Why Hitler was buried with lamps. The Fuhrer's teeth are stored in a cigarette box

I was forced to turn to this topic by the recently read book by Gregory Douglas "Chief of the Gestapo Heinrich Müller. Recruiting Conversations", in one of the chapters of which Müller, in a conversation with an American investigator, tells his version of the events of the spring of 1945, when the Allied armies were rapidly finishing off the Nazis, and everyone was it is clear that the days of the Third Reich are numbered. Understand this, of course, and Adolf Hitler. To my surprise, in addition to Muller's story, as well as the official version, which said that the Fuhrer had committed suicide, there were many more interesting things ...

It is worth saying that Heinrich Muller himself, the head of the famous Gestapo and SS general, was considered dead in the last days of the war. There is even Muller's grave. However, three bodies were found in it that had nothing to do with Muller. Gregory Douglas, relying on materials declassified by the American intelligence services, claims that Muller, like many leaders of the Reich, did not die, but fled from justice. If you believe the overseas journalist that Muller did not die, but began to help the Americans, then the story of the head of the Gestapo looks very plausible.

The first conversation about Hitler's "suicide" took place between the Fuhrer and Müller in March 1945 in the garden of the Reich Chancellery, which the victors would dig up and down a little later in search of the remains of the leaders of Nazi Germany. Both understood that the end was near and were looking for a way out of a difficult situation. Nobody was going to give up: it was too late, and it was a pity for the efforts expended. It was worth thinking about the future. Muller offered to hide in Spain, in Barcelona.

This city was considered optimal for such a purpose: one of the main ports, from where you can easily go to almost anywhere in the world; Müller had his own people there, and Franco probably would have helped. In the future, it was possible to hide in South America. Müller advised to take off from the Gatow airfield and suggested as a pilot Werner Baumbach, a man very devoted to the Fuhrer, as well as a skilled pilot.

To avoid persecution by the Allies, it was necessary to replace Hitler with a double. "He was the first to think of his doppelgänger, and we both had a little laugh," Muller said of that meeting in the garden. Back in 1941, Muller was informed that an almost exact copy of the Fuhrer was working at a printing factory in Breslau. Despite the lack of a mustache and a different hairstyle, the resemblance was striking. This man was a distant relative of Hitler, born in Austria in the Sillip family, but did not know about his relationship with Adolf. The double smoked, was fatter than Hitler, so I had to "work" a little: wean ourselves from smoking, lose weight and adopt some gestures and habits of the Fuhrer. The work was carried out successfully, and soon no one could distinguish distant relatives.

In the last days of the war, Joseph Stalin sent a special team to search for Hitler's body. They found, according to Muller, you guessed it, the body of a doppelgänger. The forgery was not immediately noticed, and the news of the "find" quickly reached Stalin. During a detailed study of the remains, some inconsistencies were noticed, which they were afraid to report to Stalin. Iosif Vissarionovich doubted, did not believe that the found corpse was Hitler's body, and sent new experts. Experts are also skeptical. There were several reasons for this.

On 20 April 45th Gruppenführer Müller issued a top-secret order for a special flight from the KG 200 base at Eyring/Gersching (17 km from Linz/Donau) on 26 April 1945. The order (pictured) "Special Flight of the Fuhrer to Barcelona" contains a list of persons who were to fly. Among them: Hitler, Goebbels, his wife and children (crossed out), Bormann, Müller, SS General Fegelein, Infantry General Burgdorf, Ambassador Hevel, SS Lieutenant Colonel Betz, SS Major Stumpfegger, Captain Gross (?), Eva Braun, cook Marciali. Also 4 people from the National Security Service + 3. Of these, according to Müller, only Hitler, Fegelein, Hevel, Betz and Eva Braun flew away.

First, the dead man had darned socks on his feet. Hitler couldn't wear darned socks! Although ... anything can happen. However, other differences are more significant. The object under study had only one testicle, the real Hitler had two. There were also differences in the shape of the ears. It is known that before the widespread use of fingerprints, it was the shape of the ears that was a kind of passport: there is not a single person on earth with the same shape of ears.

What was to be done with the false corpse? Stalin ordered the body to be destroyed, but soon changed his mind, and the half-burned corpse, pulled out of the oven, was sent to Moscow in a box of ice.

Mueller claims that the body of the double was buried just so that the Russians could easily find it, and the general himself buried the body. The double did not suspect anything, hoping to act as a false bait for the allies until the real Hitler was hiding somewhere in Spain or South America. But the "false Fuhrer" could not be left alive: in this case, the Allies would continue the search with double efforts and eventually reach the goal. The double was shot with a 7.65 caliber Walter PPK pistol in the middle of the forehead, until the last moment hoping for a miracle. The miracle didn't happen.

A little earlier, he replaced the Fuhrer when he went on a traditional walk with his dog. Such walks were quite common and no one paid attention to them, so no one noticed the forgery when it was no longer Hitler who returned to the bunker, but his double with a shepherd dog similar to Blondie. Since then, "Hitler" began to be protected from unnecessary contacts, so that no one would suspect anything.

As Muller said, "We created a double, dressed him in Hitler's uniform, then shot him and buried him where he was sure to be found. So why bother with questions now, whether Hitler is alive or dead?" In any case, after the events of the spring of 1945, the Fuhrer did not appear in front of a large audience, which, at least, spoke of his political death.

However, the search continued. New versions were born, old ones were disputed, but the final answer has not been given so far. On the pages of the site, we will try to highlight the most well-known scenarios, and whether to accept them or not, and if you accept, then which one, it's up to you.

Versions, versions, versions...

In September 1991, journalists from the Dutch television company FMA (Forin media affers) found sensational material: they managed to track down three former employees of the Soviet military counterintelligence SMERSH who knew about the burial place of Hitler's remains.

Retired Captain Ivan Blashchuk, who at the end of the war served in the SMERSH department of the 3rd Shock Army, told reporters that in May 1945 he witnessed the identification of the corpses of Hitler, Eva Braun, Joseph Goebbels, his wife and children, and General Krebs. According to him, the corpses were buried in the Berlin suburb of Buch, and then reburied in a forest near the town of Rathenow (also not far from Berlin). In 1946, when the headquarters of the 3rd Army moved to Magdeburg, several wooden boxes were transported along with other military property. In these boxes were the remains of Hitler and the people who died with him. Ivan Blashchuk learned from one of his colleagues that the boxes with the remains were buried in the courtyard of a house on Westendstrasse Street, where the SMERSH department of the 3rd shock army was located.

Another SMERSH employee, Major Vasily Orlovsky, was himself present at the burial of the remains of Goebbels, his wife and children, and General Krebs in the courtyard of the house along Westendstrasse. True, he did not know or did not want to tell reporters about where Hitler was buried.

But the third witness, Captain Ivan Tereshchenko, knew much more. He arrived in Magdeburg after the war: in 1946, Tereshchenko was appointed head of the secretariat of the SMERSH department of the 3rd Army. From his predecessor, among other documents, he received a top secret note from the former head of SMERSH of the 3rd Army, Gorbushin, about the burial of the bodies of Hitler, Eva Braun and others in Magdeburg. Attached to the note was an exact layout of the graves, according to which Hitler's remains were buried near the garage in the courtyard of house number 36 Westendstrasse.

In November 1991, the FMA film crew, together with Ivan Blaschuk and Ivan Tereshchenko, arrived in Magdeburg. Former SMERSH workers recognized the houses on the former Westendstrasse (now Klausenerstrasse), where the services of the 3rd Army used to be located. In particular, the former building of the SMERSH department and the former house of the head of counterintelligence have been preserved. Ivan Tereshchenko showed reporters the place where, according to a secret scheme, Hitler's remains were buried. The old garage had long since been demolished, and the paved courtyard was filled with some kind of boxes and barrels.

For almost half a year, the FMA television company prepared for filming, seeking permission to conduct excavations. Only in July 1992, an expedition led by Polish archaeologist Yevhen Tomchak began searching. The courtyard that Blashchuk and Tereshchenko pointed out was carefully dug up. The wooden box in which Hitler's corpse lay and which all the witnesses spoke of was not found. Finally, after a long search, some bones were found. However, a severe disappointment awaited the journalists: the examination established that these were the bones of an animal. Further searches did not bring any result. Hitler's remains disappeared without a trace...

The excavations of the FMA television company and their unexpected result attracted the attention of the researcher Lev Bezymensky. During the war, Lev Aleksandrovich Bezymensky was an officer of the headquarters of the 1st Belorussian Front and a military translator for Marshal Zhukov. It was Bezymensky who was one of the first to know about Hitler's death - on the night of May 1, 1945, in Zhukov's headquarters dugout, he translated a letter from Goebbels and Bormann to Stalin, in which the new leaders of the Third Reich informed the Soviet leader about Hitler's suicide and offered to start peace negotiations. (Later, already being a world-famous scientist and writer, Lev Bezymensky discovered his translation in Stalin's personal archive).

After the war and demobilization, Bezymensky became a historian. His works on the history of the Second World War are widely known in the former USSR and abroad, and the book "Unraveled Mysteries of the Third Reich", published in 1981 by the APN publishing house (and still being republished), has become a real bestseller. Meeting with colleagues at international conferences and studying the relevant literature, Lev Alexandrovich often came across questions related to the circumstances of Hitler's death. Other fans of sensations, taking advantage of the lack of knowledge of this problem, argued that the Fuhrer did not die in April 1945, that Hitler managed to escape - either to Japan, or to South America.

In order to put an end to these speculations once and for all, Bezymensky decided to completely clarify the issue of the circumstances of Hitler's suicide and the identification of his corpse. However, this turned out to be a difficult task - all documents on the cases of searching for and identifying Hitler were classified by the Soviet secret services. Lev Alexandrovich stubbornly sought permission to work in numerous special stores, searched for witnesses, compared documents and eyewitness accounts, analyzed and drew conclusions.

As a result of many years of painstaking research work, he managed to establish the following:

firstly, Hitler and Eva Braun did indeed commit suicide in the Reich Chancellery bunker on the night of 1945;

secondly, on the same night, their bodies were carried by the SS into the garden of the imperial office and burned in a crater near the entrance;

thirdly, the charred bodies of a man and a woman (presumably Hitler and Eva Braun) were discovered on May 4, 1945 in the garden of the imperial chancellery by a group of Soviet soldiers led by Ivan Klimenko, head of the SMERSH of the 79th rifle corps of the 3rd shock army;

fourthly, a preliminary investigation conducted by SMERSH of the 79th Corps directly in May 1945 (a survey of employees of the imperial chancellery and SS men who took part in the burning of bodies) led to the conclusion that the discovered remains belonged to Hitler and Eva Braun;

fifthly, the final investigation conducted by SMERSH of the 3rd Army in the summer of 1945 documented and irrefutably confirmed the version that the charred corpses were the remains of Hitler and Eva Braun.

Studying the documents and interviewing witnesses, Lev Bezymensky discovered that the bodies of Hitler, Eva Braun, the Goebbels and General Krebs were reburied seven (!) times. The graves of Hitler and others were located in the Berlin suburb of Buch, in the towns of Finow, Rathenow and Stendal near Berlin, and finally in Magdeburg, where the headquarters of the 3rd shock army moved in February 1946. It was the Magdeburg burial, according to the documents, that should have been Hitler's last grave.

However, the excavations organized by the FMA television company in Magdeburg ended in vain. Maybe the former SMERSH employees misled the journalists? Or were they themselves deceived by falsified documents?

Moreover, the results of the Magdeburg searches cast doubt on the entire documentary base of evidence of Hitler's death! The question arose: if the remains of the Fuhrer were not found in his last grave, then maybe they were not there? Were the Fuhrer's suicide documents fabricated by the Soviet secret services?

The problems that arose in connection with the unsuccessful search for Hitler's grave in Magdeburg forced Lev Bezymensky to conduct his own investigation. Unlike journalists, he turned not to archaeologists, but to archivists. For almost two years, the researcher sought access to secret archives, and finally, in the fall of 1994, he received a small folder in the archives of the Federal Counterintelligence Service (formerly the KGB). Beneath the nondescript gray cover were the most comprehensive documents on the fate of Hitler's remains.

One of the documents - an act dated February 21, 1946, signed by the head of SMERSH of the 3rd shock army Miroshnichenko - confirmed the story of former SMERSH employees that the last time a box with Hitler's body was buried in Magdeburg:

"... In the area of ​​​​the mountains of Rathenov, a pit was opened with the corpses of Hitler, Brown, Goebbels and their children and General Krips (that's right - Krebs) ... All of the listed corpses are in a semi-decayed state in wooden boxes and were delivered in this form to city ​​of Magdeburg, to the location of the counterintelligence department "SMERSH" of the army and again buried in a hole at a depth of 2 meters in the courtyard of house number 36 on Westendstrasse."

But where are the bodies? This question was answered by the following document, dated as early as March 1970. ... 24 years after Hitler's burial in Magdeburg, on March 13, 1970, the chairman of the USSR State Security Committee, Yuri Andropov, sent a secret letter of particular importance to Leonid Brezhnev, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Bezymensky drew attention to the fact that the key phrases were not printed, but entered into the text by hand - apparently so that even the most trusted and reliable typists of the KGB central apparatus would not understand what was being said (in our text, these phrases are marked in italics).

Andropov wrote: “In February 1946, in the city of Magdeburg (GDR), on the territory of a military camp now occupied by the Special Department of the KGB for the 3rd Army of the GSVG (Group of Soviet Forces in Germany), the corpses of Hitler, Eva Braun, Goebbels, his wife and children (a total of 10 corpses) At present, the indicated military town, based on service expediency that meets the interests of our troops, is being handed over by the army command to the German authorities.

Given the possibility of construction or other earthworks in this area, which may lead to the discovery of a burial place, I would consider it expedient to extract the remains and destroy them by burning. This event will be carried out strictly secretly by the operational group of the Special Department of the KGB and will be duly documented."

On March 16, the top leaders of the Soviet Union put their signatures under the "Agree" visa: General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU L. Brezhnev, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR A. Kosygin and Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR N. Podgorny. On March 18, the document was returned to the KGB secretariat, and on March 26, Yu. Andropov approved the plan for the operation "Archive".

The top secret operation of the Special Department of the KGB of the USSR "Archive" was prepared for the beginning of April 1970. According to the plan approved by Andropov, a special group of the Special Department of the KGB was to seize and destroy the remains of people buried in Magdeburg. In early April, a large tent was erected over the burial site in the courtyard of house 36 Klausenerstrasse (formerly Westendstrasse), which hid the work of the special group from possible witnesses. A special guard for the tent was installed - at first, soldiers guarded it, and immediately before the start of the excavations, they were replaced by KGB operatives. Moreover, in one of the nearby houses, the KGB set up a hidden observation post "in order to detect possible visual reconnaissance."

On the night of April 4-5, 1970, a KGB task force, under the cover of a tent, opened the graves on Klausenerstrasse. An autopsy revealed that the remains were buried in five wooden boxes, which had rotted over time and turned into dust. The discovered bones were stacked in other boxes. In the early morning of April 5, they were taken by car to the training fields of the sapper and tank regiment of the GSVG, where they were crushed, turned into dust and burned. The ashes of Hitler and the people who died with him were scattered to the wind near one of the tributaries of the Elbe ...

After reading the report of the head of the task force attached to the archival file, Lev Bezymensky sighed with relief:

That's all cleared up. Documents from the KGB archive fully explained the seemingly mysterious disappearance of the remains in Magdeburg. The fog of uncertainty has lifted, and the question of the circumstances of Hitler's death and the fate of his corpse can be closed once and for all...

However, the insidious goddess Clio - History has a surprise in store here too: it turned out that not all the remains were destroyed in March 1970! The fact is that on May 17, 1945, Beria's deputy, General Pyotr Meshik, arrived in Berlin to check the results of the investigation into Hitler's death. On May 18, the bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun, already buried in Finow, were exhumed. On May 23, Meshik returned to Moscow, taking with him the jaws of Hitler and Eva Braun.

For a long time, Hitler's jaws were kept in a special secret museum of the MGB-KGB. A few years ago, they were transferred for storage to the special department of the State Archives of the Russian Federation (GARF). What remains of the greatest criminal of the 20th century rests on a small rectangular base under a thick glass cap...

In 2003, the Yauza publishing house published the second edition of the book The Last Secret of the Reich. Its author Leon Arbatsky doubts that in April 1945 Hitler committed suicide.

Stalin did not believe in the death of Hitler

Leon Abramovich, you have chosen a significant subtitle for the book - "The Case of the Disappearance of Hitler." Not death, but disappearance. Is there really any basis for such assertions?

I do not approve. I'm making assumptions based on facts. And there are many facts that give reason to doubt.

But there is a verdict of the administrative court in civil cases from 1956, which took place in Berchtesgaden, the very town where Hitler's summer residence was located. After hearing 48 witnesses, the judges issued a definite conclusion: citizen Adolf Hitler, born in 1889, is no longer alive.

Firstly, this decision, as you accurately said, was made in 1956. And I do not deny that by 1956 Hitler was probably not alive.

Secondly, many key witnesses were absent from this trial, key documents were not presented, and two key witnesses later retracted their testimony - a dental technician who made dentures for Hitler and a dentist's assistant.

Let me remind you that on May 4, 1945, our scouts found the alleged corpses of Hitler and Eva Braun in a funnel in the imperial garden. Hitler's greatest fear was that his corpse would fall into the hands of the Russians and be put on display. Therefore, he bequeathed to burn the corpse. Stalin was informed about the gloomy discovery. But he did not believe it and told his closest assistants - Chief of the General Staff Antonov and Chief of the Operations Department of the General Staff Shtemenko (he trusted these people completely) - that one should not rush to conclusions. In addition, he made a number of statements addressed to the leaders of the United States and England that Hitler was alive and hiding somewhere.

Perhaps he received some information from unofficial sources that we do not know about. There is no doubt that he had such sources.

British Prime Minister Attlee also believed that Hitler was alive. He stated this at the Potsdam Conference in June 1945.

fake blood

Let's go back to the testimony of dentists.

In 1945, when Soviet officers presented Hitler's jaw to a dental technician, he recognized his work. And in 1972, in a conversation with the German writer Mather, he changed his testimony: he said that he could not state definitely that the found jaw with a false bridge and crowns belonged to Hitler. The same was said by the dental assistant. But the conclusions of Soviet experts who identified Hitler's corpse were based on the confessions of these two most important witnesses. And since both of them refused their testimony, the whole system of evidence collapsed.

But there were other important pieces of evidence: in the Moscow forensic laboratory, blood stains were examined on the sofa on which Hitler allegedly shot himself. The examination showed that this is an imitation of blood, not blood. The blood type of the alleged Hitler found in the funnel did not match his actual blood type either. No bullet canal was found in Hitler's brain. In addition, there is a version that on April 30, 1945, Hitler, before putting a bullet in his temple, was poisoned. But a chemical examination of the internal organs, made a few months later, showed no traces of poison.

It turns out that Stalin was right in his doubts, claiming that Hitler fled? Recently, the press published the protocol of the interrogation of the chief of the Gestapo Muller, dated 1948. He directly indicates that Hitler was replaced by a double, and the Fuhrer himself flew to Spain.

This document makes me doubt. Unlike Bormann's diary, found on the streets of destroyed Berlin. Graphological examination confirmed the authenticity of Bormann's handwriting. The last entry in it is dated April 30, 1945, and opposite the name Hitler there is a runic sign - a symbol of death. I think Stalin assumed that the Germans had developed an operation to falsify Hitler's death in order to hide his flight or the place of his true burial. Somehow everything worked out easily: the remains were quickly found, the necessary witnesses were quickly found, they quickly identified everything. And then there is the diary of the chief party lord, who seemed to put an end to it: Hitler is dead, forget Hitler.

Fuhrer's double

In this case, talking about a double of Hitler is still not a myth? It turns out that it was the double corpse that “covered up” the Fuhrer's escape? But when could the doppelgänger appear in the bunker?

Most likely on the last day, April 30th. On this day, at about 1 pm, Hitler said goodbye to his subordinates and retired with Eva Braun to the bunker. Of the surviving witnesses of the dead Hitler, only one person saw it - Linge's personal valet. All the rest watched only the removal of the body wrapped in a blanket. Who was hiding under the covers, no one saw. Linge himself later admitted that he was not sure that there were really blood stains on Hitler's temple, and not paint.

The real Hitler entered the bunker to go into oblivion. AND...

One of the scenarios: he does not go into oblivion, but into the next room - the bathroom or the room of Eva Braun. And it locks up there. The body of an ersatz-Hitler, wrapped up in a blanket, was carried out of the office, which had been delivered there in advance. They also carry out the dead Eva Braun, who has taken the poison.

And why should Eva Braun poison herself if her husband Hitler is alive? Or was she poisoned?

Perhaps both. What for? Yes, to give credibility to the staging. Hitler in the next room changes clothes and changes his appearance. She shaves her famous mustache, shaves her head, puts on a wig. All the uninitiated were removed from the bunker at the right time. Hitler's adjutant Günsche testifies in his testimony that he gave the order to the guards to leave the premises adjacent to Hitler's apartments. He removed sentries from the emergency exit. And it was from him that, after a while, the corpse of Hitler's double was taken out.

Only the valet knew the secret of death

But what about the real Fuhrer?

The real one could have left the bunker. It is known that on the night of May 1, about 40 people fled from the Reich Chancellery shelter. The bunker may have had underground passages leading to city blocks. In general, the bomb shelter was a whole city where thousands of people hid during air raids.

But how could Hitler escape if Berlin was occupied by the Red Army?

The Fuhrer had a chance to escape, and not bad. In the confusion of the first post-war weeks, when Berlin and all of Germany were filled with crowds of unfortunate people, it was not difficult to get lost. It is curious: saying goodbye to his valet, the Fuhrer ordered him to make his way to the West. "For whom?" asked Linge. - "For the Fuhrer."

And then in Germany there was only one Fuhrer. The same Linge, sitting in prison, said that only he knew the secret of Hitler's death and would never reveal it.

- Do you believe that Adolf Hitler still fought for his salvation?

By nature, he was a desperate adventurer. His entire career is a chain of risky adventures, starting with the "beer putsch" of 1923. Why couldn't he risk the last time life was at stake? He would always have time to commit suicide, having an ampoule with poison. In addition, some rescue measures were prepared in advance.

Superplane for the elite of the Reich

On the personal instructions of Hitler at the plant in Dessau, the Junkers company manufactured two colossal six-engine aircraft, one of which made a test flight to Japan. Long-range aircraft were fully loaded with fuel canisters. There were only seats left for a few passengers and crew.

Did it come to evacuation?

No. The airfield was bombed. After that, a temporary airfield was organized at the Brandenburg Gate, not far from the Reich Chancellery. Centuries-old lindens were cut down along the street for the runway. Training aircraft were constantly on duty there, which required a minimum takeoff run. And under Hitler, two of his personal pilots and the commander of a government squadron were inseparable. The captured commandant of Berlin claimed that Hitler could not fly away by plane (this airfield was also bombed), but he could escape through the underground passages of the metro. It is also known that in Hamburg at the pier there were 10 ocean-going submarines. The captains were told that they were destined for the evacuation of the Reich government.

Evidence from a bottle

However, there is no evidence that Hitler was ever seen anywhere after April 30, 1945.

Why? Security officer Kernau assured that he saw Hitler alive on May 1. In addition, publications appeared in the foreign press immediately after the war that Hitler had evacuated to Argentina, Paraguay, Spain, and Ireland. On the coast of the North Sea in Denmark, they found a bottle with a letter from a German sailor from a sunken submarine. He writes that on board the boat was Hitler, who could not escape. The boat stumbled upon a sunken ship, received a hole. Part of the crew escaped, but Hitler was in the stern in a tightly closed cabin and could not get out.

It turns out that in the garden of the Reich Chancellery they discovered and then examined the remains of the wrong Hitler?

The likelihood of this is high. The German government also had doubts and turned to the government of the USSR in the late 1980s to show them where Hitler was buried. Apparently, they wanted to conduct an examination using modern means of identification. But it was too late. Back in 1970, KGB chairman Andropov ordered to open the burial place of Hitler and the Goebbels family, which was located on the territory of the Soviet military unit in Magdeburg, and destroy the remains. The remains were burned completely, and the ashes were thrown into the river. The act of the burning procedure is available.

How then to explain that everyone has no doubts about the death of criminal number 1?

Apparently, there is a psychological barrier. It is difficult for a normal person to admit that a person who has committed so much evil has escaped retribution. I also do not presume to claim that he managed to escape. I just want to draw attention to the fact that not everything in this story, which put an end to the history of the Second World War, is completely clear.

As for Hitler, history gave him what he deserved. He never found a grave. His body is not interred. Relatives and descendants do not come to bow to his ashes.

Gloomy end. And science to dictators obsessed with crazy ideas.


In the published conversation, we are talking about only one of the versions of how the greatest criminal of the twentieth century ended his days. Komsomolskaya Pravda also talked about other versions of Hitler's death. There is a historical mystery. Perhaps our readers - experts, historians, criminologists - have their own answers to the questions posed in the conversation. The editors are ready to publish them.

How Hitler's remains were destroyed
From declassified documents of the state archive Bx 1759 10.4.70
"Top secret"
copy. the only k series
Magdeburg April 5, 1970
(about the physical destruction of the remains of war criminals)

According to the plan of the "Archive" event, the operational group ... burned the remains of war criminals seized from the burial place in the military camp on the street. Westendstrasse near house number 36 (now Klausenerstrasse).

The destruction of the remains was carried out by burning them at the stake in a wasteland near the town of Schönebeck, 11 km from Magdeburg.

The remains burned out, crushed into ashes together with coal, collected and thrown into the Biederitz River, about which this act was drawn up.

Hitler is dead. Dead since 30 April 1945. There is no doubt about this. Not so long ago, an exhibition was opened in Moscow, which showed a fragment of the parietal part of Hitler's skull with a bullet exit hole. Vladimir Tuchkov wrote about this event some time ago in our newspaper. I am not very close to his statements regarding the expediency of such an exhibition, but the debate about ethics is not included in my plans. Another thing is more important - statements about the unclear origin and authenticity of this exhibit are again heard. Let me introduce the reader to the problem of the authenticity-inauthenticity of the body of Hitler and his relatives with the help of an article by two historians - Tatyana Tsarevskaya and Natalya Voyakina, who published a detailed study not so long ago in the journal Knowledge-Power.

On May 4, 1945, Private I. D. Churakov drew attention to the bomb crater to the left of the entrance to the Fuhrer's bunker. At the bottom of the funnel lay the half-burned corpses of a man and a woman, covered with a layer of earth. Only the next day the bodies were taken out. In the same place, in the funnel, they found the corpses of two dogs, a German shepherd and a puppy.

On the same day, May 5, two acts were drawn up. Here is an excerpt from one of them (the document itself is stored in the Central Archive of the FSB): "... in Berlin, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bHitler's Reich Chancellery, near the places where the bodies of Goebbels and his wife were found, near Hitler's personal bomb shelter, two burned corpses were discovered and seized - one female, the other male. The corpses were badly burned, and it is impossible to identify without any additional data. The corpses were in a bomb crater, three meters from the entrance to the Nazi shelter, and covered with a layer of earth. " The ground was dug up and looked through, and as a result, two glass, dark-colored test tubes from medicines were found. This ended the finds on the territory of the Reich Chancellery. As early as May 2, Lieutenant General Telegin, a member of the Military Council of the 1st Belorussian Front, created a commission to examine the bodies found. But the continuation of the investigation was complicated by the redeployment of Soviet troops in Berlin. The 3rd shock army was withdrawn from the city, units of the 5th shock army remained in the city, the commander of which, Colonel-General N. E. Berzarin, became the first Soviet commandant of Berlin. The troops of the 5th Army were responsible for protecting the Reich Chancellery and everything located on its territory, and the group of counterintelligence officers under the command of Colonel V. I. Gorbushin had no choice but to organize an operation that E. Rzhevskaya (the translator of this group) described as follows: "On At dawn, at four o'clock in the morning, Captain Deryabin and his driver, having made their way to the Reich Chancellery, abducted, wrapped in sheets, the corpses of Hitler and Eva Braun and, bypassing the sentries, climbed over the fence into the street, where two wooden boxes and a car were waiting for them.

So interdepartmental fighting led to the fact that the corpses of the alleged Hitler and Eva Braun began their long journey. At first, the corpses were brought to a working settlement near Berlin - Buch. It is not clear in what ways, but the charred corpses of Joseph and Martha Goebbels, their six poisoned children, and two dogs also ended up there.

On May 8, 1945, in the morgue of the HPPG (surgical mobile field hospital) No. 496, a commission consisting of the chief forensic expert of the 1st Belorussian Front, Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Service F.I. Shkarovsky and four other doctors conducted a forensic medical examination of the corpse of a man. This is what was found during the study: "The age of the corpse is about 50-60 years, height 165 centimeters (measurement is inaccurate due to charring of tissues). The skull cap is partially missing. There are multiple small cracks in the nasal bones and bones of the upper jaw. Pieces of glass were found in the mouth, which form part walls and bottom of a thin-walled ampoule. The penis is charred: only the right testicle was found in the burnt but preserved scrotum. The left testicle was not found along the inguinal canal. A clear smell of bitter almonds emanates from the corpse." To confirm or refute the version of poisoning, a test tube with pieces of glass was attached to the act.

According to doctors, "the main anatomical find that could be used for personal identification is the jaws with a large number of artificial bridges, teeth, crowns and fillings." Immediately after the opening, the “yellow-metal bridge of the upper jaw with 9 teeth” and the “burned lower jaw with 15 teeth” were transferred by doctors to the Smersh department of the 3rd shock army, that is, Gorbushin’s group. There was no safe nearby, and Gorbushin hid the material evidence in a maroon box of cheap perfumes and gave it to the interpreter Rzhevskaya and the teetotal major for safekeeping.

As a result, the authorized NKVD I. Serov sent the entire set of documents (thirteen acts, protocols of interrogations and photographs) to L. Beria. In the accompanying note, he pointed out that "the listed documents and photographs confirm the correctness of our assumptions about the suicide of Hitler and Goebbels. [...] In the same way, there is no doubt that the corpse of Hitler supposed by us is genuine. This was established on the basis of the testimony of a dentist doctor and nurse who treated Hitler, who drew the location of Hitler's false teeth. Their testimony is confirmed by a forensic medical examination." After a forensic medical examination, all the corpses - the Goebbels with their children, the chief of the General Staff of the German army, General Krips, the likely corpse of Hitler and his wife, as well as two dogs - were "buried near the city of Buch." However, "in connection with the relocation of the Smersh counterintelligence department of the 3rd shock army, the corpses were seized and transported first to the area of ​​​​the city of Finov, and then on June 3, 1945 - to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city of Rathenov, where they were finally buried. The corpses are in wooden boxes in pit at a depth of 1.7 meters and placed in the following order [...] Location of buried corpses Germany, Brandenburg province, district of the town of Rathenow, forest east of the town of Rathenow along the highway from Rathenow to Stechov, not reaching the village of Neu Friedrichsdorf, which is 325 meters from railway bridge [...] The dug-in pit with corpses was razed to the ground, on the surface of the pit were planted from small pine trees number III".

The investigation, it would seem, considered everything finished. But the leaders of the Soviet Union never officially announced the corpses of Hitler, his wife and other persons at their disposal. At the end of October 1945, following the results of the interrogation of persons who fell into the hands of the Anglo-American services, the Allies considered it necessary to inform the press that "Hitler is undoubtedly dead." However, in the opinion of the Allies, as set out in the English memorandum of November 1, 1945, the only decisive proof of Hitler's death would be "the discovery and definite identification of the corpse." In addition, according to British sources, Hitler committed suicide by shooting himself in the mouth. Brigadier General E. J. Ford sent a detailed version of the memorandum to the Allied intelligence services. The most important was the proposal to discuss the circumstances of Hitler's death at a meeting of the Allied Intelligence Committee.

Initially, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs Beria did not object to the exchange of information between the allies about the circumstances of Hitler's disappearance. In a draft letter addressed to I. Serov, he even suggested that "in addition, the Allies may ask for the interrogation of certain persons who are with us: Günsche, Rattenhuber, Baur and others," and agreed with this. However, at the end of November, a document lay on Beria's desk containing the consent of Merkulov, Kruglov, Kobulov to conduct a joint investigation with the allies and Abakumov's categorical objection. Most likely, Abakumov was worried about the honor of his uniform, because the first investigation in May 1945 was led by Abakumov's department - the Smersh counterintelligence agencies of the 1st Belorussian Front. The transfer of documents to the allies, as well as the possibility of exhuming the corpses for further study by a group of international experts, could not only reveal weaknesses and omissions in the organization of the May investigation, but also attract the interest of the world community, which would undermine the influence of Abakumov. In this regard, the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs decided to sort out the situation on his own. However, soon, at the end of 1945, Beria became deputy chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, and the case of clarifying the fate of Hitler freezes on the sidelines of the NKVD.

The initiator of the next stage of the investigation into the case of the fate of Hitler was Lieutenant General A. Z. Kobulov, deputy head of the Main Directorate for Prisoners of War and Internees (GUPVI) of the NKVD / USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. He directed his subordinates to obtain additional information, mainly through interrogations of Hitler's close associates who were in Soviet captivity.

On February 13, 1946, the NKVD decided to start a new official investigation. An investigative team was created under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel Clausen, Assistant Chief of the 1st Department of the Operational Directorate of the GUPVI NKVD of the USSR. But attempts to get their hands on the corpses ended in failure. Naturally, after all, they were purposefully reburied on the territory of the Smersh department in Magdeburg, where representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs could not gain access. Most likely, representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1946 on the territory of the Reich Chancellery were not looking for evidence of Hitler's death, but, on the contrary, signs that Hitler remained alive, left the bunker by secret passage, flew away by plane or broke through on a tank to Spain, Argentina or God knows where else . However, as a result of inspecting the bunker with a forensic expert, Clausen discovered the following: “On the sofa in Hitler’s former working room, in his bunker, on the right side, exactly at the place where, according to Linge’s testimony, the alleged body of Hitler was found after suicide, there were distinct traces resembling blood runoff were found.Parts of the sofa with traces resembling blood were seized and sent to the biological laboratory of the Moscow city forensic medical examination.The latter's act number 81-53 established that the traces found on the sofa in Hitler's working room originated from the blood of a person with signs characteristic of the A (II) blood group.

The Clausen Commission also examined the location of "the alleged corpses of Hitler and Eva Braun. [...] the place where the corpses were found was dug up on May 30 of this year and the ground was carefully examined. Among the noteworthy objects found in the pit, two partially charred piece of skull, one of which marks the exit bullet hole.

Forensic medical expert Professor Semenovsky came to the conclusion that the fragments extracted from the pit were parts of the parietal bones and squama of the occipital bone of an adult. An exit bullet hole was installed on the left parietal bone, and the shot itself was fired point-blank or almost point-blank into the mouth or temporal region on the right - in the direction from the bottom up. Based on act No. 12 of May 8, 1945, Semenovsky concluded that the pieces of the skull "probably fell off the corpse removed from the pit on May 5, 1945."

In 1970, the territory of the military camp in Magdeburg was going to be transferred to the German authorities. And then the head of the KGB, Yuri Andropov, offered the country's leadership a simple solution to the issue: "At present, the indicated military town, based on the service expediency in meeting the interests of our troops, is being transferred by the army command to the German authorities. Considering the possibility of construction and other earthworks in this territory, which may entail discovered burials, I would consider it expedient to confiscate the remains and destroy them by burning. This event will be carried out strictly secretly by the forces of the operational group of the OO KGB of the 3rd Army of the GSVG and properly documented "(Letter to the Central Committee of the CPSU dated March 13, 1970 No. 655 / A) . The document bears the resolution "Agree. March 16" and the signatures "L. Brezhnev, A. Kosygin, N. Podgorny." This event was given the name "Operation" Archive ". The remains were seized and burned at the stake in a wasteland near the town of Schensbek, eleven kilometers from Magdeburg. What was left was crushed into ashes, collected and thrown into the river Bidevitz.

Historians have already studied all the archival documents and memoirs available to them. But the final conclusion about whose corpse was burned near Magdeburg could not be made. Of the material evidence, only the fragments of the ampoule and jaw, stored in the Central Archive of the FSB, as well as the part of the skull cap that was transferred to the State Archive of the Russian Federation together with the Secretariat of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, were left. The presence of such "residues" put together would perhaps give rise to forensic biochemical and genetic studies. And then representatives of the natural sciences, and not historians at all, will be able to give a clear answer.

Hitler is dead. Dead since 30 April 1945. There is no doubt about this. Many of his associates were taken prisoner and tried at the Nuremberg trials. Brief historical background: The Nuremberg trials took place from November 20, 1945 to October 1, 1946. Twelve people were sentenced to death, seven people to long terms or life imprisonment. Also during the process, the leadership of the National Socialist Party, its security detachments (SS), the security service (SD), the state secret police (Gestapo) were recognized as criminal.

In the winter of 1998, I was brought to Bavaria. After living a few days in the town of Hof, I decided to go to Nuremberg in the company of my friend, since it was only an hour away. The purpose of our trip, of course, was the same hall in which the Nuremberg trials took place. And this is where the real collisions begin. Employees of the tourist office at the station, taxi drivers at the station, just passers-by had no idea about such an uninteresting place and such an insignificant event. And the longer we asked, the more it seemed to me that the locals simply do not want to tell some foreigners about something unpleasant. Okay, I thought. We bought a luxurious city guide, in which we did not find a word about the Nuremberg trials.

Luckily, we ran into a policeman who assumed it was the Palace of Justice. But, according to his calculations, it is located quite far from the city center. So it should be, I began to remember the descriptions from the books. An hour's walk - and we are near the long, with numerous outbuildings, the Palace of Justice. No mention of a museum. We turn to the guard. He doesn't know either. There is a large crowd around us. Finally, it turns out that, most likely, we are talking about a hall in a neighboring building. It is on one of the photographs for this note (the windows of the hall in which the process took place are on the third floor in the center of the building). In this building, too, they have no idea where the Nuremberg trials took place, and they don’t want to let us in. After much persuasion, a servant comes down to us, who offers to inspect several halls and "choose" the one from them.

To my horror, I do not recognize a single one of them that would look like a hall familiar from photographs. The attendant throws up his hands, and we stand in confusion in the corridor. But suddenly a very elderly German comes up to us and begins to explain something passionately. After much repetition, it turns out that the Nuremberg trial hall was reconstructed and that part of it, which was intended for the press, was demolished. The German opens the door and we enter the hall. The first impression is that it is tiny. How so many people could fit in it is not very clear. There is a computer on the judge's desk - it turns out that ordinary court sessions are regularly held in this room. I should probably get my camera, but something stops me. I just want to stand still and be quiet. I understand in my heart that the hall is too small to accommodate those who could present their bill to those non-humans. And there is probably no payment for tens of millions of lives. And the trial of several dozen people for some reason seems to me a mere formality.

Already in the yard, our kind guide leads us to a high fence (he was taken in one of the photographs to this column) and explains that behind it was a prison, which has now been demolished and in which those eleven people lived and were executed. We are silent. The German turns to us and asks if we are Americans? No, we answer - Russians. He turns away and suddenly says in broken Russian: "I understand." Let's remember all those who did not live, all those who brought us Victory. Let's drink without clinking glasses.

Chronicle of Hitler's death

In April 1945, the Allied troops were finishing the defeat of Germany. The idea of ​​Hitler's life collapsed - the idea of ​​world domination of the Aryan nation. Albert Speer, head of war production in Nazi Germany, relates that a few days before his death, Hitler shouted: “If the war is lost, the German people should not exist. , food. This people turned out to be weak, and, therefore, the future belongs to the people of the East, who showed themselves to be stronger. "

Here is a brief chronicle of the last days of the Fuhrer.

Soviet troops have occupied three-quarters of Berlin, but Hitler still hopes for something ... He is in a two-story bunker at a depth of 8 meters under the courtyard of the imperial office, anxiously waiting for news. By evening, however, it becomes clear that the 9th and 12th armies are not able to liberate the capital. Together with Hitler in the bunker are his mistress Eva Braun, Goebbels with his family, the chief of the general staff Krebs, secretaries, adjutants, security guards. According to the testimony of an officer of the General Staff, at that time "physically, Hitler presented a terrible picture: he moved with difficulty and clumsily, throwing his upper body forward, dragging his legs ... With difficulty he could maintain balance. His left hand did not obey him, but his right trembled constantly ... Hitler's eyes were bloodshot ... "

In the evening, one of the best female pilots in Germany, Hanna Reitsch, fanatically devoted to Hitler, arrived in the bunker. According to the story of the pilot, the Fuhrer invited her to his place and said quietly:

Hannah, you are one of those who will die with me. Each of us has a vial of poison." He handed the vial to Hanna. "I don't want any of us to fall into Russian hands, and I don't want Russians to get our bodies. Eve's bodies and mine will be burned...

Hanna Reitsch testifies that during the conversation, Hitler presented a tragicomic picture: almost blindly rushing from wall to wall with paper in trembling hands; then he suddenly stopped, sat down at the table, moved flags around the map, denoting non-existent armies. "Completely disintegrated man," Reitsch stated.

Personal disintegration and insanity did not prevent Hitler from ordering the opening of the floodgates on the Spree River and the flooding of the metro station when he learned that Soviet troops had infiltrated the Berlin underground. The execution of the order led to the death of thousands of people who were in the subway: wounded German soldiers, women and children.

Goebbels and Bormann attend the wedding of Hitler and Eva Braun as witnesses. The process takes place in accordance with the law: a marriage contract is drawn up and a wedding ceremony is performed. Witnesses, as well as Krebs, Goebbels' wife, Hitler's adjutants General Burgdorf and Colonel Belov, secretaries and a cook are invited to the wedding celebration. After a small feast, Hitler retires to make a will.

The last day of the Fuhrer is coming. After lunch, on Hitler's orders, his personal chauffeur, SS Standartenführer Kempka, delivers canisters with 200 liters of gasoline to the garden of the Imperial Chancellery. In the conference room, Hitler and Eva Braun say goodbye to Bormann, Goebbels, Burgdorf, Krebs, Axman, who came here, to the Fuhrer's secretaries Junge and Weichelt. Then everyone, except for Hitler and his wife, goes out into the corridor. Further events are presented in two main versions.

According to the first version, based on the testimony of Hitler's personal valet Linge, the Fuhrer and Eva Braun shot themselves at 15.30. When Linge and Bormann entered the room, Hitler was allegedly sitting on a sofa in the corner, a revolver lay on the table in front of him, blood was flowing from his gravel temple. The dead Eva Braun, who was in the other corner, dropped her revolver on the floor.

Another version (accepted by almost all historians) says: Hitler and Eva Braun were poisoned with potassium cyanide. Before his death, Hitler also poisoned two beloved sheep dogs. By order of Bormann, the bodies of the dead were wrapped in blankets, taken out into the yard, doused with gasoline and burned in a shell crater. True, they burned badly, and, in the end, the half-burnt corpses were buried by the SS men in the ground. The bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun were discovered by the Red Army soldier Churakov on May 4, but for some reason they lay for 4 whole days without examination. They were delivered for inspection and identification to one of the Berlin morgues on May 8th. An external examination gave reason to believe that the charred corpses of a man and a woman were the remains of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun. But, as you know, the Fuhrer and his mistress had several doubles, because the Soviet military authorities wanted to conduct a thorough investigation.

The question of whether the person delivered to the morgue was really Hitler still worries researchers. Here is what one of them says about the circumstances of the case:

"... The corpse of a man was in a wooden box 163 cm long, 55 and 53 cm wide and 53 cm high, respectively. A piece of yellowish knitted fabric, burnt along the edges, similar to a shirt, was found on the corpse. Due to the fact that the corpse was charred to a large extent , it was possible to judge the age and height only presumably: about 50-60 years old.Height - 165 cm.During his lifetime, Hitler repeatedly turned to his dentist, as evidenced by the large number of fillings and golden cows on the preserved parts of the jaws.They were seized and transferred to the SMERSH-3 department of the Shock Army.

From the protocol of the interrogation of the dentist K. Gaiserman, it was seen that the jaws belonged to the Fuhrer. On May 11, 1945, Gaiserman described in detail the anatomical data of Hitler's oral cavity, which coincided with the results of a study conducted on May 8. But still, in our opinion, it is impossible to completely exclude the notorious game on the part of those who could stand behind it. There were no visible signs of severe fatal injuries or diseases on the body significantly altered by fire. But a crushed glass ampoule was found in the oral cavity. The smell of bitter almonds emanated from the corpse. The same ampoules were found during the autopsy of another 10 corpses close to Hitler. It was found that death was the result of cyanide poisoning. On the same day, an autopsy was performed on the corpse of a woman, "presumably", as stated in the acts, belonged to Hitler's wife Eva Braun. It was also difficult to determine the age: between 30 and 40 years. Height is about 150 cm.

The corpse could also be identified only by the golden bridge of the lower jaw. But, apparently, the causes of death were different: despite the fact that there was a broken glass ampoule in the mouth and the smell of bitter almonds also emanated from the corpse, traces of a shrapnel wound and 6 small metal fragments were found in the chest.

The study of the remains of Hitler and Braun was carried out by Soviet military forensic experts and pathologists; to date, they have all died, and therefore it is difficult (almost impossible) to know the fate of Hitler's remains. The writer Elena Rzhevskaya, who during the war was a translator of the 1st Belorussian Front, writes in her book "There was a war ..." that these remains were sent to Moscow. However, no one managed to find their traces in the former USSR...

Adolf Hitler is without a doubt one of the most controversial and hated personalities in world history, and for good reason. His beliefs, opinions and ideals led humanity to a war that caused widespread death and destruction. However, he is an integral part of the (albeit negative) history of this planet, so we should better know what personality traits a person capable of such monstrous things as Hitler possessed. Let's hope that by looking into the past and studying the terrible person that was Hitler, we can prevent the rise to power of a man like him. So, we present to your attention twenty-five facts about Hitler that you might not know.

25. Hitler married Eva Braun and committed suicide the next day.

For many years, Hitler refused to marry Braun out of fear of how it would affect his image. However, he decided to do it when the Germans were promised defeat. Hitler and Brown were married in a civil ceremony. Their bodies were found the next day. Hitler shot himself, and Braun died from a cyanide capsule.

24 Hitler Had A Controversial Relationship With His Niece

When Geli Raubal, Hitler's niece, was studying medicine, she lived in Hitler's apartment in Munich. Later, Hitler became very possessive and domineering towards her. Hitler even forbade her from doing anything without his knowledge after he heard rumors about her relationship with his personal driver. On his return from a brief meeting in Nuremberg, Hitler found the body of his niece, who had apparently shot herself with his pistol.

23. Hitler and the Church

Hitler wanted the Vatican to recognize his authority, so in 1933 the Catholic Church and the German Reich signed an alliance under which the Reich was guaranteed the protection of the Church, but only if they remained committed to exclusively religious activities. This agreement, however, was broken and the Nazis continued their anti-Catholic activities.

22. Hitler's own version of the Nobel Prize

After the Nobel Prize was banned in Germany, Hitler developed his own version, the German National Prize for Art and Science. Ferdinand Porsche was one of the recipients for being the man who created the world's first hybrid car and the Volkswagen Beetle.

21. Hitler's collection of Jewish artifacts

Hitler originally conceived the idea of ​​creating a "Museum of an Extinct Race" in which he wanted to house his collection of Jewish artifacts.

20. Eiffel Tower elevator cables

When Paris fell to German control in 1940, the French cut off the Eiffel Tower elevator cables. This was done on purpose to force Hitler up the stairs to the top. However, Hitler decided not to climb the tower, so as not to overcome more than a thousand steps.

19. Hitler and the women's cosmetics industry

Initially, Hitler planned to simply shut down the cosmetics industry to free up funds in the war economy. However, in order not to disappoint Eva Braun, he decided to close it gradually.

18. American genocide of Native Americans

Hitler often praised the "effectiveness" of the American genocide of Native Americans.

17. Hitler and Art

Hitler had artistic inclinations. When he moved to Vienna in the 1900s, Hitler initially considered pursuing a career in art. He even applied to enter the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna (Vienna's Academy of Art), but was rejected because of his "unsuitability for painting."

16. Hitler's family environment

Hitler grew up in an authoritarian family environment. His father, who was an Austrian customs officer, was famous for his strictness and temper. It was also noted that Hitler adopted many of his father's personal qualities.

15 Why Hitler Was Disappointed By Germany's Surrender In World War I

While Hitler was recovering from a gas attack during the First World War, he learned of the armistice, which meant the end of the war. This announcement angered Hitler and gave rise to his belief that the Germans had been betrayed by their own leaders.

14 The General Who Refused to Commit Suicide

When it became apparent that the Germans were about to be defeated in the Battle of Stalingrad, Hitler expected the leader of his army to commit suicide. However, the general remarked, "I'm not going to kill myself because of that bohemian corporal" and surrendered in 1943.

13. Why he didn't like football

Hitler later developed a dislike for football because Germany's victory over other nations could not be guaranteed, no matter how hard they tried to manipulate or force the results.

12. Real full name of Hitler

Hitler's father changed his name in 1877. Otherwise, it would be difficult for people to pronounce Hitler's full name - Adolf Schicklgruber.

11. Honorary Aryans of Hitler

One of Hitler's close friends and personal drivers was found to be of Jewish origin. For this reason, key officials in Hitler's party recommended his expulsion from the SS. However, Hitler made an exception for him and even for his brothers, considering them "honorary Aryans".

10 Hitler's "Noble Jew"

Hitler had his own way of paying debts of gratitude. When he was still a child, his family could not afford the expensive services of a professional doctor. Fortunately, the Jewish-Austrian doctor never took money from him or his family for medical services. When Hitler came to power, the doctor enjoyed the "eternal gratitude" of the Nazi leader. He was released from a concentration camp. He was also given proper protection and received the title of "noble Jew".

9The Lawyer Who Cross-Examined Hitler

Early in his political career, Hitler was called as a witness. He was interrogated by a Jewish lawyer named Hans Litten, who cross-examined Hitler for three hours. During the reign of the Nazis, this Jewish lawyer was arrested. He was tortured for five years until he finally committed suicide.

8. Hitler as a Disney fan

Hitler loved Disney. He even described Snow White as one of the best films in the world at the time. In fact, sketches of the Timid Dwarf, Doc and Pinocchio, which were made by Hitler, were discovered.

7. Hitler's funeral

His body was buried four times before it was finally cremated and the ashes scattered to the wind.

6 Hitler's mustache shape

Initially, Hitler had a long mustache curled up. During World War I, he trimmed his mustache, reshaping it to his famous toothbrush style. According to him, the more magnificent mustache prevented him from properly fastening the gas mask.

5. Loan from Mercedes-Benz

While Hitler was imprisoned, he managed to write an application for a car loan to a local Mercedes-Benz dealer. Years later, this letter was found at a flea market.

4. What his mustache meant to Hitler

It is believed that Hitler wore a mustache because he thought it made his nose look smaller.

3. A souvenir from Hitler to a successful Olympian

Jesse Owens, a successful Olympian, was surprised to receive a gift from Hitler after his successful performance at the 1936 Olympics. President Roosevelt did not even send a telegram to Owens to congratulate him on such an achievement.

2. Hitler as a wounded infantryman

During World War I, Hitler was an infantryman who was wounded at the height of the war. Surprisingly, Hitler evoked mercy and sympathy from the British soldier.

1. Hugo Jaeger was Hitler's personal photographer

Throughout the turmoil, Yeager remained very loyal to Hitler. To avoid criminal liability for his association with Hitler, the photographer decided to hide his photographs of the Nazi leader. However, in 1955 he ended up selling these photographs to Life Magazine for a lot of money.

To date, the question of where he found his last fate and Where is Adolf Hitler buried?? It should be noted that most of the dark spots and ambiguities in this topic arise due to the obvious unwillingness of the state authorities of various countries to exchange information data. Based on this, this issue remains in its essence not fully elucidated. However, based on the known versions of the Fuhrer's death, it is possible to build a logical chain of facts that can lead to the correct answer to the question under consideration.

According to an official investigation conducted by specialists from an organization that carried out professional activities in the field of counterintelligence of the USSR, Hitler and his wife Eva Braun died on April 30, 1945. The incident took place at fifteen thirty minutes. After, their corpses were doused with a flammable liquid, burned and immediately buried in a garden nearby from the Reichstag. After four days, the bodies were exhumed by Soviet soldiers from their burial place and transferred to the Berlin morgue to carry out a set of actions and investigative measures. After analyzing the data available from Hitler's personal dentist and examining the excavated jaw, the representatives of the investigation confidently confirmed that their resemblance is one hundred percent and that the body really belongs to the former leader of Nazi Germany.

After the actions taken, the investigation immediately ceased and all the data obtained in Berlin automatically fell under state secrets. There is a version that parts of Hitler's body, in particular the jaw and fragments of the skull, are in the archives of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. However, the version in question where Hitler is buried is blurred, as information periodically emerges about the location of new places of his burial. In the conditions of modern realities, specialists in the field of historical sciences have already counted seven burial places of the Fuhrer. This fact has a completely objective justification, which consists in the fact that special forces of various states, under the systematic pressure of political authorities, after the war, constantly transferred Hitler's remains to different places. In particular, the last location of their burial is a paramilitary town located in the vicinity of a German city called Magdeburg.

But it is worth noting that the history of the movement of the remains and places where Hitler is buried does not end with this aspect. There are testimonies from people that the leader of Nazism did not commit suicide, but successfully bought off the allies for a rather impressive financial sum, and also provided the most important scientific German developments in the field of nuclear technology and advanced aspects of rocket science. After that, he emigrated to Argentina, where he was last seen in 1964.

As for the explanation of the fact that Hitler died in the capital of Germany, it could simply be one of his many doubles that the leaders of the largest states in the world have always had. Despite the fact that the question of the place of burial of the Fuhrer is replete with white spots, over time, more and more new facts appear, and they have a logical and reasonable confirmation. Based on this, at this pace, this question will contain an objective answer.

Hitler's grave. What does the burial place of the great leader look like?

Versions and assumptions that Adolf Hitler survived after April 1945 appeared quite a long time ago and every year, through the provision of new facts by historians on this topic, they are becoming more and more logical and in their own way justified confirmation. Also, more and more often there are witnesses, according to whose stories it becomes clear that they personally saw the Fuhrer.

Based on this information data, it is possible to track exactly where the Hitler's grave. Despite the fact that after the victory of the allies over Nazi Germany, investigative measures were carried out by the USSR specialists to examine the remains of the leader, they are counterbalanced by the hypothesis that Hitler had many close associates during his reign, who are his absolute twins.

To date, historians have available testimonies from residents of a small village located in the state of Brazil called Mato Grosso, who claim in them that they witnessed the last days of Adolf Hitler's life. Quite recently, a full-fledged exhumation procedure was carried out for that person who, in the mid-thirties and forties of the twentieth century, shook more than half of the countries of the entire world space with his aggressive military actions. Many people are interested in knowing what the grave of the leader of Nazism looks like, and today, when analyzing all kinds of foreign sources of historical subjects, they have found photo of Hitler's grave. According to witnesses, he arrived in Argentina by sea after the Allied victory, but in the early seventies he had to quickly leave this country, and therefore, under the guise of a Catholic priest, Hitler ends up in Brazil. There he changes his surname to Lepping.

There is a version according to which the Fuhrer arrived in Brazil, not only hiding from the natural retribution hanging over him, but also in order to search for a large number of treasures that were hidden in the cave system located in the northern part of this country. This fact is another confirmation that Hitler's grave is located in this area. Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that grave of Adolf Hitler is located for well-founded and understandable reasons in South America.

The most famous versions of Hitler's death

The person of Adolf Hitler is in the historical aspect very extraordinary and mysterious, especially after his death. To date, there are a large number of versions of the death of the leader of Nazi Germany, and as a general rule, each subsequent assumption becomes the most logical and justified, which suggests that at such a pace the true death of the leader will soon be finally unraveled. In today's realities version of Hitler's death differ from each other, but their basis is primarily taken from an assumption of an official nature.

The official version of Hitler's death lies in his suicide, committed by him on the thirtieth of April, one thousand nine hundred and forty-five, in the afternoon. It is also worth noting that before his death, he poisoned his wife Eva Braun, with whom they were married a few hours before their death.

After the death of the Fuhrer, his close officers carried the bodies into the garden next to the Reichstag, doused them with flammable liquid, burned them and buried them. It should be noted that after some time the remains were removed and re-buried on the territory of the landfill located near the city of Marburg. After some time, under the influence of state authorities, the remains were exhumed, ground into powder and scattered over the river. In addition to the official historical version, there are several radically different hypotheses about the death of Adolf Hitler. There is an assumption that he died in the seventies in Brazil, after he emigrated there from Argentina, disguised as a clergyman of the Catholic faith. It is worth noting that Eva Braun emigrated with him according to this version.

As for the flight from Berlin to Argentina, the Fuhrer reached this country by sea, by means of a submarine. Also noted were testimonies pointing to the fact that Hitler had been in Chile for some time. There is also a version that before arriving in Argentina, he lived for quite a long time at a special military base, which was located in Antarctica. It should be noted that Hitler had the opportunity to emigrate as a result of a deal between him, the United States and Great Britain. The essence of this deal was that the Fuhrer gives them huge amounts of money and scientific developments in Germany, aimed at studying the specifics of a nuclear nature.

Adolf Hitler is a well-known political leader in Germany, whose activities are associated with heinous crimes against humanity, including the Holocaust. The founder of the Nazi Party and the dictatorship of the Third Reich, the immorality of the philosophy and political views of which are still widely discussed in society today.

After Hitler managed to become the head of the German fascist state in 1934, he launched a large-scale operation to seize Europe, became the initiator of the Second World War, which made him a “monster and a sadist” for Soviet citizens, and for many Germans a brilliant leader who changed people's lives for the better.

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in the Austrian city of Braunau am Inn, located near the border with Germany. His parents, Alois and Clara Hitler, were peasants, but his father managed to break into the people and become a state customs official, which allowed the family to live in decent conditions. "Nazi No. 1" was the third child in the family and dearly loved by his mother, who was very similar in appearance. Later, he had a younger brother Edmund and sister Paula, to whom the future German Fuhrer became very attached and took care of all his life.

Adolf's childhood years were spent in constant moving, caused by the peculiarities of his father's work, and changing schools, where he did not show any special talents, but still managed to finish four classes of a real school in Steyr and received a certificate of education, in which good marks were only in drawing and physical education. During this period, his mother Klara Hitler dies of cancer, which dealt a serious blow to the young man's psyche, but he did not break down, but, having completed the necessary documents for receiving a pension for himself and his sister Paula, he moved to Vienna and set foot on the path of adulthood.

First, he tried to enter the Art Academy, as he had an outstanding talent and craving for fine arts, but failed the entrance exams. The next few years, the biography of Adolf Hitler was filled with poverty, vagrancy, odd jobs, constant moving from place to place, rooming houses under city bridges. All this time, he did not inform his relatives or friends about his location, as he was afraid of being drafted into the army, where he would have to serve along with the Jews, for whom he felt a deep hatred.

Adolf Hitler (right) in World War I

At the age of 24, Hitler moved to Munich, where he met with the First World War, which made him very happy. He immediately volunteered for the Bavarian army, in whose ranks he took part in many battles. He took the defeat of Germany in the First World War very painfully and categorically blamed politicians for it. Against this background, he engaged in large-scale propaganda work, which allowed him to get into the political movement of the people's workers' party, which he skillfully turned into a Nazi one.

Path to power

Having become the head of the NSDAP, Adolf Hitler gradually began to make his way deeper and deeper to political heights and in 1923 organized the "Beer putsch". Enlisting the support of 5,000 stormtroopers, he broke into a beer bar, where a rally of the leaders of the General Staff was taking place, and announced the overthrow of the traitors in the Berlin government. On November 9, 1923, the Nazi putsch headed towards the ministry to seize power, but was intercepted by police detachments, who used firearms to disperse the Nazis.

In March 1924, Adolf Hitler, as the organizer of the putsch, was convicted of treason and sentenced to 5 years in prison. But the Nazi dictator spent only 9 months in prison - on December 20, 1924, for unknown reasons, he was released. Immediately after his release, Hitler revived the Nazi party NSDAP and transformed it, with the help of Gregor Strasser, into a nationwide political force. During that period, he managed to establish close ties with the German generals, as well as establish contact with large industrial magnates.

At the same time, Adolf Hitler wrote his work "My Struggle" ("Mein Kampf"), in which he outlined his autobiography and the idea of ​​National Socialism. In 1930, the political leader of the Nazis became the supreme commander of the assault troops (SA), and in 1932 he tried to get the post of Reich Chancellor. To do this, he had to renounce his Austrian citizenship and become a German citizen, as well as enlist the support of the allies.

From the first time, Hitler failed to win the elections, in which Kurt von Schleicher was ahead of him. A year later, German President Paul von Hindenburg, under Nazi pressure, dismissed the victorious von Schleicher and appointed Hitler in his place.

This appointment did not cover all the hopes of the Nazi leader, since power over Germany continued to remain in the hands of the Reichstag, and his powers included only the leadership of the Cabinet of Ministers, which had yet to be created.

In just 1.5 years, Adolf Hitler managed to remove all obstacles from his path in the form of the President of Germany and the Reichstag and become an unlimited dictator. From that moment, the oppression of Jews and Gypsies began in the country, trade unions were closed and the "Hitler era" began, which for 10 years of his reign was completely saturated with human blood.

Nazism and war

In 1934, Hitler gained power over Germany, where a total Nazi regime immediately began, the ideology of which was the only true one. Having become the ruler of Germany, the Nazi leader immediately revealed his true face and began major foreign policy actions. He is rapidly creating the Wehrmacht and restoring aviation and tank troops, as well as long-range artillery. Contrary to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany seizes the Rhineland, and after Czechoslovakia and Austria.

At the same time, he carried out a purge in his ranks - the dictator organized the so-called "Night of Long Knives", when all prominent Nazis who posed a threat to Hitler's absolute power were destroyed. Assigning himself the title of supreme leader of the "Third Reich", the Fuhrer created the "Gestapo" police and a system of concentration camps, where he imprisoned all "undesirable elements", namely Jews, gypsies, political opponents, and later prisoners of war.

The basis of Adolf Hitler's domestic policy was the ideology of racial discrimination and the superiority of indigenous Aryans over other peoples. His goal was to become the only leader of the whole world, in which the Slavs were to become "elite" slaves, and the lower races, to which he ranked Jews and Gypsies, were completely destroyed. Along with massive crimes against humanity, the ruler of Germany was developing a similar foreign policy, deciding to take over the whole world.

In April 1939, Hitler approves a plan to attack Poland, which was defeated already in September of the same year. Further, the Germans occupied Norway, Holland, Denmark, Belgium, Luxembourg and broke through the front of France. In the spring of 1941, Hitler captured Greece and Yugoslavia, and on June 22 attacked the then-led USSR.

In 1943, the Red Army launched a large-scale offensive against the Germans, thanks to which World War II entered the territory of the Reich in 1945, which completely drove the Fuhrer crazy. He sent pensioners, teenagers and disabled people to battle with the Red Army, ordering the soldiers to stand to death, while he himself hid in the "bunker" and watched what was happening from the side.

Holocaust and death camps

With the coming to power of Adolf Hitler in Germany, Poland and Austria, a whole complex of death camps and concentration camps was created, the first of which was created in 1933 near Munich. It is known that there were more than 42 thousand such camps, in which millions of people died under torture. These specially equipped centers were intended for genocide and terror both over prisoners of war and over the local population, which included the disabled, women and children.

Victims of Auschwitz

The largest Nazi "death factories" were "Auschwitz", "Majdanek", "Buchenwald", "Treblinka", in which people who dissented from Hitler were subjected to inhuman torture and "experiments" with poisons, incendiary mixtures, gas, which in 80% of cases led to to the painful death of people. All death camps were created with the aim of "cleansing" the entire world population from anti-fascists, inferior races, which for Hitler were Jews and gypsies, ordinary criminals and "elements" simply undesirable for the German leader.

The symbol of the ruthlessness of Hitler and fascism was the Polish city of Auschwitz, in which the most terrible conveyors of death were built, where more than 20 thousand people were killed daily. This is one of the most terrible places on Earth, which became the center of the extermination of Jews - they died there in "gas" chambers immediately after their arrival, even without registration and identification. The Auschwitz camp has become a tragic symbol of the Holocaust - the mass destruction of the Jewish nation, which is recognized as the largest genocide of the 20th century.

Why did Hitler hate the Jews?

There are several versions of why Adolf Hitler hated the Jews so much, whom he tried to "wipe off the face of the earth." Historians who have studied the personality of the "bloody" dictator put forward several theories, each of which could be true.

The first and most plausible version is the "racial policy" of the German dictator, who considered only native Germans to be people. In this regard, he divided all nations into three parts - the Aryans, who were supposed to rule the world, the Slavs, who were assigned the role of slaves in his ideology, and the Jews, whom Hitler planned to completely destroy.

The economic motives of the Holocaust are also not ruled out, since at that time Germany was in a critical state in terms of the economy, and the Jews had profitable enterprises and banking institutions, which Hitler took away from them after exile in concentration camps.

There is also a version that Hitler destroyed the Jewish nation in order to maintain the morale of his army. He assigned Jews and Gypsies the role of victims, whom he gave to be torn to pieces so that the Nazis could enjoy human blood, which, according to the leader of the Third Reich, should set them up for victory.


On April 30, 1945, when Hitler's house in Berlin was surrounded by the Soviet army, "Nazi No. 1" admitted defeat and decided to commit suicide. There are several versions of how Adolf Hitler died: some historians claim that the German dictator drank potassium cyanide, while others do not exclude that he shot himself. Together with the head of Germany, his common-law wife Eva Braun, with whom he lived for more than 15 years, also died.

Death announcement of Adolf Hitler

It is reported that the bodies of the spouses were burned before entering the bunker, which was the demand of the dictator before his death. Later, the remains of Hitler's body were found by a group of guards of the Red Army - only dentures and part of the Nazi leader's skull with an entrance bullet hole have survived to this day, which are still stored in Russian archives.

Personal life

The personal life of Adolf Hitler in modern history has no confirmed facts and is filled with a lot of speculation. It is known that the German Fuhrer was never officially married and had no recognized children. At the same time, despite his rather unattractive appearance, he was the favorite of the entire female population of the country, which played an important role in his life. Historians claim that "Nazi No. 1" knew how to influence people hypnotically.

With his speeches and cultural manners, he charmed the opposite sex, whose representatives began to recklessly love the leader, which forced the ladies to do the impossible for him. Hitler's mistresses were mostly married ladies who idolized him and considered him an outstanding person.

In 1929, the dictator met, who conquered Hitler with her appearance and cheerful disposition. During the years of her life with the Fuhrer, the girl twice tried to commit suicide because of the loving nature of her common-law spouse, who openly flirted with the women he liked.

In 2012, US citizen Werner Schmedt declared that he was the legitimate son of Hitler and his young niece Geli Ruabal, whom, according to historians, the dictator killed in a fit of jealousy. He provided family photos in which the Fuhrer of the Third Reich and Geli Ruabal stand in an embrace. Also, the possible son of Hitler presented his birth certificate, in which only the initials “G” and “R” are in the column of data about the parents, which was done allegedly for the purpose of secrecy.

According to the son of the Fuhrer, after the death of Geli Ruabal, nannies from Austria and Germany were engaged in his upbringing, but his father constantly visited him. In 1940, Schmedt saw Hitler for the last time, who promised him that if he won World War II, he would give him the whole world. But since events did not unfold according to Hitler's plan, Werner had to long time hide from everyone their origin and place of residence.

"Where is Hitler buried?" - unanswered question

Lady History often surprises people. The lion's share of the reasons for their appearance lies in the reluctance of a small group of people (most often representing the interests of the authorities) to share information with a wide circle of people (for example, society). Because the question: "Where is Hitler's grave?" - is still open to historians.

Official version

According to the results of an official investigation conducted by the SMRESH employees of the 3rd Shock Army (whose soldiers attacked and took the Reichstag), on April 30, 1945, German leader Adolf Hitler and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide at 15:30. The bodies of the dead were doused with gasoline, burned and buried in the garden.

Four days later, their remains were dug up by Soviet soldiers. In the Berlin morgue, where it was decided to store the corpses, investigative measures were taken. By comparing the data of Hitler's dentist and the jaw of the deceased, the investigators confidently stated that the deceased was indeed Adolf Hitler.

However, even now the official authorities refuse to give an exact answer to the question: “Where is Hitler buried?”, Referring to the Führer’s remains are believed to be in Moscow: the jaw is in the FSB archive, and part of the skull lies in the State Archive.

Removal of remains

Historians, relying on documents from the declassified archives of the MGB-KGB-FSB, have at least seven places where Hitler is buried. The fact is that the secret services, under pressure from the political elite, constantly moved the remains of Hitler, Eva Braun and the Goebbels family from place to place. The last time they were buried in a military camp near Magdeburg, Germany.

However, in 1970, on the orders of the then chief of the KGB Andropov, on the night of April 4-5, a task force opened the grave. Moreover, everything happened with the knowledge of the Soviet leadership and in complete secrecy. The exhumation was preceded by serious preliminary preparations, and observation posts were even set up.

The excavated remains were brought to the landfill, which was located nearby, ground to dust, burned and scattered the ashes to the wind.

Unofficial version of where Hitler is buried

Adherents of the unofficial version believe that in 1945, the twins of the German leader and his wife died in Berlin. The difference in the testimonies of the prisoners and information about the nine-month operation of the Soviet special services in Germany to search for Hitler give reason to doubt the correctness of the official version.

Some researchers write in their books that Hitler "paid off" the Allies, transferring to them an amount equal to now 100 billion dollars, and German developments in the field of rocket science and nuclear fusion. In return, he and many other Germans (a figure of 100,000 is given) were allowed to flee to Argentina and live there until 1964. It was in this year that the Fuhrer died and was buried in an unknown place. There is still no exact and unambiguous answer. It is safe to say that many people have earned a lot of money and fame on the next "investigation of the century."

Hitler's books

Adolf was not as educated as Stalin, therefore, from the cultural heritage he left behind only “Mein Kampf” (“My Struggle”) - a book with a large number and calling for “racial cleansing” and the like.

Until January 1, 2016, the copyright for this book belongs to the state government of Bavaria. If certain provisions of the relevant documents are not revised, it will continue to receive income from sales of the book. On the territory of Russia, the book has been officially banned since 2010. Residents of the United States every year buy more than 60,000 copies of a book written by Hitler.