of using it.

At the same time, in addition to problems with Safari, other bugs may also occur: Touch ID not working, failures when trying to connect to iTunes, inability to delete applications. If you experience the listed iOS problems, we recommend that you reinstall the shell again. And if this does not help, you should contact the support service for advice.

What else can you try to do on your own?

Ways to solve the problem

The very first and obvious solution is to make sure that the current version of the operating system is installed on the smartphone (currently it is 10.2). The fact is that often problems with Safari happen in beta firmware versions, and in official releases they are usually fixed. You may have to uninstall the previous version and re-upload the current one.

Alternatively, you can also re- reboot device after update. It is possible that after that this application will safely appear in the menu or stop failing.

For a regular reboot, hold down the power and home keys at the same time. Keep them pressed until the gadget's display prompts you to swipe to turn off your iPhone. New models - iPhone 7, can also be rebooted by pressing the button on the right side (lock and power) at the same time as pressing the volume down key (left).

Well and in as a drastic measure, you can try to reset the settings(after creating a backup beforehand) and try to install the updates again. When you later restore the device from a backup, the error should resolve itself.

If you own older iPhones, the developers honestly warned that a separate version of iOS was created for these devices - with somewhat limited capabilities (since they simply won’t pull a “full-fledged” one). And no one hides that only owners of flagship devices of recent years of release can enjoy all the delights of the new firmware.

So the release of the version of iOS adapted for the "oldies" is caused solely by the company's desire to extend the performance of obsolete devices for the longest possible time. It is clear that because of such "cuts" the functionality often suffers. The settings “fly” when the system version is upgraded, there are failures in the operation of regular services, incl. and Safari. The problem is solved by reinstalling the current version of iOS.

Removing restrictions

Another possible cause of problems with Safari is the access restrictions on the iPhone. And the browser is often automatically among the blocked applications. The fact is that when restrictions are activated, some services, even regular ones, are simply not displayed in the “home” menu. This is done so that outsiders (or small children) cannot physically access them.

Actually, the main symptoms of the restrictions activated on the iPhone are: the lack of a regular application icon in the menu, the inability to use the application (load pages, send messages) or change its settings (this section becomes “non-clickable”).

You can check whether the apple browser is really on the list of restrictions, and also return it to working capacity, using the following algorithm.

To do this, go to the settings section. In the "General" tab, scroll down to the "Restrictions" item (it is also often called parental control). If this line is in an inactive state - "Off", then the restrictions on your device are disabled. And therefore the reason for the non-working Safari is something else.
In the case when access restrictions were previously enabled and password-protected for you - then in order to see a list of all blocked resources (namely, we are interested in whether Safari is among them) - you must enter an access code.
If you do not remember the password and there is nowhere to look at it, you will have to reset the smartphone settings after creating a backup copy of the data and the system. It can be done through a computer and a special iTunes media application or over the air - to the cloud. With the help of such a backup, then it will be possible to restore the device without losing personal data.

We warn you right away, this is not a quick process, it may take several hours. And all this time you will not be able to fully use your smartphone. After resetting the settings and restoring the password, you will not need to enter it.

By the way, after such a procedure, the Safari icon can itself safely return to the “home” menu. If this did not happen, then we again go to the restrictions section, see if they are specifically included in our browser. Then, in the "Turn off restrictions" item of the same section, select "Safari". Thus, we open access to it directly from the main menu and remove any restrictions for it.
We exit the settings so that the changes can take effect, and see if Safari has returned to its rightful place. If the icon is back, but the browser still stubbornly refuses to load pages, welcome to the next section.

Other Causes of Problems with Safari

But often an unfavorable installation of a new firmware version or activated restrictions has nothing to do with it, and the problem is in the device itself.

In some cases, the apple browser does not load pages due to the abundance of software "garbage" accumulated by the user over the years of using the device. And a simple clearing of the corresponding section of memory helps to quickly solve the startup problem.

So the first thing you can do is try delete cookies and all your browsing history. To do this, in the settings section, go to the "Safari" tab. We find in it a sub-item with the proposal "Clear history and site data", and confirm the erasure of this data. After that, the memory space for buffer paging will be freed up, the pages should start loading quickly and without problems. If such a "cleansing" does not help, you will have to delete all other site data that was used by the browser. To do this, again, go to "Safari", scroll the sheet to the "Add-ons" item, go to "Site Data" in it and give the command to delete all this data. We exit the settings and launch the browser - everything works!