List of positive moral qualities of a person. Inherent qualities

For a long time it was believed that poker is a man's game. Mathematical thinking, logic, control of emotions - these qualities are inherent in men. But in fact, poker is a game without limits. And the following heroines proved by their example that they are ready to give odds to any man at the poker table.

In this article, we will rank the strongest players in which there is no place for men. The rating is completely subjective and does not claim to be absolute truth. We took into account the overall results over the past 10 years. Do not be surprised that there are no girls from the Russian-speaking community on this list. The plans are to make a separate rating with our almost native girls.

1st place: Victoria Coren-Mitchell (Victoria Coren Mitchell)

Last December, Prague hosted the final leg of the European Poker Tour. The EPT is now history, which means that Victoria Coren-Mitchell is forever the only player to win the EPT Main Event twice!

+ £500,000- September 2006. EPT-3 London - Buy-in £3,550 / 398 entries
+ €476,100 - April 2014. EPT-10 Sanremo - Buy-in €4,900 / 556 entries

Victoria also had some luck in her career, for example, the distribution in the 3-max Main Event London:

To date, Coren-Mitchell has earned almost $2,500,000 in her entire long, mind you, non-professional (!!!) career.

Since 2007, Vicki Coren-Mitchell has represented Stars, but in 2014 she suspended her poker career. She left the PokerStars team immediately after the room launched casino games. Here is how she commented on her decision in an interview:

“I cannot professionally publicly support the introduction of a casino. I promote poker"

At the moment, the two-time EPT champion has devoted herself to journalism, in particular, Victoria writes for one of the most respected British publications - The Guardian.

For her honesty with herself and poker fans and for a record that no man could repeat, Victoria Coren-Mitchell is rightfully considered the best player among women.

2nd place: Jennifer Harman (Jennifer Harman)

Next up on our list is a living poker legend. Many may think that Jennifer Harman is not such a strong player in modern poker realities. Indeed, over the past 5 years, Harman has managed to cash in only 9 times in live tournaments. But don't underestimate her professionalism. Over 20 years of poker experience, 2 WSOP bracelets, almost $3,000,000 in prize money.

Jennifer Harman is only 160 cm tall, you would never guess in your life that this person earns millions of dollars if you met her on the street. But Jennifer Harman is one of the best live cash game players ever.

At one time, this fragile woman in the "Corporation" fought against one of the most successful US businessmen Andy Beal at the highest stakes that the public has ever heard of. With blinds of $20,000/$40,000, Harman brought $1,000,000 to the pro team. But more importantly, this woman was playing heads-up at unimaginable stakes against Andy Beal days before her second kidney transplant. For her fanatical devotion to the game and the spirit of a true warrior, Jennifer Harman can truly be considered one of the best players of our time!

An offensive Bad Beat was waiting for Jennifer at the Main Event of the WSOP 2005.

3rd place: Vanessa Selbst

Third place in our ranking of the best female poker players goes to Vanessa Selbst. She causes fear and horror among opponents at the table, her game is admired by millions. Many consider her to be overly aggressive both in poker and in life. Selbst leaves no one indifferent.

Vanessa Selbst shattered the myth that poker is a man's game - $12,000,000 earned in live tournaments, 3 World Series bracelets, victory in the PCA High Roller tournament.

Some of Selbst's actions look rather strange, and the lines of the draw are not always optimal. Vanessa can be overly emotional - this does not seem like a professional approach. But this man understands the game as deeply as anyone else. Moreover, some of the actions of Vanessa Selbst outside the poker table also seem quite daring. What is the bracelet bet with Jason Mercier worth.

Vanessa Selbst proved by her example that the cards do not care if you are a man or a woman. And for Vanessa herself, there are no gender boundaries: 3 years ago, Selbst got married to her girlfriend Miranda Forster.

Therefore, we can say with confidence: Vanessa Selbst, destroying all stereotypes, is one of the strongest players in modern poker.

This hand against Kevin McPhee is unlikely to be in Vanessa's Top 100 Hands, but nevertheless, the hand is very bright and emotional.

4th place: Jennifer Tilly (Jennifer Tilly)

A talented person is talented in everything - this can be said about our next heroine. On the world-famous imdb film portal, Jennifer Tilly is listed as an actress in 117 films. Moreover, she was even nominated for an Oscar. One can only wonder how she has enough time for poker. It's a funny fact, but in the first tournament (Women's WSOP 2005) Jennifer Tilly won the coveted gold bracelet!

This hand doesn't make Jennifer look good, but every player has their skeletons of bad hands in the closet.

Let her not be called a professional, and the lines of the draw in her performance are sometimes surprising, but the fact remains that in 2017 Jennifer Tilly is still good. Earlier this year, she became the runner-up for one of the side events of the former PCA and now the PokerStars Championship in the Bahamas. It is worth remembering the fact that Jennifer Tilly turns 59 this year! That's why film industry veteran Jennifer Tilly, the "soul" of any poker TV show, is securely on the list of the strongest female players.

But let's be honest, Jennifer got into this rating more out of respect for her age and for her contribution to the popularization of poker.

5th place: Samantha Abernathy (Samantha Abernathy)

Last year in Australia, a new star appeared in the poker sky. In the Main Event of the Aussie Millions 2016, previously unknown Samantha Abernathy took 3rd place!

Probably any normal person who watched this hand cast a six (punished for the slowroll!):

As it turned out, this charming girl is a regular in Las Vegas casino tournaments. After quitting her job, Samantha went on a tour of America with Steve Aoki. Stopping at Seminole Hard Rock, Sam discovered live poker. And the girl fell in love with this game, and so much that she even moved to Las Vegas to seriously take up her game.

Samantha has earned over $500,000 in her 3 years of professional poker career and is now welcome to any poker series. Samantha Abernathy, by her example, perfectly confirms that appearances are deceptive, and a real poker shark is hiding behind an angelic face.

Inherent qualities

♦ (ENG properties)

(lat. idiomatic)

attributes or properties that identify the specific individuality of a particular thing and, thus, are "inherent" in it.

Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms. - M.: "Republic". McKim Donald K.. 2004 .

See what "Inherent qualities" are in other dictionaries:

    information model of communicative speech quality- One of the abstract schemes of an invariant nature, including the following typical components, reflecting the general patterns inherent in each of the communicative qualities of speech: 1) meaning; 2) KKR forms; 3) the language levels at which ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Inherent qualities... Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms

    PRESS- (French la presse, from Latin presso I press, I press) periodic. print, i.e. newspapers and magazines published daily or at regular intervals. P. one of the most important sources on the history of modern and recent times. The prototype of modern P. were Acta… … Soviet historical encyclopedia

    NATURE- There are three more or less distinct general meanings of this term. 1. Those traits or characteristics of an organism that are considered innate or hereditary. The issues raised by this meaning are reflected in what is often referred to as... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Psychology

    Treaty- (Contract) The concept of a contract, types of contracts, terms of contracts Information about the concept of a contract, types of contracts, terms of contracts Contents > Contents Concept and meaning. The treaty and its scope. Legislative regulation of the agreement ... Encyclopedia of the investor

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    Criminal- Photos of criminals. Attempts to discover a connection between a person’s appearance and his criminal behavior have been made repeatedly, but have not been successful. The criminal’s personality is a set of socio-psychological properties and qualities ... ... Wikipedia

    criminals- Photos of criminals. Attempts to discover a connection between a person’s appearance and his criminal behavior have been made repeatedly, but have not been successful. The criminal’s personality is a set of socio-psychological properties and qualities ... ... Wikipedia


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O my Lord Krishna! I offer you my prayers. Please make the bee of my mind yearn only for the nectar of Your lotus feet, desiring nothing else.

Millions of devotees constantly remember Krishna and chant His name, but they never get tired of it. Not only do they not lose interest in contemplating Krishna and chanting His holy name, but new incentives are constantly emerging to continue doing so. Because Krishna is eternally renewing.

And not only Krishna himself, but also the knowledge given by Him. Bhagavad-gita, told five thousand years ago, is reread by millions of people over and over again, each time discovering something new in it. Thus, Krishna, and His name, fame, qualities - in a word, everything connected with Him never fades.

The Lord has an infinite number of incredible qualities, but the most important of them,64 qualities have been described in Srila Rupa Gosvami's book Bhakti-rasamrta-bindhu. These qualities are very attractive to sentient beings. When we see these qualities in someone, we become strongly attached to that person.

The personal characteristics of the Lord can be divided into two groups. Hidden qualities belong to one, and manifested to the other. When Krishna is covered with clothes, His personal qualities are invisible to the eye. An example of Krishna's hidden personal characteristics is given in the Srimad-Bhagavatam in connection with dvaraka-lila (His stay in Dvaraka as king). Sometimes Lord Krishna amused himself by disguising himself as a woman. Seeing Him in this form, Uddhava exclaimed, “It is amazing that I feel the same ecstatic love for this woman as for Lord Krishna Himself. It seems to me that this is Krishna disguised as a woman!”

One devotee, seeing the Lord in His manifested personal form of Krishna, began to chant the beauty of His body: “How magnificent is this personal form of Lord Krishna! His neck is exactly like a shell! His eyes are so beautiful that they seem to compete in beauty with a lotus flower. His body with its dark shade resembles a tamal tree. A helmet of hair protects His head. On His chest is the mark of Srivatsa, and in His hand He holds a conch. The beauty of the enemy of the demon Madhu is so captivating that He can give me transcendental bliss simply by allowing me to contemplate His transcendental qualities."

After studying various scriptures, Srila Rupa Gosvami gives the following list of the transcendental qualities of the Lord: 1) He has a beautiful appearance; 2) all auspicious signs can be found on His body; 3) His appearance is pleasing to the eye; 4) He radiates radiance; 5) He is strong; 6) forever young; 7) a remarkable connoisseur of languages; 8) truthful; 9) a pleasant companion; 10) eloquent; 11) highly educated; 12) very reasonable; 13) brilliant; 14) artistic; 15) unusually dexterous; 16) skillful in business; 17) grateful; 18) adamant; 19) perfectly knows how to act according to time and circumstances; 20) looks at everything through the prism of the Vedas (authoritative scriptures); 21) clean; 22) owns himself; 23) decisive; 24) patient; 25) condescending; 26) impenetrable; 27) self-sufficient; 28) impartial; 29) generous; 30) religious; 31) brave; 32) compassionate; 33) respectful; 34) courteous; 35) we endure; 36) shy; 37) protector of souls surrendered to Him; 38) happy; 39) kind to His devotees; 40) He is guided by love; 41) He is all-good; 42) the most powerful; 43) the most famous; 44) everyone's favorite; 45) is addicted to His devotees; 46) is very attractive to all women; 47) an object of universal worship; 48) possesses all wealth; 49) revered by all; 50) supreme overlord. The Supreme Personality of Godhead possesses all fifty transcendental qualities in their entirety, as deep as the ocean. In other words, the degree to which these qualities manifest in Him is incomprehensible.

As parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, individual living beings can also exhibit all these qualities to a small extent when they become His pure devotees. In other words, devotees may have some degree of these transcendental qualities, but these qualities are fully present only in the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

In addition, there are other transcendental qualities described in the Padma Purana by Lord Shiva for his wife Parvati and in the First Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam - in a conversation between the goddess of the Earth and the king of religion, Yamaraja. It says: “Those who want to become great should adorn the following qualities: truthfulness, purity, mercy, perseverance, renunciation, calmness, simplicity, self-control, poise, asceticism, impartiality, endurance, serenity, learning, knowledge, detachment, wealth, courage, ability to influence people, strength, good memory, independence, tact, radiance, patience, good nature, ingenuity, courtesy, good manners, determination, erudition, responsible attitude to one's duty, possession of everything that brings pleasure, seriousness, steadfastness, devotion, glory, reverence, and the absence of false self-importance.” Those who want to become great souls must have all these qualities, so there is no doubt that the highest soul, Lord Krishna, also has them.

In addition to the fifty mentioned above, Lord Krishna has five more transcendental qualities, which are sometimes partially present in personalities such as Lord Brahma or Lord Shiva: 51) He is unchanging; 52) omniscient; 53) is eternally renewed; 54) sach-chid-ananda (possesses an eternal blissful body); 55) possesses all mystical perfections.

In addition, Krishna has five more qualities manifested in the body of Narayana: 56) He has inconceivable energies; 57) innumerable universes emanate from His body; 58) He is the original source of all incarnations; 59) by killing His enemies, He delivers them; 60) He draws liberated souls to Himself. All these transcendental qualities are miraculously manifested in the personality of Lord Krishna.

In addition to the above sixty transcendental qualities, Lord Krishna has four other qualities that even His expansions of Narayana do not have, not to mention the demigods and living beings: 61) He shows various wonderful pastimes (especially in childhood); 62) is always surrounded by devotees who have extraordinary love for God; 63) By playing the flute, he is able to attract all living beings in all universes; 64) has an extraordinary beauty that nothing in all of creation can match.

Taking into account these four exceptional qualities of Krishna, the total number of His qualities becomes sixty-four.

Since Krishna's beautiful form and His Holy Name are nondifferent from Himself, His Name is identical with His form. Thus, remembering Krishna and chanting His holy name creates a beautiful image of the Lord in the mind of the devotee. As a result, both the Name and the form of Krishna can occupy the mind at the same time, while being in perfect harmony.

What are the most significant positive qualities of a person's character for work and a comfortable life in society? How best to describe yourself and what to include in your resume? Let's figure it out. In order to know our virtues in person, we have prepared a list of positive qualities to characterize a person.


It is a desire for order and cleanliness. Accuracy is manifested in external neatness, caring attitude to things, accuracy and thoroughness in business. This trait is more inherent in women, so it is especially important for a man to develop the habit of creating and maintaining cleanliness. Remember: the order in the house is the order in the head.


This is a caring attitude to the available benefits, no matter your own or someone else's. We are talking not only about material things, but even about the spiritual forces and vital energy of a person. This quality allows you to optimize the consumption of any resources, to achieve more by saving less.


This is the lack of desire for profit. Selfish people are driven only by personal gain. Sincere and selfless people do not care about their own benefit, they will help and will not demand anything in return, so they are trusted much more.


Respectful attitude towards others. Always. Even in cases where the situation is not conducive to courteous and tactful treatment. By the way, this quality annoys boors. They want to quarrel, but a polite person does not come into conflict with them. Politeness and cursing for the belt shuts up, and conquers the city!


This is devotion, but not only in relation to close people, but also to one's own worldview, ideas and views. This is an important side of the relationship between a man and a woman, because such a negative trait as jealousy is associated with it. Loyalty speaks of the reliability and constancy of a person with this quality.


These are good manners and the ability to behave in society. An educated person is polite to others, regardless of their social status. This is knowledge and implementation of the rules of behavior in society, respect for other people's property, nature, society. For an educated person is never ashamed.


It is the ability to follow rules and regulations. A disciplined person not only strictly observes the established rules, but also knows how to manage his own time in such a way that it is enough for all important things.


This is a kind and caring attitude towards people. Responsiveness and attentiveness towards others, the desire to help and rescue from difficult situations, without expecting anything in return. This quality does not bring immediate benefits, but those around him appreciate it, and the kindness shown is often answered with the same kindness and care.


This is a benevolent attitude towards others. This is not only an opportunity to build friendly relations with any person, but also the ability to behave openly and sympathetically towards people. A friendly person strives for mutual pleasant communication, therefore he has not only true friends, but also a lot of useful acquaintances.


It is the ability to make contacts. A person who does not have communication barriers easily enters the team and makes friends. We live in a society, so the ability to communicate with others is useful in any area of ​​life. A person with this quality will never be left alone.


This is the ability of a person to be responsible for what he is entrusted with, the ability to make difficult decisions and evaluate their consequences. Husbands are responsible for wives, mothers for children, employees for professional tasks. A person who is not afraid to take responsibility for anything shows himself as an independent and mature person.


This is a willingness to help, the ability to disinterestedly respond to a request, to help in a difficult situation. The advantage of this quality is not only in a good attitude towards others, but also in self-perception of being a kind person.


This is compliance with rules and regulations. In life, this quality is more associated with the absence of delays, the ability to complete assignments on time, to comply with agreements. Especially appreciated in industries where "time is money". But do not neglect punctuality in other areas of life - its absence can be perceived as disrespect.


This is the willingness to make decisions, the ability to carry out the plan, without being shy and not succumbing to fears. Determination is the absence of the so-called paralysis of the will, when doubts interfere with activity. Closely associated with fortitude and courage. They say about decisive people: "He has an inner core."


This is a sober self-assessment, an adequate perception of one's own views and activities. A self-critical person does not consider his own opinion to be the only true one, he has a sound attitude towards views from the outside. But you need to remember the golden mean, because excessive self-criticism indicates low self-esteem.


It is the lack of intention to exalt oneself. It's nice to deal with people who have achieved a lot, and at the same time do not praise themselves at every step. Modesty is not only the absence of boasting, but also tact in relation to others. This quality can manifest itself both because of respect for other people, and because of shyness.


It is the ability not to give in to fear. They say that a brave person is not afraid of anything, but the complete absence of fear is not only recklessness, but also a syndrome of some mental abnormalities. Courage is the ability to act in spite of fears. As an example, firefighters may also be afraid of fire, but perform their professional duty without succumbing to fear.


It is correctness and impartiality. This concept is based on ideas about good and evil, the laws of retribution for good and bad deeds. Evaluating events, a fair person excludes predispositions and sympathies for someone. A person is just when he is objective.


This is tolerance for people. Tolerance does not allow dividing people into representatives of other nations, ethnic groups and religions. A tolerant person does not reject someone else's point of view, and is unlikely to allow himself to be rude to someone. Tolerance is a necessity of the modern world.


It is the ability to have a positive attitude towards one's own work. Diligence is not only the willingness to give one's strength and personal time to the labor process, but also the ability to do it with pleasure. A person who systematically shirks from work and is not able to perceive his work with interest is the burden of the entire team.

Respect for others

This is a recognition of the value of other people's views. Respectful attitude towards others says that you see the personality in each person. In labor processes, this quality is mandatory, manifested in distance and subordination.


This is a positive assessment of one's own qualities. Confidence is closely related to a person's ability to manage himself in ambiguous situations. A confident person knows his own worth, is not afraid of public speaking, and in a stressful situation knows how to control himself. Looking at such a person, you might think: "He knows what he's doing."


This is the ability to go to the goal. This quality is characteristic of strong people who do not succumb to difficulties and failures. Perseverance in achieving goals and implementing plans shows strength of character and unshakable spirit. Persistent individuals achieve heights on their own.


This is openness, the inadmissibility of deception in relation to others. This quality speaks of decency, morality and strong character. An honest person always respects the interlocutor, therefore he tells him the truth, sometimes even unpleasant, but necessary.


This is self-respect and a high assessment of one's qualities, an understanding of value and significance. A person with this quality is unlikely to decide on a low deed, deceit, or even ordinary abuse in a public place. This is below his dignity. For such a person, it is not even the opinion of others that is important, but their own assessment of their actions.

Sense of humor

This is the ability to perceive the situation from the comic side. Even better is to find this comic side in everything. It’s more fun to live like this, and it’s pleasant for people to communicate with such a person. A sense of humor is an indicator of a person's mental health. It is not known whether laughter increases life expectancy, but it can definitely save you from unnecessary sorrows.


This is the willingness to share with others, absolutely not wanting to receive something in return. Generous people, for example, can do charity work - help those in need, donate funds to special funds. Even the most selfless people appreciate this quality, because it shows the breadth of the soul.

The employer is important both personal and business qualities of the employee. What abilities are more important? How to deal with negative traits? Each profession has its own characteristics. About how to do right choice and how to evaluate a future employee, we will tell in our article.

Business and personal qualities

The business qualities of an employee are his ability to perform certain labor duties. The most important of them are the level of education and work experience. When choosing an employee, be guided by the benefits that he can bring to your company.

Personal qualities characterize the employee as a person. They become important when applicants for one position have business qualities on the same level. Personal qualities characterize the employee's attitude to work. Focus on independence: he does not have to do your job, but he must cope with his own to the fullest.

Business qualities Personal qualities
The level of education Accuracy
Specialty, qualification Activity
Work experience, positions held ambition
Labor productivity Conflict-free
Analytic skills Fast reaction
Rapid adaptation to new information systems Politeness
Fast learner Attentiveness
Attention to detail Discipline
Flexibility of thinking Initiative
Willingness to work overtime diligence
Literacy Sociability
Mathematical thinking Maximalism
Customer interaction skills persistence
Business Communication Skills Resourcefulness
Planning Skills Charm
Report preparation skills organization
Oratorical skills Responsible approach to work
Organizational skills Decency
Enterprise Devotion
Professional Integrity integrity
scrupulousness Punctuality
Ability to handle multiple projects at the same time Determination
Ability to make quick decisions self control
Ability to work with large amounts of information Self-criticism
strategic thinking Independence
Striving for self-improvement Modesty
Creative thinking Stress tolerance
Ability to negotiate / business correspondence Tact
Ability to negotiate Patience
Ability to express thoughts exactingness
Ability to find a common language industriousness
Ability to teach Self-confidence
Teamwork skills Equilibrium
The ability to win people over purposefulness
The ability to convince Honesty
Good external data Energy
Good diction Enthusiasm
Good physical form ethics

The choice of qualities

If more than 5 characteristics are entered in the resume, this is a signal that the applicant is not able to make a competent choice. Moreover, the standard “responsibility” and “punctuality” have become commonplace, so if possible, ask what these general concepts mean. A prime example: the phrase "high performance" could mean "the ability to work with a lot of information," while you were counting on "willingness to work overtime."

Such general concepts as "motivation to work", "professionalism", "self-control", the applicant can reveal in other expressions, more specifically and meaningfully. Pay attention to incompatible qualities. To verify the honesty of the applicant, you can ask to illustrate with examples the characteristics indicated by him.

Negative qualities of an employee

Sometimes they are also included in the resume by the job seeker. In particular, such as:

  • Hyperactivity.
  • Excessive emotionality.
  • Greed.
  • Vindictiveness.
  • Impudence.
  • Inability to lie.
  • Inability to work in a team.
  • Restlessness.
  • Touchiness.
  • Lack of work experience/education.
  • Lack of sense of humor.
  • Bad habits.
  • Passion for gossip.
  • straightness.
  • self-confidence.
  • Modesty.
  • Weak communication.
  • The desire to create conflict.

An applicant who has written negative qualities in a resume can be honest, or maybe reckless. Such an act does not justify itself, but if you want to know the possible problems with this applicant, ask him to list his negative qualities. Be ready to give the person an opportunity to rehabilitate himself and present negative qualities in a favorable light. For example, restlessness indicates easy adaptation and quick switching from one task to another, and straightforwardness indicates the benefits that he can bring when making a deal.

Be ready to give the person an opportunity to rehabilitate himself and present negative qualities in a favorable light.

Qualities for different professions

Certain professional qualities are needed in almost all activities. You can make it easier for applicants to work and at the same time narrow their circle by entering information about the desired characteristics in the job advertisement. For an employee in the field of promotion or entertainment, the main qualities are communication skills, the ability to work in a team, and win people over. The list of winning qualities will also include: charm, self-confidence, energy. In the field of trade, the list of the best qualities will look like this: flexibility of thinking, customer interaction skills, ability to negotiate, work in a team, as well as quick response, courtesy, perseverance, activity.

A leader in any field should be characterized by such professional qualities as organizational skills, the ability to find a common language and work in a team, resourcefulness, conflict-free, charm and the ability to teach. Equally important are the ability to make quick decisions, self-confidence, attentiveness and balance.

The strengths of an employee working with a large amount of data (accountant or system administrator): attention to detail, accuracy, quick learner, attentiveness, organization and, of course, the ability to work with a large amount of information.

The characteristics of a secretary include a variety of positive qualities: customer interaction skills, business communication, literacy, the ability to negotiate and business correspondence, the ability to do several things at the same time. Also pay attention to good external data, attentiveness, tact and balance, diligence. In any profession, responsibility, attentiveness and stress resistance are useful. But the applicant, inscribing such qualities in the resume, does not always take them seriously.

In any profession, responsibility, attentiveness and stress resistance are useful. But the applicant, inscribing such qualities in the resume, does not always take them seriously.

Evaluation of the professional qualities of an employee

To avoid wasting time and money testing new employees, sometimes companies evaluate them before hiring. For this, even special personnel assessment centers have been created. A list of grading methods for those who prefer to do it themselves:

  • Letters of recommendation.
  • Tests. This includes conventional aptitude and aptitude tests, as well as personality and background tests.
  • Examination of the knowledge and skills of the employee.
  • Role play or case studies.

The role-playing game will help you find out in practice whether the applicant is right for you. Act out a day-to-day situation for his position and see how he copes. For example, evaluate his customer interaction skills. Let the buyer be your competent employee or yourself, and the applicant will show what he is capable of. You can set a goal for him to achieve during the game, or simply observe the style of work. This method will tell a lot more about the applicant than the column "Personal qualities" in the resume.

When determining the evaluation criteria, you can be based on business qualities: punctuality, potential quantity and quality of work performed, experience and education, skills, etc. For greater efficiency, focus on the qualities necessary for the position for which the candidate being evaluated is applying. To be confident in an employee, consider his personal qualities. You can independently conduct an assessment in the form of a rating of candidates, placing + and - according to certain criteria, distributing them by level or awarding points. Avoid scoring errors such as bias or stereotyping, or overweighting one criterion.