Pedcollege 6 timetable for correspondence department. "Choreographic creativity", or where to study professionally

Almost in the center of Moscow, in the picturesque is-to-riches district Do-rogo-milo-vo, near the house of Poklonnaya Gora for 45 years now -po-lag-et-sya Pe-dago-giches-ky college No. 6.

In September-September 1964, the Department of Personnel of the Educational Department of the Mos-go-ris-regiment made a decision to open -ty of the Pe-dago-giches-ko-go school No. 6 on the under-go-to-ke of re-pi-tate-lei for the educational departments of Moscow. From this mo-men-ta and the beginning of the is-th-riya of the educational-no-go for-leading.

In 1992, a pe-dago-giches-teach-lische in-rays-lo the status of a college, re-rei-dya to a sub-go-tov-ke of spe-ci-alis-tov not only to the basic, but also to the higher level.

The first di-rec-tor of college -
Ga-lina Ivanov-na Cap-le-va

For 45 years of history, in the development of educational institutions, there have been big changes. Pe-dago-giches-kiy team post-it-yang-but strives to introduce into practice everything new and new for the system-the-we under-go-tov-ki pe-dago-giches-kih frames. To the unity-twen-no-mu, at the moment of opening-ry-tia from de-leniation of dosh-kol-no-th-nurture, new ones joined: would they open ry-you special-tsi-al-nos-ti “Pre-presentation in the initial classes”, “Or-ga-niza-tion of the educational activity-nos- ti”, “Is-to-riya”, “In-form-tika”.

Os-vo-it pro-fes-this pe-dago-ga and vo-pi-tate-la stu-den-tam helps qua-lifi-tsiro-van-ny ped-dago-giches-ky sos -tav - 4 dok-to-ra na-uk, 14 kan-di-datov na-uk, 7 as-pi-ran-tov; 70% of the teachers are of the highest qua-lifi-katsi-on-noy category. Among them are Z. Sh. cue - zas-lu-wife worker-nik of physical culture, V. G. Mi-khasev and V. S. Ly-sova - zas-lu-wife teach -tel of the Russian Federation, as well as other teachers, from the well-known working environment education at both the city and the federal levels.

Over the years of its existence, the educational institution under-prepared-to-lo more than 10 thousand specialists, most of the some of them venerated themselves de-lu of resurrection and education of the growing generation. Many graduates of Pe-dago-giches-ko-go college No. 6 returned to their native walls as teachers.

The college team works creatively. With the participation of our teachers, the new standards of the middle professio-onal-no-go education were developed , create new curricula, programs for subjects and pedagogical practice. The college has wide business contacts with educational institutions of the city, including those with higher educational institutions -us-mi-for-vede-ni-yami (he is a member of the uni-ver-si-tets-ko-go on-uch-but-about-ra-call-tel-no-ok- ru-ga, created on the basis of Mos-kovs-ko-go city-rods-ko-go pe-dago-giches-ko-uni-ver-si-teta), la-bora-tori -yami, research institutes, with foreign partners.

Collegiate Director -
Oleg Fe-doro-vich Ru-doi

Under-go-to-special-tsi-alis-tov is being conducted on the educational basis-no-ve, with-ori-tet-noe-direction in-rays-la personal- nost-but ori-en-ti-rovan-naya tech-no-logy. According to the positive result of the work of the pe-dago-giches-co-collective, 32 publications can be counted over the last three years yes, in pe-ri-od-ches-coy print, in collections of international, republic-public-kans-kih and city-rods-kih at academic conferences -ren-tion. More than 70% of you-start-ups of a pedagogical college every year, but post-to-pa-yut to higher educational institutions, continuing co-ver -chance-to-vat your professional-si-onal-level.

In addition to training in the chosen early specialty, college students have the opportunity to get to the full -tov-ku in the field of psycho-holology, Russian language and literature, foreign-ran-no-go language, in-form-tiki, re-pi- tania children of early age; additional qualifications of the vos-pi-tate-la dosh-kol-nyh educational institutions for children with poor speech vi-tia, leader-child-la of the imaginative de-yatel-nose-ty and physical education.

Students have the opportunity to show their talents in extracurricular activities. The college is famous for its musical da-rova-ni-yami: at many general city concerts, listeners are for-a-thief-alive -yut student-teaching teacher's choir, ensemble "Lozh-ka-ri" and the choir of the native song. The college has music circles, a ballroom dance studio, a student theatre-studio "On Poklonnaya".

Teach and stu-den-you protect and maintain the traditions of your educational institution. For everyone who is connected with him, the college has turned into a native home, where there is light and comfort, but, ku-da, it’s worth it - goodbye.

45 years old is a co-leading age. But the pedagogical collective is full of creative forces, energy and new plans!

College Museum

Resurrection of the wind of the ve-tera-nov of the pe-dago-giches-ko-go-college No. 6

Ta-mara Va-sil-ev-na Barabash

Teacher of physical culture

Chairman of the PCC physical culture

Leader of the section of the sports gymnast

Years of work in college is a life lived in is-s, on-hods, ra-dos-ty, sorrows, meetings, diss-ta-vani- yah ... I came to work in pe-duchi-lische No. 6 in the distant 1967 as a teacher of physical culture. Os-vo-ila and ve-la also rit-mi-ku, theory and method of teaching physical culture in primary school le.

During my pedagogical work, I was a class leader 11 times. I spent a lot of in-the-res-events with my groups. Post-ta-wili performance "Gai-dar and his heroes" under the guidance of the teacher of children's literature N. K. Fi-lato-voy, opera -ru “Peter and the Wolf” by S. Pro-kof-ev under the guidance of the teacher of music E. I. Luts-koy, in which he took part -tie teaching all groups. My students would always be active participants in the sports life of a duchi-lischa.

But the most bright-kim re-em-by-min-ni-em in the work of the class-no-go-ru-kovo-child-la became-la work on the basis of the hero-ro-ev books -gi A. S. Ma-karen-ko “Pedago-giches-kaya poem”. We started this work in 1975, and it continued for 10 years, moving from one release to another . Did we take part in the city’s conference “Ma-karen-ko and modern-re-men-ness” in the Teacher’s House, where co-doc- ladchi-kami would be our students, and in urban ma-karen-kovs-kih environments.

Not-once-but-or-ga-bottom-out in college and held at a high level oral magazines and conferences, consecrated you-yes-usche-musya to the dago-gu and his students S. A. Ka-laba-lin and G. K. Ka-laba-lina. The result of our enormous work was an active participation in the creation of the museum of A. S. Ma-karenko. With great support and help from M.A. na-lis-ta-ma-karen-ko-veda B. Chu-baro-wa na-shi students-den-you designed-la-li the hall of the museum, pos-v-shchen-no-go Ka-lab -line and other heroes of the book “Pedago-giches-kaya poem”. The al-bom, created by the student-den-ta-mi on this topic and donated by G.K. Ka-laba-lina, is stored in the museums of the city of Yegor -evs-ka. This work very united and united the group. I’m happy that I’m destined to be born with this amazing educational institution, to which I’m from-yes-la 42 years of her life.

Ana-toly Vasil-evich Be-lov

Music teacher

Reminiscences from a distant past overfill my heart. I have been working at Pedagogy College No. 6 since 1966. I want to mark off the more significant moments in the life of our educational institution, in which I, as a musician, took no part.

Were there in-the-res-s-walks with students-den-ta-mi along the suburbs near Moscow. In the Odintsovs-com, Klins-com districts, we carried out campaigning for enrollment in our school. In agitation b-ri-gadas did students and teachers L. N. Gle-bova, A. A. Prud-nikov take part.

Every autumn, the commission of physical education under the guidance of A.G. -things of the eye-lo Do-roho-vo in the Moscow region. There, mouths-ra-iva-lied various co-roars-no-vanias, or-ga-low-falled out of the song-course. It was ve-village and in-te-res-but. I remember how M.M. -ze sta-tsi-onar-nyh pi-oners-kih la-gers in Ruzs-com, Push-kins-com districts. We-las vi-de-os-em-ka. From morning to evening, or-ga-bottom-tor ran-pi-syva-la by the hour all day, and there was not a single free minute. Student-den-would you be in a bargain.

I want to remember the thread of the even concerts that were held every year in the school: the performance of the cho-ra, the or-kest-ra, en- samb-la. I participated in the shaft together with D.A. Reminiscences of the tor-gestures that took place after the presentation of diplomas to students-den-there-you-launch-no- kam.

People-mi-la Nikola-ev-on Gle-bova

Teacher of physical education methods

I remember my work in a pedagogical school, which went on in the at-mosphere of creativity and en-tu-zi-az-ma. Would we immerse our wives in a series of our class affairs, solve one-now-men-but different tasks and, by our own example, burn-whether on -their students.

Thor-gesture-vein-line-ki, commemorated anniversaries of the Kom-so-mol, passed in rivers-re-tions. Each group-pa of the day-to-day from de-leniation vy-tu-fell with late-rav-le-ni-yami. And I, the class leader, took an active part in this. And the patronage of children-ki-mi do-mami and shelter-yuta-mi ?! We are happy to participate in this business. Learning to shi-whether de-tyam clothes, what-fell noses, bring things, get ready for business.

On wax-re-canopy-pits, together with students-den-ta-mi, we set off on trips around Moscow. For-eve after the 1st month in the review of the hu-dozhest-ven-noy sa-fashion-yatel-nose-ty, would you have been rewarded with an auto-bus-noy ex-chicken -si-her to Suz-dal, to Pe-res-lavl Za-less-cue and other cities.

Yes, the well-roch-nye are remembered as a holiday. Are we working in a collective-ho-ze near the city of Che-khov, harvesting potatoes.

I remember the traditional holidays. Each subject committee prepared its own ignition number. Especially ben-but bright impressions remained from the performance of N. K. Ze-lenina and E. E. Gud-zenko. They showed a merry scene "Yes-ma is beautiful-red and Very beautiful-red." It's unforgettable!

Aleksandr Grigorievich Go-rokhovsky

Teacher of physical culture and life safety

On-even work-nick of the middle-professional-onal-no-go education of the Russian Federation

Zas-lu-female work-bot-nick of the physical culture of the Russian Federation

Veteran of the 81st rifle division

Veteran DSO "Spar-tak"

I have been working in the pedagogical school No. 6 since 1964 as the head of physical education. During this period, the team of physical culture achieved significant success among secondary specialized educational nyh departments of the city of Moscow. Would we be four-rat-we-mi than-pi-she-mi in bass-ketball-lu and in-lei-bo-lu, many-go-k-army-mi prize-winners in ski- nym race-cams, many-go-k-army-mi prize-mi Spart-ta-ki-ady ssu-cal of the city of Moscow and DSO "Spar-tak".

At the college, a large sports-mass-co-work was carried out: a complex spar-ta-ki-ad for seven types of sports, winter nie holidays, general-study-lich-nye tours-le-you, cross-sy. Every year, but go through the winter sports-lake-to-drovi-tel-ny fees. In 1997-1998, the Pedagogical College took part (100 people) in preparing and conducting the World Youth Sixth Games in Moscow ve, so our team went to the ICC "Art-tech".

For the preparation of sports teams in the summer, would there be or-ga-nizo-vans in the cities of Bel-go-rod, South-no-ural- ske, Che-bok-sa-rah. Students take an active part in all sports events with great pleasure.

Ni-na Vas-sil-ev-na De-midyuk

Head of school from de laziness

For-mes-ti-tel di-rek-to-ra for re-educational work

Psy-holo-gy teacher

On-even work-nick of the middle-professional-onal-no-go education of the Russian Federation

Working time at Ped College No. 6: from 1977 to 2003

I want to remember our amazing pedagogical team. The pain is seen at a distance. In the most difficult years of the existence of the country, when the Soviet Union collapsed, when everything around collapsed and the system -ma moral values ​​\u200b\u200blost their meaning, our pedagogues rallied and were reborn for new achievements.

What would be the main thing at that time? One-ve money-gi, god-guts-tvo? Not! Sa-my main thing is LU-DI, this is our teacher-pod-wate-whether! After all, not a single one left Pe-dago-giches-ko-college, no one complained, but worked. Did you know that together we are bound to live.

In those difficult times, we saved and pre-mind-but-repressed the traditions that were laid down in the pedagogical school No. 6. In this regard, I would like to recall the excellent red collections: “Lozh-ka-ri”, an ensemble of Russian songs, a vocal ensemble. They continue to rise and delight us with their creativity.

In those years, the “Group-pa-to-vari-schey” was released. And it all started with KVN between students and teachers. A wonderful event rallied the future team and revealed the creative and calculus-opportunities of each. And then ... it became sa-mim in-te-res-but and, most importantly, wish-lan-but to take part in every concert, whether it be an evening meeting chi with you-start-no-kami, Teacher's Day, New Year, February 23-ra-la, March 8 ...

In the writing of texts, pe-sen, did everyone take part - after all, in the collective, the presence of feelings of humor was considered the main thing! And every exit of the "Group-py-vari-schey" was accepted with a bang. At first, some teachers, especially the young ones, were embarrassed of their own abilities. But the main thing is participation! People of different generations, in-te-res, occupied by must-nos-they sang and danced on the stage!

And what educational value did they have for the students! They not only themselves began to take part in common-college events, but also with -em look-re-whether at their teachers! At different times, in the team of high-to-fell L. P. Ishu-tina, N. V. De-midyuk, O. B. Sa-pozh-ni-kova, V. N. Lipovich, M. N. Pro-vodi-lov, L. V. Ba-rash, N. Yu. I. P. Ru-den-ko, N. A. Ti-mosh-ki-na, V. A. Du-rits-kaya, E. P. Shu-milo-va. Someone vys-tu-fell pos-it-yan-but, someone came-join-ed-nyal-sya not-for a long time. But for everyone - both participants and listeners - it was a holiday!

Iri-na Pavlovna Dmit-ri-cheva

Teacher of music and MHK

From-personal member of the-kind-of-the-th about-ra-calling

Working time at Ped College No. 6: from 1966 to 1996

No, everything, of course, did not come true,

In the flash of years, in the flow of days,

But if something succeeded,

Thanks to my music.

A. Der-be-nev

I, Dmit-ri-cheva Iri-na Pavlovna, worked in the school for more than a dozen years. He taught the world's artistic culture and music. I love music and art very much and therefore did what I liked: I shared my love for art -kuss-tvu with students. This work is in-te-res-naya, creative, bringing joy, when you feel-you-eat that you-tre-chu are beautifully red-open-ry-va -yut-sya young souls-shi. Of course, not me, but the music sometimes worked miracles. And how not to remember here the lines of Bu-lat Okud-zha-you:

I remember the words of D. Kabalevs, who said that the beautiful red gives birth to good, and I tried to teach shchi-esya as much as possible, but more often so-ri-touched with the beautiful-red, since the objects that I led gave me such an opportunity. Within the framework of the lesson, it would be tight for me, and I spent class hours, such as “Yesen-nin and music”, “Tsve-ta-eva and music”, “Women in art”, “Images of nature in music”, etc. chera: “Music and theater of Ancient Greece”, “Te-atr Sheks-pi-ra”, “Go-gol uly-ba-et-sya” “Golden Ross-sy-pi ”and others. We often went to the exhibitions of Re-rich, Ko-rin, Serov. And those-at-ry! For the first time, many students are only with me on the network of the con-servatory and the Bolshoy theater. What’s more, in a swarm they invited shawls with their parents.

It seems to me that joint visits and joint emotional experiences de-lali closer to students and their parents. With my work, it seems to me, I did my cares, they were not only educated, they became more a little -mi and attention-matel-us-mi.

Ni-na Mi-hi-lov-na El-sho-va

Nag-razhde-na-even-we-mi gra-mota-mi and dip-lo-mom

Department of Personnel and Educational Institutions of the Is-Regiment of the Moscow Council

Working time at Ped College No. 6: from 1966 to 1985

Each of-measures time in its own way. I believe that fate gave me long and happy years on a pedagogical path, chosen by me on my own no-mu persuasion.

I remember lectures and practical lessons on the method of development of re-chi in groups of day-to-day from-de-lening. At the beginning of the training, the students didn’t know how to do anything, couldn’t communicate with the children correctly, conduct classes. Pos-te-pen-but in the process of studying the-ore-tic-co-course, training in pedago-giches-coy practice, they are ov -la-deva-whether pe-dago-giches-kim masters-tv. I saw the re-zul-ta-you of your work, from-yes-chu from the students and gained confidence that my work is not for example -sen. The students woke up in-te-res to the pro-fessions of vos-pi-tate-la: they were successful, but they did it in practice with dosh-kol- no-kami speech games, entertainment, activities for the development of speech, and it was ra-worthy!

Bless the year-ryu of all the collegues on the subject committee. We would have a blah-gop-ri-yat-naya, comfortable, creative atmosphere in the PCC.

Ni-on Dmit-ri-ev-on Jo-gol-va

Teacher of children's li-tera-tours

Head of the teaching-room of the methodology of the development of re-chi and children's literature

From-personal na-rod-no-th education

Working time at Ped College No. 6: from 1966 to 2003

I came to work in the pedagogical school No. 6, when it had already moved to Poklonnaya Street in 1966. More than anything, I remember how we created our own cabinet of methods for developing re-chi and children's literature. The first years of work-whether at public beginnings, and I, the head of the cabinet, and my help-no-ki - teachers -wate-whether and students-den-you.

What would be the most difficult? To collect de-mons-tra-ci-on-ny ma-teri-al, to summarize the experience of the work of teachers, students. The children's gardens helped us a lot. Especially-ben-but kindergarten No. 608 Kun-tsevs-ko-go district, where our students-den-you went-whether prak-ti-ku. Colleagues-ki-without-compensation-but gave us a methodical literature-tour, help, did they help in the design-le-nii of the cabinet .

And I also remember that every academic year in the school there was a so-chi-alis-ti-chess-some kind of competition, in which whether the participation of all educational rooms. An inexhaustible fan-ta-zia about-yav-la-whether students-den-you and teach-whether in these creative co-roar-but-vani-yah! By the way, the best re-zul-ta-you are almost always in-yes-vali-ka-bine-you pe-dago-geeks, is-to-rii and methods of development -tiya re-chi.

I have not been working for a long time. Es-ta-feta was accepted by T. A. Khor-li-na and dos-that-but ru-kovo-dit of the work of the office. This hour, our cabinet is very beautiful, owl-re-men-ny, os-na-shchen with beautiful methodical-kim ma-teri-al.

I want to treat myself with great respect, gratitude and love for my colleagues, with whom pro-workers tal for more than 30 years: N.F. Fokina, N.M. Kor-suns-koy, M.I. Sa-my-lo-howl, T.A. They continue to this day the traditions of those who started them.

Na-dezh-da Kuz-mi-nich-na Ze-leni-na

Chairman of the city-rhods-ko-go method of association of teachers of the Russian language and literature

From-personal na-rod-no-th education

Working time at Ped College No. 6: from 1965 to 1997

Dear Colleagues! Always dear to my heart teaching youth! From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on your 70-le-ti-em sis-te-we are pro-fess-si-onal-no-go education of Moscow! I worked at our college for 32 years and I remember all these years with great warmth. We had a friendly team, many young people led by the young director Galina Ivanov-noy Kap-le-voi. Classes were held in a new building. We all would have been young and full of en-tu-zi-az-ma, worked from the soul and had fun from the soul.

Everyone wanted to think of something in-the-res-noe and unusual. And how many literary tour evenings, oral journals, various concerts, vik-to-rin, yumo-ris-ti-che-ki ha -Z! Sa-mymi seriously-ez-us-mi and from-vets-tween-us-mi would-whether look-ry hu-dozhest-ven-noy sa-mode-yatel-nos-ti. A commission of 15 professional-s-she-lovs in various directions-ni-pits arts-tva assessed the stupations of students in terms of sa- my highest score.

In the memory, there remained the in-rez-den-nye heights of our cho-ra, ku-kol-no-go te-at-ra and readers. Yes, that's all and not re-read!

At the end of the school, whoever wanted to, that post-tu-fell in ins-ti-tut. It means that the students studied well, and the ped-dago-gi taught well.

I wish with all my heart the pros-tania of the pe-dago-giches-to-mu-college, and the pe-dago-gam and stu-den-there good health, du- chev-noy warmth-lo-you, always good mood.

Li-diya Iva-nov-na Ishu-tina

La-borant ka-binet-ta iso-de-yatel-nos-tee

Head-dealer of the city-rods-to-th-union for-place-ti-teles of di-river-to-ditch for educational-but-pro-from-vods-tven-noy work-boat Ledzhey Moscow

Teacher of practice-ti-ches-ko-go training

I came to the school in 1969 and worked here for 38 years. In this educational institution, I went through many steps of a pedagogical profession. But an important stage in my life would not have been the duty of the deputy-di-rek-to-ra for educational-but-pro-from-vods-tven-noy work: 20 years all I put my soul into the work of distributing and adapting young specialists - college launches. Working in college for me is a whole life with its ra-dos-ty, do-ti-marriage, good luck and grief. Here I became a pro-fess-si-she-scrap of my de-la, personality.

Pedagogical college for many years was warm, cozy, dear to me. Here I am about-re-la husband, friends, kind colleagues. All these years, I gave my knowledge, strength, and most importantly, the soul of our students, tried to teach, educate and help to find a dos-that-noe place of work for us-you-start-no-kam. I would-la prin-qi-pi-al-nym, clear-kim, from-reply-tven-nym, you-sokot-re-bova-tel-nym, ad-mi-nist-ra-tor, but tre -bova-tel-nym before everything to yourself.

And to this day, when I meet former you-start-ups or meet with them, I feel that my work was not in vain. And Moscow kindergartens, schools about-re-knowing, smart, soulful, in love with their de-lo di-rek-to-ditch , methododis-tov, teachers, re-pi-tate-lei.

The title of “You-start-nick of Pe-dago-giches-ko-th-college No. 6” still sounds like mountains!

Na-dezh-da Mi-hi-lov-na Kor-suns-kai


I have been working at Ped College No. 6 since 1966. Prior to this, 10 years (from 1956 to 1966) worked in the children's garden-du No. 686 Mini-nis-ters-tva communications of the USSR.

I always dream-ta-la to become a teacher-tel-ni-tsey and, bu-duchi ow-this little lazy de-voch-koy, play-ra-la in dolls and always them teach la chi-tat, pi-sat and count.

That's why, when I finished school, I tried to pos-to-drink in pa-dins-tee-here, but, unfortunately, I didn’t la at the rate. And immediately went to work in a kindergarten, a teacher-nicei. At the same time, I studied at the courses of vos-pi-tate-lei, then at Pe-duchi-lische No. 3 in the evening from de-leni and at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after. Le-nin. For 10 years, I have graduated from chi-la and chicken-sy vo-pi-tate-lei, and pe-duchi-lische, and ped-dago-giches-ky ins-ti-tut - so great would be mine desire for ov-la-child of this pro-fess-si-her!

Study-ba in the Pe-dago-giches school No. 3 in the evening from-de-leni (I finished it-chi-la with “from-li-chi-em”) helped la me to answer many pe-dago-giches questions and get the corresponding knowledge that I use-me- la in practice.

I believe that 10 years of work in a kindergarten is an important school in my pedagogical profession, where I worked sya ha-rak-ter, got-to-skills of pe-dago-giches-koy de-yatel-nos-ty, and I more and more asserted in right-vil-nose-ti of the way I chose early. And this path was os-ve-shal-sya without g-ra-nothing love for my re-pi-tan-ni-kam.

In the pedagogical school No. 6, I began to work in 1966, immediately after the end of the pedagogical mulberries. I remember how director Galina Ivanov-na Kap-le-va took me to work. A very long conversation with me, asking a lot of questions about where I work, what kind of us-pe-hi I have in ins-ti -here and in the service, asking about the family, about my relationship to the profession. Now I know that Ga-lina Ivanov-na is very carefully-but and passionately choosing-bir-la future teachers ...

And we, young teachers, op-truth-whether it is hopeful. From September 1, I immediately joined the work. It was not-imo-ver-but hard-but! After the dosh-kol-no-go-institution, where I communicated with the children, transfer immediately to communion with students not easy. I should-have-la-teach four pre-me-ta: the method of development of re-chi, children's literature, express-tel- new reading, method of teaching literacy.

There were a lot of student groups, a big load. There was a lot of getting ready for the lessons, mostly at night, as the family, the little kid, needed attention.

At that time, there were no benefits for teaching students in the school of practical training, bib-li-ot-ka poor, study -kov was not enough. I remember that I re-repi-syva-la under the copy-fir-ku verses, fairy tales, since there were only two eq-zemp-la-ra. In this difficult si-tu-ation, could the children's gardens help. And all the same, there were enough difficulties. Teach by heart all your pre-me-you, which you taught, pi-sala cons-pack-you lessons and sa-ma post-it-yan-but studied, teach -las ... I remember how we went to Le-ning-rad to the courses of higher qualifications in the Pe-dago-giches-ky ins-tee-them. Ger-tse-on. Meeting with for-mecha-tel-na-mi pedago-gami, psi-holo-gami V. A. Loginova, F. A. So-khin and other a false influence on my becoming as a teacher.

Exactly five years I needed to fight in order to establish myself in my profession. P-dago-giches-ky ins-ti-tut, which I window-chi-la, taught me to analyze psi-holo-go-pe-dago-giches-kuyu letter -tour, and only, but the method of teaching I am ov-la-deva-la sa-mos-that-yately-but. Could meetings with colleagues from other pedagogical teachers help. We all attended City methodological associations in subject areas, were actively engaged in methodological work and on the City pe-dago-giches-kih-ni-yah (kon-fer-ren-qi-yah), vy-tu-fell with doc-la-dams about their experience of ra- bots. Meeting with O.S. The pro-fess-si-onal-no-go-of-the-university of the eye-hall has a huge influence on my becoming-new-le-tion as a teacher.

This year, they no longer have such methodical associations, there are other forms of ex-me-on-experience, more modern , but the same useful as in past times.

In the 1970s, our school became the educational base of the Pe-dago-giches-ko-go ins-ti-tuta named after. V. I. Le-nin, and every year I gave open-ry-ty lessons for students. With students, come-whether they teach-whether the university M. M. Alek-se-ev and V. I. Yashin-on, -writ-whether a textbook on the method of development of children's re-chi. A few times, T.A. Ku-liko-va with students came to my lessons. Their deep analysis of the lessons according to the method of development of the re-chi helped me to pos-it-yang-but to perfect the method - giving this pre-me-ta.

What else could help me? I remember how I gave lectures and held conferences on my favorite subject in various districts of Moscow you: Ba-umans-kom, Kui-by-shevs-kom, etc. Chi-tala lectures for heads of leading and educators of kindergartens. There were a lot of people who wanted to, and everyone didn’t fit into one auditorium, they had to move listeners to live in a certain hall on 100 people. I read my lectures u-le-chen-but, emo-chi-onal-but, sub-rep-la-la te-ore-tiches-kie-by-position examples from practice -tee-ki, showed a large number of visually-go-th-teri-ala, conducted-la-training-gi and practical-ti-ches-kie classes .

I think that just these meetings with adults for-in-te-reso-van-us-mi people had an influence on my choice. I really like to work on the evening from de-leniance, because I know that these students-den-you came to the p-duchi-lische (col-ledge) for the knowledge no-yami. I see their attentive eyes, I know that they are obligatory, but you are full of tasks, maybe not immediately, since they have serious -nye se-mei-nye obs-th-yatel-stva, and after some time. They have a motivation, they want to study for "4" and "5" and are ready to do everything that the teacher asks. They love sa-most-yatel-ny work, high-to-pat with in-di-vidu-al-we-mi for-tribute-yami: re-feratami, cons-pec- ta-mi, creative work-mi. It’s nice that they bring methodical benefits to class, exchange them with their comrades, in an they are not-about-ho-dimness of their apprenticeship, they are proud of-for-more red-ki-mi from-da-ni-yami.

I like the questions that they ask on the subject, ask for help in conducting classes in a children's garden. I see them from-responsibility, self-sufficiency, creativity, especially in the process of protecting chickens and dip - scrap work. It makes me very happy. My professional duty is to help stu-den-there ve-black-not-go from-de-de-de-leniation in ov-la-denia by the method of development of children koi re-chi, one of the most difficult, but important tasks in working with dosh-kol-ni-kami. I wish them good luck on this pop-ri-sche.

With great pleasure, we always work at a pedagogical practice with students in different dosh-kol-nyh schools -rarely-no-yah. Ho-chu especially-ben-but to mark his work in pre-school educational institution No. 1773, where the head of the host is V.V. . In this dosh-kol-nom educational-department, we-we-we-start-no-ki of different years work. All of them with a great experience of work: S. V. Le-bede-va, I. V. Ru-za-eva and others. there is a ped-college-student-your devotion and love for the ped-ago-giches-coy profession and, of course, professional-si-onal- noe masters. Everything that we taught them did not go to waste, but pre-mind-but-m-e-s-sya and completes-two-is-sya.

In conclusion, I want to say that we, the ped-dago-gi of the older generation, worked with the big en-tu-zi-az-mom , spontaneously and creatively, walked in step with time and achieved personal results in their work.

We teach, and then college would always be in the first rows of pro-fess-onal-no-th-ro-re-v-ing, and in those days -men we created a solid fund-da-ment of us-pe-hov and the achievements of our beloved and expensive educational institution niya.

I wish the next generation of teachers and students to keep these traditions and be given to us for many years dy your pro-fessions.

Ma-ria Da-nilov-na Kry-lova

Physics teacher

Zas-lu-female teacher of the Russian Federation

From-personal student of the genus-no-go about-ra-calling of the USSR

Veteran of the Great Father-honest-ven-noy war

Working time at Ped College No. 6: from 1982 to 2003

While working at a pedagogical college, I pri-viva-la stu-den-tam in-te-res and love for their future profession. This was a reflection in those mati-chess con-fe-ren-qi-yah at the school-department: “Bi-os-fe-ra and man "," We have one planet "; on the dosh-kol-nom from-de-lenie: “Physics of a children’s toy”, “Game-ra and toy-rushka”, etc. -professional-oriented, could you expand the boundaries of the educational material, give it to students -the ability to acquire up-to-half-no-tel-nye knowledge and skills.

Since 1982, I have become the head of the physics department. In the cockpit, would there be equipped stands with ex-positions, where the fun-da-men-tal laws of physics were reflected, pre- dus-motren-nye program in physics for ssu-calls of questions-ro-sy, assignments for control-ro-la knowledge.

Various entertaining information was placed on the stands with a variable ex-position. For example, for the 850th anniversary of Moscow, we made a map of the city. On it, would you brightly see streets and squares, but named after scientists-physicists. During the study of co-ot-vets-tvu-yusche-th time-de-la physics students-den-you de-lali doc-la-da about great scientists and their -sword-tel-nyh open-ry-ty-yah. Immediately, there were marks on the map about this person, in honor of someone named on the street. The students liked this work very much, and it contributed to fostering love for their city.

I express my great gratitude to Yu. P. Gu-sev, who beautifully and brightly designed all the stands in the physics room.

Al-bi-na Pet-rovna Ku-lyshe-va

Music teacher

Working time at Ped College No. 6: from 1964 to 1993

All the same classes

The same house

Before Bo-whether everything is native.

I spent half my life in it

To the sound of an accordion-she.

I came here at the age of 20.

Bur-li-la energy

Lessons, reviews, evenings -

All this would-lo, would-lo ...

I remember the first show:

There was a number of under-go-to-flax -

Cuban cue ta-nets for the jury,

Then he was so fashionable.

Were there verses written on us,

Kos-tu-we took you not in vain,

Is-to-rik Gen-rich Kuz-net-tsov

Then he played the ma-raka-sah.

Yes, we are using a drive,

Girls-chonki li-ho tan-tse-wali,

Would everything be bless-gosk-lon-na to us,

Ap-lo-dis-menta-mi met.

But time passes quickly,

And pa-myat keeps something bright.

Ho-chu se-year-nya all late-ra-vit

From the whole heart, from the soul.

Ro-za Se-rafi-mov-na Ni-kono-wa

Teacher of chemistry and anatomy for children of dosh-kol-no-th age

Zas-lu-female teacher of the school of the Russian Federation

Working time at Ped College No. 6: from 1964 to 1979

I remember how, from the moment of the opening of the ped-dago-giches-ko-go school No. 6, it was created-yes-at the prof-so-yuz-naya org-ga-bottom -tion, the first chairman of which was G.P. Ne-naro-komo-va. At first I was a member of the professional bureau, and then for two years I was chairman of the trade union. The collective of the pe-duchi-lischa was very young, creative, full of all sorts of ideas. We traveled a lot around our then huge and not-embracing country - Soviet Union! Ez-di-li together with students-den-ta-mi. How much vpe-chat-le-ny we are beam-whether, and how much ra-dos-ty from po-dock! I wanted to work even better after this. The young team rallied and became a single whole of our educational institution.

I remember the traditional evenings and competitions that the prof. Were there any competitions for the best-cooking dishes for the holiday on March 8! Do-may, many people remember delicious e-le-ry, which sa-ma go-tovi-la music teacher Claudia An-to-nov-na Vey- ss. And some miraculous salads de la la A. A. Ke-lare-va, L. A. Fi-lip-po-va, M. V. Bol-dy-reva. The most beautiful and delicious cucumber-chi-ki would have T. N. Te-reschenko! Each con-course sop-ro-leader was given a de-visa “Not red-on from-ba corner-la-mi, but red-on pi-horns-mi”, “What you eat, then and shove-eat, ”etc.

For every holiday, there were concerts with the forces of our teachers. Pro-so-yuz-naya org-ga-niza-tion conducted New-year-holidays for children of mine workers. Students took an active part in the concerts, and the prof-comm prepared gifts for all the children. Or-ga-niza-tora-mi would always teach music.

Would we be young, for-dor-ny, talented-whether you and energetic and loved our profession very much, but would we -rym do-mom!

Ra-isa Mak-si-mov-na Ro-mano-va

Pe-dago-geek teacher

Chairman of the prof. ko-ma PU No. 6

I came to our native school in 1965. She began to work as a method of pe-dago-giches-koy prak-ti-ki, and at the end of the ins-ti-tuta she became a teacher -lem pe-dago-geeks.

A lot of in-te-res-no-go would be in work. Yes, it couldn’t be otherwise, since we had Galina Ivanov-nov-on-Kap-le-va as a di-rek-to-rum. She would be half full of ideas. She presented these ideas to us, the teachers, and we diligently, but together with the students, brought them to life.

There were a lot of all sorts of reviews and competitions. Once, a wife had to go through a competition between teachers of the city of Moscow for the best children's games. After all, then there would not have been, in such a quantity, as now, creative games. The students and I glued or made of paper, car-to-home, cars, traffic lights, road signs. It turned out to be our city. Commission, which assessed the work-honor-of pedagogical-schools, and would it be pres-ta-vite-whether Mini-nis-ters-tva pros -ve-shcheniya and di-rek-to-ra of all pedagogical-giches-kih-lisch, highly appreciated our efforts. We were given a diploma. Teaching-esya would you be happy.

We had a creative, talented team, everyone was “hot” at work, they forgot about grief and personal problems -we.

Ra-isa Yakov-levna Ru-zano-va

Teacher of the Russian language and literary tours

Chairman of the PCC of the Russian language and literary tours

Working time at Ped College No. 6: from 1977 to 1990

Pedagogical school No. 6: that was the name of the current college. And it seems to me that the word school is more than once more suitable for teaching. Why? It sounds somehow in our own way, in Russian. Yes, and you start to remember the years of work, and first of all, the fact that in our school there were beautiful red dago-gi who taught. First, they taught workers of preschool educational institutions, then future teachers of primary grades.

And, in my opinion, each of us experienced pride when the names of our former students sounded on city horses fer-ren-qi-yah, ped-co-vets among the best teachers, vo-pi-tate-lei of our city. And even more glad that many of them, having graduated from higher educational institutions, again return to their favorite school better, in order to continue to live de-lo those teachers who retired. I can proudly say that in our school he teaches Russian language and literature to one of my favorite students - Na- talya Ge-or-gi-ev-na Pa-lamar-chuk.

How many you-launch-no-kov pro-long-liv-lo on-she de-lo! Is it not possible not to rejoice? You enter our Temple of Science and always experience not-explaining-no-my worries. Yes, our school has been transformed: light-equipped ore-bathroom cabinets, beautiful furniture, computers all around, comfort nye halls ... But it is still ours, dear, although we, veterans, are simply invited to visit pe-dago -gi. It's sad, but it's also kind of a pity ...

Ev-ge-niya Gri-gor-ev-on Ser-ge-eva


Chairman of the PCC method of development of re-chi and children's literary tours

In charge of the evening from de laziness

From-personal na-rod-no-th education

Working time at Ped College No. 6: from 1965 to 2004

After graduating from ins-ti-tuta, in 1965 I would have been invited to work in a Pe-dago-giches-ko-lische. The team was very young, hard-working and creative. Director Galina Ivanov-na Kap-le-va attentively, with great love, she treated every young specialist -alis-tu! She put a lot of effort into helping everyone become a professional. And for an hour they brought the words of K. D. Ushins: “The teacher is a fruitful ray of the sun for the young spirit shi!"

And each of us aspired not only to co-perfection in ped-masters, but also paid attention to raising our own -shchi kul-tu-ry. This, in turn, was reflected in an out-of-class work with students-den-ta-mi: a review of self-fashion-yatel-nos-ti, evenings in poetry, in a se -niye of concerts of ma-ter-rovs of the hu-dozhest-ven-no-th word-va, a review of no-vines of literature - all this contributed to gar-mo-nich- no-mu-nu-nu-ing of the future teachers.

With great warmth I remember meeting with A. Bar-to, with wonderful readers: D. Zhu-rav-le-vym, V. So- mov. It’s not a case, but you-start-up a pe-dago-giches-ko-college always, when you meet, remember with gratitude not only lessons our pedagogues, but also in-te-res-ny extra-class life. I wish young teachers to give us us-pe-hov and creativity in pedagogical pro-fessions!

People-mi-la Ivanov-na Ser-ge-eva

Teacher of the Russian language and literary tours

Working time at Ped College No. 6: from 1965 to 1977

In our pedagogical school, there would be a tradition to conduct open lessons for guests from other educational institutions. The same lesson came to me about the same weight. One day I came to work and found out that tomorrow I had an open lesson in Russian language in group 1 "A". I was not told about this in advance. In this way, I couldn’t pre-dup-re-dit de-vushkas, since they had prac-ti-ka.

Did the teacher come to the lesson to teach the Russian language from Germany. And te-ma lesson “N-calling pre-positions”, and you should-lo-write do-ma verses, use-re-biv-calling pre-lo -zheniya. And here we-that-drank "tomorrow" ...

At first, there was a momentary tension in the lesson, and then we plunged into the world of poetry, even if not always perfect, beautiful, but written from the pure heart. There would be te-ma love, nature and man. She lifted us up as if to some kind of height, and we all found ourselves in a world of happiness and joy.

“Name-calling proposals” would have been forgotten, and all the de-vush-ki did a great job with the job! Gos-ty-teachers could not believe that the students would not have been prepared-to-le-we-in-earlier. Everyone would be delighted, and it brought us great joy and satisfaction, a desire to work and study even better appeared.

Ida Vasil-ev-na Sme-tani-na

Physics teacher

Working time at Ped College No. 6: from 1965 to 1981

Thank you Fernande-lu! Yes, but it would have been, but I remember how it is now. On television, they broadcast a cycle of broadcasts about Fernand-le, the great French comedian. It was the evening of "No-vel-ly with Fer-nande-lem." In one of them, the phenomenon of the Peak-go-go-thu-za was represented: the guests were having fun, if they were -them of them in a pi-rozh-ke will find-de-on a card-dot with an image of a pi-kovo-go-th-for, then big nep-ri-yat- are waiting for him ness.

The next day, I had a physics lesson in the group of the second course, where V. N. Lipovich was the class leader. I entered the class. Sto-yala is not-usual for the beginning of the lesson for-ta-en-naya quiet tire. I opened a magazine. On my page, there was a sheet of white wat-ma-na with an ace of spades drawn in black ink on it. I would-la oshe-lom-le-na! Op-ra-waving from the evil-thing-th prize-ra-ka, I decided to join the “game” with the students. "Fabulous! I love talent Fernande-la, I said. “From this day on, our physics lessons will be held under the sign of the peak-of-the-th.” The ace was pinned to the blackboard. And this procedure was repeated every lesson.

The spring session was approaching. We-that-drank the day of the ex-for-men. De-vush-ki brought a lot of flowers, but I forbade them to bring them into the office, saying that we have ta-lis-man - peak ace. Would you send all the flowers to the office for teaching E. M. Pi-chugo-howl.

In a few minutes, the vigilantes and the class leader came running in the auditorium. "What happened?" - they asked and saw that at the de-mons-tra-ci-on-nom-sto-le there was a fashionable then-yes black-che-modan-“dip-lo-mat”, on which a white wat-man was fixed with a black ace of spades. I explained to adults that this is our ta-lis-man.

Obs-ta-nov-ka would-la before-free-but for example-wife. Ek-za-men passed from-but-sitel-but b-gopo-beam-but. All the same, one-to-learn-scha-yasya in-beam-la "2". At the end of the ex-replacement, there would be an announcement of ex-replacement-qi-on-nye assessments. This is where all the flowers-you would-whether tor-gesture-veins-but out-of-the-hay in the class. All-general li-forging began. Thank you Fernande-lu!

People-mi-la Nikola-ev-on Sto-lyaro-va

Teacher of the methodology of the figurative activity

and practical-ti-ches-ko-go training (work with paper-magic)

Chairman of the PCC teacher

Head of Pe-dago-giches-coy practice

For-mes-ti-tel di-rek-to-ra for educational-but-pro-from-vods-tven-noy work

From-personal na-rod-no-th education

Working time at Ped College No. 6: from 1977 to 2001

After graduation in 1959, the pe-dago-giches-ko-fa-kul-te-ta of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. V.I. I got the older “ownerless” group, passing from hand to hand, on the condition: I work in it one-for 9 hours a day. The work turned out to be not easy, but exciting and rewarding. In these years, many-gog-group dosh-country institutions began to open. After you let your children go to school, I worked in several dosh-kol-nyh educational-rarely-ni-yah, in every house not more than three years. During this time, I managed to teach re-pi-tate-lei what I could and knew myself.

In August 1977, Galina Ivanov-na Cap-le-va invited-la-force to teaching work in the commission of fine art th cycle. Work-la-la, mainly with groups of day-time workers on the basis of a full secondary school. He taught the method of pictorial activity, practical training (working with paper). The work turned out to be in-the-res-noy and re-zul-ta-tiv-noy. For 24 years of teaching, there were quite a few student groups. But every academic year, at the first-initial-stage of education, it would be seen that many did not mot-no-go and pro-fess-si-onal-no-go teaching ped-dago-giches-coy pro-fessions.

It is not obligatory to be an artist and a sculptor in order to teach children to draw and le-drink. It is necessary to know What to teach and How to teach, and this gives the study of the method of figurative activity. Teaching is de-lo not only bla-city-noe, but also bla-grateful. Satisfaction and the feeling that your efforts are not in vain, you get better, when towards the end of the course in the auditorium with that fight work are single-nominal-lennie-ki, understanding you from the lus-lo-va, when on Go-sek-replacement for questions-ro-sy by me- todi-ke from-ve-cha-yut confidently and with conviction, when-yes-some-students-den-you became leaders of isos-to-diy, creative -chesky-mi and u-le-chen-ny-mi personalities.

Ta-mara Nikola-ev-na Te-reschenko-ko

Teacher of the methods of nature

Working time at Ped College No. 6: from 1964 to 1987

It seems that it was yesterday: uro-ki, trips to cities, exhibitions, ex-courses. Learn to live a creative life. Every year, students come to us from Lithuania, Latvia, and we come to them. We were friends for many years. They greeted us very friendly, or-ha-low-vy-whether ex-courses, meetings, concerts, trips to theaters. We met more than once with D. Ba-ni-oni-som - from the well-known actor ki-no and te-at-ra.

Every year, but in ka-niku-ly, we went-di-li to Pri-bal-ti-ku, on the net-whether Doms-kio-bor, the museum of Chur-le-nisa, the Gallery Me-wish-ti-sa, Za-mok Ge-demi-nose, listened to organ music. Have you ever been to the residential area of ​​Tul-dog at the statue “Song of your own” in the network? -bauds". When teaching from Lithuania came to us, we showed them Moscow, treated the Russians with pancakes. Or-ha-low-vyva-whether concerts and exhibitions for them.

I remember the beautiful exhibition “Winter Bouquet”, in which I took part and taught, and taught, yes, not our co-missions: N. K. Fi-lato-va, N. N. Ro-di-ono-va.

The exhibition of flowers is always uv-le-kala. Or-ga-lower-whether it was in the cabin of nature, turned on the music. Many pe-dago-gi helped in the design of bouquets, ike-ban. Student-den-you in the beam-whether nag-ra-dy for you-dum-ku and creativity.

I remember our trips along Uk-ra-ina! We would have been on the Vladimirs-coy hill, in the Shevchenko museum, Ki-evo-Pe-chers-koy Lav-re, walked along Kre-shchaty-ku. It was very in-te-res-but and ra-dost-but.

And what a team of teachers we had! We came to work young, loving, energetic. Pos-the-pen-but everyone got along, and after all, we would have been 25 years old! And almost all with seven. How we cheered for the school, and how we wanted to be the best!

I wish that our teachers would be so-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-ta-feta generations from us and tried, like us, to let out smart, kind, knowledgeable teachers. May they love and remember our school like we do!

La-risa Se-menov-na Ural-skaya

Teacher of the methods of physical and musical education

de-tei dosh-kol-no-go age

Chairman of the PCC physical recovery

Leader of the City of Rhodes-of-th-method-of-the-th-of-union-of-teaching of methods of physical resuscitation de-tei dosh-kol-no-go age

From-personal student of the genus-no-th education of the Russian Federation

Working time at Ped College No. 6: from 1965 to 1991

I remember how, with great interest, both students and students worked, and whether they taught our subject-cycle-lo-how-commission these. Particularly ben-but I want to mark the creation, together with the students, of a layout of a sports ground to the city-kim-pe- dago-giches-kim what-ni-pits. Everyone would be very surprised at ma-teri-alu, from which she would be from-go-tov-le-na. We brought him from that-rice-ty-ches-kih-driving-dock in Ka-relia. For this layout, we will receive a diploma.

Na-sha PCC was always one of the first in so-qi-alis-ti-ches-com-re-re-v-an-ing in the school: the first you became once -ra-baty-vat elements of the prog-rami-rovan-no-go training, seminary classes. I remember how we created a cabinet for the methods of physical education. With some labor-house when-about-re-tali equipment, half-nya-ma-teri-ala ka-bine-ta ak-tu-al-nym so-der-ja- don't eat.

The subject co-mission of physical culture and methods would be very friendly: or-ha-low-vy-whether on-moves, turs-le-you , sports competitions at the stadium, ski base "Planer-naya". I remember the review of the hu-dozhest-ven-noy sa-mode-yatel-nos-ti under the guidance of E. I. Luts-koy, the beautiful red performances of “Lozh-ka-rey” and choir Ivanova.

Ni-na And-re-ev-na Shi-roko-wa

Teacher of the Russian language and literary tours

Working time at Ped College No. 6: from 1977 to 1992

I remember my native school, as something bright, bright and sweet, something that you can’t express in words, but that is so clear but feel-you-eat in the days of loneliness and sadness about the past, about youth. With aching pain, I remember those who left us for another world. I always remember everyone with blessings and love.


Almost in the center of Moscow, in the picturesque historical district of Dorogomilovo, next to Poklonnaya Hill, the State Educational Institution Pedagogical College No. 6 has been located for 45 years.
In September 1964, the Department of Personnel for Educational Institutions of the Moscow City Executive Committee decided to open Pedagogical School No. 6 for the training of educators for the city of Moscow. From this moment begins the history of our educational institution.
In 1992, the Pedagogical College received the status of a college, moving on to the training of specialists not only at the basic, but also at an advanced level.
Over the 45-year history, great changes have taken place in the development of the educational institution. The teaching staff is constantly striving to introduce into the practice of their work everything new and advanced for the system of training teachers. The only department of preschool education at the time of opening was joined by new ones: the specialties "Teaching in primary grades", "Organization of educational activities", "History", "Informatics" were opened.

In addition to training in their chosen specialty, college students have the opportunity to receive additional training in the field of psychology, Russian language and literature, a foreign language, computer science, and early childhood education; additional qualification of a teacher of preschool institutions for children with deficiencies in speech development, a head of fine arts and physical education. Students have the opportunity to show their talents in extracurricular activities. The college is famous for its musical talents: at many citywide concerts, the audience is fascinated by the student-teacher choir, the Lozhkari ensemble and the folk song choir. The college has musical circles, a ballroom dance studio, student theater-studio "On Poklonnaya".


li Students receive preferential travel documents for all modes of transport, including electric trains /li
li Students are provided with free meals (hot lunches) /li
li Scholarship paid:
li academic - from 400 rubles / li
li social - 600 rubles / li
li A deferment from military service is given for the entire duration of training /li
li Discounted summer holidays in Crimea are provided /li
li College does not provide hostels for non-resident students /li

li By graduating from our college, you become a professional, a highly qualified specialist in a field that will always be relevant as long as children are born. /li
li After graduating from college, you will have a degree and the opportunity to work while supporting yourself while continuing your education. /li
li Our college is part of the university district and provides training under the two-stage program "Pedagogical College - Moscow City Pedagogical University". /li
li Our graduates have the right to preferential admission to any other higher pedagogical institution. /li

li A teacher's work week is 24 hours. /li
li Work mainly in the morning. /li
li Teacher's vacation is one of the longest (56 calendar days)

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Since 1982, all over the world on April 29, dancers, choreographers, choreographers have been celebrating their professional holiday - International Dance Day.

For this holiday, the Choreographic Creativity Department of the Dorogimilovo College (Pedagogical College No. 6) of the Moscow City Pedagogical University prepared a concert program in two departments “Building a Dance Together”, which took place on April 28 at the MAI Palace of Culture.

So the concert began. And what do we see? Classical dance gives way to folk, folk to jazz dance, then again folk, modern, step ... Mass numbers and solo, mischievous, funny, dashing dances and gently lyrical, tragic and passionate compositions. Such a variety of styles and genres allowed the viewer to watch the concert in one breath, and in fact the program included 42 compositions.

We decided to talk with teachers and college students.

Fivintseva Natalya Alexandrovna, Head of the Choreographic Creativity Department:

“The idea to open a department in Moscow has matured for a long time, because at that time there was not a single college that would train leaders and teachers for amateur choreographic groups and art schools and where graduates of art schools and all those amateurs who want to become professional choreographers. There are several choreographic schools in Moscow, but they recruit children at the age of 10 and produce ballet dancers. At us the set is made on the basis of 9 and 11 classes. And our specialization is different.

So, in 2012, we (a group of like-minded teachers) turned to the Moscow Pedagogical College No. 6 with a proposal to open a specialization - "Folk Art" in the form of "Choreographic Creativity". We have not yet had a single graduation, the oldest year is the third; it will be released next year.

Despite the fact that the department is young, we employ highly qualified teachers with extensive experience in the field of secondary and higher professional choreographic education. Our teachers are laureates of All-Russian and International competitions, as well as holders of honorary titles and prestigious awards. Thanks to such a teaching staff, it was possible to quickly and efficiently start working in a new place.”

Bondareva Tatyana Nikolaevna, chairman of the subject-cycle commission "Artistic creativity":

“Now we have 82 students. The first enrollment was small - only one group, but in the third - there was already a decent competition (4 people per place). It's hard for us to learn. A very large amount of subjects of specialization studied - "Classical dance", "Folk dance", "Modern dance styles", "Composition and dance staging", "Acrobatics", "Ballroom dance", "Jazz dance", "Modern dance" , "Step", "History of choreography", "Fundamentals of dramaturgy of acting." Such a diverse program allows you to master any direction of choreography at graduation. The competition is now serious - the greater the amount of knowledge, the easier and easier it is to walk through life. Stage practice is of great importance in the system of our education. After all, you can learn to dance only on stage. And therefore, much attention is paid to the diversity of the repertoire, which we will present to the viewer today. Our ensemble "Kolorit" has repeatedly become a laureate and owner of the Grand Prix at various festivals and competitions.

Relations between teachers and students are family: students study from nine in the morning until half past eight in the evening, six days a week. With such a tight schedule of joint work, the process of education becomes continuous, and not only in matters of the profession, but in all aspects of life.

Fivintseva Elena Alexandrovna, Honored Artist of Ukraine:

“We pay a lot of attention to communication with students, for us it is important whether they know history, whether they read books, what else they are fond of. Our discipline is quite strict. But that doesn't mean we don't love our students, quite the opposite. I really want them to grow up as organized, responsible and creative people. There is no other way in our profession. We have a rule - group curators should not be choreographers. The students see them from morning to evening anyway, and they should have a person to whom they can come and cry and complain about us [laughs].”

Many teachers combine pedagogical activity with choreographer and artistic.

Nesterov Denis Anatolievich- soloist of the ensemble "Birch".

Dyakov Yaroslav Alekseevich- ballet dancer of the musical theater of Alexei Rybnikov.

Glukhov Pavel Alexandrovich- Laureate of a number of ballet competitions, in which he took part as a choreographer and performer, including the Competition of Ballet Masters. R.V. Zakharov "Maria", Competition of ballet dancers. Ekaterina Maksimova "Arabesque". In 2014, he received the first prize in the nomination "choreographer" for the number "Smell of a Woman" at the "Arabesque" competition. In 2015, the winner of the second prize of the All-Russian competition of ballet dancers.

Vasilenko Nikolai Anatolievich- soloist of the Premier Ballet of Boris Moiseev and Nikolai Baskov, choreographer of the concert programs of Varvara, Boris Moiseev, Evdakimov-show, Marina Devyatova.

Vasilenko Nikolai Anatolievich:

“One of the main subjects is “Composition and staging of dance”, where we teach students to create. Here they can show their fantasy and imagination, realize their ideas and translate them into choreography. We are trying to convey to students that it is necessary to create works of art for centuries. Of course, not everyone succeeds, but this should be strived for. I myself have two plastic performances, which I did with the actors of the drama theater: “Adam and Eve”, “Times of Life”. In the future, I plan to transfer to students. We will progress. Let's create some kind of creative association, a theater, we will conquer the world!!! But there is another form of creativity. I work a lot on the stage - it's a completely different world, a different audience, different emotions. This also needs to be learned. And, of course, we try to recommend our best students to various projects in Moscow. Third-year girls work with Artur Veshenkov, a chanson player. Our students took part in the anniversary concerts of Boris Moiseev and Nadezhda Kadysheva. For them, it's an experience. Who knows where life will take them after college. Someone will go to teach, someone will create their own team, and someone will work on the professional stage, including on the stage.

In college, the department of "Choreographic Creativity" enters after the 9th or 11th grade and study for 4 years. Anyone who cannot imagine their life without dance and is ready to work tirelessly (or rather, legs) can enter. But there must be a certain level of choreographic training. Upon admission, applicants take a creative exam in their specialty, which reveals the level of their abilities.

Rakaeva Aisha, 2nd year student:

“At first I didn’t know who I want to become But I have always enjoyed working with children. I was also fond of dancing, but never professionally engaged. Having compared my desires and hobbies, I decided that I would study to be a choreographer. And then I found this college. To do so, however, was very scary. I was wildly worried, because, as it seemed to me, I was not very well prepared. It was difficult. But ... Received !!! It is very difficult to study, but very interesting.”

Despite the fact that students are just learning to be real artists, they managed to keep the attention of the audience for 3 hours. And the concert is over... What's going on behind the scenes!!! Everyone hugs and kisses, thank their teachers and each other and even cry.

Evgeny Livansky, 1st year student:

“We have been preparing for the concert for so long. Everything was so difficult, rehearsals, rehearsals ... And now it's all over ... Emotions cannot be expressed in words. Amazing feeling. Of course, we are tired, but it is a pleasant tiredness. Ahead of the weekend - get some sleep "

The ex-director of the Dorogomilovo College, Rudoy Oleg Fedorovich admitted that today's concert once again confirmed that three years ago he was not mistaken when he decided to open the Choreographic Creativity department at the then Pedagogical College No. 6.

And for those who, after watching this wonderful concert, decide to choose the profession of a choreographer for themselves, we offer the website address of the Choreographic Creativity Department of the Dorogomilovo College of the Institute of Secondary Vocational Education. K.D. Ushinsky Moscow City Pedagogical University.