Symptoms after vaccination against rabies in humans. Preventive vaccination against rabies in humans: timing, side effects

Rabies (rabies, hydrophobia) is an infectious disease caused by the deadly Rabies virus.

Infection occurs after contact with a sick animal - a bite, saliva, in rare but described cases, inhalation of contaminated air in attics, caves, through food, water and through the placenta during pregnancy. Today there is a lot of discussion about the possibility of rabies infection as a result of organ transplants. The rabies virus has a damaging effect on the central nervous system, which causes encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) in sick people.

Upon contact with a sick animal, the virus enters and spreads in the human blood along the nerve pathways, gradually affecting the salivary glands, and when it enters the brain, it affects the hippocampus and bulbar centers. This leads to irreversible and severe disorders, which almost always end in death. If you do not immediately begin treatment, then death is inevitable. The rabies virus in an infected person can be detected in saliva, tears and urine tests.

Infection with the rabies virus occurs mainly through contact with animals, both domestic and wild. Among animals, rabies can affect dogs, cats, large or small cattle, pigs, foxes, wolves, badgers, jackals, raccoons, rodents, bats, eagles and parrots. The biggest danger to people is stray dogs living outside the city. From the moment of infection to the onset of symptoms, it takes from 1 to 2 months, there are cases when the incubation period is only one week.

An infected animal can be identified by severe salivation and lacrimation, red eyes and signs of rabies. At the site of a bite by an infected animal, redness, burning, itching and increased sensitivity appear, causing a person to experience severe pain. People who have been infected with the rabies virus and have not received timely preventive treatment begin to have a fever, severe muscle and headaches appear. Ultimately, the rabies virus, spreading, leads to severe inflammation of the brain, convulsions and paralysis, a person falls into a coma and suddenly dies.

Introduction of the anti-rabies vaccine (rabies shot) and doctors' advice on abstinence from alcohol

Today there is no specific method of treating rabies with a 100% guarantee of cure. It is important to remember that after the bite of a rabid animal, you must immediately consult a doctor, otherwise the outcome will be fatal. Therapy against rabies should begin no later than 14 days from the moment of infection. If clinical signs begin to appear, then no treatment will help. If an infected animal has damaged the skin, it is necessary to wash the wound with soap and water and go to the doctor.

The doctor will administer a rabies vaccine to help the body fight the rabies virus before it enters the nervous system. With this vaccine, a person acquires "active immunity" for a period of 1 year. The anti-rabies vaccine is administered in the form of injections only 6 times in the deltoid muscle of the shoulder, less often intramuscularly in the thigh. Depending on the expected length of the incubation period, your doctor may administer rabies immunoglobulin. It helps the body to get "passive" immunity immediately, but for a short time, and after 2 weeks the vaccine will work.

The essence of all vaccines and inoculations is that weakened pathogens of bacteria and viruses of various diseases are introduced into the body, which are subsequently defeated by the immune system. Antibodies are gradually produced in the body, which means that a natural defense against the disease appears. If the immune system is weakened, it is likely that the introduced pathogens will lead to the development of the disease.

Doctors do not recommend drinking alcohol after any vaccinations, as this leads to a temporary weakening of immunity, and alcohol is strongly discouraged during rabies vaccination. Remember not to drink alcohol after the rabies vaccination! Patients often have the question of how much alcohol should not be drunk after rabies vaccination?

Vaccination lasts 3 months. At this time and in the next 6 months, that is, the full course of specific therapy is 9 months, the intake of alcoholic beverages is strictly contraindicated. Alcohol causes severe harm to the body as a whole, and if abused after a rabies vaccination, it becomes deadly.

The anti-rabies vaccine (vaccination against rabies) will have the maximum effect and help the human body overcome the rabies virus if the following rules of conduct are observed and strictly adhered to during the vaccination period and within 6 months after its completion:

  1. Avoid all alcoholic beverages and beverages containing alcohol.
  2. Avoid hypothermia.
  3. Avoid overheating.
  4. Do not stay too long in the sun, including not going to the solarium.
  5. Eliminate heavy physical activity, including enhanced sports, weightlifting, etc.
  6. Avoid severe overwork, emotional and mental overload.
  7. Be sure to complete the entire course of therapy (vaccination) with an anti-rabies vaccine, previously prescribed by a doctor and carried out at a certain time interval.

Only by observing the above rules and refusing to drink alcohol, an infected person can count on the positive effect of anti-rabies therapy.

Doctors' recommendations are related to the fact that any vaccine is based on the impact on the immunity of the human body. Today, everyone knows that there are drugs that should not be used at the same time or during a course of therapy with a certain type of vaccine. This is especially true for alcoholic beverages, which weaken the immune system. With the introduction of the vaccine, the human immunity begins to work in an enhanced mode and fight the spreading virus.

During a course of rabies vaccination and in the following 6 months, the effect of the rabies vaccine can be significantly reduced after drinking alcohol. Drinking alcohol during rabies therapy further weakens your immune system. Weakened immunity is not able to fight the deadly virus, which begins to spread rapidly in the human body and leads to death. In order to develop strong immunity to the deadly virus, doctors advise you to stop drinking alcohol for the period of therapy.

What else can affect the effectiveness of rabies vaccinations

In addition to drinking alcohol during rabies therapy, the following diseases and causes can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the rabies vaccine:

  1. Acquired or congenital failure of the human immune system. Such failure can be caused by diseases of the immune system itself, disorders of the blood system, oncological diseases, etc.
  2. Quite a long-term use of immunosuppressants, which reduce the activity of the immune system and reduce its resistance to diseases. Significantly reduce the activity of the immune system hormonal drugs (glucocorticoids), which are used for asthma, diseases with rheumatoid manifestations, etc.
  3. Improper maintenance, storage, poor quality of the vaccine.
  4. Late start of vaccination.
  5. Incorrect technique for administering the vaccine or its violation.
  6. Violation of the vaccination scheme by the patient himself (late appearance, omissions, etc.).

If the above factors are present, then the patient must periodically take blood tests to monitor the concentration of antibodies.

Why is it important to follow vaccination rules?

Compliance with simple rules and recommendations of doctors will allow an infected person to avoid complications that are dangerous to health and will lead to the maximum effectiveness of the anti-rabies vaccine.

Rabies is a serious and dangerous disease. Each patient must understand this and approach timely therapy, as well as compliance with the necessary rules with full responsibility.

Keeping in mind that you can not drink alcohol after rabies vaccination and during therapy, it is best to completely refuse it. This is the only way to help your body fight a deadly disease and try with all your might to save your one and only life.

Thanks for the feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to save her husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying up, I don’t know what to do ((I thought of getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their markup brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid overpricing. Currently, you can only order official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can not influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    I haven’t tried any folk remedies, my father-in-law both drank and drinks

Many people have been in a situation where contact with a wild animal or small rodent ended in a bite. And far from always an unpleasant incident was limited to pain at the bite site and unpleasant memories. Many wild or homeless animals are sick with rabies, which means that a deadly virus enters the human body with saliva, which threatens to be fatal. Only the anti-rabies vaccine (vaccination against rabies) can save a life in such a situation.

Modern medicine has 2 types of vaccines in its arsenal. The first is used to prevent bites from rabid animals, and is prescribed to zookeepers, veterinarians, as well as persons who wish to insure themselves against possible infection. The second vaccine is called anti-rabies serum and is given in an emergency after an animal has bitten a person. But even realizing the need for such vaccinations, many people wonder about the side effects of vaccination and try to find out from the doctor what the state of the body is after rabies vaccination. Let's consider this issue in detail.

Need for rabies vaccination

According to WHO statistics, more than 35,000 people a year die from infection with Rabies virus or rabies virus. Moreover, the overwhelming majority of this infection affects residents of underdeveloped countries, where medicine does not control the vaccination of people and animals from this terrible disease. On the contrary, in countries such as the UK and Germany, where the state cares about the safety of its citizens, the level of infection with this virus is practically reduced to zero.

Side effects of the vaccine

Any vaccination can be accompanied by unpleasant conditions. Anti-rabies vaccination also does not exclude the occurrence of side effects. True, when an infected animal has already bitten a person, the decision should be unequivocal - urgently vaccinate, because we are talking about saving a person's life. But in the case of prophylactic vaccination, many are overcome by doubts about the appropriateness of such actions, and the main argument against vaccination is side effects. We list the possible reactions of the body.

Reactions to prophylactic vaccination

Local reactions

Considering that prophylactic injections for rabies are given 3 times, and in case of infection, the serum is injected as many as 5 times (and the injections are given in different places), the appearance of local reactions is not excluded. Usually everything is limited to mild itching, redness, induration and swelling of the injection site. Such reactions do not cause much discomfort and disappear within 3-4 days.

General reactions

The introduction of the vaccine sometimes causes general reactions of the body, manifested in the form of weakness and drowsiness, trembling in the limbs, fever, headache, muscle or joint pain. Digestive disorders (diarrhea, constipation or flatulence) are often disturbing.

Allergic manifestations

Much less often, the body reacts to the introduction of the vaccine with allergic manifestations such as urticaria or angioedema. This is usually experienced by people with a predisposition to allergic reactions. In the event of the manifestation of such unpleasant symptoms, it is enough to consult a doctor who will prescribe one of the suitable antihistamines (Claritin, Suprastin, Zirtek, Fenkarol and others).

Reactions to the introduction of anti-rabies serum

It is much harder for the body to tolerate the introduction of serum in cases where the bite has already occurred and it is necessary to obtain immunity from the rabies virus before infection occurs. In addition to the reactions described above, the introduction of this serum may be accompanied by the following conditions:

  • serum sickness (approximately 20% of cases) - a condition similar to allergies, but with a more severe course;
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome (in 5% of cases) is a disease in which the sensitivity of the limbs is impaired. This disease disappears after 2-3 months;
  • anaphylactic shock (0.05% of cases) is an acute allergic reaction that threatens the life of the patient.

As you can see, the state of the body after rabies vaccination can be accompanied by severe reactions, but only in cases where there is a threat to human life. As for the prevention of infection, such vaccination in most cases proceeds without any trouble, so you should not be wary of it. Health to you!

The rabies vaccine can prevent a deadly disease. The first rabies vaccine (anti-rabies vaccine) was created in 1885 by Louis Pasteur, who vaccinated a nine-year-old boy bitten by a rabid dog, and he survived.

Rabies vaccine for humans

Rabies is a severe acute infectious disease that mainly affects animals. Rabies is caused by viruses from the rhabdovirus family. After the bite of an infected animal, the disease develops in 12-90 days. Sometimes the incubation period can last up to a year or more.

Only vaccination against rabies can save a person from the death of a person bitten by a sick animal.

Rabies vaccine and rabies immunoglobulin

Rabies vaccination Rabies - the prognosis is unfavorable is carried out by an anti-rabies vaccine. The concentrated culture-based rabies vaccine (KOCAV) is a rabies vaccine virus grown in special cultures, concentrated and purified using modern techniques and inactivated (killed) by ultraviolet rays. KOKAV is a hygroscopic porous white dry mass. For its dissolution, ampoules with water for injections of 1 ml are attached to the preparation.

Rabies immunoglobulin is produced in two types: from human blood serum and from horse blood serum. The drug contains specific antibodies that can neutralize the rabies virus.

Rabies vaccination course

There are preventive and treatment-and-prophylactic courses of vaccinations against rabies. A prophylactic vaccination course is carried out for persons who carry out work on catching and keeping neglected animals, veterinarians, hunters, foresters, slaughterhouse workers, taxidermists, and persons working with the rabies virus. Primary vaccination is three injections of 1 ml, which are carried out on days 1, 7 and 30. The first revaccination is carried out after 1 year (1 ml), the next - with an interval of three years (also 1 ml each).

A preventive course of vaccinations against rabies is also given to animals. Quarantine after vaccination against rabies in animals is 30 days - it is during this time that antibodies are produced in the body. Antibodies - "soldiers" of immunity to the rabies virus.

The course of therapeutic and prophylactic vaccinations Preventive vaccinations - protect the population from dangerous infections from rabies depends on the degree of damage to the skin during an animal bite:

  • if there is no damage, salivation of the skin and there was no direct contact with the animal, the vaccine is not prescribed;
  • if the saliva of an animal has got on the skin, while the skin has abrasions, single superficial bites or scratches on the torso, upper and lower extremities (except for the head, face, neck, hand, fingers and toes, genitals), and also if even the skin is not damaged, KOKAV is injected intramuscularly into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder for adults and the anterolateral surface of the thigh for children according to the scheme: day 0 (injury day) - day 3 - day 7 - day 14 - day 30 - day 90; if within 10 days of observation of the animal it remains healthy, then the treatment is stopped (after the 3rd injection); when it is impossible to observe the animal (it died, ran away, and so on), the treatment is carried out according to the full scheme;
  • if there is any salivation of the mucous membranes, any bites of the head, face, neck, hand, fingers and toes, genitals, multiple bites and deep single bites of any localization, then treatment begins with the treatment of wounds and the introduction of anti-rabies immunoglobulin into the bite sites - AIH; RIG can also be injected into the buttock in adults and into the anterolateral thigh in children; after that, KOKAV is administered according to the scheme 0 day - 3 day - 7 day - 14 day - 30 day - 90 day; if it is possible to observe the animal, and it remains healthy for 10 days, the treatment is stopped (after the 3rd injection).
  • Rabies vaccination and alcohol are not compatible: you can not drink alcohol during the vaccination course and for six months after its completion.

    Is the rabies vaccine harmful?

    Like any vaccine, the rabies vaccine can cause side effects. But contraindications for its use matter only when conducting a prophylactic course of vaccinations, the treatment and prophylactic course of the introduction of the anti-rabies vaccine has no contraindications: the drug is administered for health reasons (mortality from rabies is one hundred percent). In this case, only rabies vaccination can prevent death, and pregnancy (including) is not a contraindication.

    Rabies prophylaxis is contraindicated in acute infectious and non-infectious diseases, chronic diseases in the acute stage (vaccinations are carried out no earlier than one month after recovery or remission), allergic reactions to previous administration of this drug or to antibiotics Antibiotics - will they help you in the foreseeable future ? and also during pregnancy.

    Rabies vaccine side effects

    The introduction of KOKAV may be accompanied by a local or general reaction. The local reaction is characterized by slight swelling, redness, itching, enlargement of nearby lymph nodes. The general reaction can manifest itself in the form of malaise, headache, weakness. The temperature may also rise after rabies vaccination.

    The introduction of AIH from horse serum can be accompanied by severe allergic reactions.

    Rabies vaccination is the only protection against this disease.

    Rabies vaccine for humans: contraindications, vaccination schedule, complications

    Rabies is one of the infectious diseases for which there is no effective treatment. Unfortunately, rabies is currently not amenable to therapeutic correction, therefore, it leads to the inevitable death of a sick person. The only way to avoid infection is timely vaccination. Therefore, in order to save your life, it is imperative to get vaccinated against rabies on time.

    Do I need to be vaccinated against rabies?

    The main source of the virus are wild and domestic animals. Infection occurs after a bite, if the saliva of an infected animal enters the bloodstream. Rabies is a 100% fatal disease. The only way to prevent the death of an infected person will be the introduction of an anti-rabies vaccine. So why should you get vaccinated against rabies?

    The vaccine is an effective way to prevent rabies in humans. The need for its creation is expressed in the following:

  • prevention of the development of rabies in the body after the bite of an infected animal, since the risk of this disease in our time remains very high;
  • since the disease is incurable, vaccination is a reliable way to prevent death after infection through the bite of a rabid animal.
  • Unfortunately, the rabies virus is ubiquitous. It is met from time to time in different parts of the world, so absolutely all people have a risk of getting sick. Rabies vaccination is especially necessary for hunters and travelers, because their activities are associated with visiting wildlife.

    When is rabies vaccination indicated?

    The vaccine against rabies in humans, despite the long history of its existence, remains the only option for a high-quality prevention of rabies infection today. Among the categories of the population for whom mandatory vaccination is indicated, doctors distinguish:

  • employees of veterinary stations and services for working with wild and pet animals;
  • workers of the service for catching homeless representatives of the animal world;
  • laboratory assistants, by the nature of their professional activities, may personally encounter the causative agent of the disease;
  • slaughterhouse attendants;
  • people engaged in hunting, making stuffed animals;
  • foresters;
  • people who have been bitten by a suspicious or unknown animal;
  • travelers.
  • In the national vaccination schedule, the rabies injection is listed as a recommended procedure. It will be mandatory only after a bite, an announcement of an unfavorable epidemiological situation in the region, as well as in the above categories of people.

    Are there contraindications for rabies?

    As it has already become clear, the indications for the use of the vaccine will be the bite of a sick animal or the desire of a person to instill immunity against rabies. It is known that the introduction of the drug in humans often develop side effects, but they do not represent contraindications to its further use in case of emergency. And yet, who is contraindicated for rabies vaccination?

    An immune drug that prevents rabies is the only vaccine in the world, it is administered, regardless of the presence of contraindications. It is prescribed to pregnant women and children under 16 years of age, if necessary for health reasons. In cases where an adult or child has been bitten by an infected animal, an injection of anti-rabies serum is given no matter what.

    Rabies Immunization Schedule

    It is advisable to use the vaccine only during the incubation period of the disease. It is believed that the introduction of the solution two weeks after the bite is ineffective, and its use after the onset of clinical symptoms of the disease does not make sense.

    Routine immunization of the population against rabies includes the following points:

  • first injection of immune suspension;
  • re-vaccination after seven days;
  • fixative injection on the 30th day;
  • revaccination one year later and then every three years.
  • As a result of routine vaccine therapy, a person develops stable immunity in his body, it lasts for three years.

    Among the main stages of emergency vaccination are:

    • the first injection - immediately after the bite of the animal;
    • the second time - the third day after the first injection;
    • the third time - in a week;
    • the fourth time - after 14 days;
    • fifth time in a month.
    • Today, the rabies vaccination is no longer done in the subcutaneous fat in the abdomen. To do this, use the deltoid zone (the outer edge of the shoulder). In addition, thanks to modern technology, scientists have managed to create a well-purified vaccine, it is administered five times, and not 20-40, as was the case during the Soviet Union.

      The occurrence of side effects

      The anti-rabies immunopreparation, which promotes the production of antibodies against rabies, is quite well tolerated by the body. Despite this, there are cases when its introduction provokes the development of side effects, in particular:

    • symptoms of local inflammation at the injection site, which are manifested by the formation of local edema, the appearance of itching and redness, and painful sensations;
    • signs of general intoxication in the form of dizziness, headaches and nausea;
    • local increase in the size of peripheral lymph nodes;
    • extremely rarely, a person may experience pain in the abdomen;
    • a slight increase in body temperature;
    • pain in the areas of projection of muscle tissue;
    • an allergic reaction to the ingestion of an anti-rabies suspension, which will be the result of individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
    • violations of the functioning of the nervous system, which are manifested by disorders of motor function and sensitivity, weakness of the work of peripheral nerves.
    • When rabies is vaccinated in a person, the doctor necessarily warns of possible undesirable effects after vaccination. All of the listed consequences of immunization pass without a trace after a few days and do not need medical correction.

      Types of rabies vaccines

      According to legislative acts, vaccination against a pathological process can be done in almost every medical institution. In rural areas, after contact with a stray animal, it is necessary to contact a rural outpatient clinic or a feldsher-obstetric station. In large cities, there is an opportunity to protect yourself from infection in the clinic, emergency room, infectious diseases department, and surgery.

      As of today, there are several options for vaccines used against rabies:

    • vaccine dry anti-rabies inactivated;
    • domestic vaccine under the trade name "Kokav", is a purified anti-rabies drug from the culture of the pathogen;
    • the Indian vaccine "Indirab" is distinguished by its availability;
    • the more expensive German Rabipur vaccine;
    • the Russian vaccine "Kav", containing small doses of an immune solution, in connection with which it is very often used.
    • In addition to vaccines, the modern market offers patients rabies immunoglobulin as an addition to the main drug. It is highly purified and can be human as well as equine.

      Answers to some frequently asked questions

      Very often, patients are interested in doctors about the effectiveness of vaccination, its compatibility with other drugs and alcohol, as well as adverse reactions from the body and the rules for administering injections. Among the questions. The most common concerns for patients are:

    1. How long is the incubation period of the disease and when will you need to be vaccinated so as not to get sick? The asymptomatic period of the disease can last from several days to a year. It all depends on the supporting function of the body, the amount of virus that has entered it and the favorable environment for its reproduction. To escape from the disease, a person should be vaccinated in the first days after the bite incident. Otherwise, immunization will be ineffective.
    2. Is it necessary to vaccinate if bitten by a vaccinated dog? If the fact of immunization of the animal is documented and it does not have symptoms of the disease, then it is not necessary to be vaccinated. It is only necessary to treat the wound with an antiseptic and, if necessary, consult a doctor.
    3. Does a person affected by an unvaccinated domestic cat need to be vaccinated? Doctors insist on vaccinating all people who have suffered from pet bites, regardless of the way they are kept, age and breed characteristics.
    4. The child was bitten by a dog on the street. Should he be vaccinated? Definitely, yes! In any case, it is always better to play it safe than risk the life of the baby.
    5. Do I need to follow post-vaccination quarantine? After vaccination, the patient does not need to be isolated, but experts prefer to monitor him for another 2 weeks after the procedure. Also, do not appear in very crowded places due to the risk of infection. Naturally, one should not deny oneself walking, but only if they do not take place in severe frost or heat.
    6. When can I bathe after vaccination? The introduction of an anti-rabies drug does not provide for a ban on water procedures, with the exception of swimming in natural reservoirs. Since the immune system of a vaccinated person is in a weakened state, it is better for him to avoid crowded places.
    7. Can I drink alcohol after immunization? A categorical no! Alcohol is not compatible with the vaccine suspension, so after its introduction it will not be possible to consume even minimal amounts of drinks containing alcohol. This prohibition arose as a result of the fact that alcohol significantly reduces the likelihood of a full and adequate immune response, since it is an immunosuppressant in itself. You can not drink alcohol for 2-6 months after the injection.
    8. Is course interruption serious? How will this affect the immune system? It is impossible to interrupt the established vaccination schedule. If this happens, it is important to remember that vaccine therapy is no longer effective. The course can be continued only if a person missed one day. In another scenario, the patient should consult a doctor.

    Possible side effects after measles vaccination

    Vaccines are not created for all diseases, but only for those that are characterized by a high degree of contagiousness and severity of the course or the risk of complications. Most of the vaccinations are carried out in childhood, adults are mainly revaccinated - the repeated administration of biological preparations to maintain the amount of antibodies at the level necessary to fight the infection.

    Measles, mumps and rubella are dangerous childhood diseases of viral origin, which means they are easily transmitted from a sick child to healthy ones. Most often they affect children aged five to seven, ten years and are dangerous for their complications (damage to the membranes of the brain, respiratory system, heart muscle, joints, reproductive organs).

    For the immunization of children against measles, mumps and rubella, the combined MMR vaccine is more often used, as well as MMR, a vaccine in which the causative agent of chicken pox is added. However, the latter can be replaced by two separate PDAs and from chicken pox. Vaccines are also produced that contain only one type of pathogen. They are called monocomponent. For example, only for measles or only for rubella. Their significant drawback is that in order to prevent three infections, three injections must be made in different areas, since vaccines cannot be mixed.

    Dicomponent vaccines contain weakened pathogens of two types (measles-rubella), which is also not enough and you have to add a third. In our country, a dicomponent vaccine KP (rubella-mumps) is produced, which is combined with a measles vaccine. All three-component vaccinations are imported and are not always available to the patient in budgetary clinics. Although the quality of cleaning and the frequency of complications after the use of imported and domestic vaccines are practically the same.

    They vaccinate children at the age of one and six years, but the second stage of vaccination can be carried out at any age if at least 28 days have passed since the first administration of the MDA. Contraindications to the introduction of the vaccine are infectious diseases and chronic in the acute stage, pregnancy, the introduction of blood and its preparations. These contraindications are not absolute, and after recovery or after the expiration of the prescribed period, you can again return to the issue of vaccination.

    If the patient has previously had an allergic reaction to antibiotics of a certain group, intolerance to egg white, complications from the previous administration of the vaccine, the presence of neoplasms, then the question of vaccination is not worth it at all.

    Video "Measles Vaccine"

    Common Side Effects

    All side effects after using vaccines are divided into local and general manifestations. The local reaction to the measles and mumps vaccine is soreness, swelling and redness at the injection site. These symptoms appear in children in the first days after vaccination and resolve on their own without treatment in three to five days.

    The general consequences of vaccination are expressed in: fever in children, enlargement of the lymph nodes of the neck and head, worm-like rash on the head, back, buttocks, muscle and joint pain, redness of the throat, runny nose and coughing. It should be noted that the side effects from the introduction of the vaccine are observed in a fifth of the children, and we can say that it was she who caused them when the above complications appear in the period from the fifth to the fifteenth day after vaccination.

    Because it is during this period that pathogenic viruses are gaining their maximum activity. The consequences that occurred outside the specified time frame are not associated with the vaccination and are a manifestation of independent diseases. To reduce the risk of allergic reactions to the vaccine in children, the use of antihistamines for several days is indicated before vaccination.

    Serious complications after vaccination

    Complications of MMR vaccination are extremely rare (one case per 1,000,000), but they still occur and are expressed in the form of encephalitis, meningitis, anaphylactic shock, pneumonia.

    Their frequency is negligible compared to the frequency of complications that occur in children with measles or rubella. And they are explained by the tendency of some patients to allergic reactions and the presence of undiagnosed pathology or chronic processes, as well as the weakness of the immune system.

    There is a heated debate in public circles today about how dangerous vaccines can be for children. Of course, there is a risk of getting a complication after vaccination, but it is disproportionate to the danger that unvaccinated children are exposed to. Suffice it to recall what infant mortality was before the mass use of vaccines. In addition, today's medicine does not stand still. Modern vaccines differ in quality and safety compared to drugs twenty years ago.

    Video "U.S. Vaccine Experience"

    If you are unsure if your child needs any vaccinations, check out the video below. In it you will see the real experience and consequences of mass vaccination in the USA.

    DTP vaccination: side effects in children, the pros and cons of vaccination

    Vaccination of children is aimed at combating diseases that pose a danger to humans. Among the vaccinations given to children in the first year of life, DPT is also present. Let us examine in more detail the features of such a vaccine, as well as possible adverse reactions to its administration.

    What is it and what diseases are vaccinated against?

    The DPT vaccine is aimed at preventing the occurrence of several diseases at once:

    All these infections are classified as serious and very dangerous diseases with a high percentage of death or disability. The letters K, D and C in the name of the vaccine indicate these infections, and the letter A means "adsorbed".

  • Such a vaccine will protect the child from three serious diseases. Even if the baby becomes infected, the disease will end quickly and without complications.
  • The use of such a combined vaccine avoids the need for three injections.
  • DTP vaccination has a rather low complication rate.
  • Domestic vaccine is available and very effective.
    • This vaccine is one of the most reactogenic, so many babies develop side effects on its administration (especially on the second or third vaccination).
    • The injection is quite painful and many babies cry for a long time because of it.
    • Parents have to pay for imported vaccines separately.
    • Possible adverse reactions

      A reaction to the introduction of DTP appears in every third child, but is not a pathology, since in most cases it disappears without a trace. Most often, side effects are caused by the second and third vaccinations.

      There are such adverse reactions to DTP:

    • Local. This is a change in the skin at the injection site (redness, induration or swelling), as well as impaired walking due to pain at the injection site.
    • General. DPT can cause hyperthermia, diarrhea, loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting, moody mood, prolonged sleep.
    • Increased body temperature, as well as local changes, are observed in 25% of babies. Vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness and poor appetite are typical for the first day after DTP vaccination in 10% of children.

      All these side effects are found on the first day after vaccination. If several days have already passed, and they do not pass, the child probably developed an infection (very often, children become infected in the clinic while they are waiting for manipulation).

      It is also imperative to contact a pediatrician if the reaction to vaccination is very pronounced - the injection site is very swollen (more than 8 cm), the child has been crying for more than 3 hours, his body temperature is more than 39 degrees.

      Serious side effects and statistics on them

      The complications that the DTP vaccine causes can be caused by ignoring contraindications to vaccination, using a spoiled drug, or improperly administering the vaccine. The incidence of complications during DTP vaccination is 1-3 per 100 thousand.

      After vaccination are possible:

      Seizures develop in one child in 14,500 vaccinated babies. The incidence of a serious allergy to DPT is 1 in a million.

      It is extremely rare that an abscess appears at the injection site, associated with a violation of sterile conditions during vaccination. In the past, the incidence of abscesses was greater because DTP was injected into the buttock.

      Studies have not found a direct effect of DTP on neurological disorders, therefore, it is believed that in the event of such complications, the vaccine acts as a provoking factor for the manifestation of disorders that were before, but did not manifest themselves openly.

      Meanwhile, it is known that the pertussis component of the vaccine irritates the membranes of the brain, which causes short-term disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. In such cases, the child is no longer vaccinated with DTP (administered DTP).

      General contraindications (in which vaccinations are not carried out) are:

    • Acute period of any disease;
    • Allergy to any component of the vaccine;
    • Immunodeficiency.
    • A serious obstacle to DTP vaccination is an enlarged thymus gland. If you ignore this contraindication, the vaccine can result in big health problems for the child.

      It is necessary to refuse the introduction of DPT for a while with an exacerbation of diathesis until remission is achieved. After acute respiratory infections in a mild form, a child can be vaccinated 2 weeks after recovery, and after other acute illnesses - after 4 weeks.

      There are also contraindications to the introduction of DTP, but allowing vaccination with ATP. These are neurological pathologies (for example, encephalopathy), the presence of seizures or allergies in the baby's relatives, as well as prematurity.

      Why you need a vaccine: the statistics speak for themselves

      At present, DPT is indicated for administration to children in all developed countries, since thanks to this vaccine, thousands of children's lives are being saved. In some countries, over the past 5 years, a light version of this vaccine has been used, which does not contain the pertussis component. The result was a significant increase in the incidence of whooping cough, as well as complications and deaths of this infection.

      If parents decide not to vaccinate at all, then they are not interested in AKSD at all, but if they doubt the need for such a vaccine, believing that a large number of components can harm the child, their worries are in vain. Since the components of the vaccine are aimed at different infections, they are well tolerated by the baby's body. In addition, the compatibility of these components has been proven over the years.

      Recall that until the 1950s, when vaccination began in Russia, diphtheria developed in 20% of children, and death was in almost 50% of cases. Tetanus is an even more dangerous infection with a mortality rate of about 85%. Well, whooping cough before the start of DTP vaccination developed in all children, proceeding with varying severity. Now, when all children are offered vaccination, the statistics of whooping cough has decreased by 20 times.

      Why is a vaccine better than a disease?

      Many adults have the mistaken belief that immunity is stronger after illness than after vaccination. This is indeed characteristic of some infections, but diphtheria and tetanus are not among them. If a child gets sick with any of these infections, immunity to them will not develop. While the basic triple vaccination using DTP will protect the baby from these diseases for a period of 6 to 12 years. As for whooping cough, immunity appears after its transfer, but its duration is the same as with the introduction of vaccination (from 6 to 10 years). It turns out that vaccination is safer and more beneficial.

      At what age do they get vaccinated?

      In childhood, vaccination against tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria is done three times. The interval between administration of the DPT vaccine should be 30 to 45 days. The minimum period after which the next vaccine can be administered to the baby is 4 weeks.

      The vaccination schedule notes that the first time the DTP vaccine is administered to children at 3 months of age. This is due to a decrease in the protection of the baby from infections due to the antibodies received from the mother. For the first vaccination, you can use any vaccine - both imported and domestically produced. At the same time, it is noted that Infanrix is ​​more easily tolerated by 3-month-old babies, since the pertussis component in this vaccine is acellular.

      If there were reasons to cancel the vaccination at 3 months, DTP can be given at any time up to 4 years of age. If a 4-year-old child has not previously been vaccinated with the DPT vaccine, he is no longer given this vaccine, but DTP.

      30-45 days after the first DTP injection, the vaccination is repeated, so the average age for the second DPT is 4.5 months. The vaccination can be carried out either with the same vaccine that was used for the first vaccination, or with any other type.

      The reaction to the second injection of the vaccine may be more pronounced (it is to this administration of DPT that most babies react), but this is not a pathology, but due to the fact that the baby’s body has already become acquainted with the ingredients of the vaccine and has developed a certain immune response, therefore, with the second "meeting" response will be stronger.

      The missed second DPT should be given as soon as there is such an opportunity, then the vaccination will be the second and it is not necessary to start the vaccination process again. If the baby had a serious reaction to the first injection of DTP, then it is possible to replace the second vaccine with ATP, since the pertussis component is most often the cause of the side effects of this vaccine.

      The third time DTP is also given 30-45 days after the second vaccination, so the age of the third vaccination is often 6 months. If the vaccine was not delivered during this period, DTP should be administered as soon as possible, then the vaccine will be considered the third.

      In some children, the reaction to this vaccine administration is most pronounced, which is also not considered a pathology, as in the case of a reaction to the second vaccination.

      The fourth administration of the DPT vaccine is called the first revaccination and is carried out at the age of one and a half years (one year after the previous vaccination). It, like all subsequent vaccinations, provides support for the immunity of the child and adult from these diseases. Next, the child is no longer injected with DTP, but with a version of this vaccine without pertussis toxoid - ADS-M. This vaccine is given at age 7, then at 14, and then every 10 years for the life of an adult.

      Vaccination with the DTP vaccine begins at an early age and maintains the immunity formed after vaccination throughout a person's life. Such a vaccination is important not only for babies in the first years of life, but also for adults, since the risk of contracting tetanus exists at any age.

      If the vaccination schedule is violated, it is not necessary to start introducing DTP again from the very beginning. Vaccination is continued from the stage when the next vaccination was missed.

      Are vaccines from different manufacturers compatible?

      DPT vaccines are currently produced by several manufacturers and may include other components. Current vaccine options:

    • Domestic DPT;
    • Infanrix;
    • Bubo - against tetanus, diphtheria and hepatitis B;
    • Pentaxim - the DTP vaccine is supplemented with components that protect against hemophilic infection and poliomyelitis;
    • Tritanrix-HB - vaccinated against whooping cough, hepatitis B, tetanus and diphtheria;
    • Tetracoccus - includes DPT and polio vaccine;
    • ADS - a vaccine in which there is no pertussis component (there is also ADS-M, which is administered from the age of 6);
    • AC - only against tetanus;
    • AD-M - only against diphtheria.
    • Since reactions to DTP occur much more often than to other mandatory vaccinations, therefore, parents and medical staff should be more attentive to both the child and the vaccination itself.

    • It is important that the child is vaccinated in a healthy state.
    • It is best to vaccinate the baby after a stool and on an empty stomach, while it is not recommended to dress the baby too warmly.
    • Parents should purchase antipyretic drugs of several groups in different forms of release (syrup and suppositories).
    • Medicinal anti-allergic preparation makes sense for children who have a high risk of allergies. Such children are given antihistamines 1-2 days before vaccination and continue to receive them until the third day after vaccination.
    • The vaccine is injected into the muscle tissue, since it is from it that the DTP components are released at the rate necessary for the formation of immunity. If the drug is injected under the skin, it will be released for an unnecessarily long time, as a result of which the injection will become useless.

      For the introduction of DTP, the thigh is usually chosen, since the muscle tissue on the legs is often well developed even in very young children. For school-age children and adults, vaccination is carried out in the shoulder, provided that it enters the muscle tissue.

      It is not recommended to administer the vaccine into the buttocks, since this area has a large layer of adipose tissue. In addition, with such an introduction, there is a risk that the components of the vaccine will enter the nerve or blood vessel. Intravenous administration of the drug is unacceptable.

      What to do if there are negative reactions?

      At home, the baby is advised to immediately give an antipyretic drug and control body temperature all day. Fever is a common reaction to DPT, but since it does not affect the development of the immune response, any hyperthermia after vaccination should be eliminated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

      When redness appears, nothing needs to be done. If a seal appears at the injection site, its resorption can take up to two weeks. It is also a common reaction due to localized tissue inflammation at the site where the vaccine is absorbed. You can help the baby with the help of troxevasin ointment.

      Some children may develop a cough after DTP administration. It does not require any treatment if it occurs within a day after vaccination. If the appearance of a cough is noted later, most likely, during a visit to the clinic, the child contracted some kind of infection.

      After vaccination, give the child more drink, and feed as desired, while do not introduce new foods into the baby's diet. It is also recommended to limit meetings with other people and often ventilate the room.

      side effect of rabies vaccination in puppies

      Tetanus shot for adults

      How do vaccinations affect morbidity? In some countries, thanks to universal immunization, many diseases have been permanently eliminated, and the possibility of contracting seasonal infections has decreased by several tens of percent. Then perhaps the time has come to eliminate vaccinations from mandatory status?

      Is the tetanus shot really necessary and when is it given to adults? Why are such injections dangerous and how long does the next vaccine last? Do vaccinations really help protect a person from disease, and how often do they need to be given?

      Tetanus is easy to get infected

      This is a zoonotic infection. What does it mean? The causative agent of tetanus is normally found in the body of humans and animals, mainly in the intestines, from where it easily enters the soil, that is, you can get infected from an animal and a person.

      The causative agent of infection is a gram-positive bacillus, which forms spores in the external environment under unusual conditions. They are insensitive to cold, can withstand high temperatures for up to three hours, and can survive in the soil for up to 100 years.

      Tetanus is difficult to treat, so the only optimal way to get rid of the disease is vaccination. How long does the protective effect of the vaccine last? How long is the tetanus shot for adults? Vaccination of people begins at three months after birth. Until age 16 or 17, a person receives a full course of injections for tetanus. The vaccine is usually complex and additionally includes protection against whooping cough and diphtheria. From the age of 17, a tetanus shot is given every 10 years. That is, immunity after vaccination lasts for 10 years. And if earlier there were recommendations to limit the vaccination age (up to 66 years), now it is not. This is due to the increase in life expectancy and the widespread prevalence of tetanus.

      Complications after vaccination of dogs and cats

      Not often, but sometimes, after vaccination of dogs and cats, complications appear and are quite serious, which can end in the death of the animal. In this post, we will again talk about vaccinations, but we will pay special attention to the complications after vaccination of dogs. In cats, everything happens almost the same way, so in the text I will say dogs, and mean both.

      Modern immunobiological preparations or, more simply, vaccines, practically do not cause side effects, but it must be borne in mind that these are foreign substances. And the body can react unpredictably to foreign substances.

      So, the first complication after vaccination of dogs is an allergic reaction, probably the most dangerous complication, especially if it develops rapidly.

      Its signs can be very different: salivation, lacrimation, fever, sudden defecation, swelling in different places, most often the nose, ears and eyes swell. The head becomes hot. The behavior of the animal changes, it can either be depressed or, on the contrary, run around the room from corner to corner. Often a large swelling, redness is formed at the injection site (it will be clearly visible with a light color).

      You may have already seen this cat when I wrote about allergies in animals. The photo was posted as an example of an allergic reaction to a vaccine.

      What to do to avoid such a side effect after vaccination of dogs? Your doctor or the person who gave the injection should observe the dog for 10-15 minutes. Usually, an acute allergy attack appears for the first time in a few minutes.

      Such signs, as I listed above, do not necessarily have to appear all, one or two are enough, then antihistamines should be used. For example, I often use dexamethasone in such cases, but this is not the only drug that can stop

      dog after vaccination

      Everyone, even an inexperienced dog owner, knows about the need to vaccinate their pet. Timely vaccinations will save the puppy from many diseases, ease the course of diseases and increase immunity.

      Before vaccination, it is advisable to cure the dog of worms by giving it anthelmintic drugs 10 days before the intended vaccination.

      So, your pet has been vaccinated. And then what? Please note that immunity after vaccination is formed no earlier than 10-15 days later. Therefore, it is during this period that it is necessary to carefully monitor so that the dog does not get tired after vaccination, does not catch a cold, does not overcool. The puppy should not be bathed and walked with him on the street, you should not allow communication with other dogs.

      If the dog does catch a cold, then a very severe course of the disease and serious complications are possible. It is best to start walking in 2 weeks.

      Also, after vaccination, your pet may develop symptoms of the disease: loss of appetite, fever, depression. Do not be afraid, these symptoms should disappear soon.

      Please note that allergic reactions to the vaccine are sometimes possible. They can manifest as itching, peeling, redness, inflammation, or a rash. In the most severe cases, it comes to anaphylactic shock, in which case the animal urgently needs veterinary care and hospitalization. Symptoms of shock are: shortness of breath, cyanosis of the mouth and mucous membranes, pallor, weakness or salivation. If the dog shows any of these reactions after vaccination, then before the arrival of the veterinarian it is advisable to give her suprastin or diphenhydramine.

      I didn't have much difficulty. The first male after distemper vaccination developed symptoms of this disease, but in a milder form. A greenish sap oozes out of the nose and eyes.

      The rabies vaccine is the only cure for a deadly infection.

      The disease begins gradually, while the central and peripheral nervous system is affected, as a result of which the patient dies.

      The rabies vaccine is given with the rabies vaccine. The concentrated culture-based rabies vaccine (KOCAV) is a rabies vaccine virus grown in special cultures, concentrated and purified using modern techniques and inactivated (killed) by ultraviolet rays. KOKAV is a hygroscopic porous white dry mass. For its dissolution, ampoules with water for injections of 1 ml are attached to the preparation.

      Rabies immunoglobulin is produced in two types: from human blood serum and from horse blood serum. The drug contains specific antibodies Antibodies - "soldiers" of the immune system that can neutralize the rabies virus Rabies - the prognosis is unfavorable.

      There are preventive and treatment-and-prophylactic courses of vaccinations against rabies. A prophylactic vaccination course is carried out for persons who carry out work on catching and keeping neglected animals, veterinarians, hunters, foresters, slaughterhouse workers, taxidermists, and persons working with the rabies virus. Primary vaccination is three injections

      Rabies vaccination

      To compile the answers, the regulatory documentation of the Russian Federation and international recommendations were used.

      The vaccinated person should know: he is prohibited from drinking any alcoholic beverages during the entire vaccination course and 6 months after its completion. Overwork, hypothermia, overheating should also be avoided.

      It is believed that these recommendations are an echo of the past, when previous "generations" of rabies vaccines were used. To ensure protection, it was necessary to introduce 40 vaccinations, people were given a sick leave for this period so that no activity would distract from vaccination. Some people used the free time to work on their own agricultural plots or drink, and missed vaccinations, which could lead to rabies and death.

      It should be noted that this situation may be relevant today. The modern scheme of anti-rabies vaccination after contact with an animal is vaccinations for 0 (day of treatment) - 3 - 7 - 14 - 30 - 90 days. The first vaccinations are on a rather tight schedule, so if the victim goes into a binge or leaves to do his own business (work in the country, etc.) and miss the vaccination period, this will lead to the ineffectiveness of the vaccination course.

      Abroad, in the recommendations for anti-rabies prevention of the World Health Organization, the US Centers for Disease Control, in the instructions for rabies vaccines from foreign manufacturers, there are no restrictions on alcohol, physical activity, etc. not indicated either during the vaccination period or after the end of the vaccination course.

      You naturally know about masturbation, you can hold on to it (those behind bars somehow hold on). If there is a chance for the recovery of the spouse and her adaptation in life, hold on with the help of masturbation to the last. If a

      Claims about the possibility of reviving inactivated rabies

      When is a rabies vaccination required? Indications, contraindications and side effects

      Pets need to be vaccinated against rabies every year. Only in this case can we expect that the pet will not become infected itself and will not endanger people nearby. After all, this disease is incurable, if rabies has developed, nothing will help either the dog or the person. As for people, they do not need annual prophylaxis, the vaccine is used only as an emergency measure: if it has been bitten by an animal that is suspected of being contagious.

      The disease is caused by viruses of the genus Lyssavirus of the Rhabdovirida family. It is carried most often by wild animals, in particular, bats. The pathogen enters the blood along with the saliva of the carrier and affects the nerve cells of the spinal cord and brain. The result is acute encephalitis, leading to death within a week - one and a half from the onset of the manifestation of the disease. The cause of death was respiratory arrest. The incubation period can be either short (10 days) or long (up to 7 weeks).

      Today, rabies vaccination is a widespread measure, and most pet owners regularly vaccinate them against the virus, so wild, stray dogs remain the main source of infection. In developing countries, disease outbreaks occur more frequently than in civilized ones. According to statistics, people are vaccinated about 10-12 million times a year, about 35 thousand people die as a result of rabies. Most often these are children.

      One fine day you decided to get a dog and opted for a small breed. Among other advantages of the baby, you probably pleased yourself with the thought that he will be a convenient companion on any trip.

      The rabies vaccine was invented by a French scientist named Louis Pasteur over a hundred years ago - in 1885 - based on a weakened virus. In the 1980s, researchers created a new, inactivated vaccine that was more effective and safer. After her in

      Side effects of the rabies vaccine in humans

      Side effects of rabies vaccination in humans, its complications, allergic reactions are the topic of many discussions. Although this disease is a huge threat to life, the fight against it is also unsafe.

      Vaccine Contraindications

      There is a risk of developing adverse events after taking any drug. Rabies vaccinations for humans also have contraindications.

      Exacerbation of any diseases (acute, chronic, non-infectious, infectious, tumors, immunodeficiency states, etc.). Sustained recovery, by the time of vaccination should last at least a month.

      It must be taken into account that this is only true for the prophylactic administration of the vaccine if it is prescribed before the bite of a suspicious animal (people who may come into contact with rabid animals). Vaccinations are applied to persons whose profession implies the possibility of such contact (hunters, veterinarians, foresters, etc.). For preventive purposes, vaccination of residents of natural foci of the disease can also be carried out. After all, the danger of contracting rabies from wild animals is quite real today.

      If a bite with damage to the skin or contact of an animal (fox, wolf, dog, cat, etc.) with saliva getting into the places of scratches has already occurred, then there can be no question of the impossibility of prophylaxis. Pregnant women are vaccinated to save the mother's life. Since when symptoms of the disease appear, her death, and hence the death of the fetus, is inevitable. The vaccine is also given at the time of exacerbation of other life-threatening diseases (including neurological, oncological, etc.) in a bitten person. This is done because rabies is a particularly dangerous disease caused by a virus. If left untreated, this disease leads to death in the vast majority of cases.

      Vaccinations: vaccination schedule, forms of vaccination, side effects

      Vaccinations against childhood diseases save millions of lives. Illness and death from diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella and Haemophilus influenzae (H. influenza) type B are reaching record lows. In adults, vaccinations against influenza, pneumococcal pneumonia, hepatitis and other diseases have also saved many lives and prevented many serious illnesses. The new vaccine has shown high efficacy against a virus that causes cervical cancer, as well as cases of genital warts, oral and anal cancer.

      Our bodies are designed to protect us from infections. When you are exposed to viruses or bacteria, the immune system actually learns from experience. The next time your body is exposed to the same infection, your immune system will often recognize it and mount it to destroy it.

      Immunization exposes you to very small and safe amounts of the most dangerous and common infections. This action helps your immune system recognize and attack infections, which can help prevent disease. If you are susceptible to a full-blown disease later in life, you will either not get infected, or the infection will be much milder, because your body has already developed antibodies and knows how to fight off this infection.

      Most vaccines are given by injection, but some can be taken by mouth (by mouth) or as a nasal spray (through the nose). They usually contain components that trigger an immune response:

      Live but weakened viruses. Live virus (live) vaccines provide longer-lasting immunity than inactivated vaccines, but they can cause serious infections in people with weakened immune systems and, in rare cases, serious medical conditions.

      — Inactivated vaccines(immune preparations that contain microorganisms that have lost their ability to reproduce. The term "inactivated" refers to the viability of the microorganisms that make up this vaccine) - bacteria, viruses or toxoids. Inactivated vaccines are safe even for people with compromised immune systems.

      — Toxoid-altered form harmful substances (toxins) with some bacteria. The toxoid in vaccines is modified in such a way that it does not harm the person, but always produces an immune response.

      - Bacterial or viral components of not the whole organism. These are just some of the microbes that elicit a strong immune response. The harmless infectious components in the vaccine teach the immune system to recognize the full strength of the harmful substances. The immune system will know when to start fighting the real impact of these substances. Antibodies produced in response to a vaccine remain in the body, preventing future diseases from such exposure. This is called immunity.

      - Combined vaccines. The use of combined vaccines, rather than individual components, is recommended whenever possible. Combined diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccines (DPT - adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine - consists of a suspension of killed pertussis microbes and purified diphtheria and tetanus toxoids adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide gel) are also suitable for measles, mumps and rubella, and they available for many years.

      New combinations are being developed that contain up to 5 vaccinations and are safe and well tolerated in children as young as 2 months of age. For example, a vaccine is available that combines DTP, hepatitis B, and the polio vaccine (Pediarix). It is just as effective when given to children aged 6 weeks to 6 years as separate vaccines. There is concern that the increasing use of combinations may reduce the potency of some vaccines. Some parents are also concerned about increased side effects. Research to date, however, shows that the combinations are effective and safe.

      - Passive immunity. Another form of protection against disease is called passive immunity. This approach uses immunoglobulin, which is a blood product that contains antibodies. Immunoglobulin is usually used for people who cannot be vaccinated when immediate protection is needed, or to prevent severe complications of the disease. In some cases, passive immunity may interfere with active vaccination, especially with live virus vaccines. Therefore, if possible, these two types of immunization should not be carried out within one week or even one month.

      Vaccines can have side effects, and they are almost always mild, such as swelling at the injection site or fever.

      Conventional childhood vaccines. Experts recommend that all children be regularly vaccinated against the following diseases.

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    Rabies vaccine preparations.

    What is the basis for drug selection?

    For rabies vaccinations (anti-rabies immunization), two drugs are used:

    These drugs have a different principle of action.

    The rabies vaccine alone is unable to kill the virus. The task of the vaccine is to provide the body with antigenic information about the virus. The immune system is provided for familiarization with a kind of inanimate model of a real virus, devoid of harmful power, but retaining its identification marks - antigens.

    By reading and remembering information about these identification marks, the immune system acquires the ability to produce specific proteins - antibodies. Antibodies recognize the virus by familiar antigens and neutralize it. With the help of the vaccine, they acquire the so-called "active immunity" for a period of at least 1 year.

    However, this process takes approximately two weeks. All this time, the body remains defenseless against the virus.

    What to do? Provide temporary "crutches" - introduce ready-made antibodies.

    Where can I get them? In another organism. A preparation containing concentrated antibodies is called "immunoglobulin" (the previously used preparation, unpurified from extraneous protein fractions, was called "serum"). Immunoglobulin is obtained from donated blood. The donor may be a human (homologous immunoglobulin) or an animal, in practice a horse (heterologous immunoglobulin). In order for the donor to have an abundance of antibodies, he is pre-immunized with an anti-rabies vaccine. Human immunoglobulin is more effective than horse immunoglobulin, therefore, the dose is administered 2 times less. Plus it's safer.

    Immunoglobulin, like any protein molecule, itself contains antigens. The more foreign the injected protein, the more hostile the immune system perceives it. Within a few weeks after administration, the immunoglobulin is completely destroyed in the body. This type of immunity is called "passive".

    Thus, immunoglobulin provides passive immunity immediately, but for a short time, and the vaccine - active immunity after two to three weeks, for a long time.

    The choice of drugs mainly depends on the expected duration of the incubation period. Its duration is primarily affected by the location of the bite, as well as the number, depth and extent of bites.

    If there is confidence that vaccinations will have time to create sufficient immunity before the onset of the disease (light bites), they are vaccinated

    If it is impossible to wait until active immunity appears (severe and moderate bites, as well as late - more than 10 days - treatment for bites of any severity inflicted by unknown or suspicious animals for rabies) - a combined course of treatment is carried out - in addition to the vaccine, they also administer

    Rabies vaccine.

    The first rabies vaccine was proposed in 1885 by Louis Pasteur. He obtained a weakened (so-called "fixed") strain of the virus by 90 consecutive passages of the virus through the brain of a rabbit. The Pasteur strain was given to different countries for the production of vaccines. Since then, a large number of vaccines have been developed. For a long time, live vaccines (contained live viruses of a fixed strain) were used.

    For rabies vaccinations, inactivated (i.e., containing killed virus) vaccines are now used, produced "in vitro" in tissue cultures.

    Doses and vaccination schedules are the same for children and adults.

    After dissolving the vaccine, it should be used within no more than 5 minutes. The vaccine is injected intramuscularly into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder, and for children under 5 years old - into the upper part of the anterior-lateral surface of the thigh. The introduction of the vaccine into the gluteal region is unacceptable.

    The vaccinated person must be under medical supervision for at least 30 minutes.

    Indications for the introduction of the vaccine:

      Preventive immunization - vaccinate "just in case and in advance" people at increased risk - hunters, veterinarians, rangers, laboratory workers working with the "wild" rabies virus, etc.

      Contraindications for prophylactic immunization:

      1. acute infectious and non-infectious diseases, chronic diseases in the stage of exacerbation or decompensation - vaccinations are carried out no earlier than one month after recovery (remission)
      2. local and systemic allergic reactions to the previous administration of the vaccine (generalized rash, Quincke's edema, etc.)
      3. pregnancy
    • Treatment-and-prophylactic immunization - carried out about the bite that has already taken place

      There are no contraindications in this case.

    Side effects of the vaccine:

    • local reactions - short-term swelling, redness, swelling, itching, induration at the injection site
    • general reactions - moderate fever, trembling in the limbs, weakness, dizziness, headache, arthralgia (joint pain), myalgia (muscle pain), gastroenterological disorders (abdominal pain, vomiting)
    • possible development of allergic reactions of an immediate type (urticaria, Quincke's edema)

    Anti-rabies immunoglobulin.

    Rabies immunoglobulin is indicated for a combined course of rabies immunization with rabies vaccine:

    • in case of late treatment (more than 10 days) in case of bites of any severity inflicted by unknown or suspected rabies animals

    Two types of immunoglobulin are used:

    • heterologous (equine) immunoglobulin
    • homologous (human) immunoglobulin obtained from donated blood.

    Homologous (human) rabies immunoglobulin is prescribed at a dose of 20 IU per 1 kg of body weight.
    heterologous (equine) anti-rabies immunoglobulin is prescribed at a dose of 40 IU per 1 kg of body weight.

    Example: patient's body weight is 60 kg, immunoglobulin activity is indicated on the package (for example, 200 IU in 1 ml)
    60*40/200 = 12 ml should be administered to this patient, after determining the sensitivity to a foreign protein.

    As much of the calculated dose as possible should be infiltrated near the wound and into the depth of the wound. If the anatomical location (fingertips, etc.) does not allow the entire dose of anti-rabies immunoglobulin to be injected into the tissues near the wound, then the remainder is administered intramuscularly (in the upper thigh or in the deltoid muscle, on the opposite side of the body from the vaccine injection site).

    The introduction of anti-rabies immunoglobulin is most effective on the first day after the bite. The entire dose of the drug is administered in one day. Only with particularly wide and multiple bites inflicted by a rabid wolf or other carnivores, the introduction of anti-rabies immunoglobulin can be repeated, at the same dose, after which a vaccination course is carried out with the obligatory introduction of an additional dose of vaccine on the 60th day from the start of treatment (see) .

    Test for sensitivity to a foreign protein.

    20 minutes before the administration of the drug, test for sensitivity to a foreign protein- 0.1 ml of diluted (1:100) immunoglobulin is injected intradermally into the anterior surface of the forearm. An ampoule with a diluted (1:100) immunoglobulin is attached to each dose of the undiluted drug and is in the same package with it.

    Diluted (1:100) immunoglobulin at a dose of 0.1 ml is injected intradermally into the anterior surface of the forearm.
    after 20 minutes - sample evaluation
    • The test is negative if swelling or redness does not exceed 1 cm at the site of immunoglobulin injection.
    • The test is positive if there is swelling or redness of 1 cm or more at the injection site of the immunoglobulin, or there is an allergic reaction
    test is negative
    positive test
    0.7 ml of diluted (1:100) immunoglobulin is injected subcutaneously to detect general sensitivity to a foreign protein. when general reactions appear after 30 minutes
    Diluted immunoglobulin (1:100) is injected in doses of 0.5 ml, 2.0 ml, 5.0 ml is injected at intervals of 20 minutes into the subcutaneous tissue of the shoulder
    in the absence of general reactions after 30 minutes
    in 20 minutes
    0.1 ml of undiluted immunoglobulin is injected subcutaneously
    after 30-60 minutes
    Before the first injection of immunoglobulin, antihistamines (diphenhydramine, suprastin, etc.) are prescribed and they are recommended to be taken orally for 10 days. In order to prevent shock, subcutaneous administration of a 0.1% solution of adrenaline or a 5% solution of ephedrine at an age dose is recommended.
    Enter fractionally (in 3 doses with intervals of 15 minutes) the entire dose of immunoglobulin, heated to 37°C, gaining the drug for each portion of the unopened ampoule. The entire dose must be infiltrated around the wound and into its depth. If anatomical damage excludes this (fingertips, etc.), then the drug can be injected intramuscularly in other places (muscles of the buttocks, thighs, shoulders, etc.). The entire dose is administered within an hour.

    ANDREW asks:


    Recommendations after vaccinations: do not drink alcohol for at least 6 months, do not get cold, do not overheat and do not be exposed to prolonged sun exposure. So it is better to postpone the trip to the bath.

    Galina asks:

    If only one rabies vaccination was given, and then she did not continue to do it, since the dog is alive, what restrictions should be observed and why? The main thing is for how long?

    Regardless of the amount of vaccination, all requirements are recommended to be observed within 6 months: do not drink alcohol, do not get cold, do not overheat and do not be exposed to prolonged sunlight, in order to avoid the development of side effects after vaccination.

    Galina asks:

    What are the side effects after one rabies shot? Is it normal to have an itchy lump at the injection site?

    Yes, such a reaction to the vaccine is possible, you need to additionally take antihistamines (Claritin or Zodak) for the entire period of vaccination.

    Alena asks:

    Hello, my name is Alena. This question worries me a lot. On January 13, my brother was bitten by a rabid dog, the diagnosis was confirmed. The dog showed signs of illness after 12 days. My brother and our entire family were vaccinated with Kokav and anti-rabies immunoglobulin. 6 months have passed, is there still a risk of developing the disease? I am very worried about this. Thank you.

    Natalia asks:

    Good afternoon!
    Are there bans or restrictions on visiting swimming pools or water parks during and after rabies vaccinations, and if so, why? Unfortunately, the doctor at the emergency room could not really explain, but the question is very relevant, thanks in advance!

    Recommendations after vaccinations: do not drink alcohol for at least 6 months, do not get cold, do not overheat and do not be exposed to prolonged sun exposure. All of the above procedures can reduce the effectiveness of vaccination.

    Julia asks:

    such a question, I was bitten by a dog, today there was 1 vaccination, there were 6 in total. It turned out that the dog is not rabid, can I take alcohol, but vaccinations will continue. If not, what can happen?

    Olga asks:

    I was bitten by a stray dog. I started the vaccination course and wanted to ask if it is possible to go abroad (namely to the Domenicana) when will there be a 14-day interval between injections? If not, is it very dangerous (excluding the possibility of overheating)

    If you have already started a course of vaccination against rabies, you must not interrupt it - this may threaten the occurrence of rabies. Overheating, as well as hypothermia during the vaccination course, are highly undesirable, as well as increased physical activity and overwork. All of the above factors can reduce the effectiveness of the vaccine. Therefore, such overloads are best avoided. If you do decide to travel, be sure to complete your vaccination course upon arrival, as only a full course of rabies vaccination will protect you from rabies. You can read more about rabies, its manifestations, as well as vaccination against this disease in our thematic section of the same name: Rabies.

    Alexander asks:

    Tell me, I am being treated for depression, I need to take medications such as cipralex and gidozepam. I was injected with Immunoglobulin 15 mg. 0.3.7 for rabies and tetanus OS - 0.5. It is necessary to do the fourth tomorrow, is it all compatible? I have panic attacks, I don’t feel well in general, fear for my health ...

    In the event that you have started a course of vaccination against rabies, you must definitely do all four vaccinations, otherwise there will be no immunity to rabies and there will be a risk of contracting this disease. You can read more about the causes of rabies, its clinical manifestations, methods of prevention in our medical information section of the same name: Rabies. Carrying out vaccination against the background of the preparations listed by you (in the absence of an allergy to them) is not contraindicated.

    Katya asks:

    After the 2nd vaccination, the temperature rose, weakness was very severe, dizziness on the day of vaccination and headaches. Lasts several days.
    Are all of the listed symptoms side effects and how long will they occur? And is it normal at all?

    Yes, unfortunately, such a reaction to the introduction of the vaccine is possible. It is necessary to take an antihistamine (Claritin, Tavegil, Erius) for 3-4 days, as well as an antipyretic drug (for example, Ibuprofen). Before the introduction of the next vaccine (one day before the introduction), it is necessary to re-take an antihistamine, before the introduction of the vaccine - an antipyretic. Such measures can prevent the development of adverse reactions. Your condition should improve in 2-3 days, if this does not happen, be sure to seek personal advice from a general practitioner. You can read more about the possible negative effects of vaccination and how to prevent their occurrence in our medical information section on this issue: Vaccines and vaccination.

    Anton asks:

    Human immunoglobulin was administered after a bite from a street cat, vaccination is due, please tell me, besides overheating, hypothermia, stress and avoiding alcohol intake, what foods should be avoided?

    If you do not have a food allergy, you do not need to follow any special diet. In the event that you have noted any allergic reactions to products or other allergens (for example, to household chemicals, cosmetics), contact with products or household items containing allergens should be avoided. You can read more about rabies and the prevention of this disease in our thematic section of the same name: Rabies.

    Natalia asks:

    Hi! vaccines. How to be?

    For the effectiveness of the anti-rabies vaccine, it is still recommended to adhere to a strict regimen for half a year after the last vaccination, this is necessary for the development of immunity. Read more about this disease and vaccination rules in a series of articles by clicking on the link: Rabies.

    Ksyusha asks:

    On September 22, my husband was bitten by a dog (domestic) on the street.
    On 29.09 they gave an injection for tetanus, because. from rabies in the emergency room was advised not to do it, they say, in practice, dogs do not die.
    02.10 learned that the dog died a couple of days ago, but it is not known from what, maybe they poisoned?!
    On September 25, his throat began to hurt, then the temperature rose, is it possible that these are the consequences of a bite?
    The dog did not bite his pants, but there is a wound on the body.
    Did she infect him with rabies?

    In this case, I strongly recommend that you contact an infectious disease specialist to decide on a course of vaccination against rabies, since there is a risk, especially considering that the dog died a couple of days later. An increase in temperature may be the result of a bite. Unfortunately, a diagnosis can only be made after laboratory diagnostics. Please don't delay your visit to the doctor. You can learn more about rabies infection from the information section of our website: Rabies

    nastya asks:

    I'm taking a course of rabies vaccinations. December 21 to put the last, i.e. the sixth. There is a possibility that I will just forget about it, because I almost missed the fifth one. Is it very dangerous? Also, on many sites they say that the effect of alcohol is not so harmful, and that there is no scientific evidence about the dangers of alcohol when vaccinated. From here the question is, is it possible not to put the sixth vaccination, and is it possible to drink alcohol ???

    nastya comments:

    I am interested in what will happen if I do NOT get the sixth vaccine, and what will happen if I drink alcohol. Many of my friends and acquaintances Drank during the vaccination, and nothing happened. I'm specifically interested in the consequences, not the recommendations.. If possible. Thanks in advance.

    If you do NOT get the vaccine and you are infected with the rabies virus, you will develop the disease because vaccination was not fully completed and a normal, adequate immune response did not develop. When taking alcohol, the effect of the vaccine is also reduced, which can also lead to a worsening of the condition. You should not rely on situations when everything went well for your friends, you yourself, not your friends, are responsible for your health! Refusal of alcohol has never harmed the body, but its use, as well as the refusal of vaccination, is highly undesirable. Read more about rabies in a series of articles by clicking on the link: Rabies.

    Alex asks:

    I apologize for the hundredth identical question, but still I want to be more specific about alcohol. Are there "safe" doses? for example, a bottle of beer or 50g of whiskey / cognac may already adversely affect or it is not critical.

    Please clarify what you mean by the word safe doses, safe doses for what? What can be affected by alcohol when using 50 grams?

    Alexey comments:

    Recommendation question:

    In the event that you have started a vaccination course, all of the above recommendations are recommended to be followed for the next 6 months in order to avoid the development of side effects after vaccination. That is why it is not recommended to drink alcohol and engage in sports where there is prolonged exposure to sunlight. Try to follow the recommendations as much as possible, then the effectiveness of vaccination will be high and there will be no side effects.
    Read more about this disease in a series of articles by clicking on the link: Rabies.

    Alex asks:

    And another question - is it possible to go snowboarding for a week in 2.5-3 months?

    Please specify after what procedure you want to go on vacation?

    Alexey comments:

    It seemed to me that I wrote in the section "PROHIBITIONS AFTER RABIES VACCINES" (http://www..html#viewcomments)
    Recommendation question:
    "Regardless of the amount of vaccination, all requirements are recommended to be observed within 6 months: do not drink alcohol, do not get cold, do not overheat and do not be exposed to prolonged sun exposure, in order to avoid the development of side effects after vaccination."

    Try not to drink alcohol, because. there are no "safely-allowable" doses of alcohol when vaccinating. Also try to avoid hypothermia and overheating. Compliance with all recommendations will avoid the occurrence of dangerous complications and will lead to the maximum effectiveness of the vaccine. Read more about vaccination in a series of articles by clicking on the link: Vaccination.

    Alena asks:

    Good afternoon. The last vaccine was in May. To this day, I periodically have a temperature of 37. Is this normal? After all, the vaccine is still valid for half a year after the last injection, or am I mistaken?!

    Please specify which vaccine you received. After that, we will be able to answer your question in detail. You can get more detailed information about vaccination in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the link: Vaccination

    Irina asks:

    Hello! I am being vaccinated with KOKAV according to the schedule. Already done 4 vaccinations.
    Before the fourth, she took suprastin, because. during the third, my hand swelled and I had dizziness. Can suprastin be taken? And then they tell me here that it’s impossible, it can reduce the effect. Moreover, the nurse gave me the second vaccine in the gluteal region. Again, I did not know that it should be injected into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder, and only then I read that it was impossible to enter the buttock. Could this also reduce the effectiveness of the vaccine? What should I do in these cases? Thanks in advance.

    As a rule, this vaccine is injected into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder, but in practice it is often used intramuscularly. In the event that an allergic reaction to the vaccine is observed, the use of antihistamines, in particular suprastin, is indicated. Suprastin does not reduce the effectiveness of the rabies vaccine. You can learn more about this issue from the section: Rabies

    Vladimir asks:

    Recently completed a course of treatment for rabies (KOKAV). Can I visit the gym (weightlifting)?
    And another question: I have a rash on my hands, can this be a reaction to injections? I just recently had a "small" hypothermia. It was a little warmer outside and I was hot in my usual autumn clothes (I was sweating), and when I returned home there was a strong draft on the floor

    Within a year after the introduction of the rabies vaccine, it is not recommended to abuse physical activity. It is advisable to minimize visits to the gym, limiting classes to general strengthening exercises. The resulting rash is unlikely to be related to vaccination. I recommend that you visit a dermatologist to assess the nature of the rash, after which the attending physician will be able to prescribe an adequate treatment for you and give further recommendations. You can get more information about rabies, vaccination and prevention from the thematic section of our website by clicking on the link: Rabies

    Anton asks:

    Good afternoon! I received the 6th COCAV vaccination and was prescribed Ingavirin (an antiviral and immunomodulatory drug). Will Ingavirin reduce the effectiveness of the vaccine?

    The drug Ingavirin does not reduce the effectiveness of the COCAV vaccine, so you have nothing to fear. You can get more information about rabies, its treatment and prevention in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the link: Rabies

    Tatyana asks:

    I was bitten by my dog, the wound is small but deep, I immediately went to the emergency room, I was vaccinated against tetanus and rabies, but since my dog ​​was vaccinated against rabies and is now healthy, is it possible not to do the remaining 5 vaccinations?

    As a general rule, if rabies vaccination is started, it must be completed. You can get more information on the questions you are interested in, learn more about such a disease as rabies, its prevention, you can in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Rabies

    Tatyana comments:

    The doctors said that if they bring a certificate, then they don’t need to take a full course, and the dog had bitten before that (all the times it was provoked by ourselves) of another person and they weren’t vaccinated and everything is fine with people. I’m interested, because the doctor only accepts by appointment and today, when I supposedly need to have a second injection, there was no appointment and I was not accepted at the clinic

    In the event that the dog has been examined by a veterinarian and no suspicions of rabies have been identified, and the animal has been vaccinated in full, further vaccination may be refused. More information on this issue can be obtained in the section: Rabies

    Alena asks:

    Good afternoon! Please tell me, I made the last rabies vaccination on November 20, 2013, and on November 22, I was prescribed Botox injections, is it dangerous? Do I need to postpone injections and for how long? And is it possible to inject hyaluronic acid (cosmetic procedures on the face)
    Thanks in advance for your reply.

    According to the instructions for use of the rabies vaccine, Botox, hyaluronic acid are not contraindicated, so they can be used. Read more about such a disease as rabies, vaccination and recommendations after it is carried out in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the link: Rabies

    Alice asks:

    Yesterday I got my last rabies shot and I was upset by the doctor's statement that I should not drink alcohol for 6 months. But the new year is coming! Are the consequences really serious if I drink a little?

    After a rabies vaccination, drinking large amounts of alcohol is contraindicated, but a small amount of a low-alcohol drink will not bring harm. You can learn more about such a disease as rabies, vaccinations and precautions from the thematic section: Rabies

    Alena asks:

    I was bitten by a dog, they put the first vaccine. But I decided to stop vaccinating. Is it possible to just not come for vaccinations or is it necessary to write a refusal?

    In the event that there is a risk of infection with rabies, it is recommended to vaccinate in full. The issue of refusing vaccination is decided by the attending physician, taking into account all the circumstances. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Rabies

    Faith asks:

    On Tuesday, I fell ill with a sore throat with a high fever and swollen lymph nodes. Today, on Thursday, returning from the clinic, I was bitten by a yard dog, went to the emergency room, where I was vaccinated against tetanus and anti-rabies. I am very worried about how this will all affect my body. Immunity at the moment is probably reduced, the lymph nodes are still inflamed. I treat angina with intramuscular injections of antibiotics and tablets. Is all this compatible?
    The vaccinations were done at 11.30, now it is 18.30, the temperature is 37, now I don’t know what the main reason is.
    I am 53 years old female.

    In this situation, you should not worry - continue the prescribed treatment for angina, vaccination should not adversely affect recovery, since the vaccine and the course of antibiotics are compatible. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Rabies

    Faith comments:

    Thank you very much for the answer. I want to ask you one more question. In one of your articles on the site I read that if the bite was through intact clothing, then you can not vaccinate against rabies. I had trousers and tights under them, there were no visible damage to the clothes, the wound itself the bite looks like this: two marks deep into the teeth and a small internal bruise, the skin is slightly torn off, the blood did not come out. Now I am in doubt whether to continue vaccination or not, because. it is not good for the immune system.

    In the event that there was no direct contact of the saliva of the animal with the damaged surface of the skin, then vaccination can be abandoned. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Rabies

    Dmitry asks:

    Hello. Delayed the last injection for 3 days, did it anyway. Will he work?

    The shift in the timing of the introduction of the vaccine by 3 days does not have a significant impact on the final result, so in this situation you have no reason to worry. Read more on this issue in the corresponding series of articles on our website by clicking on the link: Vaccine and vaccination

    Faith asks:

    During the illness, a dog bitten a sore throat, and in parallel with the treatment for sore throat, they began to vaccinate. Two weeks after recovery, a complication after sore throat appeared - erythema nodosum, now again intensive treatment with two types of antibiotics, and three days later - another vaccination. I read the instructions for the rabies vaccine that vaccination is contraindicated during an exacerbation of infectious diseases. How seriously will this affect my body? I am very upset.

    In the event that you are currently undergoing antibacterial treatment, it is advisable to change the timing of vaccination, so I recommend that you inform your infectious disease specialist about your current condition. You can get more information about vaccines, the principles and features of vaccination in the following section of our website: Vaccine and vaccination. You can get additional information on the issue that interests you, learn more about the prevention of such a disease as rabies in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Rabies

    Alexander asks:

    Yesterday I was bitten by a house cat, the bite was provoked. The cat is adequate signs of rabies is not observed. Is it possible to avoid vaccination? The wound was small for one tooth, it is no longer visible.
    What are the chances of getting rabies, I live in Ulyanovsk, in the city.

    In this situation, it is quite difficult to exclude the possibility of rabies, therefore, in such cases, vaccination is recommended. You can find out more detailed information on this issue, get information about the indications for vaccination in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Rabies

    Tatyana asks:

    Good afternoon. Please tell me, is it possible to take sports nutrition (Gainer, L-Carnitine, etc.)? And are there any contraindications to physical activity? Of the entire course, 1 vaccine has been made so far, the next one is tomorrow.

    If you are currently receiving rabies vaccines, then physical activity should be limited, that is, pronounced exercise, chronic overwork should be excluded, while normal exercise is not contraindicated. Sports nutrition has no restrictions on vaccination and can be used. You can get additional information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Rabies Sports and sports nutrition

    Anastasia asks:

    She was bitten by her dog, now she is under observation. They started vaccinating me against rabies, but at the same time I am being treated for a gynecological problem and taking an antibiotic (clindamycin). Is it possible to combine? Or it is necessary to stop the treatment for a while?

    Rabies vaccination can be combined with antibiotics (combination with immunosuppressants and corticosteroids alone is not recommended, since these drugs reduce the effectiveness of the rabies vaccine). You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Vaccine and vaccination

    If it is reliably confirmed that the animal is healthy, the vaccination course may be interrupted after consultation with the infectious disease specialist in charge. 2-3 weeks after the introduction of the first rabies vaccine, you can return to your usual lifestyle without any risk. You can get additional information on the issue that interests you in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Rabies. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Vaccine and vaccination

    Alexander asks:

    Good afternoon. I am being treated for hepatitis C (antiviral therapy) with altevir interferon alfa 2b (shots) and ribaverin (capsules). Recently I was bitten by a hedgehog and they started to inject me with KOKAV vaccinations. I was told that it is possible to continue antiviral therapy for hepatitis C. Please tell me if this is so, are Altevir interferon alfa 2b (shots) and ribaverin compatible with KOKAV injections?

    That's right, it is possible and necessary to continue treatment with antiviral drugs in this situation, these drugs do not interact with each other and do not reduce each other's mutual effectiveness. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Viral hepatitis C - diagnosis and prevention. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Vaccine and vaccination and in a series of articles: Rabies
