Psychology why a person calls bad names. How to respond to insults

offend and anyone can ruin a person's mood, especially born rude ones. On the them antics need to be properly responded to. To it needs to be prepared and know what to answer in order to save yourself nerves and deserve to get out the situation.

Of course, there are situations when the answer to not worth the insult

  • on the insulting strangers in shop, transport or other public place worth paying attention to. It is unlikely that anyone but the police will be able to calm them down;
  • not worth answering the rudeness of strangers if they provoke a fight. True, if someone wants to fight, they won’t just let you go, but if there is a chance to avoid a fight, use it;
  • on the rudeness can be bumped into the Internet on different forums or in the comments. provoking people to I bet a lot of people do this to make money or just play their egos. On the rudeness in social networks are not costs answer to save time and nerves.

When we still have to answer, we upset that we don't managed to properly fight back, and even if it seemed that you you answer with dignity, after the fact phrases come up that fit better would. Not to upset yourself, you can learn in advance to respond to the offender.

What a funny answer insult

Many people make the mistake of insults are responded with rudeness. Of course, when we are offended, it's annoying, but if you gather your strength and do not honor the boor with attention, you will definitely win the argument. Howsoever it was difficult, make it clear that you are indifferent to the words of a person who is rude. The best way- respond to rudeness with humor.

If you are in stock will be witty phrases, then you you can get out of any situation.

Immediately forget about the drums hung around the neck of the offenders so that they lead the column going somewhere. This is an unconstructive reaction, albeit with a share of sarcasm. In response to an insult, it is better to use intellectual humor to show your superiority over a rude person:

  • "WITH I ask for more details at this moment...”;
  • "Like you beautifully turn out to come up with nasty things ”;
  • "I see you all night they were preparing a speech”;
  • “Maybe we should call an ambulance? You must be feeling bad, since you started talking such nonsense”;
  • “I want to thank your parents for raising such a good person”;
  • “Thank God, you are talking nonsense again! And I already thought that you are a smart person.

If the offender is not understands humor and continues to speak badly in your side, try to correctly explain to the person in clever words that he behaves in a rude manner. On the smart phrases rude can not find the right answer and will simply leave you. Do not shout and swear - polite enough intelligently explain that someone not right. Such composure will knock the boor out of the rut.

How to get out with dignity such situations? There is a wise way. agree with rude words and thank you for what he found your shortcomings. This method is very efficient- you don’t be rude in response, but you put the boor in awkward position. Ill-mannered people need to be made to understand that they are behaving ugly. On the tactful remark they will react and think about it.

If someone pedals your appearance (blonde, bespectacled, fat), bring this feature to the fore and thank the interlocutor for being observant. “Yes, I'm blonde, we've been talking for an hour, and you just noticed! For a long time it comes to you! ”,“ Do I need to remind you that glasses have always been considered a sign of intelligence. That's why I see that your glasses do not shine.

Best answers for insults

Not on all insults can be answered with one memorized phrase. If ham with seemingly illiterate, then clever maxims will come in handy. Beautiful and correct answers to rudeness:

  • "Not want to get away from such an interesting conversation, but I'm in a hurry";
  • "How to answer you so as not to offend";
  • “No, what are you, I always yawn when I am interested in a conversation with an interlocutor”;
  • "You you know, my friend is conducting an experiment on studying primate intelligence, you just need to get involved.”

To be ready for any insults, you need to know what a provocateur might look like. Ham's face:

  • more often these are weak personalities who try to defend themselves with their insults;
  • brutes are energy vampires who enjoy getting people out of myself;
  • Aggressive people who love to argue. This is Y they become a habit;
  • foolish people.

How to speak smartly answer to rudeness

To be ready to answer insults, learn a few smart phrases that might come in handy. True, keep in mind that some smart words are not enough. You need to show the offender that you- self-confident person it's hard to get you out myself. Therefore, all words should be pronounced clearly, in a calm tone.

Examples of phrases that can be used in response to abuse:

  • "Not it's worth being so angry, and then your eyes will now take on the color of your red blouse”;
  • "If a fools would fly, you b not here now stood";
  • "Not know your preferences food, but products that you use in food, clearly reduce intelligence”;
  • "It's easy for you to surprise me just say something smart”;
  • “You must have been hugged a little in childhood, so you so evil. Let me I'll hug you..."

Costs whether to answer at all insults

Should I answer insults, you decide you. Keep in mind that the reciprocal insult in the address of loved ones can lead to that the relationship will be ruined. Therefore, in order not to allow a scandal, try, on the contrary, to defuse the situation.

Do not forget that rude people are usually people offended by fate who are simply unable to argue their opinion. Therefore, do not be rude yourself and do not respond to the antics of strangers.

And one moment. When an insult touches you, you decide how to respond to it. But if someone is rude to people close to you - offends a girl, mother, laughs at a brother or sister - a reaction is already needed here. Again: no need to get involved in a fight, it’s enough just to show that you are intellectually superior to the interlocutor, and that the one at whom the rudeness was directed has a patron.

What to say in answer to rudeness of strangers

If you were rude to a stranger and you decide whatever began to fight back, use the repetition method. On the answer the words of a rude person with phrases: “What are you doing!", "AND what's next?", "Everything? And now everything? So you quickly get rid of unpleasant person.

Use the surprise method: when insulted, sneeze and say that you are allergic to rudeness. BUT in general, when strangers begin to be rude, find out the reason for this behavior. If his insults are unfounded, let him know and that they are unpleasant to you. In rare cases, of course, the offender is right, and the remarks hit the mark. In such cases, you will have to agree with the speaker, but reproach him for pointing out your shortcomings so rudely.

AT in most cases the person is not ready to that he might be offended. Not know what to answer? Just improvise. Be calm, don't it's worth going near the emotions on about. Before you say anything, think about what answer to tell the interlocutor. When you learn to control your thoughts and emotions, you roll out easily any situation.

This is one of the first desires that arise after an insult. But a retaliatory attack is appropriate only if it:

  • witty;
  • takes place in the circle of relatives or friends;
  • defuse the situation rather than exacerbate the conflict.

In all other cases, even if you consider yourself a wit worse than Oscar Wilde, answering an insult with an insult is not the best way out. So you sink to the level of a boorish opponent and make it clear that his words hurt you, that is, there may be some truth in them.

2. Make a joke

The difference between a witty insult and a joking response is that in the latter case, you are making fun of the situation itself. The advantages of this strategy are obvious: the insult loses its toxicity, tension, and the audience (if any) takes your side.

In this case, you can also take a pseudo-self-deprecating position. This will confuse your opponent and mask the sarcasm.

Example 1: A colleague says you've prepared an ugly presentation.

Answer: You are probably right. Next time, I won't ask my five-year-old son for help."

Example 2: A stranger calls you names.

Answer: “Thank you, this is very valuable information. You opened my eyes to my shortcomings. Something to think about over lunch."

3. Accept

In some cases, it is really worth analyzing words that seem offensive to you. Especially if they come from people close and respected by you. In this case, take their remarks not as an insult, but as criticism that can make you better.

It would be useful to think about the motives of people, to find out what exactly made them use harsh language. Perhaps this is a violent reaction to your far from angelic behavior.

4. Respond to intent, not words

Any insult always has a hidden purpose. Make the secret clear: designate it.

For example, in response to rude words, say: “Wow! Something really serious happened between us, since you decided to hurt me.

So, on the one hand, you can unsettle your opponent, and on the other hand, find out the reason for his negative attitude.

5. Keep calm

If the insult comes not from a loved one, but from a colleague, acquaintance, or even a stranger, never show that the words hurt you. Most likely, behind them lies insecurity, dissatisfaction with their own lives and a desire to simply recoup you. Don't let the trick work, react calmly and with a smile.

If necessary, continue to bend your line: ask what exactly caused such a reaction in a person, not paying attention to his words.

6. Ignore

Often the best answer is its absence. If we are talking about Internet trolls, you can simply not respond to their comments or send boors to . Well, "in offline mode" you can always skip the insult past your ears or leave. You have every right to do so.

An example from ancient Roman history... Once, in the public baths, someone hit the politician Cato. When the offender came to apologize, Cato replied: "I don't remember the blow."

This phrase can be interpreted as follows: "You are so insignificant that not only do I not care about your apology, but I did not even notice the insult itself."

7. Use the law

You can hold the offender accountable, or at least threaten him with it. Punishment for insult is prescribed in the Code of Administrative Offenses, but slander is already in the scope of criminal law. In case of insults from the boss, you can contact the personnel department.

The main thing - remember: no one has the right to encroach on your honor, dignity and reputation. But you must respond to people in the same way. Otherwise, any recommendations are meaningless.

Each of us from time to time hears uncomfortable questions that upset, anger and even force. You stoically endure them, trying not to respond with outright rudeness. But, unable to stand it and breaking loose, you get valuable comments like “you need to drink sedatives” or “this is what feminism leads to.” Why do people even ask them? After all, it is often clear that they do not even expect an answer from you. And what is the right way to respond to tactlessness?

Tactless questions can be divided into groups:

  • about personal life: When will you finally get married? Why is it still alone?
  • about kids: When will you have a baby? And when will you give birth to the second?
  • about money and work: How much money do you make? So what are you getting paid for? When will you find a proper job?
  • about appearance: Why don't you paint? Why are you dressing like that? When are you going to get your haircut? Are you on a diet again?
  • on private topics: How old are you? Why did you come to the doctor?

Familiar? It seems that it is impossible to fight such curiosity. There is no need to enter into a confrontation: it is better to act more subtle - to take the interlocutor by surprise, to puzzle him.

Let's see what happens when you are asked a tactless question. Your interlocutor acts on the principle of an energy vampire: asking something too personal, he usually immediately makes you feel guilty and inferior. You, of course, begin to either make excuses, or be rude and annoyed in response. In both cases, you throw out a huge amount of your own energy, which your curious acquaintance “feeds off”. And this situation repeats itself again and again - every time a person wants to "recharge" from you. For him, this is not a big deal: you yourself showed him all your pain points when you reacted too emotionally to questions.

To break this vicious circle it is necessary to resort to a method that in psychology is called pattern breaking. What is its essence? In response to annoying questions, outright rudeness or unconstructive criticism, you give out a completely non-standard reaction - one that the interlocutor does not expect from you. You take him by surprise - and now he has to spend his own energy to save face. In other words, with the help of an unexpected maneuver, you take the situation and set the conversation in the direction that you see fit.

9 possible answers

1 Change of topic. You leave the question unattended and divert the conversation to the side. “What are we all about me, tell us better about your successes ...”, “Yes, life is a complicated and ambiguous thing, but the weather today turned out to be beautiful, right? I think it’s already possible on the weekend.”

2 Counterquestion. Instead of an answer, you ask your own question, which confuses the interlocutor. “Can I ask, what is the reason for your interest?”, “The answer to your question will radically change something in your life?”, “What do you think?”.

3 Gratitude. You sincerely thank the interlocutor for his interest in your life: “Thank you for being so worried about me, I myself am in shock from my life (I worry all the time)”, “I didn’t expect such cordiality and interest in me from you”, “I then they said that you are callous and soulless, but you, it turns out, are completely different.

4 Exclusion of the interlocutor from the circle of influence. If the topic does not affect him personally, then you are not obliged to discuss anything. Decisively cut off the conversation: “I will talk about this only with those whom it concerns personally, but not with you.” And period, do not join the discussion. The method can be used with close people, but do it softer and more delicately. For example, to the question "When will you give birth to a baby" you can answer: "Perhaps today I will discuss this topic with my husband."

5 Philosophizing. You begin to think about the significance of the topic. “You asked an excellent question, the answer to which can be found many years later”, “Oh, no one knows.”

6 Joking. Give a joking answer, starting with "This is classified information", "Yes, you are a scary person!" to “Don’t piss me off, I actually have a black belt in karate.” Just remember that such techniques work better in a friendly company, among like-minded people.

7 Misunderstanding. You pretend that you didn’t understand, didn’t hear the interlocutor, forcing him to repeat or reformulate the question: “Sorry, I didn’t hear, my ears are blocked today.” Very often a person has the courage to ask something personal only once. You can ask a clarifying question - this technique is good to use when a lot of people are participating in a conversation. “Did I hear correctly that the most exciting question for you is my time?” A person does not want to be a laughing stock and will change the subject himself.

9 Contact break. You just close the topic with a request not to waste the interlocutor's precious time on it. “Thank you for your attention, you don’t have to worry about it”, “Please don’t bother yourself…”. It is convenient to use with unfamiliar people (for example, in line with a doctor) or with some curious colleagues.

little trick

If you have acting skills, try sneezing loudly or slowly yawning instead of answering. This will help to knock the interlocutor out of his thoughts.

Let's try in practice

Decided to try the suggested techniques in practice? For them to work well, proceed with caution, observing certain principles:

Choose the methods that are right for you. After all, all people are different: someone knows how to joke well, and someone is better at portraying cold politeness.

Combine techniques more often. Yes, in conversations with strangers, you can use any one answer option. But if there is a fan of asking awkward questions in your inner circle, it is better to change tactics from time to time. Because a curious acquaintance will quickly remember your favorite trick and find a way to neutralize it.

✓ Try to answer sincerely, with a smile, but without mockery. However, if you want to get rid of a person for a long time, you can add sarcasm. So, to the question "Are you kidding me?" you can answer: “Well, what are you! Where can I go to you.

If an uncomfortable question is regularly repeated by one of the closest people, take the time and frankly discuss with him the reasons for this interest. Chances are its really in your life. for example, your mother is worried that she does not have grandchildren. Let her talk and explain how you feel when you hear questions.

Unfortunately, we are not always able to orient ourselves in time and respond correctly in situations where someone offends us. Subsequently, we are upset not only because of the very fact of other people's insults, but also because we failed to give a proper rebuff. In many cases, you can avoid these frustrations. Many people make the mistake of clearly showing the interlocutor that his words hurt them in some way. Of course, when we are insulted, it is not easy to control ourselves and not show that we are offended and “touched to the quick”. And yet, if you do not cope with this task, then the opponent will understand that he managed to achieve the goal and offend you for real. No matter how difficult it is for you, try to make it clear to the person that his words do not bother you at all. Humor will help you best in this, which often helps you respond quickly in unforeseen situations. If you stock up on a few witty phrases, then, for sure, they will be able to help you out later at the right time. Examples of such remarks:

    Your words don't surprise me at all. I would be surprised if you said something really smart. And nature really has a great sense of humor, since she creates specimens like you!

How to respond to insults and aggression

How to behave when you are insulted

Situations can be different, so it is advisable to adjust your behavior in accordance with them.
    For example, if you yourself offended a person, and you understand that all his insults are just hurt pride and an attempt to avenge the offense, then it is better to remain silent. Probably, the interlocutor is in agony, and with additional remarks you will aggravate the situation even more. you just got caught in a hot hand. Of course, in this situation you should not be a "punching bag" - put the offender in his place! If you are offended by a person who is clearly in an inadequate state, then it is better not to have anything to do with him and not get involved in a dialogue. We are talking about a person in hysterics or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. You will not be able to prove anything to such an interlocutor, and it is even quite likely that with your answers (any!) You will provoke him to a new flow of aggression or even the use of physical force. It is better to avoid communicating with such people, even if you surpass them in physical parameters - you should not get involved in a skirmish that is unlikely to end in something good.
Undoubtedly, such a situation is offensive to any person, and sometimes we do not know how to respond to insults. There are times when it is better not to get involved in a conflict and simply ignore unpleasant remarks - for example, at the moment when they are spoken by a drunk or completely out of control person. Another thing is when the interlocutor approaches this consciously. So, with what sharp words can you answer the words of a rude man?
    Your fantasy and mind are so primitive that these insults do not offend me at all. It's amazing how easily you go to offend someone. Fate will do the same to you, you'll see.
In general, it is worth noting that most often boors specifically try to provoke us into any kind of reaction. Often we notice that someone else's rudeness can completely arise from a completely empty place, or the reason is so insignificant that an adequate person would not pay attention to it at all. It’s just that boors cannot deprive themselves of the opportunity to offend someone. Most often, in such cases, we are advised to ignore the attacks of the ill-wisher, and such recommendations are instilled in us from childhood. And yet, such advice, as a rule, has practically no effectiveness - in practice, it often turns out that a person who has escaped punishment for his sabotage becomes even more impudent. If the boor is constantly ignored, then subsequently he is affirmed in the thought that everything is permitted to him. Therefore, it is important to remember that in no case should we disregard the insults that sellers, administrators, cashiers and other random interlocutors “gift” us during their working hours. The most adequate reaction to such behavior is an appeal to the authorities, whose task is to competently select personnel.

How to adequately respond to rudeness and rudeness

You can very well get out of this situation elegantly if you calmly agree with the boor. This technique has a particularly disarming effect on some people. So, if someone is trying to insult your mental abilities or "ride" in appearance, then half agree with these words, and then thank your opponent for taking the time to find your shortcomings. This method has a very high efficiency when there are spectators present during its implementation. You will not offend the boor in response, but at the same time put him in an awkward position.

Many people are distinguished by increased suspiciousness, and if such an instance met on your way, then, of course, you can scare him with the inevitable retribution “from above”. After the phrases below, the offender will remember the dialogue with you for a long time.
    There is no desire to respond to these insults. However, the day will come when you will understand that all misfortunes have been acquired by you, starting from this day. It has already happened that we are paying for everything in this life. Remember this day in order to know what God is punishing you for. I'm not scaring you, I just know about it.

How to intelligently send a person without a mat

If you do not want to swear in response to other people's unpleasant statements, but still think that you should fight back, then it is quite possible to answer intelligently, but still put the person in his place.
    They say that a person usually hides his complexes and insolvency behind insults. Think about it. It feels like an insult is the only way you can assert yourself.

How to shut up a person with one beautiful phrase

Sometimes there is no desire to enter into a verbal skirmish, and you want to shut up a person by uttering only one annihilating remark. There are many such phrases, and they act differently on everyone. Here's an example:
    They say that when a person is not particularly brilliant with his mind, the only thing left for him is to stoop to insults.

When insulting the boss

In this case, unfortunately, we do not always have the opportunity to answer the way we want, therefore, it would be most reasonable to simply avoid the conflict. If we are talking not about the authorities, but about a colleague, then there is no need to escalate the situation either - try to answer neutrally. This technique can also be useful at the moment when the boss offends you: at the time when the boss says unpleasant things to you, mentally imagine a small, capricious child in his place. In your imagination, soothe this baby, stroke him on the head, feed him milk porridge. So it will be much easier for you to listen to insults, and perhaps even your mood will not worsen at all. In addition, the boss, for sure, will be able to assess your stamina.

Buy an Elephant Method

Many people remember a joke from childhood, when the opponent was offered to “buy an elephant”, thereby infuriating him and almost driving him crazy. You can do the same. Answer each barb with the same bored tone: “So?”, “And then that?”, “Really?” and in the same vein. Undoubtedly, by the end of this monotonous conversation, the boor will experience a real decline in moral strength.


In a conversation with the offender, try to use the surprise effect, surprise and disarm him with this. For example, you can laugh out loud in response to unpleasant words, as if you heard the funniest joke. You can also sneeze, noting: "Sorry, I'm just allergic to people like you." In addition, you can smile good-naturedly, and curl: "Surely, your parents are ashamed of your upbringing." Try to improvise!

If you understand that the insults that sound at you are completely unfair, and you guess that your opponent also suspects this, then you should shame him. How can I do that? First of all, you can use certain phrases. If the person insulting you is conscientious enough, then such words will be able to penetrate him.
    Never stoop to insults without understanding the situation properly. It doesn't look good on you at all. I hope that the day will come when you will be ashamed of everything you said. It is strange that I had a much better opinion of you. I hope that you are just trying to look worse than you really are.
There is no doubt that the person trying to insult you simply wants to somehow assert himself or stand out. At the end of his monologue, you may well ask coldly: “Well, did you manage to assert yourself at my expense?” In general, when communicating with such a person, sincerely try to understand what his true goal is, what he wants to achieve with his own words. In these moments, it is not so important what exactly your opponent is telling you, and why he is doing it. If you cannot find an answer in a difficult situation, then at least try not to bring the matter to mutual insults and impulsive reactions. Do not play by the rules that they try to impose on you. It is also important to learn how to calmly respond to any rudeness without “losing face” and your dignity. Although it's hard not to admit that cultural appeal rarely makes a strong impression on a boor. When it comes to trolling or other provocative situations, the best thing you can do is ignore such a person.

The right response to insults

    It happens that we want to answer, but you know in advance that any of your words simply will not have an effect on the offender. Of course, in this situation it is better not to waste words and energy, but simply abruptly cut off the dialogue. It often happens that the person “attacking” you actually has nothing against you personally - he just has a bad mood. In this case, it is enough to ask him the question: “Bad day?”. An adequate person will not argue with this, and it is even possible that he will apologize. It is often better not to bring insults back. Try to avoid this situation by asking the interlocutor what he told you. Pretend you didn't hear his words. It is possible that the person has already regretted what was said. If the “attack” continues, then, apparently, you have a rare boor in front of you. During some dialogues, we are simply strangled by the desire to pounce on the interlocutor. And yet, be that as it may, it is very important not to come to this - you will almost certainly regret it. Try to keep your mind calm. It will be ideal if you learn to parry with witty remarks, and not show that the provocations hurt you in any way. We cannot fail to mention one of the most common mistakes made by people who were forced to face insults. It's about excuses. Often, when we hear hurtful words, we try to prove to the opponent that he is unfair to us. With such tactics, you will undoubtedly find yourself in a position of humiliation.

Insulted by a stranger

If a person is drunk or clearly out of his mind, then you should still ignore his words - just try not to notice him. If we are talking about a stranger who didn’t like your behavior, then try to understand the situation, and then act “according to circumstances”.

Offended by a loved one

It is important to immediately understand why the conflict situation occurred, and what provoked it. It is better to prevent the spread of further quarrel, and frankly tell a loved one that he offended you, and you are hurt by his words. Try not to hush up the conflict, but speak frankly, clarifying the matter. It happens that at the moments when they try to offend us with their insults, we frantically begin to scroll through the possible answers in our thoughts. It becomes quite insulting if these efforts are in vain and a witty answer comes to our mind after the dialogue is completed. Everyone knows the expression that “after a fight they don’t wave their fists”, therefore it is advisable to respond to the interlocutor’s sharp remarks in a timely manner. So, let's look at some similar phrases that can help us in a difficult conversation:
    I don't want to interrupt you, but I have more important things to do. Are you done? Do you answer politely or tell the truth?
Note that most often people who easily go to insult the interlocutor, as a rule, do not have high intelligence, so smart answers often drive them into a stupor. What options can be used? Examples:
    I don’t know what your usual diet is, but this menu is clearly not very balanced, and contains harmful carcinogens - they took up the destruction of your brain cells! Scientists have not yet fully studied the intellectual abilities of primates. Maybe you could leave your contacts, my friend researcher will need them very much. By the way, do you want to take part in a scientific experiment?
And yet, if possible, try not to respond to insults in the spirit of the offender himself. Or at least don't become the instigator of the conflict! What kind of people tend to do this? The face of a provocateur
    A weak person who is actually a coward, and sharp words are his only defense. An energy vampire who tries to bring his interlocutor to negative emotions, thereby “feeding” himself. Aggressors who find it difficult to live a day without participating in any scandal. Unfavorable elements, like drug addicts and alcoholics, who find it difficult to control themselves. Just stupid people.
When you understand that an adequate and reasonable person will find a way to convey his idea without obscenities and insults, then it will be much easier for you to respond to the antics of ordinary boors.

There are various situations in life. It happens that a conflict situation has occurred with a person and you have been insulted. It must have happened to everyone.

Be it random insults or specific ones. With colleagues at work, or in a friendly company, or with a stranger in a store. Most often insulted intentionally, for some purpose, for example, trying to offend, humiliate, or show that the offender is better than you.

Insult- this is always unpleasant, so you need to know how to respond to them. Those who do not know how to respond to insults can go into serious depression. Therefore, here it will be written about how to respond to insults.

First, in order to understand how to competently respond to an insult, you need to discard all emotions. Especially fear. Otherwise, the offender may feel that you are afraid and then he will continue to offend you more.

He himself experiences fear, but sensing yours, he will become impudent and rude more and more every time. Therefore, remember that you are strong when you are confident.

You may be offended to the core by phrases that you consider to be true. But it's not. So just make it clear to others. Start loving yourself, from your fingertips to your hair and your soul. There are no more like you. Remember this. You are unique. Nobody has the right to be rude to you. You are good at everything that gives you joy. You are smart. You are beautiful. Say nice words to yourself every morning in front of the mirror, admire yourself.

Well think about it, why do people try to offend people who are not like them? In fact, the answer is simple - people are afraid. They are afraid to look weaker than others, thereby insulting and humiliating you. Don't give up and don't let them insult you.

They try to appear stronger by humiliating others, but in reality, offenders are weak personalities.

Therefore, be smarter, be calm about unpleasant phrases addressed to you. remember, that this person is weaker than you and is afraid of simply being worse than you.

Nobody can insult you. If they directly run into you, for example, in a store, that you choose something for a long time or pay in line for a ticket for a long time, and they shout at you, then do not be silent! Approach the one who is yelling at you and ask: “Who gave you the right to talk to me like that?”, “Who am I to you so that you yell at me? You can yell at your wife at home or at your son!

Thus, you can force the offender to stir the brains. Maybe he will understand the fact that everyone has the same rights. And if your boss or colleague offends you at work, then give him the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Maybe next time your colleagues will watch the language.

It must be remembered that constructive criticism and insults are different things. So, as criticism implies assistance in eliminating human shortcomings, and when insulting, a person humiliates someone else's dignity, while demonstrating his own. Therefore, there is not a drop of truth in insults and therefore you should not take them to heart and delve into yourself, thereby causing sadness and bad emotions in yourself.

Sometimes offenders use non-standard vocabulary, very rude phrases, in order to offend more. It happens that they use subtle insults, manifested through frank sarcasm, ridicule. In order to correctly respond to the words of the offender, you need to understand what insults are flying in your direction. For example, you do not need to respond to insults with direct obscene words, you can simply use the knowledge of neurolinguistic programming.

There are too emotional personalities that are not familiar to you, but landed in a public place. These can behave inappropriately and attack with fists. Therefore, if you sense that a person is not friendly with the language, then just ignore it. Why would you stoop to the same level. Yes, and the fight will definitely not lead to good.

It is best to calmly respond with an indifferent voice or ignore it. It turns out that you do not care what he thinks and says. As a result, he will quickly fall behind. There are situations when you can answer in the same manner as you are addressed. You are a leader, you love yourself.

For example, at work they tell you with a smirk that you are so ridiculous that you put on a rumpled shirt. You can respond in the same vein: “Thank you for your concern, and you have had bags under your eyes all week. What would that have to do with it?" And smile sweetly.

Interesting thing, when they try to give you a negative assessment of your appearance or your actions, try to thank the person. This will obviously baffle him and he will not find anything else to say. Major companies have weekly meetings. Usually the meetings look like this, when the boss gathers his subordinates and begins to scold, sometimes shout, etc.

For those who are not pleased and hurt to hear the boss scream, there is an interesting thing that is easy to do.

Just imagine that you went to visit a large aquarium, and your boss is a fish that does nothing but open its mouth. But not a single sound is heard.

This wonderful psychological thing will help those who are nervous about the negativity of their boss. After all, you can’t answer the boss with an insult or yell at him, but no one can stop you from not listening to him.

If, after a vacation, your “beloved” colleague tries to poke you on the topic that you have recovered well, then agree with him with a smile. He can continue the conversation with the question, what will you do with the extra weight? Tell him that you decided to be fat and you like McDonald's food, and athletes do not inspire you.

How to respond to insults:

  1. Most importantly, be smarter than the one who is trying to offend you.
  2. Do not stoop to the level of the offender, do not yell at him, do not let direct insults - this will only aggravate the situation.
  3. Remember that the one who offends you is already in a losing position. Such people need to be sincerely sorry, most likely they have already been offended by life.
  4. Everyone has the same rights.
  5. Answer in the same way.
  6. You are a strong person.
  7. Turn off emotions.
  8. Love yourself.

Remember that there is no exact way to properly respond to insults. After all, it depends on the situation and on who offends you. But thanks to this article, you can understand how to respond to offenders.