Theoretical research methods in biology table. General Research Methods in Biology

Among all school disciplines, and just sciences, biology occupies a separate place. After all, this is the most ancient, first and natural science, interest in which arose with the advent of man himself and his evolution. In different time periods, the study of this discipline developed differently. Research in biology was carried out with the help of new methods. However, there are still those that were relevant from the very beginning and have not lost their significance. What are these ways of studying science and what is this discipline in general, we will consider in this article.

Biology as a science

If you delve into the etymology of the word "biology", then in translation from Latin it will literally sound like "the science of life." And indeed it is. This definition reflects the essence of the science under consideration. It is biology that studies the entire diversity of life on our planet, and if necessary, then beyond its borders.

There are several biological ones in which all representatives of the biomass are combined according to common morphological, anatomical, genetic and physiological characteristics. These are the kingdoms:

  • Animals.
  • Plants.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Viruses.
  • Bacteria, or Prokaryotes.

Each of them is represented by a huge number of species and other taxonomic units, which once again emphasizes how diverse the nature of our planet is. as a science - to study them all, from birth to death. Also to reveal the mechanisms of evolution, the relationship with each other and man, nature itself.

Biology is just a general name that includes a whole family of subsciences and disciplines dealing with detailed research in the field of living beings and any manifestations of life.

As already mentioned above, the study of biology has been carried out by people since ancient times. Man was interested in how plants, animals, and himself are arranged. Observations were made on wildlife and conclusions were drawn, so factual material, the theoretical basis of science, was accumulated.

The achievements of modern biology in general have stepped far ahead and allow you to look into the smallest and most unimaginably complex structures, interfere with the course of natural processes and change their direction. In what ways has it been possible to achieve such results at all times?

Research methods in biology

To obtain knowledge, it is necessary to use various methods of obtaining it. This also applies to the biological sciences. Therefore, this discipline has its own set of measures that allow replenishing the methodological and factual piggy bank. These research methods in the school necessarily affect this topic, because this issue is the basis. Therefore, these methods are discussed even in the lessons of natural history or biology in the fifth grade.

What are the research methods?

  1. Description.
  2. in biology.
  3. Experiment.
  4. Comparison.
  5. Modeling method.
  6. historical way.
  7. Modernized options based on the use of the latest advances in technology and modern equipment. For example: electron spectroscopy and microscopy, staining method, chromatography, and others.

All of them have always been important, and remain so today. However, among them there is one that appeared first and is still the most important.

Method of observation in biology

It is this version of the study that is decisive, the first and significant. What is observation? This is the acquisition of interesting information about the object with the help of the senses. That is, you can understand what kind of living being is in front of you with the help of the organs of hearing, sight, touch, smell and taste.

This is how our ancestors learned to distinguish the elements of biomass. This is how research in biology continues to this day. After all, it is impossible to know how a caterpillar pupates and a butterfly emerges from a cocoon, if you do not observe it with your own eyes, fixing every moment of time.

And there are hundreds of such examples. All zoologists, mycologists, botanists, algologists and other scientists observe the selected object and receive complete information about their structure, lifestyle, interaction with the environment, features of physiological processes and other subtleties of organization.

Therefore, the method of observation in biology is considered the most important, historically the first and most significant. Closely next to it is another method of research - description. After all, it is not enough to observe, you also need to describe what you managed to see, that is, to fix the result. In the future, this will become a theoretical knowledge base about a particular object.

Let's take an example. If an ichthyologist needs to conduct research in the field of a specific type of fish, for example, pink perch, then he, first of all, studies the already existing theoretical base, which was compiled according to observations by scientists before him. After that, he proceeds to the observations himself and carefully records all the results obtained. After that, a series of experiments is carried out, and the results are compared with those that have already been available before. So it turns out the question of where, for example, these types of fish can spawn? What conditions do they need for this and how widely can they vary?

It is obvious that the method of observation in biology, as well as description, comparison and experiment are closely linked into a single complex - methods of studying wildlife.


This method is typical not only for biological science, but also for chemistry, physics, astronomy and others. It allows you to visually verify one or another theoretically put forward assumption. With the help of an experiment, hypotheses are confirmed or refuted, theories are created and axioms are put forward.

It was experimentally that the circles of blood circulation in animals, respiration and photosynthesis in plants, as well as a number of other physiological vital processes were discovered.

Modeling and comparison

Comparison is a method that allows you to draw up an evolutionary line for each species. It is this method that underlies the receipt of information, on the basis of which the classification of species is compiled, the tree of life is built.

Modeling, on the other hand, is more mathematical, especially if we talk about the computer method of building a model. This method involves the creation of such situations over the study of the object that cannot be observed in natural conditions. For example, how will this or that drug affect the human body.

historical method

It underlies the identification of the origin and formation of each organism, its development and transformation in the course of evolution. Based on the data obtained, theories are built and hypotheses are put forward about the emergence of life on Earth, the development of each kingdom of nature.

Biology in 5th grade

It is very important to instill in students an interest in the science in question in time. Today textbooks "Biology. Grade 5" appear, observation in them is the main method of studying this subject. This is how the guys gradually master the full depth of this science, comprehend its meaning and importance.

In order for the lessons to be interesting and for children to instill interest in what is being studied, more time should be devoted to this particular method. After all, only when the student himself observes the behavior of cells and their structure through a microscope, he will be able to realize the full interest of this process and how subtle and important it all is. Therefore, according to modern requirements, an active approach to the study of the subject is the key to the successful assimilation of knowledge by students.

And if children reflect each process under study in a diary of observations in biology, then the trace of the subject will remain with them for life. This is how the world around is formed.

In-depth study of the subject

If we talk about specialized classes aimed at a deeper, more detailed study of science, then we should say about the most important thing. For such children, a special program of in-depth study of biology should be developed, which will be built on observations in the field (summer practice), as well as on ongoing experimental research. Children must themselves be convinced of the theoretical knowledge that is put into their heads. It is then that new discoveries, achievements and the birth of people of science are possible.

The role of biological education of schoolchildren

In general, children need to study biology, not only because nature must be loved, preserved and protected. But also because it significantly expands their horizons, allows them to understand the mechanisms of the flow of life processes, to know themselves from the inside and treat their health with care.

If you periodically tell the children about the achievements of modern biology and how it affects people's lives, they themselves will understand the importance and significance of science. They will be imbued with love for it, which means they will love its object - wildlife.

Achievements of modern biology

There are, of course, many of those. If we designate a time frame of at least fifty years, then we can list the following outstanding successes in the field of the science in question.

  1. Deciphering the genome of animals, plants and humans.
  2. Opening the mechanisms of cell division and death.
  3. Revealing the essence of the flow of genetic information in the developing organism.
  4. Cloning of living beings.
  5. Creation (synthesis) of biologically active substances, drugs, antibiotics, antiviral drugs.

Similar achievements of modern biology allow a person to control some diseases of humans and animals, preventing them from developing. They allow solving many problems that overtake people in the 21st century: epidemics of terrible viruses, hunger, lack of drinking water, poor environmental conditions, and others.

Biology is science. What distinguishes science from other areas of human activity? Approach to the study of phenomena. This approach is the scientific method.

scientific method- a set of basic ways of obtaining new knowledge and methods for solving problems in the framework of any science.

The scientific method involves a certain systematic approach:

  1. Observing facts and measuring them, i.e. description of the observation - quantitative and / or qualitative.
  2. Analysis of the results- systematization, identification of the main and secondary.
  3. Generalization - formulation hypotheses and then already - theories.
  4. Forecast: formulating consequences from a proposed hypothesis or accepted theory using deduction, induction, or other logical methods.

  5. Examination predictable consequences through experimentation.

Pay attention to the 5th point. Without it, the approach cannot be considered scientific.!

It is important to understand the difference between the concepts hypothesis and theory.

  • Hypothesis is a statement, an assumption, which is still not proven.

When a hypothesis is proven, it becomes theory, theorem or fact. The refuted hypothesis goes into the category false claims. A hypothesis that has not yet been proven but not disproved is called open problem.

  • Theory- knowledge system built on scientifically proven hypothesis.

Why are we talking about cytology how about cell theory- because this was preceded by a huge scientific process of observation, the collection of statistics - qualitative and quantitative data; systematization of the obtained results, hypotheses and forecasts were formulated, which were then experimentally tested and confirmed. Moreover, based on this theory, the following assumptions were made, and they were also experimentally confirmed.

Methods for studying living objects

  • Observation (empirical method of cognition) - description of a particular biological object or process;
  • Comparison necessary in order to find patterns - what is common to different phenomena;
  • Experiment - created conditions exactly corresponding to the observed, while the properties of biological objects are clarified; qualitative and quantitative characteristics are fixed.
  • Historical method - information, information, data, already received and proven in the past, reveal and explain the laws of development of living nature in the present.

It is considered ideal when all these methods are used in combination.

biological experiment

  1. Qualitative experiment m - the simplest type of biological experiment - its purpose - to establish the presence or absence of the phenomenon supposed in the theory.
  2. Measurement experiment - identifying some quantitative characteristic of an object or process.

Observation, description and measurement of biological objects

Observation- this is a direct, purposeful study of objects, based mainly on such sensory abilities of a person as sensation, perception, representation.

Empirical description- this is a fixation by means of a natural or artificial language of information about objects given in the observation.

In fact, this is a “translation” of what was seen or heard into scientific language - concepts and definitions, signs, diagrams, drawings, graphs and numbers (statistical data).

Unlike experiment, with the empirical method of cognition it is impossible to interfere in the process under study, it is impossible to influence or change the conditions of its course.

Various technical mediated means are also used for observation.

The process of natural-scientific knowledge essentially depends on the development of the technical means used by science.

It is difficult to overestimate the role in biology. It was thanks to him that man discovered microorganisms for himself. To date, there are microscopes that allow you to study living organisms at the intracellular level.

Statistical measurements- measurements of quantities that do not change in time.

Dynamic measurements- measurements of quantities that change their value over time (pressure, temperature, population density, etc.)

They are quite diverse, but they are all based on scientific methods of cognition, which differ in a certain approach.

Knowing this information helps to separate the actual scientific research from the various pseudo-scientific experiments that are widely practiced.

Biological Sciences


  • virology (kingdom of viruses);
  • microbiology, bacteriology (kingdom of bacteria);
  • botany (plant kingdom);
  • mycology (kingdom fungi);
  • zoology (animal kingdom):


  • molecular biology - at the molecular level;
  • cytology, cytogenetics - at the cellular level;
  • morphology and physiology - at the organismal level;
  • ecology, population ecology - at the population-species, biogeocenotic and biospheric levels.


  • genetics - the science of the processes of heredity and variability;
  • embryology - the science of embryonic development;
  • theory of evolution - the science of evolutionary teaching;
  • ethology- the science of animal behavior;
  • general biology is the science of laws and processes common to wildlife.
Agrobiology Applied science that generalizes knowledge from the field of biology related to the cultivation of cultivated plants (crop production) and the breeding of domestic animals (animal husbandry)
Algology Branch of botany that studies algae
human anatomy The science of the structure, form of the human body, its organs and tissues that form them
Biogeocenology A biological discipline that studies plant and animal communities in their totality, i.e. biocenoses, their composition, development, distribution in space and time, origin
Biometrics Section of statistics, with the help of methods of which the processing of experimental data and observations is carried out, as well as the planning of quantitative experiments in biological research
Biotechnology Integration of natural and engineering sciences, which allows to fully realize the capabilities of living organisms or their derivatives for the creation and modification of products or processes for various purposes
Biophysics A branch of physics and modern biology that studies the physical aspects of living things at all levels, from molecules and cells to the biosphere as a whole
Biochemistry The science of the chemical composition of living cells. organisms and the chemical processes underlying their life
Botany The system of sciences that studies the plant world, its diversity, structure, life, distribution of plants, connection with the environment, patterns of individual and historical development
Bryology branch of biology that studies mosses
Virology branch of biology that studies viruses
Genetics The science that studies the laws of heredity and variability of the body
Hydrobiology The science of life and biological processes in water
Histology Branch of biology that studies the structure of tissues of living organisms
Dendrology Branch of botany that studies woody plants (trees, shrubs and shrubs)
Zoology The system of sciences that study the animal world, its diversity, structure, life, distribution of animals, connection with the environment, patterns of individual and historical development
Ichthyology branch of zoology that studies fish
Mycology mushroom science
Microbiology The science that studies microorganisms (invisible to the naked eye): bacteria, microscopic fungi and algae
Molecular biology a complex of biological sciences that studies the mechanisms of storage, transmission and implementation of genetic information, the structure and functions of irregular biopolymers (proteins and NA)
Morphology The science that studies the external (shape, structure, color) and internal structure of a living organism and its constituent parts
Ornithology branch of zoology that studies birds
Psychophysiology An interdisciplinary field at the intersection of psychology, physiology and mathematics that studies objectively recorded shifts in physiological functions that accompany the mental processes of perception, memory, thinking, emotions
Sociobiology An interdisciplinary science formed at the junction of several scientific disciplines that explains the behavior of living beings by a set of certain advantages developed during evolution
human physiology The science of life processes (functions) and the mechanisms of their regulation in cells, tissues, organs, organ systems and the whole organism
Cytology The science of the cell that studies the structure and function of cells, their chemical composition, development and relationships in multicellular organisms
Entomology branch of biology that studies insects
Ethology Field discipline of zoology that studies the behavior of animals in natural settings.

Practice #1

Topic: "Research methods in biology"

Purpose: to study the main research methods used in biology; learn how to use the acquired knowledge to solve specific problems

Theoretical Provisions

Biology studies living systems through a variety of methods. The main ones are observation and experiment, the important ones are descriptive, comparative and historical methods; At present, statistical methods and the modeling method play an increasingly important role in biology.

Observation is the starting point of all natural science research. In biology, this is especially noticeable, since the object of its study is man and the wildlife surrounding him. Observation as a method of collecting information is chronologically the very first method of research that appeared in the arsenal of biology, or rather, even its predecessor, natural history. And this is not surprising, since observation is based on the sensory abilities of a person (sensation, perception, representation).

Observations may be direct or indirect, with or without technical aids. So, an ornithologist sees a bird through binoculars and can hear it, or can fix sounds with the device outside the range audible to the human ear; a histologist observes a fixed and stained tissue section with a microscope, and, say, for a molecular biologist, the observation may be the fixation of a change in the concentration of an enzyme in a test tube.

In observation, not only the accuracy, accuracy and activity of the observer is important, but also his impartiality, his knowledge and experience, the right choice of technical means. The statement of the problem also presupposes the existence of an observation plan, i.e. their planning.

experimental method The study of natural phenomena is associated with an active influence on them by conducting experiments (experiments) under controlled conditions. This method allows one to study phenomena in isolation and achieve repeatability of results when reproduced under the same conditions. The experiment provides a deeper, than other research methods, disclosure of the essence of biological phenomena. It is thanks to experiments that natural science in general and biology in particular have reached the discovery of the basic laws of nature. experimental method serves not only to conduct experiments, obtain answers to the questions posed, but also to bring the correctness of the hypothesis accepted at the beginning or allows you to correct it.

The full cycle of experimental research consists of several stages. Like observation, an experiment presupposes the presence of a clearly formulated research goal, a plan, and is based on presets, i.e. starting positions. Therefore, when starting an experiment, it is necessary to determine its goals and objectives, to consider possible results. A scientific experiment must be well prepared and carefully conducted. In addition, the experiment requires a certain qualification of the researchers conducting it.

At the second stage, specific methods and means of technical implementation and control are selected. In the last half century, methods of mathematical planning and experiments have been widely used in biology. The results of the experiment are then interpreted, which makes it possible to interpret them. Thus, the design, the plan for carrying out and the interpretation of the results of the experiment depend much more on theory than the search for and interpretation of observational data.

Having collected the factual material, it is necessary, first of all, to describe it. Therefore, biological observations are always accompanied by a description of the object under study. Under the empirical description is understood as “fixation by means of a natural or artificial language of information about objects given in observation”. This means that it is possible to describe the result of observation in numerical terms, formulas, as well as in a visual way - with the help of drawings, diagrams, graphs. The fact obtained as a result of observation can be multi-valued, as it depends on many attendant circumstances and bears the imprint of the observer, the place and time of the event. Therefore, strictly speaking, only from the presence of a fact does not follow its truth. In other words, facts need to be interpreted.

Work on the description of wildlife, carried out in the XVI-XVII centuries. in biology, was of great importance for its development. She opened the way to the systematization of animal and plant organisms, showing all their diversity. In addition, this activity has significantly expanded information about the forms and internal structure of living organisms.

Later, the descriptive method formed the basiscomparative and historical biology methods. Correctly composed descriptions produced in different places, at different times, can be compared. This makes it possible to study the similarities and differences between organisms and their parts by means of comparison. Finding patterns common to different phenomena, having at his disposal the appropriate descriptions, a biologist can compare the size of shells of mollusks of the same biological species today and under Lamarck, the behavior of an elk in Siberia and Alaska, the growth of cell culture at low and high temperatures, and so on. . Therefore, the comparative method became widespread in the 18th century. Systematics was based on its principles and one of the largest generalizations was made - the cell theory was created.

Historical the method of studying natural phenomena elucidates the regularities of the appearance and development of biological systems, the formation of their structure and functions; is the basis for the creation of the theory of evolution. With the introduction of this method, biology underwent qualitative changes: from a purely descriptive science, it began to transform into an explanatory science.

Statisticalthe method of studying natural phenomena is based on the collection, measurement and analysis of information.

Methodmodeling is the study of a certain process or phenomenon through the reconstruction of it (or its properties) in the form of a model.

These methods do not exhaust the entire arsenal of methods used by biology. Each biological science has its own methods for studying its subject. For example, microbiology uses microscopic methods, cultivation of microorganisms, sterilization methods; in genetics - twin, hybridological, phenogenetic, population and others, which will be discussed in more detail in the next lessons.

The main stages of scientific research include the following:

    Formulation of the problem.

    Formulation of the topic, goals and objectives of the study.

    Hypotheses (scientific assumptions).

    Experiment planning, choice of research methods.

    Conducting the practical part of the study, recording qualitative and quantitative results.

    Multiple repetition of the experiment for reliability.

    Processing of the received results.

    Analysis of the obtained results.

    Formulation of conclusions, testing of hypotheses.

    Determination of the range of unresolved issues.

    Drawing up the results of the study.

Based on the analysis of experimental data or scientific facts (events or phenomena that are precisely established and repeatedly confirmed by the studies of many scientists), a theory can be formulated (a system of the most general knowledge in a certain field of science) or a law - a verbal and / or mathematically formulated statement that describes the relationship , the relationship between various scientific concepts, proposed as an explanation of the facts and recognized at this stage by the scientific community as consistent with experimental data.


2. Using the table "The most important dates in biology" (Appendix 1), fill in the fourth column of the table, giving 2-3 examples of the use of each method.

3. Select the three most important (from your point of view) events in development:

- microbiology;

- cytology;

- genetics.

4. The laboratory studied the effect of temperature on the reproduction of bacteria. After the experiment, the following data were obtained: at a temperature of 5ºС, the number of bacteria was 30, at 48 ºС - 140, at 70 ºС - 280, at 80 ºС - 279, at 100 ºС - 65. Reflect these data in the table and on the graph. Describe the resulting pattern. Determine the optimal development temperature for this type of bacteria.

5. Make a rough plan for an experiment to study the causes of spoilage of any food product you choose, including the required items:

- a brief description of the object, statement of the problem, formulation of the hypothesis;

- purpose and objectives of the work;

- factors you want to study;

- output parameters and methods of their control that you would like to use;

- the number of repetitions of each experience;

- possible options for presenting the obtained data;

- the possible scientific and practical value of your results.

Biology: textbook for students. honey. specialist. universities: In 2 books. / [V.N. Yarygin, V.I. Vasilyeva, I.N. Volkov, V.V. Sinelshchikova]; ed. V.N. Yarygin, book 1. - 6th ed., erased. - M.: Higher school, 2004. - 429 p.

Biology: textbook for students. honey. specialist. universities: In 2 books. / [V.N. Yarygin, V.I. Vasilyeva, I.N. Volkov, V.V. Sinelshchikova]; ed. V.N. Yarygin, Book 2. - 6th ed., Sr. - M. : Higher School, 2004. - 331 p. 27

Taylor, D. Biology: in 3 volumes / D. Taylor, N. Green, W. Stout; ed. R. Sopera; per. from English, V.1. - M. : Mir, 2001. - 454 p.

Taylor, D. Biology: in 3 volumes / D. Taylor, N. Green, W. Stout; ed. R. Sopera; per. from English, v.2. - M.: Mir, 2002. - 436 p.

Taylor, D. Biology: in 3 volumes / D. Taylor, N. Green, W. Stout; ed. R. Sopera; per. from English, v.3. - M. : Mir, 2002. - 451 p.

Levitina T. P. General biology: Dictionary of concepts and terms. St. Petersburg: Parity, 2002. - 538 p.

Biology [Electronic resource]. - Access Mode:

Biology [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

Panteleev, M. Biological complexity is the main problem of modern biology [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

Project "All Biology" [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

Appendix 1



The impossibility of survival of animals in an atmosphere in which combustion does not occur has been established (Leonardo da Vinci)


The first microscope was made (G. Galileo)


Circulation is open (V. Harvey)


The position “All living things from an egg” was formulated (V. Garvey)


Capillaries are open (M. Malpighi)


Cork cell structure discovered (R. Hooke)


The development of fly larvae from laid eggs has been experimentally proven (F. Redi)


Bacteria and protozoa discovered (A. Leeuwenhoek)


Human spermatozoon seen for the first time (A. Leeuwenhoek)


The concept of a species as a systematic unit was introduced (D. Rey)


The presence of sex in plants has been experimentally proven (R. Camerarius)


Established air nutrition of plants (S. Gales)


The principles of taxonomy of organisms and binary nomenclature were developed (K. Linnaeus)


Carbon dioxide discovered (J. Black)


Hydrogen discovered (G. Cavendish)


The release of oxygen by plants was discovered (J. Priestley)


The relationship between light and the green color of plants is shown (Jan Ingenhaus)


Attention is drawn to the influence of the environment on the variability of organisms (J.-B. Lamarck)


The ability of barley extracts to convert starch into sugar has been established (G. Kirchhoff)


The dominance and recessiveness of signs of garden peas are noted (T.E. Knight)


Cell nucleus discovered (R. Brown)


Cell theory formulated (T. Schwann, M. Schleiden)


The position on the "inanimate" nature of enzymes was formulated (Yu. Liebig)

Organic compound (acetic acid) synthesized for the first time from inorganic precursors

The position “Each cell from a cell” was formulated (R. Virchow)

The theory of spontaneous generation has been refuted (L. Pasteur)

The photosynthetic origin of starch is shown (J. Sachs)

The phenomena of inhibition in the central nervous system were discovered (M. Sechenov)


It has been proven that the ability to ferment sugar (turn it into alcohol) does not belong to yeast cells, but to the enzymes contained in them (M.M. Manasseina)


Nucleic acids discovered (F. Miescher)


It has been proven that oxidation processes occur in tissues, and not in the blood (E. Pfluger)


The first description of chromosomes is given (E. Strasburger)


The term "enzyme" was proposed to refer to enzymes (F.W. Kuehne)


The biological (phagocytic) theory of immunity was formulated (I.I. Mechnikov)


Viruses discovered (D.I. Ivanovsky)


Nitrifying bacteria were discovered and their role in the nitrogen cycle was explained (S.N. Vinogradsky)


It has been shown that fermentation can occur outside living cells, i.e. Glycolysis research started (G. and E. Buhnsra)


Double fertilization in flowering plants was discovered (O. G. Navashin)


Secondary discovery of the laws of heredity (K. Correns, K. Cermak and G. de Vries)


Human blood types discovered (K. Landsteiner)


The idea of ​​conditioned reflex activity was formulated (I.P. Pavlov)


Attention is drawn to the role of green plants in the cosmic circulation of energy and substances (K.A. Timiryazev)


Started using Drosophila as an experimental genetic model (T. Morgan)


Linkage of genes in chromosomes has been proven (T. Morgan)


The unity of fermentation and respiration has been proven (SP. Kostychev)


The theory of phylembryogenesis was formulated (A.N. Severtsov)


Opened neurosecretion (O. Levy)

The law of homologous series of heredity was formulated (N. I. Vavilov)

The influence of one part of the embryo on another was discovered and the role of this phenomenon in the determination of the parts of the developing embryo was clarified (G. Speman)

Lysocin discovered (A. Fleming)

Photosynthesis is characterized as a redox reaction (T. Thunberg)

The role of mutations in natural selection is explained (S.S. Chetverikov)

Crystalline urease obtained (D. Samper)

Open respiratory phosphorylation at the cell level (V.A. Engelhardt)

The appearance of the first transmission electron microscope (M. Knoll, E. Ruska)

Plant auxins have been isolated and characterized (F. Kegl)

The central theory of the gene was substantiated (N.P. Dubinin, A.S. Srebrovsky, etc.)

Tricarboxylic acid cycle discovered (G.A. Krebs)

The theory of natural foci of vector-borne diseases was formulated (E.N. Pavlovsky)

Penicillin received (G. Flory and E. Chain)

The theory of biogeocenoses was formulated (V.N. Sukachev)

It has been experimentally proven that the synthesis of growth factors by bacterial cells is controlled by genes (D. Bild and E. Tatum)

The existence of spontaneous mutations has been proven (S. Luria and M. Delbrück)

The genetic role of DNA has been proven (O. Avery, S. McLeod and M. McCarthy)

The doctrine of the devastation of helminths was formulated (K.I. Skryabin)

The recombination system in bacteria was discovered (D. Ledsrberg and E. Tatum)

The unity of control principles in technical systems and living organisms is substantiated (N. Wiener)

The idea of ​​the secondary structure of proteins was formulated and the α-helix was discovered (L. Pauling)

Migratory (transposable) genetic elements of plants were discovered (W. McClintock)

Ideas about the structure of DNA were formulated (D. Watson and F. Crick)

Launched the second artificial Earth satellite with Laika on board (USSR)

Chlorophyll synthesized (R. Woodward)

Hybridization of cultivated somatic cells was established (G. Barsky)

The type and general nature of the genetic code are determined (F. Crick, L. Barnet, S. Brenner, R. Watts-Tobin)

Animal cloning started (J. Gurdon)

Ideas about the regulation of gene activity were formulated (F. Jacob and J. Monod)

Transposable (movable) genetic elements of microorganisms were discovered (E. Kondo and S. Mitouhashi)

The genetic code is deciphered (M. Nirenberg, M. Ochoa, X. Koran)

The chemical synthesis of the gene was carried out (X. Qur'an)

Restriction endonucleases discovered (M. Meselson, R. Yuan, S. Lann, V. Arber)

Reverse transcription discovered (X. Temin, D. Baltimore)

Hybridomas and a method for obtaining monocellular antibodies were discovered (C. Milstein)

The possibility of changing the phenotype of mammals (obtaining transgenic mice) with the help of recombinant DNA molecules was shown (R. Polmiter and R. Brinster)

RNA catalytic activity discovered (T. Chek)

A factor has been established that “licenses” and allows one round of DNA replication per cell (D. Blau, R. Lown)

The first experiments on the induction of human monozygotic twins were carried out (P. Stillman and D. Hall)

Identification of the family of homeotic (Hox) genes that are essential in determining the structural plan of chordates (K. Kenyon)

The possibility of fertilization of female germ cells by male spermatids has been established (J. Testart, J. Tesarik and K. Mendoza)

The possibility of obtaining (cloning) the offspring of mammals by fertilization of eggs lacking nuclei with the nuclei of somatic cells has been established (I. Wilmut, K. Campbell, etc.)

Human genome sequenced (International team of scientists)

Unlike gossip, scientific knowledge is verifiable and concerns real things and recurring events. Any person, if desired, can repeat any scientific experiment, that is, make sure that nature “answers” ​​to a certain question in this way. From this lesson you will learn where scientific knowledge comes from, what a scientific fact, hypothesis and theory are, get acquainted with the basic ideas about the scientific method, find out what methods of obtaining knowledge biology uses. The lesson focuses on comparative descriptive, historical and experimental methods.

Subject: Introduction

Lesson: Research Methods in Biology

The science- this is one of the spheres of human activity, the purpose of which is the study and knowledge of the surrounding world. Every science has its research methods, but the task of any science is building a system of reliable knowledge based on facts and generalization that could be confirmed or refuted.

A scientific fact is only one that can be reproduced or confirmed. Observations that cannot be reproduced are discarded as unscientific. When a scientist makes a discovery, he publishes information about it in special journals, thanks to the publication, the results can be checked and rechecked by other scientists - this serves as an incentive for more thorough verification and analysis of their own experiments.

Another form of knowledge dissemination is symposia and conferences, which are organized by scientists of various specialties (botanists, zoologists, geneticists, physicians, etc.). During such events, scientists communicate with each other, discuss the work of colleagues, and establish creative ties.

scientific method is a set of techniques and operations that are used in the construction of a system of scientific knowledge.

One of the basic principles of the scientific method is skepticism - the rejection of blind trust in authority. The scientist always retains a certain amount of skepticism and tests any new discovery.

Main biology methods are: descriptive, comparative, historical and experimental.

Descriptive Method is the most ancient, because it was used by scientists of antiquity, it is based on observation. Until about the 17th century, it was the main one in biology, since scientists were engaged in the description of animals and plants and their primary systematization, but it has not lost its relevance at the present time, for example, it is used to describe new species (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. New animal species described by scientists

Comparative method- allows you to identify similarities between organisms and their parts. It has been in use since the 17th century.

The information obtained using this method formed the basis of the systematics of Carl Linnaeus, allowed Theodor Schwann and Matthias Schleiden to formulate the cell theory, formed the basis of the law of germinal similarity discovered by Carl Baer.

Now it is very difficult to draw a line between the descriptive and comparative methods, because they are used in a complex way to solve problems in biology.

historical method allows you to comprehend the facts obtained earlier and compare them with previously known results. It has been widely used since the second half of the 19th century thanks to the works of Charles Darwin, who, with its help, substantiated the patterns of the appearance and development of organisms, the formation of their structures and functions in time and space (see Fig. 2). The application of the historical method made it possible to transform biology from a descriptive science into an explanatory one.

Rice. 2. History of human evolution

experimental method- the use of this method is associated with the name of William Harvey, who used it in his experiments on the study of blood circulation (see Fig. 3). But this method has been widely used since the 20th century, primarily in the study of physiological processes.

Rice. 3 W. Harvey's experience in studying blood circulation

experimental method allows you to study a particular phenomenon with the help of experience. A great contribution to the approval of the experimental method in biology was made by Gregor Mendel, who, studying the heredity and variability of organisms, for the first time used the experiment not only to obtain data on the phenomena studied, but also to test the hypothesis.

In the 20th century, the experimental method became the leading one in biology. This became possible thanks to the emergence of new instruments, such as the electron microscope, the use of methods of chemistry, physics and biology (see Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Modern experiments and laboratory equipment that symbolize the experimental method of research

In biological research, modeling of certain processes is often used, that is, they involve both mathematical methods and computer modeling.

Scientific research consists of the following stages: based on the obtained facts, observations or experiments is formulated problem, for its solution put forward hypotheses. Hypotheses continuously improved and further developed. Hypothesis, which is consistent with a wide variety of observations, becomes theory. Good theory develops and extends to additional facts as they become famous.

Good theory can predict new facts, as well as to find new connections between phenomena, and then the theory becomes a rule or a law.


1. What is science?

2. Define the concepts: fact, hypothesis, theory.

3. What are the main stages of scientific research do you know?

4. What is the essence of comparative descriptive research methods?

5. What is an experiment?

6. Describe the historical method of studying biological objects.

7. How did the formation of the methods of biology take place? Which of them are the most ancient? What can be called new?

3. Biological education at MIPT ().


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