Development of logical thinking. Come up with different phrases

The development of logical thinking contributes to the improvement of a person's ability to reason and think consistently and consistently. Read more about the development of logical thinking.

Logical thinking and logic

Logic is the science of the forms, methods and rules of mental cognitive activity.

Logic is necessary for people in almost all life situations: starting with a simple conversation with an opponent, choosing goods in a store, and ending with solving complex technical or informational problems.

Thinking contributes to finding justification for certain phenomena. Logic helps to meaningfully evaluate the world around us and competently build speech and judgments.

5 features of logical thinking

The science of logic studies methods of achieving truth, excluding sensory experience, and is based on the process of studying and cognizing surrounding things on the knowledge that was obtained earlier.

There are interesting distinguishing features and features of the development of logical thinking:

empirical knowledge

Empirical knowledge serves as the basis for logical laws. A specific person formed the situation, became an eyewitness to the incident, saw their consequences and made his own conclusions and conclusions. The laws of logic are formed experimentally.

Acquired, not innate

Logic and logical thinking is an acquired, not an innate quality of people. A person studies and develops them throughout the life path.

The pursuit of comfort

People sometimes unconsciously do not want to develop thinking and make competent logical conclusions, trying to think in a way that is more comfortable and easier.

cynical calculation

Logical reasoning and thinking can become a tool for committing inhumane acts.

The world that surrounds people has two opposite sides: good and evil, positive and negative.

Therefore, logic, despite all the benefits it brings to a person, can bring a lot of harm.

Cynical calculation and logic put in the background such concepts as "self-sacrifice" and "love of neighbor."


Science has certain axioms. Deviation from them is a sign of a mental disorder.

6 main axioms of logic

The development and improvement of logical thinking is impossible without the knowledge of logical axioms, which are the basis of a person's worldview:

The irreversibility of time

From childhood, people get acquainted with the concepts of "yesterday", "tomorrow", "today". That is, they begin to realize the difference between the past and the future.

Investigative connections, their sequence

The impossibility of the existence of the same facts in a certain period of time: with a positive temperature regime, water cannot freeze, and a woman who is expecting a child does not have the opportunity to become pregnant.


The deductive method of thinking is based on logical laws and leads from the general to the particular: a heavy downpour has passed, the trees have become wet. The deduction method gives a 99.99% true answer.


This method of inference leads from the general to the particular and is based on similar properties of different objects and objects: trees, roads and cars are wet - it is raining. The inductive method has a 90% accuracy rate, as trees and other objects can get wet from more than just rain.


If a person performs several successive actions in stages, then he gets the expected and satisfactory result.

Man is an illogical being

Inferences very often run counter to morality and ethics, and in some cases to legislation.

After all, maniacs and people with a disturbed psyche believe that when they kill and carry out violent actions, they act logically.

The unnatural formation of logical thinking from childhood in the conditions of hostilities and extreme situations subsequently provokes people to commit terrible acts from the point of view of humanity.

Science is not perfect, so in real life logic can be inferior to truth. A striking example is the situation when a woman makes a logical, in her opinion, conclusion: a man does not call, behaves aloof, which means he does not like me.

As practice shows, in 85% of cases, indifference from the opposite sex is a sign of interest in the formation and development of relationships. And in the conclusion of a woman, the errors of the inductive method are to blame.

Functions of logical thinking

The main task of science is to obtain true knowledge about the subject of reflection, based on reasoning and analysis of various aspects of the phenomenon and situation under consideration.

Logic is the main tool used in every science known today.

  1. examine statements and derive other conclusions from them;
  2. learn to think wisely, which will help in self-realization and achievement of goals.

How to develop logical thinking

People striving for inner harmony, success and well-being in the main areas of life, ask a completely natural and relevant question: how to develop logical thinking?

Each person has it to some extent developed. But for the optimal and best understanding of reality and obtaining the ability to use it in certain situations, it is necessary to be able to think quickly and competently logically. How can you learn this?

brain training

It is necessary to regularly train the brain, not being lazy and not postponing for later.

Many mistakenly assume that people are born with a preliminary specific mental potential, so they cannot become smarter, wiser or dumber than what is laid down by genes and nature.

This statement is not true, since any person, regularly training his thinking, develops until the end of his life path.

An effective method of self-improvement is constant exercise for the mind.

  • It is recommended in your free time to solve any logic puzzles created for both children and adults. Puzzles need to be solved. Do not neglect simple riddles like "spot the difference".
  • You need to take IQ tests regularly. The result is not very important, the main thing is the process during which the development of mental and mental abilities takes place.
  • You should play logic games with friends or acquaintances: chess, backgammon and other types.
  • It is recommended to engage in self-education and study of sciences.
  • It is necessary to learn to argue, based on facts and arguing your conclusions.
  • You need to get into the habit of reading good detective stories.
  • Experts say that intuition plays an important role in the development of logic. As paradoxical as it sounds, a person needs to learn to trust her. After all, intuition is the result of inferences made at a subconscious level, when people unconsciously draw conclusions from information that was once already received by the brain.

3 exercises for the development of logical thinking

Collective exercises for logical thinking are very effective:

Coding of famous phrases, verses of songs and proverbs

The group of people is divided into two companies. Each of them invites its rivals to solve a semantic riddle that betrays the content of the text.

Example: The minister of the church owned a living being. Despite great feelings for him and affection, the man inflicted violent acts on the biological species, which led to the death of the latter. The reason for this behavior was that a living being ate a piece of animal product that was not intended for him. The algorithm of such actions is infinite.

Answer: "The priest had a dog ...".

Arguments and reasons

One person from the team begins to look for the reasons for a particular action of someone, then the reasons for the reasons, and so on until the arguments of the behavior are clarified.

Remove excess

It is very useful to perform exercises where it is necessary to remove excess from a set of words, numbers or pictures, based on logical thinking.

Example: chair, wardrobe, stool, pouffe.

Answer: closet.

You can train thinking with the help of this exercise on your own, resorting to thematic games on social networks, or in a team, where each team independently comes up with tasks for opponents.

Exercises for the development of logical thinking will help any person in personal growth, self-affirmation and solving controversial life issues.

So, Wikipedia tells us that the concept of "logic" comes from ancient Greek and means "the science of correct thinking." It can easily be called the cognitive activity of the mind, and it is a quality that many would like to cultivate in themselves. And according to psychologists, this quality is formed, because it is acquired, not innate! But how to develop logical thinking on your own? What tasks to pay attention to and how to overcome yourself? The answers are simple and obvious, you just have to think logically!

The basics of the path: permanent work and not only

The Beginning of Beginnings is a tribute to interesting logic tasks that will interest both adults and teenagers. They will become part of self-development and an excellent training for the mind. Next - examples!

Who can own, lift and move an elephant and a horse to another place?

Chess player.

How is it that a friend cuts his beard 100 times a day, and in the evening - bearded?

Friend is a barber.

Which hand should you stir the tea with?

Mix tea with a spoon.

What is easy to lift from the ground, but is it difficult to drop even 1 cm?

Your family uses it every day, even though it belongs only to you. What is it?

Relatives use your name.

Alternatively, a trick question. This is an exercise that will easily and simply help everyone improve their logical thinking and develop ingenuity. The main thing here is training!

Usually adults, seeing a schematic image, instantly forget about the details. The picture is missing a door. So they are located on the right side, the bus goes to the left.

What else can you do to develop logic? Study different sciences that you had a craving for in school. The task is simple: create successive chains of events, delve into the problem, look for a motive or starting point and understand where it all can lead. This will help history, mathematics, computer science.

Bright "trick" - keeping a diary, where you will systematize new knowledge in the form of notes, sketches and even drawings, learn to sort them and "create" a single picture from disparate pieces. Agree that visual perception, that is, presented on paper, helps to capture the situation.

Mathematics is almost the "sister" of logic

Even the initial development of logical thinking requires training. They are those hobbies that have been loved by you and your family members up to this point, but have not been elevated to a kind of cult of Her Majesty Logic. Do it now:
  • solving logic tests, . They will help not only "on the move" to identify your level, but also point to the "weak links". Maybe just them and it is worth replenishing?!;
  • playing board games in which logic is the main weapon against an opponent. Such as "Activity", "Erudite" are just right;
  • solving multiple math logic puzzles with a trick a day. Sometimes it seems that the solution is here, but it is difficult to get;
  • playing backgammon, checkers and chess. They will make it possible not only to “see” the probable moves of the enemy, but also to calculate in advance the situation that he wants to create;
  • calculating mathematical puzzles and even... watching films that are unique in their genre. An example is the "Fatal number 23", "Pi number" and the like. Why not?

Interesting! It is a proven fact that children will quickly give a logical answer to a riddle (if, of course, it is not very difficult). The thing is that kids see events, people, therefore, the relationship between them, cleanly, brightly and uncomplicatedly, without a “raid” of dogmas, rules, traditions, all that “garbage” that makes it difficult for an adult to perceive.

Riddle letters: how to develop intelligence with their help

If you are not friends with numbers, but want to see the situation many steps ahead, it is enough to make friends with letters in their different manifestations. Give exercise for 15-20 minutes a day and become smart like Sherlock Holmes.

Consonant words, reading detective stories

Perfectly help to train logical thinking tasks that can be attributed to conditionally philological, of course. But we know their essence. You:
  • retell the sentence, fitting it into one concept or stretching it onto a page.

    Example: The leaves turned yellow quickly, fall off and the rain drizzles.
    The answer in one word is “autumn”, but everyone can develop the idea of ​​the onset of autumn into a story using the words: umbrella, fog, blues, hot tea;

  • read detectives. They train not only logical thinking, but also memory (usually in the novels of A. Christie or B. Akunin there are many characters). Try to initially understand who the villain is!;
  • play analogy. The essence is simple: a certain subject should be translated into a conceived system and described.

    Example: describe the main character traits of your friends as chemical elements.
    It will turn out something like this: hardworking - "mercury", kind - "gold", malicious - "sulfur";

  • look at the cards from which you need to remove the excess.

    Example: pouffe, sofa, wardrobe, sofa. What is superfluous?
    That's right, a wardrobe, because it is not a piece of seating furniture;

  • pay attention to explanatory dictionaries, inventing your own interpretations;
  • write rhymes.

    For a "powerful" example, you can take funny ones:
    From vinegar - they bite,
    from mustard - upset,
    from the bow - they are cunning,
    from wine - blame,
    from muffin - kinder.

    For simple ones like this: husband - already, class - in the eye, car - routine;

  • engage in coding proverbs, sentences to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

    An example given by players from one team to another: The head of the church had a living being. He loved this living creature very much and indulged in every possible way. But one day the attendant killed him for the reason that the creature ate a piece of something of animal origin...
    Answer of the opposite team: The priest had a dog;

  • association of individual words into classes with certain features.

    Example: you need to take several different words, for example, pillow, fish, triangle and consider the elements of which they consist and with what they can be associated. So, a pillow is tenderness, rest, peace, fish is food, well-being, a triangle is sharp corners, segments.

Pay attention to these puzzles in the video and you will understand that everything is logical and interconnected!

Separately - about the important, or learning to listen to intuition

Intuition is our subconscious, based on conclusions from knowledge accumulated over centuries. They need to be listened to, they are that unconscious part of ourselves that remembers and knows a lot. Is the stranger behaving strangely, spinning and losing his speech? He must be up to something, and you are already receiving a signal of attention!

Practice and you'll be fine!

Interested in how to develop logic? So you understand that without it you can not live. Tips, games and exercises are collected for you in the article.

The ability to think logically is indispensable, because thanks to it you can find a way out of difficult situations, calculate your actions a few steps ahead, predict enemy traps, and find a fast path to success.

If you are less fortunate, then you should deal with the fact how to develop logic because without it it is impossible to live in this world.

What is logic and how to develop it?

The word logic itself came to us from the ancient Greek language, in which λόγος is translated as reasoning or thought.

There are plenty of definitions for the term "logic", but I believe that the most correct of them is the ability to think intelligently.

If we consider logic as a science, then it should be understood that this is a branch of philosophy that studies the cognitive intellectual activity of a person.

A person who is able to think logically can, on the basis of the information he has (even if scattered and inaccurate), draw the right conclusion and thus get to the bottom of the truth.

Logic allows you to get acquainted with the nuances of the subject being studied, and not just to gain general knowledge.

Logical judgments were characteristic of different cultures, but the pioneers of logic, the cultures that created a real cult of logic, were Chinese, ancient Greek and Indian, where works on this science appeared as early as the 4th century BC.

Why are so many people today wondering how to develop logic?

Naturally, like most humanities scholars, I studied logic at the university.

This subject, which seemed incredibly boring and useless to many, was taught to us by a true fan of her craft.

The teacher was able to reach out to us and explain why her subject should be given attention and how the ability to think logically will be useful to us in the future.

For the rest of my life I remembered the words of my logic teacher:

It was the ability to think logically that helped our distant ancestors survive among the dangers that await them at every step. Primitive people, being in the wildest environment, analyzed the situation, made conclusions and learned from their own mistakes, which helped them not only survive, but also develop.
Today's scientific and technological progress is certainly pleasant and useful, and I would be lying if I said that I was dissatisfied with it and would like to return to the primitive system, but it is the abundance of computers and other technology in our lives that leads to the destruction of logical thinking.
A person is so accustomed to trusting a machine that is able to think for him that he does not want to strain his thinking once again.
Looking at all this, I think that American films about the subjugation of mankind by robots are not so fantastic.

Fortunately, not everyone is ready to give up logical thinking.

Many people prefer to develop logic, realizing what a serious trump card they will have in front of those who have forgotten how to think logically at all.

Why try to develop logic?

Logical thinking is useful to you in any kind of activity.

Even the cleaning lady must understand that she needs to mop the floors moving from the far wall to the exit, because if she starts mopping the floors in reverse, she will destroy her work with her own dirty feet.

And managers who are responsible not only for themselves, but also for their subordinates cannot do without logic, so they need to constantly work on its development.

If you are still not sure whether you need to think about how to develop logic, I am ready to give you a few more arguments.

Being able to think logically, we can:

  • find the easiest and safest way out of a problem situation;
  • avoid both professional and life mistakes;
  • to be one step ahead of our ill-wishers and competitors whom God has deprived of logic;
  • express your thoughts competently, so that everyone around them understands them;
  • quickly formulate a thought so as not to delay the answer to the question posed and not blurt out the first stupidity that came to mind;
  • not become a victim of self-deception and deceit by other people;
  • it is easy to find arguments in order to bring your own point of view to the interlocutors and persuade them to your side;
  • see the mistakes that you or the people around you make and quickly eliminate them.

Games to help develop logic

There are a number of games that both adults and children should play if they want to develop their logic and improve their logical thinking:

    It's simple: either you learn to think logically, or until the end of your days you will play chess disgustingly.

    This game is a little easier than chess, but it also helps a lot.

    Another game familiar to many from childhood that develops logic.

    Rebuses, crossword puzzles, puzzles.

    Yes, and banal crossword puzzles are suitable for developing intelligence and logic.


    Choose a word and try to come up with as many associations as possible for it.

    Reversi or otello.

    A board game with black and white pieces and a board that resembles a chess board.

    It teaches not only logical, but also strategic thinking.

    Erudite or Scrabble.

    Words must be made from letters.

Exercises that will help develop logic

If you decide to seriously improve your logical thinking, then games alone are indispensable.

You will have to perform at least one daily, or better, several exercises from this list:

    Solving anagrams.

    From letters mixed in random order, you need to make a normal word.

    Solving special logic puzzles.

    Both on the Internet and in bookstores, enough collections with such puzzles are sold.

    You can start with this simple one: a man shaves his beard every day, but continues to walk with a beard on his face. How is this possible?

    The choice of words that connect two phrases.

    For example, “opens doors”, “birds lined up” is the key.

    Making crosswords or puzzles.

    Come up with 5 ways to use any item

    Or find 5 ways out of some situation.

To develop logical thinking, we suggest you immediately go to practice

and solve the puzzle with matches in the following video:

If you are too lazy to do exercises every day and are not a hopeless person in terms of logical thinking, then you can develop logic in simple ways, imperceptibly even to yourself:

    Reading detectives.

    The more detective literature you read, the more you will understand the logic of the actions of specialists who are investigating a crime.

    Performing some action.

    At least sometimes explain to yourself: why are you doing this, what will happen if you don’t, what will be the result if you make a mistake, etc.

  1. Learn to write and perform other actions with your left hand if you are right-handed and with your right hand if you are left-handed.

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A parent's desire for their child to receive a quality education. Those whose families bring up children with developmental disabilities (ZPR, TNR, hearing impairment, etc.) are especially worried. Parents are sure that an indicator of a child's readiness for school is the ability to read and count.

Therefore, they throw all their efforts into the development of these skills. Moms proudly demonstrate the achievements of the crumbs, barely reached the age of 3 years. Early development centers, for the sake of clients, teach kids from 2 years old to read, count and write, missing significant aspects of development.

However, this common myth is easy to debunk. Often, children with an intellectual disability at an early age will easily name and show numbers and letters. However, it is difficult to teach them to read, they are unable to count the required number of objects, since their thinking is not formed.

Such children cannot analyze, draw conclusions, and hold attention for a long time. The teacher has to control them, repeatedly explain the material, help in completing assignments. The reason lies in the immaturity of mental processes. That is why the primary task for parents is the development of thinking, the logic of memory and attention in children.

Features of memory development in children

Mental functions are interconnected. It happens that in a person some processes function successfully, while others sink. For example, with an extraordinary memory, his logic lags behind. At the same time, if the memorization mechanisms are violated, logical thinking is automatically slowed down, since a person needs a store of knowledge for thought processes. This phenomenon is clearly observed in children with mental retardation.

Memorization is one of the central factors determining the intellectual development of a person. Classifying the types of memory, we single out:

  • visual-figurative - thanks to it, people remember faces, objects, sounds;
  • verbal-logical - helps to learn formulas and terminology;
  • emotional - saves experienced feelings;
  • visual, auditory, etc. - according to the predominant analyzer (people have better visual perception, but information is remembered worse by ear);
  • short-term (predominant in babies) and long-term.

From the age of 4, preschoolers form the mechanisms of arbitrary memorization, they are already able to force themselves to absorb information.

If earlier they were dominated by a visual-figurative type of memory, then at school the verbal-logical type is activated. Therefore, developing thinking, attention and memory in children of 7 years old, it is possible to offer tasks for classification, search for unnecessary objects and patterns, riddles, jokes, etc.

Activities that affect the development of memory in children

Parents, regularly focusing the attention of the crumbs on natural phenomena, surrounding objects, help improve long-term memory. Purposefully encouraging the baby to reproduce the accumulated experience, we develop arbitrary memory. For these purposes, it is recommended to introduce the child to new games, teach them to retell fairy tales, recite poems, and compose their own stories.

The development of fine motor skills affects the improvement of mental processes and the correction of certain disorders. Therefore, manual activities are important for children: sewing, knitting, cutting, modeling, finger gymnastics. You can offer your child to collect puzzles, build a house out of cubes, play in the sandbox.

Variations of the same exercise will develop different types of memory:

  • On each of the 10 cards, write one arbitrary word. Allow the participant to read the contents of the cards for 30 seconds and then ask them to name what they remember. This exercise is aimed at training visual memory.
  • If the words are read to adults, and the player perceives them by ear, then auditory memorization develops. This exercise is useful for children with TNR.
  • If images are placed on the cards, then in addition to visual memory, figurative memory is also involved.
  • Motor memory develops when the student first writes down (draws) the proposed words, and then reproduces without looking at the sheet.

Difficulties in memorization in children with mental retardation, TNR, hearing impairment

The development of memory in children with developmental disabilities deserves special attention: ZPR, TNR, hearing impairment. Children with mental retardation have huge problems with remembering the material. This is exacerbated by attention deficit and lack of cognitive activity. Therefore, children with mental retardation are recommended to offer exercises not only for memory, but also for attention.

The psychologist will help to identify the predominant memorization mechanisms in a patient with mental retardation. Some of these children are better at assimilating data by ear, others prefer visual images. After receiving advice, parents will be able to develop their child more effectively.

Children with hearing impairment do not develop verbal memory, as a result of which they can replace one word with another. Poor auditory memory is noted in children with TNR. Often the efforts of teachers and parents aimed at the development of memory in schoolchildren with hearing impairments and TNRs do not bring improvement. Repeated consultation and correction of a psychologist and other specialists will be required.

Exercises for older preschoolers

For children 6-7 years old, the tasks of the following plan are suitable for improving memory:

  • "We were packing our suitcase." The game is designed for 2 or more participants. The driver begins: “We packed the suitcase and put the toothbrush in there.” The first participant must repeat the sentence and “put down” another item. Each next player repeats the above and adds a new one. The game ends when one of the participants makes a mistake while repeating the sequence.
  • "Remember how it was." The driver tells a story using pre-prepared items. At the end of the story, a puppy comes running and makes a mess. Then the adult asks the child to collect the items and put them in their places. The kid comments on his actions.
  • "Remember and draw." This game has 2 options. In the first, an image is shown, and then the player is asked to reproduce what he saw from memory on paper. In the second, some details are missing in the picture, and the baby’s task is to remember and depict them.
  • Ask the blindfolded players to touch the proposed items, and then list them in order.

The tasks given here are suitable for children with mental retardation. They will help develop attention, memory and thinking.

Features of teenage memory

Adolescents of 12 years old already own arbitrary memorization. This ability slowly develops until the age of 13. Then, by the age of 16, a sharp jump is observed in the formation of memory, its volume increases. Adolescence is characterized by semantic memorization, and the mechanical fades into the background. Thinking is active. For a student over 13 years old, memorizing abstract material is not difficult.

For the development of memory, teenagers can be offered exercises with numerical sequences, word games, tasks for presenting and reproducing images (Imagine the pictures that I will say. Now open your eyes and write down the memorable images). Such tasks will help teenagers improve their memory and work effectively with educational material.

Cheremoshkina L.V. in his manual "Development of Children's Memory" offers a lot of exercises designed to develop memory in adolescents and children. Book L.V. Cheremoshkina will help parents and teachers in conducting developmental and remedial classes. The tasks placed in it are suitable for children with mental retardation and other disabilities.

In addition to exercises and activities to improve memory and attention, it is recommended to keep children in a good mood, teach them to relax. A balanced diet that includes fish, chocolate, vegetables, and exercise contributes to the improvement of mental functions. Be sure to use multivitamin complexes. And psychologists recommend chewing gum.

The topic of training mental functions is limitless. It cannot be fully disclosed in one article. The main thing is to remember that the efforts of parents and teachers aimed at the development of children will definitely give results. Do not give up on those in whose family children with mental retardation, malnutrition and hearing impairment are brought up. With the right correction, they will definitely succeed.

It is very important to learn to think logically - such skills help not only to calculate your actions in advance, but also quickly find a way out in unforeseen situations. A person who has developed logical thinking will undoubtedly be able to succeed even under not the most favorable circumstances. So, how to develop logical thinking?

Logic and logical thinking

Logic is

The concept of "logic" has its roots in the ancient Greek language, and is translated as thought (reasoning). In general, logic can be called the ability to think correctly, and it can be considered as a science. This is a branch of philosophy that studies intellectual activity. If you are capable of logical thinking, then on the basis of the data you have, you will be able to come to the right conclusion. With the help of logic, you get not only general knowledge about a particular subject, but also comprehend its nuances.

What is logical thinking and its types

It is worth noting that logical thinking is divided into several types, and, having familiarized yourself with their characteristics, you will be able to identify whether you possess any of them. In general, logical thinking is a thought process in which we get a reasonable conclusion from the existing premises. Verbal-logical thinking It uses logical constructions and concepts, acts based on linguistic means and is the highest of the stages in the development of thinking. Using verbal-logical thinking, a person is able to come to general patterns, to generalize different visual material. The formation of such thinking occurs gradually. During training, a person masters the methods of mental activity and analyzes the process of his own reflections. When solving educational problems, it influences the formation of analysis, generalization, synthesis, classification, comparison. Let's understand these concepts in more detail. Analysis- a mental operation in which a person is able to disassemble a complex object into elements. Synthesis- usually acts in unity with the analysis, being carried out simultaneously. Man moves from parts to the whole. Generalization- the union of many elements on a single basis. The comparison reveals something in common. Classification- objects are grouped according to essential features Comparison- comparison of phenomena and objects, as well as the identification of their differences and common features. Verbal-logical thinking People with this type of mindset tend to focus on what they say rather than how they do it. Such logicians have a predisposition to accuracy, show interest in the semantic essence of any information. They try to compare newly acquired knowledge with those they already possessed. It is worth noting that, alas, fast memory is not inherent in this type of thinking. A person needs a certain amount of time to think and analyze everything carefully. We also note that people with this type of thinking are prone to conservatism and a weak manifestation of emotions. The strengths of verbal-logical thinking can be called accuracy, consistency. Of the negative sides - slow switching from one task to another. Mathematical thinking This kind of thinking is characterized by flexibility, originality and depth. Let us consider these concepts in more detail, in the context of mathematical thinking. Flexibility- the ability to vary the options for solving a particular problem, easy transition from one way of solving a problem to another. We are also talking about the ability to leave the boundaries of the usual ways of action - a person is looking for new solutions, quickly adapting to the changed conditions. Originality- a factor that provides in this case the highest level of unconventional thinking. Depth- the ability to comprehend the essence of all the studied facts, their relationships, hidden features. Associative-figurative thinking It should also be noted that there are people who are characterized by associative-figurative thinking. Their memory is well developed, but it differs from the memory of logicians. Trying to remember something, the lyricist immediately reproduces something else in memory, because he has a predisposition to associative perception of reality. What are the main advantages of this kind of thinking? You can cite as an example emotionality, a rich imagination, the ability to easily switch from one to another. A person wholeheartedly perceives images, connecting them with the existing reality. The disadvantages include inconsistent actions, increased idealization, excessive vulnerability, increased sensuality. Such features do not always make it possible to look at the world objectively, although they make it very exciting.

Developed memory and logical thinking are simply necessary in everyday life - when performing professional tasks, as well as in household chores. Developing memory and logic, you will learn to concentrate your attention, control the train of thought. As a result, it will be easier for you to focus on current tasks and organize your own life. Performing exercises for the development of memory, after a certain period of time you will begin to notice that when solving problems, you use very non-standard and effective methods that you would not have thought of before.

How to develop memory and thinking in adults

Tasks for the development of logical thinking

On the Web, you can easily find a variety of tasks with which you will be able to develop logical thinking. Many sites will offer you different levels of tasks. Try to start with something that is not too difficult and work your way up.

Learn to think logically with games, puzzles and strategies

Also, a variety of games, strategies and puzzles can greatly contribute to the development of logical thinking. To do this, it is not necessary to search for tasks on the Web. Even having bought a box of puzzles, you can not only arrange an entertaining evening for yourself, but also increase the level of logical thinking to a large extent.

10 ways to improve your memory

1.) Read a lot of books Of course, a person who is prone to reading has a better memory than one who does not show any interest in this occupation. So how can this be used. Read a short story, and then immediately retell it to the recorder. After a few hours, try repeating this retelling. Analyze what details you forgot, what was missed by you. Do these exercises regularly. 2.) Say words backwards It is also a very useful method to improve your memory. It is also impossible not to note the convenience of this method - you do not need a voice recorder or other auxiliary devices. Do this task before bed, on the road, in line, and so on. If possible, you can perform the exercise on a piece of paper, in a notebook - so it will be more convenient for you to check yourself. 3.) Learn poetry and new words Memorizing poetry is a great memory trainer. You can also learn new, unfamiliar words. As soon as a similar word catches your eye, at any opportunity, look up its meaning in the dictionary. After that, try to “mentally” make up a few sentences in which the new word will be used. 4.) Remember everything in detail, analyze Get into the habit of replaying the events that happened to you during the past day every evening. Start from the moment you wake up. Remember what you thought about when you woke up, what you ate for breakfast, who you talked to. Next, move on to memories of how your day went, what people you talked to, what tasks you had to face. Then move on to the memories of the evening. Analyze what unpleasant events you could have avoided, what useful things you learned today, what act was senseless, and so on. 5.) Draw images in your head Quite an interesting exercise that perfectly develops the imagination. For example, imagine you are on vacation. Let's say, not just you are sitting on the shore, but in more detail. Imagine that you are sitting on warm sand, you have a glass of lemonade or beer in your hand, a plate of shrimp or corn is next to you - you can smell them. You also hear the sound of sea waves, and sometimes their splashes reach you. You can add more details. Thus, imagine anything. For example, you find yourself in a summer garden: the shadow of trees falls on you, you hear the smell of raspberries, pear fruits periodically fall to the ground. The rays of the sun break through the leaves. 6.) Full sleep Undoubtedly, you have already heard that adequate sleep has an important impact on our memory. If you sleep at least seven hours a night, you can be sure that this has the best effect not only on memory, but also on concentration and even on the rejuvenation of body cells. Good sleep is necessary for the accumulation of energy and health in general. 7.) The Aivazovsky method develops photographic memory This training technique got its name in honor of the famous artist. Being engaged in writing his works, paintings, Ivan Konstantinovich mentally tried to stop the movement of the wave and transfer it to his picture so that it would not look frozen. Aivazovsky devoted many hours to the process of observing water. At the same time, he closed his eyes from time to time, trying to reproduce what he saw in his memory. How to use this technique?
    For 5 minutes, study any object, or landscape. Closing your eyelids, try to reproduce the image of this picture in your memory. It is also important that it be in color. The effectiveness of the training can be increased by fixing objects on a piece of paper. If you perform this exercise regularly, you can achieve considerable progress in the development of visual memory.
Such tables are used to determine the degree of attention, which in turn is directly related to memory - you can find them in abundance on the Web. To do this, just drive into the search "Schulte Tables Online", and start training. Note that we are talking about a field divided into squares, and in those, in turn, numbers from 1 to 25 are written in random order. Subsequently, you will need to find all the numbers in order using a stopwatch - over time, the search speed should increase.

9.) Vitaminized healthy food Of course, for a good memory, it is important to eat food that is as rich as possible in vitamins. What products should you pay the most attention to? Eat apples, salmon, blueberries, spinach, various seeds and nuts, and grapes. 10.) Develop your left hand if you are right-handed and vice versa A very useful activity. Set challenging goals for yourself. Train your left hand if you are left-handed, and your right hand if you are right-handed. Using the "unaccustomed" hand will be difficult at first, but over time you will master this skill.

How to develop logic and thinking in a teenager

Quests, puzzles and charades On the Web, you can find many puzzles that you can try to solve with your teenager. Try to look for problems that contain the correct answer - in case the goal is not achieved, you can see how it could have been achieved. Special application with tasks for a smartphone On Google Play, you can easily find an application called "Logic, Tasks, Puzzles" - you can install it on your smartphone. The essence of the application is to develop analytical skills in adults and adolescents. There are also apps like Brain Training, Lumosity, and many more. Many factors influence intelligence and ingenuity. If you are forced to expose your body to constant stress, then it is not surprising that your reactions will leave much to be desired. During peak situations, the human body produces cortisol, which has a detrimental effect on brain cells. If in the morning you have to take on a bunch of things, then you should try to slow down at least a little the usual pace of life. Start by not jumping out of bed immediately after the alarm rings - allow yourself some time (15-25 minutes) to lie still, think about the coming day. How to increase your intelligenceMusic. Periodically take a break from the daily hustle and bustle by listening to music. By the way, scientists believe that classical works are very useful for activating the brain. For example, people who listen to Mozart from time to time are characterized by an increased speed of thinking. Don't waste energy. Don't take on too many tasks at once. In order to do something well, it is important to focus on it. If you have to answer a letter, talk on the phone and listen to the news at the same time, then, of course, attention will begin to disperse to several sources of information. The result will be a decrease in concentration and even the level of intelligence. More positive. Do not deny yourself positive emotions - your performance directly depends on them. Visit parks more often, go to the movies, meet friends. Development. Regularly search the Web for exercises to develop memory and enrich your vocabulary. It is unlikely that unexpected decisions will “illuminate” you if you are the owner of a poor vocabulary that is almost unable to keep anything in your head. To develop memory, learn poetry, just read books.

Online logic test - develop the ability to think logically

So, we propose to mark the time - it is advisable to use no more than a quarter of an hour to pass the test.


1.) Can a woman marry her widower's brother? 2.) Is there March 2 in Italy? 3.) The girl declares: “The day before yesterday I was 8 years old, and next year I will celebrate my 11th birthday!”. So maybe? 4.) On 2 hands - 10 fingers. So, how many fingers are on ten hands? 5.) You are the driver of a bus that is heading from Yekaterinburg to Ugut. You will have three stops along the way. How old is the driver? 6.) The month ends on the 30th or 31st. What is the month that contains the 28th? 7.) You ended up in a room with two lamps - gasoline and gas. What will you ignite first? 8.) One car left Ufa for Moscow, and the second - from Moscow to Ufa. The cars left at the same time, but the speed of the second car is twice the speed of the first. Which car will be closer to Ufa at the time of the meeting? 9.) A mother and son were involved in an accident. The mother did not survive in the hospital. A nurse comes to my son's room and says, pointing at him: "This is my son." Is it possible? 10.) Found a coin subsidized by the seventy-eighth year BC. So maybe? 11.) The rooster flew onto the roof, the slope of which is 45 degrees on one side, and 30 degrees on the other. When he lays the egg, what slope will it roll down? 12.) The doctor prescribed three injections, which must be done every half hour. So, how long does it take for these three injections? 13.) The weight of a brick is one and a half kilos. Plus another third of the brick. How much does a brick weigh? 1.) Not; 2.) Yes; 3.) Maybe if she was born on December 31st; 4.) 50; 5.) As much as me; 6.) In all; 7.) Match; 8.) Equally; 9.) Yes; 10.) Not; 11.) From none; 12.) One hour; 13.) 1 kg.

If you did: No more than 2 errors Your logical thinking is on top! You must have put in a lot of work to achieve such results, but it was worth it! 3 to 5 mistakes It is safe to say that you have a high level of intelligence, despite the fact that, at times, you are prone to mistakes. Be that as it may, you are able to analyze most events correctly. 6 to 7 mistakes Your level of intelligence can be called average. The potential for growth is certainly there, and if you wish, you will succeed in this business. 8 or more errors It is difficult to say that you are often guided by logic in your judgments. Most likely, you act mainly under the influence of emotions.

Books that develop logical thinking

This book can be considered a simple introduction to the world of modern mathematical logic. The textbook was recommended by the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education, and has become an excellent source of knowledge for many students of higher educational institutions.

This is a book that lays out the basics of logic in an accessible way. The main emphasis is on syllogistic. The textbook contains tasks with the help of which the student is able to learn to apply certain rules in practice in a short time.

A tutorial that talks about how to learn to think logically - who finds it difficult, and who easily overcomes barriers. Contains useful tasks.

Ten-minute exercises for the development of logic for every day

A couple of random words Choose two words at random from any article or story - just poke your finger at the words without thinking about their meaning. Now you need to try to find something in common between the selected words - compare them, find the relationship. Come up with an interesting story that could connect these two concepts. Associations Look around the room you are currently in. Choose an object in the room, such as a chair or a plate. Take a piece of paper and come up with five adjectives that best fit the chosen item. Example: round plate, yellow plate, small plate, clean plate, empty plate. Now write five adjectives that are completely inappropriate for the chosen subject. Example: wooden plate, boiled plate, winter plate, windy plate, silk plate. Undoubtedly, such exercises will benefit you if you perform them daily. Plus, you don't have to spend a lot of time on them! Try to start today, and soon you will notice significant progress in the development of logical thinking and imagination.