The main motives of Mayakovsky's love lyrics. The originality of the love lyrics of V.V. Mayakovsky

At the time when Vladimir Mayakovsky began his creative activity, a discussion broke out in literature about whether writers should address the theme of love. Mayakovsky writes and dedicates the poem “I Love” to Lila Brik. In it, the feeling of love is reflected by the poet in a different way than in classical poetry of the 19th century. For Mayakovsky, love is a deeply personal experience that has nothing to do with the opinion of the inhabitants about love. The poet called the first part of the work “Usually so” in order to oppose his own poetic perception of the feeling of love to the ordinary perception of the feeling of love. This is the main conflict of the lyrical in its genre dominant poem. According to Mayakovsky, love is given to every person from birth, but ordinary people who love “between services, other incomes”, “bloom, bloom - and shrivel”:

Love is given to any born, -

But between services

And other things

From day to day

The soil of the heart hardens.

Finally, the lyrical hero meets a woman who

Came -


Behind the roar

Behind the growth


I just saw a boy.

Took away the heart

Went to play

Like a girl with a ball.

The conflict in the poem is based on the inseparability of feelings of love. It reaches its highest tension in the chapter “You”. The poet gives his heart to his beloved and is happy. In his opinion, happiness does not lie in keeping feelings like capital in a bank, but in giving them to another person without wanting anything in return. Love is selfless, therefore it is eternal. Mayakovsky had a firm conviction that “if you love me, then you are mine, with me, for me, always, everywhere and under any circumstances, even if I am wrong, unfair, or cruel.” Love must be unshakable, like a law of nature. “It cannot be that I am waiting for the sun, but it will not rise. It can't be that I bow to the flower and it runs away. It can’t be that I hug a birch, I’ll say: “Don’t.” Love is not scary

No quarrel

Not a mile.

Thought out



Raising solemnly a line-fingered verse,

I swear -

Unchanging and true.

Mayakovsky's love lyrics include two poems created at the end of 1928. These are “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love” and “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”. The first of them is addressed to the editor of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, in which the poet, who ended up in Paris, worked. The second poem was not intended for printing - this is a personal message that was conveyed to the beloved woman. In the first "Letter ..." Mayakovsky reflects on the essence of love, its innermost meaning. The poet wants to understand himself, to take a fresh look at the world. Love is so strong that it turned everything in him, created him anew. “Letter…” is a poetic monologue. The poet's love is “human, simple”:

Raises the area noise,

Crews are moving

I write poems

Into a notebook.

Love makes it possible to feel the unity of the ordinary, earthly and beautiful, high, and poetry - to express this.

In this "Letter ..." the poet claims that the word of a man in love is capable of


Who weakened the eye.

“Letter to Comrade Kostrov ...” is one of the most lyrical works of V. Mayakovsky about love. The poet talks about the meaning of love in his life. His feelings take on a “universal” scale, therefore Mayakovsky uses metaphors and neologisms to express them: “From the pharynx to the stars, a light-born comet soars” or “The tail of heaven is spread by a third.”

In "Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva" love appears as its dramatic side. For some reason, mutual love did not bring happiness to the lovers. The poet promises to pacify the feeling of jealousy. If the poem “Letter to Comrade Kostrov ...” has a global, even philosophical character, then the second one is more personal in content. Mayakovsky's soul is open in him, passion and impotence, jealousy and dignity are nearby:

Don't you think

squinting just

From under straightened arcs.

Go here,

Go to the crossroads

My big and clumsy hands.

Do not want?

Stay and winter

And it's an insult

We will lower it to the general account.

The form of the monologue gives confidence to the verse, gives the poetic narrative a deeply personal character. The ultimate frankness of the hero comes through in the words about “dogs of brutal passion”, about jealousy that “moves mountains”, about “measles of passion”. Each line of the poem is filled with the power of feeling, like all Mayakovsky's love lyrics, powerful and passionate. The poet was forever wounded by love. The reader cannot but be shocked by the power of this love, which, against all odds, affirms the invincibility of life. The poet had every reason to say:

What did I write

Said -

That's the fault

Heaven eyes

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Features of the love lyrics of V. V. Mayakovsky

There are poets who seem to be open to love, and all their work is literally permeated with this wonderful feeling. These are Pushkin, Akhmatova, Blok, Tsvetaeva and many others. And there are those who are hard to imagine in love. And first of all, Vladimir Mayakovsky comes to mind. Poems about love in his work, at first glance, seem completely out of place, since he is usually perceived as a singer of the revolution. Is this so, let's try to find out by taking a closer look at the poet.

Mayakovsky - the beginning of a creative path

The poet's homeland is Georgia. Parents came from a noble family, although his father served as a simple forester. The sudden death of the breadwinner forces the family to move to Moscow. There, Mayakovsky entered the gymnasium, but two years later he was expelled for non-payment of tuition, and took up revolutionary activities. He was arrested several times and spent almost a year in a cell. This happened in 1909. Then for the first time he began to try to write poetry, absolutely terrible, in his words. However, it was this year that Mayakovsky, and whose famous poems were yet to come, considered the beginning of his poetic career.

The poet of the revolution

It cannot be said that the work of Vladimir Mayakovsky was completely devoted to the revolution. Everything is far from clear. The poet unconditionally accepted her, was an active participant in those events, and many of his works were indeed dedicated to her. He practically deified her, believed in the ideals that she carried, and defended. Undoubtedly, he was the mouthpiece of the revolution, and his poems were a kind of agitation.

Love in the life of Mayakovsky

Deep emotionality is inherent in all creative natures. Vladimir Mayakovsky was no exception. theme through all his work. Outwardly rude, in fact, the poet was a very vulnerable person, a hero of a rather lyrical nature. And love in the life and work of Mayakovsky occupied far from the last place. He, a broad soul, knew how to instantly fall in love, and not for a short time, but for a long time. But the poet was unlucky in love. All relationships ended tragically, and the last love in his life led to suicide.

Addressees of Mayakovsky's love lyrics

In the life of the poet there were four women whom he loved unconditionally strongly. Mayakovsky's love lyrics are primarily associated with them. Who are they, the muses of the poet, to whom he dedicated his poems?

Maria Denisova is the first with whom Mayakovsky's love lyrics are associated. He fell in love with her in Odessa, in 1914, and dedicated the poem "A Cloud in Trousers" to the girl. It was also the first strong feeling of the poet. Therefore, the poem turned out to be so poignantly honest. This is a real cry of a lover who waits several painful hours for his beloved girl, and she comes only to announce that she is marrying a more prosperous person.

Tatyana Alekseevna Yakovleva. The poet met her in October 1928 in Paris. The meeting ended with instant love for each other. A young emigrant and a tall, under two meters tall Mayakovsky, were a wonderful couple. He dedicated two of his poems to her - "Letter to Comrade Kostrov ..." and "Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva."

In December, the poet leaves for Moscow, but already in February 1929 he returns to France again. His feelings for Yakovleva were so strong and serious that he proposed to her, but received neither refusal nor consent.

Relations with Tatyana ended tragically. Planning to come back in the fall, Mayakovsky could not do this because of problems with a visa. In addition, he suddenly finds out that his love is getting married in Paris. The poet was so shocked by this news that he said that if he did not see Tatiana again, he would shoot himself.

And then the search for that one true love began again. The poet began to seek consolation from other women.

Mayakovsky's last love

Veronika Vitoldovna Polonskaya - theater actress. Mayakovsky met her in 1929 through Osip Brik. This was not done by chance, in the hope that the charming girl would interest the poet and distract him from the tragic events associated with Yakovleva. The calculation turned out to be correct. Mayakovsky was seriously carried away by Polonskaya, so much so that he began to demand from her a break with her husband. And she, loving the poet, could not start a conversation with her husband, realizing what a blow it would be for him. And Polonskaya's husband believed to the end in his wife's fidelity.

It was painful love for both. Mayakovsky became more and more nervous every day, and she kept delaying the explanation with her husband. April 14, 1930 they saw each other for the last time. Polonskaya claims that there was no talk of a breakup, the poet once again asked her to leave her husband and leave the theater. A minute after her departure, already on the stairs, Polonskaya heard a shot. Returning to the poet's apartment, she found him dying. So tragically ended the last love and life of Vladimir Mayakovsky.

Lilya Brik

This woman, without exaggeration, occupied the main place in the heart of the poet. She is his strongest and "sick" love. Almost all of Mayakovsky's love lyrics after 1915 are dedicated to her.

The meeting with her took place a year after the break in relations with Denisova. Mayakovsky was at first infatuated with his younger sister Lily, and at the first meeting he mistook her for the governess of his beloved. Later, Lily officially met the poet. They were amazed by his poems, and he instantly fell in love with this extraordinary woman.

Their relationship was strange and incomprehensible to others. Lily's husband had an affair, and was not physically attracted to his wife, but in his own way he loved her very much. Lily adored her husband, and when she was once asked whom she would still choose - Mayakovsky or Brik, she answered without hesitation that her husband. But the poet was extremely dear to her. This strange relationship lasted 15 years, until the death of Mayakovsky.

Features of Mayakovsky's love lyrics

The features of the poet's lyrics are most clearly seen in his poem "I Love", dedicated to Lila Brik.

Love for Mayakovsky is a deep personal experience, and not an established opinion about it. This feeling is inherent in every person from birth, but the inhabitants, who value comfort and prosperity more in life, quickly lose love. She, according to the poet, “shrinks” with them.

A feature of the poet's love lyrics is his conviction that if a person loves someone, he must completely follow the chosen one, always support him in everything, even if the loved one is wrong. According to Mayakovsky, love is disinterested, it is not afraid of quarrels and distance.

The poet is a maximalist in everything, so his love knows no halftones. She does not know peace, and the author writes about this in his last poem "Unfinished": "... I hope, I believe, shameful prudence will never come to me."

Poems about love

Mayakovsky's love lyrics are represented by a small number of poems. GNO each of them is a small piece of the poet's life with its sorrows and joys, despair and pain. “I love”, “Cloud in pants”, “Unfinished”, “About this”, “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”, “Letter to Comrade Kostrov ...”, “Flute-spine”, “Lilichka!” - this is a short list of works by Vladimir Mayakovsky about love.

"Love is the heart of everything."

Lesson Objectives:

  • get acquainted with the addressees of Mayakovsky's love lyrics;
  • reveal the originality and depth of his love poems;
  • make sure that love in the life of V.V. Mayakovsky played a decisive role, that Mayakovsky is not so much a singer of the revolution as a living person with a finely sensitive soul, who knows how to suffer, suffer and love. (slide 3)

Equipment: presentation, collections of poems by V.V. Mayakovsky

During the classes

Hey you!
Take off your hat!
I'm coming!
the universe is sleeping
put on paw
with pincers of stars a huge ear.

These are the final lines of the poem “A Cloud in Pants”, which V.V. Mayakovsky in July 1915 read in the Petrograd apartment of Lily Yurievna and Osip Maksimovich Brikov on Zhukovsky Street.

Mayakovsky called this day “the most joyful date”: love for Leela Yurievna Brik that determined the whole life of the poet.

Slide 4: portrait of Lily Brik

Lily Yuryevna herself also recalled this day as the greatest event.

“He thought. Then he looked around the room like a huge audience, read the prologue and asked - not in verse, in prose - in a low voice, since then unforgettable

Do you think it's malaria? It was. It was in Odessa.

We raised our heads and never took our eyes off the unseen miracle.

Mayakovsky never changed his posture. Didn't look at anyone. He complained, was indignant, scoffed, demanded, fell into hysterics, pausing between parts.

Mayakovsky fell in love with madness. The poem “A Cloud in Pants” was immediately dedicated to Lila Brik, and many years later, in 1928, Mayakovsky wrote her name on the first volume of his collected works - thus dedicating everything that he created to her.

From the first days of their acquaintance, the Brikov family became the Mayakovsky family for life.

Slide 5: Mayakovsky's portrait with the Briks.

He always felt at home in the Brikov's apartment; it has become a real center of modern literary life. Burliuk, Khlebnikov, Aseev, Pasternak, Kuzmin have been here.

Mayakovsky's relationship with Lily, of course, from the very beginning was not just the relationship of a talented poet and a sensitive listener. Mayakovsky was in love with all the strength of his temperament - i.e. with power truly immeasurable.

In the autumn of 1915, a poem was written "Flute-spine", stunning with the intensity of love experiences and the poetic power with which they are embodied.

Let's turn to the text of the poem and find the lines that convey the power of the poet's feelings.

Everything he wrote during this time was imbued with love.

On May 26, 1916, the poem “ Lilichka! Instead of a letter”, which was not published during the life of Mayakovsky.

Reading a poem to a student.

What epithets and metaphors of this poem amaze with their depth and accuracy of conveying the author's feelings?

Pay attention to the final lines, which can rightly be attributed to the masterpieces of love lyrics:

Give me at least
spread the last tenderness
your outgoing step.

Relations with Brik were difficult. Short periods of happiness (Lilya even announced to her husband about her love for Mayakovsky) were replaced by the painful experiences of the poet.

A happy time in a relationship with Lily gave Mayakovsky tremendous creative energy.

In 1922, the poem " I love”- the brightest of all his hymns to a woman.

- How is love shown in this work?

Teacher: But the breakdown in the relationship was not long in coming. Along with the poem About it"- a poem about love, despair, loneliness, Mayakovsky in 1923 wrote a letter-diary addressed to Lila Yurievna. She found this letter only after the death of the poet. The letter gives an idea of ​​what happened in Mayakovsky's soul during the 2 months of separation from Lilya.

“... Now there is neither a simple past, nor a long past for me, but there is one undivided horror that continues to this day. Horror is not a word, Lilichka, but a state - I would now describe all types of human grief with meat and blood.

One benefit from all this: the following lines, which seemed to me until yesterday, were fortune-telling, became firm and unshakable.

Is it possible to live like this at all? It is possible, but only for a short time. Anyone who lives at least these 39 days can safely receive a certificate of immortality. Therefore, I cannot draw any ideas about the organization of my future life on the basis of this experience. I will never repeat any of these 39 days in my life.

Again about my love. About the notorious activity. Does love exhaust everything for me? Everything, but only differently. Love is life, that's the main thing. Poems and deeds and everything else unfolds from it. Love is the heart of everything. If it stops working, everything else dies, becomes superfluous, unnecessary. But if the heart is working, it cannot manifest itself in everything. Without you (not without you “away”, but internally without you), I stop. It has always been, and it is now. But if there is no "activity" - I'm dead

Do you love me? It must be a strange question for you - of course you love. But do you love me? Do you love so that it is constantly felt by me? No. You don't have love for me, you have love for everything.

What kind of life can we have, what kind of life do I agree to as a result? Any. For everyone. I miss you terribly and want to see you terribly.”

The parting lasted long and painfully - however, the final break did not happen. Until the death of Mayakovsky, Lily vigilantly followed his hobbies - fleeting and serious, made sure that these relationships did not go beyond just hobbies.

Her influence on Mayakovsky was enormous. When in 1927 rumors reached her that Vladimir Vladimirovich was going to marry Natalia Bryukhanenko,

A photo of Bryukhanenko, whom he met at the State Publishing House and traveled around the Crimea, Lily Yuryevna wrote to him: “Volodya, don’t do this ...”. The wedding did not take place.

Teacher: While abroad, in New York, Mayakovsky met with Ellie Jones(Elizaveta Petrovna Siebert), an American of Russian origin. She recalled:

Slide 7: photo of Jones

Student: “He was 32 years old, I was 20, we were both young and knew that our relationship had to fit in a short period of time. It was like a clot, a time capsule.”

Teacher: Apparently, Mayakovsky's feeling for Ellie Jones was not particularly deep. But this did not affect his behavior in any way.

Student: “Having escorted him to the ship and returning home, I wanted to throw myself on the bed and cry - for him, for Russia - but I could not: the whole bed was strewn with forget-me-nots. He had so little money, but that was his style! Where did he get the forget-me-nots at the end of October in New York? Must have ordered long before.”

Teacher: Ellie Jones gave birth to Mayakovsky's daughter, Helen-Patricia, who still lives in America.

Slide 8: photo of Mayakovsky's daughter

Teacher: In 1928, Mayakovsky met in Paris with Tatyana Alekseevna Yakovleva.

Slide 9: photo of Yakovleva

The poems “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva” and “Letter to Comrade Kostrov on the Essence of Love” are dedicated to her (Kostrov was the editor-in-chief of Komsomolskaya Pravda, in which Mayakovsky published these poems).

Tatyana Yakovleva was 21 years old in 1928. This woman had everything: beauty, intelligence, tact.

Mayakovsky fell in love with her instantly, judging by the verses, at first sight:

the fire
come up in a murmur.
will be able
Can you?

Prove from the poems dedicated to Tatyana Yakovleva that Mayakovsky had a very strong feeling for her.


(“Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”, “Letter to Comrade Kostrov on the essence of love”

Teacher: Probably for the first time, Mayakovsky did not feel fear in the woman he loved before the strength of his feelings.

Student: “I was well aware that everything in his life had changed. I felt it right away. Everything was so gentle, so gentle. At the first meeting - it was cold - he took off his coat in a taxi and wrapped my legs - such, for example, a trifle ... The man was absolutely extraordinary wit, charm. I didn't "like" him, I fell in love with him."

There was probably no mismatch of feelings this time. There was another obstacle - insurmountable ... It turned out that it was much easier to invite the Eiffel Tower to Moscow than Tatyana Yakovleva. Mayakovsky could not but understand that such a change of fate was impossible for her, that this woman could only be “taken” together with Paris, ”and this, in turn, was impossible for him. And yet, Vladimir Vladimirovich called her - he called her with letters and telegrams.

In 1929, during Mayakovsky's last visit to Paris, Tatyana Alekseevna promised him to make a final decision about her return or non-return to Moscow when Vladimir Vladimirovich arrived next.

But there was no next visit of Mayakovsky: he no longer received a foreign visa.

Here they talk about the participation of Lily Brik. She was jealous of Tatyana Yakovleva - mainly as an inspirer of poems, which the poet had so far dedicated only to Lilya.

Mayakovsky did not come to Paris anymore. And he probably realized that Yakovleva should be forgotten, and he tried his best to do it.

Soon Mayakovsky began courting Veronica Polonskaya.

Slide 10: photo of Polonskaya

Acquaintance with Polonskaya took place on May 13, 1929. At that time, many heard words from Vladimir Vladimirovich: only true, great love can save me. He was looking for such love and probably hoped to find it in Nora Polonskaya, an actress of the Moscow Art Theater, who had just turned 20 and was married to the famous actor Mikhail Yashin.

Veronika Polonskaya wrote detailed memoirs about the last year of Mayakovsky's life.

An intelligent and subtle person, she accuses herself of not understanding the most difficult mental crisis that Vladimir Vladimirovich was then experiencing. Veronika Vitoldovna writes about her inexperience in life, about her passion for the theater, about the impossibility of consulting anyone, about the ambiguity of her position in relation to her husband ... All this made relations with Mayakovsky very difficult and tense.

Polonskaya believed that the lines about “mutual pains, troubles and insults” from Mayakovsky’s last poem were addressed to her: it was these words, in her opinion, that accurately characterized their relationship.

- Let's listen to this poem performed by N. Noskov to the music of D. Tukhmanov - a true masterpiece of love lyrics. (Appendix 1)

Vladimir Vladimirovich demanded that Polonskaya divorce her husband, marry him, and leave the theater. But Veronika Vitoldovna could not decide on a sharp change in fate.

Relations with Polonskaya did not become a saving straw that Mayakovsky wanted to grab onto.

Veronika Polonskaya witnessed the last minutes of Mayakovsky's life. She wrote about them in her memoirs with protocol accuracy.

Scene: student (Polonskaya) and student (Mayakovsky) slide 12: Mayakovsky and Polonskaya

(Mayakovsky quickly walked around the room. Almost ran)

So, are you going to rehearsal?

Yes I am going.

Will you see Yanshin?

Ah well! Well, then go away, go away immediately, this very minute.

(Vladimir Vladimirovich opened the drawer, slammed it shut and again ran around the room)

Well, you don't even walk me out?


No, girl, go alone ... Be calm for me.


I'll call. Do you have money for a taxi?

(Gave 20 rubles)

So will you call?

(Polonskaya went out the door, walked a few steps, a shot rang out (Appendix 1), returned)

What have you done? What have you done?

Let's summarize the topic of the lesson: what is the originality of Mayakovsky's love lyrics?

Students sum up, write in notebooks with slide 13.

Despite all the efforts of the authorities to “bury the poet”, to stick the label of “iron Soviet” on him, we hear his mighty voice through the years. He teaches us to live and love.

And I hope that you will not remain indifferent to this amazing, contradictory, brilliant, dreaming of unrealizable, right and wrong, powerful poet with a defenseless soul.

Because “love is the heart of everything”.

Slide 14: epigraph.

Homework: prepare an expressive recitation by heart of the poems “Lilichka” and “Unfinished” (optional). (slide 15)

  1. Mayakovsky V.V. Poems. Poems. Plays. - M .: Bustard: Veche, 2002. 320s.
  2. Compilation, introductory article, comments by T.A. Sotnikova.

Open lesson on the topic:

"The originality of Mayakovsky's love lyrics"

Literature teacher:

Prosvirkina V. A.

MAOU "Zavodopetrovskaya secondary school"

year 2013



1. find out the originality of Mayakovsky's love lyrics; trace the evolution of the theme in the poet's work;

2. develop the skills of analyzing a poetic text.

Equipment:portrait of Mayakovsky, photographs by L. Yu. Brik, T. Yakovleva.

During the classes

I. Problematic question: "What is love?" (students answer individually on the sheets, then the teacher collects the answers without voicing).

II.Determining the topic of the lesson, setting goals.

Teacher:What do you think the topic of the lesson is? (student answers).

Teacher:State the objectives of the lesson.

III.Work with Mayakovsky's letter to Lilia Brik.

Teacher:The fatal woman in the life of the poet was Lilia Yurievna Brik. Read an excerpt from Mayakovsky's letter to Lilia Brik, determine what place love occupied in the poet's life .

“Does love exhaust everything for me? Everything, but only differently ... Love is life, this is the main thing ... Poems, deeds, and everything else unfold from it. Love is the heart of everything. If it stops working, everything else dies out, becomes redundant and unnecessary. But if the heart works, it cannot but manifest itself in everything.

V. V. Mayakovsky. Letter from L. Yu. Brik.

IV. The history of the poet's relationship with Lilia Brik. Analysis of the poem "Lily".

Teacher: Now you will get acquainted with the history of the relationship between Mayakovsky and Lilia Brik.

Presentation by a trained student about Lilia Brik.

Teacher: What did you learn new about Mayakovsky? What surprised you about this love story? (student answers)

Teacher: Listen to the poem "Lily". Compare the love story shown in the poem and the love story in the poet's life.

Reading the poem "Lilichka" by a trained student. (It is possible to read via the Internet by actress Tatyana Lavrova).

Poem talk:

1 What is the similarity between the love story depicted in the poem and the love story in the life of the poet.

2. Find and comment on the lines that convey the inner state of the hero. What means does the author use?

3. What lines confirm the hero's "huge-love"?

V. The history of the poet's relationship with Tatyana Yakovleva. Analysis of the poem "Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love."

Speech by a trained student about Tatyana Yakovleva.

Work in pairs or in groups (at the choice of students) with the poem "Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love." Task: read a poem, formulate what the essence of love is.

Teacher: So, what is the essence of love? ( Performance by groups (or couples)).

Teacher: And now let's read what definition of love you gave (the teacher reads out the students' answers). Do your definitions differ from the essence of Mayakovsky's love?

VI. Analytical work (if time permits).

Teacher: I bring to your attention two short texts, read them and express your point of view on the possible cause of Mayakovsky's death.

“Yesterday, April 14, at 10:15 am, the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky committed suicide in his office. As the investigator comrade told our employee. Syrtsov, the conducted investigation indicates that the suicide was caused by reasons of a purely personal nature, which have nothing to do with the literary activity of the poet. Suicide was preceded by a long illness, after which he did not recover.

Mayakovsky's suicide letter.

“Everyone. Don't blame anyone for dying, and please don't gossip. The dead man didn't like it. Mom, sisters and comrades, sorry - this is not the way (I do not advise others), but I have no way out.

Lily - love me.

Comrade government, my family is Lilya Brik, mother, sisters and Veronika Vitoldovna Polonskaya. If you give them a decent life, thank you. Give the started poems to the Briks, they will figure it out.

As they say-

“the incident is settled”, the love boat crashed against everyday life.

I'm in with life

And there is no need for a list of mutual pains,

Trouble and insults .. "

VII. Generalization.

Did you like Mayakovsky's poems about love?

What is their uniqueness?

Homework of the student's choice:

Write a short essay on the topic: “Mayakovsky's lyrics of love. What is its originality?

Teacher: Thank you for the lesson. I wish you beautiful, real, mutual love.

Mayakovsky and Lilia Brik.

Lilya Brik, the muse and beloved of the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, was the greatest happiness in his life and the greatest tragedy in his fate. She, having become his "lady of the heart" and "queen", was able to influence his work so much that they still believe that it was Lilya who raised the famous poet to the pinnacle of fame and created from him that Mayakovsky as we know

Brick wasn't pretty. Small in stature, thin, round-shouldered, with huge eyes, she seemed like a teenager. However, there was something special, feminine in her, which attracted men so much and made them admire this amazing woman. Lilya was well aware of this and used her charms when meeting with every man she liked. “She knew how to be sad, capricious, feminine, proud, empty, fickle, smart, and whatever,” one of her contemporaries recalled.
By the time she met Mayakovsky, she was already married. Lilya became the wife of Osip Brik in 1912, perhaps because he was the only one who seemed indifferent to her charm for a long time. She could not forgive such a man. Their married life seemed happy at first. Lilya, who knew how to decorate any, even more than modest life, was able to enjoy every pleasant little thing, was responsive and easy to communicate with. Artists, poets, politicians gathered in their house with Osip. Sometimes there was nothing to treat the guests with, and in the Briks' house they were fed tea with bread, but this seemed not to be noticed - after all, the charming, amazing Lilya was in the center.
This continued until 1915, until one day Lily's sister Elsa brought her close friend, the aspiring poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, to the Briks' house, with whom she was in love and with whom she wanted to connect her future life. However, Lilya seemed to ignore this fact, and that day she was especially sweet and friendly with the new guest. And he, delighted with the hostess of the house, read her his best poems and on his knees asked Lilechka's permission to dedicate them to her. She celebrated the victory, and Elsa, burning with jealousy, could not find a place for herself.

A few days later, Mayakovsky begged Brikov to accept him "for good", explaining his desire by the fact that he "fell irrevocably in love with Lily Yuryevna." She gave her consent, and Osip was forced to come to terms with the whims of a windy wife. However, Mayakovsky finally moved into an apartment with the Briks only in 1918. Thus began one of the most high-profile novels of the past century, the "threesome marriage", rumors about which quickly spread among acquaintances, friends and in literary circles. And although Lilya explained to everyone that “she had long since ended her intimate relationship with Osya,” the strange trinity still lived together in a tiny apartment under the same roof.
Many years later, Lilya will say: “I fell in love with Volodya as soon as he began to read Cloud in Pants. I fell in love with him immediately and forever. However, at first she kept him at a distance.
The love of the poet Lilya Brik was not surprised. She was completely confident in her charms and always said: “You need to convince a man that he is a genius ... And allow him what is not allowed at home. Good shoes and silk underwear will do the rest.”
In 1919, Briki and Mayakovsky moved to Moscow. They hung a sign on the door of their apartment: “Bricks. Mayakovsky.
Mayakovsky was returning from abroad with gifts. From the station he went to the Briks, and all evening Lily tried on dresses, blouses, jackets, threw herself on the neck of the poet with joy, and he rejoiced with happiness
When Mayakovsky's friends reproached him for being too submissive to Lila Brik, he resolutely declared: “Remember! Lilya Yurievna is my wife! And when they sometimes allowed themselves to play a joke on him, he proudly answered: “There is no offense in love!”
Mayakovsky tried to endure all humiliations, just to be close to his beloved muse.
In 1926, after returning from America, Vladimir Mayakovsky told Lilya that he had experienced a stormy romance with Russian emigrant Ellie Jones, and she was now expecting a child from him. Lily's face did not express the slightest chagrin. She did not betray her excitement, demonstrating only indifference and composure. Mayakovsky could not have expected such a reaction.
The poet went crazy, suffered from jealousy and tried to forget Lily, but at her first call he returned.
In the autumn of 1928, he went to France, ostensibly for treatment. However, Lilina's faithful friends told her that Mayakovsky was going abroad to meet Ellie Jones and his little daughter. Leela became worried. However, she is always used to achieving her goals. True to herself, resolute and resourceful Brik started a new adventure. Again she asked her sister "not to lose sight of Volodya", and Elsa, in order to somehow tear Mayakovsky away from the American, introduced him to the young model of the House of Chanel, Russian emigrant Tatyana Yakovleva. The sisters were wrong. Soon after meeting Tatyana, Mayakovsky forgot about Ellie. However, he fell in love with a new acquaintance so that he decided to marry her and bring her to Russia. Enthusiastic and in love, he dedicated a poem to Yakovleva. This meant only one thing for Lily Brik: for Mayakovsky, she is no longer a muse. “You betrayed me for the first time,” Lilya said bitterly to Vladimir when he returned to Moscow. And for the first time, he didn't say anything. Lily couldn't bear it.
In October 1929, she invited her friends and threw a lavish party. In the middle of the evening, Lily allegedly accidentally started talking about her sister, from whom she had recently received a letter. The cunning hostess decided to read this letter aloud. At the end of the message, Elsa wrote that Tatyana Yakovleva was marrying a noble and very rich viscount. Vladimir Mayakovsky, hearing the news, turned pale, got up and left the apartment. He never understood that Tatyana was not going to get married at all, that the sisters pulled off another adventure so that Volodenka would stay with Lily and could continue to work fruitfully.
Six months later, the Briks went to Berlin. Mayakovsky saw them off at the station, and a few days later a telegram from Russia awaited Osip and Lilya at the hotel: “Volodya committed suicide this morning.” This happened on April 14, 1930. He left a note in which, among other phrases, were the words: "Lilya, love me."
Lilya Brik died in 1978. She passed away after drinking a large dose of sleeping pills. The poet's muse remained true to itself here too: she herself determined the end of her own destiny.
Until the last days, she did not take off the ring donated by Vladimir Mayakovsky. On a small, modest ring, three letters were engraved with Lily's initials - LOVE. When she turned it in her hands, remembering the poet, the letters merged into one word - "I love." Lilya Brik never left the memory of the unfortunate poet in love with her.

Mayakovsky and Tatyana Yakovleva

On October 8, 1928, Mayakovsky left Moscow for Berlin. On October 15 he is in Paris. On December 3, he left Paris for Berlin, on December 9, 1928 he returned to Moscow. In France, in the period from 20 to 25 October, the poet visited Nice. Upon his return from Nice to Paris, on October 25 or 26, 1928, Mayakovsky first met and became acquainted with T. A. Yakovleva (1906–1991), young milliner, recently (in 1925) at the request of her uncle, a Parisian artist who moved from Soviet Russia to live in France. This meeting also received a poetic reflection: Tatyana Yakovleva became the addressee of one of the poems of the lyrical dilogy.

Studies of literary critics show that Mayakovsky's "Parisian" love lyrics are associated not only with Tatyana Yakovleva.

The poet also had another (very important for him) love story.

It became possible to clarify the specifics of the issue only in the 1990s, when Mayakovsky’s daughter, Helen-Patricia (Elena Vladimirovna) Thompson, openly declared herself in the United States, whose “virtual” existence was known only to a narrow circle of people. In the summer of 1925 Mayakovsky visited the United States of America. Here he met and fell in love with Ellie Jones (Elizaveta Petrovna Siebert, 1904-1985), a Russian German who left Russia in the first years after the revolution. All the time Mayakovsky was in America, they were together. Their parting was not easy, Elizabeth and Vladimir already knew that they would soon have a child.

On June 15, 1926 Ellie Jones had a daughter, Helen Patricia, in the United States. The correspondence of the parents has been preserved (incompletely). A new meeting between Mayakovsky and Ellie Jones took place in 1928 already in Europe. On the 20th of October 1928, the poet saw his daughter for the first time. Mayakovsky, who is “30 already and at 30 / has gone to break his tail” (“Home!”, 1925, draft manuscript, lines not included in the final text), is experiencing a special one - “Hurricane, / fire, / water” (“Letter Comrade Kostrov…”) is a stream of emotions and feelings. He became a father! He has a daughter, a family. For the first time after the poems “I Love” and “About This” (1922–1923), the poet returns to love lyrics again. Makes in Nice the first "blanks" for poems, which soon made up the poetic dilogy "Letters" from Paris. The poet's notebook with these first sketches has been preserved.

According to the memoirs of Ellie Jones, when they met in Nice, they talked and “wept” all night. The sleeping city, the sea, the mountains, the night sky looked through the wide open window of the hotel room. Sketches of the most important lines, key semantic rhymes of the future "Letters" about love appear in the notebook: "<море>spots / sleeps, sleeps Nice"; “...jealousy moves mountains”, “eyebrows / with an eyebrow on a par”; "astrologer / astrologer" and others. All these rhymes, blanks, lines were created and recorded before October 25, 1928, even before meeting T. Yakovleva, whose existence Mayakovsky did not even suspect then! Obviously, the only "inspirer" and prototype of the heroine of the lyrical work that began to take shape at this stage could only be Ellie Jones, the mother of his daughter.

On October 25 or 26, 1928, Mayakovsky returned from Nice to Paris, being in a state of active creative upsurge, and wrote a letter to Nice: “Two lovely Ellies! I already miss you all. I dream to come to you for at least another week. Will you accept? Caress? Answer, please (... I'm only afraid that this would not remain a dream either) ... I kiss you all eight paws. Your vol. 26/X. 28."

It is necessary to imagine, evaluate the state of Mayakovsky-man these days. Having met “two Ellies”, seeing his own daughter for the first time in his 35 years, he experienced an abundance of new, unusual emotions (“A host of visions / and ideas / is full to the lid ...” - “Letter to Comrade Kostrov”).

On the same days, Mayakovsky is introduced to Tatyana Yakovleva in Paris. She becomes one of the first listeners, and then, apparently, in some details, and the object - the interlocutor of the created lyrical works, to which the poet soon turned again.

During this period, the prototype of the lyrical heroine of the love poetic dilogy becomes to some extent bifurcated - “My life is somehow strange ...” (from a letter of those days to Moscow). The figurative system of the lyrical narration includes pictures associated not only with Ellie Jones, but in part with Tatyana Yakovleva

Most of the memoirs, impressions, "evidence of contemporaries" about Mayakovsky's stay in Paris in 1928, his meetings with Tatyana Yakovleva, his attitude towards Yakovleva are records made many years after the events, by no means in "hot pursuit". Therefore, the most reliable information about those days should be recognized, apparently, several surviving letters from Yakovleva's mother to Penza, written in December 1928 - early 1930, that is, really "in hot pursuit" of events.

In December 1928, shortly after leaving for Moscow, Yakovleva wrote to her mother: "AT. M. (Mayakovsky) returned from Paris ... It was very hard for me when he left. This is the most talented person I have met, and, most importantly, in the most interesting area for me, ”- Yakovleva also wrote poetry. “I think it will be interesting for you to listen to the poems called “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva” and “Letter of Love ...” ... He left me “my” poems in two copies, I am sending you. Don't show anyone yet...

In a letter dated December 24, 1928, Yakovleva again writes about Mayakovsky: “... I saw him every day and became very friendly with him. If I've ever been good to my "fans" it's him, mostly because of his talent, but even more because of the amazing and literally touching attitude towards me. In terms of attention and care (even for me, spoiled) he is absolutely amazing. I still miss him very much... Mayakovsky spurred me on, made me (I was terribly afraid of seeming stupid next to him) mentally pull myself up, and most importantly, sharply remember Russia... I also love his last poems. Previously, he had almost no lyrics of this kind, but, in my opinion, he comes out with it no worse than anything else. ... His poems conquer even the French, with the rhythm and power of reading. "My" poems were a great success here ... He stirred up in me a longing for Russia and for all of you. Literally, I almost came back. He is so colossal both physically and morally that after him there is literally a desert. This is the first person who managed to leave a trace in my soul ... "

1. Love in early work.
2. Mayakovsky's muse.
3. Publicity of feelings.

To love is from the sheets
insomniac torn, break loose,
jealous of Copernicus, him,
and not the husband of Marya Ivanna,
considering him a rival.
V. V. Mayakovsky

Love lyrics occupy not the last place in the work of V. V. Mayakovsky, whom we are accustomed to perceive as a poet of the revolution and a master of propaganda slogans. The poem "A Cloud in Pants" (1915) is a love poem and is dedicated to an unrequited feeling for the heroine M. A. Denisova, who did not come on a date, with whom he was in love in Odessa. The title contains a metaphor for a gentle male soul. Surprisingly, for many years this poem was considered revolutionary, anti-bourgeois. But it is not at all dissatisfaction with social order that makes the hero curse the world, but the simplest jealousy. The tense hero waits for his beloved from four to ten o'clock, she eventually comes and says that she is getting married. "Fire of the Heart" turns into revenge for taking away love

You put love on violins.
Love on the timpani lays rough.
And you can't twist yourself like me,
to have one solid lips!
...Want to -
I will be mad from meat
— and like the sky, changing tones —
want to -
I will be impeccably gentle,
not a man, but a cloud in his pants!

Most of the love poems are dedicated to L. Brik, whom Vladimir Vladimirovich met in 1915. She became a significant figure in his life. No one else - neither T. A. Yakovleva, nor V. Polonskaya - took such a place in the poet's heart as she did. For many years, the woman became Mayakovsky's muse. The poet dedicated the first volume of his collected works, published in 1928, to her. “Except for your love, there is no sun for me ... / Mayakovsky wrote to me in the poem “Lilichka! Instead of a letter.

“She knew how to be sad, feminine, capricious, proud, empty, fickle, in love, smart, and whatever,” said V. B. Shklovsky about Brik.

The meeting was fateful, Lily's marriage to O. Brik was more of a tender friendship than passionate love. Mayakovsky brought down on his beloved his boundless unbridled feeling, accompanied by jealousy, which is quite justified in the current love triangle.

square arshins of housing.
in room -
and dog

It was in such conditions that love existed, and Mayakovsky's poems were created. He did not want to share the woman he loved with anyone, but he was doomed to do so. As aptly noted, his lyrics were fueled by unhappy love.

It is not always possible to talk about the absolute coincidence of the lyrical hero of poetry with the author, but in this case there is no substitution - we read about what Mayakovsky really felt, and not an abstract lyrical hero. His love is so great that he crowns his beloved with a crown for centuries.

My love
like an apostle during it,
a thousand thousand I will smash the roads.
A crown has been prepared for you for centuries,
and in the crown my words -
a rainbow of convulsions.

Mayakovsky's love is a feeling that knows no peace: "I hope, I believe, shameful prudence will never come to me." She screams all over, now from delight, now from pain, the poet splashes out emotions, not holding back or hiding them. He is a maximalist, so there are no semitones in feelings. Or love, or not, or now, or never. Mayakovsky's feeling of love takes on unusual forms: from the defenseless "meek little darling":

Will there be love or not?
Which -
big or tiny?
Where does the body have such a large:
must be small
humble darling -

to a love-hulk striking in its size, which is either love, or hatred, or despair, or tenderness:

More than possible
more than necessary -
as if
looming like poetic delirium in a dream -
the lump of the heart has grown in bulk:
bulk love,
mass of hatred.

Of course, such a romantic as Mayakovsky, who understands the "tram language" and knows how to play the nocturne "on the flute of drainpipes", could not love otherwise. He boldly declared his love to the whole world. From his love, falling like a waterfall, from such a violent manifestation of feelings, Brik got tired, which made the poet rush about, get lost and worry. This feeling for her was very uneven, they never managed to create a model of a modern family without prejudices - without jealousy, without dependence on each other, free from the influence of everyday life. Relations with the Parisian Yakovleva, according to others, were calm, but short-lived. They say that he failed to go to Paris again, not without the help of Brikov (Lilya was furious when she discovered a poem for her rival), and Yakovleva soon got married. There are lines dedicated to her. They have notes of happiness.

You are the only one for me
straight growth,
get close
with an eyebrow,
about this
important evening
more human...

Mayakovsky was such a person who could not keep feelings in himself, splashed them out in his poems and, due to his publicity, made them public. After all, it was not just an intimate feeling, but the feeling of a poet-citizen. Hyperbolization of feelings is characteristic of Mayakovsky's entire work, and the love drama acquires a public character in this perspective. Thus, according to the researcher S. L. Strashnov, the poet was attached “to the integral whole - the mass or national unity, no matter how abstract and illusory it may be. Hence .., Mayakovsky's desire to socialize it (love lyrics) in every possible way, turning love from a personal feeling into a public topic. The poem "I Love", written in 1921-1922, says that love occupies an important place in a person's life, it is given to everyone, but few people notice that over time the heart becomes stale and "love will bloom, bloom - and shrink." To save love, the poet hides it in his beloved.

in you -
wealth into iron -
I go
and rejoice in Croesus.

The poem ends with the conclusion that his love is timeless. These are Mayakovsky's most positive lines about love.

The poem “About This”, filled with lyricism, reveals to us the torments of jealousy, the suffering from unhappy love. Having outlined the main theme of the poem - “for personal reasons about the common life”, the poet talks about morality, life and love of a new person. His lyrical hero fights for ideal love. Critics called the poem a sensitive novel, over which schoolgirls cry, while the author spoke directly about his idea - this is a poem built on associations, about how everyday life vulgarizes the relationship between a man and a woman. The poet believed that in the life of a new person, love should be cleansed of philistinism.

“Love is life, this is the main thing. Poems, deeds, and everything else unfold from it. Love is the heart of everything. If it stops working, everything else dies, becomes superfluous, unnecessary. But if the heart works, it cannot fail to manifest itself in everything, ”Mayakovsky said about love, the eternal theme of works of art.