Why does the breaking of a person begin. Vita Rehabilitation Center

A person uses drugs to experience a feeling of euphoria. He is fine at first. There is a feeling that all problems have disappeared. But after each such ecstasy, drug addicts break down.

The addict completely loses control over himself. He has only one obsessive thought - to get another dose and experience the state of "high" again. But the money for the purchase of drugs is not always found, real torment awaits the addict. And then short-term joy turns into long-term torment.


Withdrawal or withdrawal syndrome is a condition in which a drug addict feels a desire to immediately receive another dose of a drug substance. Caused by drug withdrawal or dosage reduction.

The degree of dependence determines the severity of the drug - the stronger it is, the longer the withdrawal lasts. This is affected by the ability of the drug to integrate into the human metabolism.

Withdrawal syndrome appears due to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. Drugs replace neurotransmitters that are responsible for the timely supply of nerve impulses. As a result, the body stops their production.

Without neurotransmitters, the connection between the brain and the nervous system, the musculoskeletal system and internal organs is lost. Without regular drug use, this relationship breaks down and the human body becomes a set of cells, not a single mechanism. This is what causes addiction.

Appearance time

The time after which a strong withdrawal appears depends on the narcotic substance. The lack of the drug can be felt after 3-5 hours. General well-being worsens in a day. It creates a feeling of cancellation.

Breakage is felt by all organs that are involved in metabolism. But not everyone knows how long the withdrawal of a drug addict actually lasts. This feeling can last from several days to several weeks, on average - 10 days.

In the process, the body feels a lack of:

  • minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • trace elements;
  • nutrients, etc.

If this lack of vital substances is not provided in time, the process of exhaustion will begin. The result is that it is difficult for the body to get out of this state, recover and begin to function normally. If he does not cope with this task, the addict may die.

Main features

Even though different drugs have different effects, most of the symptoms are similar. It all starts with disorders in the functioning of the nervous system and continues with problems with internal organs.

Psychopathological symptoms

Symptoms of drug withdrawal initially manifest as disturbances on an emotional level. The addict feels anxiety and fear. This results in insomnia. From lack of sleep, a person becomes irritated, he is dissatisfied with everything. There may be bouts of aggression.

Then the addict becomes restless. Can't eat or sleep properly. Communication with others is reduced to a minimum or completely stopped. He is unable to focus his attention on anything other than the desire to receive a dose. The result is poor health, mental disorders and social isolation. These withdrawal symptoms are also called psychopathological.

Somatovegetative symptoms

According to the studies of narcologists, withdrawal initially resembles a common cold. The temperature rises, a runny nose and a slight chill appear. The patient's pupils dilate, sneezing and yawning occur. Subsequent withdrawal symptoms:

  • increased sweating;
  • low or excessively high blood pressure;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • labored breathing;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system, etc.

The patient stays in bed for a long time and does not want to do anything. Because of the chill, he constantly tries to warm himself, which only makes it worse. Body temperature changes rapidly, and it is difficult for the body to endure sudden changes from heat to chills. Some drug addicts constantly want to sleep, others cannot sleep.

Severe problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract begin. The result is a manifestation of diarrhea, which further weakens the body. It takes away the ability to resist with pain in the muscles and joints. The drug addict experiences terrible sensations due to seizures.

Increased salivation may begin. And also the chair is broken. Arrhythmia and tachycardia develop. The first signs of mental disorders appear, which can develop into phobias.

The impact of various drugs

The composition of the drugs is different, so the manifestations are different. The symptoms are similar, but upon closer examination, it is easy to find differences.

Signs of drug withdrawal when exposed to different drugs:

  • marijuana - a depressive state, the perception of the world as something disgusting and terrible, unwillingness to do anything;
  • antidepressants - the highest degree of depression, physical suffering, indifference to life;
  • cigarettes - irritation, obsessive thoughts about cigarettes, bad mood, etc.

The worst effects occur when using synthetic drugs. To date, there are more than 30 types. They are psychotropic, therefore they cause long and severe torment, which is accompanied by clouding of the mind.

Medical treatment

Withdrawal symptoms disappear as soon as the patient takes the next dose. But such a solution is not an option. Therefore, it is practically impossible to cope with drug addiction on your own, because the addict no longer has the willpower. Due to severe pain throughout his body, he cannot endure the torment and prefers to use drugs, if only it would stop.

The hardest stage is the release. The task of the addict is to wait out the withdrawal. In the process, narcotic substances must "leave" the body in order for it to be cleansed. But not everyone can survive this stage. Then there is a breakdown, everything repeats from the beginning.

An effective method of struggle is detoxification. It includes a set of procedures during which the patient is given medication. Effective drugs to help relieve withdrawal symptoms:

  1. Fortifying. They help to partially restore immunity and improve the general condition of the addict. Such medicines contain vitamins of all groups, magnesium sulfate, unitol, etc.
  2. Supporting cardiac activity. Natural remedies - caffeinated coffee, cordiamine. With tachyarrhythmia, drugs containing β-blockers, glycosides are prescribed.
  3. Antidotes. Help with cocaine, LSD, amphetamine, opioid poisoning. Against heroin and morphine, Naloxone will help. In the fight against benzodiazepim, Flumazenil will have an effective effect. If antidepressants acted as a narcotic substance, it is worth taking Galantamine.

If the withdrawal of the addict lasts for a long time, an ultra-rapid detox is prescribed. This is necessary when using opioids or methadone. The bottom line - the patient is introduced into a state of artificial sleep. So he doesn't feel much pain. In the process, the drug and its metabolites are cleared.

Self-medication is strictly prohibited! Treatment is prescribed by doctors. Withdrawal is removed in a drug treatment clinic. But the healing process does not end there.

Methods of instrumental therapy

Detox is not a complete cure. This is just one of the steps in the fight against drug addiction. After it, the patient feels better, the physical and emotional manifestations of withdrawal are eliminated.

The next stage of treatment consists of instrumental therapy techniques. The most effective are xenon therapy, electrosleep, physiotherapy.

Xenon therapy

Consists of xenon inhalation sessions. They are not harmful to the body, helping to restore and establish normal brain activity. Inhalation sessions:

  • improve the sleep of a drug addict;
  • eliminate depressive moods;
  • relieve acute attacks of anxiety and panic, etc.

The effect after each session comes quickly and lasts 3-4 days. On average, the course of treatment with xenon therapy consists of 4-5 sessions. There are no contraindications to this procedure.


This is a method of treatment in which there is an effect on the brain of a drug addict. With the help of constant pulses of electric current, he is immersed in electrosleep. This is a state in which a person is completely relaxed and does not experience pain. In the process, the body is restored, and the work of all organs is normalized.

Under the influence of electrosleep, metabolism improves, the removal of toxins accelerates. The functional state of the nervous system is normalized.


It takes place under the supervision of a doctor, is painless. The main advantages are the absence of unforeseen consequences and negative effects on the patient's body.

Components of physiotherapy:

  1. Acupuncture. The goal is to remove the physiological component of drug addiction. When pricked with needles, the work of the autonomic nervous system is activated. The adaptive capacity of the body improves. The result will be the development of drug motivation.
  2. Lymphatic drainage. It involves the removal of excess fluid containing drugs from the body. Subsequently, lymphatic drainage muscles relax, blood vessels dilate, and lymph circulates normally throughout the body.
  3. Massage. Helps relieve withdrawal symptoms. The flow of impulses generated in the process of massaging stimulates and increases the tone of the central nervous system.

Laser therapy has a positive effect on the body cleansed after detoxification. In the process, blood is irradiated. The goal is to protect the patient from exposure to aggressive oxidizing agents. It can be carried out in conjunction with drug treatment.


After drug treatment, it is important to eliminate dependence on a psychological level. A psychotherapist can help with this.

The first thing to do is to isolate the addict from an unfavorable social environment. It is necessary to hospitalize him, treat him in a hospital and keep him under control. He should not be in contact with people who supply him with drugs. If, after detoxification, the patient goes home, he can return to his previous lifestyle and start taking drugs again.

group therapy

It is important that the drug addict agrees to this type of treatment. Without his interest, the desired result will be very difficult to achieve.

Groups can be formed on 2 grounds. First, drug addicts with varying degrees of addiction gather. The second - patients are divided into categories based on such factors:

  • degree of dependence;
  • duration of drug addiction;
  • drug taken by the patient;
  • the number of attempts to overcome breaking, etc.

The second distribution factor is more efficient and recognized as the correct approach, because it takes into account the features of dependence.

The task of group therapy is to change the attitude towards life. As a result, indifference and dissatisfaction should be replaced by joy, happiness and interest in one's future.

The first step is to get to know the members of the group. Everyone talks about their problem: how and when it arose, why it is difficult to get rid of, etc. In the process, internal tensions and conflicts are removed. Drug addicts see that they are not alone in having such a problem, it can be dealt with. It energizes you with intrinsic motivation.

In group therapy sessions, the psychologist tries to reproduce a certain model of society. This helps drug addicts speed up the process of social adaptation. It is important that each participant is active and not silent.

The group meets regularly. The topic of discussion is set by the therapist or one of the participants. It is important that it be socially oriented and show the possible consequences of different types of behavior.

The benefit for participants is that they can apply different behaviors towards themselves or others.. It resembles a role-playing game, which makes the treatment painless and easy. They get the experience that is necessary to adapt to real social conditions.

Group therapy takes an average of 8-10 sessions. The amount depends on the mental state of the patient.

Neuro Linguistic Programming

The technique is based on hypnosis. Aimed at the improvement and improvement of the individual.

A person is instilled on a subconscious level that drug addiction is bad, the temporary effect of a buzz will not block further torment in withdrawal. They explain that a healthy body and a clear mind are the key to a joyful and happy life.

During treatment, the patient is told about successful stories of getting rid of drug addiction. The “correct” thoughts, movements, skills are imposed on him. According to NLP, the pattern of behavior can also be changed without bad consequences for the addict.

There are different NLP-based healing techniques. They are aimed at:

  • achieving goals, making the right decisions;
  • development of a feeling of disgust for any narcotic substances;
  • adding motivation, etc.

Social rehabilitation directly depends on personal growth. It is necessary to develop sober stamina, the ability to stand up for yourself and make decisions. NLP helps not only to acquire new skills, but also to improve those already acquired.


Withdrawal syndrome in drug addicts occurs when a person refuses drugs or decides to reduce the dose. Another reason is the lack of the required amount of narcotic substance. Signs of withdrawal in a drug addict are fatigue, clouding of mind, vomiting, nausea. The patient becomes irritable, aggressive and dissatisfied.

The degree of withdrawal depends on the drug. The stronger it is, the more pronounced the withdrawal syndrome will be. Drug addiction is treated with medication. Psychotherapy and methods of instrumental therapy are considered effective.

Read on this page:

Today, drug addiction has become a real epidemic, it has touched all the cities and towns of our country, entered many families and destroyed thousands of lives.

drug addiction

Drug addiction is one of the most terrible diseases that completely enslaves a person, takes control over his life. The formed dependence on drugs leads to the fact that the addict constantly wants to use them. This desire is not controlled by him, he follows it contrary to common sense, despite the destruction of his health.

Drug addiction has a number of features that distinguish it from other human diseases. Let's note these differences between narcological diseases and other diseases:

  • Drug addiction is complex. It includes two addictions: psychological and physical.
  • Narcological diseases destroy all spheres of human life. Drug addiction destroys the physical sphere of life, that is, health; emotional sphere, relationships with others, the inner life of a person; social sphere, his family and career; as well as the spiritual sphere, completely depriving the drug addict of moral and moral principles, lofty goals.
  • The use of drugs endangers more than one organ, but disrupts the work of all systems and organs of the body, leads to their irreversible pathologies. This is due to the constant intoxication that the addict exposes himself to.

Psychological addiction to drugs

Drug use is a disease that almost anyone can develop. The reason for this is that most people have internal psychological prerequisites for the development of addiction. Usually a person looks for consolation from life's failures in drugs or an opportunity to solve them in this way. For example, an indecisive or very shy teenager may start using drugs that promote communication and emancipation.

As a result, when a psychoactive drug is used by a person potentially predisposed to acquiring addiction, his psyche begins to find many advantages in a state of intoxication, a solution to his problems. So people, not wanting to change, to acquire healthy communication skills, go the easier way, as it seems to them - they go into the world of narcotic dreams. When a psychological dependence on drugs is formed, a person begins to use them more and more often. Without PAS, life no longer seems satisfactory to the addict, he lacks something.

Gradually increase dosages, because tolerance to drugs increases. To achieve the same level of euphoria that was observed during the first doses, the former doses are no longer enough. Drug use becomes regular.

Physical addiction to drugs

Regular use of a narcotic drug makes drastic changes in the biochemical processes of the body. The drug is included in the metabolism, it replaces any of its components, which in the normal case are produced by the body itself. As a result, it turns out that the organs cease to produce these substances, because they do so, without effort, in huge quantities. When this happened, it can be said that the person became physically addicted to drugs.

drug withdrawal

Most likely, every adult and many of the children and adolescents have heard about withdrawal from drug addicts. Withdrawal becomes an insurmountable obstacle for drug addicts to stop using. It's not called withdrawal syndrome for nothing. As soon as the drug ceases to enter the human body after its long and regular use, the addict develops psychological and physical painful symptoms, and withdrawal symptoms occur. In the case of drug addiction, withdrawal is called drug withdrawal.

Withdrawal begins some time after the last dose of the drug. Its duration, symptoms, intensity depends on the type of drug, the length of dependence, the volume of the last dose, the general state of human health. Let's take a few examples.

Spice break

When a person has formed a persistent physical dependence on spices, he experiences painful withdrawal, not being able to smoke them. At this point, the following withdrawal symptoms begin in the addict:

  • Behavior changes, he becomes irritable, prone to sudden mood swings, depression.
  • The state of a drug addict can vary from frightening aggression to no less terrible lethargy, a person in this state is characterized by paranoia.
  • The patient's sleep is disturbed, the general tone of the body decreases, efficiency decreases, drowsiness, muscle weakness are observed.
  • There may be trembling throughout the body, pain in the joints and muscles.

Narcotic withdrawal from spice begins 10-12 hours after the last dose. The described withdrawal symptoms are observed in the patient for several days. It is difficult to say exactly how long the withdrawal from spice lasts, this is due to the fact that the unstable composition of the drug acts differently each time. In addition, it matters whether detoxification is carried out and how it is carried out: at home or in a clinic.

Phenibut withdrawal syndrome

Phenibut can rightly be called a pharmacy drug, because it causes mental and physical addiction in the patient. When the drug is discontinued, a person develops physical signs similar to the withdrawal symptoms of a drug addict: chills, weakness, impaired thermoregulation of the body. The habit of removing psychological discomfort with the help of the drug leads to mental dependence on it. During withdrawal from phenibut, the following psychological symptoms are observed: depression, suicidal thoughts, a strong desire to take the drug again. With long-term therapy with phenibut, there is a high likelihood of withdrawal symptoms when it is canceled. How long the withdrawal syndrome from phenibut will last will depend on the dosage, duration of administration, and the patient's condition.

Withdrawal from methadone

Withdrawal symptoms in methadone addicts are excruciating: severe joint and muscle pain, convulsions, headache, gastrointestinal problems (vomiting, nausea, diarrhea), apathy and fear, depression and panic attacks. Methadone withdrawal lasts 3-4 weeks. The use of methadone is dangerous not only because of an overdose due to the cumulative effect, but also methadone addiction has such features: the drug suppresses cough and gag reflexes, so sputum is not excreted from the body, and vomiting does not occur with severe intoxication. This can lead to the accumulation of pathogenic bacteria in the respiratory tract, toxins in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, a drug addict can be killed by pneumonia or poisoning.

Signs of withdrawal in drug addicts: causes, treatment

As you can see, each drug causes withdrawal with its specific symptoms, but among them there are some that are common to all types of drugs.

Physiological symptoms of withdrawal, characteristic of most narcotic drugs:

  • Pain, sensation of twisting, aching in the bones, joints, muscles.
  • Back pain.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, most often it is excruciating diarrhea, which leads to dehydration and exhaustion of the body, as well as nausea and vomiting.
  • Convulsions, up to convulsive attacks, tremor of the limbs.
  • Cold and flu-like symptoms: runny nose, increased tearing, chills.
  • Sleep and wake disturbances, insomnia.

Psychological symptoms of withdrawal, characteristic of most addictions:

  • Irritation, aggressive behavior, manifestations of causeless anger.
  • General weakness, lack of physical and mental strength.
  • Feeling of loneliness, senselessness of life.
  • Manifestations of fear from mild anxiety to horror and panic attacks. At the same time, fear does not leave the patient in a dream in the form of nightmarish visions.
  • The drug addict loses interest in the world around him, becomes withdrawn, stops communicating even with loved ones.
  • Relationships with surrounding people are destroyed, they are perceived as enemies, which causes inappropriate behavior in a drug addict.

Why is breaking removal necessary?

Withdrawal syndrome or drug withdrawal requires mandatory treatment, that is, the removal of this condition with the help of medical means.

  • It is the withdrawal that leads the addict to the use of the next dose, leads him through the vicious circle of addiction. Therefore, by helping a person to remove withdrawal symptoms, you thereby give him a chance for a cure.
  • The danger of withdrawal, which is not relieved by detoxification measures, is that the addict's desire to take the drug is so strong that there is a huge risk of a breakdown after a period of abstinence. During these few days, the human body has already partially cleansed itself in a natural way, its tolerance to the drug has decreased. Therefore, in the event of a breakdown, the usual dose of the drug can cause an overdose, which is how many drug addicts died.

Removal of withdrawal symptoms in the clinic and at home

Removal of drug withdrawal is a process of detoxification of the body. After all, it is the presence of toxic slags in the tissues and biofluids of the body that leads the addict to a state of withdrawal. Drugs and their derivatives do not allow the body to adjust to a normal mode of operation without the participation of narcotic substances.

Removal of withdrawal from drug addicts can take place in a specialized clinic, which is more preferable, as well as at home

  • Medical detoxification in a hospital. Such treatment is considered more effective and safer for the patient. Drug addiction is a serious disease characterized by a strong craving for drugs. In a specialized clinic, you can exclude the patient's access to drugs. Here, the addict is under the constant supervision of specialists, which makes it possible to adjust prescriptions in the course of treatment. Accommodation in the clinic provides more opportunities for hardware detoxification. When acute conditions occur, doctors can always use resuscitation measures and intensive care.
  • Removing withdrawal symptoms at home, calling a narcologist. This method of treatment is also acceptable. In this case, the specialist will not be able to use the methods of apparatus therapy, but it is possible to conduct high-quality detoxification treatment at home. Droppers based on saline solution allow you to quickly remove intoxication and dehydration of the body. They also add general tonic, means to facilitate drug withdrawal. If the patient's condition causes concern, the narcologist recommends placement in a hospital.
  • Detox with home remedies. This method is appropriate in cases of first use, when there is still no strong slagging of the body and stable dependence. With home remedies, you can only carry out a light detoxification, as well as supplement the main course that the narcologist conducts. Home remedies include everything that helps to eliminate toxins from the body in a natural way: increasing the volume of water for drinking, active sports, visiting a bath, a light diet.

Addiction treatment course

Drug addiction is a complex disease that requires gradual treatment, and withdrawal is only the first step towards a cure. The full course of addiction treatment includes detoxification, rehabilitation and socialization of the addict. All these steps are important and necessary in order to get rid of addiction completely.

In our First Step center, we provide comprehensive treatment for any type of drug addiction, from withdrawal withdrawal to socialization and the return of a former drug addict to normal life. When choosing a treatment course, we always take into account the type of addiction, the history of the disease and the psychological characteristics of the patient. This makes it possible to choose the most appropriate treatment and rehabilitation option for the clinical case. In order to get advice from a specialist in withdrawal and drug addiction treatment, you need to dial the number of our call-center, it works around the clock. The phone number is listed on the website page, you can get a free consultation right now. Take your first step towards recovery.

Drug addiction is a “medal” with two sides. One of them is the state of “high”, euphoria, when the whole world consists of pink and its shades. Back side - breaking , known in medical circles as withdrawal symptoms. Joy and a sense of infinite well-being are replaced by torment, which can become simply unbearable.

breaking - this is exactly what you need to deal with in the treatment of drug addiction. In order to become a healthy and complete person again, the patient must endure this terrible condition. If it works, do it yourself. If it doesn’t work out, with the help of doctors and medicines.

Why and how do withdrawal symptoms occur?

Regularly receiving a drug, the human body gets used to it, rebuilds. The metabolism changes. The narcotic substance becomes literally vital. Like food, water or air.

Now imagine: experiencing an acute need for a state of "high", the nervous system suddenly does not receive the coveted dose. This becomes a huge stress for all organs and tissues. Compensatory mechanisms are triggered, seeking to somehow make up for the lack of a narcotic substance. But their own internal resources are not able to replace a powerful narcotic substance. This is what causes the breakdown.

Signs of withdrawal develop in two cases:

  • inability to get another dose or complete refusal of the drug
  • dose reduction, switching to a weaker drug.

The fastest withdrawal syndrome is formed when using opioids: heroin, methadone, opium, morphine. A little slower - with dependence on sleeping pills and psychotropic substances. With alcoholism, its formation can take a very long time. The longest withdrawal syndrome develops with the use of hashish. Some substances, such as LSD, although they are classified as drugs, do not cause withdrawal at all. But they can lead to other, no less serious consequences.

The most severe withdrawal develops with opioid dependence. When using methadone, the addict experiences simply inhuman suffering for a whole month. It is clear that the stronger the abstinence, the more difficult this type of drug addiction is to treat.

Symptoms and signs of withdrawal

With different types of addiction, they have much in common. Signs of withdrawal can be divided into two large groups:

  • psychopathological - concerning the nervous system;
  • somatovegetative - affecting the internal organs.

Psychopathological symptoms

The first symptom of withdrawal is a change in the mood and emotional state of the addict. He becomes very excitable, irritable. Periodically, he experiences bouts of strong unreasonable aggression. The whole consciousness of the patient is absorbed by just one idea: where to get the next dose? He can't think of anything else. He is incapable of experiencing any other experiences than those caused by the lack of a dose. He suffers from insomnia at night.

Somatovegetative symptoms

At first, withdrawal symptoms resemble a cold. The drug addict is disturbed by chills, body temperature rises. Then headaches join, severe pains in all muscles and bones. They become constant and so strong that they are difficult to compare with some other pains. Because of them, the addict can not sleep, do the usual things. He is worried about nausea, which is accompanied by severe frequent vomiting.

Many addicts describe these symptoms as unbearable. The difficulty is that at the initial stage of addiction treatment, they must be endured. The patient must “sit out” withdrawal in order for the body to be cleansed of the drug.

Retirement is the most difficult stage. If it is completed successfully, then further treatment is highly likely to be successful.

If the addict could not endure the painful symptoms and broke down, everything will start all over again. Further treatment will become impossible.

If it becomes clear that imprisonment is impossible, special methods are used - detoxification in a hospital or, as a last resort, ultra-rapid detoxification under anesthesia. And of course, after the detox, you need to send the patient to rehabilitation. Because the detox itself is not a guarantee that the addict will not return to use.

You do not need to be an expert in the field of addiction to understand that the refusal to take narcotic drugs after their long-term use necessarily leads to withdrawal syndrome, better known in everyday life as the "withdrawal" of the addict. The negative effect of withdrawal completely eliminates the pleasant sensations of taking drugs, destroys the human body from the inside and causes irreparable damage to the nervous system and intellectual abilities.

Withdrawal syndrome and its manifestations

In medicine, the set of symptoms of withdrawal - the somatic and mental effects caused by the refusal to take a drug or a decrease in its dose - is called an abstinence syndrome. Withdrawal syndrome is a necessary consequence of physical dependence on certain substances.

How drug withdrawal manifests itself, how difficult it is, how long it lasts depends, first of all, on the ability of the narcotic substance to integrate into the addict's metabolic system. The most aggressive in this regard are substances of the opiate family.

Taking opiates inevitably leads to severe dependence, and refusal to take them or reducing the required dose leads to an extremely acute form of withdrawal syndrome. In particular, abstinence after taking methadone can last about a month. Attempts to remove withdrawal at home almost always lead to a breakdown. Sometimes they end in the death of the patient.

It should also be noted that a number of substances-hallucinogens do not cause physical dependence in the user, and therefore do not lead to withdrawal symptoms. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg, because hallucinogens often provoke the development of another addiction - psychological. Without taking such substances, the life of a drug addict loses color, and he himself tries at any cost to find the next dose.

Causes of withdrawal in drug addicts

We can say with certainty that withdrawal is a natural consequence of taking drugs. The first thing they act on is the nervous system. Neurotransmitters are responsible for the transmission of nerve signals in the human brain. It is the functioning of neurotransmitters that allows a person to adequately move and think. In addition, neurotransmitters control the work of all organs.

Once in the body, the drug replaces certain groups of neurotransmitters, disrupting the standard course of nervous processes. The brain receives a kind of signal that the production of neurotransmitters of a certain group is no longer necessary, because they come from outside, and reduces their production.

The cessation of drug use provokes a crisis of the nervous system and an imbalance in the functioning of organs and systems - symptoms arise that we call withdrawal from drugs. This effect can last from a couple of hours to several weeks.

At this time, the addict's body is trying to recover from an unexpected blow and restore the independent synthesis of the missing neurotransmitters. For this, the internal resources of the body are used, and in a fairly large amount.

How many days, weeks or hours this struggle lasts depends on many factors:

  • general condition of a person
  • duration of drug addiction,
  • type of drug used.

Success is far from always possible: if the body does not contain the elements necessary for the synthesis of the neurotransmitter, then all the forces will be wasted. In this case, to remove the withdrawal symptoms, you must either take a new dose (take another step towards death) or detoxify the body in a specialized clinic.

Symptoms of drug addiction

Depending on the narcotic drug in question and on the characteristics of the addict's body, the withdrawal syndrome can manifest itself in different ways.

One way or another, the clinical picture of withdrawal often manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • secretion of mucus from the nose;
  • changes in body temperature;
  • internal discomfort;
  • pain;
  • general weakness of the body, lack of strength;
  • bad mood, depression, aggression

Due to the severe internal struggle in the body, the body temperature jumps from low to high during withdrawal, which causes a natural chill in the addict. Therefore, most often during withdrawal, drug addicts try to wrap themselves up as warmly as possible, to retire from the society of other people. The circulation of toxins in the body leads to muscle pain, which is complemented by severe dehydration due to sweating, vomiting and diarrhea. In addition, during withdrawal, there is also a violation of the sleep-wake cycle: the patient simply cannot find a position in which he would be comfortable to fall asleep.

How to help an addict with withdrawal

Seeing the state of a drug addict during the withdrawal period, relatives, friends, and simply caring people ask themselves the same question: “how to alleviate the suffering of the sufferer?”.

First and foremost, never offer such a person a new dose, no matter how much they ask you to. A new dose in such a situation is like pushing into the abyss with the promise of a pleasant flight.

Remember that only a few can endure withdrawal and cope with drug addiction on their own, and then only if the period of drug use was very insignificant.

The best way to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of withdrawal is to visit a clinic to start drug addiction treatment.

Clinic license

Drug addiction is a “medal” with two sides. One of them is the state of “high”, euphoria, when the whole world consists of pink and its shades. Back side - breaking, known in medical circles as withdrawal symptoms. Joy and a sense of infinite well-being are replaced by torment, which can become simply unbearable.

- this is exactly what you need to deal with in the treatment of drug addiction. In order to become a healthy and complete person again, the patient must endure this terrible condition. If it works, do it yourself. If it doesn’t work out, with the help of doctors and medicines.

Breakage removal cost
Service Price
1 Departure of a narcologist for a consultation at home 1 500 rub.
2 Treatment in the intensive care unit "REANIMATION" 10 000 rub./day
3 UBOD (Ultra Rapid Opioid Detoxification) from 35 000 rub.
4 Inpatient drug detox from 7 000 rub./day
5 Detoxification from drugs in the clinic (1 local, VIP) from 12 000 rub./day
6 Removal of breakage from 12 000 rub.

Why and how do withdrawal symptoms occur?

Regularly receiving a drug, the human body gets used to it, rebuilds. The metabolism changes. The narcotic substance becomes literally vital. Like food, water or air.

Now imagine: experiencing an acute need for a state of "high", the nervous system suddenly does not receive the coveted dose. This becomes a huge stress for all organs and tissues. Compensatory mechanisms are triggered, seeking to somehow make up for the lack of a narcotic substance. But their own internal resources are not able to replace a powerful narcotic substance. This is what causes the breakdown.

withdrawal symptoms develop in two ways:

  • inability to get another dose or a complete rejection of the drug;
  • dose reduction, switching to a weaker drug.

The fastest withdrawal syndrome is formed when using opioids: heroin, methadone, opium, morphine. A little slower - with dependence on sleeping pills and psychotropic substances. With alcoholism, its formation can take a very long time. The longest withdrawal syndrome develops with the use of hashish. Some substances, such as LSD, although they are classified as drugs, do not cause withdrawal at all. But they can lead to other, no less serious consequences.

The most severe withdrawal develops with opioid dependence. When using methadone, the addict experiences simply inhuman suffering for a whole month. It is clear that the stronger the abstinence, the more difficult this type of drug addiction is to treat.

Symptoms and signs of withdrawal

With different types of addiction, they have much in common. Signs of withdrawal can be divided into two large groups:

  • psychopathological - concerning the nervous system;
  • somatovegetative - affecting the internal organs.

Psychopathological symptoms

The first withdrawal symptom- Changes in the mood and emotional state of the addict. He becomes very excitable, irritable. Periodically, he experiences bouts of strong unreasonable aggression. The whole consciousness of the patient is absorbed by just one idea: where to get the next dose? He can't think of anything else. He is incapable of experiencing any other experiences than those caused by the lack of a dose. He suffers from insomnia at night.

Somatovegetative symptoms

At first withdrawal symptoms reminiscent of a cold. The drug addict is disturbed by chills, body temperature rises. Then headaches join, severe pains in all muscles and bones. They become constant and so strong that they are difficult to compare with some other pains. Because of them, the addict can not sleep, do the usual things. He is worried about nausea, which is accompanied by severe frequent vomiting.

Many addicts describe these symptoms as unbearable. The difficulty is that at the initial stage of addiction treatment, they must be endured. The patient must “sit out” withdrawal in order for the body to be cleansed of the drug.

Retirement is the most difficult stage. If it is completed successfully, then further treatment is highly likely to be successful.

If the addict could not endure the painful symptoms and broke down, everything will start all over again. Further treatment will become impossible.

If it becomes clear that imprisonment is impossible, special methods are used - detoxification in a hospital or, as a last resort, ultra-rapid detoxification under anesthesia.

What's better? First, try to stay at home. If it becomes clear that everything will end in a breakdown, then you should immediately contact the clinic. Remember that the main end goal is getting rid of addiction. To do this, you need to use all available means.