Ancestral Technologies: Weapons of Ancient Civilizations. Life on Mars

Hellenistic, and later Roman culture, had a huge impact on our world. We can say that our civilization originates precisely in the heyday of ancient Greece. The main philosophical teachings about the meaning of life and the role of man in this world came to us precisely from these times. We also adopted the principles of free elections and equality of citizens from the ancient Greeks. Undoubtedly, not all representatives of these states were then citizens (the majority, alas, were slaves without rights), but the very idea of ​​​​equal opportunities and choice of leadership was very advanced in comparison with many other ideas of state structure.

It was thanks to the fame of the “humanitarians” of that time, represented by a huge number of philosophers, writers and poets, that most modern people had a not entirely correct stereotype about the inhabitants of antiquity and their level of development in technological matters. Many still consider catapults or ballistas to be the crowning achievement of engineering thought of that time, and of the “non-military” technologies, only the huge oil lantern of the Lighthouse of Alexandria is remembered.

Meanwhile, for its era, the level of technical development of the Greek and Roman civilizations was simply prohibitive. To confirm the correctness of the thoughts of ancient engineers or simply to repeat some of their achievements, modern "advanced" mankind could not earlier than a couple of hundred years ago! Moreover, there are still skeptics who claim that some real-life things of that period could not have been created by the ancient Greeks, but were later thrown into the excavations of the cultural layers of that time.

The inquisitive mind of Archimedes applied mathematics to the most diverse areas of human life: from engineering and astronomy to justice and government. For example, studying the principles of operation of levers and blocks, Archimedes built the first analogue of a crane, thereby speeding up the work of the port in Syracuse. And the screw structures he invented made it possible to build water pipes and irrigation systems of any complexity and any height. The glory of Archimedes was so great that orders for his machines and inventions came from all over the then Oikoumene.

The engineer Ctesibius of Alexandria left his mark on the engineering of the ancient world. It is to him that we owe the invention of such a mechanism as a clock. The main difficulty in inventing watches is to create a constant impact of some kind of force that does not change with time (in the era of Ctesibius, such a force was water flowing from a special vessel, later replaced by watchmakers with springs). Ctesibius solved this difficult problem empirically; it was not until the 18th century that Daniel Bernoulli was able to solve a similar problem mathematically by determining the shape of a vessel from which water would flow at a constant rate.

Moreover, Ctesibius invented not only the clock, but also the alarm clock - an automatic device that plays a melody at a set time. The idea of ​​​​a pneumatic gun belongs to him - he made a crossbow that uses the energy of compressed air.

No less interesting were the inventions and discoveries made by Heron of Alexandria. This man was one thousand seven hundred years ahead of Watt in the creation of a steam engine, made the first vending machine and an automatic door opening system. He also owns the idea of ​​​​creating a liquid thermometer.

However, one of his inventions is especially valuable for us, the inhabitants of the information age. Heron was the first to make a programmable device. Almost all the designs of his automata contained special drums, on which the program of the device was typed from the pins. Thus, Geron can be considered the first programmer.

But, at the very forefront, at the cutting edge of science and engineering of that time, there was something so ahead of its time that it is difficult to find at least one more similar invention. This is the so-called Antikythera Mechanism. Scientists still disagree on who was the inventor of this device. According to the studies of Cicero, he was Archimedes; other sources point to Hipparchus or his contemporary Attalius of Rhodes.

The mechanism is an analog computer that determines the exact time of about four dozen types of various astronomical events. For almost a hundred years, scientists have tried to explain not only the fact of its existence, but also the possibility of doing something similar in Antiquity using the tools and knowledge of that time. However, all the experiments were confirmed and the scientists had no choice but to admit that the inhabitants of the Ancient World were ahead of their time by almost one and a half millennia. The first such device was created at the end of the XIV century by Giovanni de Dondi in the city of Padua.

We, modern people, very often have ideas about our distant ancestors as backward and illiterate creatures who did not think about anything except simply not to die of hunger. It always seems to us that we are smarter, better, spiritually richer than them, and so on. This is an unforgivable mistake! The experience of our distant ancestors, their skills, the information obtained by them, drop by drop, were put into the foundation of our current knowledge from year to year. Bernard of Chartres, who lived, by the way, almost a thousand years ago, once very aptly spoke about this. He said that we are dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants; and the only reason we see further than them is that they lifted us up. Therefore, you should never forget that if there weren’t those very giants in the form of Archimedes, Heron, Euclid and Ctesibius, we would never be able to direct our dwarf gaze at the screen of the next iPhone ...

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And now, literally now, connected with the same obilisk and related technologies. The fact is that all over the world there are artificially created caves, such as this one, in China: All of them have obvious traces of machine processing, here is a fragment of the previous photo: Today, such traces are left by such a mining cutter: If in "deep antiquity" they used something similar, then we can simultaneously consider the question closed - where did the "ancient" builders get finely crushed stone for casting megaliths - say, the same pedestal for the "Bronze Horseman" in St. Petersburg or the Alexander Column and other things in the city, where casting is at every turn. Similar cave technologies can also be found here in the Crimea, see the links at the end of the article. So, the obilisk in Aswan is remarkable in that it demonstrates all the "cave" technologies in one place. And there are such things that, again, baffle the modern specialist. Here is a fragment on which the traces are clearly machined and the traces are made, as if it were hammered by hand with a chisel: But the traces of the development of a completely different kind: Or: As if it was not granite, but wet sand, which was raked out with a shovel. What kind of technology is unknown. "Scientists" claim that it was hollowed out with the help of chisels, which were beaten with cobblestones. Here are the ones in the hands of this smiling tourist: But the fact is that there are such bottlenecks that if you squeeze in there, then you can’t go back on your own - just pull out by the legs. And no modern mechanism will fit there. How to do this - there is no reasonable explanation. But it's done. Cave people. At the end of this section, photos from Crimea: This, they say, the monks knocked out with a chisel. Yeah, and millions of tons are still underground ... What a joke for those who hollowed out to make an opening of such a height? The cart, with such a load height and track width, will certainly roll over on the road. Why such a high pass? There is no way we can verify messages like this: Researchers from Australia have discovered a fossilized molar among a variety of remains. Its height was 6.7, and its width was 4.2 centimeters. The owner of a tooth of this size had a height of at least 7.5 meters and a weight of 370 kilograms.”- there are a lot of such messages, sometimes very plausible. But how to check it? But we see a passage for such people, such examples can be collected a lot: in the same Isaac in St. Petersburg, absurdly large doors, All this, it would be nice to somehow explain.

Grand canal culture

Artificial water artery - the Great Chinese Canal. The length is 1782 kilometers. In Vietnam, most of the territory is generally covered by a network of canals:
The canals are laid as if by a ruler. Here, the length of the straight section reaches 45 km:
This is Vietnam. This is where the Vietnamese live. It is their hard work that laid thousands of kilometers of these unique canals. For comparison. Now China is building a canal in Nicragua. The length is 278 km. About one million two hundred thousand people will build, of which 200 thousand will use bulldozers, scrapers and excavators directly in the canal bed zone. But in the USSR, a unique experiment was set up: there, with picks and wheelbarrows, between 1931 and 1933 they built a canal 227 km long in less than two years: The number of builders did not exceed 126 thousand people. Rip off: the Chinese are going to keep within 5 years - the beginning of operation and 15 years - the complete completion of construction. More than a million builders with equipment - 15 years, the USSR is almost ten times less builders - less than two years! No excavators! Those. The USSR of those years, in some way, fit into that ancient civilization. And historians do not tell us what happened to humanity in just half a century, that these unique skills and technologies were irretrievably lost! And this is one of the canals laid under the leadership of A.V. Suvorov in Finland. Suvorov dug these canals there in seven years, so many that the current Chinese with their excavators and bulldozers cannot be built in a hundred years. In America, a unique network of canals covers the entire area behind the Atlantic City spit, the entire coast of the Delaware Bay, the entire coast of North and South Carolina and further south to Florida: They were built in the pre-excavation era: if they had dug like during the construction of the Panama Canal, it would have taken more than one thousand years ... The construction of grandiose earth embankments, such as the Great Trans-Volga Wall, which stretched for more than two and a half thousand kilometers, with a height of five meters and a width of 70 meters and nearby a moat about 3 meters deep and 10 meters wide: Well, add here thousands of kilometers of the famous Serpentine shafts ...

Kremlin culture

The Stone Age - the age of building from natural stone ended with the transition to mass construction, first from brick, and then from other types of artificial stone. Historians argue that bricks were massively used in civil engineering only in the 18th century: there are simply no residential and utility buildings made of bricks from an earlier time. But Kremlins and monasteries, according to historians, were built of brick long before the 18th century: Moscow - 1485 - 1495, Novgorod - 1484 -1490, Nizhny Novgorod - 1500 - 1512, i.e. the thirteenth century, this is almost five hundred years before the start of civil engineering in brick. That is, according to historians, in the 13th century, an idea fell into someone's head: stop moving heavy stones, let's build a brick Kremlin! The Kremlin is millions of bricks, you can't do it with handicraft! We will open a plant, recruit workers, build a Kremlin, then we will close the plant, workers - under the knee - let them die of hunger! - Approximately such a picture emerges, if you believe in all these "ancient" Kremlins. Another sequence looks logical: at first, the new material was tested in domestic construction, technologies and methods of work were worked out, the durability of the new material was studied, in the end, it was necessary to know how long the construction would take - you need to gain experience, in short, and then build giant urban and monastery walls. In the early 60s, the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin was restored, while studying the structure and creating drawings for restoration, here is one of the sections: The construction of such a grandiose structure as the Kremlin is unthinkable without drawings. Well, the Italian architect could not give instructions like: dig from me to the next oak tree! In Novgorod during the construction of the Kremlin, birch bark was used for writing. So how many cartloads of birch bark were used by those Italian architects who built the Kremlin in Russia?! And where are at least some traces - the correspondence of the townspeople on the birch bark has been preserved, and at least one drawing to see how it will look on the birch bark! No way: bricks for responsible construction had factory markings - the factory and year of manufacture, no handicraft was allowed here: The restorers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin found that the brick was marked in 1785, made by the Balakhna plant, which was located not far from the Lower, upstream. Thus: the Stone Age ended in the 18th century, the Kremlin was built at the end of the 18th, beginning of the 19th. But, most importantly: all these kremlins, buildings of the late 18th century are similar to one another, like different pots of corded ceramics. And the location of these "cups with a thickened bottom" shows the area of ​​the "Kremlin culture", and in fact - the borders of the Russian Empire. The Kremlin was not built for decoration - it is a defensive structure, it is an outpost and no one will allow it to be built on enemy territory and no one will share secrets. Here are two towers nearby - one of the largest in the empire - the Moscow Kremlin, the second tower of the Kremlin of one of the southern provinces:

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Numerous archaeological finds confirm the fact that dinosaurs and people of the ancient world lived at the same time, and technologies of ancient civilizations were at a level that we can only guess at. At the same time, the nature of the discovery of objects and the remains of living beings speaks of a global catastrophe that destroyed the first world.

non-rusting iron

Unexplained finds are often associated with fossil objects, which, according to official science at that time, not only could not be made, but should not have existed at all. Moreover, the objects found indicate that the technologies of ancient civilizations were significantly superior to modern ones.

In the rocks near the American town of London in Texas, Emma Khan in June 1934 discovered a hammer, the metal part of which has a length of 15 centimeters and a diameter of about 3 centimeters. It is located in a piece of limestone about 140 million years old. Research conducted by various scientific institutions, including the famous Battele laboratory (USA), gave an unexpected result. Experts drew attention to the petrified wooden handle of the hammer, which turned into coal from the inside, which also makes it possible to talk about the multimillion-year age of the find. Specialists of the Metallurgical Institute in Columbus (Ohio) were surprised by the chemical composition of the metal of this hammer: 96.6% iron, 2.6% chlorine and 0.74% sulfur. No other impurities were identified. So pure iron could not be obtained in the entire history of metallurgy. This iron does not contain traces of carbon, while iron ore from all deposits always contains carbon and other impurities. This iron is not subject to the rusting process.

According to Dr. K. E. Buff, director of the Museum of Fossil Antiquities, where this exhibit was placed, the hammer comes from the early Cretaceous period, that is, it is from 140 to 65 million years old. Modern science believes that people learned to make iron products only 10 thousand years ago. Dr. Hans-Joachim Zilmer from Germany, who carefully examined the artifact, came to the conclusion that this hammer was made using a technology unknown to us.

Technology of the Ancients: The Mystery of the Ancient Alloy

In the spring of 1974 in Romania, 50 kilometers south of the city of Cluj-Napoca, in a sand pit on the banks of the Mures River, workers discovered an object 20.2 centimeters long. They decided that it was a stone ax and sent the find to the archaeological institute. There, archaeologists cleared it of a sandy crust and saw a rectangular metal object with two holes of different diameters, converging at a right angle. An oval deformity was visible at the bottom of the larger of the holes; perhaps a shaft or rod was strengthened in this hole. The top and side surfaces of the object were covered with marks from heavy blows. Scientists came to the conclusion that this object is part of some more complex device.

Analyzes showed that the object consists of a complex metal alloy, which includes 13 elements, the main of which was aluminum (89%). This is one of the most common elements of the earth's crust, but aluminum began to be used as a material for industrial products only in the 19th century. The found sample was much older, as evidenced by the depth of the find - 10 meters and the remains of a mastodon located next to it (this animal species died out about a million years ago). Also, a very thick oxidation film (over one millimeter) on its surface speaks in favor of the antiquity of the object. Its purpose remains unclear, but one thing is clear: knowledge about the technologies of ancient civilizations has been completely lost, and those discoveries that have been made were once known...

God Technology: Spinning Sphere

In the 1980s, workers at the South African Wonderstone mine found extremely amazing metal balls in deposits of pyrophyllite, a mineral that is about 3 billion years old. Grayish-blue with a reddish tint, the balls were slightly flattened spheres with a diameter of 2.5 to 10 centimeters, surrounded by three even grooves and made of an alloy similar to nickel-plated steel. It should immediately be said that this alloy in its natural state does not occur in nature. Inside these balls was a strange loose material that evaporated on contact with air. One of these balls was placed in a museum, and it soon turned out that the ball, lying under a glass cap, slowly rotates around its axis, making a complete revolution in 128 days. Scientists have not been able to explain this phenomenon in any way.

In 1928, near the city of Kambe in Rhodesia (territory of Zambia), scientists encountered a completely inexplicable phenomenon: an ancient human skull was discovered with a perfectly even hole resembling a bullet mark. A similar find was made in Yakutia, where the skull of a bison was found, which lived 40 thousand years ago and received the same even hole in the skull, which, moreover, had time to overgrow during his lifetime.

What do the finds of unidentified fossil objects say? And these findings confirm the inconsistency of modern historical science regarding ancient eras. It is quite obvious that we have a complete contradiction between the actual data and theories that are being imposed today in educational institutions. Firstly, both dinosaurs and people of the ancient world lived at the same time, and this is direct evidence of the absurdity of Darwin's so-called theory of evolution. Secondly, in those times in question, people owned technologies that we can only guess about. Thirdly, the nature of the discovery of objects and remains of living beings speaks of a global catastrophe (or a series of catastrophes) that destroyed the first world. Naturally, the technologies of ancient civilizations, along with the knowledge of this world, were practically lost. In addition, numerous evidence of ancient cataclysms speaks of the fundamental inaccuracy of modern methods of dating finds. After all, the radiocarbon method used today requires a smooth change in the carbon content, and during catastrophes comparable to a supernova explosion or a meteorite fall, the carbon content changes abruptly. Therefore, the time periods called by science in millions and even more so billions of years are actually not confirmed by anything. The Biblical explanation of the origin of the world, which easily substantiates the found artifacts, is still ignored by most scientists, preferring to be captive to their own conjectures...

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The latest annual world London conference, which brought together archaeologists and scientists involved in the study of ancient civilizations, leads to an incredible conclusion that the most ancient civilizations of the Earth possessed paradoxical knowledge and technologies. Thus, it should be noted that during excavations, archaeologists often come across descriptions of various technologies of ancient civilizations: in the form of rock carvings of birds resembling modern aircraft and spaceships; statues made of stone, similar to an astronaut's spacesuit; papyri, describing in detail the most complex medical surgical operations, and many artifacts, which are the most complex precise mechanisms with small details.

One of these artifacts is the Antikythera mechanism, which has lain at the bottom of the Aegean Sea for several centuries. He was discovered and raised from the depths of the sea near the island of Crete from an ancient ship that sank back in the eighty-fifth year BC. This device can be considered the oldest prototype of the first computer.

Another proof of the high intelligence of the ancestors of human civilization is the ancient skulls of people found on the territory of Ukraine in 1966. Their carbon analysis showed that the age of the find is ten thousand years. But surprising was the presence of a hole on the frontal bone of an ancient person, obtained as a result of an obvious most complex surgical intervention - intravital trepanation of the skull.

Also, back in 1976, Soviet archaeologists in Transcaucasia, in search of traces of the Scythian culture, suddenly find a real ancient Egyptian papyrus with hieroglyphs describing the secrets of life and death. Found a fragment of two dilapidated sheets dates back to the sixteenth century BC. The decayed carrier contained ancient information about two cylinders. The lunar and solar cylinders were made especially for the pharaoh. The described technology of their manufacture from zinc and copper is striking, and the internal substance that filled the cylinders possessed, according to the descriptions of the Ancient World, an enormous healing power. It acted on the human biofield, regulating his pressure, pulse and the work of the vital functions of the body.

According to another scientific version, the mysterious cylinders were electrical devices for transmitting impulses to human sore spots. This ancient device resembled a modern medical procedure - electrophoresis, and served to heal the pharaoh. Paradoxically, in ancient Egypt they first created an analogue of an electric battery and were able to receive weak electrical current pulses for medical purposes. And a similar artifact from Ancient Iraq already has its own name - “Baghdad battery”.

In our time, archaeologists continue to find strange artifacts that testify that in ancient times a catastrophic world nuclear war broke out on Earth using the highest scientific technologies. The catastrophe that broke out destroyed highly developed civilizations, cities and almost killed all life on the planet. In the mythology of the Ancient World, the event is described as a war of the gods.

Let us note that the first flying machines - vimanas were described in ancient India. The ancient Indian scripture "Mahabharata" tells how one day the inhabitants of the ancient Indian highly developed city of Dvaraka were attacked from the air by these war flying chariots, and they emitted continuous fiery rain on the ground. And, in the texts of the ancient Indian scripture "Bhagavata Purana" in Sanskrit, it is said that vimanas moved in the air space rather than thought through the use of ethereal energy. According to the described legend, even a laser beam and deadly (possibly nuclear) weapons of the higher gods were used during this cruel war.

Jasper discs of the Dropa tribe from the “Celestial Empire” with hieroglyphs on the surface also surprised the entire world scientific community. They were discovered in 1947 in Tibet by Oxford archaeologist Keryl Robin Evans, when he explored the Chinese provinces and met representatives of an ancient Chinese people called Dropa. In the graves of a mysterious tribe, the scientist discovered relic disks about thirty centimeters in diameter. The age of the find corresponded to the 10th century BC. The found artifacts resembled modern gramophone records with a round hole in the central part. Beijing archaeologists managed to find out that the disks were covered with encrypted miniature drawings describing space objects and phenomena, as well as depicting the crash of an alien spacecraft.

In the modern scientific world, the most ancient was the Sumerian human civilization in Mesopotamia, which existed more than five thousand years ago. Where it appeared immediately with developed sciences, writing, complex counting and its number system, calendar, legislation, medicine, advanced technologies and complex mechanisms, and after only two thousand years it also suddenly disappeared, is still not clear to historians. On the clay tablets of the ancient Sumerians, it is indicated that they received all their knowledge from the heavenly gods, whom they called the Anunaki. The Sumerians depicted in their frescoes the flying machines of the gods with wings and a tail, and described jets of flame flying out of these heavenly ships.

But why did the higher space civilizations need to transfer their knowledge to people with a low level of development. Perhaps this happens every time with the birth of a new round of human evolution. Terrestrial civilizations are discrete, finite. One civilization comes to replace another, which has reached the peak of its heyday with developed high technologies, which lead it to decline and disappearance.

Obtaining more and more knowledge, humanity's picture of the world changes over time. So, the natives of America used to believe that they were alone on this planet and did not imagine that there are the same bipedal highly developed creatures in Eurasia, Australia, Africa, and on other continents. And after the discovery of America, the exchange of experience, technologies, cultures began. Maybe now Man on Earth also does not know about the existence of cosmic neighbors, because he is not yet sufficiently developed, and is not ready to meet with them, while the laws of the Cosmos remain a mystery to him.